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The Origin of Kapur, Sirih, and Pinang

Once upon a time in some place in Vietnam, lived a couple with their twin boys,
Tang and Lan. Both of the twin brothers were handsome and smart. Their noses were
aquiline and eyes were round and bright. They loved each other. Wherever they were,
they were always together.
One day, their father was seriously ill. Many healers had come to cure him, but
he did not get better and finally died. The family was drowned in grief, especially Lang
and Tan’s mother. The sorrow that was so deep deadened her appetite, making her sick.
Not long after, she died, making Tang and Lan orphans.
Despite losing both of their parents, Tang and Lan never gave up living. Having no
relatives in the village, they decided to go to town and seek for a good friend of their
father’s whose name was Hakim Luu in a hope that he would find them jobs.
After preparing, they set off for town. Having never been there before, they asked
people as to where to find Hakim Luu. They sought for some time before finally arrived
at the front gate of the man’s house.

“Hey, this is it. This is Uncle Luu’s house,” Lan said to Tang as he pointed his finger on
the door plate.
“Hello!!!” shouted Tang, knocking the door right away.
“Wait a minute!” said a voice from inside the house.
Then, a big fat man opened the door. Behind him, appeared a bright-skinned little girl,
peeping through.
“Little Tang and Lan! Come on in!” Hakim Luu welcomed them.
“Thank you, Uncle!” said the two boys.
Before letting them have a seat, Hakim Luu introduced his daughter to Tang and Lan.
She was a clever little girl, yet shy. When she had acquaintance with Tang and Lan, her
cheek turned red.
“So what made you come here?” asked Hakim Luu.
The question did not get any answer, Tang and Lang could only look at each other.
“You two seem to have a problem. What is it?”
“We do, Uncle. We feel really sad. Two weeks ago father died from illness,” Tang
answered in a sorrowful voice.
“What!? Died!? Why didn’t you let me know?” Hakim Luu was surprised.
“So where is your mother now?”
“After father died, mother didn’t want to eat until she got very sick. She passed away
several days later,” Tang told the sad story.
“It is very bad, my condolences go to you boys. Now that you don’t have any more
relatives, you two can stay here in this house with us,” said Hakim Luu.
“Thank you, Uncle!”
Since that day, Tang and Lan lived in Hakim Luu’s house. They worked hard helping
Hakim Luu in his store. Hakim Luu loved them as if they were his own sons.

Time went by. Tang and Lan grew up handsome and clever men. Their behavior
and manner made people love them. Meanwhile, Hakim Luu’s daughter now had turned
into a very beautiful girl. Both Tang and Lan had long put attention to the shy girl, but
covertly. They were too timid to express their feeling to her.
Some day, Hakim Luu planned to marry his daughter to one of the two young men. He
couldn’t decide which one, however, because they both had very similar appearance and
attitude. He then called Tang and Lan to discuss the matter.
“Here’s the problem, sons. I have an intention to marry my daughter to one of you. But I
cannot decide whom,” Hakim Luu revealed his concern.
“Marry her to Tang, Uncle!” Lan said.
“No, Uncle! Lan deserves her more than I do,” denied Tang.
Hakim Luu got more confused looking at the twin brothers finger-pointing each other. He
had to pick one of them, nevertheless. To do that, he wanted to know first which one
was older. He asked his daughter to serve food in a bowl along with a couple of
chopsticks for Tang and Lan. When Hakim Luu told them to eat it, Lan was the first to
take the chopsticks, but then he gave them very politely to Tang, who then took the
chopsticks and started eating. Seeing this, Hakim Luu concluded that Tang was older and
so he was to be his daughter’s husband.
It was a joyful wedding party. There were a number of art and dance
performances. The guests came from various states. There were even many dignitaries
coming from the palace to the celebration. They were all happy for the married couple
who were sitting next to each other on the bridal dais.
Their life was felicitous. Tang wrote many love poems and sang the lines to express his
happiness. However, his family life made him forgot about Lan. He did not share stories
and have a chat with his younger brother anymore. Lan himself could at first understand
the situation. But then as time went by Tang became more and more indifferent to him.
Lan started to feel lonely.
“Oh poor me. Now my brother has put me behind. What am I being here for if he doesn’t
even care to speak to me?” Lan lamented his sadness.
To wipe out his grievance, Lan decided to set out alone for a journey. He left the town
without Tang and Hakim Luu’s family knowing. He wandered here and there, not
knowing where his feet were taking him to. Woods, mountains, and rivers had he passed
by but his sadness never subsided.
One time, at dusk, he arrived at a beautiful and breezy beach. Lan was looking
for a place to stay overnight but he could not find one. He was very hungry too after
spending some days without food at all. Finding nothing, his body was getting limper and
he eventually died at the place. There, his body turned into a pure white limestone.
Meanwhile, Tang so regretted that his brother had gone. In sorrow he sought for Lan.
After several days walking, he finally came to the beach where his brother died. He was
so exhausted. He sat down on the shore, watching the waves pounding ashore.
“Lan, my poor little brother! Where are you? I am sorry I had neglected you brother,” he
said as he wept.
Two days and two nights he remained sitting on the shore, weeping. He did not eat and
drink and became so feeble. Tang died on the shore and his body transformed into an
areca palm.
Tang’s wife could no longer bear waiting for her husband. She went to find her husband,
walking tirelessly until she came at the beach where Tang breathed his last. She found
herself so fatigued and she took a rest, leaning on an areca palm on the shore, shedding
tears incessantly. She became very weak and finally died. Her body turned into a betel
palm, twisting on the areca palm that was actually her husband’s incarnation.

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