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Therapeutic Perspective

Antiseptics in the era of bacterial

resistance: a focus on povidone iodine

Jean-Marie Lachapelle*1, Olivier Castel2, Alejandro Fueyo Casado3,

Bernard Leroy1, Giuseppe Micali4, Dominique Tennstedt1 & Julien Lambert5

Practice Points
„„ Increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics makes the management of superficial
skin infections a major medical challenge. Antiseptics have broader spectrums of
antimicrobial activity and a reduced potential for selection of bacterial resistance, relative
to antibiotics. Consequently, antiseptics are appropriate alternatives to antibiotics for the
prevention and treatment of superficial skin infections.
„„ Of four widely used antiseptics (povidone iodine, polihexanide, chlorhexidine and
octenidine), povidone iodine has a particularly broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity
that includes Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, bacterial spores, fungi,
protozoa and viruses.
„„ Widespread and extended use of povidone iodine is not associated with the selection of
resistant bacterial strains. In contrast, bacterial resistance to chlorhexidine, quaternary
ammonium salts, silver and triclosan has been documented.
„„ Regarding duration of effect on healthy skin, chlorhexidine is active for 1–4 h, whereas
solutions of povidone iodine are active for 12–14 h.
„„ Aqueous and hydroalcoholic formulations of povidone iodine have good skin tolerance.
Povidone iodine scrub has better skin tolerance than soap formulations of chlorhexidine
and quaternary ammonium compounds (e.g., benzalkonium chloride and cetrimide).
„„ There is an urgent need for well-designed studies directly comparing the clinical and
economic profiles of antiseptics in this setting; nonetheless, povidone iodine can be
considered as a first-choice antiseptic in the management of superficial skin infections.
Cliniques Universitaires St. Luc, Avenue Hippocrate 10, 1200 Bruxelles, Belgium
Laboratoire de Bactériologie et Hygiène, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Poitiers, BP 577, 86021 Poitiers cedex,
Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Università di Catania, A.O.U. Policlinico-Vittorio Emanuele, Via Santa Sofia, 78-95123 Catania, Italy
Department of Dermatology, Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen, Wilrijkstraat 10, 2650 Edegem, Belgium
*Author for correspondence: Tel.: +32 104 721 11; Fax: +32 104 729 99; part of

10.2217/CPR.13.50 © 2013 Future Medicine Ltd Clin. Pract. (2013) 10(5), 579–592 ISSN 2044-9038 579
Therapeutic Perspective | Lachapelle, Castel, Casado et al.

Summary Antiseptics have broader spectrums of antimicrobial activity than antibiotics

and a much lower risk of bacterial resistance selection. Antiseptics are therefore appropriate
alternatives to antibiotics for the management of localized superficial skin infections. Povidone
iodine has the broadest spectrum of antimicrobial activity of the available antiseptics, and
has a rapid and persistent microbicidal effect. It is active against Gram-positive and -nega-
tive bacteria, bacterial spores, fungi, protozoa and several viruses, including H1N1 influenza
virus (swine flu). It also has good skin tolerance, and is only a weak allergen: it is rarely asso-
ciated with immediate allergic reactions, which are more prevalent with chlorhexidine. It has
also been shown to promote wound healing. Although additional data are needed from well-
designed clinical trials, povidone iodine 10% can be considered as a first-choice antiseptic for
the prevention and treatment of superficial skin infections.

Resistance to antibiotic treatment is becoming anti­septics used in superficial skin infections in

increasingly reported, thus making the man- the era of increasing bacterial resistance, with a
agement of superficial skin infections a major specific focus on the role and place of povidone
medical challenge [1] . However, antiseptics iodine. Data sources included a bibliographic
(e.g., povidone iodine, polihexanide, chlorhexi- search using MEDLINE, conference proceed-
dine and octenidine; shown in Figure  1) are ings and company databases from 1980 to 2013.
often appropriate alternatives to antimicrobial The selected reference list was investigated
chemotherapy, and current guidelines advocate to identify any key literature not available on
the use of wound antiseptics when infections are MEDLINE and this was augmented by reviews
localized and have not spread systemically [1,101] . and important articles known to the authors.
Local treatment with antiseptics is expected to
become even more prominent in future wound Mechanisms of antiseptic action
management strategies, since antiseptics have Antiseptics can be considered in two classes,
broad spectrums of antimicrobial activity, and according to molecular size of the antimicro-
are available in convenient and well-tolerated bial constituent. Small molecules (e.g., diiodine,
formulations [1] . Indeed, the spectrums of anti- also referred to as ‘free iodine’, from povidone
bacterial activity are broader for antiseptics than iodine) readily penetrate bacterial membrane
antibiotics and, because of several sites of action channels (porins) and cause oxidation of pro-
on bacteria, antiseptics have a much lower risk teins within the bacterial cytoplasm, whereas
(or absence) of bacterial resistance selection [2] . large molecules (e.g., chlorhexidine) cannot pass
Patients with burns are especially susceptible through porins and must adsorb to the microbial
to colonization or contamination of wounds membrane before activity. Porins are present in
owing to large wound areas and the presence the plasma membrane of Gram-positive bacteria,
of exudates and necrotic tissue in wound beds. and in both the outer and plasma membranes of
Antiseptic prophylaxis is therefore appropriate. Gram‑negative bacteria.
It is also required to prevent secondary wound In the case of povidone iodine, diiodine is
infection (resulting from surface microbes released gradually from a neutral polymer base
migrating into deeper tissues) in patients with (polyvinylpyrrolidone), and subsequent micro-
trauma wounds from bites, stabbing incidents or bial membrane penetration of free iodine and
traffic accidents. Generally, a single application intracytoplasmic protein oxidation cannot be
of antiseptic is needed for contaminated intact stopped. Thus, povidone iodine has a particu-
skin or where wound access and tissue perfusion larly broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity [3]
are good, whereas repeated cleansing with anti- and a lack of chromosome- or plasmid-mediated
septic until elimination of infection is required bacterial resistance. However, povidone iodine
for clinically infected wounds [2,101] . has variable activity against Actinobacteria
The purpose of the current article is to pro- (e.g., Corynebacterium spp., Mycobacterium spp.
vide an overview of four commonly available and Nocardia spp., among others), since these

