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Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings

Leadership Development Programmes


Team Leadership,

Coaching Leadership

Strategic Leadership

Change Leadership

Communications Advantage and

Negotiations Advantage


Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings

Important Notes................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Leadership Advantage Programmes – Key Abilities Developed .................................................................................................. 3
Our Programme Enhancements .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Enhancements ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Details .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Delivery, facilities and Materials .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Module Details and Outline Agenda’s....................................................................................................................................... 7
Self leadership Advantage .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Coaching Leadership Advantage ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Team Leadership Advantage ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Strategic Leadership Advantage ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Change Leadership Advantage ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Negotiations Advantage ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Porposed Quotations (w/o GST) ............................................................................................................................................ 24
T3 Option ....................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Further Programme runs n- Loyalty Bonus ......................................................................................................................... 25
Company Profile .................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Lead Consultant: Dr. John Kenworthy................................................................................................................................ 27
GAINMORE™ Advantage Other program offerings ............................................................................................................. 29
Selected Client projects ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
Some of our clients and testimonials ................................................................................................................................. 31
Our Standard Contract & Terms ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Fees............................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Payment .................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Cancelation............................................................................................................................................................... 32

Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................................................... 32


1. The information/materials contained within this document and other submissions are to be used solely
for evaluation of our candidacy for the proposed training programme. We greatly appreciate that you
respect our IP and not divulge any information, format, ideas practices or philosophy to parties that are
not privy to this information.
2. We thank you sincerely for your kind consideration.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


Leadership Abilities Developed

Critical Analysis and Judgment   Case   
IQ Vision and Imagination   3D Sim   
Strategic Perspective      
Managing Resources      
Engaging Communications      
MQ Empowering      
Developing      
Achieving      
Self-Awareness      
Emotional Resilience      
Intuitiveness      
EQ Sensitivity      
Influence      
Motivation      
Conscientiousness      

 Development

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


As global leaders in our field of expertise, this program comes with enhancements to build in continuity and
community. We believe that individuals have the best chance of transformation when they are working together with
people i.e. community support. Please see below for a list of our program enhancements that are provided without


LeaderShift Contains a thought-provoking short article with a related activity, all written by our
own team of leadership experts, with the intention to jolt the reader from the usual
weekly Leadership Success mundanity and routine of life, to encourage the reader and provide a refreshing
tips perspective on sustainable and effective behaviours in the New Economy.

An integrated e-portal that offers blogs, articles and a community platform to support
Interactive Online Portal –
participants after the workshop, providing an environment where they can share their
The Team Leadership
experiences about relating to others to be Encouraged, Restored and Planted for the
Advantage Toolbox
New Economy.

A CELSIM non-profit platform to equip and enable our clients and people that are
Leadership Knowledge similarly aligned. It is a Facebook integrated social network and, in Singapore, a
Network quarterly town hall style forum where our alumni, friends, associates and their
contact gather to discuss relevant issues on leading and flourishing in current times.

We take photos and video footage throughout the program. Sharing the unedited
video with participants at the end of the program day and posting the edited videos
Video and Photos
and photos onto the private Group Toolbox for viewing and download by participants
after the event.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings



With the exception of the Self Leadership module, workshops are learner centered, interactive format designed for
high levels of participation, guided practice to enhance effective team-working awareness and practice and time for
reflection on learning.

The pilot workshops will be led locally by a Dr. John Kenworthy supported by accredited coaches and trainers. Follow
on programmes may be led by Dr. John Kenworthy or one of our master trainers or internal trainers after appropriate
T3 training.

Our extensive experience of utilizing learning technologies in support of training workshops enables us to benefit our
clients and participants by bringing the very best and most suitable trainers, supported and facilitated locally. This
ensures that participants get the best possible training whilst providing more cost-effective solutions.

For the Self-Leadership module, participants undertake an online assessment and schedule a one-to-one feedback
coaching session, face-to-face in Singapore or by Web-Video Conference. Each Feedback session lasts 45 minutes.


Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd shall provide all learning materials and writing aids (e.g. pens, papers, course manuals) to
facilitate the learning for all classes, at no additional cost to the client. All manuals are presented in a professional

Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd is the creator of its own learning materials. No materials infringe the Intellectual Property
(IP) rights of any third party.

Under no circumstances shall the client or its agents make any changes to the materials without the written
permission of Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd. Under no circumstances may any materials supplied to the client or their
workshop participants be copied, modified or replicated in any form; all copyrights reserved. The client may not use
the content of the course nor use any materials related to the course to train others.

Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd will provide participants with their own evaluation form after the completion of the class.
Copies of the evaluations will be submitted to the client within 3 working days from the class end date.


• Tables accommodating approx. 4-6 people for individual and group work.
• Data Projector/Smart Board and screen/wall space for power point presentation and video component
• White boards for each table group
• Other Equipment will be provided by CELSIM

For self-leadership Feedback Coaching Sessions, a private meeting room is required.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


• Pre and post workshop learner toolbox

• GAPPS3 Assessment (for Self-Leadership participants)
• Coaching Readiness and Approach Indicator (CRAI) Assessment for Coaching Leader participants
• Team roles preferences assessment (for participants NOT included in Self-Leadership but included in
Team Leadership workshop)
• Training days as indicated by module
• Training Workbook for each participant for individual module
• Programme evaluation

We shall prepare the list which includes the trainer’s name and the participants’ details as provided by the client’s
administrator. A copy of the attendance list shall be sent to the relevant parties by the next working day after the
completion of the class. The original copy of the attendance list shall be submitted to the Client’s HR within 3 working
days from the class end date.

