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1'''''-JI,{ciit~ S. I ""-oveci to 51,{reRIl Sprivegs fro""- LOl,{isillvell ive 2006.

We Wevet t~rol,{g~ 2
~I,{rriCllveesbllCR to bIlCR. It WIlSveri::Jcievllstlltiveg. 5veri::Jt~iveg SOl,{t~of Ol,{r~ol,{se WIlS ciestr0i::Jeci.
The levi::JbrORe be~iveci Ol,{r~ol,{se cil,{riveg~I,{rriCllveeKiltrivellilveci t~e Mississini River WIlS co""-iveg
overtl1e levi::J. We ~llci fllr""-llvei""-lllsilveci 1.400 citrl,{s trees. We ~llci beeve cioiveg fl,{veci rllisers wit~
Ol,{rcitrl,{S trees. Kicis wOl,{lcico""-e Ol,{tfro""- sc~ools for fielci trips. we evllCI,{llteci for Klltrivell llveci
w~eVc we Cll""-e bllCR t~e llvei""-llls were llll ciellci. T~eve HI,{rriCllvee Ritll Cll""-e w~ic~ WIlS sillt Wllter
fro""- t~e C:;I,{lfof Mexio. Ol,{r orc~llrci cOl,{lciveot tolerllte t~e sillt Wllter. Mi::J ~I,{Sbllvecillveci I
eVllCI,{llteciNew Orlellves ive Sepllrllte ve~lcle to lSlltove Rol,{ge for Klltrivell. The stor",,- Clll,{seci I,{Sto
lose ellc~ ot~er ove t~e iveterstllte. We cOl,{lcive'tfiveci ellC~ ot~er beclll,{se it WIlS so cillrR. I ~llci II fl.llt
tire llveci ~llci to stlli::J ive oveeplilce. people wOl,{lcistop so""-eti""-es llveci give ""-e II bottle ofwllter. No
ovee cOl,{lciI,{se cellp~ovees. So I WIlS sittiveg ive t~e CM wit~ t~e wiveciows opeve llveci ~llci gotteve to
w~ere I WIlS ~lllll,{civelltiveg beClll,{se I WIlS so cie~i::Jcirllteci.
I Clllleci Ol,{ttOJesl,{s IlsRiveg, "Plellse ciove't let ""-i::Jc~ilcireve fiveci ""-e ciellci liRe t~is." I stllrteci
looRiveg IIrol,{veciive t~e Cllr IIvecifol,{vecipll rts of llpllperbll CR MeSSIlge lSible. c:;ocigllve ""-e II scriptl,{re
rig~t llfter IllSReci Hi",,- VcOtto let ""-eciie liRe t~llt. 1'",,-veot SCllreci of cii::Jiveg,'jl,{st ciicive't Wllvet ""-i::J
Ricis to fiveci ""-eciellci ive ""-i::JCM Ovet~e ~ig~Wlli::J' lvet~e scriptl,{res t~llt I fol,{veci II worci Cll""-eto ""-e:
PSlll",,- 32, "It llcicis I,{pto t~is, we llll veeecito prlli::J. W~eve llll ~ell brellRs loose llveci t~e cill""-S bl,{rst
we will be Ove~ig~ grol,{veci I,{vetol,{c~eci."I tooR t~llt IlS llpersovelll worci for ""-e. W~eve ""-i::J~I,{Sbllveci
llveci I we vet bllCR to New Orlellves llveci llssesseci t~e cill""-llge, ""-i::J~I,{sbllvecisllici, "Let'sjl,{st get Ol,{t
of ~ere for II w~ile, it's so ciepressiveg." He ciicive't Rveow llt t~llt ti""-e w~ere ~e wllveteci to go. we
~ellcieci Ol,{tbi::Jfllit~. we evecieci I,{pive 51,{reRIlSprivegs, ArRIlMlls. Theve we wevet bllCR to clellve I,{p
llveci Pl,{t t~e ~QI,{seOvetl1e ""-llrRet. lSi::Jt~e grllce of c:;ociwe got Ol,{tof t~ere. T~e Nlltiovelll C:;I,{llrci
llveci ot~er people fro""- llll over t~e t-1..s.~elpeci wit~ t~e clellve I,{p.
Mi::J~I,{SbllveciWIlS llprofe.s.sor llveci W~eve ~e reillizeci llll t~llt WIlS cievllstllteci too, t~llt'S W~eve ~e
reillizeci we were goiveg to ""-ove. Mi::J~I,{Sbllveci~llci gotteve SiCR llppllrevetli::Jw~ile ive New Orlellves
llveci llfter we ~llci beeve liviveg ~ere for II little over II i::Jellr ~e ciieci.
C:;ociciici get ""-eove ~ig~ grol,{veciIlS His worci ~llci sllici. I love t~e Lorci so ""-I,{C~.I give Hi""-llll
t~e glori::J llvecit~e ~oveor. His Worci is trl,{e llveci He is fllit~fl,{l. He's goiveg to give I,{St~e veext Pllrt
of Ol,{rllcivevetl,{re. We're llll ~ere llveci He's goiveg to let I,{SRVcOWw~llt He Wllvets I,{Sto cio. 1'",,-Ove
~igl1 grol,{veci,
I,{vetol,{c~eci,jl,{st IlS t~e Lorci sllici ive II persovelll worci fro""- Hi",,- to ""-e rig~t llfter ,

See that you love one another

with a pure heart fervently.
- 1 Potor 1:22b

It's a Miracle! .
r---------. . .. I ra 'ed for Ana. She was expected to go 111 for sur-
A number of ChristIans fastcd (some fOl 21 dd)S; ~~~hf ~ child described a vision she was seeIng of angels
gery to remove a brain tumor. Dunng Sunda)na\ hea~' The next day, an MRI scan was ordered pnor to
in the room dancing and one angel touched A I .had decreased in size and cancer cells wIthIn the
d 'hich
w revealed that tlC tumor ,
tumor schedule
had died. surgef)d . d that the brain
It was etenmne , surgery would not be necessary!

Bear Ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ..

- Galatians 6:2
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