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LESSON PLAN #1 Date / Week:February 3, 2020

Student Teacher: Aurora Macek

Lesson Title: Consumerism, Marketing, and Media: Logo Redesign Project
Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Central Focus: Using social media and visual culture influences, marketing and advertising
techniques, and cultural backgrounds, students will thoughtfully analyze how visual imagery is
used by large corporations to influence culture and society, as well as critically explore ethical
business practices and product production, by redesigning a logo for a selected corporation that
reflects that corporation’s impact on culture or society, using watercolor and various pen and ink

State Goals:
CREATING: Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Investigate: VA:Cr2.2.IIa. Demonstrate awareness of ethical implications of making and
distributing creative work.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by critically analyzing ethical
business practices and the use of art and design by marking and advertising
agencies to influence the consumer.
PRESENTING: Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic
Analyze: VA:Pr6.1.IIa. Make, explain, and justify connections between artists or artwork and
social, cultural, and political history.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by thoughtfully connecting the
influence of art in product design and advertising, and its effects on society and
culture by discussing their own personal experiences.
CONNECTING: Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Synthesize: VA:Cn11.1.I. Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may
influence personal responses to art.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by discussing how visual
culture has shaped how they have viewed certain products, businesses,
and people associated with these products or businesses. Students will
also complete a worksheet that goes along with the presentation.
Objectives: State Goal Codes
Objective I: Given a pretest, students will use their
previous knowledge to demonstrate their understanding of
conceptual ideas such as consumerism, marketing and VA:Cr2.2.IIa
advertising, social responsibility, and business ethics, as
well as the technical process of watercolor.
Objective II: Given a presentation on business ethics, VA:Pr6.1.IIa
consumerism, and mass production, students will
thoughtfully connect the influence of art in product design
and advertising and its effects on society and culture by
discussing their own personal experiences. VA:Cr2.2.IIa
Objective III: Given a discussion on social responsibility, VA:Cn11.1.I
students will connect their own moral beliefs with the
concept of business ethics through study of the visual
Assessment Questions and Criteria:
Objective I:
Did the student use their pretest to accurately demonstrate their knowledge about
conceptual ideas such as consumerism, marketing and advertising, social responsibility,
and business ethics, as well as technical processes of watercolor?
Accurately demonstrated their knowledge about conceptual ideas such as consumerism,
marketing and advertising, social responsibility, and business ethics, as well as technical
process of watercolor, on the pretest.
Objective II:
Did the student thoughtfully connect the influence of art in product design and advertising
and its effects on society and culture by discussing their own personal experiences?
Thoughtfully connected the influence of art in product design and advertising and its
effects on society and culture by discussing their own personal experiences.
Objective III:
Did the student thoughtfully connect their own moral beliefs with the concept of business
Thoughtfully connected their own moral beliefs with concept of business ethics both
verbally and in their writing.

Instructional Resources and Materials:

Teachers computer, overhead projector, Powerpoint presentation, Logo Redesign Pretest, Art
Concepts and Skills Vocabulary Handout, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Handout.
Art Materials for the Lesson:
Pencil or pen, paper, erasers.

Management and Safety Issues:

There are only standard classroom management strategies that need to be utilized throughout
the course of the lesson. Students need to be monitored to ensure that they are using their
pencils safely.

