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The killer behind meat

“Nothing will benefit health and increase the chances of survival of life on earth as the
evolution to a vegetarian diet” –Albert Einstein

Meat industry is killing people, is killing the world and it is a secret that the society shouldn’t
know. Had you ever thought in be vegetarian? Do you know the benefits of it? Why eating
meat is more a harm than an advantage?
As paranoiac as it seems, it is true, meat consumption is not necessary for living; it is more a
cruel business which silences the slaughter of animals and increases the global warming than a
requirement for human life.
Besides that it can be a bad “tradition” since it can be the reason of many illnesses.
The vegetarianism is a good way to be more health, take care of environment and animals, and
also to prevent some diseases.

In the first place, the vegetarianism can prevent heart diseases, it is healthier than animal-
based food and it is nutritionally adequate.
Debbie Carthew an American citizen was diagnosed with bowel cancer; she researched about
the illness and discovered that the animal products were most of the problem; as a
consequence she decided to change her diet to a base-plant one.
Studies from Harvard medical school show that a animal-based free diet, not only provides less
fat and cholesterol, but also it supplies more vitamins C and E, dietary fibre, folic acid,
potassium and magnesium, with improve the immune system.
What is more, 10.896 people were followed for 10 years by doctors of Oxford University; they
found a 32% lower risk of death from heart disease among vegetarians. In addition, this people
seem to have some protections against I.D.H.

Secondly, animal industry can be harm in the economical matter, since animal agriculture is
responsible for more greenhouse gases than the entire world’s transportation system.
Besides this, it takes an enormous amount of water to grow crops for animals to eat and to give
them to drink. People for ethical treatment of animals or PETA state that just one cow can drink
50 gallons of water per day.
As a result, the costs to produce energy, protein and resources from animal-based food are
higher than the ones from plant-based food.
The already mentioned meat industry is literally a pollution maker due to the waste of water
used in the animals feeding, the deforestation from the necessity of land and due to all the
amount of CO2 or carbon dioxide expelled to the atmosphere. Therefore ingest of animal based
food is an enhancer of global warming too.

Thirdly the animal-based Industries don’t care about welfare of animals, they usually suffer
abuses and live less than a year without feeling the grass or the sunlight one single time.
PETA explained that in today’s American factory farms, since they born, animals are crammed
by thousands into filthy windowless cages and stuffed into metal crates and other torturous
This animals cannot do anything that is natural for them, these factory farms maximize the
production minimizing costs which takes away animal welfare making them dying for infections
or diseases.
Also, these farms use antibiotics to make animals grow faster and to keep them alive in
unsanitary conditions like little spaces where they cannot even turn around or lie down
Most factory farmed animals have been genetically manipulated to grow larger or to produce
more resources than they naturally would.
This suffering is not necessary, is not essential the meat consumption for human being, it have
to be replaced.

By the other hand, some experts of the medical daily magazine postulate that meat could be so
beneficial for the body, because it contains a large amount of protein, iron, zinc and selenium
which helps in the haemoglobin forming and oxygen transportation, also it produces a well
number of antibodies that will protect the body from infections. They declare that meat is
necessary for the nutrient and specifically for the B-12 vitamin absorption.
Nevertheless, in spite of the rightful of the previous declaration about the components of meat,
a vegetarian diet supplies in the same or even in a higher quantity the nutrients that the meat
According to the American dietetic association, an adequate plant-based diet is nutritionally
sufficient, it can replace totally the animal-based products and the consumption of a great
amount of vegetables can make you fell more active and light.
“Appropriately planed vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets are healthful,
nutritionally adequate and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of
certain diseases. vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life
cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes”
declared the American dietetic association.

As you can see, the meat consumption is not good, neither for human nor for environment, it is
an unnecessary waste of money in economical aspects, and it is a cruel business which exploits
animals for get resources. Is true that meat gives a good amount of necessary nutrients for
human developing, but all of these nutrients can be replaced with other plant-based food.
Nowadays climate change had observable effects on the environment, glaciers have shrunk,
endangered animals are more and more every day, the summer is hotter every year and the
winter is colder.
Nasa’s researchers have said that in a closer future the sea ice will disappear, in consequence
the sea level will rise and it will be more intense heat waves, the global temperatures will
continue rising for decades to come. It is just a result of the greenhouse gases produced by
human activities, including eating meat.
All of it Worth it? For just a piece of meat are you going to throw everything to the thrash?
The easiest and one of the most effectives ways to contribute to the increasing to environment
an animal’s welfare is vegetarianism, nevertheless a vegan diet would be the best idea.
Finally as a reflexion thought, think why a dog’s life is more important than a cow’s life? Why is
more important an insignificant pleasure than the animals life? Or the world’s welfare? Or
even your own health?

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