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Differences between Conventional and Alternative Medicine

Name: Abdul Hafid (321418006)

Class: E 2018

English Department UNG


Differences between Conventional and Alternative Medicine

As the times goes by, the advance progress of science is usually believed to have

improved the quality of many processes, products, and services including the development of

modern medicine quality. However, in certain spheres of life, traditional methods are still being

used; medicine is a bright example of the co-existence of two contradictory approaches. Along

with conventional medicine which is generally recognized based on science and technology,

there are also alternative treatments, which sometimes include practices that were developed

thousands of years ago. The superiority of each of these kinds of medicine have a long-standing

history, as each of them have proved its effectiveness; therefore, understanding their advantages

and drawbacks is very crucial for forming one’s own point of view.

According to Appropedia, conventional medicine (sometimes called regular medicine) is

the standard medical modality in much of the world. It consists primarily of drugs and surgery,

which are the most widely used treatment modalities (Conventional medicine, 2015). In the other

hand, Wikipedia defined alternative medicine as a set of products, practices, and theories that

are believed or perceived by their users to have the healing effects of medicine, but whose

effectiveness has not been established using scientific methods, or whose theory and practice is

not part of biomedicine, or whose theories or practices are directly contradicted by scientific

evidence or scientific principles used in biomedicine (Alternative medicine, 2020). Based on

these definitions it is clear that both of these kinds of medicine are different although they are

used for the same purpose, to heal illness.


An article (HolisticZine, n.d.) describes about the differences between these two systems.

The first difference is their approach to diagnosis. Conventional medicine focuses on the cause

of the ailment. It concentrates on the factors that cause diseases, its prevention, remedies, and

deals with the abnormality as an independent entity. The affected person, the environment, or the

circumstances under which the disease occurred is insignificant in this system. It is limited to the

scientific study of an anomaly and ways to remove it. Unlike its counterpart, alternative medicine

sees a body as equilibrium of interrelations between a body and its environment. Therefore, a

disease is thought to be caused by an imbalance between them. In other words, alternative

medicine focuses rather on cleansing the entire system than on curing its particular elements.

Another important difference is modern medicine is based on the theory that “physical

matter is the fundamental reality and beings, processes and phenomenon are all manifestations or

results of matter.” Contrasting with that, alternative medicine sometimes relies on vital force,

spirituality and holism with principle leads to considering the person as an indivisible whole

rather than dissected anatomic parts.

According to a 2008 survey from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative

medicine, approximately 38% of adults and 12% of children in the United States are using some

form of complementary and alternative medicine. This research shows what many of us already

know: patients are increasingly looking for an alternative approach to medicine. This happens

because alternative medicine assumes health is a life-long process; therefore, to sustain a healthy

body condition, a person should continually maintain proper nutrition, their daily regimen, body

care, mind exercises, and so on.


Conventional medicine, while also taking these principles in consideration, relies mostly

on drugs and surgery. This makes it more effective for managing critical situations (or for quick-

fixes), but is less efficient in healing chronic diseases. In addition, it is extremely expensive. On

the other hand, alternative medicine is more affordable, it guarantees stronger and more stable

results, but is also time-intensive, requiring a commitment to a healing process, and thus may not

seem like a reasonable option for quickly healing a patient.

Unlike conventional medicine, which relies entirely on chemically synthesized drugs,

alternative medicine uses natural components such as herbs as remedying substances. Alternative

medicine also uses ancient methods of dealing with diseases, such as acupuncture, massage,

yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, and so on. Conventional medicine, in its turn, puts more

trust in scientifically-approved methods of diagnosing and treatment, though acupuncture and

massage are also approved. But sometimes, in some case both of these medicine cannot be used

together due to the risk which will occur. For Example, for cancer patient some alternatives

medicine such as some dietary or herbal supplements can be harmful, especially for cancer

patients which taking conventional medication. However, some alternatives medication such as

acupuncture, yoga and massage therapy can still be an option while taking other medication

(White, 2010)..

In conclusion, alternative and conventional medicine has different approaches when it

comes to understanding and curing diseases. Whereas conventional medicine often sees a disease

as an independent entity, and focuses more on a quick-fix than on systematic approaches,

alternative medicine sees a body and its environment as a holistic system; a disease occurs in

case of an imbalance between all of the system’s elements. Conventional medicine is thus more

effective for treating critical situations, but less suitable for managing chronic diseases.

Alternative medicine yields gradual results, but they are usually more stable and long-lasting, as

they often involve the change of an individual’s lifestyle. Alternative medicine relies mostly on

natural components and ancient techniques, whereas conventional medicine prefers chemical

drugs and scientifically-approved methods of diagnosis and treatment.



Alternative medicine. (2020). Retrieved March 10, 2020, from Wikipedia:

Conventional medicine. (2015). Retrieved March 10, 2020, from Appropedia:

HolisticZine. (n.d.). Traditional vs. Alternative Medicine: A Comparison No One Gave You.
Retrieved from

Ivker, R. S. (2019, June 26). Comparing Holistic and Conventional Medicine. AHHA. Retrieved


Kurniawan, D.W., & Sulaiman, T.N. (2006). Teknologi Sediaan Farmasi. Yogyakarta: Graha

National Cancer Intitute, (2010, August 11), Lifelines: Complementary and Alternative Medicine
[Video File]. Retrieved from

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. (2017). The Use of Complementary
and Alternative Medicine in the United States. Retrieved from

Ni, M. (2009). Secrets of self healing. New York: Rodale.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2012). According to a New Government Survey,
38 Percent of Adults and 12 Percent of Children Use Complementary and Alternative
Medicine. Retrieved from

Grover, J. K., & Vats, V. (2001). Shifting paradigm: from conventional to alternative medicines-
an introduction on traditional Indian medicines. Asia-Pacific Biotech News, 5(01), 28-32.
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