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Conversion of Residual Biomass into Liquid Transportation Fuel:

An Energy Analysis
J. Manganaro,* B. Chen, J. Adeosun, S. Lakhapatri, D. Favetta, and A. Lawal
Stevens Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, United States

R. Farrauto and L. Dorazio

BASF Catalyst LLC, Iselin, New Jersey 08830, United States

D. J. Rosse
Golden BioMass Fuels Corporation, Millbrook, New York 12545, United States
bS Supporting Information
ABSTRACT: An energy balance, in broad outline, is presented for the production of a high-quality liquid transportation fuel from
residual crop biomass. The particular process considered is comprised of (1) harvesting surplus biomass (such as crop
residue); (2) locally pyrolyzing the biomass into pyrolysis oil (PO), char, and noncondensable gas (NCG); (3) transporting the
PO to a remote central processing facility; (4) converting the PO at this facility by autothermal reforming (ATR) into synthesis gas
(CO and H2); followed by, at the same facility, (5) FischerTropsch (FT) synthesis of the syngas into diesel fuel. In carrying out our
calculations, we have made several assumptions about the values of the process parameters. These parameters, of course, can be
modified as better input data become available. The material and energy balance has been incorporated into an Excel
spreadsheet. The scope and our approach to the energy budget using a widely available spreadsheet hopefully provides greater
transparency, as well as ease of scenario manipulation than has generally been found in the literature. The estimated energy
efficiencies computed with the spreadsheet are comparable to those obtained with Aspen software. A spreadsheet is offered as a tool
for further analysis of the energy budget of this and related processes. The Excel spreadsheet can be used as a nimble scouting tool to
indicate promising avenues of study in advance of using a more comprehensive analysis such as that afforded by Aspen software. The
process considered, in which a portion of the char and noncondensable gas are used to supply heat to the drying and pyrolysis steps
and under the assumptions made, was found to have an energy efficiency to liquid fuel on the order of 40%. That is, 40% of the initial
energy in the biomass will be found in the final liquid fuel after subtracting out external energy supplied for complete processing,
including transportation as well as material losses. If the energy of the remaining char and NCG is added to that in the product diesel
oil, the total recovered energy is estimated to be ∼50% of the initial energy content of the biomass. If char and NCG are not used as a
heat source in the process, the energy efficiency of the produced diesel drops from 40% to 15%. It must be realized that the
distribution of energy content among the fast pyrolysis products PO, char, and NCG is ∼69%, ∼27%, and ∼4%, respectively.
Therefore, using char and NCG to provide fuel for the drying and pyrolysis steps is very critical in maintaining high energy efficiency
of the product fuel. The weight of diesel fuel produced is estimated to be ∼13% of the initial weight of biomass, implying that 1 t of
biomass (30% moisture) will produce 1.0 barrels of diesel oil. The pyrolysis of biomass to PO, char, and NCG is estimated to have an
intrinsic energy efficiency of ∼90%. For the model considered, trucking biomass to a central facility without first converting it to PO
is estimated to reduce energy efficiency by ∼1%.

’ INTRODUCTION When we use the unmodified term “biomass” ,we mean that
A question often asked about liquid transportation fuels it contains 30% moisture, as distinguished from the term “dry
derived from biomass is: “Are you putting more energy into biomass”, which contains 10% moisture; this is further
making the fuel than is present in the produced fuel?” An answer differentiated from “bone dry biomass”, which contains 0%
moisture. Also, in Table 1 (presented later in this paper), we
in the affirmative would imply that the only redeeming feature of
use the term “crop residue” interchangeably with the term
such a process would be the fact that U.S. dollars are not being
put into foreign hands, since ∼60% of our petroleum is imported.
This paper seeks to probe this question in broad terms for a
specific model system. Although dependent on the energy Received: March 2, 2011
balance, economics is a separate issue and is not addressed in Revised: April 20, 2011
this paper. Published: April 20, 2011

r 2011 American Chemical Society 2711 | Energy Fuels 2011, 25, 2711–2720
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Table 1. Material and Energy Balance for Figure 1

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Figure 1. Process for the conversion of biomass into liquid transportation fuel.