Upon completion of the programme, we will issue a Certificate of Attendance to participants who have attained at
least 100% attendance rate.

The programme will be conducted at a suitable venue arranged and organized by the Client.


We propose to undertake a level 1 – Reaction evaluation at the close of the day’s program, reporting within one week
of program end.

In addition, we will follow-up with each participant 2 to 3 weeks after the event on their personal commitment for
change via the learner toolbox micro-site which will remain open for another 3 months to participants.

Optionally, we will, with the Client, undertake Full evaluation to ROI of programmes.


We continue to provide online support to all participants via our website and community. This enables participants to
refresh their learning with tutors should they require this, and, importantly, discuss more difficult team situations they
come across during their work to seek the advice, or further personal development, or on some occasions, referrals to
specialists who are best equipped to deal with the situation.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings



To develop self-leadership, in terms of the personal attributes and development of the leader in the context of the
Using the GAPPS3 Leadership Diagnostic Assessment with one-to-one feedback coaching.

Our approach entails helping individuals to understand where they are currently in terms of themselves as leaders.
This is achieved by use of our GAPPS (GAINMORE™ Advantage Potential to Performance System Version 3) diagnostic
and assessment.

 Each individual’s GAPPS3 profile will show their:

o Leadership Attributes – the essential Qualities of
o Leadership Abilities – their Emotional Intelligence,
Management and Intellectual capabilities
o Leadership Agilities – the flexibility of their leadership
to adapt to different situations and context.
o Preferred and actual team leadership role
 Participants have an individual feedback coaching session that
will assist the participant in the correct interpretation of their
assessment aligned with their personal leadership goals and career. Suring the session we identify the
critical personal development for each individual and link them to our online learner toolbox.
 Further individual executive coaching sessions may be recommended for an individual subject to
separate approval. (Further coaching is not being proposed currently.)

Our GAPPS Assessment is unlike other psychometric tests that you may have used in the past. Such tools are most
often used to determine the individual's 'personality' or 'traits' which you then most often use to determine if this is
the type of person you are seeking to fill a position. Some enable you to compare the individual's behaviours or
characteristics against those of the organization, or the team, or a few, the job. This is great... but... they do not tell
you what you really need to know after this. Can this person be developed? If they can, what do they need to
develop? And what are their development priorities? Do they have the potential to succeed? Is this position and
company (and our values) right for them? Do they show integrity? And many other unanswered questions... until now.
Everyone who uses GAPPS receives a copy of their full report and personal feedback from a professional coach.
Together, we identify the high priority development areas and necessary mindset to raise performance to reach their
GAPPS is used by leading organizations both large and small. Through all stages of the employee life-cycle:
recruitment and selection, on-boarding, performance management, succession planning, talent management,
transition and even out-placement.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


GAPPS is our powerful GAINMORE™ Advantage Potential to Performance System. Unlike other leadership
assessments, GAPPS provides you with a comprehensive profile report showing your AAA for leadership success:

 Leadership Attributes
 Leadership Abilities
 Leadership Agility

GAPPS identifies your current strengths AND your priority development areas AND your potential as a leader.
With links to our unique, interactive online learning system. The GAPPS full assessment includes personal feedback
coaching (45-60 minutes) preferably face to face, else by video conference. You can also receive access to the
GAINMORE™ Leadership Advantage Toolbox - this covers the foundational modules for each of the 12 areas under the
GAINMORE™ model as a full, interactive and supported online learning tool. Additional comparative profiles for
teams, culture fit, recruitment and all parts of the employee life cycle are available to accelerate and improve your
GAPPS for recruitment also comes with a Recruiter summary report with suggested competency-based questions.
Questions to firstly confirm the profile (yes some people do try to ‘cheat’ the system but our algorithms identify and
red-flag suspicious respondents) and secondly to dig deeper into areas of interest. Add on your technical questions
and you have a powerful structured interview process.
GAPPS is a powerful tool for your leadership and development assessment needs and it doesn’t stop there.
The primary use of GAPPS is for leadership development and coaching. You can use it to undertake a 360˚ assessment
of your leadership team, succession planning, high potentials identification… You get the idea.

Detail example Leadership Attributes

You can choose from:

 Person-Job/role fit
 Person-Team fit
 Person-Organization fit
 Person-culture fit Showing each Attribute and Ability clearly, the individual’s
 Person-boss fit ‘normal’ behaviour and the Agility they demonstrate in each
 Self-Others view (180˚/360˚) factor.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings

Your Team Leadership Role preferences and behaviour: And, uniquely, your potentiality index!

You may be looking for someone to fit the current team, or

re-balance the team and sometimes, create change in the Looking for someone who is going places? Or perhaps identify
team culture! the key agilities to develop before promoting someone?


We recommend a “kick-off” session for all nominated participants – lasting about 45 minutes to one hour. This can be
webcast as well for participants not available in Singapore at that time.

We need to agree what information is confidential and what, if anything, is to be shared with HR

What reports you want from us? Normally we summarize:

 Candidate, when GAPPS3 assessment done,

 when feedback coaching done, and
 the candidates follow up date for their "homework" and
 The candidates’ simple evaluation of the assessment and feedback of their own performance or
behaviour improvements following their "homework".

