Indoor Scavenger Pages

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suaquied ‘Burjsew syafoid quawanosdus! awoy (aney oy uossiuuiad yse) ssameup eounaaye “ionp :adey| wioay sdeuos ‘sass | — yun{ yo ss@usoo ayy sueak og ueyy JO Spury yuasayig ‘sjreu pjo awos Ul pundy sway} [00D | Japjo sejuUad awos sueew ue jo suawaja | —anj84o apyoq e pue Bupyiom awios wseAjo eq y | 943 214JM pue Yyueas | Jaded jo avaid atue| y auesew (ways yum o8 Iwmpoo 2 yo yno 3n9 suaya} | 07 suoAes> e10W pue) 01 08 03 spaau ypap pjo ue wos pue spiom a8ue] | uoAes pauadieys y 343 400q pjo uy ‘spies SurAejd awos (39 ‘sdyjasaded ‘suonng (@ | Pio) sway aiqejahoas eandwiey uossjuued yse) quejd qeuss 12430 40 siojoasayem asnoy e Woy jyeajy| 40 sde> aj0q aWos | NOA Jo ainyId pjo uy pue ysnuqquied y Gino umop -a8pa| yseayoyuolssjwued| — way ayum-uBisap qWBiess e aye OF yse) auizeSew jo sajdjauud Susyyawos so sajna y |e wos aunqoid [ooo y ayy dn yoo] Jaye aidueys y € 5 x= 6 D> 2 o S 5 & a oe 2 ° = 2 ¢ Indoor Scavenger Hunt How many of these items can you find around the house? stuffed bear x paper airplane /) random sock =p sunglasses we book to crayon L toy truck Ld potted plant w ruler o toothepaste 6 flashlight e De mug or cup é keys A alarm clock measuring tape ena ball of any sort GB scarf S a building blocks baby doll z salt and pepper [if copyright © About A Mom Can You Find Them All? An elastic band A square of toilet paper Aleft sock Something fluffy Apiece of LEGO A jigsaw piece Apencil Your favourite book A photograph Something white Aplaying card -H- ooo000000000 © Aspoon CJ something green © Anecklace Aball Your favourite doll or teddy Apaper clip ‘Something to eat A.cushion or pillow Acoin oo Something square Adice all-star scavenger hunt x x * @* wre, ach tom yo find ean cndy count foward one (1) extogry. LU Somethieg GREEN 1 Something with the number “2” U Somethirg BROWN 1) Something with an arrow on it UA rectangle (1 Something you can wear around your neck (1A stor 1 Something used to play games 1 Something that can hold water U Something that rolls L Something that can open and close UA Hssue 1 Something sparkly Something used to measure Uy Something clear L153 things that can be stacked Ly Something that stretches 1 Something that was 0 gft 1 Something with the letter "H" [J Something you can read (or can be read to you) ‘Von't forget to pot everything hack where you foond it once the Seavenger Ht s over. Thane yo. 2014 htpstmwe ROCromne Hagepot com ope) Stamper pl

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