Approximately 85% of the total energy consumed in the schematic of the process is shown in Figure 1. The fuel that
United States comes from CO2-emitting fossil fuels (oil, gas, ultimately results from FT synthesis is expected to be of a higher
and coal). Indeed, 40% of the total energy consumed in the quality, compared to common diesel, because of its low sulfur,
United States is derived from oil and is primarily consumed as soot, nitrogen, nickel, vanadium, and other contaminants and its
transportation fuel. To be specific, the U.S. consumption rate is high cetane number.11 By incorporating the components of this
∼20 million barrels of oil a day.1 model into a readily available Excel spreadsheet, we hope that this
With respect to transportation, a liquid fuel currently has will make a tool for scouting scenarios and promising concepts
several important advantages over pure electric power. These for process optimization available.
are: (1) high energy density (the useable energy per unit weight Biomass Gathering, Conversion to PO, and Transporta-
of gasoline or diesel oil is ∼60 times greater than that of a Ni- tion. We have focused on crop residue as biomass raw material
hydride battery and ∼30 times greater than the developing Li-ion feed, because it is inexpensive and plentiful. Since crops are
battery); (2) liquid fuel is easy to store, handle, and rapidly harvested at specific and limited times during the year, the resulting
recharge into a fuel tank; and (3) it fits into the existing infra- crop residue will be baled and stored as inventory on the field to be
structure. It is for these reasons and, additionally, a degree of CO2 collected throughout the year to feed the biofuel process in a
neutrality, that liquid biofuels have attracted the current alternative steady stream. It may be possible to gather crop residue—for
energy research effort. The energy density estimates account for example, corn stover—in a single pass as the food crop is
the efficiency differences in the gas engine (30% efficient) and harvested.14 Collection is necessarily from a large geographic area,
electric motor (90%95% efficient). However, the 30% value for such as from farms in a state that is the size of Iowa. Therefore,
the gas engine does not account for idling and nonoptimum transportation cost, both in energy and dollars, is a consideration.
operation. So, more-realistic comparison values might be some- Referring to Figure 1, crop residue is baled and placed on the
thing like 40 and 20 times greater, respectively. This is the reason field. Bales are then collected and transported by truck to a
why the number of electric airplanes and trucks is few! relatively local pyrolysis facility. At this facility, the crop residue is
An introduction to the potential role of biomass as a renewable dried (if necessary), comminuted, and pyrolyzed by fast pyro-
fuel has been discussed.2 Studies of the global energy budget for fast lysis, which favors liquid rather than gas or char production.15,16
pyrolysis of biomass followed by hydrotreating of the result- Combining the steps of drying, grinding, and pyrolysis in one
ing pyrolysis oil are outlined in refs 3 and 4. In these references, it location would allow use of the noncondensable gases and char
was noted that ∼1% of the sun’s incident energy used to produce from pyrolysis to provide heat for drying and pyrolysis, which
biomass can be converted to liquid fuel in conventional fast greatly improves energy efficiency. The pyrolysis step converts
pyrolysis to PO. These studies also explored what they referred the biomass to an easily transportable oil (PO), char, and non-
to as “augmented” processes, in which a portion of the land area is condensable gas (NCG). The weight of PO is ∼65% of the
used to produce H2, e.g., by solar or wind methods or gasification of weight of the original biomass and is substantially increased in
biomass. This H2 can then be incorporated by hydrogenation into bulk density, rendering it more efficiently transportable. This
the liquid biofuel to measurably enhance the sun-to-liquid fuel yield. permits a savings in transportation cost and fuel consumption to
The economics of biomass conversion to liquid fuel has been a remote large central processing facility. However, an energy
explored in the literature.57 A detailed study by Laser et al.,8,9 penalty is incurred in the need to revaporize the PO.
utilizing Aspen software of numerous biomass processing scenarios Converting Pyrolysis Oil (PO) to Diesel Fuel at the Central
(some including FischerTropsch (FT) liquids) with regard to Processing Facility. PO is a complex mixture of over 400
economics, efficiency, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and water oxygenated organic compounds and contains 15%30% water.
usage has been reported. A techno-economic study of the conver- It has a heating value that is less than one-half that of crude oil and
sion of biomass into liquid transportation fuel via fast pyrolysis and can be unstable, difficult to use directly, and corrosive. It is these
hydrotreatinghydrocracking is given in ref 10. An energy balance reasons that motivate upgrading of PO to diesel. At the central
