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Write your name here

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Islamiat Father’s Cell oNumber

Grade 7
Assignment No. 1

Date of submission: Obtained Marks:

Friday th Nov, 2019

Estimated Time Needed : 30 minutes

Teacher’s Remarks: Total Marks

 You can either use a black pen or a blue-ball point for
solving your Assignments.
 Fill in the boxes given on this page.
 Answer all of the questions. ** You are Not Allowed to leave
any question unsolved**
 Answer the questions in the spaces provided.

 Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.
 Write your answers neatly and in good English. For your
practice, Keep an eye on the time
 Try to answer all of the questions.

Turn over
Answer the following questions:

Q1. Who were Ghaznavids?

Q2. What were Ghaznavid contributions to India?

Q3. Write a short note on Sultanate of Dehli ?

Q4. How was Iltutmish??

Q5. Write a short note on reign of Balban?

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