580 Clin. Pract. (2013) 10(5) future science group

Antiseptics in the era of bacterial resistance: a focus on povidone iodine | Therapeutic Perspective

N χ1
n N N
Povidone iodine

Cl Cl
H H H Chlorhexidine




Figure 1. Selected antiseptics.

microorganisms have cell walls with a high hydrocarbon chain, binds readily on negatively
mycolic acid content, which makes it difficult charged surfaces of microbial cell envelopes and
for free iodine to penetrate. eukaryotic cell membranes, disrupting micro­
The large molecular size of chlorhexidine dic- cellular metabolism [5] . Octenidine is barely
tates that the compound cannot pass through absorbed through the skin, mucous membranes
microbial membrane porins. As a cationic or wounds [5] .
bis-biguanide, it readily adsorbs to negatively Polihexanide interacts with acidic, negatively
charged peptidoglycans in Gram-positive bac- charged phospholipids in the bacterial mem-
terial cell walls, whereas adsorption to the outer brane, which leads to increased fluidity, perme-
membrane of Gram-negative bacteria is less pre- ability and loss of integrity, followed by death
dictable. At low concentrations, chlorhexidine of the organism [1] . Polihexanide is also trans-
is bacteriostatic, since it causes breakdown of ferred to the cytoplasm of cells, resulting in the
microbial cell membranes [4] . At high concentra- disruption of bacterial metabolism [1] .
tions it is bactericidal, as it alters the membrane
resulting in its destruction with leakage of cel- Which antiseptic to choose?
lular contents from cells; it also causes coagula- In dermatology, antiseptics are used widely as
tion of cellular contents, with nucleic acid and prophylaxis or treatment in operating field disin-
protein precipitation, contributing to the death fection, and acute and chronic wound manage-
of the bacteria. ment. For use in these settings, antiseptics should
Overall, lack of adsorption to some Gram- satisfy several requirements, which differ slightly
negative bacterial cell membranes explains the according to whether healthy or infected skin is
‘incomplete’ spectrum of chlorhexidine activ- being treated (Table 1) . No antiseptic will meet
ity; for example, chlorhexidine is inactive against all listed requirements, and agents are selected
various Enterobacteriaceae (e.g., Serratia spp. based largely on three main desirable character-
and Proteus spp.), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, all istics: a broad spectrum of activity; rapidity of
Actinobacteria spp. and all spores [4] . action; and persistence of effect either for oper-
Octenidine, with two noninteracting cation-­ ating room disinfection (i.e., healthy skin) or
active centers separated by a long aliphatic treatment of infected skin.

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Table 1. Desirable characteristics for antiseptics (based on a discussion panel).

Characteristic Operating room disinfection Treatment of infected skin or
(i.e., healthy skin) acute/chronic wounds
Broadest spectrum of antimicrobial +++ +++
Rapid effect +++ +++
Persistent effect +++ +++
Limited inactivation by organic + ++
No selection of bacterial resistance + ++
Good penetration ++ +
Good skin tolerance + +++
No, or only weak, allergenic activity + ++
No cytotoxicity + ++
+: Desirable; ++: Markedly desirable; +++: Especially desirable.

„„Broadest spectrum of antimicrobial Trichophyton genera) [15–17] and povidone iodine

