Canadian Protests

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Part 1: You will hear a short extract about protests in Canada.


WORDS for each blank.

 Protests which emerged across Canada disrupted travel and trade. There was indication
of a small group of _________________ in northern British Columbia who do not want a
____________________ to cross their country even though it has been supported by 20
 In Toronto, a _________________ was obstructed, bringing traffic to a standstill and rail
lines were also affected, disrupting the travel of thousands of passengers. Parts of its
network of ___________________ has also been forced to shut down.
 It is said by the official that protests blocking the rail lines was dangerous and illegal
because it ______________ on the railway safety act. And Transport Minister said that
it’s up to the provinces to get ________________ to clear the protests.
 In northern BC, a forest access road has now turned into a ______________________
for supporters who were using the hashtag “Shut down Canada”.
 The impact of the disrupted travel is harming the country’s borders and its reputation as
a stable and viable ___________________. Protests who created __________ were
arrested, leading to protests across the country.
1. Hereditary chiefs:
 Chief (N): a leader of a people or community
 Hereditary /həˈredɪteri/ /həˈredɪtri/ (adj) : holding a rank or title that is hereditary
2. Natural gas pipeline
3. Elected band councils:
 Band council (Canadian English): a local form of Aboriginal government in Canada,
consisting of an elected leader and councillors
4. Major intersection
5. Freight trains:
 Freight train (British English also goods train): a train that carries only goods
6. Infringes on:
 Infringe (+ on/upon):  limit somebody’s legal rights
7. Injunctions:
 Injunction: an official order given by a law court, usually to stop someone from
doing something
8. Rallying cry:
 Rallying cry: a phrase or an idea that is used to encourage people to support
someone or something
9. Supply chain partner:
 Supply chain: the series of processes involved in the production and supply of
goods, from when they are first made, grown, etc. until they are bought or used
10. Blockades:
 Blockade /blɒˈkeɪd/ (n): a barrier that stops people or vehicles from entering or
leaving a place

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