We can of course do many other reports for you, with the candidates’ knowledge and agreement, such as
Comparative potentiality, common development needs (mini TNA) and many more. We charge S$70 per team
member for comparative profiles report.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings

The how:

 You nominate the participants by sending their name and email address (contact mobile can help as
 We invite them to take the GAPPS3 assessment, they schedule their feedback after assessment
submission directly into our system (or we follow up if they have not yet done so)
 They receive a pdf copy of their profile report usually one working day prior to their feedback session.
 They receive the coach's summary of the feedback session with "homework" reminders and links to the
leadership advantage toolbox (or other suggestions as appropriate) for their continued development.
 All participants have full access to our leadership advantage toolbox and our support forum.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


To develop effective coaching and communication using purposeful language to achieve specific outcomes:
2 Workshop days plus pre-workshop online learning

Our approach examines how human dynamics and human communications,

representational systems and culture influence the perception of
communication towards intended outcomes or goals and the effectiveness of
coaching conversations. The Coaching Framework taught is a sub-set of our
GAINMORE™ Coaching Framework – The IDEAR process. This is Behavioural
Outcome Based Coaching, designed to meet 80-85% of workplace coaching
and mentoring situations.

 Develop clarity and flexibility of approach to meet any situation as it arises

 Learn the language patterns used self and others and develop flexibility in own communication patterns
 Recognise and use the conscious and unconscious behavioural patterns that motivate and inspire
yourself and others
 Learn how to move yourself and others from conflict to agreement and cooperation
 Learn the skills of building deep, influential rapport with others
 Identify optimal communications and behaviours to engage your coachee and achieve desired results

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings



09:30 - Coffee and introductions Session 5 - Barnga!

10:00 Powerful communications game

10:00 – Session 1 - SMARTening up your goals and Session 6 - IDEAR

11:15 Vision. Using the IDEAR framework for COACHING others.
A series of powerful activities to identify Active simulation in groups of 3
SMART goals using the SWING process that
ensures agreement and motivation towards
achieving the goals.
11:15 – Coffee break Coffee break

11:30 – Session 2 - Leveraging talent. Session 7 - A question of attitude.

13:00 "Contributions" activity that provides the Simulation activity to reframe and overcome obstacles
tools to identify another's talent and leverage in a person development
that talent to achieving a team goal.
13:00 – Lunch Lunch

14:00 - Session 3 - A matter of communicating Session 8 - IDEAR for teams

15:45 BARNGA! This is a fun yet powerful game that Using the IDEAR framework in group or team situations.
highlight how you communicate and read
15:45 – Tea Break Tea Break

16:00 – Session 4 - Feedback Session 9 - Capstone

17:30 A simulation activity working in small groups, Coaching templates, plans and implementation
providing feedback to each other using the
feedback sandwich.
17:30 – Review Review
What have we learned as a team? What have we learned as a team?
What are the applications to the business? What are the applications to the business?
What are we going to do differently What are we going to do differently tomorrow?
tomorrow? Personal commitments to change
Personal commitments to change


Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


To develop improves participants’ shared situational awareness and develops

competence in enabling communication:
2 Workshop days plus pre-workshop online learning. Either a 3D Simulation
workshop or a Case Study Decision Game.

Participants gain a profound experience of the key behavioural and organisational

models that are used to persuade and influence people, as well as shape the culture
and values of a team, division or organisation. By being able to ensure a fit between
people, the organisation and corporate values and the goals, you can make a
significant contribution to developing business.

 Understand motives and drivers and effectively communicate with all team members
 Provide opportunity for participants to interact & develop team spirit through teambuilding activities
 Identify & develop individual’s strengths & interpersonal / communication skills
 Identify & develop group’s strengths & team spirit
 Set practical and challenging objectives and achieve them
 Guide the team to focus on organisation objectives and outcomes
 Align the right resources and recognise every member’s talents and strengths
 Communicate effectively and positively
 Plan and strategise as a team and share the right knowledge with the right people
 Ensure that the team and organisation align with the culture, values and organisation direction
 Develop a shared situational awareness and insights into contextual understanding
 Develop unity and cohesion of effort towards stated goals.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings



09:30 - Coffee and introductions Session 5 – “The Library Effect”

10:00 The critical importance of communications of Shared
Team Leadership 3D simulation game to highlight the
critical importance of effective communications
10:00 – Session 1 – Where are we going as a team? Session 7 – “War or Peace?”
A series of powerful activities to identify How leaders influence themselves, the team and their
SMART team goals using the SWING process colleagues.
that ensures team agreement and motivation Our 3D simulation game continues with groups
towards achieving the goals. influencing each other for a particular purpose.
11:15 – Coffee break Coffee break

11:30 – Session 2 – Finding my mojo Session 8 – Let’s Decide

I work best when I…. A series of short tutorials Making tough calls and unpopular decisions in a time of
and exercises for finding your ‘mojo’. difficulty.
Using our 3D simulation as self and team Our 3D simulation game continues.
13:00 – Lunch Lunch

14:00 - Session 3 – Influencing others Session 9 – “All Change!”

