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DEFINITION OF TERMS more jurists learned in the law;

(2) The first performs a variety of functions, while the
What is Administrative law? second, has only one function — judicial; and
That branch of public law which fixes the organization, (3) The first uses a varying degree of discretion in
determines the competence of administrative arriving at decisions and often proceeds without being
authorities who executes the law, and indicates to the bound by technical rules of evidence or procedure,
individual remedies for the violation of his right. while the second is more or less governed by fixed rules
What is Public law? in arriving at its decisions and bound by the rules that
It governs the relationship between the State and its no final adjudication is to be made until after due notice
citizens and inhabitants. Examples: Constitutional Law, to the parties with opportunity for a full and fair
Public International Law, Administrative Law, and hearing.
Criminal Law. (TIMOTEO B. AQUINO, REVIEWER ON Can the Supreme Court review election cases?
CIVIL LAW, 2014) The Supreme Court under the 1987 Constitution, has
been given an expanded jurisdiction, so to speak, to
What are the Scope of Administrative law?
review the decisions of the other branches and agencies
Broadly conceived, administrative law covers the
of the government to determine whether or not they
have acted within bounds of the Constitution (See Article
(1) the law which fixes the administrative organization
VIII, Section 1, Constitution). Yet, in the exercise thereof,
and structure of the government;
the Court is to merely check whether or not the
(2) the law, the execution or enforcement of which is
government branch or agency has gone beyond the
entrusted to administrative authorities;
Constitutional limits of its jurisdiction, not that it erred or
(3) the law which governs public officers including their
has a different view. Co vs. HRET [G.R. Nos. 92191-92.
competence (to act), rights, duties, liabilities, election,
July 30, 1991.]
(4) the law which creates administrative agencies,
Distinguish between Administrative law and
defines their powers and functions, prescribes their
International law?
procedures, including the adjudication or settlement by
Administrative law lays down the rules which shall guide
them of contested matters involving private interests;
the officers of the administration in their actions as
(5) the law which provides the remedies, administrative
agents of the government.
or judicial, available to those aggrieved by
International law, on the other hand, cannot be
administrative actions or decisions;
regarded as binding upon the officers of any
(6) the law which governs judicial review of, or relief
government considered in their relation to their own
against, administrative actions or decisions;
government except insofar as it has been adopted into
(7) the rules, regulations, orders and decisions
the administrative law of the state.
(including presidential proclamations) made by
administrative authorities dealing with the Distinguish between Administrative law and
interpretation and enforcement of the laws entrusted Constitutional law?
to their administration; and (1) Constitutional law prescribes the general plan or
(8) the body of judicial decisions and doctrines dealing framework of governmental organization, while
with any of the above. administrative law gives and carries out this plan in its
Thus, administrative law embraces not only the law that minutest details;
governs administrative authorities, i.e., the Constitution (2) Constitutional law treats of the rights of the
(pertinent provisions thereof), statutes, and judicial individual, while administrative law treats them from
decisions that construe and apply them as well as the standpoint of the powers of the government; the
appropriate principles of justice and equity in particular first lays stress upon rights, the second emphasizes the
cases, but also the law made by administrative powers of government and duties of the citizens; (3)
authorities, i.e., rules, regulations, orders and decisions, Constitutional law prescribes limitations on the powers
whether of general or particular applicability. of the government to protect the rights of individuals
against abuse in their exercise, while administrative law
Distinguish between Administrative agency and Court?
indicates to individuals, remedies for the violation of
(1) An administrative body is generally a large
their rights.
organization staffed by men who are deemed to
Insofar as it fixes or regulates the administrative
become something of experts in their particular fields,
organization of the government, administrative law is
while a court is a tribunal which is presided by one or
the necessary supplement of constitutional law. But structures and procedures designed to serve the
administrative law not only supplements constitutional people. It covers the internal administration, i.e.,
law; it also complements Constitutional law insofar as it internal organization, personnel and recruitment,
determines the rules relative to the activity of the supervision and discipline, and the effects of the
administrative authorities. functions performed by administrative officials on
private individuals or parties outside government.
Distinguish between Administrative law and Criminal
law? What is Instrumentality?
Criminal law or penal laws consist really of a body of Any agency of the National Government, not integrated
penal sanctions which are applied to all branches of the within the department framework, vested with special
law, including administrative law. functions or jurisdiction by law, endowed with some if
not all corporate powers, administering special funds,
A rule of law protected or enforced by a penal sanction and enjoying operational autonomy, usually through a
may be really administrative in character, for indeed, charter. This term includes regulatory agencies,
one of the most common and efficient means of chartered institutions and government-owned and
enforcing a rule of administrative law is to give it a controlled corporations.
penal sanction, and the mere affixing of a penalty to the
violation of a rule of administrative law does not What is a regulatory agency?
deprive such rule of its administrative character. Any agency expressly vested with jurisdiction to
regulate, administer or adjudicate matters affecting
What is Administrative Agency? What are its powers? substantial rights and interests of private persons, the
Administrative agency is the term used generally to principal powers of which are exercised by a collective
describe an agency exercising some significant body, such as a commission, board or council.
combination of executive, legislative, and judicial
powers. It is a government body charged with Is GOCC an administrative agency?
administering and implementing particular legislation. Yes. As provided under PD 2029, series of 1986, the
Administrative agencies have powers or functions which term GOCCs is defined-as a stock or non-stock
are administrative and sometimes ministerial in corporation, whether performing governmental or
character as well as quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial proprietary functions, which is directly chartered by a
power, as may be conferred by the Constitution or by special law or if organized under the general
law. They have only such powers as are expressly corporation law, is owned or controlled by the
granted to them by law and those that are necessarily government directly, or indirectly, through a parent
implied in the exercise thereof. corporation or subsidiary corporation, to the extent of
at least a majority of its outstanding capital stock or of
What are the two aspects of Administration? its outstanding voting capital stock.
i) Internal: legal side of public administration, e. g.,
matters concerning personnel, fiscal and planning A. Organization of Departments
ii) External: deals with problems of government What is a Department?
regulations, e. g., regulation of lawful calling or Department refers to an executive department created
profession, industries or businesses. by law. It includes any instrumentality having or
assigned the rank of a department, regardless of its
Distinguish between Administration and Government? name or designation.
Government: Agency or instrumentality of through
which the will of the State is formulated, expressed and What is the purpose of a department?
realized. The Departments shall be organized and maintained to
Administration: The group of persons in whose hands insure their capacity to plan and implement programs in
the reins of government are for the time being. accordance with established national policies.
Government is Permanent, while Administration is How are bureaus and offices organized under each
Transitional. Department?