and economic study11 has been made of biomass gasification, processing facility, PO will be transformed by autothermal
followed by FT synthesis into diesel along with coproduction of reforming (ATR) to synthesis gas (H2 and CO in a 2:1 molar
electricity.12,13 An economic analysis of 16 possible designs invol- ratio), followed by transformation via FT synthesis to diesel oil.
ving coal and biomass feeds with Aspen software was reported.12
’ THE MODEL The Biomass R&D Technical Advisory Committee to the U.S.
Our model has two major components: (1) gathering bio- Congress17 stated a goal of replacing 30% of the U.S. petroleum
mass, converting it to pyrolysis oil (PO), and then transporting consumption by biofuel by the year 2030. To do this, ∼1 billion
the PO to a central processing facility, and (2) at the central dry tons (i.e., 10% moisture) of biomass must be available
processing facility, converting the PO into diesel fuel. A (or ∼1.3 billion tons of biomass with 30% moisture). It is
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estimated14 that 250 million dry tons per year is available from (3) Char and NCG are burned (at 50% thermal efficiency)
corn stover alone. Reference 17 has shown that a total of 1 billion to fuel the drying and pyrolysis steps without the use of
dry tons a year could be made available. external energy.
We assume, as a starting point, that there are eight states (e.g., (4) The small parasitic energy losses that would occur from
Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North pumps, etc., have been ignored.
Dakota, and Texas) that each have a single central facility to (5) A cryogenic plant is used to produce high-purity gaseous
perform the ATR and FT processes. Let us say that half of the oxygen, to minimize the compression requirement in
30% petroleum consumption goal is to be replaced by the model the FT step and minimize equipment size. Although we
process of Figure 1. This means that each state would handle have not considered it here, the use of liquid oxygen
∼1.3  109/2/8 = 8.0  107 tons of biomass per year. We instead of gaseous oxygen opens the possibility of com-
represent a state as a square with dimensions of ∼240 miles on a pletely eliminating compression in the FT step if the ATR
side (a rough approximation for the size of Iowa, for example) step is performed at elevated pressure, using all liquid feeds.
and assume that a single central ATR/FT facility is located in the (6) Our calculations suggest that the carbon efficiency to
geometric center of the state. Under this conception, it is esti- CO in the ATR step is ∼60%.
mated that the average distance from a local pyrolyzer to the (7) The loss of carbon by coking in the ATR step is ignored.
central ATR/FT conversion facility would be on the order of (8) The energy required to condense water and remove CO2
70 miles. The average distance from a farm to a local pyrolyzer is from the exit gas of the ATR has not been accounted for.
assumed to be ∼7 miles. This might be idealized as defining a square (9) The carbon yield from CO to diesel within the FT step is
with dimensions of 14 miles on a side (with an area of 196 square assumed to be 90%.
miles) feeding a single pyrolyzer. We have termed such a collection (10) The heat released by the FT step is used to run a steam
of farms and a single pyrolyzer as a “pyrolyzer collective”. turbine that generates more than enough electricity to
It is essential to leave a certain amount of crop residue on the run the compressor for the FT reactor.
field to limit erosion, maintain soil organic carbon, and provide (11) The energy efficiency calculation does not include energy
nutrient amendments.18 After leaving 50% on the field, the net required to make and assemble the metal and nonmetal
yield of crop residue is expected to be ∼2.5 tons (at 30% moisture) parts of equipment such as trucks, process equipment,
per acre per year.19 Using 2.5 tons per acre per year, then each etc., to perform the process. It is believed that this would
square 14 miles on a side with its single pyrolyzer (pyrolyzer be a small contributor to the energy balance.
collective) would handle ∼2.5  142  640 = 3.1  105 T/yr. Gathering and Baling. Gathering and baling is the first part of
This translates to a pyrolyzer rate of 44 T/h (assuming pyrolyzer what the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) refers to as CHST
operation for 300 days in the year, 24 h per day). The number of (cut, harvest, store, and transport). Baled crop residue is temporar-
pyrolyzer collectives required to feed the ATR/FT central facility is ily stored in the field, thereby being exposed to weather (i.e., retting),
258 (= 8.0  107/3.1  105). The area of these pyrolyzer collectives allowing a portion of the more water-soluble nutrients, such as potas-
is 258  142 = 50 600 square miles, which is ∼90% of the area of a sium and sugars, to be leached back into the ground (less so for the
state the size of a square 240 miles on a side (e.g., Iowa). less water-soluble phosphorus, for example). The removal of biomass
Assuming that half of the 1.3 billion tons of biomass feeds the with the removal of macronutrients and micronutrients from the soil
