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NIM : 2318031

Writing for purpose context

Some issues because of covid-19 in some countries

The corona virus or covid -19 has bad impact into the worldwide in many aspects. In
Indonesia, this covid -19 is very impactive to some economic aspect,
states that corona virus impacted, most of online or offline driver in common transportation that
they lost their passengers,it means that they lost their income to fulfill their family needs event
just to eat.not only in economic aspect, it’s also impacted to education, in iain bukittinggi the
negative side is all of related to regulation this university, the service for students
and becomes all online which is using whats up group,zoom, google classroom on their phones
.this online system is so bad impact for students because it can make student become less focus
to study than in normal class . this covid -19 also impact to social aspect,according to times the social impact from corona is most of people get panic, so they show it with
buying daily needs,face mask and others to stock too, in conclusion this covid-19 has
impacted at least at 3 aspects,those are economic,education and social sectors.

Writing for purpose context

Some issues because of covid-19 in some countries

The corona virus or covid -19 has bad impact into the worldwide in many aspects. In
Indonesia, it is very impactive to some economic aspect, states that
corona virus impacted, most of online or offline driver in common transportation that they lost
their passengers,it means that they lost their income to fulfill their family needs event just to eat.
the second impact is in education, in iain bukittinggi the negative side is all of related to
regulation this university, the service for students and becomes all online which is
using whatsapp group,zoom, and google classroom on their phones .this online system is so bad
impact for students because it can make student become less focus to study than in normal class .
this covid -19 also impact to social aspect,according to times the social impact
from corona is most of people get panic, so they show it with buying daily needs,face mask and
others to stock too, in conclusion this covid-19 has impacted at least at 3 aspects,those
are economic,education and social sectors.

Correction : wahyuningsih

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