activity 4% shampoo used twice weekly reduced the
When assessing the antimicrobial spectrum of carriage of viable spores in children with scalp
repeated antiseptic applications, exposure times dermatophytes [15,18] .
and concentrations of active constituents must Polihexanide is a biguanide with a broad spec-
be considered. Among antiseptics, halogenated trum of antimicrobial activity against Gram-
derivatives (e.g., povidone iodine) and alcoholic positive and Gram-negative bacteria, atypical
solutions have the most extensive spectrums of organisms (e.g., Chlamydia spp. and Mycoplasma
antimicrobial activity (Table 2) [6] . spp.), and bacteria that form plaques, biofilms or
Povidone iodine has considerable activ- spores; however, polihexanide is inactive against
ity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial spores [1,101] . Polihexanide has shown
organisms, fungi and protozoa, and, with fungicidal activity against fungi such as Candida
increased exposure times, also against spores and spp. and Aspergillus spp., and in vitro, the anti-
various viruses [101] , including numerous strains septic has shown virucidal activity against
of influenza virus [7–9] . In vitro, in the absence HIV‑1 and herpes simplex virus [1] , although
of organic stress, the antimicrobial action of polihexanide is generally ineffective against
povidone iodine is usually rapid (i.e., within viruses in clinical settings [101] . Altogether, the
30 s) [101] . Recently, povidone iodine scrub dual mode of polihexanide action – inhibition
4 and 7.5%, when tested at four different expo- of metabolism inside bacterial cells and bacte-
sure times (0.25, 0.5, 2.5 and 5 min), has also rial membrane disruption after interaction with
demonstrated virucidal activity against porcine membrane phospholipids – suggests that future
influenza H1N1 virus in the presence or absence bacterial resistance development to polihexanide
of interfering proteins (fetal calf serum); thus, at is unlikely [1] .
an exposure time of 15 s, povidone iodine scrub Chlorhexidine, which is not a halogenated
4% reduced viral titer by ≥4.64–4.65 log10 ; the compound, and combinations of chlorhexidine
corresponding decrease in viral titer with povi- with quaternary ammonium salts (e.g., benzal-
done iodine scrub 7.5% was ≥4.43–4.64 log10 konium chloride and cetrimide), have narrower
[Meda Pharma, Data on File] . Moreover, several com- spectrums of antimicrobial activity than povi-
parative studies have shown that, irrespective of done iodine; that is, the activity of chlorhexidine
exposure time or dilution, povidone iodine 10% is greater against Gram-positive than Gram-neg-
is considerably more effective than chlorhexi- ative organisms (e.g., P. aeruginosa, P. mirabilis
dine against methicillin-­resistant Staphylococcus and S. marcescens), and the antiseptic has rela-
aureus (MRSA) [10–14] . Also, based on currently tively limited activity against fungi and envel-
available literature, povidone iodine appears oped viruses, and no activity against nonenvel-
to be the only antiseptic with demonstrated oped viruses and bacterial spores [5,19–21] . Bac-
activity against dermatophyte fungal infections terial strains with resistance to chlorhexidine,
(e.g., caused by species in the Microsporum or quaternary ammonium salts, silver sulfadiazine

582 Clin. Pract. (2013) 10(5) future science group

Antiseptics in the era of bacterial resistance: a focus on povidone iodine | Therapeutic Perspective

and triclosan have been documented [4,22] , and Nonetheless, in vitro data show that, against
epidemics (e.g., infections caused by S. marces- methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) and
cens [23,24] or postinjection Mycobacterium absces- MRSA, alcohol solutions are bactericidal after
sus infections [25]) associated with solutions con- 10 s, and povidone iodine 10% is bactericidal
taining chlorhexidine or quaternary ammonium after 15–20 s [13] . Usually (in vitro and with-
salts have also been reported [23–25] . out organic stress) povidone iodine, similar to
Octenidine also has a wide-ranging spec- octenidine, has antimicrobial activity within
trum of antimicrobial activity that encom- 30 s [101] . Polihexanide 0.04% has slower gen-
passes Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacte- eral bactericidal activity (within 1–25 min)
ria, MRSA, plaque-forming organisms such as than povidone iodine and octenidine [5,101] , and
Actinomyces spp. and Streptococcus spp., atypical chlorhexidine is active against MSSA after 20 s,
organisms such as Chlamydia spp. and Myco- but takes 20 min for activity against MRSA
plasma spp., fungi, and some enveloped viruses [14] . After a contact time of 1 min without bio-
(e.g., hepatitis B virus and herpes simplex virus) burden, octenidine was more effective against
[5,101] . However, octenidine is ineffective against S. aureus, Escherichia coli and C. albicans than
protozoa and spores [101] . povidone iodine, polihexanide, chlorhexidine or
Various other chemical entities with anti­ triclosan [5] .
septic properties demonstrate only limited anti­
microbial activity. For example, in vitro, hydro- „„ Persistent effect
gen peroxide has relatively low bactericidal activ- In terms of duration of effect on healthy skin,
ity against vegetative forms of Gram-positive solutions of povidone iodine are active for
and Gram-negative bacteria, and its activity is 12–14 h, whereas chlorhexidine is active for
reduced by the presence of blood [26,101] . Silver only 1–4 h [29] . Lasting bactericidal activity on
sulfadiazine is bacteriostatic and fungistatic the skin surface has been reported for iodophors
only, and clinically its overall risk:benefit ratio (e.g., povidone iodine) because free iodine pen-
is now considered rather unfavorable [27,101] . etrates subepidermal layers and subsequently
Triclosan possesses only low-to-moderate bac- returns to the skin surface [30] . Alcoholic solu-
tericidal and fungicidal activity. The antiseptic tions of povidone iodine and chlorhexidine can
activity of potassium permanganate solution further prolong the duration of action for these
(1:10,000), which is sometimes used to reduce antiseptics. Both polihexanide and octenidine
leg ulcer weeping via an astringent effect, has are adsorbed to microbial cell surfaces and
been seriously questioned [28] . therefore have sustained effects over several
hours [1,5] ; indeed, as octenidine binds readily to
„„Rapid effect negatively charged surfaces and is not absorbed
Limited data are available regarding the rapid- percutaneously, at least a part of the applied sub-
ity of antiseptic action in dermatologic settings. stance remains on the site of application, thus

Table 2. Antimicrobial spectrums of activity for four widely used antiseptics.