What law governs the Administrative Agencies? Bureaus and offices under each Department shall be
The Admistrative Code of 1987 is a general law and grouped primarily on the basis of major functions to
incorporates in a unified document the major achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency in
structural, functional and procedural principles of government operations and minimize duplication and
governance and embodies changes in administrative
overlapping of activities. [Sec. 2, Book IV, Admin. Code including their investigation and the designation of a
of 1987] committee or officer to conduct such investigation;
(6) Appoint all officers and employees of the
What is the organizational structure of each Department except those whose appointments are
department? vested in the President or in some other appointing
(1) Unless otherwise provided in this Code or by law, authority. Where the Department is regionalized on a
the Department proper shall include the Office of the department-wide basis, the Secretary shall appoint
Secretary and the staff consist of the Secretary and the employees to positions in the second level in the
Undersecretary or Undersecretaries, together with the regional offices as defined in the Administrative Code;
personnel in their immediate offices; (7) Exercise jurisdiction over all bureaus, offices,
(2) Every Secretary shall be assisted by such number of agencies and corporations under the Department as
Undersecretaries as may be provided for by this Code or provided by law and in accordance with the applicable
by law; The Undersecretary shall perform the functions relationships as specified in Chapters 7,8, and 9 of Book
as provided in Chapter 2 of this Book;
IV of the Code (infra.);
(3) Whenever necessary, Assistant Secretary position or (8) Delegate authority to officers and employees under
positions may be created to form part of the the Secretary's direction in accordance with the Code;
Department proper; and and
(4) In the absence of special provisions, the major staff (9) Perform such other functions as may be provided by
units of each department shall be the services which law.
shall include: the Planning Service, the Financial and
Management Service, the Administrative Service, and What is the Authority of a Department Secretary?
when necessary, the Technical and Legal Services. [Sec. The Secretary of a Department shall have supervision
3, Book IV, Admin. Code of 1987] and control over the bureaus, offices, and agencies
under him, subject to the following guidelines:
What is the jurisdiction of each department? (1) Initiative and freedom of action on the part of
Each Department shall have jurisdiction over bureaus, subordinate units shall be encouraged and promoted
offices, regulatory agencies and government rather than curtailed, and reasonable opportunity to act
corporations assigned to it by law, in accordance with shall be afforded these units before control is exercised;
the applicable relationships as defined in Chapters 7,8, (2) With respect to functions involving discretion,
and 9 of this book. [Sec. 4, Book IV, Admin. Code of experienced judgment or expertise vested by the law
1987] upon a subordinate agency, control shall be exercised in
What are the Powers and functions of Department accordance with said law; and
Secretary? (3) With respect to any regulatory function of an agency
The Secretary shall: subject to department control, the authority of the
(1) Advise the President in issuing executive orders, department shall be governed by the provisions of the
regulations, proclamations and other issuances, the Code. The Secretary's authority as provided above shall
promulgation of which is expressly vested by law in the not apply to chartered institutions or government-
President relative to matters under the jurisdiction of owned or controlled corporations attached to the
the Department; department. (Admin. Code, Book IV, Chap. 8, Sec. 39.)
(2) Establish the policies and standards for the Can the President assign offices and agencies not
operation of the Department pursuant to the approved assigned by law to any department?
programs of governments; Yes. The President shall, by executive order, assign
(3) Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry offices and agencies not otherwise assigned by law to
out department objectives, policies, functions, plans, any department, or indicate to which department a
programs and projects; government corporation or board may be attached.
(4) Promulgate administrative issuances necessary for [Sec. 5, Book IV, Admin. Code of 1987]
the efficient administration of the offices under the
Secretary and for proper execution of the laws relative What is the relationship of regulatory agencies to the
thereto. These issuances shall not prescribe penalties Department?
for their violation, except when expressly authorized by A regulatory agency refers to any agency expressly
law; vested with jurisdiction to regulate, administer or
(5) Exercise disciplinary powers over officers and adjudicate matters affecting substantial rights and
employees under the Secretary in accordance with law, interest of private persons, the principal powers of
which are exercised by a collective body, such as of the bond;
commission, board, or council. (Admin. Code, (e) He shall prescribe forms and issue circulars or orders
Introductory Provisions, Sec. 2(11) to secure the harmonious and efficient administration
of his bureau or office and to carry into full effect the
(1) It shall be subject to the administrative supervision laws relating to matters within his jurisdiction. Penalties
of the department under which they are placed, except shall not be prescribed in any circular or order for its
when they are government corporations in which case violation, except as expressly allowed by law; and
they shall be governed as provided above. (f) He is authorized to issue orders regarding the
(2) The heads of regulatory agencies shall submit administration of its internal affairs for the guidance of
annually, for the approval of the Secretary concerned, or compliance by its officers and employees.
their budgets and work plans which shall be the basis of
their day-to-day operations. What are the duties and responsibilities of a Director
(3) The regulatory agencies may avail themselves of the of a staff bureau?
common auxiliary and management services of the The Director of a staff bureau shall:
department as may be convenient and economical for 1) Advise and assist the Office of the Secretary on
their operations. (Admin. Code, Book IV, Chap. 9, Sec. matters pertaining to the Bureau's area of
43.) specialization;
2) Provide consultative and advisory services to the
B. Organization of Bureaus regional offices of the department;
What is a Bureau? 3) Develop plans, programs, operating standards, and
A Bureau is any principal subdivision of the department administrative techniques for the attainment of the
performing a single major function or closely related objectives and functions of the bureau; and
functions. 4) Perform such other duties as may be provided by
What is the organizational structure of each bureau?
Each Bureau shall be headed by a Director who may What are the duties and responsibilities of a Line
have one or more Assistant Directors as provided by Bureau?
law. It may have as many divisions as are provided by A line bureau shall directly implement programs
law for the economical, efficient and effective adopted pursuant to department policies and plans. It
performance of its functions. may have staff units, as may be necessary,
corresponding to the services of the department
What are the powers and duties of heads of bureaus proper. If the Bureau is small, only a single unit
or offices? performing combined staff functions may be provided.
(a) The head of bureau or office shall be its chief
executive officer. He shall exercise overall authority in The Director of a line bureau shall:
matters within the jurisdiction of the bureau, office or 1) Exercise supervision and control over all divisions and
agency, including those relating to its operations, and other units, including regional offices, under the
enforce all laws and regulations pertaining to it; bureau;
(b) He shall appoint personnel to all positions in his 2) Establish policies and standards for the operations of
bureau or office, in accordance with law. In the case of the bureau pursuant to the plans and programs of the
the line bureau or office, the head shall also appoint the department;
second level personnel of the regional offices, unless 3) Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to carry
such power has been delegated. He shall have the out bureau objectives, policies and functions; 4)
authority to discipline employees in accordance with Perform such other duties as may be provided by law.
the Civil Service Law; (Admin. Code, Book IV, Chap. 4, Secs. 18-20; Chap. 6,
(c) He may, in the interest of economy, designate the Secs. 29,31,35-36.)
assistant head to act as chief of any division or unit C. Organization of Field Offices
within the organization, in addition to his duties,
without additional compensation; How are Regional Offices established?
