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Bernard Lamien

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

DEM/PEM—Politecnica/COPPE, Particle Filter and
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro—UFRJ,
Cidade Universitaria,
Caixa Postal: 68503,
Approximation Error Model
Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21941-972, Brazil
e-mail: for State Estimation in
Helcio Rangel Barreto Orlande1
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro—UFRJ, This work deals with numerical simulation of a hyperthermia treatment of skin cancer as
Cidade Universitaria, a state estimation problem, where uncertainties in the evolution and measurement mod-
Caixa Postal: 68503, els, as well as in the measured data, are accounted for. A reduced model is adopted,
Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21941-972, Brazil based on a coarse mesh for the solution of the partial differential equations that describe
e-mail: the physical problem, in order to expedite the solution of the state estimation problem
with a particle filter algorithm within the Bayesian framework of statistics. The so-called
Guillermo Enrique Eliçabe approximation error model (AEM) is used in order to statistically compensate for model
Institute of Materials Science and Technology reduction effects. The Liu and West algorithm of the particle filter, together with the
(INTEMA), AEM, is shown to provide accurate estimates for the temperature and model parameters
University of Mar del Plata and National in a multilayered region containing a tumor loaded with nanoparticles. Simulated tran-
Research Council (CONICET), sient temperature measurements from one sensor are used in the analysis.
J. B. Justo 4302, [DOI: 10.1115/1.4034064]
Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina

Introduction model parameters can be handled with the algorithm developed

by Liu and West [4], also known as Kernel density particle filter
State estimation problems have a broad range of applications,
[5]. In addition to the Liu and West algorithm of the particle filter,
including telecommunications, navigation, and biology, to name a
other algorithms were proposed to address such kind of problem
few. In state estimation problems, the available measured data are
[6]. However, the Liu and West algorithm is more general and can
used together with mathematical models for the physical phenom-
be considered as a benchmark in the current literature [6].
ena and the measuring devices, in order to sequentially produce
Though very robust, the computational cost related to the use of
estimates of the desired dynamic variables. This is generally
particle filter methods is generally high due to their Monte Carlo
accomplished within a probabilistic framework, where the solu-
nature. Indeed, their use for state estimation involving complex
tion of the state estimation problem consists of sequential estima-
physical simulations can be prohibitive, especially for applica-
tions of posterior probability densities of the state variables,
tions where there is a time constraint for control or decision
through the use of Bayesian filters [1–3]. As new data become
making. Attempts to reduce the computational cost of particle fil-
available, the posterior probability distribution is updated so that
ter methods include parallelization [7–10] and model reduction
it reflects the current state of the system. Unlike the Kalman filter
[11]. In fact, the proposed statistical model reduction technique
or its extensions, particle filters do not rely on any local lineariza-
referred to as AEM [12–25] has been recently coupled with the
tion or any prior assumption about the posterior probability
Liu and West filter in order to accelerate the solution of a state
density [1–3].
estimation problem applied to a one-dimensional hyperthermia
Particle filters make use of the importance sampling technique,
problem [11].
which is a generalization of the Monte Carlo method for nonex-
Planning and/or predictive control of the hyperthermia treat-
plicit probability density functions. The posterior probability den-
ment of cancer can greatly benefit from the Bayesian state estima-
sity, which is the target of the solution of the state estimation
tion formalism in order to provide more reliable and
problem, is then represented by a set of samples, referred to as
individualized protocols. Indeed, tissues’ physical properties and
particles, with associated weights [1–3]. Different particle filter
geometries present a large variability from an individual to
algorithms can be encountered in the literature, including the sam-
another, or even for the same individual under different physio-
pling importance resampling and the auxiliary sampling resam-
logical conditions. Hence, the input data needed for numerical
pling filters. These particle filter algorithms may fail in providing
simulations involving biological tissues are highly uncertain
simultaneous estimates of the state variables and of the nondy-
namic model parameters [4]. Thus, they are mainly used by
Hyperthermia is a current research topic, highly influenced by
assuming that the nondynamic parameters are deterministically
recent progresses in nanotechnology. Minimally invasive thera-
known. However, in most practical applications, the parameters
pies for cancer constitute a great motivation for the use of nano-
appearing in the mathematical formulation might be unknown, or
particles in combination with traditional therapies. In fact, the
at most known with some degree of uncertainty. The problem of
subcellular size and the physical properties of nanoparticles make
simultaneous estimation of state variables and of nondynamic
them good candidates for novel therapies. Particularly in the near-
infrared photo-thermal therapy of cancer, nanoparticles with
Corresponding author. strong absorption properties are used to enhance local heat deposi-
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the tion in cancerous regions [35–42]. This treatment modality is of-
JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received February 18, 2016; final manuscript
received June 25, 2016; published online September 8, 2016. Editor: Dr. Portonovo ten used as adjuvant to radiotherapy or chemotherapy, in order to
S. Ayyaswamy. improve their efficiencies [42,43]. For example, near-infrared