Antiseptic Vegetative bacteria Spores Fungi Viruses
Gram-positive Gram-negative Actinobacteria
Halogenated compound
Povidone iodine 10% BC +++, LS BC +++, LS BC ++ SC ++ FC +++, LS VC ++, LS
Polihexanide BC +++, LS BC +++, LS NA NA FC ++, IS VC +, IS
Chlorhexidine BC +++, LS BC +++, IS NA NA FC ++, IS VC +, IS
Cationic surfactant
Octenidine BC ++, LS BC ++, IS NA NA FC ++, IS VC +, IS
Ethanol 70% BC +, LS BC +, LS BC + NA FC +, LS VC +
+: Weak; ++: Medium; +++: High.
BC: Bactericidal; FC: Fungicidal; IS: Incomplete spectrum; LS: Large spectrum; NA: No activity; SC: Sporicidal; VC: Virucidal.
Data taken from [1,5,6,14,19–21,101].

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exerting a sustained antimicrobial effect [5] , the treatment of impetigo, antiseptics represent
which is apparent even against transient infec- an alternative management option [37] , particu-
tions that reach the skin after initial disinfec- larly for recurrent infections [38] . Indeed, Szepe-
tion [31] . This residual effect of octenidine was tiuk and colleagues demonstrated clinical supe-
shown to decrease skin colonization over time riority of povidone iodine gel compared with
in a prospective, observational study evaluating fusidic acid cream in 40 children with impe-
62 severely immunocompromised patients with tigo (390 treated lesions); treatment cure was
135 central venous catheters; by 2 weeks post- obtained in 67.5 and 15.0% of sites treated with
central venous catheter insertion, most cultures povidone iodine and fusidic acid, respectively
were negative [32] . Overall, to ensure appropriate [39] . In this study, discrete-to-moderate sting-
antisepsis, manufacturers’ recommended contact ing sensations were reported in 15.0 and 12.5%
times should always be followed. of povidone iodine- and fusidic acid-treated
impetigo lesions, respectively [39] .
„„Limited inactivation by organic Furthermore, to reduce any potential for devel-
compounds opment of microbial resistance to antiseptics,
All antiseptics undergo some degree of inactiva- several strategies can be adopted:
tion by organic compounds such as blood, pus
ƒƒ Use antiseptics with the broadest spectrums
and serous fluids, but the extent of inactivation
of antimicrobial activity;
varies from one antiseptic to another. Povidone
iodine, for instance, is inactivated to a lesser ƒƒ Remove organic compounds (blood, pus and
degree than chlorhexidine, since the iodophor serous fluids) by showering before antiseptics
reacts weakly with proteins [6,10,19,30] . Albumin, are applied [40,41] ;
blood and mucin have been reported to have no
ƒƒ Maintain adequate exposure times and local
major influence on the microbicidal activity of
antiseptic concentrations in vivo.
octenidine, whereas cardiolipin and chondroi-
tin sulfate may reduce or abolish such activity Because of the mode of action of halogen­
[5] . Similarly, blood and albumin have no major ated compounds (see ‘Mechanisms of antiseptic
effect on the antimicrobial activity of poli- action’ section), widespread and extended use of
hexanide, but this antiseptic is also incompatible povidone iodine is not associated with the selec-
with chondroitin sulfate [1] . tion of resistant bacterial strains [33,42] . Bacterial
resistance to polihexanide and octenidine has
„„No selection of bacterial resistance also not been reported and is not anticipated
This desirable feature of antisepsis is particularly [1,5] . Conversely, bacterial resistance to chlorhex-
important in light of the current major public idine, quaternary ammonium salts, silver and
health problems posed by resistant bacteria, triclosan has been documented [6,12,14,19,43] , and
especially vancomycin-resistant enterococci and chlorhexidine-resistant strains of P. mirabilis
MRSA. Additionally, some topical antimicrobial have been identified in a clinical setting [44] .
agents such as gentamicin are bactericidal but are Thus, acquired resistance – which alters bacte-
generally avoided as they induce bacterial resis- rial susceptibility by, for example, altering the
tance. Careful selection of antiseptics is therefore outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria and
required to avoid similar resistance problems to preventing anti­septic adsorption – appears to be
those associated with topical antibiotics [33,34] . A increasing. Indeed, genes conferring resistance
recent study, involving >88,000 cases of impe- to chlorhexidine and quaternary ammonium
tigo, by the Swedish Infection Control Society compounds have been identified in up to 42%
[35,36] showed that the increased use of fusidic of S. aureus isolates in Europe and Japan [45,46] .
acid in impetigo has led to an epidemic of fusidic
acid-resistant S. aureus (Figure 2) . A large reduc- „„Good penetration
tion in the fusidic acid prescriptions has sub- Antiseptic penetration into deep layers of the
sequently led to a decrease in resistant strains, skin optimizes antimicrobial activity against
confirming the correlation between prescription resident flora, and such penetration can be
and the selection of resistance (Figure 2) . increased by mechanical pressure. Thus, anti-
Although, based on best clinical evidence, septics should be carefully painted onto healthy
topical antibiotics are generally advocated for skin to maximize antimicrobial activity. When

