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Social Media and the Creation of Cyber Ghettoes by the nature of social media feeds, leading users to

read articles, memes, and videos shared by like-

At this point in time…
minded friends.
 Only a few media scholars argue that the world
As such, being on Facebook can resemble living in an
is becoming culturally homogenous
echo chamber, which reinforces one’s existing beliefs
- sense of pride in one's culture,
and opinions, eventually making users more partisan
nationality and common
and close-minded.
background with fellow citizens

 Internet and social media are proving that the

On Information and Fake News
globalization of culture and ideas can move in
different directions, transcending prerogatives  The resulting herd mentality can be exploited by
politicians, as in the case of Russian dictator
Vladimir Putin where he hired armies of social
 While Western culture remains powerful and media “trolls” to manipulate public opinion through
media production is still controlled by powerful intimidation and dissemination of fake news.
Western corporations,  Most recently, American intelligence agencies
established that Putin used trolls and online
The internet, particularly social media, is
misinformation to help Donald Trump win the
challenging previous ideas about media and
presidency—a tactic the Russian autocrat is likely to
repeat in Europe elections he seeks to influence.
 Critics of the increasingly dictatorial regime of
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan are
Social Media threatened by online mobs of pro-government
Effects trolls, who hack accounts and threaten violence.
Some of their responses have included threats of
 Enabled users to be consumers and producers of sexual violence against women.
information simultaneously.

Examples: As the preceding cases show, fake information can

 The democratic potential of social media was most spread easily on social media since they have few
evident in 2011 during the Arab Spring - a wave of content filters. News articles, even fake ones, can
protests, uprisings, and unrest that spread across spread easily like a wildfire from one side of the globe
Arabic-speaking countries in North Africa and the to the other.
Middle East.
 The women’s march against newly installed US
President Donald Trump began with a tweet from a
The dark side of social media shows that even a
Hawaiian lawyer which sparked a global movement.
seemingly open and democratic media may be co-
These movements were largely enabled by social opted towards undemocratic means. Global online
media. Digital citizens can be easily coerced by propaganda will be the biggest threat to face as the
numerous demands or petitions coming from other globalization of media deepens.
people of manipulative intent.

Point to Remember:
 Commentators began referring to the emergence of
As consumers of media, users must remain vigilant and
what is known as “splinternet” (a pun coined to
learn how to distinguish fact from falsehood. Though
describe the Internet as it exists in each separate
people must remain critical of mainstream media and
nation providing its own separate version for users
traditional media that may also operate based on
of its country) and “cyberbalkanization” (describes
vested interest, we must also insist that some sources
the process by which the censorship and the
are more credible than others. People must be able to
application of filters on Internet content causes
tell the difference.
fragmentation or subdivisions within).

 In the United States, voters of the Democratic Party
largely read liberal websites, and voters of the Different media have diverse effects on globalization
Republican Party largely read conservative processes, as societies can never be completely
websites. This segmentation has been exacerbated prepared for the rapid changes in the systems of
communication. Every technological change, after all,
creates multiple unintended consequences. Instead of
fearing these changes or entering a state of moral
panic, everyone must collectively discover ways of
dealing with them responsibly and ethically.


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