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photo-thermal therapy of cancer was suggested for superficial rUs ðr; zÞ  n ¼ 0 at r ¼ 0; 0 < z < Lz (1d)
tumors, like skin cancer [39]. Other topics of current research
related to the photo-thermal hyperthermia treatment of cancer Us ðr; zÞ ¼ 0 at r ¼ Lr ; 0 < z < Lz (1e)
include the excretion and toxicology of nanoparticles (see, for
example, Refs. [44–46] for the development of biodegradable where
nanoparticles), as well as the quantification of the thermal damage
imposed on different types of cells (see Refs. [47] and [48] for dis- 1
cussions and comparative mathematical models of cell thermal D¼ (2a)
damage). Anyhow, reported experimental results and clinical tri-
als have demonstrated the selectivity and the minimally invasive
feature of nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications r0s ¼ ð1  g2 Þrs (2b)
[35–42,44–46,49]. On the other hand, numerical simulations are g
of major importance in hyperthermia treatment planning and con- g0 ¼ (2c)
trol, in order to minimize damage to normal cells. 1þg
This work aims at the application of the Liu and West algorithm
of the particle filter [4] together with the AEM [12–25] for the so- A1 ¼ ð1 þ R2 Þ=ð1  R1 Þ (2d)
lution of an inverse bioheat transfer state estimation problem. The
problem aims at the estimation of the temperature in the hyper- btr ¼ j þ rs ð1  gÞ (2e)
thermia treatment of a subcutaneous tumor loaded with nanopar-
ticles, by assuming available local temperature measurements with g being the anisotropic scattering factor, rs the scattering
from one sensor. Thermophysical and optical properties appearing coefficient, while R1 and R2 are the first and second moments of
in the mathematical formulation of the physical problem, which Fresnel’s reflection coefficient, respectively.
are modeled in terms of a mixture of Gaussian kernels, are also The collimated component of the fluence rate follows the gen-
simultaneously estimated together with the temperature field. eralized Beer–Lambert’s law and is given by [52]:

Up ðr; z Þ ¼ U0;i ðr; zÞ ¼ U0;i1 ðr; di1 ðrÞÞexp ½b0i ðz  zi Þ (3a)

Physical Problem and Mathematical Formulation
The physical problem under consideration in this paper with
involves the hyperthermia treatment of a subcutaneous tumor,
induced by an external collimated laser beam under constant illu- b0 ¼ j þ r0s (3b)
mination (CW) [50,51]. The skin is represented as an inhomoge-
neous cylindrical medium with five layers, where each layer where the subscript i refers to the layer i, di is the thickness of
corresponds to a specific tissue, namely: epidermis, dermis, fat, each layer, while zi and U0;i1 are the axial position at which the
muscle, and a tumor buried in the dermis (see Fig. 1 for geometry collimated light enters layer i and the collimated fluence rate at
and dimensions). The tumor is assumed to be loaded with gold this position, respectively. For i ¼ 1, we have
nanorods in order to enhance the hyperthermia effects and to limit
such effects to the tumor region. U0;1 ðr; zÞ ¼ ð1  Rsc ÞEðrÞexp ðb01 zÞ (3c)
The laser radiation propagation in the skin is modeled in this
work with the d-P1 approximation [52,53], even though other with
more simplified diffusion formulations have been used in the liter- 
ature for similar cases [54,55]. The laser beam is assumed to be E0 ; r  Ltumor
co-axial with the cylindrical skin model so that the problem can EðrÞ ¼ (3d)
0 ; r > Ltumor
be formulated as two-dimensional with axial symmetry. At the
external surface of the skin, the incident laser radiation is assumed The total fluence rate is obtained by adding both diffuse and
to be partially reflected (specular reflection), with reflection coef- collimated components, that is
ficient Rsc. The internal surface of the irradiated boundary is
assumed to partially and diffusively reflect the incident radiation,
with reflectivity characterized by Fresnel’s coefficient A1, while
opacity is assumed for the remaining boundaries. The refractive
indexes of the different tissues are assumed constant and
The diffuse component of the fluence rate is given by the fol-
lowing boundary value problem [52]:
" #
r0s ðr; zÞg0 ðr; zÞ
r  Dðr; zÞrUs ðr; zÞ þ Up ðr; zÞ^s c
btr ðr; zÞ
þ jðr; zÞUs ðr; zÞ ¼ r0s ðr; zÞUp ðr; zÞ
in 0 < r < Lr and 0 < z < Lz (1a)

