Charlie and The Chocolate Factory: Third Level Diagnostic Period

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Third Level Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Diagnostic Period

1. Before you read

Look at the book cover. What do you think?

Tick YES, or NO, or I DON’T KNOW.


a. Are any children in the

b. Are there any old people in

the story?

c. Is the story about animals?

d. Is the story about a boy

and a chocolate factory?

e. Will it be a sad story?

f. Will it be a magic story?

Look at the pictures and guess

Match the pictures with the corresponding name.




Third Level Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Diagnostic Period

Getting to know the characters

2. Match the definitions with the corresponding character and write their names

I am the owner of the chocolate

factory. My favorite clothes are a
black top hat, tail coat make of plum-
colored velvet, and bottle green
trousers. Who am I?

Charlie and his Family

I am a boy who loves to eat. I eat all
day long. I knew I would win the golden 3. Complete the following
ticket because I eat candy bars all the paragraph about Charlie and
time. Who am I?
his family using the words bellow

I am___________ I am
I am a poor boy. I really want to win a
a___________boy. I live
golden ticket. I ate 4 candy bars
trying to win the ticket. Who am I?
Bucket, my
I wanted my grandson to win the
golden ticket. I even took one of my
_____________Mrs. Bucket,______________Joe
dimes and bought him a candy bar.
Who am I?

My parents are very rich. I get

whatever I want. I just have to say,
"Daddy, I want ----!" and he buys it
for me. Who am I?

I love to watch television. I watch TV

with my guns and pretend to be
fighting the bad guys. Who am I?
and________________Josephine, my

I love to chew gum. The piece I am

chewing now is a record breaker. I
have chewed it for 3 months solid.
Who am I?
Third Level Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Diagnostic Period

and my other____________Georgina.My house is___________and it is made


Mom – Grandpa x2 - Charlie - Wood - Dad - Grandma x2 - Poor - Small

4. Grandpa Joe is telling Charlie about Mr. Wonka…


-Who is Mr. Wonka?

-Is Mr. Wonka a toys maker?

-What does he do?

-Does Grandpa Joe like Mr. Wonka?

The Secret Workers

5. Complete the chant

Golden Tickets! Golden __________ !

Dreaming of chocolate

Charlie loves _____________

Augustus, Veruca
Third Level Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Diagnostic Period

Violet and ____________

They’ve got tickets

Golden __________

What about Charlie?

_________’s his ticket?

He’s found a ticket!

He’s found a ticket!

Put the paragraph in the correct order

‘Hooray’ shouts Grandpa Jo

Charlie’s found the golden


Where’s Jo? Shouting and


Grandma Josephine


‘Hooray, it’s number five’

Charlie shows his ticket to Jo

6. Answer the questions (Part 1)

1. What is the name of the owner of the chocolate factory?______________________________


2. What is the prize for finding a Golden Ticket hidden under the wrapper of an ordinary candy bar?



3. Who goes with Charlie Bucket to the chocolate factory?_______________________________

Third Level Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Diagnostic Period


4. Who are the small workers who sing songs as they work in the chocolate factory?____________


5. Who falls into the river of hot melted chocolate?____________________________________


7. Answer the questions (Part 2)

1. What is Violet Beauregarde’s favorite thing in the entire world?__________________


2. What are the miniature squirrels specially trained to do?_______________________


3. Who do the miniature squirrels send down the chute?__________________________


4. Who is shrunk by a television camera in the testing room for Television Chocolate?____

5. At the end of the story, who will inherit the chocolate factory?__________________


8. Complete using can or can’t

1. He ______________________________________

Third Level Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Diagnostic Period

2. They ____________________________________


3. She_____________________________________________




9. Can you tell me something about these children?

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1- What is he doing?______________________________.
Third Level Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Diagnostic Period

Where is he?______________________________.

2- What Does he like doing?______________________________.

Where is he?______________________________.

3- What are they doing?______________________________.

Where are they?______________________________.

4- What is she doing?______________________________.

Where is she?______________________________.

5- What are they doing?______________________________.

Where is he?______________________________.

10.Reading comprehension.

A. Read the following passage related to the book “Charlie and the chocolate
factory” and discusses it orally with your teacher and partners.

Charlie enters the store and asks for a Wonka whipple-scrumptious fudge
mallow delight bar—the same bar he had eaten on his birthday. The storekeeper
places it on the counter and Charlie scarfs it down, savouring the joy of filling his
Third Level Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Diagnostic Period

mouth with the sweet chocolaty bites. While putting Charlie’s change on the counter,
the storekeeper remarks that Charlie really seemed to have wanted that bar. Charlie
continues inhaling the chocolate bar. Then, looking at the nine dimes before him,
Charlie decides to that it couldn’t hurt to buy one more bar. The storekeeper takes
down another bar and hands it to Charlie, who unwraps the chocolate bar and spies a
glint of gold within the wrapping. The storekeeper notices it too and yells that
Charlie has found the last golden ticket. The storekeeper’s excitement gathers a
crowd around Charlie. The crowd points and shouts, causing Charlie to feel

B. Now, write a short paragraph words about what happens after this.

11. Something about Roald Dalh…

A writer of both children's fiction and short stories for adults, Roald Dahl is best known
as the author of the 1964 children's book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory  (he also
wrote the script for the 1971 movie version). Dahl has been described as a master of story
construction with a remarkable ability to weave a tale.

A young troublemaker

Roald Dahl was born September 13, 1916, in Llandaff, South Wales, United Kingdom, to
Norwegian parents. He spent his childhood summers visiting his grandparents in Oslo,
Norway. He was a mischievous child, full of energy, and from an early age he proved
himself skilled at finding trouble. His earliest memory was of pedaling to school at a very
fast speed on his tricycle, with his two sisters struggling to keep up as he whizzed around
curves on two wheels.
Third Level Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Diagnostic Period

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