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Questions about Chapter 1 of “A Dreary Story” by Anton Chekhov.

1 Why does the story start with “There is in Russia…” when the narrator is
talking about himself?

2 why does the narrator use the third person instead of the first person?

3 In the first paragraph Nikolay is described as:

Having aristocratic acquaintances

Being intimately acquainted with distinguished men of learning

A member of all the Russian universities.

What impression does the narrator make about the Nikolay’s prestige?
[status, reputation or influence]

4 “There is no one for him to make friends with nowadays…”

What clue does this sentence give about the protagonist’s current

5 At the penultimate line in paragraph 1, the narrator writes, “and so on and

so on”.

What does this expression indicate about the narrator’s feelings about his

6 “I have the industry and power of a camel, and that is important, and I
have talent, which is even more important. Moreover, while I am on this
subject, I am a well-educated, modest and honest fellow.”

How does Nikolay feel about his own characteristics?

7 “Moreover while I am on this subject…”

Do you think Nikolay likes to brag about his accomplishments or do you

think that he looks at his qualities from an objective perspective?
8 In paragraph 2 line 9 the narrator writes, “I have never poked my nose into
literature or politics”. What does this indicate about the writer’s view of the

9 “I see myself as a man of sixty-two, with a bald head, with false teeth, and
with an incurable tic…I am as dingy and unsightly as my name is brilliant
and splendid.”

How does this juxtaposition illustrate how Nicolay feels about his looks?

10 “My chest is hollow; my shoulders narrow; when I talk or lecture, my

mouth turns down at one corner”

If a man is successful and accomplished, why would it matter if he doesn’t

have the perfect looks or physique?

11 What is his illness?

12 “My whole face is covered with aged-looking, deathly wrinkles”.

How does Nikolays’ illness and appearance affect his outlook?

13 “My fervour, the literary skill of my exposition, and my humour, almost

efface the defects of my voice, though it is harsh, dry, and monotonous as a
praying beggar’s.”

Which literary device does the writer employ here and how does it reflect
Nikolay’s state of mind?

14 “I often forget ordinary words.”

How this admission reflect Nikolay’s concerns?

15 “I find it easier to write German or English than to write Russian.”

How does this reflect upon Nikolay’s state of mind?

16 “My wife refuses to learn by experience.”

How is Nicolay’s portrayal of his wife a reflection of his malaise?

17 “Constantly talking about our expenses”. How does this affect Nicolay?

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