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Are we moving away from tradition for the sake of modernity?

At the outset, I would like to point that tradition and modernity are relative
terms. What is modern today becomes a tradition tomorrow. So the relevance
of the terms comes from the context of usage.

Tradition is associated with an orthodox and conservative mind-set whereas

modernity is associated with – what is new, present or what is relevant?

If we consider the context of imparting education then we need to embrace

modernity as the traditional methods may not be effective.

If we consider the context of medical treatments then it is essential that we use

modern tools and techniques.

If we consider women empowerment then yes we need to move from tradition

to modern thinking.

If we consider equal opportunities at work then we definitely need to move

from tradition to modern times.

Any kind of technological advancement that eases our life should be embraced.

But yes there are facets where tradition has an edge.

If we consider how kids use their time then we need to be traditional.

If we consider rituals, respect for elders then yes we need to be traditional.

So instead of considering modernity as a fad and tradition as an obstacle we

need to assess the context/situation, the culture & society we are in. Then only
a balanced approach should be made which is constructive and not detrimental
to ourselves as well as the society we are in.

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