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Speech Day Guidelines

Revised 1/2/20
To help you in your journey to become a better speaker
and get the maximum number of points for each speech I
have developed the following:

Effective speakers are aware of several things when putting together and delivering their presentation:
- Is what you are saying meaningful to your audience?
- Is your information accurate?
- Do you have a path your audience can follow to understand your message?
- How well do you handle distractions that occur during your presentation?
- Does your PowerPoint enhance or detract from your overall message?

TIP #1
Put the PowerPoint & observation sheet for the speech you are about to give next to each other and
compare them to make sure you don’t miss anything.

TIP #2
When you start to practice your speech practice it OUT LOUD. Start with the body. Once comfortable
and confident with the body, move to the conclusion and practice it until you’re comfortable and
confident. Finally move to the introduction. At some point you will want to practice the entire speech
without stopping at least four to five times. Continue practicing out loud because it will help you with
the retention of information, hearing what your words will sound like, and what your timing will most
likely be like. Here at Valencia on West Campus, you can also take advantage of the speech room in
the Communications Center (5-115) where there is a room set up with a green screen, 2 cameras, a
clicker for PowerPoint, and seats for an audience if you choose.

TIP #3
If you choose to use Microsoft’s new Artificial Intelligence when creating PowerPoint slides be careful
to stay within the parameters of the Batman & Robin section of the observation sheet.

TIP #4
If you’re using a MAC check your PowerPoint slides against our classroom computer to make sure
everything is the way you want it. Sometimes the fonts, pictures, and backgrounds change. I can only
grade you on what I see not what you saw on your MAC computer earlier.

TIP #5
I’m available during and afterward office hours to help coach you on your speeches. In addition, the
Communications Center’s staff is available to help as well. Our goal is simple. We want you to be the
best speaker you can be while in this course.

TIP #6
Don’t wait until the last minute to print homework or Speech Files in the Communications Center.
Plan ahead because the computers and printers might not work, which could be college-wide.

TIP #7
Be on time for class especially on the day you are speaking. Class starts and ends according to the
classroom clock. If You’re Late … You’re Late.
If you follow the tips above, you will do fine. People who have taken my course in the past, and done
well, will tell you it’s an easy course. I don’t take offense to that, in fact I’m glad they do. It makes it
fun and a more enjoyable learning experience for both of us.

On the other hand, people who have taken this course in the past and not done well, will always have
some choice comments for you and on Rate Your Professor.

Why don’t students do well in my classes? It’s not because this was a highly theoretical or overly
academically oriented course, they were too nervous, they had anxiety issues and/or had never given
a speech before, it’s because they were lazy. They didn’t do the work needed to prepare for their
speeches and didn’t take these life skills seriously. I can quantify those reasons by using that student’s
Canvas Grade Book. In fact over the last four semesters 38% of all students did not get the grade they
wanted simply because they didn’t do what was asked of them to become a better speaker.

TIP #8
Deadlines Are Deadlines

If you follow the Tips above, there will be no reason for you to be concerned about anything that
follows. If … you choose not to follow the tips, chances are the following will have a big impact
on your overall point total but more important, they will hold you back from becoming a good

SPC 1 Personality Styles “If You’re Late – You’re Late”

… to stay away from …

-25 points will be deducted from your overall speech total if there are more than 2 of the same
infractions in your content or PowerPoint,

-0 points will be given if the Rope is not stated independently of the Map

-25 points will be deducted from your final point total if your outline does not match your PowerPoint.

-25 points will be deducted from your overall point total if your SPC File is not stapled together.

-25 points will be deducted from your overall point total for every missing document in your SPC File

-25 points will be deducted from your final point total if your PowerPoint file is not labeled by your: last
name, first name SPC 1 when first put it in the desktop folder. Example: Smith, Robert SPC 1

-25 points will be deducted from your overall speech total every time you have the words such as
story, example, analogy, introduction, main point or conclusion on your PowerPoint slides.

-25 points will be deducted from your overall speech total every time you use words like “crap”, “sucks”
“let’s recap,” “snap,” “whatever,” “you know,” “he said, she said,” “I don’t know how to pronounce…”
“blah, blah, blah,” and/or other non-descriptive words are used.

-25 points will be deducted from your final point total if any part of the conclusion is out of order.

-0 points will be given for any slide that is full of sentences or paragraphs of words.

-25 points will be deducted from your final point total if the same pictures are used more than once
as supporting material.