(d) He shall, consistent with law, rules and regulations, They shall be established according to law defining field
prescribe the form and fix the amount of all bonds service areas. The administrative regions shall be
executed by private parties to the government under composed of the National Capital Region and Regions I
the laws pertaining to his bureau or office. He shall pass to XII. Provincial and district offices may be established
on the sufficiency of the security and retain possession only by law whenever necessary. Except as otherwise
provided by law and when the needs of the service so II. CREATION, REORGANIZATION AND ABOLITION
require, the department or agency shall organize an OF ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES
integrated regional office on a department or agency-
wide basis. [Sec. 21, Book IV, Admin. Code of 1987] How are administrative agencies created?
1. Some administrative agencies are created by or
What is the organizational structure of each regional receive their powers from constitutional provisions
office? which may be self-executing, but most of them have
The regional office shall be headed by a Regional their source in legislative enactments. The Executive
Director who may be assisted by one (1) Assistant also may create administrative agencies, especially
Regional Director, except as may otherwise be provided investigative agencies, and particularly under statutes
by law. The Regional Director shall be responsible for so providing.
department or agency functions performed in the 2. Administrative agencies of statutory origin. — These
region under his jurisdiction. [Sec. 23, Book IV, Admin. agencies are subject to expansion or contraction of their
Code of 1987] powers and functions, or to reorganization or abolition
Regional Offices organized on a department-wide basis at the will of Congress, hamstrung only by constitutional
shall have units or personnel in which the functional limitations. At various times, Congress has vested power
areas of the staff bureaus and services in the in the President to reorganize executive agencies and
department shall be represented. Regional offices of a redistribute functions, and particular transfers under
line bureau may have units or personnel in which the such statutes have been held to be within the authority
functional areas of the primary units of the bureau are of the President.
represented. Related functions of regional units shall be
consolidated. [Sec. 25, Book IV, Admin. Code of 1987] How are administrative agencies abolished?
When the purpose of a statute is to abolish a
What is the authority of Secretary or the head of an department or an office or an organization and to
agency? replace it with another one, the lawmaking authority
The Secretary or the head of an agency shall have says so (e.g., is abolished; shall cease to exist).
authority over and responsibility for its operation. He
shall delegate such authority to the bureau and regional Does a change of name of administrative agency lose
directors as may be necessary for them to implement its existence thus, abolished?
plans and programs adequately. In Crisostomo vs. Court of Appeals, 258 SCRA134
(1) Delegated authority shall be to the extent necessary (1996), the Supreme Court ruled in a case, that PD No.
for economical, efficient and effective implementation 1341 which "converted" the former Philippine College
of national and local programs in accordance with of Commerce into a University to be known as
policies and standards developed by each department Polytechnic University of the Philippines, did not
or agency with the participation of the regional abolish the PCC. If the law intended the PCC to lose its
directors. existence, it would have specified that the PCC was
(2) The delegation shall be in writing; shall indicate to being "abolished," and the PUP to be a new institution,
which officer or class of officers and employees the it would have said that PUP was being "created." What
delegation Ik made; and shall vest sufficient authority to took place was a change in academic status of [PCC].
enable the delegate to discharge his assigned Hence, the change in its name, the expansion of its
responsibility. (Ad. Code, Book IV, Chap. 8) curricular offerings, and the changes in its structure
and organization.
Distinguish between supervision and control?
Supervision means overseeing or the power or authority Can the President create, abolish or merge offices in
of an officer to see that subordinate officers perform the executive department?
their duties. If the latter fails or neglects to fulfill them, In Viola vs. Alunan III, 277 SCRA 409 (1997), it has been
the former may take such action or steps as prescribed settled by decisions upholding the validity of
by law to make them perform their duties. Control, on reorganization statutes authorizing the President to
the other hand means the power of an official to alter create, abolish or merge offices in the executive
or modify or nullify or set aside what a subordinate department. While the President's power cannot be
officer had done in the performance of his duties and to denied, this does not mean that the reorganization itself
substitute the judgment of the former for that of the is properly made in accordance with law. Well-settled is
latter. (Hebron vs. Reyes, L-9124, July 28, 1958) the rule that reorganization is regarded as valid
provided it is pursued in good faith.
Does the power to reorganize includes power to create empowered by a provision of the Constitution, the
or abolish offices? source of the powers of administrative agencies lies in
Yes. Reorganization is the means used by the legislature statutes under which they claim to act.
to reorganize or abolish offices, which it may do so by
law directly or indirectly by authorizing an executive i. Hijo Plantation v. Central Bank
department or agency to reorganize its office. The G.R. No. L-34526 August 9, 1988
legislative power to reorganize — and therefore to Hijo Plantation, Inc., Davao Fruits Corporation, Twin
abolish offices — applies to all offices, including lower Rivers Plantation, Inc. and Marsman Plantation, are
courts, except only those created by the Constitution domestic corporations duly organized and existing
itself. (National Land Titles and Deeds Registration under the laws of the Philippines, all of which are
Administration v. Civil Service Commission, 221 SCRA engaged in the production and exportation of bananas
145 [1993]) in and from Mindanao.
Owing to the difficulty of determining the exchange
What are the reasons for creation of administrative rate of the peso to the dollar because of the floating
agencies? rate and the promulgation of Central Bank Circular No.
The reasons why there has been a need for, and a 289 which imposes an 80% retention scheme on all
growing number of, specialized administrative agencies dollar earners, Congress passed RA 6125 entitled "an
are as follows: act imposing STABILIZATION TAX ON CONSIGNMENTS
1. To unclog court dockets. To relieve courts of the ABROAD TO ACCELERATE THE ECONOMIC
burden of resolving all controversies, specialized DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHILIPPINES AND FOR OTHER
agencies have been created to hear and decide PURPOSES,," approved and made effective on May 1,
particular disputes. 1970, to eliminate the necessity for said circular and to
2. To meet the growing complexities of modern society. stabilize the peso.
As problems of modem society multiply, which can Petitioners contend that the Banana Exports reached
hardly be met by the legislature, administrative the aggregate annual F.O.B. value of US $5 million in
agencies are established to promptly cope up with such August 1971, the stabilization tax on banana should be
problems. imposed only on July 1, 1972, the fiscal year following
3. To help in the regulation of ramified activities of a the calendar year during which the industry attained
developing country. the $5 million mark.
