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Part 1: You will hear a short extract about climate change’s effects on the Mississippi River.

Write NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each blank.

 People are now having to solve the problem of ____________________________ in the

Mississippi River if they want to make journey on it.
 With the heavy amount of trading activity in the spring’s days, Mississippi River turns into a
 Baton Rouge, South Louisiana are two prime examples for the Western greatest
 A director of one steamship association in Baton and New Orleans said proudly that the river’s
channel is one of the most ________________________________ areas across the globe.
 Along with the difficult job of steering, water changing conditions is also one major culprit. One
salient example is the ___________________________ flooding in 2019, resulting in unstably
standing ships, damaged anchors and chains near the ports.
 During a _________________________________, some responsible people have to ensure the
safety of tugs, boats, ………… in specific areas on the river otherwise they will _______________,
seriously influencing the residential coastal areas.
 More severely, water could _________________________ with forceful winds, wreaking havoc
on the cities. For instance, ______________ and _________ flooding attacked Baton Rouge in
2016 has immersed a large number of living homes.


1. Rising waters
2. Tightening bottleneck
3. Trading hub
4. Treacherous pilotage
5. Record-setting
6. High water event
7. Hit the levy
8. Join forces
9. Torrential rain
10. Widespread

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