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Clayton Fernalo 4/13/2020

Pre-Univeristy 1 Score = ________

a. Software Developer

b. Name: Jared Hussein

Nationality: British

Age: 24

Place to live: A studio apartment in San Jose, California.

Family Situation: Mid-income family that lives in London. Supportive parents.

Educational Background: Recently finished his Master Degree in Computing Engineering

at the University of Oxford.

c. He works on PayPal’s Headquarters as a software developer.

At 6.00 am, he woke up, takes a shower, and prepares his belongings such as phone,

laptop, charger.

At 7.00 am, he left his apartment and went for a breakfast a nearby restaurant. Around

7.30 am, he went to the nearest subway station or bus station and commutes to his


After usually arriving at 8.30 am, he entered from the main atrium of the building and went

to the 21st floor using an elevator, then opens his laptop on his office desk.

Around 9.00 am, he began to work, fixes the issues or bugs in the application and test

those applications. If there are no issues in the application, he began to work on a new

feature for the application.

At 1.00 pm, he went out of the office to have a lunch at the nearby food court.

At 1.45 pm, he went back to the office to continue his work.

At 4.30 pm, or after finishing his work, he went back to his apartment using the subway


At 6.00 pm, he went outside to take away his dinner and eat it at his apartment while video

calling his parents

At 8.00 pm, he finishes his work at home if his works haven’t done yet.

At 10.00 pm, he went to bed.

d. Tastes in food: Spicy and Salty

Clothes: Jacket, polo shirt, a pair of jeans, and a pair of shoes. Likes monochrome colors.

Transport: Subway train or bus

Clayton Fernalo 4/13/2020
Pre-Univeristy 1 Score = ________

Pets: none

Music: Classical music, especially Beethoven and Liszt

Ambitions: To support his parents retirement.

Special people at his life: His father, who worked as an architect in London.
Clayton Fernalo 4/13/2020
Pre-Univeristy 1 Score = ________

e. .
A day in the life of Jared Hussein

The alarm I set the night before wake me up as early as before the sun rise breaks the

dawn. Even though it is still three hours before the work hour begins, I force myself to

stand up and head to the bathroom. I didn’t think too much for my daily outfit as I like wear

simple clothes – a monochromic polo shirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of shoes and a hoodie.

Then, I head on to my desk in the living room, to pack my laptop and charger, before finally

leaving my studio apartment at around 7.00 am.

Right after sunrise, there are only few or no restaurants that are open on my apartment

complex. So, I would walk for three minutes, passing through the park across the street to

enjoy a mere piece of sandwich from Subway. Usually, I took the train to work, but this

time I would take the bus because the train is usually full of people and I’m pretty much

claustrophobic about it. Taking the bus is actually better; less confined seat, urban

skyscrapers view, and better air conditioner for only an extra dime.

Once I arrived at the PayPal Headquarters, I greet the security guard at the front of the

elevator that I meet everyday for the past two years. I prepare my laptop and the charger

on my desk, and make a cup of aromatic Vietnamese coffee. At 9.00 am, I began to work,

opening my laptop, logging in to my email, and check for any messages from my employer.

The daily routine is usually he would report to me about the errors and bugs in the

application and asked me to fix it. But three weeks ago, he asked me to work on the latest

feature of the app, so I would just continue my work.

First things first, I transfer my vast thought regarding the implementation of the new

feature, into a thin sheet of paper. Then, I would try to create a schematic diagram of how

would this feature work. After that, I would translate the diagram into computer codes using

my laptop and agile fingers. Finally, I would combine the code with the current app and test

it. But this whole process will take a whole month or up to a whole autumn. Yet it will take

more time if the code fails. But today, I would just finish the coding part.
Clayton Fernalo 4/13/2020
Pre-Univeristy 1 Score = ________

So, I begin type on my laptop, decoding the diagram into piece of code that would run in

my laptop. While I work, I opened my personal music playlist, filled with classical songs

ranging from Mozart to Liszt. Around 1 pm, I went to a food court to have my lunch and

continue working from 2 to 4.30 pm.

Since the subway station is less crowded now, I decided to take the train to my apartment.

Before going back, I take away a roasted duck from a restaurant, then eating at my

apartment while video-call both of my retired parents in London – they seemed ready to

sleep but I called them. They are so supportive toward my career, maybe because I send

them two grands each month. And also, my dad is the one that inspired me to become a

programmer, he’s a determined architect that built a lot of fascinating buildings in London,

but now he’s retired.

If I’m not satisfied with my work yet, I tend to do it until 10pm, where ended the exhausting

day with an adequate sleep.

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