Advertisement- a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or
event or publicizing a job vacancy
Analyze- To examine in detail to reveal something about an artwork.
Emphasis- Giving something visual importance or prominence within an artwork.
Ethics- A set of principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. A
system of standards
Graduated Wash- a watercolor technique where an area of paint is applied to the paper and
moved down with water to create a gradual gradient change in color or value
Interpret- To explain the meaning of an artwork.
Logo- a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform,
vehicles, etc.
Marketing- The action or business of promoting and selling products or services
Morals- a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for
them to do
Product- something that is manufactured or refined for sale
Social Responsibility- A theory in which the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of
Wash- refers to an area of paint applied to the paper in a smooth, uniform zone of flat color
Wet on Dry- A watercolor technique where a wet brush is applied to dry paper- allows for more
Wet on Wet- A watercolor technique where a wet brush is applied to wet paper.
Line Weight Variation- Refers to the thickness or thinness of a line
In-Class Activities:
Time Learning Activities Purpose
20 Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: This activity will be used to
min Introduce the lesson and hand out pretest. (Lesson #1 assess student’s prior
Instructional Materials, page 1). knowledge on conceptual
information that will be used
in future lessons.
25 Presentation/Explicit Instruction: The vocabulary readily
min Hand out academic vocabulary from the pretest. available to students will aid
(Lesson #1 Instructional Materials, page 3). in their understanding of the
Hand out worksheet to accompany presentation. content covered in the
(Lesson #1 Instructional Materials, page 4-5). presentation.
Students should fill out worksheet and participate in This PowerPoint presentation
discussion along with presentation. is to help students cultivate
A presentation and discussion on business ethics, an understanding for the
social responsibility, consumerism, and how art has power of the visual image
been used in a capitalist society to influence viewers and the way it is used in a
perceptions about certain products, businesses, and capitalist society to influence
people. the buying and selling of
(Lesson #1 Instructional Materials, page 2). products.
Ask students to make connections to academic This presentation will help
vocabulary and terms to be used. students draw connections
-What is a logo? between their personal
 What are some logos that you know? experience as a consumer,
 Do you associate products with these the products they buy, how
logos? those products were
 Do you have opinions about the quality produced, and whether or
of these products? not the businesses or
-How are logos used to get consumers to recognize corporations that they are
brands? familiar with through visual
-How have artists used the concepts of consumerism imagery, are socially
to reflect on society? (Andy Warhol, slide 3). responsible and ethical.
 What is mass production and how has it helped Students will also analyze
in society’s exposure to the visual image? how their own morals align
-What is social responsibility? with certain ethical business
-What are business ethics? practices.
-How are they related to our moral beliefs?
-How have artists use visual imagery to expose
unethical business practice? (Lewis Hine, slide 7).
-How do your set of moral beliefs align with the
concept of business ethics?
5 min Closure: This will provide students
Review key vocabulary terms, and instruct students to with academic vocabulary
hand in day 1 worksheet. related to the project.
(Lesson #1 Instructional Materials, page 3). Check worksheets and hand
back tomorrow to ensure all
students understand key
conceptual ideas and

Part B: Lesson Plans for Learning Segment

LESSON PLAN #2 Date / Week:February 4, 2020
Student Teacher: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Consumerism, Marketing, and Media: Logo Redesign Project
Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Central Focus: Using social media and visual culture influences, marketing and advertising
techniques, and cultural backgrounds, students will thoughtfully analyze how visual imagery is
used by large corporations to influence culture and society, as well as critically explore ethical
business practices and product production, by redesigning a logo for a selected corporation that
reflects that corporation’s impact on culture or society, using watercolor and various pen and ink

