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The growth & development of penis

Understanding the process…

The starting time of biological growth and development during immaturity is

signified by the onset of puberty, which is often outlined as the physical
transformation of a child into an adult. A number of biological changes
appear during puberty including sexual maturation, gains in tallness and
weight, completion of skeletal development accompanied by a marked
growth in bone mass, and changes in body composition. Likewise, the
expansion of male genitals including scrotum and penis is of specific value.
Penis size, in particular, can be a worry for men. In the last few decades,
men have become more and more dissatisfied with their bodies, including
penis size. For many men, penis size is equated with masculinity.
In order for a man to be dissatisfied with the size of his penis, he must
somehow think that his does not measure up to other men. To evaluate his
own penis, a man has to see many others. Besides in the locker room,
heterosexual men mostly have little possibility to find the real life penises of
many other men, especially erect penises. They can, however, see penises
in adult magazines or movies, which are not representative of the common
penis. As with all body parts, penises come in a variety of sizes and shapes,
including curvature. Therefore, in order to have a right idea about the
normal or average penis length, girth and size, it is necessary to know and
learn about the different phases of penile growth and development.
Because the onset and progression of puberty are so variable, most
biologists and sexologists have agreed on a general standard to describe
the onset and progression of pubertal changes. Boys are rated for genital
development (including penile growth) and pubic hair growth.
According to this standard, the most commonly accepted phases for male
genitalia development are as follows:
• Stage I (Preadolescent, before 11 years of age): The testes, scrotal
sac, and penis have a size and proportion similar to those seen in early
• Stage II (11 to 13 years of age): There is enlargement of the scrotum
and testes and a change in the texture of the scrotal skin. Thinning and
reddening of the scrotum occurs around 12 years old. Also during this time,
the body takes on a more muscular and angular shape because of
testosterone. This generally begins around age 12.5 when testosterone
causes muscle mass to increase.
• Stage III (Puberty / 13 to 16 years of age): Increased growth of the
penis and scrotum often starts at about age 13 and continues until adult
size is achieved about two years later. There is a fair degree of age
variation with genital development from one boy to the next. In general, the
penis is significantly enlarged in length and circumference, with further
development of the glans penis. The testes and scrotum continue to
enlarge, and there is distinct darkening of the scrotal skin.
Males have spontaneous penis erections throughout their lives (even
throughout infancy), but during puberty, boys tend to get erections more
often. Erections can occur with or without any physical or sexual
stimulation, and often lead to nocturnal emissions (" wet dreams ").
• Stage IV (Adulthood): The genitalia (both penis and scrotum) are adult
with regard to size and shape.

What effects the growth of the penis?

The most crucial factor that regulates and enhances the male penis size is
male sex hormone called Testosterone which causes the growth of facial
and body hair, muscular growth and an increase in penis size. It should be,
however, noted that Testosterone will increase the size of the penis and will
stimulate the production of body hair but will have no consequence on the
size of the testes.

Normal penile size

There is a fairly wide range of normal penis sizes, just as there is for every
other body part. And just like other parts of the body, how a penis appears
at various stages of a male’s life differs quite a bit. You wouldn't expect
somebody who is 11 years old to look the same as someone who's 19.
According to a survey, the common penile length and girth in the flaccid
state range from 8.2 to 9.7 cm, and 1.6 to 2.7 cm, respectively. Similarly,
the average length has been estimated around 14 to 16.5 cm when erected.
However, again, the penis size varies from person to person and it is also
determined by the age, height, weight (being obese or too thin may affect).
The good news, however, is that with the modern developments in medical
and sexual sciences, a wide variety of alternatives are now accessible to
enhance and maintain male sexual health. It is, therefore, now possible to
effectively treat and manage disorders like impotency, erectile dysfunction
and other male sexual disorders.

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