Formula, Good or Not For The Babies ?: Written By: Rakhmah Sari Indah C. - XII P7 /28

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Do you know about formula?  It is the type of milk which contains all of the
essential nutrients and vitamins needed by the babies to grow strong and to be healthy.
This is given to the babies as the other choice of breast milk. Nowadays, lots of mothers
choose formula instead of breast milk for some reasons. Their reasons such as not having
time to breastfeed or the little breast milk production. However, does formula give the
same nutrition like breast milk? Can the contents in the formula represent the nutrition
needed by the babies? Here are some plus and minus of formula.

Formula has some benefits not only for the babies but also for the mothers. You
know why? Because it is more flexible than breast milk. The babies do not have to totally
depend on their mothers when they feel hungry or thirsty. When the mothers get a trip,
the babies can still get their food intake from the formula, so the mothers do not have to
worry to breastfeed their baby. Not only that, the mother do not need to control their food
intake because the babies have got the complete nutrition from the formula. The other
reason, formula needs a longer time to be digested, so the babies will feel more full than
dringking the breast milk.

In the other hand, formula will not be as good as breast milk especially in its
nutrition. No matter how modern the technology in this era is, it will not match the
complexity of the various components of the breastmilk which contains complete
nutritions for the babies. The solution of this is to create the ‘duplicate’ which is equal
and can substitute the breast milk especially the nutrition. Beside that, the antibodies in
the formula are not as complete as in the breast milk. It is difficult for people to create the
‘duplicate’ of breast milk which provides the same quality of antibodies. Consequently,
it doesn’t give the needed antibodies enough to fight the infection and disease. Even a lot
of babies and toddlers have allergies with formula because there are some abnormal
reactions from the immune system. The other reason is for the lower-class people who
don’t have enough money, formula is more expensive than breast milk which can be
obtained freely. Preparing formula is also not that easy because it must be given by a

Written by : Rakhmah Sari Indah C. | XII

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sterilized bottle and the mothers have to control the temperature, whether warm enough
or not.

However, formula can help the mothers to give the essential nutrients and
vitamins needed by the babies to grow up and to be healthy when they can’t give it from
their breast milk although none of brand of formula which is better, or can imitate breast
milk, or similar to breast milk, or even close to breast milk. Therefore breast milk is still
the best.

Written by : Rakhmah Sari Indah C. | XII

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 Question
1. What is being discussed in the text above?
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
3. What are the reasons of the mothers can’t give their breast milk?
4. Please mention some reasons show that formula is not as good as breast milk!
5. Do you think that formula is cheap?
6. What do these words refer to?
a. “they” (par.2) = ………………………………….
b. “it” (par.3) = …………………………………….
7. What is the meaning of the words below?
a.Essential (par.1) = ………………………………
b. Food intake (par.2) = …………………………...
c.Equla (par.3) = ………………………………….
d. Obtained (par.3) = ………………………………

 Answer
1. The text discussed about plus and minus of formula for the mothers and the
2. Formula has some benefits not only for the babies but also for the mothers.
3. The reasons such as not having time to breastfeed or the less breast milk
4. Some reasons are:
 formula will not be as good as breast milk especially in its nutrition. No
matter how modern the technology in this era is, it will not match the
complexity of the various components of the breastmilk which contains
complete nutrition for the babies.
 the antibodies in the formula are not as complete as in the breast milk.
Consequently, it doesn’t give the needed antibodies enough to fight the
infection and disease.
 formula is more expensive than breast milk which can be obtained freely.
 preparing formula is also not that easy because it must be given by a
sterilized bottle and the mothers have to control the temperature, whether
warm enough or not.
5. No, I don’t. Formula is expensive especially for the lower-class people.
6. The words below refer to:
a. They = the babies
b. It = formula
7. Meaning :
a. Essential = important
b. Food intake = necessary of food

Written by : Rakhmah Sari Indah C. | XII

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c. Equal = same with
d. Obtained = got

Written by : Rakhmah Sari Indah C. | XII

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