4. To entrust to specialized agencies in specified fields Can the Central Bank issue a Monetary Board
with their special knowledge, experience, and capability Resolution to give retroactive effect of a Law?
the task of dealing with problems thereof as they have No. The Monetary Board clearly overstepped RA 6125
the experience, expertise and power of dispatch to which empowered it to promulgate rules and
provide solutions thereto. (Solid Homes, Inc. v. Teresita regulations for the purpose of carrying out the
Payawal, Aug. 29,1989.) provisions of said act, because while Section 1 of the
III. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE law authorizes it to levy a stabilization tax on petitioners
AGENCIES only in the fiscal year following their reaching the
aggregate annual F.O.B. value of US $5 million, that is,
a. Distinguish between powers and functions? the fiscal year July 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973, at a tax
While the words "powers" and "functions" are used rate of 4% of the F.O.B. peso proceeds, respondent in
conjunctively above, they are interchangeable, and if gross violation of the law, instead issued Resolution No.
there is any distinction, the latter term denotes a 1995 which impose a 6% stabilization tax for the
broader field of activities than the former. calendar year January 1, 1972 to June 30, 1972, which
(1) "Function" is that which one is bound or which it is obviously is in excess of its jurisdiction. It was further
one's business to do. argued that in directing its agent bank to collect the
(2) So far as "power" differs from this meaning, it would stabilization tax in accordance with Monetary Board
appear to refer to the means by which a function is Resolution No. 1995, it acted whimsically and
fulfilled. capriciously.
b. What are the sources powers of an administrative
The powers of an administrative agency do not always
come from a single source. Aside from the instances in
which an administrative agency is created and
ii. Tayug Rural Bank v. Central Bank implicit in the wordings of the law or conferred by
G.R. No. L-46158 November 28, 1986 necessary or fair implication in the enabling act. In
Tayug Rural Bank obtained 13 loans from Central Bank Angara v. Electoral Commission, the Court clarified and
by way of rediscounting, at the rate of 1/2 of 1% per stressed that when a general grant of power is
annum from 1962 to March 28, 1963 and thereafter at conferred or duty enjoined, every particular power
the rate of 2-1/2% per anum. The loans, amounting to necessary for the exercise of the one or the
P813,000.00 as of July 30, 1963, were all covered by performance of the other is also conferred by necessary
corresponding promissory notes prescribing the terms implication. It was also explicated that when the statute
and conditions of the aforesaid loans, the outstanding does not specify the particular method to be followed
balance was P 444,809.45. or used by a government agency in the exercise of the
The Director of the Department of Loans and Credit, power vested in it by law, said agency has the authority
issued Memorandum Circular No. DLC-8, informing all to adopt any reasonable method to carry out its
rural banks that an additional penalty interest rate of functions.
ten per cent (10%) per annum would be assessed on all 1. Makati Stock Exchange v. SEC
past due loans beginning January 4, 1965. Said G.R. No. L-23004 June 30, 1965
Memorandum Circular was actually enforced on all The Securities and Exchange Commission denied the
rural banks effective July 4, 1965. Makati Stock Exchange, Inc., permission to operate a
Which shall prevail in case of discrepancy between the stock exchange unless it agreed not to list for trading on
basic law and a rule or regulation issued to implement its board, securities already listed in the Manila Stock
said law? Exchange.
In case of discrepancy, the basic law prevails because
said rule or regulation cannot go beyond the terms and Can the SEC may “in the public interest” validly impose
provisions of the basic law. Hence an administrative such a condition?
agency cannot impose a penalty not so provided in the NO. It is fundamental that an administrative officer has
law authorizing the promulgation of the rules and only such powers as are expressly granted to him by the
regulations, much less one that is applied retroactively. statue, and those necessarily implied in the exercise
thereof. The SEC cites no provision of law supporting its
Can an administrative agency retroactively impose rule. Neither did the Commission make any explanation
administrative penalties? on how it could be necessary in the performance of its
No. The Monetary Board possesses broad supervisory functions. For all practical purposes the SEC’s order
powers, nonetheless, the retroactive imposition of would make it impossible for MSEI to operate. So its
administrative penalties cannot be taken as a measure permission would really amount to a prohibition. The
supervisory in character. Legislature has specified the conditions under which a
An administrative agency cannot impose a penalty not stock exchange may legally obtain a permit; it is not for
so provided in the law authorizing the promulgation of the SEC to impose others.
the rules and regulations, much less one that is applied
retroactively. 2. Republic v. CA G.R. No. 90482 Aug. 5, 1991
On May 16,1986, Republic Planters Bank (RPB) and in
c. What is the scope of powers of an administrative representation of other sugar producers" filed a Complaint
agency? with the respondent court, RTC Branch 26, "For Sum of
The jurisdiction and powers of administrative agencies Money and/or Delivery of Personal Property with
are measured and limited by the Constitution or law
Restraining Order and/or Preliminary Injunction" against
creating them or granting their powers, to those
against the Philippine Sugar Commission (PHILSUCOM) and
conferred expressly or by necessary or fair implication.
the National Sugar Trading Corporation (NASUTRA).
i. What are the express and implied powers of Private respondents assert that the Sugar Regulatory
administrative agencies? Administration (SRA) and RPB do not have the legal
Basic in administrative law is the doctrine that a authority to sue for and in behalf of the Republic of the
government agency or office has express and implied Philippines.
powers based on its charter and other pertinent
RPB maintain that it "is a government-controlled
statutes. Express powers are those powers granted,
corporation (GOCC) engaged in the banking business with
allocated, and delegated to a government agency or
office by express provisions of law. On the other hand, corporate powers vested in a Board of Directors," hence, it
implied powers are those that can be inferred or are is "legally untenable for such a banking
The power to reclaim on the part of the NHA is implicit
institution, even assuming that it is government-
from PD 757, RA 7279, MO 415, RA 6957, and PD 3-A.
controlled, to initiate suits for and in behalf of the
The Presidents delegation to NHA, a national
Republic of the Philippines.
government agency, to reclaim lands under the SMDRP,
is legal and valid, firmly anchored on PD 3-A buttressed
May RPB being a GOCC bring an action on behalf of the by EO 525 notwithstanding the absence of any specific
Republic of the Philippines? grant of power under its charter, PD 757.
No. SRA may not lawfully bring an action on behalf of
the Republic of the Philippines and that the Office of the 4. Radio Communications v. NTC
Government Corporate Counsel does not have the G.R. No. 93237 November 6, 1992
authority to represent said petitioner in this case. Private respondent Juan A. Alegre's wife, Dr. Jimena
This conclusion does not, however, mean that the SRA Alegre, sent two rush telegrams through petitioner
cannot sued and be sued. This power can be implied RCPI's facilities in Taft Ave., Manila on 17 March 1989
from its powers to make and execute routinary to his sister and brother-in-law in Valencia, Bohol and
contracts as may be necessary for or incidental to the another sister-in-law in Espiritu, Ilocos Norte.
attainment of its purposes between any persons, firms Both telegrams did not reach their destinations on the
public or private, and the Government of the Philippines expected dates. So, private respondent filed a letter-
and to do all such other things, transact such other complaint against RCPI with National
businesses and perform such other functions directly or Telecommunications Commission (NTC) for poor
indirectly incidental or conducive to the attainment of service, with a request for the imposition of the
the purposes of the SRA and the powers of its governing appropriate punitive sanction against the company.
board to enter into contracts, transactions, or Taking cognizance of the complaint, NTC directed RCPI
undertaking of whatever nature which are necessary or to answer the complaint and set the initial hearing.
incidental to its functions and objectives with any NTC held that RCPI was administratively liable for
natural or juridical persons and with any foreign deficient and inadequate service under Section 19(a)
government institutions, private corporations, of C.A. 146 and imposed the penalty of fine payable
partnership or private individuals. within 30 days from receipt in the aggregate amount
of P1, 000.