Sheep, Fox, Owl, Donkey! This is a fun yet How Shared Situational Awareness impacts each
powerful game that highlight how you person. 3D Simulation in groups. An emotional
influence and read others. experience of the effects of change.
15:45 – Tea Break Tea Break

16:00 – Session 4 – Building with Purpose Session 10 - Review

A 3D simulation activity working in small What have we learned as a team?
groups that establishes the basics of Team What are the applications to the business?
Roles, Shared Goals and Shared Values and What are we going to do differently tomorrow?
how it affects team working.
Personal commitments to change
17:30 – Review
18:00 What have we learned as a team?
What are the applications to the business?
What are we going to do differently
Personal commitments to change


Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings



09:30 - Coffee and introductions Session 6 - Found!

10:00 Team Leadership simulation game to highlight the
critical importance of effective communications
10:00 – Session 1 – Where are we going as a team? Session 7 – You Decide!
A series of powerful activities to identify A Shared Situational Awareness Decision Game in
SMART team goals using the SWING process groups based on a custom designed case study.
that ensures team agreement and motivation
towards achieving the goals.
11:15 – Coffee break Coffee break

11:30 – Session 2 – Team Leadership Roles Session 8 – It wasn’t me!

Leveraging individual’s preferences to form Decision Game Simulation activity in groups now with
the ‘ideal’ team. added realistic complexity.
Session 3 - Leadership Paradigms – How your
leadership characteristics propel and restrain
your potential.
13:00 – Lunch Lunch

14:00 - Session 4 – Influencing others Session 9 – Let’s Decide

Sheep, Fox, Owl, Donkey! This is a fun yet Decision Game Simulation activity now working as a
powerful game that highlights how you team.
influence and read others.
15:45 – Tea Break Tea Break

16:00 – Session 5 – Shared Situational Awareness Session 10 - Review

A simulation activity working in small groups What have we learned as a team?
that establishes the basics of SSA and how it What are the applications to the business?
affects team working. What are we going to do differently tomorrow?
17:30 – Review Personal commitments to change
18:00 What have we learned as a team?
What are the applications to the business?
What are we going to do differently
Personal commitments to change


Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


To gain strategic insights on changes that will affect a company’s future

success versus competitors and its positioning with customers, and create
new revenue by leveraging the whole organisation’s capabilities more fully
through effective business and strategic leadership.

2 Day face to face workshop with online simulation.

This module uses a business simulation which forms the bedrock of

developing participants’ business acumen. Working in virtual company
teams, participants collaborate to define new strategies, identifying target customer segments, competitive
advantages and aligning the resources required to compete with other teams.

 Understand what influences and drives strategy and innovation

 Discover and understand the distinction between strategy, tactics and process improvement
 Define idea enhancers and discover techniques for using them to accelerate the strategy development
 Identify strategic contaminants that shut down the innovation process by casting judgment and
discouraging wide open thinking
 How to formulate strategies that lead to a sustainable competitive advantage
 Outline and practise a strategy for bringing achievable solutions to existing situations

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings



09:30 - Coffee and introductions Session 6 – So how?

10:00 Simulation – moving the strategic plan to reality.
Engaging stakeholders and aligning resources.
10:00 – Session 1 – What is a successful strategy? Session 7 – Communicating Strategy
What is strategy and what options are Simulation presentations on strategy choice and gaining
available? support where it matters most.

11:15 – Coffee break Coffee break


11:30 – Session 2 – The real SWOT. Session 8 – Getting ready for action!
Simulation to undertake a SWOT analysis In this module we take the learning from the simulation
correctly, that is useful and valid. and apply this to the real business. Usually forming
Session 3 – Breakthrough ideas for Action Learning Project teams who will continue after
tomorrow’s business agenda the workshop.
Blue sky thinking
13:00 – Lunch Lunch

14:00 - Session 4 - Competitive Advantage Session 9 – Presenting Strategy

What’s really at stake? Simulation to establish Mock presentations on early strategic proposals and
strategic options and conduct SFA (Suitability, plans.
Feasibility, Acceptability)
15:45 – Tea Break Tea Break

16:00 – Session 5 – Sustainable Competitive Session 10 - Review

Advantage. What have we learned as a team?
Simulation - selecting the right strategy and What are the applications to the business?
planning the Strategic Staircase. What are we going to do differently tomorrow?

Personal commitments to change

17:30 – Review
What have we learned as a team?
What are the applications to the business?
What are we going to do differently
Personal commitments to change


Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


This module examines leading other people – integrating key stakeholders,

customer and organisation goals and values – maximising human capital and
people’s commitment to achieving organisation goals and leading through

2 workshop days

Our approach builds on participant’s understanding and links the tools and
techniques of effective communication and coaching. In particular how they
adapt their own leadership style within the context and the individual(s) in the situation and the team members
competences and competencies.

 Leadership style and situational leadership – what it means to flex behaviour and adapt to change
 Explore leadership models that affect leadership styles and choices, culminating in exercises that allow
them to tailor the concepts to their own experience and improve team leadership competencies
 Key ‘adaptive coaching’ tools and techniques to motivate others and generate sustainable behaviour
change - coaching exercises to achieve personal outcomes and motivation to change
 Identifying, harnessing and leveraging talent in others - what contributions do others bring to the team
and how could all talents be best used?
 Transformational teams and team dynamics. Formation and regulation of team dynamics.
 The stages of the change process; how and why people act as they do
 How to sell change up, down and across your organisation

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings



09:30 - Coffee and introductions Session 6 – Leader as change facilitator

10:00 Simulation activities to develop the core skills of leading
and engaging people through and in change
10:00 – Session 1 – Culture Shock! Session 7 – The Trans Choice
11:15 Simulation to know how to move between transformational
What organizational culture do we have now
and how is this changing for the future? leadership & transactional management
An interactive and challenging session of the
role of culture in change.
11:15 – Coffee break Coffee break

11:30 – Session 2 – The Real Deal Session 8 – Winning at change!