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Antiseptics in the era of bacterial resistance: a focus on povidone iodine | Therapeutic Perspective

applied with friction, alcohol has been shown 16 60

Fusidic acid cream 0–12 years FuRSA 0–12 years
to reduce bacterial counts by 1.9–3.0 log10 col-
Fusidic acid cream >12 years FuRSA >12 years
ony-forming units, compared with a decrease of 14

Fusidic acid cream (g/1000 inhabitants)

only 1.0–1.2 log10 colony-forming units when
applied without friction [47] . Overall, alcohol 12 45

Proportion of FuRSA (%)

maximizes the skin penetration of active anti-
septic constituents (e.g., iodine), and when- 10
ever possible, the use of alcohol-containing
antiseptics should be recommended in clinical 8 30
„„Good skin tolerance
Aqueous and hydroalcoholic formulations 4 15
of povidone iodine have good skin tolerance
[48,49] . In addition, povidone iodine scrub has
better skin tolerance than soap formulations
of chlorhexidine and quaternary ammonium
0 0
compounds. In an in vitro 3D human skin











model, povidone iodine was considerably less
irritating than chlorhexidine and quaternary Year
ammonium compounds [50,51] . Thomas Hunt
(University of California, San Francisco, Figure 2. Prevalence of fusidic acid-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Sweden.
USA), stated that “sceptics who put nothing Prevalence is shown by age group (0–12 years [solid lines] and >12 years [dashed
in wounds but the things they put in their eye lines]) and is correlated with the prescription of fusidic acid for impetigo.
will be happy to hear that povidone iodine is FuRSA: Fusidic acid-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
now used in newborn eyes to prevent ophthal- Reproduced with permission from [35].
mia neonatorum (a purulent discharge) and
the safety is unquestioned” [52] . Furthermore, chlorhexidine (p < 0.001) (Figure 3) . The variable
to our knowledge, there are no clinical studies effect of the povidone iodine 7% solution was
that report pain induced by the application of attributed to the presence of iodates (stabilizers)
an antiseptic. in the formulation [51] .
Generally, iodophors have better tissue tolera-
bility than octenidine/phenoxyethanol combina- „„ No, or only weak, allergenic activity
tions and chlorhexidine-containing formulations There has been much debate and contention
[101] . For instance, phenoxyethanol is absorbed among dermatologists about the potential for
across the skin, and then undergoes metabolism allergic contact dermatitis associated with povi-
to phenoxyacetic acid and urinary excretion. done iodine [53–56] . However, it is logical to
In some countries, therefore, use of octenidine expect any topically applied antiseptic to have
alone, rather than the octenidine/phenoxyetha- irritant potential, and any major irritation asso-
nol combination, is recommended for antisepsis ciated with povidone iodine generally results
of neonatal skin [5] . Polihexanide is generally well from the use of outdated solutions [54,57] . Fur-
tolerated when applied to the skin [1] . When used thermore, any definitive diagnosis of allergic
as standalone preparations, 70–80% ethanol contact dermatitis requires a patch test, which
solutions can cause unpleasant stinging [101] . is a classical and undebated tool for a proper
Interestingly, in a study in 30 young adults, diagnosis (‘gold standard’). Nevertheless, in
corneoxenometry was used to assess the irritant the specific field of antiseptics, a patch test may
capacity of povidone iodine 7% (Braunol® solu- generate false positive (irritant) reactions.
tion) and 10% (iso-Betadine®) and chlorhexi- Occlusion most probably plays a role in the
dine 5% (Hibitane®), solutions on three skin misinterpretation of patch test results. The
areas: the back, forearm and forehead [51] . Col- Repeated Open Application Test is now univer-
orimetry and colorimetric indices of mildness sally used when patch test results are considered
indicated that povidone iodine 10% had a sig- doubtful. Indeed, by avoiding occlusion (which
nificantly lower irritant effect on the skin than enhances the irritant effect of antiseptics), it is

future science group 585

Therapeutic Perspective | Lachapelle, Castel, Casado et al.