3. Chavez vs NHA G.R. No. 164527
President Corazon C. Aquino ordered NHA to conduct Can NTC administratively impose fines to RCPI?
feasibility studies and develop low-cost housing projects No. NTC has no jurisdiction to impose a fine. Under
at the dumpsite and absorb scavengers in NHA Section 21 of C. A. 146, as amended, the Commission
resettlement/low-cost housing projects. On October 7, was empowered to impose an administrative fine in
1992, President Ramos authorized NHA to enter into a cases of violation of or failure by a public service to
Joint Venture Agreement with RBI subject to final review comply with the terms and conditions of any certificate
and approval of the Joint Venture Agreement by the or any orders, decisions or regulations of the
Office of the President. Commission. Petitioner operated under a legislative
franchise, so there were no terms nor conditions of any
Whether NHA have been granted the power to reclaim certificate issued by the Commission to violate. Neither
lands of the public domain? was there any order, decision or regulation from the
Yes. While PD 757, the charter of NHA, does not Commission applicable to petitioner that the latter had
explicitly mention reclamation in any of the listed allegedly violated, disobeyed, defied or disregarded.
powers of the agency, we rule that the NHA has an Too basic in administrative law to need citation of
implied power to reclaim land as this is vital or jurisprudence is the rule that jurisdiction and powers of
incidental to effectively, logically, and successfully administrative agencies, like NTC, are limited to those
implement an urban land reform and housing program expressly granted or necessarily implied from those
enunciated in Sec. 9 of Article XIII of the 1987 granted in the legislation creating such body; and any
Constitution. order without or beyond such jurisdiction is void and
Even without an implied power to reclaim lands under ineffective.
NHAs charter, we rule that the authority granted to
NHA, a national government agency, by the President
under PD 3-A reinforced by EO 525 is more than
sufficient statutory basis for the reclamation of lands
under the SMDRP.
public service to comply with the terms and conditions
4a. Radio Communications v. Santiago
of any certificate or any orders, decisions or regulations
G.R. No. L-29236 November 6, 1992
of the Commission. Petitioner operated under a
On July 12, 1966, a telegram was filed with
legislative franchise, so there were no terms nor
respondent-company and the amount of P1.50 was
conditions of any certificate issued by the Commission
paid for the transmission of said telegram to
to violate. Neither was there any order, decision or
Zamboanga City .... The telegram, however, was never
regulation from the Commission applicable to petitioner
transmitted until now. The respondent not only did
that the latter had allegedly violated, disobeyed, defied
not give any valid explanation, but did not present any
or disregarded.
evidence to explain why the said telegram was not
Too basic in administrative law to need citation of
forwarded to the addressee until now.
jurisprudence is the rule that the jurisdiction and
Can administrative agencies exceed lawful limits in the powers of administrative agencies, like respondent
exercise of their power? Commission, are limited to those expressly granted or
Except for constitutional officials who can trace their necessarily implied from those granted in the legislation
competence to act to the fundamental law itself, a creating such body; and any order without or beyond
public official must locate in the statute relied upon a such jurisdiction is void and ineffective.
grant of power before he can exercise it. It need not be 5a. Solid Homes v. Payawal
express. It may be implied from the wording of the law. G.R. No. 84811 August 29, 1989
The government itself is merely an agency through The complaint was filed on August 31, 1982, by Teresita
which the will of the state is expressed and enforced. Its Payawal against Solid Homes, Inc. before the Regional Trial
officers therefore are likewise agents entrusted with the Court of Quezon City alleging that the defendant
responsibility of discharging its functions. As such there contracted to sell to her a subdivision lot in Marikina on
is no presumption that they are empowered to act. June 9, 1975, for the agreed price of P 28,080.00, and that
There must be a delegation of such authority, either by September 10, 1981, she had already paid the
express or implied. In the absence of a valid grant, they defendant the total amount of P 38,949.87 in monthly
are devoid of power. installments and interests.
4c. Globe Wireless LTD v. PSC Solid Homes subsequently executed a deed of sale over the
G.R. No. L-27520 Jan 21, 1987 land but failed to deliver the corresponding certificate of
A message addressed to Maria Diaz, Monte Esquina 30, title despite her repeated demands because, as it appeared
Madrid, Spain, filed by private respondent Antonio B. later, the defendant had mortgaged the property in bad
Arnaiz with the telegraph office of the Bureau of faith to a financing company. The plaintiff asked for
Telecommunications in Dumaguete City was transmitted delivery of the title to the lot or, alternatively, the return of
to the Bureau of Telecommunications in Manila. It was all the amounts paid by her plus interest. She also claimed
forwarded to petitioner Globe Wireless Ltd. for moral and exemplary damages, attorney's fees and the
transmission to Madrid. Petitioner sent the message to costs of the suit.
the American Cable and Radio Corporation in New York, Solid Homes moved to dismiss the complaint on the
which, in turn, transmitted the same to the Empresa ground that the court had no jurisdiction, this being vested
Nacional de Telecomunicaciones in Madrid. The latter, in the National Housing Authority under PD No. 957.
however, mislaid said message, resulting in its non- Does NHA has jurisdiction over a contract to sell a
delivery to the addressee. subdivision lot?
The PSC issued an order finding petitioner "responsible Yes. Statutes conferring powers on their administrative
for the inadequate and unsatisfactory service agencies must be liberally construed to enable them to
complained of, in violation of the Public Service Act", and discharge their assigned duties in accordance with the
ordering it "to pay a fine of P200 under Sec. 21 of Com. legislative purpose. The Court sustained the
Act 146, as amended." competence of the respondent administrative body, in
Can PSC impose fine to Globe Wireless? the exercise of the exclusive jurisdiction vested in it by
No. The imputed negligence had nothing whatsoever to PD No. 957 and PD No. 1344, to determine the rights of
do with the subject matter of the very limited the parties under a contract to sell a subdivision lot.
jurisdiction of the Commission over petitioner. Under
Section 21 of C.A. No. 146, as amended, the May NHA award damages under PD 1344?
Commission was empowered to impose an Yes. SC finds that this is part of the exclusive power
administrative fine in cases of violation of or failure by a conferred upon it by PD No. 1344 to hear and decide
"claims involving refund and any other claims filed by
subdivision lot or condominium unit buyers against the public respondent NHA through a letter-complaint dated
project owner, developer, dealer, broker or salesman." 10 May 1977.
It was therefore erroneous for the respondent to brush Antipolo Realty filed a Motion for Reconsideration
aside the well-taken opinion of the Secretary of Justice asserting: (a) that it had been denied due process of law
that- since it had not been served with notice of the scheduled
Such claim for damages which the hearing; and (b) that the jurisdiction to hear and decide
subdivision/condominium buyer may have against the Mr. Yuson's complaint was lodged in the regular courts,
owner, developer, dealer or salesman, being a not in the NHA, since that complaint involved the
necessary consequence of an adjudication of liability for interpretation and application of the Contract to Sell.
non-performance of contractual or statutory obligation,
may be deemed necessarily included in the phrase Can NHA perform adjudicatory powers and functions?
