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How did Coca-cola become what it is?

It is a genuine flummox when you think of Coca-Cola occupying the soft

drinks market space for such a long period of time. Other brands have come
up, some of them have vanished and some of them are still hanging on right
out there but nothing compared to Coca-Cola. To feed this inner inquisitive
monster I tried to discover the reasons and here's my take on which business
decisions over the last 130 years transformed Coca-Cola from a start-up
beverage served in a small Atlanta pharmacy to one of the world’s most
recognizable brands. It is time to dive down the lanes of history to figure this

Humble Origin
Coca-Cola went from a cocaine-infused elixir in 1886 to a ubiquitous sugary
drink by 1929. Coca-Cola history began in 1886 when the curiosity of an
Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. John S. Pemberton, led him to create a distinctive
tasting soft drink that could be sold at soda fountains. He created a flavored
syrup, took it to his neighborhood pharmacy, where it was mixed with
carbonated water and deemed “excellent” by those who sampled it. Dr.
Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, is credited with
naming the beverage “Coca-Cola” as well as designing the trademarked,
distinct script, still used today.

The first cash in

The first bottles of Coca-Cola were sold for 5 cents a bottle. In the first year,
sales averaged a modest nine servings per day in Atlanta. Today, the
average intake of Coca-Cola drinks is estimated at 1.9 billion worldwide.

Here’s my take on the top 10 decisions that changed

the game for Coca-Cola
1. 1886-1940s: Coke for a Nickel
To ensure that Coca-Cola was inexpensive and available all over the country,
the early leaders of Coca-Cola kept the price of Coke to five cents for more
than 50 years. This steady price led to a rise in market demand for the
product, which in turn forced bottlers to purchase more syrup to
manufacture the drug.

2. 1894: Invention of the Sample Coupon

In 1894, the presence of Coca-Cola was unknown to many consumers outside
the south-eastern United States. Giving away the commodity was a new idea
in the late 19th century, and it succeeded. Free samples caught the attention
of the public and gave Coca-Cola momentum.Between 1894 to 1913, more
than 8.5 million free Coca-Cola samples were redeemed. At that time, one of
every nine Americans had tried Coca-Cola.

3. 1899: Birth of the Coca-Cola System

In 1899, the bottling rights for Coca-Cola were sold for $1 by the then owner
of the company, Asa Candler – a businessman who went on to become
mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, where the company is headquartered, from 1916
to 1919 – creating what is now known as the Coca-Cola brand. The Coca-Cola
company has expanded its reach to more than 200 countries around the
world. A franchise agreement between The Coca-Cola Corporation and more
than 250 bottlers worldwide has expanded Coca-Cola's scope well beyond
what Candler has ever dreamed with sales in more than 200 countries.

4. 1915: Launch of the Iconic ‘Contour’ Bottle

In order to counter counterfeit goods, Coca-Cola challenged glassmakers to
develop a new bottle design that was so distinct that it could still be easily
recognizable when broken on the ground or by contact in the night.

5. 1940s: Coca-Cola During Wartime

Throughout World War II, a group of workers known as "Professional
Observers" were sent to the United States Army to set up, administer and
control the activity of bottling units that would supply Coca-Cola to US
soldiers overseas. It was a simple act that would help to create Coke as a
global company by taking the commodity to countries around the world.

6. 1960s: Diversification
The acquisition of the Minute Maid Company in 1960 marked the company's
first venture outside carbonated drinks. The investment was a crucial move
for Coca-Cola to grow and diversify its portfolio in the years to come.
By then, the Coca-Cola Company has expanded to sell more than 3800
beverages in a wide variety of categories.

7. 1982: Diet Coke

At the end of the 1970s, Coca-Cola started creating a new drink that would
reinvigorate the selling of cola and fulfill the growing market demand for low-
calorie beverages. In 1982, the company launched "Diet Coke" as the first
expansion of the Coca-Cola trademark.
8. 1985: New Coke
To revitalize the cola market in 1985, the Coca-Cola Corporation made the
first formula change to Coca-Cola in 99 years. While the invention of New
Coke was originally considered a business blunder of the century, some
observers found it an unintended stroke of a marketing genius.
Initially called the business blunder of the century, the change of approach
quickly became an unexpected stroke of marketing genius when an
emotional bond was discovered between the Coca-Cola brand and its

9. Late 1990s-early 2000s: Becoming a Total Beverage Company

At the end of the 1990s, the transition from a sparkling soda business to a
"complete beverage company" was on the cards, with many early product
releases quickly capturing the the consumer demand for non-carbonated
drinks. Nowadays, Coca-Cola Company sells standard and low-kilojoule soft
drinks as well as juice, sports drinks, energy drinks, teas and flavored milk.

10. Now and in to the Future: Keeping Up with Consumer Trends

While customers continue to demand fresh and exciting beverage options
around the world, the organization is seeking new ways to tap into rising
trends by taking control of fast-growing beverage brands.
Although the company continues to expand sparkling beverage choices,
including the continued development of its initial and most popular brand,

The Marketing move of the century by Coca-Cola

In 2009, the “Open Happiness” campaign was unveiled globally. The central
message of “Open Happiness” is an invitation to billions around the world to
pause, refresh with a Coca-Cola, and continue to enjoy one of life’s simple
pleasures. The “Open Happiness” message was seen in stores, on billboards,
in TV spots and printed advertising along with digital and music components
— including a single featuring Janelle Monae covering the 1980 song, “Are
You Getting Enough Happiness?” The happiness theme continued with “Open
the Games. Open Happiness” featured during the 2010 Winter Olympic
Games in Vancouver, followed by a 2010 social media extension, “Expedition
206” — an initiative whereby three happiness ambassadors travel to 206
countries in 365 days with one mission: determining what makes people
happy. The inspirational year-long journey is being recorded and
communicated via blog posts, tweets, videos and pictures.

The Workforce behind this Saturnalia miracle!!

The Coca-Cola Company operates in the non-alcoholic beverage market and
is well-known for its billion-dollar soft drink, Coca-Cola. As of December 31,
2018, the company, which was founded in 1892, employed about 62,600
associates worldwide. The global operating firm consists of an Atlanta-based
division, and about 300 bottling partners worldwide.
Do you want to know the simplest measure of Coca-Cola's worth?
At the end, a company is worth just as much as investors are willing to pay
for it. Coca-Cola currently has around 4.32 billion shares outstanding. At a
share price of approximately $43.50 per share, this places Coca-Cola's
market capitalization at about $188 billion. Moreover, market capitalization
takes into account the relative quantities of cash and debt a company has.
Many people tend to look at the value of the company, which removes the
financial structure selected by the company and instead focuses on the value
of the business that the company produces. If you balance cash and debt,
Coca-Cola has an annual value of almost $213 billion.

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