Dðr; zÞrUs ðr; zÞ  n þ Us ðr; zÞ
r0s ðr; zÞg0 ðr; zÞ
¼ Up ðr; zÞ
btr ðr; zÞ
at z ¼ 0; 0 < r < Lr (1b)

Us ðr; zÞ ¼ 0 at z ¼ Lz ; 0 < r < Lr (1c) Fig. 1 Sketch of the skin model

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Uðr; zÞ ¼ Up ðr; zÞ þ Us ðr; zÞ (4) known with some degree of uncertainty. Thus, these parameters
may need to be estimated simultaneously with the state variables.
The heat transfer problem resulting from the laser irradiation of Let us consider a vector xk that contains all the state variables
the medium is modeled in terms of the two-dimensional Pennes’ that describe the system at a given time instant tk. We further
equation [56] in cylindrical coordinates with axial symmetry. The assume the state evolution model and the observation model,
internal surface (at z ¼ Lz) is assumed to exchange heat with the which are defined by the functions fk and gk, respectively. Thus,
deeper tissues beyond the computational domain, at a core body we can write the evolution model and the observation model,
temperature Tint, with a heat transfer coefficient hint, while the respectively, as [1–3]
irradiated surface (at z ¼ 0) is assumed to be cooled by air in order
to avoid overheating of the skin [40,41,57]. The heat transfer coef- xk ¼ f k ðxk1 ; h; wk Þ; k ¼ 1; :::; M (6a)
ficient and the temperature of the surrounding medium at z ¼ 0 are
assumed to vary in the radial direction. Heat transfer is neglected zk ¼ gk ðxk ; h; vk Þ; k ¼ 1; :::; M (6b)
through the lateral surfaces of the medium. The heat transfer prob-
lem is then formulated by using position-dependent properties as where h is a vector containing all the nondynamic parameters of
the model, while wk and vk represent the noises in the state evolu-
@T ðr; z; tÞ   tion model and in the observation model, respectively.
qðr; zÞcp ðr; zÞ ¼ r  kðr; zÞrT ðr; z; tÞ þ Qðr; z; tÞ For the state estimation problem under consideration in this
work, the state variables in the vector xk ¼ ½Uk ; Tk  are the flu-
0 < z < Lz ; 0 < r < Lr ; t > 0 ence rates and temperatures at the centers of the finite volumes
(5a) used in the discretization of the forward problem, at time tk, repre-
sented by the vectors Uk and Tk , respectively. The vector of non-
kðr; zÞrTðr; z; tÞ  n þ hc ðrÞTðr; z; tÞ ¼ hc ðrÞTc ðrÞ; dynamic parameters, h, contains all the optical and
z ¼ 0 ; 0 < r < Lr ; t > 0 (5b) thermophysical parameters appearing in the mathematical formu-
lation of the forward problem given by Eqs. (1)–(5).
Given the state-space models of Eqs. (6a) and (6b), the objec-
kðr; zÞrTðr; z; tÞ  n þ hint Tðr; z; tÞ ¼ hint Tint ; tive of the state estimation problem is to obtain information about
z ¼ Lz ; 0 < r < Lr ; t > 0 the state vector xk by sequentially estimating in time the posterior
probability density pðxk ; hjz1:k Þ, where z1:k is the set of all meas-
rTðr; z; tÞ  n ¼ 0; r ¼ 0; 0 < z < Lz ; t > 0 (5d) urements up to time tk, that is, fz1 ; z2 ; …; zk g. By assuming that
the probability density pðx0 ; hjz0 Þ ¼ pðx0 ; hÞ at the initial time
rTðr; z; tÞ  n ¼ 0; r ¼ Lr ; 0 < z < Lz ; t > 0 (5e) t ¼ t0 is available, the solution of the state estimation problem is
obtained with Bayesian filters in two steps: prediction and update
Tðr; z; tÞ ¼ Ts ðr; zÞ 0 < z < Lz ; 0 < r < Lr ; t ¼ 0 (5f ) [1–3,12,58–61]. The prediction step involves the evolution of the
state variables from time instant tk1 to tk, by using Eq. (6a), while
where in the update step, the likelihood function, relating the predicted
