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CAUSATIVE Edi Purnama .

Causative are main verbs that cause people or machine to do something or cause thing to change.
S Make someone Verb word /V1 Complement
Doctor MAKE Andri take His medicine
she made The baby take A nap last night
he Did not make Us Type up The papers
Lecturer Will make everyone do Something tmrw

S make something Verb word -

I made The machine work
I cannot seem to make This machine Runs well
He made The book clean
My dad Will make My motorcycle runs Well
2. GET (Causative get makes some one does not perform an act directly. Get has less force and
authority than make)
S Get Someone ( live) infinitive -
Let’s get him To write A letter
Do you think that we can get Karen To call Us
We will have to get Someone To fix My bike
The president get The ministers To do The pilot project

S get Something (death) Participle /V3 -

He gets Our car cleaned
He got My book lost Last week
They Will get Their money exchanged Next week
She gets Her dress turned Bluish
3. HAVE.
Causative Have a person does not perform an action directly less authority than get
S have Someone (animated) Verb word -
His mother HAVE us give A result of exam
They had Him change It
I like the way you had The beautician do Your hair

Subject have Something in (inanimated) Participle (V3) -

I Want to have This book Renewed Now
he had His tooth Brushed -
4. LET (Causative let a person does not perform an action directly. Person gives permission for
another person to do it)
S let Someone (animated) Verb word -
He let His son go To school
Would you let us Borrow His book

S let Something (In animated) Verb word -

He Is letting This machine cool
5. HELP (Causative let a person does not perform an action directly. A person assist another person to do it)
S help Someone Verb I / infinitive -
He Help me Write/ to write A letter
1. Psychologists believe that incentives given annually to increase our products.
A. To make us want
B. Wanting us
C. Make us want
D. Make us to want
2. This wedding ring yellow and white gold.
A. Is made from
B. Makes from
C. Is make of
D. To make
3.The examiner made us ......... our identification card in other to be admitted to the test room.

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