The Effect of Time On Terrestrial and Aquatic Mesocosms

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The Effect of Time on Terrestrial

and Aquatic Mesocosms

Raghul Sachithanandam

Group with Daniel Ghaly and Fharell Iskander


Ecosystems are a biological community of interacting organisms with their physical
environment. Ecosystems are a interacting, random assortment of organisms that interact and
adapt to the environment on hand. Mesocosms are designed to replicate conditions of an
ecosystem, in a way that it is possible to control and test environmental factors, such as
temperature, concentrations of CO2 and N2, etcetera. By replicating a terrestrial and aquatic
environment in a closed off container (plastic bottle), it is possible to record and observe the
various interactions between living and nonliving subjects that a typical ecosystem provides.
The kind of mesocosm used was a closed off container, where outside influences were
minimized, in the case of the aquatic portion, or eliminated, such as the terrestrial portion. The
mesocosm was called a eco-column, which is a self-sustaining ecosystem on a small scale, and
uses a plastic soda bottle as a container. While a eco-column is a very close representative of a
large scale ecosystem on a small scale, it lacks the certain randomness a true ecosystem has,
such as abrupt weather changes, sudden selection pressures, or catastrophic environmental
events. Due to this, it is not a true representative of a ecosystem, but it allows for factors to be
controlled so trends can be noted.
The purpose of the experiment was to test time’s effect on the equilibrium of the terrestrial
and aquatic mesocosm (Sala 2000). In doing so, it can be determined whether the mesocosm is
stable, and can support living organisms. This happens through the flow of energy and the
recycling of nutrients in the mesocosm. Flow of energy describes how energy flows through the
mesocosm, with Lemnoideae, Elodea densa, and Dianthus caryophyllus producing energy from
photosynthesis to their aquatic/ terrestrial mesocosm. The primary consumer in the aquatic
mesocosm is Poecilia reticula, while the decomposer is Neotrypaea californiensis. The primary
consumer in the terrestrial mesocosm is Acheta domesticus, while the decomposer is Eisenia
fetida. All of these organisms contribute to the energy flow in the ecosystem, such as the
producers using photosynthesis to produce energy in the form of ATP and glucose, consumers
consuming that energy and using it for cellular processes, and finally, decomposers digesting
waste/consumers to use energy. The mesocosm also shows the nutrient cycle, where nutrients
are recycled through consumers consuming producers, decomposers that break down waste
products from the consumers or the body of the consumers, and producers reabsorbing all of
the nutrients that the decomposers reintroduce into the mesocosm. Within the nutrient
recycling in the mesocosm is the recycling of nitrogen through nitrogen cycle. In the first
process, nitrogen-fixing bacteria at the roots of producers fix nitrogen into ammonium. The
ammonium is nitrified into nitrites through nitrification and is made into nitrates. The nitrates
are then assimilated into use by plants, which absorb nitrogen from the bacteria, and is used
again in consumers that consume the plant. When the producers lose leaves/other unused
parts, the decomposers return the nitrogen to the soil, just as when the consumers die, the
nitrogen is returned back into the soil. The nitrate is than ammonificated to ammonium, and

the process repeats again. The nitrogen cycle is one example of the nutrient cycle in the
mesocosm, which repeats throughout the mesocosm’s life. The nutrient cycle is different from
the flow of energy in that the cycle is always repeating and being passed on to a different
organism, while the flow of energy represents how energy in the mesocosm is never being
recycled, rather, it uses energy from the sun, and energy is lost as heat and waste through the
organisms lives. When both the flow of energy and the nutrient cycle stabilize, it creates a
equilibrium in the two mesocosms, and that Is when the mesocosm becomes sustainable.
When the flow of energy and the nutrient cycle do not stabilize however, the mesocosm is
deemed unsustainable due to the uncertainty of an energy source, and the inability of
biological processes to function properly when there are no nutrients to be used. [ CITATION ali13
\l 1033 ]

Research Question
Will the terrestrial and aquatic mesocosm be able to reach equilibrium through the passage of
13 days?
Both the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems will obtain equilibrium and stability due to the fact
that the abiotic and biotic factors present within the ecosystem should prove to be sufficient
enough to initiate and maintain energy flow and nutrient cycling, which is vital to the success
and survival of the ecosystem’s.
Independent variable:

 Time
Dependent variables:

 pH,
 Ammonia concentration
 O2 concentration
 CO2 concentration
Control Factors:

 Space provided in the container- The container for the terrestrial and aquatic
mesocosms contain a certain amount of space, and that space is controlled by the
container itself, so the results can remain accurate.

 Amount of soil and water provided- The amount of soil and water provided is controlled
so that the amount of nutrients remain the same within the ecosystem, so nutrient
cycling can occur without outside influences.
 Number of organisms introduced- The amount of organisms is controlled so the
mesocosm reaches equilibrium and remains stable. This is controlled by planning and
establishing a simple trophic pyramid so the ecosystem can be sustained.
 Kinds of organisms- this is controlled so certain organisms don’t derail the experiment.
This is controlled by referencing the teacher and instructions beforehand.
 Only Ozarka spring water used- The kind of water is immensely important to the whole
experiment. IF the water has chlorine and chemicals like tap water, saprotrophic
bacteria and nitrifying bacteria will be killed off. This is controlled by only using Ozarka
spring water.