type of process described in Figure 1, and that eight central is a consideration. Some of this can be ameliorated or eliminated by
facilities perform ATR and FT, this means that each complex of returning char from pyrolysis or the ash from burning of the char
pyrolyzer collectives and one central ATR/FT facility would be
back to the soil. Allowing crop residue to just decompose in the soil
handling the equivalent of 8  107/300/24 ≈ 11 000 tons per
would recycle the macronutrients and micronutrients but would
stream hour of biomass. This, of course, is prodigious in scale
release CO2 to the atmosphere without producing useful energy.
(indeed, a 1000-MW coal-fired power plant handles only 375 T/h
The energy used for harvesting perennial grass (which consists
of coal). For our initial calculations, however, we have taken a
of mowing, raking, and baling) is estimated to be 1 gallon of
scale of only 500 tons/h in the Excel spreadsheet given in Table 1.
diesel per 800-lb bale. This converts to 0.054 MJ/kg and is taken
Such a rate would involve ∼10 pyrolyzer collectives.
to also apply to harvesting crop residue.
Transportation to the Pyrolysis Facility. We assume that
trucks are being used to transport biomass in the form of bales to
the pyrolyzer of the pyrolyzer collective. The maximum allowable
Stream numbers in the material and energy balance spreadsheet gross weight for a tractor-trailer combination is 80 000 lb (40 T).
of Table 1 refer to the diagram of Figure 1. Input parameters are Depending on the construction of the rig, payloads might be in the
presented in cells that are filled green. Abbreviations are given in the range of 43 00055 000 lb. The volumetric capacity of a trailer is
spreadsheet. The “cumulative energy efficiency” (abbreviated as ∼4013 ft3. The bulk density of baled biomass is ∼8 lb/ft3; however,
“Cum energy eff.”) at each relevant step is reported in the table. The when packed into the volume of a trailer, the effective bulk
definition of energy efficiency is given in the Appendix. At the density is ∼6.3 lb/ft3. This would mean that the payload of
drying step, the “Cum energy eff.” value jumps to 103.1%. This is an biomass in the tractor-trailer is ∼25 000 lb, which is well under
artifact of the calculation as char and NCG are burned to perform the payload weight limit of 43 00055 000 lb.
the drying operation (shifting energy from char and NCG to the For transportation of a liquid, a tank truck or tanker is used. This
liquid fuel) and is rectified in the pyrolysis step of the process. type of truck can have capacities of 55009000 gallons. Because of its
Assumptions and Comments much higher density (68 lb/ft3 or 9.1 lb/gal), PO can be transported
(1) Biomass is envisioned to come primarily from crop at a higher payload than baled crop residue. The transportation costs
residue. (external energy input) of biomass and PO (streams 1b and 8),
(2) The starting moisture content in biomass is 30%. were calculated for payloads of 25 300 and 43 000 lb, respectively.
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An interesting estimate of transporting liquid fuel in a tank truck with Table 2. Energy Balance around the ATR Step Shown in
a capacity of, for example, 5500 gallons over a distance of 1000 miles, Figure 3 for the Parameters in Table 1
at 8 miles per gallon, gives a fuel penalty of ∼2.3%.
parameter/step value
Drying. It is assumed that the biomass delivered to the pyrolyzer
must be dried from a moisture content of 30% to a moisture content 1 energy needed to heat oxygen (or air, if used) 30 295 MJ/h
of 10%. A 50% drying efficiency is assumed. It is also assumed that 2 energy needed to heat and evaporate fresh H2O 292 156 MJ/h
some of the char and noncondensable gas can be used for drying. If 3 energy needed to heat and evaporate PO 621 833 MJ/h
23% of the char and NCG are used for the drying step, then there is 4 energy needed for endothermic reforming reactiona 1 088 105 MJ/h
essentially no consumption of “external” energy.
5 total energy required = 2 032 389 MJ/h
Grinding. Based on grinding maize,20 an energy requirement
of 0.18 MJ/kg is used to grind biomass in this step.
Pyrolysis. The energy input for the pyrolysis step is calculated 6 energy given up by exit gases and recovered 309 748 MJ/h
from (1) the sensible heat required to heat the biomass from 7 energy required by combustion of PO 1 722 641 MJ/h
ambient to reaction temperature, (2) the heat of vaporization of 8 amount of PO burned to provide energy 98 437 kg/h
the PO, and (3) heat of the pyrolysis reaction (which is said to be 9 amount of PO left to be converted into CO 154 341 kg/h
slightly endothermic for fast pyrolysis), see eq 1. 10 carbon efficiency into CO of ATR step 61%
EP ¼ cp ðT  25Þ þ f ΔHv þ ΔHr ð1Þ The PO that is burned is not included in the endothermic reaction.
(This produces a circular reference (trial and error), which necessitates
Given the nonuniform nature of the materials being studied, the putting the spreadsheet into manual mode.)
literature reports a range of property values. Here, we state the
values selected for our calculations, realizing that they are open to ATR Step. With the ATR step, we arrive at a critical point in the