observations and the available observations at tk, is taken into
Qðr; z; tÞ ¼ qb cp;b xb ðr; zÞ½Tb  Tðr; z; tÞ þ Qmet ðr; zÞ þ Qlaser ðr; zÞ account. Kalman-like filters approximate the posterior probability
density as Gaussian. Though such an approach has proved to be
efficient in different applications, it can have severe limitations
for highly nonlinear problems. Unlike Kalman filters, sequential
that includes the heat source due to laser absorption
Monte Carlo Methods, also referred to as particle filters, are more
Qlaser ðr; zÞ ¼ jðr; zÞUðr; zÞ (5h) general and do not rely on any local linearization or any prior
assumption about the posterior probability density [1–3].
as well as the heat source due to metabolism and the effect of The particle filter method is a Monte Carlo technique for the so-
blood perfusion. The heat source term Qlaser induced by the laser lution of state estimation problems, in which the posterior proba-
radiation is computed from the fluence rate and the absorption bility density function is represented by a set of random samples
coefficient. (particles) with associated weights. As the number of samples
becomes large, the Monte Carlo characterization becomes an
equivalent representation of the posterior probability density func-
tion and the solution approaches the optimal Bayesian estimate.
The particle filter algorithms generally make use of an importance
State Estimation density, which is a probability density function proposed to repre-
Inverse problems in which the unknowns are time-dependent sent another one that cannot be exactly computed, that is, the
are referred to as state estimation or nonstationary inverse prob- sought posterior density in the present case. Then, samples are
lems [1–3,6,12,58–62]. This kind of problem can be encountered drawn from the importance density instead of the actual density
in several science and engineering applications. In most of these [1–3,12].
applications, prior knowledge about the physical phenomena For the simultaneous estimation of state variables and nondy-
being modeled is available [3]. This knowledge allows for the for- namic parameters, let fxik ; hik g be the particle i at time time tk,
mulation of Bayesian models that involve the prior distributions with associated weight wik ; i ¼ 1; :::; N, where N is the number of
for the unknown quantities and the likelihood functions relating particles. The subscript k for the parameter vector h does not rep-
these quantities to the observations [3]. Within the Bayesian resent a time dependence of such quantity, but the fact is that it is
framework, inference on the unknown quantities is based on the also estimated sequentially, like the state variables x. The weights
posterior probability distribution obtained from Bayes’ theorem P
are normalized so that Ni¼1 wik ¼ 1. The posterior probability dis-
[3]. Very often, observations are obtained at some discrete time
tribution of the state variables and of the parameters at tk can be
instants and one is interested in obtaining estimates of the discretely approximated by [6,61]
unknown quantities as new observations become available. For
such cases, nonstationary inverse problems may be written in the
form of evolution and observation models given as stochastic X
processes [1–3,12]. Evolution and observation models inherently pðxk ; hk jz1:k Þ  wik dðxk  xik ; hk  hik Þ (7)
incorporate nondynamic parameters, which might be unknown or i¼1