Your presentation slides will only be accepted in a ppt or pptx format. They cannot be in a ppsx
or PDF format and/or downloaded through your email, Google Docs, etc.

-50 points will be deducted from your overall speech total if your PowerPoint is not left in the desktop
folder. You will need to turn it in at the beginning of our next class. If not, you will receive 0 points for
the Batman & Robin section on your Observation Sheet.

If your USB doesn’t work on the day of your speech you will have 2 options:
(1) Give your speech without any PowerPoint and take whatever points you can get
(2) Don’t give your speech and take a zero without any opportunity to make it up later.
If you start your speech and realize you have uploaded the wrong file, it would be in your best
interest to keep going. If you do want to switch files know the clock will still be running.

-25 points will be deducted from your final point total if you don’t know how to upload your
PowerPoint into the classroom computer, open up your PowerPoint, put it into the slide show format
for your presentation, and/or know how to use the clicker. Don’t bother asking anyone for help as
no one will be able to show you. That is what the practice sessions are for.
To help stay within the time limit for your speech, you will be allowed to use your iPhone,
Smartphone, iPad, etc. No one else will be able to assist you with your timing.

-50 points will be deducted from your overall speech total if you set an alarm and it goes off.

-50 points will be deducted from your overall speech total if you let the door slam behind you when
someone is speaking.
If you’re scheduled to speak or have given your speech and you use your phone in class for any
reason your speech total will be cut in half.

If you’re scheduled to speak and come into the classroom after class has started according to
the classroom clock, take a seat and wait for all the other speakers to finish. Once the speakers
have their speeches on their USBs, and any announcements have been made, you will be given
an opportunity to present. Your overall point total will be divided in half.
If there are two or more speakers who are late, they will go in the speaking order for that day. If
the class time runs out, so does the opportunity to give your speech and if you didn’t get a chance
to present you will get a 0 for your speech.

If you go over the maximum time limit of 8 minutes, I will say, 1 - 2 - 3 and everyone will clap once
signaling you it’s time to sit down and stop talking. Your point total will be based on the information
covered up to that point.

-50 points deducted from your overall speech total if you are talking or working on anything other
than listening to the person up front giving their speech. The only exception is if you are going on
another day, you can take notes.

You will get a 0 for your speech if you are asked to leave class or elect to leave class early on the
day of your speech.

MAC computers and our classroom computers don’t always work well together. If you’re using a
MAC check your PowerPoint slides against our classroom computer to make sure everything is the
way you want it. Sometimes the fonts get changed, pictures and backgrounds move around, etc. I
can only grade you on what I see not what you saw on your MAC computer earlier.

I will typically be observing 125 students during the three rounds of speeches. As a result, it is
possible I could miss something. If you think that’s the case, I’m more than happy to sit down with
you and review your Observation Sheet, Speech-Point Outline and video with you. If I miss
something, I will be more than happy to correct your overall point total. You will have 1 week after
the speeches have ended to set up an appointment for us to review your speech. After that, the
window of opportunity will have closed.

SPC 2 Reporting the News “If You’re Late – You’re Late”

outlined above also apply to SPC 2 in addition to the following …

No duplication of topics. First come first serve. Topics off limits are: sports, religion, marijuana,
celebrities, racism, police brutality, aliens, and sexual behaviors

You will receive 0 points for each time inaccurate information is used in your speech.

-25 points will be deducted from your overall point total if any part of your SPC Outline or
Justification Sheet are not typed or completed

Same as above.

0 points will be given if any part of your speech is persuasive.

0 points will be given if 3 or more testimonies, graphs, charts, or maps are used

-25 points will be deducted from the overall speech total if the Map, internal previews, or conclusion,
and the SPC Outline don’t match

0 points will be given if a numerical number is used and not verbally cited in the speech.

SPC 3 Take Action Now! (When applicable) “If You Are Late – You Are Late”
outlined above also apply to SPC 3 in addition to the following …

No duplication of topics. First come first serve. Topics off limits are: sports, religion, marijuana,
celebrities, racism, police brutality, aliens, and sexual behaviors
0 points will be given if you use the same location or website for both solutions.

-75 points will be deducted from your speech total if you choose not to follow the sequence of steps
laid out in Monroe’s Motivated Sequence.

-50 points will be deducted to the overall point total if more than one chart or testimony is used.

-25 points will be deducted to the overall point total every time the speaker refers to a reason as a
problem. There is only one problem and/or opportunity for the speech.

Same as above

0 points will be given for any use of unrealistic pictures used.

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