improvement in the light of further data (also see the Appendix). process, one that embodies currently developing technology. It is in
The heat capacity15 of the biomass was assumed to be 1.0 kJ/kg/K. this step that the diverse and multitudinous oxygenated organics
From Figure 13 of ref 21, the heat of vaporization of PO was comprising PO are converted (i.e., reformed) into syngas (H2 and
considered to be 1.21 MJ/kg . The heat of reaction (ΔHr)15 was CO in an approximate 2:1 ratio). The ATR step, along with the
considered to be 0.3 MJ/kg. The pyrolysis operating temperature FischerTropsch step, is located at the central processing facility.
(T) is assumed to be 500 °C. Thus, for the assumed parameters, the The BASF Catalyst LLC dual-layer monolith ATR reactor couples
energy requirement for the pyrolysis step is EP = 1.56 MJ/kg. For catalytic partial oxidation (CPO), which is exothermic, with endo-
these parameters, and assuming a pyrolysis thermal efficiency of 50%, thermic steam reforming. This approach, or a variant thereof, has
the pyrolysis step can be run without external energy input by been called “adiabatic oxidative reforming” by Haldor Topsoe, Inc.22
consuming 58% of the NCG gas and char. If energy for the drying Bartholomew and Farrauto23 discussed the advantages of ATR,
and pyrolysis were totally supplied by char and NCG, then 100%  which include a more compact reactor, better heat management,
23%  58% = 19% of the produced char and NCG would be left. mechanical integrity, and lower pressure drop than conventional
Further economizing might be possible from recovering some of the reactors. This step represents an area of high capital cost.24,25
heat from cooling the pyrolysis vapors. The mass stream rates for Since ATR of PO is in its initial stages of investigation, what we
“gas” and “char” (streams 5 and 6 of Table 1) reflect material loss that say here is based on what is known about ATR for feeds such as
is due to their use in the drying and pyrolysis steps as a heat source. CH4 and methanol. Particularizing the analysis to PO feed awaits
Transportation to the Central ATR/FT Facility. The discus- further data. The ATR step, the shift reactors, and the FT step,
sion given in the Transportation to Pyrolysis Facility section followed by the hydrocracking of waxes and product separation,
applies here. As mentioned, since PO is much denser than are shown diagrammatically in Figure 2. Pressure swing adsorp-
biomass, advantage could be taken of tanker trucks with higher tion is used to obtain hydrogen for hydrocracking.25 The use of
payloads. Alternatively, if the infrastructure permits, use could be oxygen is indicated, which will reduce the ATR heat requirement
made of existing rail lines. and downstream capital and operating costs in the FT step, which
The effect of trucking biomass directly to a central facility and requires compression of the syngas to elevated pressures. The
doing the pyrolysis directly at the central facility without first electrical energy required for cryogenic production of 95% purity
producing PO can be obtained by changing the “Trucking gaseous O2 is considered to be 220 kWh/metric ton of oxygen.26
distance to the pyrolyzer” to 70 miles (instead of 7 miles) and Converting this to thermal energy (∼3 times the electrical
changing the “Trucking distance of PO to ATR/FT facility” from requirement) and changing units, we have 2.38 MJ/kg O2. For
70 miles to zero. This results in a calculated reduction of energy the purposes of calculation, the O2 purity was assumed to be 100%.
efficiency of 1.0% (i.e., the energy efficiency goes from 42.1% to A syngas purification step utilizing, for example, the Lurgi Rectisol
41.1%). However, this simple calculation does not account for process, removes CO2 and sulfur. Although crop residue is not ex-
two other relevant factors, namely, (a) the cost of trucking in pected to have much sulfur, it can have more than wood residue. For
maintenance and salaries would be appreciably greater, but (b) if example, Mullen and Boateng27 reported alfalfa to have a sulfur con-
the biomass were pyrolyzed at the central facility, a significant tent of 0.09%0.22%. This compares to forestry residue, which is
heat savings (item 3 in Table 2) in the ATR step would be reported, by Oassma et al.,28 to have a sulfur content in the range of
possible. Thus, a case could be made (with no local pyrolyzer) in 0.04%. The sulfur content of PO resulting from alfalfa is reported27 to
which biomass is received pyrolyzed, reformed, and converted be 0.05%0.07%. However, the FT purity requirements for syngas
into diesel at the single site in each state. Wright, Brown, and are strict, being on the order of <0.1 ppm total sulfur. The ATR step
Boateng6 have examined in detail the capital and operating costs can be designed to accommodate a higher sulfur loading than the FT
of the distributed processing of biomass to PO, followed by step.
shipping PO to a central facility, versus direct shipping of the Since FT produces waxes as well as diesel, the waxes must be
biomass to a central facility. converted to useable diesel, using, for example, a UOP hydrocracking
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Figure 2. ATR and FT steps (with integrated energy recovery).

