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Service Marketing

Submitted by: Muhammad Saleem

Submitted to: Sir Jahanzeb Ahmed

Sap ID: 70075268

Section: (D)

Brand introduction:
Pakola range of soft drink brand owned by Mehran Bottlers. Product launches on 14 th august
1950. Pakola ice cream soda, pakola orange, pakola lychee, pakola raspberry, pakola fresh lime
and pakola vino. People under age 10 to 35 use this product. The only Pakistani drink which is
exported to many countries incliding USA and UK.
Brand Essence: A truly Pakistani drink.
Reason why product has flopped:
Brand persona:
 Trustworthy, unique, young.
 Marketing Problems:
Currently the share is only 3% of the total carbonated drinks market.
Low sales due to
Pakola is a new product in the market so they had some Distribution issues while distributing the
products in the retailers. Pakola did the exclusive selling agreement. They set a low promotion
budgets because of this people were not enough aware from the pakola product.
Brand Problems
 10 informal interviews
 Respondents aged between 18-24
 All of them were aware of the brand
 8 of them like it taste
 Only two of them considered as an option when buying carbonated drinks
 Competitor’s positioning
 Inability of pakola to relate with youth of Pakistan
 Brand problems revealed by research:
 “Pakola is no longer in the consideration set of young consumers as it has lost its
relevance to the young segment of the consumers”

Who do we want to beat?

 Nearly 35% market share
 Relies on ATL and BTL
 Strong distribution network with 70000 customer/retail outlets
 Fighting back with Music (Coke studio)
 Different product lines (Fanta, Sprite, Diet coke)
 Coke represents youth and energy
 Coke is an “US” brand
 Market leader with 60% share
 Started operations in1959
 “Individuality” and “Me” as it strong values
 Relies on ATL and BTL
 Targets youth as a whole
 Associated with Cricket
 Product lines include 7up, Miranda, Diet pepsi
Secondary Competitors:
 Juices
 Water.

Plan to beat them:

There is no other brand of ice cream soda has established in Pakistani Origins and it also have
strong roots in the national heritage.

Marketing objectives:
Our objective is to increase the product relevance to the youth of Pakistan. Build a strong
emotional connect to the youth. Our objective is to include the Pakola in the considerations set of
the consumers. Our budget is PKR 30 Million.

The insight:
“The Pakistani youth, though patriotic inside, are not proud of the country anymore, but they are
still looking for reasons to be proud of their country”

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