Theme III: Ethics and Professionalism 3.1-Philosophy of Education 2.3.14 - Develop A Personal Philosophy of Education

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Theme III: Ethics and Professionalism

3.1- Philosophy of Education

2.3.14 – Develop a personal philosophy of education.

My philosophy of education is built from research, educational experiences, and

my own personal strengths and weaknesses. I believe that every student regardless of

their race, gender, home life, disabilities, ethnicity, social status, and other barriers have

the right to a high quality education. I also believe that it is important for educational

philosophies to be flexible and allow for growth over time. We should take what we learn

from other educators, teaching experiences, and our student’s learning styles.

Studying educational philosophers and their philosophies can help educators

develop their own beliefs about education. According to educational philosopher Albert

Bandura, “His theory added a social element, arguing that people can learn new

information and behaviors by watching other people” (Evidence; 3.1.1). To me this

indicates that it is important for teachers to model new ideas and concepts correctly to

their students. It is also important for the teacher to pick appropriate student models.

Based on theorists' ideas, there are now many ways to keep my students involved in the

classroom (Evidence; 3.1.2).

As a teacher, my expectations will be different for each and every student. Each

student is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses. I need to make sure

that I understand what my student’s needs are, so that I can give them my very best. I

hope to set multiple goals for my students, different assignments, and most of all, make

sure they improve overall as a person. My students need to have the self confidence
that they know they can achieve anything in life and this is just a little speedbump to

help better them for the future.

Getting to know my students well will open them up to me and also help me

teach them in a way that I think will be most effective. Their strengths, interests, and

learning styles will dictate how I structure my classroom and facilitate my instruction.

When students see their teacher putting effort into understanding them, as learners I

believe they will be more invested in their own education. I want my students to trust me

in every way. This trust will make it easier to educate and motivate them. Building good

relationships will help improve their future.

Not only has this course confirmed what I want my future to be, it has shown me

that I am very capable of it. I have taken different types of self assessments (Evidence;

3.1.3) that have shown me I am suited to be an educator.

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