State Goals:
CREATING: Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Investigate: VA:Cr2.2.IIa. Demonstrate awareness of ethical implications of making and
distributing creative work.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by critically discussing the
concentration of power regarding the circulation of visual imagery by analyzing
the relationships between media outlets and businesses, and drawing
connections between visual images used in advertising, how they influence
public opinion, who the imagery benefits, and the truthfulness surrounding
products and businesses that make those products.
PRESENTING: Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic
Analyze: VA:Pr6.1.IIa. Make, explain, and justify connections between artists or artwork and
social, cultural, and political history.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by exploring the connection
between product design, marketing and advertising, and the product or
company’s social or cultural impact in a capitalistic consumer society through
class discussion and research.
RESPONDING: Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Perceive: VA:Re7.2.IIa. Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas,
feelings, and behaviors of specific audiences.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by analyzing how the logo is used
to influence ideas about a company’s products through participation in a logo
recognition quiz.
CONNECTING: Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Synthesize: VA:Cn11.1.I. Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may
influence personal responses to art.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by discussing how their knowledge
of culture, traditions, and history have influenced their response to visual
imagery used to sell products.
Objectives: State Goal Codes
Objective I: Given existing cultural and social knowledge VA:Re7.2.IIa
and a logo recognition quiz, students will critically analyze VA:Cn11.1.I.
how the elements and principles of design can be used by
marketing and advertising agents for brand recognition.
Objective II: Given a presentation on the concentrated
power of corporations and media outlets, students will VA:Cr2.2.IIa
critically discuss the relationships between media outlets VA:Cn11.1.I
and corporations, and the power dynamics that these
Objective III: Given a presentation on marketing and
advertising, consumer waste, and social issues VA:Pr6.1.IIa
surrounding major corporations, students will thoughtfully VA:Cr2.2.IIa
discuss how the imagery used in advertisements relates
to business ethics and how it can influence culture and
society and public opinion.
Assessment Questions and Criteria:
Objective I:
Did the student critically analyze how the elements and principles of design are used by
corporations to market their products to viewers and participate in logo recognition activity
and class discussion?
Critically analyzed how the elements and principles of design are used to attract viewers to
certain products, ideas, and objects.
Objective II:
Did the student critically discuss the relationships between media outlets and corporations,
and the power dynamics that these create?
Critically discussed the relationships between media outlets and corporations, and the
power dynamics that these create.
Objective III:
Did the student thoughtfully discuss how the imagery used in advertisements relates to
business ethics and how it can influence culture, society, and public opinion?
Thoughtfully discussed how the imagery used in advertisements relates to business ethics
and how it can influence culture, society, and public opinion.

Instructional Resources and Materials:

Teachers computer, overhead projector, Powerpoint presentation, Logo Recognition Quiz, and
Business Ethics in Marketing and Advertising Handout.

Art Materials for the Lesson: Pencil or pen, paper, erasers.

Management and Safety Issues:

There are only standard classroom management strategies that need to be utilized throughout
the course of the lesson. Students need to be monitored to ensure that they are using their
pencils safely.

Advertisement- a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or
event or publicizing a job vacancy
Analyze- To examine in detail to reveal something about an artwork.
Emphasis- Giving something visual importance or prominence within an artwork.
Ethics- A set of principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. A
system of standards
Graduated Wash- a watercolor technique where an area of paint is applied to the paper and
moved down with water to create a gradual gradient change in color or value
Interpret- To explain the meaning of an artwork.
Logo- a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform,
vehicles, etc.
Marketing- The action or business of promoting and selling products or services
Morals- a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for
them to do
Product- something that is manufactured or refined for sale
Social Responsibility- A theory in which the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of
Wash- refers to an area of paint applied to the paper in a smooth, uniform zone of flat color
Wet on Dry- A watercolor technique where a wet brush is applied to dry paper- allows for more
Wet on Wet- A watercolor technique where a wet brush is applied to wet paper.
Line Weight Variation- Refers to the thickness or thinness of a line

In-Class Activities:
Time Learning Activities Purpose
10 Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: This warm up activity will
min Administer Logo Recognition Quiz/ Activity provide students with a more
(Lesson #2 Instructional Materials, page 1). personal understanding of
Give students 5 minutes to take the quiz, then read conceptual ideas surrounding
the answer key. Identify students who missed consumerism. Once students
under 10 logos. identify how engrained these
Discuss with students why they believe it was so logos are into their brains, it will
easy to recognize the majority of the logos. help them to make connections
Use elements and principles of design to describe between the power of the visual
how logos draw the viewers eye. image and how it can be used in
our society by marketing and
advertising agents.
20 Presentation/Explicit Instruction: The first 9 questions on this
min Presentation on Business Ethics in Marketing in worksheet and the
Advertising. corresponding slides on the
(Lesson #2 Instructional Materials, page 2-3). PowerPoint will help students
Hand out corresponding worksheet and instruct understand the power if the
students to fill in answers as they follow along with visual images and target
presentation. audiences, as well the power of
(Lesson #2 Instructional Materials, page 4-5). very few corporations and the
Follow slides 2-9 for questions 1-9 in provided influence they have over the
worksheet. Focus on how marketing and media that is consumed.
advertising agents use the elements and principles
of design to sell products and make profits and
how it relates to business ethics.
15 Structured Practice/Exploration: Exploring these four quadrants
min Provide students with information about the four will ensure that student is
quadrants of social responsibility and how the performing sufficient research to
companies Nike, Apple, and BP fulfil these four determine the social
quadrants. (Slides 10-12 on presentation). Instruct responsibility of a business.
students to weigh these four quadrants and
determine if the business or company is ethical.
5 min Closure These worksheets will be used
Collect worksheets from students. to check for understanding of the
-Do you understand the connection between social influence and power of the visual
responsibility and advertisement? image in contemporary society.