Journal of Heat Transfer JANUARY 2017, Vol. 139 / 012001-3

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where dð:Þ is the Dirac delta function. accurately as possible the physical problem under analysis. The
The joint state and parameter estimation problem is a difficult fulfillment of this requirement might be unpractical from a com-
task. For example, an artificial evolution model for the parameters putational point of view and makes the state estimation prohibi-
can be used, such as a random walk, but the particles may quite tive, especially, when complex multiphysical phenomena are
fast loose diversity. The problem is still an active area of research involved. An alternative is to use techniques of model reduction
for particle filter methods, but the algorithm of Liu and West [4] to reduce the computational time and then account for the model-
is considered as a robust and powerful technique [6]. The algo- ing errors in order to avoid poor estimates of the unknown quanti-
rithm of Liu and West for the particle filter is based on West’s hy- ties of interest.
pothesis [63] of a Gaussian mixture for the vector of parameters h The AEM, first proposed for stationary inverse problems [12]
[4,63], that is and then extended to nonstationary inverse problems [24], is
XN effective for handling the effects of model reduction. The method
pðhjz1:k1 Þ  wik1 Nðhjmik1 ; h2 Vk1 Þ (8) was successfully applied to compensate for the use of reduced
i¼1 mathematical/computational models in different applications of
practical interest, including process monitoring, tomography, and
where Nðjm; SÞ is a Gaussian multivariate density with mean m hyperthermia treatment of cancer [11–25,64–66]. In the nonsta-
and covariance matrix S, while h is a smoothing parameter. tionary version of the AEM, model reduction error in both evolu-
Equation (8) shows that the density pðhjz1:k1 Þ is a mixture of tion and observation models is treated as additional noises. These
Nðhjmik1 ; h2 Vk1 Þ Gaussian distributions weighted by the sam- errors are then modeled as Gaussian and their statistics (means
ple weights wik1 . The kernel locations are specified by using the and covariance matrices) are computed based on the probabilistic
following shrinkage rule [4,6]: modeling of the prior information available. In this way, the heavy
computational task is performed before the measurements are
mik1 ¼ A hik1 þ ð1  AÞhk1 (9) made.
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Let f rk ðxrk ; hr; wrk Þ and grk ðxrk ; hr Þ be reduced evolution and obser-
where A ¼ 1  h2 and hk1 is the mean of h at time tk1. The vation models, respectively, with parameter vector hr and state
shrinkage factor, A, is computed as [4,6] vector xrk of dimensions smaller than those of h and xk , respec-
tively, which appear in the accurate models f k ðxk ; h; wk Þ and
3e  1 gk ðxk ; hÞ. For state-space models defined by discrete numerical
A¼ (10) methods of partial differential equations, a natural choice for
reduced models is the use of coarse meshes. Hence, we consider
where 0.95 < e < 0.99. the existence of a linear operator, typically an interpolation map-
The steps of Liu and West’s particle filter algorithm [4,6], as ping Px between a sufficiently refined mesh and a coarse mesh, so
applied for the advancement of the particles from time tk1 to that xrk ¼ Px xk [21–25]. It follows that
time tk, are presented in Table 1.
xrk ¼ f rk ðxrk1 ; hr ; wrk Þ þ xrk (11)
where xrkrepresents the modeling error of the process at time tk
Nonstationary Approximation Error Approach and is defined as
An implicit assumption made in the state-space model given by
Eq. (6) is that both evolution and observation models describe as xrk ¼ Px f k ðxk1 ; h; wk Þ  f rk ðxrk1 ; hr ; wrk Þ (12)

Table 1 Liu and West’s algorithm [4]

Step 1
Find the mean hk1 of the parameters h at time tk1
Step 2
For i ¼ 1,…, N compute mik1 with Eq. (9), draw new particles xik from the prior density pðxk jxik1 ; mik1 Þ and then calculate the mean lik of xik . Use the
likelihood density to calculate the corresponding weights wik ¼ pðzk jlik ; mik1 Þwik1
Step 3
Calculate the total weight t ¼ i wjk and then normalize the particle weights, that is, for i ¼ 1,…, N let wik ¼ t1 wik
Step 4
Resample the particles as follows
Construct the cumulative sum of weights (CSW) by computing ci ¼ ci1 þ wik for i ¼ 1,…, N, with c0 ¼ 0
Let i ¼ 1 and draw a starting point u1 from the uniform distribution U[0, N1]
For j ¼ 1,…, N
Move along the CSW by making uj ¼ u1 þ N1(j  1)
While uj > ci make i ¼ i þ 1
Assign samples xjk1 ¼ xik1 , mjk1 ¼ mik1 and ljk ¼ lik
Assign parent ij ¼ i
Step 5
For j ¼ 1,…, N draw samples hjk from Nðhjk jmijk1 ; h2 Vk1 Þ, by using the parent ij
Step 6
For j ¼ 1,…, N draw particles xjk from the prior density pðxk jxijk1 ; hjk Þ, by using the parent ij, and then use the likelihood density to calculate the corre-
spondent weights wjk ¼ pðzk jxjk ; hjk Þ=pðzk jlijk ; mijk1 Þ
Step 7
P j
Calculate the total weight t ¼ j wk and then normalize the particle weights, that is, for j ¼ 1,…, N let wjk ¼ t1 wjk

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Table 2 Thermophysical and optical properties [50,51,67,68]

Tissue Epidermis Tumor Dermis Fat Muscle

Thickness (mm) 0.1 0.75 1.5 2 8

q (kg/m3) 1200 1030 1200 1000 1085
cp (J/kg K) 3589 3852 3300 2674 3800
k (W/m K) 0.235 0.558 0.445 0.185 0.51
Qmet (W/m3) 0 3680 368.1 368.3 684.2
xb (s1) 0 63  104 2  104 104 27  104
j (m ) 35 122 122 108 54
rs (m1) 21,270 22,500 22,500 20,200 6670