90 iodine-contrast compounds (ionic or nonionic);

Povidone iodine 7%
although hypersensitivity reactions to iodinated
85 Water
Povidone iodine 10% Chlorhexidine 5% radiologic contrast media are well documented
[59] , these reactions are related to the contrast
Colorimetric index of mildness

molecule itself rather than to iodine [60] .
Povidone iodine is only rarely associated with
immediate allergic reactions, which are mark-
edly more prevalent with chlorhexidine [61] . Of
33 patients with a positive chlorhexidine prick
65 test, ten patients had had severe allergic symp-
toms from chlorhexidine, and 11 had had only
60 mild local symptoms (such as exacerbation of
dermatitis). Furthermore, local symptoms from
55 chlorhexidine-containing products may precede
more severe attacks [61] . A recent study reported
50 the occurrence of erosive irritant contact der-
Back Forearm Forehead matitis, an under-recognized complication of
chlorhexidine gluconate-impregnated dressings
Figure 3. Povidone iodine 10% solution has a significantly lower irritant effect [62] . As young children and immunosuppressed

on the skin than chlorhexidine 5% solution (p < 0.001). A higher value for and/or critically ill patients may be more sus-
colorimetric index of mildness indicates a milder effect on the skin. ceptible to the irritant effects of chlorhexidine-
Data taken from [51]. containing dressings, healthcare providers need
to be aware of this risk and, when chlorhexidine-
close to the usual application of antiseptics on containing dressings are used, patients should be
the skin, and it is a more precise reflection of monitored closely for skin breakdown [62] .
reality. While it is not currently possible to directly
Povidone iodine is considered a weak allergen compare the relative incidence of anaphylaxis
[58] . In a recent study, 500 consecutive patients after povidone iodine or chlorhexidine, a British
were patch tested with povidone iodine 1% [53] . drug allergy clinic conducted a 1‑year review of
A total of 41 and 39% of patients, respectively, anaphylaxis in 23 patients during surgery, report-
acknowledged applying povidone iodine on the ing one case each of anaphylaxis with povidone
skin/mucous membranes (often repeatedly) or iodine (grade two severity) and chlorhexidine
denied/did not recall having used it previously. (grade three severity) [63] .
Patch tests were applied for 2 days (two read- Octenidine and polihexanide have not been
ings were taken, at 2 and 4 days). At 2 days, associated with photosensitization or delayed
14 (2.8%) patients had a positive patch test to contact sensitization in animal models [1,5] . Rele-
povidone iodine. Tests were still positive after vant data are now needed from human studies to
4 days but with reduced scores. In a second stage fully define the allergenic potential of octenidine
(2 weeks later), the 14 positive patients were relative to other topically applied antiseptics, but
re-evaluated in a different way. Povidone iodine cases of anaphylactoid reactions to polihexanide
10% was applied twice daily (without occlusion) have been reported. Overall, however, it appears
on the volar aspect of the forearm (5 × 5 cm) for that polihexanide is an uncommon contact
7 days (i.e., repeated open application test). At allergen, with minimal allergenic potential [1] .
day 7, only two of the 500 patients were posi-
tive (one after four applications, the other after „„No cytotoxicity
six applications), and the remaining 12 patients In vitro data vary widely, but often suggest that
(after 14 applications) were negative (false- certain antiseptics may be cytotoxic [64,65] , thus
positives using the patch test). Thus, overall, causing some clinicians to consider that repeated
povidone iodine is considered a weak allergen, use of some antiseptics in chronic wounds may
with a prevalence of allergenicity of 0.4% [53] . have a detrimental effect on wound healing.
Importantly, there is no relationship between However, such in vitro findings cannot be gen-
iodine-associated allergic contact dermatitis and eralized to the in vivo clinical setting [66] . Thus,
anaphylactoid reactions produced by radiologic in a study in 51 patients with chronic leg ulcers,

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Antiseptics in the era of bacterial resistance: a focus on povidone iodine | Therapeutic Perspective

povidone iodine significantly increased healing clean-contaminated surgery [70,71] , preopera-