Part B: Lesson Plans for Learning Segment

LESSON PLAN #3 Date / Week:February 5-7, 2020
Student Teacher: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Consumerism, Marketing, and Media: Logo Redesign Project
Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Central Focus: Using social media and visual culture influences, marketing and advertising
techniques, and cultural backgrounds, students will thoughtfully analyze how visual imagery is
used by large corporations to influence culture and society, as well as critically explore ethical
business practices and product production, by redesigning a logo for a selected corporation that
reflects that corporation’s impact on culture or society, using watercolor and various pen and ink

State Goals:
CREATING: Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Investigate: VA:Cr2.3.IIa. Redesign an object, system, place, or design in response to
contemporary issues.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by redesigning the McDonald’s
logo to reflect contemporary issues in business ethics. Students will also brain
storm and research a final company’s logo to redesign for their final project
which reflects contemporary issues surrounding business ethics and social
PRESENTING: Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic
Analyze: VA:Pr6.1.IIa. Make, explain, and justify connections between artists or artwork and
social, cultural, and political history.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by discussing how art is used in
contemporary society in McDonalds advertisements to influence social and
cultural values about McDonalds as a corporation and its products.
RESPONDING: Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Perceive: VA:Re7.2.IIa. Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas,
feelings, and behaviors of specific audiences.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by researching a selected
company and its logo, and comparing their previous knowledge about the
company based on advertising imagery and their newfound knowledge
based on their artistic research.
Objectives: State Goal Codes
Objective I: Given a presentation and discussion on VA:Pr6.1.IIa.
McDonald’s and its products, and research on its ethical VA:Cr2.3.IIa.
business practices, students will creatively redesign the
McDonald’s logo or McDonald’s advertisement to reflect
the social and cultural impact of McDonalds and its ethical
business practices.
Objective II: Given information on business ethics, VA:Re7.2.IIa.
marketing and advertising strategies, and academic
resources, students will diligently and thoroughly research
the business ethics and cultural influence of a selected
company using the four quadrants of social responsibility.
Objective III: Given practice on redesigning the logo of a VA:Pr6.1.IIa.
major corporation, a research worksheet, and previous VA:Cr2.3.IIa.
cultural knowledge, students will select a company or
business and redesign their original logo or advertisement
to reflect their research on business ethics surrounding
this company in a presketch.
Assessment Questions and Criteria:
Objective I:
Did the student creatively redesign the McDonalds Logo to reflect on the cultural and
societal impact of McDonalds and its products?
Creatively redesigned the McDonalds Logo to reflect on McDonald’s impact on culture and
Objective II:
Did the student diligently and thoroughly research the business ethics of a selected
company to determine if they were socially responsible, and to provide necessary
information in the construction of their final design?
Diligently and thoroughly researched the business ethics of a selected company to
determine social responsibility and gather necessary information for final design.
Objective III:
Did the student demonstrate thoughtful analysis and research of the cultural impact of
certain products, their designs, how they are made, and what corporations make them,
through participation in small group discussion and competition of research sketch.
Thoughtfully analyzed social and cultural impact of well-known products and participated in
small group discussion about final research sketch.
Instructional Resources and Materials:
Teachers computer, overhead projector, PowerPoint presentation, McDonalds Logo Redesign
Worksheet, Logo Redesign Project Research and Sketch Sheet.

