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Course Title: Introduction to Business

Course Code: BUSI-1101

Course Objective:

This course will provide the students with a complete and comprehensive view of business enterprises in
home and abroad. Students will be able to know about different institutions supporting business in
Bangladesh and different types of documentations used in export and import process. Further they will
know how social responsibility and business ethics help to continue business in a country.

Mid-Term Examination

1. Foundation of Business:

Business: Meaning –Evolution-Characteristics-Objectives-Elements-Functions-Importance-Economic

Systems-Relation between Business and Economics

2. Business Environment:

Micro and Macro Environmental factors- Impact of Environment on Business.

3. Entrepreneurship: Meaning, Qualities of a growth-oriented entrepreneur-Risks of Entrepreneurship-

Small Business: Meaning - Causes of Small Business Failure.

4. Franchising: Meaning - Franchisor and Franchisee- Advantages and Disadvantages of owning a

franchise business - Franchising Agreement-Case Study on Pizza Hut, KFC, Mc Donald.

5. Forms of Business Organization:

Different Forms of Business Organizations- Factors Affecting the Choice of Business Organization.

6. Sole Proprietorship: Meaning-Features-Suitability-Advantages and Disadvantages of owning Sole

Proprietorship Business.

7. Partnership: Meaning- Features of Partnership Business -Types of Partners- Partnership Deed-

Registration of Partnership- Effects of non-registration of Partnership- Rights and Duties of A partner-
Dissolution of a Partnership Business.
Final Examination

8. Joint Stock Company

Meaning- Characteristics-Types – Advantages and Disadvantages –formation-Prospectus-MA and AA-
Rights and Obligations of Shareholders and Directors-Different types of Share, Share Capital and Share
Values-Liquidation of A company.
9. Cooperative Society:
Definition, Types, Features, Registration.
10. Supportive Business Organization to Develop Business In Bangladesh:
BSCIC, EPB, EPZ, ICB, Stock Exchange, Chamber of Commerce, SEC, BOI
11. Trade Practices in Bangladesh
Basic Concepts of International Business-Middlemen involved with International Business- Import and
Export Procedure-Shipping and Non Shipping Documents-Barriers to International Busuiness-Types of
Letter of Credit- Opening an L/C.
12. Social Responsibility:
Meaning-Arguments for and against Social Responsibility- Areas of Social Responsibillity-Legal
Measures of SR-Expectations to Business and Government- SR in Islam.
13. Business Ethics: Meaning- Principles- Business Ethics in Islam.

Recommended Text:
1. Skinner, S. J., & Ivancevich, J. M. (1992). Business for the 21st Century. RD Irwin.
1. Bhattacharjee, D. (1996). An introduction to business management,. Didar Pub. House.
2. Khan A. R. Business Ethics

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