Figure 3. ATR reactor with integrated energy recovery.

catalyst. Hydrogen in the syngas is used in the cracking step. This step is operated at an exit temperature of 650 °C over a
Residual fuel values from the FT step may be recycled back to the catalyst at 1 atm.23 The PO that we are using in our laboratory has
ATR step. A shift reactor may not be necessary if the H2/CO an empirical formula (with carbon taken to be 1.0) on a bone dry
ratio can be sufficiently controlled at a value of 2:1 in the basis of CH1.4O0.5.
ATR step. The reforming reaction is endothermic. An idea of the
Figure 3 gives the ATR reactor in more detail and shows magnitude of the heat requirement for reforming can be obtained
preheating of the feeds for energy economy. The ATR reactor from a few example reactions:
can be a plug-flow monolithic honeycomb reactor in which the
gases enter at ∼400 °C. Near the reactor inlet, an exothermic CH4 þ H2 O ¼ CO þ 3H2 ΔH298 ¼ 206MJ=ðkg-molÞ
spike to ∼850 °C occurs, because of the partial oxidation ð8Þ
reaction. As the gases move toward the exit, the endothermic
reforming reactions take over and cooling occurs, resulting in an
exit gas temperature of ∼650 °C. The exit gas passes through a CH4 þ 2H2 O ¼ 2CO2 þ 4H2 O ΔH298 ¼ 164:9 MJ=kg-mol
heat recovery exchanger, to preheat the feeds to the ATR reactor. ð9Þ
Note that metal dusting corrosion issues can occur with CO at
elevated temperature in this exchanger.29
In the autothermal reforming step, PO is reacted with water C2 H5 OH þ H2 O ¼ 2CO2 þ 4H2 ΔH298 ¼ 238 MJ=kg-mol
vapor and substoichiometric oxygen to produce a gas that
contains H2 and CO in a molar ratio near or at 2:1. The reactions
that could occur in the ATR of PO of the general empirical The calculations of Table 1 use an endothermic heat of
formula CnHmOk are represented below: reaction for the reforming reaction of 200 MJ/kg-mol of carbon
Cn Hm Ok þ ð2n  kÞH2 O ¼ nCO2 þ ð2n þ 0:5m  kÞH2 in the PO. The heat capacity30 of PO was taken as ∼2 kJ/kg/K.
Equations 210 are given for reference and are not directly
ð2Þ used in the calculations. For the parameters of Table 1, an energy
balance around the ATR is made without the use of eqs 210 to
Cn Hm Ok þ ðn  kÞH2 O ¼ nCO þ ðn þ 0:5m  kÞH2 ð3Þ give estimates of the amounts of CO, CO2, H2O, and H2 formed.
The energy balance is given in Table 2.
Table 2 shows that the endothermic reforming reaction
Cn Hm Ok þ ð0:5n þ 0:25m  0:5kÞO2 ¼ nCO þ 0:5mH2 O
absorbs ∼54% of the heat requirement for this step. The energy
ð4Þ recovered by the preheat heat exchange is ∼15% of that needed
for the step. Bear in mind that the endotherm of the reaction is
Cn Hm Ok þ 0:5ðn  kÞO2 ¼ nCO þ 0:5mH2 ð5Þ not lost energy but is, in essence, transferred to the products, CO
and H2, as being higher energy materials than the feed. Carbon is
lost in this step via two routes: (1) oxidation to CO2, to provide
CO þ 0:5O2 ¼ CO2 ð6Þ
heat for the reaction, and (2) coking. Laboratory studies indicate
that a carbon loss from coking can be on the order of 5%. Our cal-
CO þ H2 O ¼ CO2 þ H2 ð7Þ culation ignores coking for the present.
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The calculations for the ATR step are as follows: the energy the balance of Table 1 is estimated to be 65 153 hp. This converts
required by combustion of PO gives the amount of PO con- to 2.68(MJ/h/HP)  65 153 = 174 600 MJ/h; this means that
sumed and therefore defines the carbon efficiency. The amount ∼3 times as much heat energy would be needed to produce that
of CO2 produced is determined by the amount of PO burned. amount of electricity (or 523 800 MJ/h). However, the heat-
The remaining carbon values are assumed to go to CO. The release rate from FT is 863 400 MJ/h. So, if as outlined in ref 12,
carbon efficiency to useable CO, in the case shown in Table 2, is steam is raised in cooling the FT reactor and then superheated by
calculated to be ∼60%. Knowing the moles of CO2 and CO exchange with the exit of the ATR reactor and run through a
produced, the remaining oxygen is assigned to water in the exit steam turbine to generate electricity, it appears that this amount
gas. A hydrogen elemental balance then gives the free H2 in the of electricity could be sufficient to run the compressor for the FT
exit gas. step. An alternative concept would be to use liquid oxygen and
Our recent laboratory work indicates that control of the H2 to pump liquid water and liquid PO into the ATR reactor, which
CO ratio is quite possible at the ATR reactor by manipulating the could be run at the pressure needed for FT, thus eliminating the
flow rates of water and O2 in proportion to the PO. However, if need for a compressor for FT.
the H2/CO ratio is <2.0 in the reformer exit gas, then the water- The production rate for the material balance of Table 1
gas shift (WGS) reaction may be used to correct it (see eq 11). If is ∼11 000 barrels of diesel per day. Therefore, a plant of this
the ratio is >2.0, then the reverse WGS reaction may be used size would produce ∼0.06% of the U.S. consumption need. The
(see eq 12). Sasol plant in Qatar utilizes natural gas and coal to run a FT
process. This Sasol plant (SASOLl) produces FT diesel at a rate
WGS : CO þ H2 O f CO2 þ H2 ðat 300°C and 1 atmÞ of 34 000 bbl/day. This would be ∼3 times the rate of the material
ΔH ¼ 41:1 kJ=mol ð11Þ balance of Table 1, or a feed rate of ∼1500 T/h of biomass.

