Act 4 Ev 4 Sesion Virtual Prepositions

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Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidencia 4: Sesión virtual “Prepositions”

Maria Yurley Rodriguez Ayala


Punto 1. Lista de diez oraciones relacionadas con el tema de los canales de
distribución, utilizando por lo menos una preposición.

1. The distribution channel in  the market, define the stages of a product from the
manufacturer to the final consumer.

2. The marketing uses all the types of strategies on TV, on  the radio, on  the
streets, for increase the market coverage.

3. The distribution channel is chosen by  management in consideration of market

coverage, intermediaries, consequences and control.

4. The best enterprises hide, under  their success, a series of criteria chosen by
management for increase their cost effectiveness.

5. In the distribution channel is important decide the number of intermediaries,


With fewer intermediaries there will be less costs.

6. The best distribution channel for one specific product will be beneficial for the

 7. A good market coverage for the product, will enable business relationships

 the world.

8. Under  ten points of sold, the distribution strategy is exclusive.

9. Upon  ten points of sold, the distribution strategy is intensive.

10. The management should choose the best distribution channel according of his
product before

 the execution for guaranteed the effectiveness.

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