"claims involving refund and any other claims" used in It is by now commonplace learning that many
the aforequoted subparagraph C of Section 1 of PD No. administrative agencies exercise and perform
1344. The phrase "any other claims" is, SC believe, adjudicatory powers and functions, though to a limited
sufficiently broad to include any and all claims which extent only. Limited delegation of judicial or quasi-
are incidental to or a necessary consequence of the judicial authority to administrative agencies (e.g., the
claims/cases specifically included in the grant of Securities and Exchange Commission and the National
jurisdiction to the National Housing Authority under the Labor Relations Commission) is well recognized in our
subject provisions. jurisdiction, basically because the need for special
The same may be said with respect to claims for competence and experience has been recognized as
attorney's fees which are recoverable either by essential in the resolution of questions of complex or
agreement of the parties or pursuant to Art. 2208 of the specialized character and because of a companion
Civil Code (1) when exemplary damages are awarded recognition that the dockets of our regular courts have
and (2) where the defendant acted in gross and evident remained crowded and clogged.
bad faith in refusing to satisfy the plaintiff 's plainly There is no question that a statute may vest exclusive
valid, just and demandable claim. original jurisdiction in an administrative agency over
Besides, a strict construction of the subject provisions of certain disputes and controversies falling within the
PD No. 1344 which would deny the HSRC the authority agency's special expertise. The very definition of an
to adjudicate claims for damages and for damages and administrative agency includes its being vested with
for attorney's fees would result in multiplicity of suits in quasi-judicial powers. The ever increasing variety of
that the subdivision condominium buyer who wins a powers and functions given to administrative agencies
case in the HSRC and who is thereby deemed entitled to recognizes the need for the active intervention of
claim damages and attorney's fees would be forced to administrative agencies in matters calling for technical
litigate in the regular courts for the purpose, a situation knowledge and speed in countless controversies which
which is obviously not in the contemplation of the law. cannot possibly be handled by regular courts.
5b. Antipolo Real Corp v. NHA 5c. LLDA v. CA G.R. No. 110120 March 16, 1994
G.R. No. L-50444) Aug 31, 1987 On March 8, 1991, the Task Force of City Government
On 28 August 1974, Mr. Hernando transferred his Caloocan City (CGC), filed a letter-complaint with the
rights over Lot No. 15 to private respondent Virgilio Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) seeking to
Yuson. The transfer was embodied in a Deed of stop the operation of the 8.6-hectare open garbage
Assignment and Substitution of Obligor (Delegacion), dumpsite CGC due to its harmful effects on the health of
executed with the consent of Antipolo Realty, in which the residents and the possibility of pollution of the water
Mr. Yuson assumed the performance of the vendee's content of the surrounding area.
obligations under the original contract, including On December 5, 1991, the LLDA issued a Cease and Desist
payment of his predecessor's installments in arrears. Order ordering the CGC, their contractors, and other
However, for failure of Antipolo Realty to develop the entities, to completely halt, stop and desist from dumping
subdivision project in accordance with its undertaking any form or kind of garbage and other waste matter at
under Clause 17 of the Contract to Sell, Mr. Yuson paid the Camarin dumpsite.
only the arrearages pertaining to the period up to, and The dumping operation was forthwith stopped by CGC.
including, the month of August 1972. However, sometime in August 1992 the dumping
Aggrieved by the rescission of the Contract to Sell, Mr. operation was resumed after a meeting held in July 1992.
Yuson brought his dispute with Antipolo Realty before
Does the Ombudsman has the power to suspend
In its complaint, CGC sought to be declared as the sole government officials and employees working in offices
authority empowered to promote the health and safety other than the Office of the Ombudsman?
and enhance the right of the people in Caloocan City to Section 24 of R.A. No. 6770, which grants the
a balanced ecology within its territorial jurisdiction. Ombudsman the power to preventively suspend public
Does LLDA have the authority to issue a cease and officials and employees facing administrative charges
desist order? before him, is a procedural, not a penal statute. The
Yes. The cease and desist order issued by the LLDA preventive suspension is imposed after compliance with
requiring the CGC to stop dumping its garbage in the the requisites therein set forth, as an aid in the
Camarin open dumpsite found by the LLDA to have investigation of the administrative charges.
been done in violation of Republic Act No. 4850, as The purpose of R.A. No. 6770 is to give the Ombudsman
amended, and other relevant environment laws, cannot such powers as he may need to perform efficiently the
be stamped as an unauthorized exercise by the LLDA of task committed to him by the Constitution. Such being
injunctive powers. By its express terms, RA 4850, as the case, said statute, particularly its provisions dealing
amended by P.D. No. 813 and EO 927, series of 1983, with procedure, should be given such interpretation
authorizes the LLDA to "make, alter or modify order that will effectuate the purposes and objectives of the
requiring the discontinuance or pollution." Section 4, Constitution. Any interpretation that will hamper the
par. (d) explicitly authorizes the LLDA to make whatever work of the Ombudsman should be avoided.
order may be necessary in the exercise of its
jurisdiction. What is the intention of the Congress under the
Assuming arguendo that the authority to issue a "cease Ombudsman Law when it advisedly deleted the words
and desist order" were not expressly conferred by law, "subordinate" and "in his bureau," leaving the phrase
there is jurisprudence enough to the effect that the rule "suspend any officer or employee under his authority
granting such authority need not necessarily be express. pending an investigation”?
While it is a fundamental rule that an administrative The conclusion that can be deduced from the deletion
agency has only such powers as are expressly granted to of the word "subordinate" before and the words "in his
it by law, it is likewise a settled rule that an bureau" after "officer or employee" is that the Congress
administrative agency has also such powers as are intended to empower the Ombudsman to preventively
necessarily implied in the exercise of its express powers. suspend all officials and employees under investigation
In the exercise, therefore, of its express powers under by his office, irrespective of whether they are employed
its charter as a regulatory and quasi-judicial body with "in his office" or in other offices of the government. The
respect to pollution cases in the Laguna Lake region, the moment a criminal or administrative complaint is filed
authority of the LLDA to issue a "cease and desist order" with the Ombudsman, the respondent therein is
is, perforce, implied. Otherwise, it may well be reduced deemed to be "in his authority" and he can proceed to
to a "toothless" paper agency. determine whether said respondent should be placed
under preventive suspension.
5d. Buenaseda v. Flavier
G.R. No. 106719 Sept 21, 1993
ii. What is the inherent powers of administrative
The petition seeks to nullify the Order of the Ombudsman
dated January 7, 1992, directing the preventive suspension
An administrative agency has no inherent powers,
of petitioners, Dr. Brigida S. Buenaseda other
although implied powers may sometimes be spoken of
administrative officer and all of the National Center for
as "inherent". In the absence of any provision of law,
Mental Health.
administrative agencies do not possess the inherent
Petitioners claim that under the 1987 Constitution, the
power to punish for contempt which has always been
Ombudsman can only recommend to the heads of the
regarded as a necessary incident and attribute of the
departments and other agencies the preventive suspension
of officials and employees facing administrative
investigation conducted by his office. 1. Masangcay v. COMELEC G.R. No. L-13827 Sept 28 1962
Respondents argue that the power of preventive Benjamin Masangcay, with several others, was on October
suspension given the Ombudsman under Section 24 of R.A. 14, 1957 charged before the Commission on Election with
No. 6770 was contemplated by Section 13 (8) of Article XI contempt for having opened three containing official and
of the 1987 Constitution, which provides that the sample ballots for the municipalities of the province of
Ombudsman shall exercise such other power or perform Aklan.
such functions or duties as may be provided by law.