Authenticity, transparency, focus and Understand why change fails more often than it
connection. Have we, are we, can we and succeeds. Simulation activity to find champions, plan
how? and execute sustainable change.
Session 3 – Transformers
Creating the transformational environment. A
Simulation activity in unwelcome change.
13:00 – Lunch Lunch

14:00 - Session 4 – Model culture Session 9 – Changing the world!

Simulation activities to role model Change Leadership styles. Simulation to understand the
transformational culture as leaders. dynamics of engagement and successful change.

15:45 – Tea Break Tea Break


16:00 – Session 5 – Transformational communication Session 10 - Review

17:30 Identify optimal communications and What have we learned as a team?
behaviours to engage your audience and What are the applications to the business?
achieve desired results and consistently get your What are we going to do differently tomorrow?
message across and influence all stakeholders
Personal commitments to change
17:30 – Review
What have we learned as a team?
What are the applications to the business?
What are we going to do differently
Personal commitments to change


Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


Communication is the lifeblood of every team and all relationships. Often, such
communication needs to take place with an individual who, till now, either simply
explains away actions and behaviours, or kicks up a real fuss and becomes hostile.
This programme equips leaders with the tools and techniques to effectively
address any performance issue with anyone. Whether the individual is in denial,
resists, or accepts but does not act.

1 workshop day

Enabling teamwork and high performance should be a synergistic combination of

individual performance with clear direction (Shared Goals) working under established and Shared Values, knowledge
of what and how to undertake the required actions that are shared between team members (Shared Experience) and,
critically, an environment that engenders trust and open communication, respect and understanding of each
individual’s perceptions of the situation (Shared Situational Awareness).

Only when all four elements are aligned within the team does the team achieve unity of cohesion and effort –
optimising performance and, for the organisation, profitability or efficiency. This concept stems from the military and
is the cornerstone of modern armed forces to demonstrate their professionalism, trust, integrity and sharing
knowledge with partners candidly enabling participants to learn how to better listen, excel and have the courage to

The means of achieving this is communication.

 Understand and identify the perceptual filters and personal values that will enable your behavioural
change to be accepted and acted upon.
 Motivate others to change behaviours and improve performance without resistance.
 Develop effective communication skills to achieve positive outcomes in a variety of situations.
 Apply best practise models to gain an advantage in personal confidence and develop an effective
coaching style.
 Respond to diverse personalities, communication styles and power to move yourself and others from
conflict to agreement and performance.
 Navigate real-world pressures and challenges to achieve success.
 Build deep, influential rapport with others and improve directiveness.
 Leverage personal strengths and experiences to deliver productive outcome.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


09:30 - Introductions, Team Communications

10:00  Introductions – using the 3D Simulation kits
 Draw together the pre-work and begin the alignment to Shared Goals and Mission and
how these apply in team working.
10:00 – The biology of team relationships and communication – how it works in the brain
11:15  The Neuro Science behind Communication and Engagement.

11:15 – Group Discussion and coffee break


11:30 – The current communications environment

13:00  Working in mixed groups, participants identify common perceptions about the current
team communications environment using our 3D Simulation kits.
 Groups then work together to identify the ideal communications environment and how
to bridge from the current to the ideal
13:00 – Lunch

14:00 - Roles People Play – “and what do you do?”

15:45 Human Communications and Relationship Process
 Levels of thinking: Finding the appropriate roles necessary for the achievement of
common goals
15:45 – Tea Break

16:00 – Constructive roles neuro-plasticity:

17:30  What’s my constructive role in the process?
This is an interactive seminar on the Neuroplasticity of the brain and the social and emotional
factors and hidden issues potentially impeding a customer’s communication. Some practical tips
will also be shared on how to effectively handle difficult situations without sacrificing
Aligning personal goals to shared goals
 What am I going to do to show that I live each shared goal?
17:30 – Review
18:00 What have we learned as a team?
What are the applications to the business?
What are we going to do differently tomorrow?
Personal commitments to change

18:00 CLOSE

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


Negotiation is at the heart of commercial activity. Anyone who has a significant

impact on decision-making within the organisation needs to be competent at
getting the best deal they can. Including recommended pre-workshop online
learning and personal assessment and a highly interactive two-day workshop.
Participants' improve awareness and competence in the negotiation process.

2 workshop days

Based on Gavin Kennedy’s four-step negotiation process, this programme

considers the essential factors and steps in the process. It uses practical simulation work as well as discussion and
lecture input to bring out the important issues and to give participants practise in carrying out negotiations. It will
demonstrate the importance of understanding the other side's position and building a rapport with them so that a
bargain satisfactory to both sides is made leading to a lasting business relationship.

Participants are encouraged to consider and discuss the topics as they affect their own individual circumstances and
business and to produce ideas and actions to take back to integrate into their work situations.

