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Instructions: The teacher will need to give the class the words that are in black.

The goal is for the

students to be able to give you a synonym of that word. Be ready to see what students come up with.
Feel free to correct students if they don’t get it right.

This also helps students expand their vocabulary.

Instructions: A clever way to get your students moving. Either you can do the entire list in one day or
split it into two. The agent that is the last one to come back with an item is eliminated until you have the
past person standing.
4 Clicks Away
Instructions: Give your students a website that has various links to click on. The idea of the game is for
the students to go to the initial webpage and click on something that might interest them. They can only
click on a link 4 times. Once completed agents need to write down the steps on how they got there and
also a brief description of webpage they ended up on the fourth click.

This is a fun way to see where agents ended up and what their interest are.

Websites to be used:

Story Telling:
Guitar guy. CX
Instructions: At the beginning of a lesson start of by telling a story.( true
events or made up) that way you get all participants to share as well and its
more interactive. Once the module is giving you can go back and tie it all

 Soft skills- Customer Service story

 Grammar- Start a sentence and have each add on to make a story.
 Two guys tell the same story
What’s my line?
Instructions: Give the students 3-4 of the below phrases and they must guess what
phrase what not said in the trailer. COULD BE WITH ROLE PLAYS USING

The Avengers:

Why is Tony being so obnoxious

At the end it will be every men for himself

I am a huge fan of how you lose control.


Where is the rest of me

You better get in there and save her.

Are you going to help or are you too pretty.

Do you guys want to play this weird game I found

Bad Boys for Life:

This is the best reunion since the backstreet boys.

Ya’ll will never do that again.

Knock and talk

You want your legacy to be muscle shirts

Fast Furioso 9- Han is back:

Press the pedal to the metal

We risk everything.
There is nothing more powerful than the love for family.

Little Brian I have a gift for you.

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