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I'>'Ac:;reg. I >'Aove~ to veortv,west Arlz~ves~s ove New ye~r's D~tJ Lvei332.

wv,eve 1 >'Aove~ v,ere I

belLeve~ I w~s sU'P'P0se~ to go to worR ~t W~L>'A~rt, ~t tv,e v,o>'AeoffLce.
1 v,~~ lost >'AtJjob Lvesoutv, D~ROW bec~use of cut b~CRs, so I w~s speve~Lveg evertJ ~~tJ Lvepr~tJer
~ve~ tv,e Wor~ to get ~LrectLove fro>'A c:;o~ for wv,~t I sv,oul~ ~o. Ovee ct~tJ >'AtJ>'AO>'A c~lle~ >'Ae~ve~ S~L~
v,er boss, out of veo-wv,ere,just lOORe~ re~l stuve ~ve~ tol~ v,u, "Tell c:;reg v,e veee~s to >'Aoveto ArR~veS~S
~ve~ go to worR for W~l>'A~rtl" Mo>'Awlle~ >'Aeup rLgv,t ~W~tJ ~vect s~l~, "c:;reg ItV,LveR1 veee~ to tell tJ°u
tv,ls." It see>'Ae~ rlgv,t to >'Aeso I >'A~~epl~ves to CO>'Ae ~owve v,ere ~ve~ set up lvetervlews. MtJ sLster v,elpe~
>'Aeset up ~ few ~ve~ 1W>'Ae ~owve ~ve~ spevet:2 weeRs lOORlveg, ~ve~ ~l~ve't f've~ ~vetJtv,lveg.
1wevet b~cR to Soutv, D~Rot~ ~ve~ >'AtJwlfe v,~~ p~cRe~ up ~ve~ s~l~ sv,e w~s golveg b~cR to Port-
l~ve~, oregove. Tv,eve It w~sjust >'Ae~ve~ tv,e Rl~s there ~ve~ I covetlveue~ to pr~tJ. I ~l~ve't v,~ve ~job, 1
w~s c~lllveg ~owve v,ere cv,ecRlveg ovejobs, ~ve~ >'AtJsLster w~s Cv,eCRLvegfor >'Ae,but veotv,lveg w~s v,~p-
pevelveg. So flve~lltJ, I re~lltJ felt llRe slvece tv,e ",lble S~tJS f~ltv, wltv,out worRs ls ~e~~, I tv,ougv,t, "I
guess 1'>'Ajust golveg to v'~ve to put SO>'Ae~ctlove to >'AtJf~ltv,." I ctl~ve't eveve v,~ve >'AoveetJto >'Aovebut I
just st~rte~ >'A~Rlveg prep~r~tloves to ~o Lt. Mo>'A ~ve~ D~~ p~l~ for tv,e trucR to get >'AtJstuff ~owve
I W>'Aectowve ~ve~ st~tJe~ wltv, >'AtJbrotv,er uvetll I fouve~ ~ v,ouse. 1stlll ~L~ve't v'~ve ~job, but It w~s
~fter flve~Lveg tv,e v,ouse tv,~t I got ~ c~ll fro>'A W~l>'A~rt. I wevet lve ~ ve~ lvetervlewe~ ~ve~ thetJ v,Lre~ >'Ae
for >'Aore>'AoveetJtv,~ ve wv,~t tv,etJ veor>'A~lltJ woul~ for tv,~t job ~ ve~ It w~s ~job I re~lltJ lLRe~. It w~s lve
tv,e >'A~Lveteve~vece~ep~rt>'Aevet. I w~s w~vetlveg ~ >'A~ve~ge>'AevetposltLove, so ~ tJe~r l~ter I ~pplle~ lve
>'A~ve~ge>'Aevet. Tv,ere were veOjobs lve >'A~ve~ge>' coul~ve't eveve butJ ovee, but I got pro>'Aote~
lveto >'A~ve~ge>'Aevet~s >'A~lveteve~vece>'A~ve~ger. I re~lltJ llRe~ tv,~t ~ loti
So th~t's v,ow 1felt ~lrecte~ to CO>'Aehere. Tv,e oveltJ tv,lveg 1 wve s~tJ ~bout wv,tJ I'>'Av,ere ls tv,~t c:;o~