 Knife
 2 2.0 Liter plastic bottles
 Scissors
 1 16.9 fl oz bottle Ozarka spring water
 1 Roll packing tape
 Potting soil
 Paper towels
 Water CO2 test kit
 Water pH test kit
 Water Ammonia test kit
 Water 02 test kit
 Rocks from cycled tank
 Sapotrophic bacteria from cycled tank
 Pipette
 Running tap water
 ~15 Lemnoideae
 One Elodea densa
 One Dianthus caryophyllus
 One Poecilia reticula
 One Neotrypaea californiensis
 One Acheta domesticus
 Two Eisenia fetida

1. Prepare and cut the 2.0-liter bottles according to teacher’s
directions, asking for help if you would rather the teacher perform
the incision. Refer to Figure A throughout the following steps to
reference how the final product should look like.
2. The bottom portion of one of the bottles should be utilized for the
aquatic ecosystem. To do so, begin by pouring a full bottle of
Ozarka spring water into the bottom portion of the container, being
careful not to fill it up too much as that will cause the terrestrial
ecosystem to touch the surface of the aquatic ecosystem when Figure A
placed on top
3. Following the pouring of the spring water, insert the desired amount of rocks with
saprotrophic bacteria into the aquatic ecosystem. Be sure to ask the teacher for help as
they will be able to extract the needed materials properly and safely from the pre-
existing class fish tank.
4. Add a stalk of E.densa in addition to Lemnoideae if desired from the pre-existing fish
tank, yet again being sure to ask the teacher for assistance in retrieval.
5. Proceed to ask the teacher to retrieve one P.reticula to insert into the ecosystem, and
once in the aquatic ecosystem, request for one N.californiensis. Both organisms require
teacher assistance as they need to be relocated from the class tank.
6. Now pull out the second cut 2.0-liter bottle that is to be used for the terrestrial
ecosystem. Using a plastic cup, scoop out close to four cups of potting soil, or enough
for the plant to fit comfortably when later placed. This should cover close to third or
even half of the bottle depending on the size of the plant to be placed.
7. Once step 6 is completed, remove the D.caryophyllus from it’s packaging and remove
the excess dirt present between the roots being cautious to avoid damaging the plant’s
tap root. Place the plant into the bottle and add more soil as needed in order to ensure
that the roots are covered. Once done, pour water into the soil until it appears to be
damp. This is the only water provided as once the seal is made, no more will be added.
8. Following the completion of all parts in step 7, place two E.fetida into the soil from their
store bought container. This portion of the step does not require teacher assistance.
Following the placement of the two E.fetida, add an A.domesticus to the soil of the
terrestrial environment, being careful to reseal the bag quickly, in order to avoid escape.
This step can require teacher’s assistance. Ensure that the amount of A.domesticus
remains the same, as they may jump out.
9. Following the completion of steps 6-8, join the two terrestrial portions of the 2.0 liter
bottles together using packaging tape to create a air-tight seal. Be sure to use scissors to
cut off the tape, as tearing it may compromise the seal of the bottle.
10. Place the terrestrial ecosystem on top of the portion of the other bottle used for the
aquatic ecosystem to store on the windowsill, preferably in a location with access to

sunlight that is to remain relatively consistent throughout the course of the experiment
and data collection
11. Throughout the ensuing three weeks, there will be twelve days of data collection, in
which qualitative data will be taken regarding both ecosystems in addition to CO 2, pH,
ammonia, and O2 water tests to be done on the aquatic ecosystem. For all 4 of the
water tests, be sure to follow the steps provided on the instructions present in the test
kits. In order to ensure efficiency throughout data collection, the 4 tests will be divided
among the three group members that take part in the creation of the mesocosm, with
all three constantly monitoring the other, ensuring that all containers are properly
cleaned, dried, and put back in place. Following each day of data collection, be sure to
place the ecosystems on the windowsill, preferably close to the same location as the day
befor[ CITATION Wat10 \l 1033 ]e[ CITATION Pal13 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Dea20 \l 1033 ]
[ CITATION Gru08 \l 1033 ]. Brendoncka

Data Collection

pH values of Aquatic mesocosm

pH scale

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day Day Day Day
10 11 12 13

Days of observable data

Oxygen concentrations of Aquatic mesocosm
Oxygen con./ppm

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day Day Day Day
10 11 12 13

Days of observable data

(Engel, Goldthwait, Passow, & Alldredge, 2002)

Ammonia concentrations of Aquatic mesocosm






Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Axis
7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13

Carbon dioxide concentrations of Aquatic mesocosm

Carbon dioxide units/ppm




Day 1 Day 2 Day 3-4 Day 5 Day 6-9 Day 10-11 Day 12-13
Days of observable data

Aquati Day Day 2 Day Da Da Day Day Da Day Da Da Da Da

c 1 3 y4 y5 6 7 y8 9 y y y y
mesoc 10 11 12 13
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E.feti Not Sa Sa Sa Sa De Not Obs Big Sa Not Sam Sam
da in me me me me epe obs erv ger, me obs e as e as
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(Engel, Goldthwait, Passow, & Alldredge, 2002)

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