On December 16, 1957 the Commission rendered its On June 19, 1989, respondent Leandro I. Verceles,
decision finding Masangcay guilty as charged and Governor of Catanduanes, sent a letter to respondent Luis
sentencing each of them to suffer three months T. Santos, the Secretary of Local Government (LG),
imprisonment and pay a fine of P500, with subsidiary protesting the election of the officers of the FABC and
imprisonment of two months in case of insolvency. seeking its nullification in view of several flagrant
Masangcay contended that, even if petitioner can be held irregularities in the manner it was conducted.
guilty of the act of contempt charged, the decision is null On August 4, 1989, respondent Secretary issued a
and void for lack of valid power on the part of the resolution nullifying the election of the officers of the
Commission to impose such disciplinary penalty under the FABC in Catanduanes held on June 18, 1989 and ordering
principle of separation of powers of the Government. a new one to be conducted as early as possible to be
presided by the Regional Director of Region V of LG.
Can COMELEC impose disciplinary penalty?
Can Secretary of Local Government entertain any
No. In the instant case, the resolutions which the
protest involving the election of officers of the FABC?
Commission tried to enforce and for whose violation
No. Under Book IV, Title XII, Chapter 1, See. 3(2) of the
the charge for contempt was filed against petitioner
Administrative Code of 1987, the respondent Secretary
Masangcay merely call for the exercise of an
has the power to "establish and prescribe rules,
administrative or ministerial function for they merely
regulations and other issuances and implementing laws
concern the procedure to be followed in the
on the general supervision of local government units
distribution of ballots and other election paraphernalia
and on the promotion of local autonomy and monitor
among the different municipalities.
compliance thereof by said units."
Comelec has a ministerial duty; it did not exercise any
Construing the constitutional limitation on the power of
judicial function. Such being the case, Comelec could
general supervision of the President over local
not exercise the power to punish Masangcay for
governments, the SC hold that respondent Secretary
contempt as postulated in the law, for such power is
has no authority to pass upon the validity or regularity
inherently judicial in nature. As SC has aptly said: 'The
of the election of the officers of the katipunan. To allow
power to punish for contempt is inherent in all courts;
respondent Secretary to do so will give him more power
its existence is essential to the preservation of order in
than the law or the Constitution grants. It will in effect
judicial proceedings, and to the enforcement of
give him control over local government officials for it
judgments, orders and mandates courts, and,
will permit him to interfere in a purely democratic and
consequently, in the administration of justice.
non-partisan activity aimed at strengthening the
barangay as the basic component of local governments
iii. What is a quasi-judicial power?
so that the ultimate goal of fullest autonomy may be
It is a power that rests in judgment or discretion, so that
achieved. In fact, his order that the new elections to be
it is of judicial nature or character, but does not involve
conducted be presided by the Regional Director is a
the exercise of functions of a judge, or is conferred
clear and direct interference by the Department with
upon an officer other than a judicial officer. (Federico S.
the political affairs of the barangays which is not
Sandoval vs. Commission on Elections, et al., G. R. No.
permitted by the limitation of presidential power to
133842, January 26, 2000)
general supervision over local governments.
1. Taule vs Santos G.R. No. 90336 August 12, 1991
On June 18,1989, the Federation of Associations of May the President interfere with LG so long as the
Barangay Councils (FABC) of Catanduanes, composed of same or its officers act within scope of their authority?
11 members, in their capacities as Presidents of the Presidential power over LG is limited by the
Association of Barangay Councils in their respective Constitution to the exercise of general supervision ‘to
municipalities, convened in Virac, Catanduanes with six ensure that local affairs are administered according to
members in attendance for the purpose of holding the law.’ The general supervision is exercised by the
election of its officers. When the group decided to hold President through the Secretary of LG.” “The
the election despite the absence of five of its members, fundamental law permits the Chief Executive to wield
the Provincial Treasurer and the Provincial Election no more authority than that of checking whether said
Supervisor walked out. The election nevertheless LG or the officers thereof perform their duties as
proceeded with PGOO Alberto P. Molina, Jr. as presiding provided by statutory enactments. Supervisory power,
officer. when contracted with control, is the power of mere
oversight over an inferior body; it does not include any
restraining authority over such body.” “(A)lthough the Distinguish between supervision and control?
Department (of LG) is given the power to prescribe In administrative law, supervision means overseeing or
rules, regulations and other issuances, the the power or authority of an officer to see that the
Administrative Code limits its authority to merely subordinate officers perform their duties. If the latter
‘monitoring compliance’ by local government units of fails or neglects to fulfill them the former may take such
such issuances. To monitor means ‘to watch, observe or action or step as prescribed by law to make them
check.’ This is compatible with the power of supervision perform their duties. Control, on the other hand, means
of the Secretary over LG which as earlier discussed is the power of an officer to alter or modify or nullify or
limited to checking whether LGU concerned or the set aside what a subordinate officer had done in the
officers thereof perform their duties as provided by performance of his duties and to substitute the
statutory enactments. judgment of the former for that of the latter. The
fundamental law permits the Chief Executive to wield
Does COMELEC has jurisdiction over contests involving no more authority than that of checking whether said
elective barangay officials? local government or the officers thereof perform their
The jurisdiction of the COMELEC over contests involving duties as provided by statutory enactments. Supervisory
elective barangay officials is limited to appellate power, when contrasted with control, is the power of
jurisdiction from decisions of the trial courts. Under the mere oversight over an inferior body; it does not
law, the sworn petition contesting the election of a include any restraining authority over such body.
barangay officer shall be filed with the proper Municipal
or Metropolitan Trial Court by any candidate who has 2. Guerzon vs CA G.R. No. 77707 August 8, 1988
duly filed a certificate of candidacy and has been voted On January 9, 1981 petitioner Pedro Guerzon
for the same office within 10 days after the executed with Basic Landoil Energy Corporation,
proclamation of the results. A voter may also contest which was later acquired by respondent Pilipinas Shell
the election of any barangay officer on the ground of Petroleum Corporation, a contract denominated as
ineligibility or of disloyalty to the Republic of the "Service Station Lease" for the use and operation of
Philippines by filing a sworn petition for quo warranto
respondent SHELL's properties, facilities and
with the Metropolitan or Municipal Trial Court within 10
equipment, for a period of five (5) years from January
days after the proclamation of the results of the
election. Only appeals from decisions of inferior courts 15, 1981 and ending on January 14, 1986.