Art Materials for the Lesson:

Pencil, color pencil, pens, extra drawing paper, erasers, computers for research.

Management and Safety Issues:

There are only standard classroom management strategies that need to be utilized throughout
the course of the lesson. Students need to be monitored to ensure that they are using their
pencils safely, and using technology for research appropriately.

Advertisement- a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or
event or publicizing a job vacancy
Analyze- To examine in detail to reveal something about an artwork.
Emphasis- Giving something visual importance or prominence within an artwork.
Ethics- A set of principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. A
system of standards
Graduated Wash- a watercolor technique where an area of paint is applied to the paper and
moved down with water to create a gradual gradient change in color or value
Interpret- To explain the meaning of an artwork.
Logo- a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform,
vehicles, etc.
Marketing- The action or business of promoting and selling products or services
Morals- a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for
them to do
Product- something that is manufactured or refined for sale
Social Responsibility- A theory in which the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of
In-Class Activities:
Time Learning Activities Purpose
15 Day 1: Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: Students are already familiar with
min Introduce McDonalds Logo Redesign the company of McDonalds. Using
Assignment. (Lesson #3 Instructional Materials, one company as a source for
page 1). Show examples of McDonalds inspiration in logo redesign will
Redesign from presentation slides 3-4. provide framework in constructing
Hand out McDonalds Redesign Assignment. ideas for the final logo redesign in
(Lesson #3 Instructional Materials, page 2-3). how to represent a social issue.
30 Day 1: Independent Practice/Exploration: Redesigning McDonalds logo
min Allow students time to work on McDonalds provides practice in how to reflect a
Logo Redesign. Encourage them to use color. social issue in a logo redesign.
5 min Day 1: Closure Students will discuss their artistic
Instruct students to take home McDonalds choices in their logo redesign for
redesign as homework if they have not finished. McDonalds upon completion.
10 Day 2: Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: Asking students to discuss their
min Instruct students to take out completed work in smaller groups with the
McDonalds Logo Redesign worksheet. students that they are used to sitting
Ask students to discuss in their table rows next to will help to prepare them for
(groups of 3) their artistic choices. How did they presenting their art work in larger
use the elements and principles of design to groups.
present their research on McDonalds?
20 Day 2: Guided Practice/Feedback: Seeing examples of how to reflect
min Instruct students to talk about their artistic social or cultural impact within a logo
choices to the class as you walk around the redesign will help stimulate ideas for
room and show their McDonald’s redesign. final project as well as develop
process of talking about artwork.
15 Day 2: Presentation/Explicit Instruction: Providing examples of logos that
min Show students example of final logo redesign have been redesigned for various
on the presentation. (Lesson #3 Instructional social issues will help students
Materials, page 1). Hand out final Logo generate ideas for their logo
Redesign Project research/sketch sheet. redesign.
(Lesson #3 Instructional Materials, page 4-5).
5 min Day 2: Closure: Allowing students sufficient time to
Instruct students to keep their research sheets research will give them more ideas
for further investigation and drawing for the and allow them to make more
next lesson. connections in their final design.
5 min Day 3: Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: Artistic investigation is necessary for
Review/Instruct students to continue creating thoughtful sketch.
researching and working on their redesign.
40 Day 3: Guided Practice/Feedback: While students are independently
min Have students discuss research with class working, sharing ideas might help
while completing final sketches. further their research.
What is your company? What research did you Presenting ideas in the class will
find? How are you representing the company’s allow students to analyze their own
social responsibility in your logo? work.
5 min Day 3: Closure: Thinking about materials choices will
Collect final logo redesigns. Review which help with execution of final.
materials will be used in final.
Part B: Lesson Plans for Learning Segment
LESSON PLAN #4 Date / Week:February 10-11, 2020
Student Teacher: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Consumerism, Marketing, and Media: Logo Redesign Project.0
Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Central Focus: Using social media and visual culture influences, marketing and advertising
techniques, and cultural backgrounds, students will thoughtfully analyze how visual imagery is
used by large corporations to influence culture and society, as well as critically explore ethical
business practices and product production, by redesigning a logo for a selected corporation that
reflects that corporation’s impact on culture or society, using watercolor and various pen and ink