In this workshop, learners gain experience in creating and managing dynamic negotiating environments for successful
results. Participants learn to integrate people and process elements, creating a flexible framework for your
negotiation strategies and situations. The course presents the methods, techniques and processes you need to
confidently conduct successful negotiations

 Adapt and adopt negotiating positions and styles and attitudes

 Develop effective negotiating skills to achieve positive outcomes in a variety of situations
 Apply best practise models to develop an effective negotiating style
 Respond to diverse personalities, communication styles and bargaining power
 Incorporate a process approach into the negotiation skill set
 Navigate real-world pressures and challenges to achieve success
 Leverage personal strengths and experiences to deliver productive outcomes.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


09:30 - Coffee and introductions Session 6 - Trussed! – the Negotiators dilemma - game
10:00 Simulation activities are used throughout this
10:00 – Session 1 – “Nobody saw two dogs negotiate Session 7 - Keeping all parties in play
over a bone” Dealing with conflicting demands
Issues and Concerns, Perception of Making the “win-win” mindset contagious
competition, What is negotiation?
Alternatives to negotiating
11:15 – Coffee break Coffee break

11:30 – Session 2 - How to prepare – aka “What do Session 8 - Styles of Negotiating

we want?” What’s your style? Simulation games that draw out
Session 3 - How to debate & explore – aka participants ‘natural’ style.
“What do they want?”

13:00 – Lunch Lunch


14:00 - Session 4 - The Big If! – How to propose, Session 9 - No more contracts from us!
15:45 package and bargain How to handle difficult negotiators
Making proposals work for all parties – aka
“speak what you mean to say”
Practice scenarios
15:45 – Tea Break Tea Break

16:00 – Session 5 - Take, give or trade? The essence Session 10 - Review

17:30 of the bargain. What have we learned as a team?
What are the applications to the business?
What are we going to do differently tomorrow?
17:30 – Review
What have we learned as a team? Personal commitments to change
What are the applications to the business?
What are we going to do differently
Personal commitments to change


Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


Quotation below is based on a minimum of 16 participants for a single module or workshop – maximum workshop
participants per run is 24.

Item Cost (excl. GST)

Design and delivery workshops

1 Including all props, toolkits, workbooks, activity equipment and use of our Inclusive

Facilitator fee
2 o 1 Lead Facilitator Inclusive
o 1 Co-facilitator

3 Provision of facilities by the Client. Exclusive

Total Cost
(per participant)
Excludes venue, refreshments, accommodation, travel

Self Leadership Advantage 465.00

Coaching Leadership Advantage (Two Day Workshop) 940.00
Team Leadership Advantage (Two Day Workshop) 940.00
Strategic Leadership Advantage (Two Day Workshop) 940.00
Change Leadership Advantage (Two Day Workshop) 940.00
Communications Advantage (One Day Workshop) 640.00
Negotiations Advantage (Two Day Workshop) 940.00

GST Disclaimer: Currently we are not a GST-registered company and the quotations above exclude GST. However once we are a
GST-registered company, GST amount will be charged accordingly to the pertaining GST rates in addition to the prices quoted

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


We are able to provide a full Train the Trainer (T3) option to each of the modules as required to facilitate greater cost
efficiency in cascading the programmes.

T3 is assumed to be in English. Translation of materials and Training LeaderGuides into Mandarin, for example, is
available and re-charged at cost.

Nominated trainers must be approved by us and complete certification for each module they will be running.

All nominated trainers must be full participants on the module they propose to lead prior to commencing T3.

All nominated participants are required to undertake our GAPPS3 assessment (as in the EXPERT Self-Leadership

T3 for each module requires 2 days intensive train the trainer (5 days for Self-Leadership). A minimum of 4 trainers is

T3 for Self-Leadership per “coach” is S$4,850

T3 for each other module per trainer is S$3,750


GAPPS3 per participant at 30% (S$110) – System continues to be run and administered by Corporate Edge

Other modules per participant at 7% (S$58.80) – additional S$25/participant if we provide hard copy workbooks.


All materials and IP remain the property of Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd. Trained trainers or coaches are licensed to
run the modules only for the sponsoring organization or its subsidiaries or joint ventures.

All trainers and coaches are subject to adhere to our quality assurance.


We are pleased to offer a discount for further programme runs through the 12 months following the pilot programme
as follows:
nd rd
Self-Leadership – 2 run 10% discount, 3 and subsequent runs 15% discount
nd rd th
Other Modules – 2 run 10% discount, 3 run 15% discount, 4 and subsequent run 20% discount


Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings

Who we are Our approach

CELSIM is the Leadership and Simulations arm of Corporate

Edge Group. We specialise in leadership development and From the onset, we work closely with our clients to create a
coaching programmes using experiential simulations and unique blend of realism, pragmatism and thought leadership
the GAINMORE™ Advantage Learning and Development in training that delivers immediate and lasting impact on
framework – developed through 16 years of research – to organisational performance.
deliver sustainable return on people investments.
 Practical: We concentrate on building best practice
At CELSIM, we understand that managing people is the key leadership skills and techniques to unleash potential and
to a successful business. Our solutions are: get the best out of people.
1. Tailored for their learning content, the learning style  Relevant: All training materials incorporate the specific
of the participants and the culture of the organisation. challenges and processes of their own business to ensure
2. Highly interactive and engaging in nature, we strongly the learning can be easily applied to the workplace.
believe in the active involvement of individuals and  Challenging: Our solutions include realistic and engaging
teams. business simulations to enable people to develop ways
3. Focused on the development of sustainable of addressing challenges and working more effectively.
capabilities and competencies for immediate
Our experiential learning journey does not end with the
workplace application.
training event. As a member of CELSIM network, clients are
We have successfully partnered many public and private part of an exclusive mentoring relationship that provides
sector organisations worldwide, including Affin Bank, Aviva, close, personal and continuous developmental support
Astro Networks, DSM Nutritional Products, National Library beyond the training event, to give our clients a competitive
Board, Nokia, NTUC Income, Sime Darby, Sunway Holdings edge.
and Temasek Holdings in Asia, to maximise their people

