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In many countries, the rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poorer.

Why is this a problem?

What solutions are there to tackle this problem?

There have many problems between rich and poor people lead to the gap its. Two classes of
society is widened because the rich arembecoming richer while the poor are standing still.
This a big problem for many countries such as: the gap is futher, the literacy is different and

One problem is that the income inequality. The rich who have much money are not worry
about finance. They have enough money for study. Their job require degree which is
equivalent their wage are high. In contrast, the other people who are not rich is the poor.
The job have good salary which anyone expect not for them. Because, their finance is not
enough for study so they can not find one job as expect. Therefore, income between rich
and poor people is not the same. This leads to a problem: “If you rich, you will richer”, “If
you poor, you will poorer”.

The solution is indispensable. From my poin of view, creating opportunities for the poor
cannot be without. For instance, the rich who are much money can help the poor by:
sponsor a little money to make capital for the poor. This is meaningful, Vietnamese people
often say: “The good leaves protect the worn-out leaves”. When poor people are financial
stability, they can create everything.

To sum up, one person can not choose your life when you were born. But you can change
everything when you are mature.

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