rate (+4 to 18%; p < 0.01) and reduced time tive surgical site preparation [72] , skin prepara-
to healing by 2–9 weeks (p < 0.01), whereas tion for prevention of catheter-related infections
chlorhexidine (-1 to +5%) and silver sulfadia- [73,74] and skin preparation for blood cultures
zine (+2 to 7%) only modestly improved healing [75] . However, it is important to note that these
rate [67] . Furthermore, in patients with chronic comparative outcomes are largely based on
leg ulcers, povidone iodine 10% did not alter data obtained with aqueous povidone iodine
the micro­vasculature, or significantly reduce the and alcohol-based formulations of chlorhexi-
density of dendrocytes, which are required for dine. There are currently very few clinical data
wound healing, whereas chlorhexidine and silver comparing alcohol-based formulations of povi-
sulfa­diazine did produce such adverse changes done iodine and chlorhexidine [76] . A prospec-
[67] . The fact that povidone iodine 10% does tive study of three skin preparation protocols
not induce the destruction of cells which express concluded that iodophor-based compounds
coagulation factor XIIIa (which facilitates bind- may be superior to chlorhexidine on postop-
ing of fibrin to collagen and reshaping of the erative wound infection rates [77] . Indeed, a
matrix), supports its lack of clinical cytotoxicity recent systematic review and meta-ana­lysis
in leg ulcers [67] . In addition, in patients with presented evidence that the perceived efficacy
burns, povidone iodine 10% gel has been shown of chlorhexidine in skin antisepsis is often
to increase the rate of wound healing compared based on the efficacy of alcohol formulations,
with silver sulfadiazine [68] . and that the antiseptic role of alcohol has often
Some researchers report that the in vitro cyto- been overlooked in evidence assessments [78] .
toxic profile of octenidine is similar to that of Parienti and colleagues showed that the use of
chlorhexidine and, therefore, markedly worse alcoholic povidone iodine for skin disinfection
than that of povidone iodine [5] . Conversely, oth- reduced the incidence of catheter colonization
ers stipulate that polihexanide has low in vitro and related infection compared with aqueous
cytotoxicity [1] , or that the cellular and tissue tox- 10% povidone iodine disinfection in an adult
icity of polihexanide is similar to that of the com- intensive care unit [79] . Furthermore, despite the
mercially available octenidine/phenoxyethanol reported outcomes from clinical studies, there is
combination [101] . currently no evidence to suggest that the use of
chlorhexidine during hand scrub reduces surgi-
Povidone iodine: use in the clinical setting cal site infection, which explains why guidelines
Numerous commercially produced US FDA- from WHO, the Centers for Disease Control
approved preparations of povidone iodine are and Prevention and the Association for Periop-
available. Although 10% povidone iodine erative Practice do not recommend one specific
remains the standard for presurgical skin disin- antimicrobial over another for hand scrub [71] .
fection, lower concentrations of povidone iodine Indeed, current Centers for Disease Control
(e.g., 1, 4, 5 and 7.5%) are commonly used for a and Prevention guidelines state that, due to the
variety of indications and in different formula- absence of studies comparing alcohol formula-
tions (aqueous and alcoholic solutions, scrub, tions of povidone iodine and chlorhexidine to
gauzes, ointment and creams). Povidone iodine prepare clear skin, the situation represents an
10%, for example, is standardized to deliver 1% ‘unresolved issue’ [102] , and a 2013 Cochrane
of biocidal, free molecular iodine [69] .
Microbicidal antiseptics (e.g., iodophors, Box 1. Clinical disadvantages of topical antibiotics relative to antiseptics.
polihexanide and octenidine) are more effective ƒƒ Narrower spectrum of antimicrobial activity
than topically applied microbiostatic antibiot- ƒƒ Microbiostatic rather than microbicidal
ics (e.g., kanamycin, mupirocin, fusidic acid ƒƒ High risk of resistance and crossresistance
and neomycin), which have several clinical ƒƒ Limited or no activity against multiresistant organisms (e.g., MRSA)
disadvantages (Box 1) .
ƒƒ No residual effect (e.g., because of local metabolism)
Several clinical studies and/or systematic
ƒƒ Low concentrations at target site
analyses have demonstrated superior efficacy
ƒƒ Short- and/or long-term cytotoxicity
of chlorhexidine (alcohol-based formulation)
ƒƒ Marked allergenic potential
compared with povidone iodine (aqueous
MRSA: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
formulations) for surgical site antisepsis in Data taken from [101].

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Therapeutic Perspective | Lachapelle, Castel, Casado et al.

review, including 13 studies with 2623 partici- the insertion of catheters or chlorhexidine [85] .
pants, concluded that “more research is required Nevertheless, due to potential issues relating to
to show whether one antiseptic is better than thyroid function with iodine-containing agents,
the others at preventing wound infection after povidone iodine is contraindicated in infants
clean surgery” [80] . aged <1 month, patients with hyperthyroidism,
Importantly, as shown in Table 3, povidone iodine hypersensitivity or in patients receiving
iodine 10% possesses several of the desirable radio-iodine therapy [101] . Povidone iodine is an
antiseptic characteristics such as broadest spec- antiseptic of choice for the topical treatment of
trum of antimicrobial activity, rapidity of action, infected wounds or acute trauma wounds with
persistent effect and other related characteristics colonization. It is also an appropriate anti­septic
that are discussed throughout this article, and as for pre- and post-operative prophylaxis, and the
such, is a first-choice antiseptic for the prevention combination of 39% w/w each of ethanol and
and treatment of superficial skin infections [2] . 2‑propanol with povidone iodine is the first-
Among the wide range of iodophor formulations, choice antiseptic for lacerations or stab wounds
product efficacy can vary markedly, depending in HIV-infected individuals or patients with
on the amount of free iodine or diiodine avail- hepatitis B or C virus [101] .
able [101] . That said, povidone iodine has a better In summary, although additional data are
tissue tolerability profile than those of octeni- needed from well-designed clinical trials directly
dine/phenoxyethanol and chlorhexidine, and it comparing the clinical utility of antiseptics,
is indicated in several clinical settings (Box 2) . povidone iodine 10% can be considered as a
From a practical perspective, povidone iodine first-choice antiseptic for the prevention and
may cause skin/clothing staining but stains on treatment of superficial skin infections.
skin and natural fabrics can be removed with
soap and water; sodium thiosulfate may be used Conclusion & future perspective
to remove stains on synthetic fabrics. In the current era of mounting bacterial resis-
The potential risk of hypothyroidism result- tance to antibiotics, and considering that such
ing from iodine exposure after administration resistance can be particularly serious (e.g., in
of povidone iodine has been well documented the cases of vancomycin-resistant enterococci
[81–85] , with studies concluding that, in order and MRSA) interest has been rekindled in anti-
to mitigate the possible risk, the routine use of septic use for the prevention and treatment of
iodine-containing antiseptics in very-low-birth superficial skin infections. Thus, an antisep-
weight infants should be avoided [81–83] . In the tic such as the iodophor povidone iodine has
more recent prospective, controlled study by several desirable pharmacodynamic proper-
Brown and coworkers, routine skin-cleansing ties and clinical characteristics (including no
with povidone iodine was shown not to be com- selection of bacterial resistance) that make it
monly associated with transient neonatal hypo- an appropriate first-line choice for the man-
thyroidism in North America, possibly reflecting agement of infected wounds and dermatoses,
differential sensitivity due to prior iodine status and for pre- and post-operative prophylaxis.
[84] . Another study, conducted by Rooman and Of major note, povidone iodine 10% has the
colleagues, showed that there was no difference broadest spectrum of antimicrobial activity of
in thyroid function between neonates treated currently available antiseptics, and included in
with povidone iodine for procedures such as this spectrum are bacterial spores, fungi and