State Goals:
CREATING: Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
Investigate: VA:Cr2.3.IIa. Redesign an object, system, place, or design in response to
contemporary issues.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by completing their final logo
redesign of a selected company based off of research from contemporary issues
in business ethics surrounding that company.
RESPONDING: Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Perceive: VA:Re7.2.IIa. Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas,
feelings, and behaviors of specific audiences.
 In this lesson, students will reflect on the effectiveness of their own logo redesign
to influence ideas and feelings of a specific audience about a company or
CONNECTING: Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Synthesize: VA:Cn11.1.I. Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may
influence personal responses to art.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by experimenting with
various colors and watercolor techniques and using cultural knowledge to
create certain affects that change how the viewer perceives art.
Objectives: State Goal Codes
Objective I: Given a watercolor demonstration, brushes, VA:Cn11.1.I.
water, and watercolors, students will demonstrate their VA:Cr2.3.IIa.
ability to utilize the watercolor techniques to be used in the
final project through a water color practice.
Objective II: Given watercolors, cold press illustration VA:Cr2.3.IIa.
board, pen and ink, and final sketches, students will
creatively and craftfully redesign the logo of their selected
company using the elements and principles of design and
varying watercolor techniques. VA:Cr2.3.IIa.
Objective III: Given research and cultural and social VA:Re7.2.IIa.
knowledge, students will accurately represent their
selected company’s social and cultural impact in the
creation of their logo redesign.
Assessment Questions and Criteria:
Objective I:
Did the student accurately demonstrate their ability to utilize all 5 water color techniques?
Accurately demonstrated ability to utilize all 5 watercolor techniques.
Objective II:
Did the student creatively and craftfully redesign the logo of their selected company using
the elements and principles of design and varying watercolor techniques?
Creatively and craftfully redesigned the logo of their selected company?
Objective III:
Did the student accurately represent their selected company’s social and cultural impact in
the creation and design of their logo redesign?
Accurately represented their selected company’s social and cultural impact in the creation
of logo redesign.

Instructional Resources and Materials:

Teachers computer, overhead projector, Demonstration Materials: 2 cups of water, watercolor,
pallet, paper towel, brush, and demonstration sheet.

Art Materials for the Lesson:

Pencil, watercolor, paintbrush, pallets, cups for water, water, paper towels, artists tape.

Management and Safety Issues:

There are only standard classroom management strategies that need to be utilized throughout
the course of the lesson. Students need to be monitored to ensure that they are using their
pencils safely and are not drinking water diluted with any pigment.