RWGS : CO2 þ H2 f CO þ H2 O ðat 450°C and 1 atmÞ ’ RESULTS

ΔH ¼ þ 41:1 kJ=mol ð12Þ Energy Efficiency and the Internal Use of Char and NCG.
It has been pointed out that H2 produced from renewable The spreadsheet of Table 1 contains a row labeled “Cum energy
sources (such as solar or wind) could be used to convert the CO2 eff., %”, which traces the energy efficiency of the final fuel or its
to useable CO, which would improve the overall energy effi- intermediate stages. It is seen that when char and NCG are used
ciency of this process. Also, solar heating might be usable in the in the drying and pyrolysis steps, the cumulative energy efficiency
ATR step. Because of its critcal importance and its nacent state of in the final diesel fuel is 42.1%. If char and NCG are not used to
development, ATR of PO should be the object of vigorous fuel the drying and pyrolysis steps, the cumulative energy
research. efficiency drops to 15.3%. A comparison of the cumulative energy
FT Step. In the FT step, syngas produced in the ATR step is efficiency with and without char and NCG combustion at several
converted to diesel oil. The carbon efficiency of the FT step is points in the process is shown in Table 3. However, the total
assumed to be 90%. The generic, strongly exothermic, FT energy to be found in the final products of diesel fuel, char, and
reaction, along with the operating conditions, is given as25 NCG remains the same (see Table 4).
Using char and NCG to provide energy for the drying and
ð2n þ 1ÞH2 þ nCO f Cn Hð2n þ 2Þ þ nH2 O pyrolysis steps will be important in operating an efficient process.
ðat 250°C and 225 psiÞ ΔH ¼ 170 kJ=mol of CO These energy efficiencies are comparable to prior detailed
literature estimates utilizing Aspen software.9,13
ð13Þ Diesel Yield. Table 1 shows that the weight yield of diesel oil is
In the production of diesel fuel, “n” in eq 13 can be in the range ∼13.7% of the initial weight of the biomass (30% moisture) or
of 1225. Therefore, a H2:CO molar ratio that is very close to ∼1 barrel per metric ton of biomass (30% moisture).
2:1 is required. Iron-based catalysts and an operating tempera- Effect of Moisture Content in the Biomass. Table 5A shows
ture of 330350 °C will produce mostly gasoline, while cobalt- the effect of moisture content in the biomass on energy effi-
based catalysts and an operating temperature of 200 °C will ciency. Provided that char and NCG are used as fuel in the drying
produce mostly diesel oil.31 and pyrolysis steps, the moisture content in the biomass essen-
The energy input for compressing syngas from the ATR step tially does not affect the energy efficiency to liquid fuel, although
to the operating pressure for the FT synthesis step is calculated it will affect the total energy recovered. The mild decrease in the
for two-stage isothermal compression and is included in the calculated energy efficiency to diesel with decreased moisture
spreadsheet given in Table 1. The following equation for multi- when char and NCG are used is due to the larger energy content
stage compression with intercooling was used to estimate the initially in the biomass. If char and NCG are not used in the
compressor horsepower requirement (HP):32 drying and pyrolysis steps, then the moisture content does have
2 !R=N 3 an effect on the efficiency to diesel, because of the increased
0:00436Np1 q1 4 p2 external energy that is needed.
HP ¼  15 ð14Þ The effect of biomass moisture content on weight yield of
Rη p1 diesel is shown in Table 5B. Of course, as the moisture content
decreases, the weight yield increases.
where N is the number of stages (we use 2); p1 the inlet pressure
(psia); p2 the outlet pressure (psia); q1 the flow rate under intake
conditions, ACFM; R = (k  1)/k (where k = ratio of heat ’ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
capacities; we use a value of 1.4); and η the efficiency, expressed (1) A transparent material and energy analysis of each
as a fraction (we use 0.8). The compressor HP requirement for component of a specific model of a biomass route to
2717 |Energy Fuels 2011, 25, 2711–2720
Energy & Fuels ARTICLE

