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Availability of safe drinking water remains a dream for the people living in the rural areas in
developing countries like India. As they are forced to consume contaminated ground water
for drinking as well as household purposes, they suffer with many water born (chronic)
diseases like Diarrhoea, Jaundice etc. Across the world, about 605 million people are living
without an improved drinking water source, according to UNICEF (2015).
There is a need to find economic and effective water treatment methods. The drinking
water production which basically aims at removing turbidity in the form of suspended and
colloidal material involves a variety of chemicals (chemicals treatment). In recent times,
there is a wide application of aluminium salt and synthetic organic polymer such as
polyacryle amide derivatives and polyethylene amine for water treatment. These organic
polymers contain residual monomers which are highly undesirable because of their
neurotoxicity. In this work, we synthesize low cost ceramic membrane which is coated with
silver film and study its effectiveness towards ground water treatment. The raw materials
used in this research are kaolin, quartz and calcium carbonate. And by the use of this all
material we will get the ceramic membrane and after that ground water is passed through
the membrane and thus the drinking water treatment will be useful to provide safe drinking
water to rural areas.
Key Words: Kaolin, Quartz, Polyacryle nitryl, Neurotoxicity, Calcium Carbonate


In some areas limited water resources combined with the fast growing population are
leading to a crucial situation because of the increase in water demand. Besides, an
estimated one billion people are living both without access to clean drinking water or
electricity. Treatment of industrial wastewater as well as domestic wastewater and
municipal waste water is a major concern with respect to both pollution control and
minimizing consumption of fresh water.
There is a need to discover financial and powerful water treatment techniques. The drinking
water generation which fundamentally goes for evacuating turbidity as suspended and
colloidal material includes an assortment of synthetics (synthetic concoctions treatment). As
of late, there is a wide use of aluminum salt and manufactured natural polymer, for
example, polyacryle amide subsidiaries and polyethylene amine for water treatment. These
natural polymers contain leftover monomers which are exceedingly unfortunate in light of
their neurotoxicity.
Membrane separation has become an important unit operation in wastewater treatment.
Membrane operations
Silver coated ceramic membrane has the advantages of high temperature resistance, high
acid and antibacterial properties, homogenous pore-size distribution, steady chemical
property, high strength, large flux, long lifetime, antipollution, simple structure, small floor
area, few matching equipment, easy installation, no chemical additives, high operating
efficiency, high management and automation, and so on. Thus, this technology has been
applied in the wastewater treatment of food industry, biochemical engineering,
petrochemical industry, mechanical metallurgy.
In this work, we will synthesize low cost ceramic membrane which is coated with silver film
and study its effectiveness towards ground water treatment. The raw materials used in this
work are kaolin, quartz and calcium carbonate.To achieve this objective, first the raw
materials are mixed in a ball mill then the resulting powder are sieved using 30 mesh
standard screen. Then the requisite amount is pressed at a pressure of 50 MPa with the help
of stainless steel mould to yield a disk shaped membrane. Then the prepared membrane is
then dried for 24 h for complete removal of loose moisture. After that, the membranes are
sintered at various temperatures for 6 h in a muffle furnace. The prepared membrane is
characterized using XRD. And then the ceramic membrane is coated with silver film and
after that ground water is passed through the membrane and thus the drinking water
treatment will be useful to provide safe drinking water to rural areas.

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