on election matters as aforestated may be decided by On January 7, 1981 petitioner likewise executed with
the COMELEC. the same Corporation a "Dealer's Sales Contract" for
The jurisdiction of the COMELEC is over popular the sale by petitioner of respondent SHELL's
elections, the elected officials of which are determined petroleum and other products in the leased service
through the will of the electorate. An election is the station which contract expired April 12,1986.
embodiment of the popular will, the expression of the As early as January 2, 1986 respondent SHELL through
sovereign power of the people. It involves the choice or its District Manager—Reseller Mindanao wrote to
selection of candidates to public office by popular vote. petitioner informing him that the Company was not
Specifically, the term "election," in the context of the renewing the Dealer's Sales Contract which was to
Constitution, may refer to the conduct of the polls,
expire on April 12, 1986 together with the service
including the listing of voters, the holding of the
station lease and reminding him to take appropriate
electoral campaign, and the casting and counting of the
votes which do not characterize the election of officers steps to wind up his business activities at the station
in the Katipunan ng mga barangay. "Election contests" and, on the appropriate date to hand over the station
would refer to adversary proceedings by which matters with all its facilities and equipment to the
involving the title or claim of title to an elective office, representative of respondent.
made before or after proclamation of the winner, is
settled whether or not the contestant is claiming the Does Bureau of Energy Utilization has jurisdiction to
office in dispute and in the case of elections of barangay order a lessee to vacate the leased premises?
officials, it is restricted to proceedings after the Even on the assumption that petitioner's continued
proclamation of the winners as no pre-proclamation occupancy and operation of the service station
controversies are allowed. constituted a violation of a law or regulation, still the
Court has no recourse but to rule against the legality of
the order, the BEU not being empowered to issue it.
Section 7 of P.D. No. 1206, as amended, is very clear as Did SEC exceeded its jurisdiction when it issued a writ
to the courses of action that the BEU may take in case of injunction enjoining FMDC?
of a violation or non-compliance with any term or The action for dissolution of FREEMAN filed by its
condition of any certificate, license or permit issued by minority stockholders is well within the jurisdiction of
the Bureau or any of its orders, decisions, rules or the SEC to resolve in accordance with P.D. No. 902-A.
regulations. The Bureau may: (1) impose a fine not However, the inclusion in the SEC case of FMDC of
exceeding P1,000.00; and (2) in case of failure to pay which private respondents are not stockholders for the
the fine imposed or to cease and discontinue the purpose of compelling it to reconvey to FREEMAN the
violation or non-compliance, order the suspension, properties originally owned by the latter but were
closure or stoppage of operations of the establishment levied upon and sold to FMDC in a public auction is a
of the guilty party. Its authority is limited to these two matter outside of the limited jurisdiction of the SEC. The
(2) options. It can do no more, as there is nothing in P.D. petition for reconveyance of properties against FMDC is
No. 1206, as amended, which empowers the Bureau to not an intra-corporate controversy since private
issue an order to vacate in case of a violation. respondents have no shares or interests whatsoever in
As it is, jurisdiction to order a lessee to vacate the FMDC, a corporation separate and distinct from
leased premises is vested in the civil courts in an FREEMAN, which is undergoing dissolution proceedings
appropriate case for unlawful detainer or accion in the SEC.
publiciana. There is nothing in P.D. No. 1206, as The judgment was fully satisfied and a certificate of sale
amended, that would suggest that the same or similar was issued to FMDC. It is axiomatic that after a
jurisdiction has been granted to theBEU. It is a judgment has been fully satisfied, the case is deemed
fundamental rule that an administrative agency has terminated once and for all. It cannot be modified or
only such powers as are expressly granted to it by law altered. Hence, the properties sold to FMDC are now
and those that are necessarily implied in the exercise considered excluded from the corporate assets of
thereof. FREEMAN and can no longer be the subject of the
proceedings in the SEC for the dissolution of the latter.
3. Freeman vs SEC G.R. No. 110265 July 7, 1994
Sometime in 1986 and 1987, Freeman, Inc.
4. City of Baguio v. Nino G.R. No. 161811 April 12,
(FREEMAN), was granted a loan by Equitable Banking
Corporation (EQUITABLE) P1,700,000.00 payable in 8
The Bureau of Lands awarded on May 13, 1966 to
December 1987 and P6,000,000.00 payable in 24
Narcisa A. Placino (Narcisa) a parcel of land
April 1988.
identified as Lot No. 10 (the lot) located at Saint
When FREEMAN failed to pay its obligations,
Anthony Road, Dominican-Mirador Barangay, Baguio
EQUITABLE instituted collection suit against
FREEMAN. The collection case was terminated when
Francisco Nio (Nio), one of the herein respondents,
the parties entered into a compromise agreement
who has been occupying the lot, contested the
duly approved by the court and a decision rendered
award by filing a Petition Protest on December 23,
thereon on 5 December 1988.
1975 before the Bureau of Lands.
On 30 January 1989, a writ of execution was issued.
The decision of the Director of Lands dated
Two parcels of land belonging to FREEMAN were
November 11, 1976 having become final and
levied upon and sold at public auction on 31 March
executory, the then-Executive Director of the
1989. The highest bidder was one of the petitioners,
Department of Environment and Natural Resources-
Freeman Management and Development Corporation
Cordillera Autonomous Region (DENR-CAR), on
(FMDC), which thereafter registered its certificate of
petition of Narcisa, issued an Order of Execution
sale with the Register of Deeds.
dated February 1, 1993 directing the Community
SEC Case No. 3577 arose from the action filed by
Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO)
private respondents as minority shareholders of
Officer to enforce the decision by ordering Petitioner
petitioner FREEMAN for the dissolution of the
Nio and those acting in his behalf to refrain from
corporation and reconveyance of the properties
continuously occupying the area and remove
conveyed to another petitioner FMDC in a public
whatever improvements they may have introduced
Narcisas counsel, Atty. Edilberto Claravall (Atty.
Claravall), later petitioned the DENR-CAR for the
issuance of a Special Order authorizing the City Sheriff
of Baguio, the City Police Station, and the Demolition
Team of the City Government to demolish or remove
the improvements on the lot introduced by Nio. The
DENR-CAR denied the petition, citing lack of
jurisdiction over the City Sheriff of Baguio, the City
Police Station, and the Demolition Team of the City

Can Bureau of Lands order a demolition of a house

without a special court order?
While the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Lands is confined
to the determination of the respective rights of rival
claimants to public lands or to cases which involve the
disposition of public lands, the power to determine who
has the actual, physical possession or occupation or the
better right of possession over public lands remains
with the courts.
The rationale is evident. The Bureau of Lands does not
have the wherewithal to police public lands. Neither
does it have the means to prevent disorders or
breaches of peace among the occupants. Its power is
clearly limited to disposition and alienation and while it
may decide disputes over possession, this is but in aid of
making the proper awards. The ultimate power to
resolve conflicts of possession is recognized to be within
the legal competence of the civil courts and its purpose
is to extend protection to the actual possessors and
occupants with a view to quell social unrest.

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