What we do Our commitment

Experiential learning is our paradigm for creating the most Our commitment is to energise learning, foster a spirit of
value in training and development. learning by doing and practical application, using a best-of-
breed experiential approach as our strategic tool, to address
Realising the obstacles to learning transfer in traditional our clients’ specific needs and secure the highest return on
training approaches, we researched effective development of the management time invested.
managerial and leadership competencies, resulting in
effective designs for leadership training and coaching that Our promise is of a personal and transferable experience that
deliver results to the bottom line while increasing individual results in a competitive advantage for our clients. We
and team engagement. understand that it is about you, our clients, and enabling you
to focus on high impact solutions for business advantage.
Based on our GAINMORE™ Advantage Potential to
Performance System Version 3 (GAPPS ), we provide a To discuss how CELSIM can transform your organisation to
robust and objective analysis of desired outcomes based on cope with the immediate, prepare for the future and lead
the organisational context to deliver high impact training the process of organisational renewal, please contact us.
for business advantage.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings

John is a management and leadership competency development expert and coach, combining his
strong business acumen with a passion for understanding how people learn and develop their skills
and knowledge. John’s cultural fluency stems from over twenty years of experience in business
extending across industries and across the globe in UK, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the USA.
John is thus well placed to help business leaders achieve their full potential especially in the
international environment. Highly pragmatic in nature, John, a leadership development coach, brings a
rare ability to leverage the best of leaders’ skills with a strong strategic business focus to clients and
their organisations to get the results they want.

John earned his Doctorate of Business Administration from Henley Management College specialising in
The Evaluation of Leadership and Management Competencies and Learning and continues to research
and lead in the field. He has undertaken primary research in Singapore and Malaysia on effective
DR JOHN KENWORTHY management and leadership competency frameworks and has developed a powerful generic
framework and assessment system validated and reliability tested in Singapore. A featured speaker at
Lead Consultant numerous professional international conferences, he has also been recognised professionally through
publication of his writings. John has an MBA and is a Master NLP Practitioner and Certified Coach and a
Member of the Singapore Chapter of the International Coaching federation (ICF).

ACADEMI C John is the author of “Developing Managers using Simulations” published by LAP and the author of
QUALI FI CATI ONS The GAINMORE™ Advantage Handbook. John created the GAINMORE™ Advantage Framework with
colleagues Profs Malcolm Higgs, Vic Dulewicz and Dr Paul Aitken, John bridges the rigour of academic
DBA – Management and
research with the pragmatic needs of business and leaders.
Leadership Development
John is Singapore PR, married to Annie and has lived in Singapore for 15 years.
MBA – Technology
Management (Open University, Key clients for similar programs (full list available on request)
John has over 20 years experience in senior roles in Hospitality, IT, Telecommunications and Academia
QUALI FI CATI ONS giving him a rich understanding across industries. He has also achieved outstanding results with
companies in banking, financial services and airlines.
Advanced Diploma in Coaching
(Henley, UK) British Airways Cable & Wireless Temasek Holdings

Certified Performance Coach MobileOne Maxis Communications Henley Management College

(Performance Unlimited, UK)
Aviva Nokia Virgin
Master Practitioner Neuro
Linguistic Programming (ABNLP, Astro All Asia Networks Bank Pertanian Sime Darby
Affin Bank British Telecom UNLV
GAINMORE™ Lead Coach
National Library Board NTUC Income DSM

Arabian Homes Co Ltd Orascom Aramco

Bunge SMRT Shell

Sembcorp GMR GSK


John’s latest book, “Developing Managers Using Simulations” is published by LAP (2010) adding to an
exhaustive list of academic and more business focused articles. Full list is available on request.
Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


Leadership Advantage Coaching Advantage Team Advantage

A unique leadership programme that Coaching is one of the cornerstones of The most significant contributions
challenges you to breakthrough your talent development because it motivates leaders make are to the long-term
leadership potential and attain higher people to realise their full potential and development of teams - that adapt,
levels of performance… on the green. improve business performance. prosper, and grow.
Leadership Advantage raises the standard
Coaching Advantage utilises proven Team Advantage enables companies to
for leadership development with an
methods of enabling people to be more break down unproductive silos, improve
engaging simulation on the golf course as
effective by harnessing their potential communication, generate team spirit and
the extended classroom where
and motivating them to achieve move the team from individual potential
application of skills is immediate, learning
outstanding results. You will be able to to team performance. By aligning people,
process enjoyable and memorable!
attain higher levels of performance and the organisation and corporate goals, you
more importantly, sustain them. will sustain higher and higher levels of
performance from your teams.
Negotiations Advantage Sales Advantage Your Advantage

Negotiation is at the heart of commercial “Your bottom line starts with your front Your business is unique and we do not
activity and organisations need to be line”. believe that "one size fits all".
competent at getting the best ‘win-win’
relationship they can. Sales Advantage provides you with the We partner with our clients to design
tools to build and motivate a winning high impact experiential training
Negotiations Advantage simulates real
sales team - one that generates not just solutions that accelerate development
life negotiation dynamics to engage you
revenues, but mutually beneficial, long- for you and your people, unleash
to gain agreement, negotiate with
term business relationships. Practical potential and maximise the impact of
internal and external parties, and
exercises and case studies ensure that transferred performance.
generate greater impact for and in your
what is learned is translated into actual

