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Intermediate Grammar 12.

(Review and Expansion)

Correlative Conjunctions are pairs of words used to connect two structures together: nouns,
verbs, adjectives, adverbs, phrases, or sentences.


We use ‘either…or’ to give two choices of option:

Examples: I’ll invite either Jenny or Brenda to the dance. (nouns)

You can either stay here or jog with us. (verbs)
She is always either tired or sleepy. (adjectives)
He was either nervous or impatient. (adverbs)
We’ll go either to Japan or to India. (phrases)

We use ‘neither…nor’ to deny two choices of option:

Examples: I have bought neither the jacket nor the sweater. (nouns)
She will neither sing nor play the guitar. (verbs)
I was neither hungry nor thirsty. (adjectives)
He drives neither too fast nor too slowly. (adverbs)
I can come neither on Saturday nor on Sunday. (phrases)

We use ‘both…and’ to add two similar options:

Examples: I have both a brother and a sister. (nouns)

He has both read the book and seen the movie. (verbs)
She feels both happy and excited. (adjectives)
Our teacher speaks both fluently and clearly. (adverbs)
I go out both with my friends and with my cousins. (phrases)


We use ‘not only…but also’ to join two occurrences:

Examples: I bought not only the shoes but also the handbag. (nouns)
He not only works but also takes an evening course. (verbs)
Sam is not only anxious but also upset. (adjectives)
He works not only quickly but also efficiently. (adverbs)
I study not only in the morning but also at night. (phrases)

I 12.2 CONJUNCTIONS – Correlative conjunctions ONLINE 1

Intermediate Grammar 12.2


I.- Join the following sentences using correlative conjunctions.

1. They might come on Monday. They might come on Tuesday. (either…or)
.........They might come either on Monday or on Tuesday.........
2. Rod should study. He should find a part-time job. (not only…but also)
3. Marion doesn’t work on Wednesday. She doesn’t work on Sunday. (neither…nor)
4. We have booked a hotel room. We have rented a car (both…and)
5. I must get some advice. I must get some professional help. (either…or)
6. That store sells clothes. It sells jewelry. (not only…but also)
7. I won’t order fish. I won’t order shellfish. (neither…nor)
8. Mary has met Mr. Garrison. She has met his wife. (both…and)
9. We can order some food. We can eat out. (either…or)
10. Rock music is popular in the US. It is popular abroad. (not only…but also)
11. Susan doesn’t have a computer. She doesn’t have a cell phone. (neither…nor)
12. You have to take a written test. You have to take an oral exam. (both…and)
13. I’ll go to the party with Nancy. I’ll go to the party with Cindy. (either…or)
14. He has solved the mystery. He has captured the criminal. (not only…but also)
15. Sarah didn’t buy the suit. She didn’t buy the dress. (neither...nor)

I 12.2 CONJUNCTIONS – Correlative conjunctions ONLINE 2

Intermediate Grammar 12.2
ANSWERS: Practice I 12.2

Exercise I:
1. They might come either on Monday or on Tuesday.
2. Rod should not only study but also find a part-time job.
3. Marion works neither on Wednesday nor on Sunday.
4. We have both booked a hotel room and rented a car.
5. I must get either some advice or some professional help.
6. That store sells not only clothes but also jewelry.
7. I will order neither fish nor shellfish.
8. Mary has met both Mr. Garrison and his wife.
9. We can either order some food or eat out.
10. Rock music is popular not only in the US but also abroad.
11. Susan has neither a computer nor a cell phone.
12. You have to take both a written test and an oral exam.
13. I’ll go to the party either with Nancy or with Cindy.
14. He has not only solved the mystery but also captured the criminal.
15. Sarah bought neither the suit nor the dress.

I 12.2 CONJUNCTIONS – Correlative conjunctions ONLINE 3

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