>'AUst w~vet >'Aev,ere. I coul~ v,~ve govee ~vetJwv,ere to worR for W~l>'A~rt. It's lveterestlveg tv,~t >'AtJ
brotv,er >'Aove~ v,ere, tv,eve >'AtJslster >'Aove~ v,ere tv,eve 1 >'Aove~~ve~ tv,eve >'AtJ>'AO>'A
~ve~ ~~~ >'Aove~ v,ere!
we're ~ll v,ere except ovee slster.
TVlere v'~ve beeve tl>'Aes wv,eve I'Ve tv,ougv,t tv,ls ls ~ goo~ pl~ce to be ~ve~ wltv, wv,~t corrle teve "'OO>'A
v,~~ S~L~ ~bout tv,e ~re~ ~ve~ ~ lot of people v,~ve s~l~, tv,ere's golveg to be SO>'Aegre~t tv,lvegs v,~ppevelveg
v,ere, but lve tv,e l~st tJe~r or so I'Ve beeve tV,lveRlveg ~ lot ~bout wv,ue we sv,oul~ be pl~vete~ for tv,e l~st
~~tJs. Motv,er ~ve~ I v'~ve beeve ~olveg ~ lot of t~lRlveg ~ve~ pr~tJ"veg ~bout wv,ere we sv,oul~ be or wv,ere
we sv,oul~ llve. ",ut ever slvece I'Ve beeve re~~lveg tv,e Comer c:;~tv,erlveg Newsletter WLtV,testL>'Aoveles ~ve~
~rW>'AS ~ve~ vlsloves, I v,~veve't felt so >'AUCv,llRe swrcv,lveg for ~veotv,erpl~ce. It's beeve cO>'Afortlveg ~ve~
re~ssurlveg to re~~ tv,~t people ~re >'Aovlvegv,ere bec~use tv,etJ feel tv,ls ls ~ goo~ pl~ce for tv,e l~st ~~tJs.
I ~l~ve't CO>'Aev,ere for tv,~t rwsove, I W>'Aev,ere bewuse I felt c:;o~ tol~ >'Aeto CO>'Aev,ere ~ve~ worR for
W~l>'A~rt. I tV,lveR tv,~t ~ lot of people eve~ up here btJ otv,u >'Ae~veSbut >'A~tJbe tv,e eve~ LS ~lW~tJs tv,e
S~>'Ae. I >'AWve,wv,etv,er It's ~job or f~ >'AlltJor wv,~tever, It's ~ >'Ae~veSto ~veeve~. It >'A~tJ be tv,e oveltJ w~ tJ
tie c~ ve get our ~ttevetlove, ~ polvet of referevece, bewuse sO>'Aetl>'Aeswe're veot eveve tV,LveRlveg~bout wv,ere
we ~re golveg to llve lve tv,e l~st ~~tJs. 1tV,lveRtv,~t's v,ow ~ lot of people WLve~up v,ere.
SO>'Aepeople CO>'Aehere ~ ve~ belLeve c:;o~ sevet tv,e>'Av,ere but tv,eve for ovee re~sove or ~ veotv,er tv,etJ left.
well, ~l~ c:;oct>'Ae~vewv,~t v,e s~l~ or w~s It cove~ltLove~l' 1~oubt It w~s cove~Ltlove~l. Tv,e scrlptures
s~tJ tv,e c~res of tv,ls worl~ veulllftJ tv,e Wor~ of c:;o~. wv,ether It's wrltteve or spoReve lve tJour v,wrt, Lt
ls stlLL the Wor~ of c:;o~. people ~re sevet v,ere bewuse Lt'S ~ goo~ pl~ce for tv,e l~st ~~tJs. Tv,~t ~oesve't
>'AWve It's tv,e splrLtu~l c~pLt~l of the worl~. wh~t LStv,e splrLtu~l wplt~l of tv,e worl~?
I'Ve beeve hue iO tJe~rs. k,veOWLvegtv,~t other ~eople CO>'Aev,ere bellevlveg Lt'S ~ goo~ pl~ce to be lve

~r Cl/JZd!woP}!ea&a;nt it U/(He 6~
tD dm-dI ~ m lUZif? (fJ5"&a/m 133..1
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