Table 3 Optical properties of the tumor containing gold


Concentration of nanoparticles (m3) 3  1015

j (m1) 177.02
rs (m1) 22503.46

Similarly, by assuming that the measurement error is additive,

the observation model can be rewritten as [21–25]

zk ¼ grk ðxrk ; hr Þ þ trk þ vk (13)

where trk represents the modeling error in the observation model

and is given by

trk ¼ gk ðxk ; hÞ  grk ðxrk ; hr Þ (14)

Therefore, Eq. (13) becomes

zk ¼ grk ðxrk ; hr Þ þ gk ; k ¼ 1; 2; :::; M (15)

Fig. 2 Comparison of the temperatures obtained with the three
gk ¼ trk þ vk (16) different models: (a) transient variation at (r 5 0.6 mm,
z 5 0.73 mm) and (b) along the centerline at t 5 20 s
Although analytical expressions of the approximation errors
can be derived for linear models, in the case of nonlinear models,
such as in this work, one shall rely on sampling techniques to Fig. 1) [50,51,67,68]. Absorption and scattering coefficients of the
obtain the statistics describing the approximation errors [21–25]. tumor loaded with gold nanorods are shown in Table 3 and were
The general assumption is that the approximation errors have computed following the procedure given in Ref. [40], by assuming
Gaussian distributions. A Monte Carlo simulation is then per- a volumetric concentration 3  1015 m3 of nanorods, with peak
formed in order to obtain samples xr;i r;i
k and tk of the approxima-
surface plasmon resonance at kSPR ¼ 798 nm and aspect ratio
tion errors. From these samples, one can compute statistics of the R ¼ 3.9 [69]. The remaining physical properties were assumed as
approximation errors, such as the means and the covariance matri- not affected by the inclusion of the nanoparticles. The first and
ces, and the reduced evolution-observation models given by Eqs. second moments of Fresnel reflection coefficient for the air–tissue
(11) and (15) can be used in the particle filter computations, interface, with the tissue refractive index of 1.3, are given by
instead of the complete models given by Eqs. (6a) and (6b). 0.565 and 0.429, respectively [70]. The steady-state version of the
bioheat transfer problem given by Eq. (5) was solved in order to
obtain the initial distribution of temperature in the skin model,
Results and Discussion with Qlaser ðr; zÞ ¼ 0, hc ¼ 10 W/m2 K and hint ¼ 50 W/m2 K [40].
For the results presented below, we considered the tissues with The subcutaneous tumor that is the target of the hyperthermia
thicknesses and physical properties given by Table 2 (see also treatment was assumed loaded with gold nanorods and then

Table 4 Finite volume meshes

Number of control volumes in Number of control volumes Total number

Mesh the radial direction in the axial direction of control volumes Purpose

M1 10 15 150 Reduced model

M2 100 150 15,000 Complete model
M3 200 300 60,000 Synthetic data

Journal of Heat Transfer JANUARY 2017, Vol. 139 / 012001-5

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Table 5 Prior probability densities for the optical parameters exposed to a collimated uniform laser beam (k ¼ 800 nm,
E0 ¼ 1.2 W/cm2) during 20 s under CW. A heat transfer coefficient
Optical parameter Mean Standard deviation hc ¼ 500 W/m2 K to a medium at Tc ¼ 35  C was considered for
radial positions smaller than the tumor radius in order to simulate
Absorption coefficient j0 0.05j0/2.576 the effect of an active cooling mechanism at the skin surface
Scattering coefficient rs,0 0.05rs,0/2.576 [40,41,57]. The heat transfer coefficient for larger radial positions
Anisotropy factor g0 0.03g0/2.576 was set to hc ¼ 10 W/m2 K [40].
Fresnel’s parameter A1,0 0.001A1,0/2.576 Both radiation and bioheat transfer problems were numerically
Specular reflectivity Rs 0.01Rs,0/2.576
solved using a finite volume code based on the alternating direc-
tion implicit method. The code was verified against analytical sol-
Irradiance E0 0.05 E0/2.576 utions for limiting cases. The coupled radiation-bioheat transfer
problem defined by Eqs. (1) and (5) was solved with three differ-
ent finite volume meshes, referred to as M1 , M2 , and M3 , with
Table 6 Prior probability densities for the thermophysical the number of volumes shown by Table 4. The most refined mesh,
parameters M3 , was used for the generation of the simulated measurements,
in order to avoid an inverse crime. Meshes M1 and M2 were
Parameter Mean Standard deviation used for the solution of the state estimation problem with the
reduced and complete models, respectively. Figure 2(a) presents
Thermal conductivity k0 0.05 k,0/2.576 the comparison of the transient temperature variation at the posi-
Volumetric heat capacity cp,0 0.05cp,0/2.576 tion (r ¼ 0.6 mm, z ¼ 0.73 mm) obtained using these three differ-
Perfusion coefficient x0 0.05 x0/2.576 ent meshes for the solution of the coupled radiation-bioheat
transfer problem. Similarly, Fig. 2(b) presents the temperature dis-
Metabolic heat source Qmet,0 0.05 Qmet,0/2.576
tributions obtained with these same meshes in the axial direction
Heat transfer coefficients hc,0 0.05hc,0/2.576 along the centerline, at t ¼ 20 s. One can notice in these figures
hint,0 0.05hint,0/2.576
discrepancies between the temperature profiles obtained with the
complete and reduced models. These discrepancies are due to the

