Worksheet: Ixchel Alicia Palma Muñoz 03/04/2020

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Ixchel Alicia Palma Muñoz 03/04/2020


If we had brought our umbrellas, we wouldn’t have gotten wet.

If Jake had studied, he wouldn’t have failed the test.

If I hadn’t ridden
If we had the bicycle,
brought I wouldn’t
our umbrellas, we have fallen
wouldn’t off.gotten wet.

if hadn’t
If wemet
hadhim yesterday,
brought I wouldn’t
our umbrellas, wehave known
wouldn’t hisgotten
have name. wet.

If theIfTV
wehadn’t been broken,
had brought they wouldn’t
our umbrellas, have have
we wouldn’t been gotten

If Isaac hadn’t sat brought

If we had under a our
an apple wouldn’t have
we wouldn’t fallen
have on his
gotten wet.head.

If Kevin hadn’t gotten lost, he wouldn’t have cried.

If Jenny hadn’t practiced a lot, she wouldn’t have won the contest.

If the firemen hadn’t arrived, they wouldn’t have put out the fire.

If that hadn’t been a funny joke, I wouldn’t have laughed.

If we had cleaned the room, it wouldn’t have been messy.

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