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this should be productive farming land

but south Lebanon has been a war zone

for 40 years and areas lie idle for the
last 20 years it's been a battleground
between Israel and Hezbollah enemies
separated only by a thin blue line of UN
peacekeepers the armed group has amassed
a huge stockpile of rockets and missiles
that can reach as far as Tel Aviv but as
well as its military capability Israel
is concerned about Hezbollah's growing
power in the current Lebanese political
I don't think Hezbollah has financial
means to go to enter a conflict with
Israelis so I think they're not really
in a position to enter a conflict at
this stage but on the Israeli side maybe
Israel will see an opportunity and
launching a war this at this moment
that's a constant fear in September
there were heavy artillery and rocket
exchanges between the two sides after an
Israeli drone attack it lasted only a
day but underlined how fragile the peace
is along the so-called blue line the
blue line stretches 120 kilometers about
20 kilometers of it is concrete war but
most of it is open and easily crossable
now in 2006 this was a battleground in
the war between Hezbollah and Israel but
the UN then was powerless to stop it
since then Israel and Lebanon have
disagreed exactly where the land and
maritime border runs in some stretches
this includes the zone called block 9 in
a kora rich oil and gas reserves have
been discovered which are worth tens of
millions of dollars and desperately
important to Lebanon's depleted economy
claim that it has some part of it and we
claim that it is full under the
sovereignty of Lebanon according to the
law of seas as a part of the exclusive
economic zone
so in this case if Israel objected and
me and conducted an operation a military
operation against the the the companies
of which are draining
in this block I think that there will be
a war
whatever the reason for a war the
outcome is the same for the people of
South Lebanon they pay the human price
the village of kfar kila is right on the
blue line it is under Hezbollah control
and has suffered many civilian
casualties in the exchanges with Israel
especially in the last war 13 years ago
Ahmed is 84 years old and he
remembers even as a boy hiding in olive
groves to avoid Israeli shells the
prospect of war is a fact of life he
says either you'll live with the
situation or you'll leave because some
people are scared but the fears are not
only from this border it's a general
worry when you see the world on fire
around you like Syria and Iraq
conventional wisdom suggests that there
won't be an immediate war but wisdom is
something that has been in short supply
in this volatile and unpredictable
region for now most can only watch wait
and hope
Toni Berkeley al-jazeera Nikora southern
English (auto-generated)

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