Fig. 3 Convergence of the mean of the approximation error:

(a) transient variation at (r 5 0.6 mm, z 5 0.73 mm) and (b) along Fig. 4 Convergence of the total sample variance of the approx-
the centerline at t 5 20 s imation error: (a) at t 5 1 s and (b) at t 5 20 s

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use of the nonconverged finite volume mesh M1 . On the other literature data [50,51,67,68]. For the Monte Carlo simulation, the
hand, one can note that the mesh M2 is sufficiently refined, since complete state evolution model was assumed as deterministic. For
the solution of the complete model graphically matches the solu- the calculation of the statistics of the approximation error xrk ,
tion obtained with mesh M3 , which was used to generate the syn- 3000 samples were generated from the prior probability densities
thetic measured data. The results obtained with mesh M3 will be given by Tables 5 and 6. The convergence of the statistics of the
considered as exact for the comparisons performed hereafter. approximation error is presented by Figs. 3 and 4. Figures 3(a)
The statistics of the approximation error between the reduced and 3(b) present the means of the errors at (r ¼ 0.6 mm,
model (mesh M1 ) and the complete model (mesh M2 ) were com- z ¼ 0.7 mm) and along the axial direction at r ¼ 0 mm and t ¼ 20 s,
puted with a Monte Carlo simulation by assuming the prior proba- respectively, for different number of samples used in the Monte
bility densities given by Tables 5 and 6 for the physical Carlo simulation. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) present the variation of
parameters in the vector h, where the reference values (subscript the trace of the covariance matrix of the approximation error with
0) are given by Tables 2 and 3. These prior densities are based on the number of samples, at t ¼ 1 s and t ¼ 20 s, respectively. Figures

Fig. 5 Exact and estimated temperature distribution at selected times with N 5 250 particles

Journal of Heat Transfer JANUARY 2017, Vol. 139 / 012001-7

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3 and 4 show that convergence is achieved for the means and co- was obtained from the finite volume solution for problem (5)
variance matrices of the approximation error with the number of (operator Frkþ1 in Eq. (17b)) with mesh M1 , and contains uncer-
samples utilized. tainties given by the approximation error xrk . The uncertainties in
Once the statistics of the approximation error are computed, the the initial temperature distribution are Gaussian, with zero mean
solution of the state estimation problem can be obtained with the and a standard deviation of 0.5  C.
computationally fast reduced model, instead of the complete Transient temperature measurements (zmeas k
) taken at the posi-
model. For the reduced model, the uncertainties were assumed as tion (r ¼ 0.6 mm, z ¼ 0.7 mm), at a rate of one measurement every
additive, that is 1 s, are assumed available for the analysis. The measurement
errors are supposed additive, Gaussian, uncorrelated, with zero
xrkþ1 ¼ f rkþ1 ðxrk ; hrk Þ þ erkþ1 (17a) mean and a constant standard deviation rTmeas ¼ 0.5  C so that the
likelihood function written in terms of the reduced model is given
The evolution model is represented separately for the fluence rate, by
Uk , and temperature, Tk , as 
 r r 1   
( r p zmeas jx ; h / exp  zmeas  grk xrk ; hr  g k T W1
Ukþ1 ¼ Urk ðhk Þ þ rU eU k k
2 k
(17b)  meas r r r
Trkþ1 ¼ Frkþ1 ðTrk ; Urkþ1 ; hk Þ þ xrkþ1 zk  gk xk ; h  g k
In Eq. (17b), the evolution model for the fluence rate was
defined in the form of a random walk, with uncorrelated and where g k and Wg are the mean and the covariance matrix of gk ,
Gaussian noise, with zero mean and a standard deviation rU respectively, which include the statistics of the approximation
¼ 1% of its deterministic value. The deterministic values for the errors and of the measurement errors (see Eq. (16)). Since the
fluence rate were obtained from the finite volume solution of measurement errors have zero mean and constant standard devia-
problem (1) with mesh M1 . The evolution model for temperature tion rTmeas , we can write [11]