GAPPS3 – Leadership Assessment Executive Coaching

With rigorous and robust reliability and validity – GAPPS not GAINMORE™ Advantage Executive Coaching is a six-step
only profiles your organisation, team and individual – it will coaching program over a three month period (a season).
guide you to the “So what now?” step – suggesting a planned
development path and offering you links to modules, course
and e-learning.
 Leadership Attributes
 Leadership Abilities
 Leadership Agility

GAPPS identifies your current strengths AND your priority
development areas AND your potential as a leader.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


The GAINMORE™ Advantage programmes are enthusiastically received by participants from our clients.
Participants are energised and motivated to change after the workshops.

We present information below on relevant recent programs conducted for some of our key clients.

Organisation Period Workshop Details

1 Sembcorp September Customized EXPERT Self-Leadership and Team Leadership programmes for
2010 – April GMs, country heads and Senior Management Team through ASEAN utilities

2 Bunge September Coaching Leadership and Team Leadership customized programmes for
2010- January Execution Team
3 SMRT October 2010 Negotiations Advantage for Industrial Relations. To prepare the CA team for
imminent Negotiations with the Union.

4 Shell Singapore October 2010 Negotiations Advantage for Industrial Relations. To prepare the CA team for
imminent Negotiations with the Union.

5 Royal Brunei Technical March-May Team Building Advantage to bring team closer together and chart new
Services 2010 directions

6 DSM ANAP March 2009 Team Advantage Challenge at Jurong Country Club for a total of managers,
October 2009 sales teams and head office support staff across 6 runs to date.
February 2010
7 Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club September Team Advantage at RHKYC, Hong Kong, senior managers, and Heads of
2009 Department to improve customer service and talent management.
March 2010

8 NOL Through 2009 Cross-cultural Team Bonding across different business units (GIO/IT/Finance)

9 Natural Cool Holdings Ltd. Sept 2008- Team Advantage and Leadership Advantage. 60 management staff from six
April 2009 subsidiaries in Singapore and overseas.

10 QIAGEN July and Team Advantage at Fort Canning Park for entire Singapore and Regional
August 2009 teams following recent merger.

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings


CELSIM has demonstrated its

unique ability to tap into the
human potential and transform
it into lasting results.
The team absolutely loved it!
CELSIM has demonstrated its
unique ability to tap into the
human potential and transform
it into lasting results. The
programme helped us visualise
our direction and gave us all an
energised perspective to
achieve our goals. It was
excellent, unique and enjoyable.
Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, Ray Parry, General Manager

We had a fabulous time in the workshop learning about each other. The simulation game gave us all a new
perspective to meet some challenging goals.
Thank you for your organisation, creativity, and high energy leadership in facilitating our teambuilding
workshop. It was excellent, unique and enjoyable.
QIAGEN, Michael Koenig, General Manager SEA

The workshop helped us visualise our direction and gave us all a new perspective to meet some challenging
goals. It was excellent, unique and enjoyable.
Nokia, Kumar Sasank, Director, Business HR, Customer & Market Operations

Simulation was fantastic. Really provokes creative thinking across functional areas.
Excellent - whole business perspective, good overview and clear on many key factors affecting industry. One of
the best and most useful training programmes I've ever attended. The relevance and application is
unmatched. Simulation was fantastic. Really provokes creative thinking across functional areas.
Maxis, Rossana Annizah BT Ahmad Rashid, Chief Financial Officer

Great ‘teambuilding and learning about each other’ experience

The team absolutely loved it – a great ‘teambuilding and learning about each other’ experience. The
workshop helped us visualise our direction and gave us all a new perspective to meet some challenging goals.
DSM, Dr. Karim Kumarly, Vice President Asia Pacific

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.

Leadership Advantage Programme Offerings

Our Standard Contract & Terms


All fees will be confirmed in writing before the commencement of the agreed-upon assignment.


50% of payment for a scheduled module is payable within ten days of confirmation and at least 30 days prior to
program commencement.

Payment for remainder is due within thirty days of invoice. Agreed expenses are re-charged at the end of the month in
which they occur. Unless otherwise stated in writing, the fees quoted are the net Singapore Dollars receivable by
Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd.


Necessary faculty travel and accommodation not paid directly by the client is re-charged at cost +10% and payable
within 30 days of invoice.


The following cancellation fees will apply for all agreed-upon assignments cancelled by the client. The percentage of
the quoted fee charged varies according to the amount of notice given:

 Under 30 days 100%

 Between 60 and 30 days 50%
 More than 60 days 0%
 Incurred and non-refundable travel or accommodation expenses remain fully reimbursable by the client.


Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd will respect the confidentiality of any client information obtained during any consultancy

Our training materials are copyright and may not be copied or used without our written permission.

Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd

36 Eastwood Road, #01-01, (S)486137
T: 65 6245 0908
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Join the Leadership Development Knowledge Network

Copyright © 2010 Corporate Edge Asia Pte Ltd – All Rights Reserved

These materials, concepts and content are the intellectual property of Corporate Edge and are protected by copyright. Copying the content to any other medium for
any purpose without the express written authorisation of the copyright holder is a violation of copyright.


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