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Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Blueprint™

Compelli Do we shape our environment or does our environment shape us?

2.G.2 Understand the effects of humans interacting with their environment. With emphasis
on the supporting standards of:
2.G.2.1 Give examples of ways in which people depend on the physical environment and
natural resources to meet basic needs
s and
Practices 2.G.2.2 Explain how people positively and negatively affect the environment.
W.2.2 Write informative and explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts, and
definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.
W.2.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects.
Watch each of the time-lapse videos and have students discuss what changes they notice. Once discussion is
complete, introduce the essential question, “Do we shape our environment or does our environment shape us?”
the Lake Urmia, Iran
Question Asia Industrialization
Amazon Deforestation

Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5

How do people How have humans

negatively shape the How do people How can we positively
Does the environment shaped the
environment? positively shape the affect our
shape us? environment for
environment? environment?
themselves and others?

Formative Formative Formative Summative Taking Informed

Performance Task Performance Task Performance Task Performance Task Action

Assessment: Students
Students will complete
will construct an
Students will complete a T-chart showing the Students will create a
argument supported Students conduct a
a graphic organizer as positive and negative Google Slide stating
by evidence that survey and plan a
they research ways that people how the environment
addresses how we grade level garden.
information. affect their has changed us.
shape our
environment or how it
shapes us.

Featured Sources Featured Sources Featured Sources Featured Sources Featured Sources

Grant, Lee, and Swan, 2014

Climate 101:
Deforestation How India’s Fisherman
are Turning Ocean
Climate Kids: Pollution Plastic into Roads The Environment’s
Effect on North
Ducksters: Pollution Restoring Malawi’s Americans
The Great Pacific Ocean Shrine River Basin
A Look at Journeys to
Garbage Patch Solar Energy Around School Around the
Climate Change the World World
According to a Kid 5 Unexpected How Long Does it Take
Climate Change Affects Countries that are to Get Water
Children Leading the Way on
Renewable Energy How Where we Live
How Climate Change Affects our Health
Affects People Living in Kids Take Action
Poverty Against Ocean Plastic

Do we shape our environment or does our environment shape us? Students will construct an argument
Argu supported by evidence from their research to articulate their argument addressing if we shape our
ment environment or if our environment shapes us.
Performa Students can publish their argument to their SeeSaw digital portfolio in order to publish it for an authentic
nce Task audience. If possible, students may publish their argument to the classroom SeeSaw blog and connect with
sion an international class to receive feedback on their ideas.

Understand: Students will investigate both the positive and negative ways that humans shape their environment.
They will also explore the idea of how our environment shapes us.

Assess: Students will examine the relationship between humans and their environment and state their argument
Taking on if humans shape the environment or weather it does, in fact, shape us.
Act: Students will conduct a survey to plan a grade level garden. This garden will positively shape their everyday
environment and communicate the idea that small gestures can shape the environment positively.

Grant, Lee, and Swan, 2014

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