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Name: Clayton Fernalo Date: April 6, 2020

Class: Pre-University 1
Subject: English Score: _________
Event: Jambinese Wedding Ceremony

Chronological order of the event:

 Months before the wedding, the groom and the bride will meet each other after the proposal to

discuss about the engagement and marriage, either it will be a fancy event or simple.

 Once a deal is made, an engagement event is made.

 After this event, there will be a dinner with both family and they will discuss the date of

marriage, either in 3 months or 6 months.

 Two nights before the event, both the groom and bride will prepare themselves by having a

steam bath.

 For the bride, she will redden her nails using leaves from her groom.

 The groom will usually pickup the bridge at her house along with his parents, family and


 Usually when there are honored guests (such as mayor, religious elders, etc.), there will be a

dance known as ‘Tari Persebahan” to welcome those guests.

 Once they are arrived, they are sprinkled with yellow rice then both groom and bride sit on a

small mattress or a silk cloth, preparing to face the religion elder.

 Before facing the religion elder, the bride will read the Al-Quran (holy book of Islam).

 Finally, both groom and bride will say a sentence known as “ijab kabul” to solemnize their


 After that, there will be performances such as local hip hop music known as dangdut and there

will be foods provided for the guests.

Name: Clayton Fernalo Date: April 6, 2020
Class: Pre-University 1
Subject: English Score: _________
Jambinese Traditional Marriage

Months before the wedding event, the groom will first meet the bride at her house. The groom

will be accompanied by the eldest man on his family, while the bride will be accompanied by

her mother. The groom will ask the bride if she has been proposed by anyone else. If the

answer is satisfied by the groom’s family, the groom’s family will give them sirih pinang

(combination of betel leaf and areca nut), coffee, milk, sugar, flour, and other things required

for the engagement event.

Once the engagement event is done, there will be dinner with both groom’s and bride’s

families, discussing the terms of the marriage, such as: when will be marriage be held (either 3

or 6 months later), how much money will be allocated for the marriage, will the marriage be a

fancy or simple, etc. Once an agreement is made, both families will buy items and materials

required for the marriage.

Two nights before the marriage, both the groom and bride will follow a procession known as

“Malam Batangas”, which seems to be like a steam bath. This is done to reduce the amount of

sweat released during the marriage ceremony in few days. For the bride, she will follow a

procession known as “Malam Berinai” – a procession where she will redden her nails using the

leaves that the groom gave to her.

On the morning before the marriage ceremony, the groom will pick up the bride at her house

alongside with his parents and relatives. Once they are arrived at the event location – which is

usually on the road at the front of the groom’s house – they will be sprinkled with yellow rice

and sit at a small mattress or at a silk cloth. When there are honored guests (such as the

mayor, religion elders, etc.) in their event, usually there will be a traditional dance performance

known as “Tari Persembahan”. Before facing the religion elder, the bride will read the Al Quran

(central religious text of Islam). Once they are ready, both of the groom and the bride will say

the “Ijab Kabul” – a sentence to solemnize their marriage in Islam.

Once the wedding ceremony is done, there will be a photo session with their families and

finally, there will be a set of performances of local hip hop song known as dangdut. And also,

the guest will receive a pack of food.

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