Advertisement- a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or
event or publicizing a job vacancy
Analyze- To examine in detail to reveal something about an artwork.
Emphasis- Giving something visual importance or prominence within an artwork.
Ethics- A set of principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. A
system of standards
Graduated Wash- a watercolor technique where an area of paint is applied to the paper and
moved down with water to create a gradual gradient change in color or value
Interpret- To explain the meaning of an artwork.
Logo- a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform,
vehicles, etc.
Marketing- The action or business of promoting and selling products or services
Morals- a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for
them to do
Product- something that is manufactured or refined for sale
Social Responsibility- A theory in which the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of
Wash- refers to an area of paint applied to the paper in a smooth, uniform zone of flat color
Wet on Dry- A watercolor technique where a wet brush is applied to dry paper- allows for more
Wet on Wet- A watercolor technique where a wet brush is applied to wet paper.
Line Weight Variation- Refers to the thickness or thinness of a line
In-Class Activities:
Time Learning Activities Purpose
10 Day 1: Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: Providing feedback will help
min Hand back student final sketches with notes students to further their ideas before
and instruct students to look over notes. starting their final design.
15 Day 1: Presentation/Explicit Instruction Guiding students through all five
min Give demonstration on various watercolor watercolor techniques will equip
techniques. them with the technical skills to
(Lesson #4 Instructional Materials, page 1-4). complete the final lesson.
Execute wash technique and graduate wash Incorporating students in the
technique giving explicit instructions listed on demonstration will help build
page 4. Instruct students to evenly coat surface confidence with the class as they
with water before applying pigment so that it move to practice and experiment
spreads evenly. with the various watercolor
Allow students to participate in demonstration. techniques.
Who knows what wet on wet is?
How might we use wet on dry in our final logo
20 Day 1: Guided Practice/Feedback: This activity provides practice for the
min Walk around the room and instruct student skills necessary to complete the final
where necessary on various watercolor drawing.
techniques. Practicing now will help ensure
Help students who look like they don’t know better craftsmanship and technical
where to start or are having trouble with the skills in the final project.
Provide feedback and advice for students who
are unfamiliar with the materials.
5 min Day 1: Closure: Students will receive feedback on
Ask students to clean up watercolor materials their watercolor techniques before
using the utility sinks. Instruct students to leave starting on their final project.
watercolor practice sheets out to be collected.
5 min Day 2 Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: After viewing feedback from
Hand back watercolor practice sheets with watercolor techniques, students may
notes. Have students review notes before need more explicit instruction on
beginning transfer of their sketch onto their final how to improve.
logo redesign. Through answering student
Ask students to focus on thoroughly mixing questions and offering them advice,
pigment with water before applying to surface. they will have the confidence
Ask students if they have any question on necessary to begin the execution of
getting started. their final design.
Advise students to use tape in order to create
clean edges in their final design.
Watercolor is not to be used like acrylic paint.
Pigment should not directly be applied to paper.
40 Day 2: Independent Practice/Exploration: This time will further develop final
min Allow students time for independent work on artwork.
final logo redesign.
Walk around the room and instruct students
where necessary as they complete their logo
5 min Day 2: Closure: Watercolor is easy to store and can
Instruct students they may take pallets home to be used from home. Students may
finish final logo design. Ask them to bring their finish designs from home to ensure
research sheets with them tomorrow to prepare enough time was allotted to focus on
for final logo design artist statement. craftful execution.

Part B: Lesson Plans for Learning Segment

LESSON PLAN #5 Date / Week:February 12, 2020
Student Teacher: Aurora Macek
Lesson Title: Consumerism, Marketing, and Media: Logo Redesign Project
Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Central Focus: Using social media and visual culture influences, marketing and advertising
techniques, and cultural backgrounds, students will thoughtfully analyze how visual imagery is
used by large corporations to influence culture and society, as well as critically explore ethical
business practices and product production, by redesigning a logo for a selected corporation that
reflects that corporation’s impact on culture or society, using watercolor and various pen and ink