Fig. 6 Estimated and exact temperature distribution at t 5 20 s: (left) along the radius for a line at z 5 0.7 mm, with Liu and
West and AEM (a), Liu and West without AEM (b); (right) along the centerline, with Liu and West and AEM (c), Liu and West
without AEM (d)

012001-8 / Vol. 139, JANUARY 2017 Transactions of the ASME

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 k ¼ t rk
g (19a) measurement point, and at a position where no measurements are
available (r ¼ 5.4 mm, z ¼ 0.7 mm), are shown in Figs. 7 and 8,
respectively. For comparison, the exact temperatures are shown in
Wg ¼ Wtrk þ r2Tmeas I (19b)
these two figures and the simulated temperature measurements are
included in Fig. 7. One can notice in Figs. 7 and 8 that excellent
where t rk and Wtrk are, respectively, the mean and the covariance estimates were obtained with small credible bounds if the AEM
matrix of approximation error trk , while I is the identity matrix. was used. It is interesting to note in Fig. 7(b) that the transient
Figure 5 presents the estimated temperature distributions temperature variation estimated by the particle filter without the
obtained with the Liu and West particle filter at selected time AEM follows the noisy measurements and not the exact tempera-
instants, for N ¼ 250 particles, by using the reduced model to- tures. Furthermore, for a position where no measurements are
gether with the AEM. The solution obtained by the simple reduc- available, as shown by Fig. 8(b), the estimated temperatures do
tion of the model (without the AEM) is also shown in this figure, not follow the exact ones and increase at a larger rate. Figures 5–8
as well as the exact temperatures (obtained with the most refined demonstrate the sensitivity of the inverse problem solution to
mesh M3 ). Figure 5 shows that good estimates of the temperature modeling errors and also show the importance of compensating
distributions were obtained when the AEM approach was taken for the effects of model reduction by using the AEM.
into account. On the other hand, if the AEM is not considered, the Liu and West’s algorithm for the particle filter allows for simul-
agreement between estimated and measured temperatures deterio- taneous estimation of the state variables and of the nondynamic
rates. Such fact is also apparent from the analysis of Figs. model parameters. Selected estimated parameters with their asso-
6(a)–6(d), where the estimated temperature distributions are ciated 99% credible intervals are presented in Fig. 9. The exact
shown along the radial direction for a line at z ¼ 0.7 mm and along values of these parameters were also included in this figure for the
the axial direction at the centerline. sake of comparison. We note in Fig. 9 that excellent estimates
For further assessment of the accuracy of the results obtained were obtained for the parameters, with the exact values falling
with the Liu and West algorithm together with the AEM approach, inside the credible intervals. Moreover, one can observe a reduc-
the estimated transient variations of the temperatures at the tion of the credible intervals for some parameters as time

Fig. 7 Comparison of the estimated and exact transient tem-

perature variations with the temperature measurements at the Fig. 8 Estimated and exact transient temperature variations at
sensor position (r 5 0.6 mm, z 5 0.7 mm): (a) Liu and West with (r 5 5.4 mm, z 5 0.7 mm): (a) Liu and West with AEM; (b) Liu and
AEM; (b) Liu and West without AEM West without AEM

Journal of Heat Transfer JANUARY 2017, Vol. 139 / 012001-9

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increases. Thus, the samples of the corresponding marginal The computational cost for the solution of the simultaneous
posteriors tend to concentrate around the corresponding exact val- estimation of parameters and state variables using the complete
ues as time evolves because of the accumulated information model was of 81 hrs, with 250 particles [29]. On the other hand,
provided by the transient measurements and by the evolution with the reduced model, the solution was obtained in 47 min,
model. which represents a speedup of 100 times. Computational times

Fig. 9 Estimation of selected parameters (subscripts: tum 5 tumor, tum, nps 5 tumor with
nanoparticles, epi 5 epidermis, der 5 dermis, mus 5 muscle, amb 5 surrounding ambient)

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refer to codes run under the MATLAB platform, on an Intel(R) Xeon int ¼ deeper internal tissues
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met ¼ metabolism
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