Table 3. Characteristics of current antiseptics in operating room disinfection (i.e., healthy skin) and in the treatment of
infected skin.
Characteristic Antiseptic Ref.
Povidone iodine 10% Polihexanide Chlorhexidine 2% Octenidine Ethanol 70%
Broad spectrum of +++ ++ ++ ++ ++ [1,4–22,101]
antimicrobial activity
Rapidity of action +++ + ++† +++ +++ [5,14,101]
Persistent effect ++ +++ + +++ + [1,5,14,29]
+: Least effective; ++: Moderately effective; +++: Most effective.

Active against methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus after 20 s, but takes 20 min for activity against methicillin-resistant S. aureus [14].

588 Clin. Pract. (2013) 10(5) future science group

Antiseptics in the era of bacterial resistance: a focus on povidone iodine | Therapeutic Perspective

viruses such as bird flu and H1N1 swine flu. Box 2. Indications for povidone iodine.
Therefore, this iodophor also has an important Single procedure application
clinical role as a hand disinfectant in infection ƒƒ Antisepsis of intact skin
control strategies. ƒƒ Antisepsis of mucous membranes (e.g., before bladder catheterization, biopsies,
In addition to the treatment of superficial skin injections, punctures or surgery)
infections, there are various uses of antiseptics in Repeated, temporally limited applications
the medical field, including hand rub (disinfec- ƒƒ Antisepsis of wounds (e.g., burns, leg ulcers or pressure ulcers)
tant), hand scrub (in the operating room), surgi- ƒƒ Dermatoses with infection or superinfection
cal swab, preoperative body wash and prior to ƒƒ Body disinfection (e.g., for general hygiene or before surgery)
invasive procedures. The various antiseptics are Data taken from [101].
used differently based upon the specific indica-
tion that is being treated. Despite the widespread settings. In this way, clinical advantages of one
use of antiseptics, no consensus currently exists antiseptic over another (e.g., a broader spec-
about which antiseptic is best for each particular trum of antimicrobial activity, a faster and more
clinical setting, with research into the compara- persistent effect, and no selection of bacterial
tive efficacy of antiseptics often being hampered resistance) will be more clearly defined. Guide-
by small sample sizes, varying techniques of skin lines for antiseptic use can then be developed
prepping used and differing concentrations and and clarified, and antiseptics in general will
formulations (e.g., alcoholic or aqueous) of anti- be accurately positioned relative to each other
septic evaluated [3] . Thus, there is an urgent need in the prevention and treatment of superficial
for well-designed, multicenter studies to be con- skin infections. As other clinical data grow,
ducted to directly compare the clinical and eco- antiseptics with particular virucidal activity
nomic profiles of established and emerging anti- (e.g., povidone iodine against H1N1 swine flu)
septics [1] . Due to concerns relating to potential are likely to see increased use in related settings,
chemical interaction, the combination of different such as in general hygiene measures (e.g., body
antiseptics appears to offer no clinical advantage. disinfection) employed as part of epidemic and
Currently, although there is some evidence of pandemic control.
clinical benefit for certain antiseptics over oth-
ers, antiseptic selection for the management of Financial & competing interests disclosure
superficial skin infections is largely empirical The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial
and based on the limited data available from involvement with any organization or entity with a finan-
appropriately designed and conducted clinical cial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter
trials [1] . or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
General rates of bacterial resistance to anti- employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or
biotics are likely to continue to increase and, in options, expert t­estimony, grants or patents received or
the management of superficial skin infections, pending, or royalties.
antiseptics may become even more widely used. The authors thank DP Figgitt, Content Ed Net, for
This is particularly true if, as expected, com- providing editorial assistance in the preparation of this
parative data accrue from well-designed studies manuscript. Writing assistance was funded by Meda
and economic analyses of antiseptics in specific Pharma.

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