State Goals:
RESPONDING: Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.
Perceive: VA:Re7.2.IIa. Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas,
feelings, and behaviors of specific audiences.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by reflecting on the effectiveness
of their own logo redesign to influence ideas and feelings of a specific audience
about a company or product by completing an artist statement.
PRESENTING: Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic
Analyze: VA:Pr6.1.IIa. Make, explain, and justify connections between artists or artwork and
social, cultural, and political history
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by explaining the connections
between their own artwork and how it might influence social or cultural history by
reflecting truths about their selected company.
CONNECTING: Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal,
cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Synthesize: VA:Cn11.1.I. Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may
influence personal responses to art.
 In this lesson, students will meet this standard by reflecting their cultural
knowledge about conceptual topics such as consumerism, advertising,
and marketing in the completion of a pretest.
Objectives: State Goal Codes
Objective I: In this lesson, students will actively VA:Cn11.1.I.
demonstrate their conceptual knowledge about social,
cultural, and political systems in contemporary society
through the completion of a posttest. VA:Re7.2.IIa.
Objective II: Given final artworks and artist statement VA:Pr6.1.IIa.
worksheet, students will thoughtfully reflect on the power
and influence of the visual image and how it can be used
to convey meaning.
Objective III: Given a writing prompt and final artworks, VA:Cn11.1.I.
students will successfully communicate how their artistic VA:Pr6.1.IIa.
choices reflects their research about a selected
company’s social responsibility.
Assessment Questions and Criteria:
Objective I:
Did the student accurately demonstrate their conceptual knowledge about social, cultural,
and political systems in contemporary society through the completion of a posttest?
Accurately demonstrated conceptual knowledge through completion of posttest.
Objective II:
Did the student thoughtfully reflect on the power and influence of the visual image and how
it can be used to convey meaning?
Thoughtful reflection in writing on the power and influence of the visual image and how it
can be used to convey meaning.
Objective III:
Did the student successfully communicate how their artistic choices reflects their research
about a selected company’s social responsibility?
Successfully communicated how their artistic choices reflects their research about a
selected company’s social responsibility.

Instructional Resources and Materials:

Teachers computer, overhead projector, Logo Redesign Posttest, Logo Redesign Project Artist
Statement Prompt.

Art Materials for the Lesson:

Pencil, pen, paper, writing prompts.

Management and Safety Issues:

There are only standard classroom management strategies that need to be utilized throughout
the course of the lesson. Students need to be monitored to ensure that they are using their
pencils safely.

Advertisement- a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or
event or publicizing a job vacancy
Analyze- To examine in detail to reveal something about an artwork.
Emphasis- Giving something visual importance or prominence within an artwork.
Ethics- A set of principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. A
system of standards
Graduated Wash- a watercolor technique where an area of paint is applied to the paper and
moved down with water to create a gradual gradient change in color or value
Interpret- To explain the meaning of an artwork.
Logo- a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform,
vehicles, etc.
Marketing- The action or business of promoting and selling products or services
Morals- a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for
them to do
Product- something that is manufactured or refined for sale
Social Responsibility- A theory in which the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of
Wash- refers to an area of paint applied to the paper in a smooth, uniform zone of flat color
Wet on Dry- A watercolor technique where a wet brush is applied to dry paper- allows for more
Wet on Wet- A watercolor technique where a wet brush is applied to wet paper.
Line Weight Variation- Refers to the thickness or thinness of a line
In-Class Activities:
Time Learning Activities Purpose
10 Day 1: Orientation/Engagement/Motivation: Showing student examples using
min Class will begin with students getting out final key vocabulary will refresh the
projects. terms in preparation for the posttest.
Show a few student examples using key This activity will help develop of
vocabulary terms to highlight artistic choices. viewing and responding to artwork.
15 Day 1: Presentation/Explicit Instruction This will help teacher assess what
min Administer Logo Redesign Project Post Test has been learned related to
(Lesson #5 Instructional Materials, page1). conceptual ideas and how to
execute conceptual skills.

20 Day 1: Independent Practice/Exploration: This time and prompt allow students

min Instruct students to use this time to fill in written to critically reflect on the company
responses for the Logo Redesign Artist that they chose and its social and
Statement prompt. cultural impact. The student can
(Lesson #5 Instructional Materials, page 2). self-assess whether or not they
Walk around and help students in their writing if executed a thorough enough artist
they are having trouble articulating their inquiry to create a logo redesign that
thoughts. reflected social responsibility or
truthfulness about the selected
This space allows the student to
analyze whether their intended
message got across to the viewer in
their final artwork.
5 min Day 1: Closure: This will provide students with an
Ask students to hand in final logo redesigns opportunity to demonstrate research
and final artist statements. and communicate their artistic
choices, as well as provide the
teacher with feedback of students
understanding of information
presented throughout the entirety of
the lesson.

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