Table 3. Comparison of Cumulative Energy Efficiency with alternatives prior to comprehensive energy and economic
and without Burning of Char and NCG analysis by more-powerful tools such as Aspen software.
An operative version of this spreadsheet is provided as
Cum energy eff., %a Supporting Information.
(2) The process described by Figure 1, in which a portion of
with burning without burning
the char, and noncondensable gas (NCG), are used to
stream no. description char and NCG char and NCG
supply heat to the drying and pyrolysis step and exter-
1 crop residue 100 100 nally supplied energy is accounted for, is estimated to
3 dry crop residue 103.3 95.6 have an energy efficiency on the order of 40%. If the
4 ground DCR 102.2 94.5 energy of the remaining char and NCG is added to that of
7 PO 69.8 43.1
the product diesel oil, the total recovered energy is
estimated to be 50% of the initial energy content of the
9b dry ATR syn gas 63.8 37.1
biomass. These estimates agree with more-detailed As-
10 FT liquids diesel oil 42.1 15.3
pen calculations and probably are near the upper bound.
Note: As already mentioned, efficiencies that are greater than 100% are (3) If char and NCG are not used to fuel the drying and
an artifact of the calculation and are compensated for at the pyro-
pyrolysis steps, then the energy efficiency drops to 15%.
lysis step.
However, the final total of energy in the product diesel,
char, and NCG remains constant at ∼50% of the initial
Table 4. Comparison of the Final Distribution of Energy in energy content of the biomass.
the Products (4) Clearly, effort should be given to finding an effective
means of using the energy values of char and NCG in the
% of Original Biomass Energy in Product conversion process to liquid fuel.
(5) The weight of diesel fuel produced is ∼13% of the initial
with burning char without burning char
weight of biomass, or ∼1 t of biomass (30% moisture)
product and NCG and NCG
will produce 1.0 barrels of diesel oil.
diesel fuel 42.1 15.3 (6) Our estimate indicates that the autothermal reforming
char 5.1 28.1 (ATR) step results in a carbon yield of ∼60% as
NCG 0.8 4.6 useable CO.
______ ______ (7) Pyrolysis of biomass to PO is estimated to have an
total 48.0 48.0 intrinsic energy efficiency of ∼90%.
(8) Trucking biomass to a central facility without first
converting it to PO decreases the calculated energy
efficiency by 1.0%. However, the additional trucks and
Table 5. Effect of Biomass Moisture Content on (A) Energy
labor, as well as the re-evaporation of PO, would factor
Efficiency and (B) the Weight Yield of Diesel
into an economic analysis.
(A) Effect of Biomass Moisture Content on Energy Efficiency (9) Reduced moisture content in the biomass does not affect
the energy efficiency to diesel, provided that char and
Energy Efficiency to NCG are used to fuel the drying and pyrolysis steps.
Diesel (%) (10) Using the process of Figure 1, replacing ∼15% of current
petroleum consumption in the United States will require
biomass moisture usinga char not usinga total energy recovery in the gathering of biomass from a substantial portion of the
content (wt %) and NCG char and NCG diesel þ char þ NCG (%) land area of the major crop-producing states.
(11) Clearly, there are many, many conceptual variations and
30 42.1 15.3 48.0
refinements to be explored, not to mention an experi-
20 41.3 19.4 51.4 mental terra incognita.
10 40.7 22.3 53.8

(B) Effect of Biomass Moisture Content on Weight Yield of Diesel ’ APPENDIX

Energy efficiency of converting biomass to fuel is defined as
biomass moisture weight yield of diesel barrels of diesel per
content (wt %) (% of initial biomass) metric ton of biomass 0 1
energy efficiency of
30 13.7 1.0 B
B converting C

20 15.7 1.1 @ A
10 17.6 1.2 biomass to fuel, %
To fuel the drying and pyrolysis steps. 20 1 0 13
LHV of fuel external energy
FischerTropsch (FT) fuel has been presented. Also, a 4@ produced from A  @ input to process 1 lb A5
1 lb of biomass of biomass to fuel
widely available tool (an Excel spreadsheet, as opposed to !  100
Aspen software, which is of limited availability and more LHV of the original
difficult to use) for use by any investigator is pro- 1 lb of biomass
vided, which can serve as a facile approach for scouting
2718 |Energy Fuels 2011, 25, 2711–2720
Energy & Fuels ARTICLE

Table A1. Some Relevant Energy Densities in dry biomass ends up in the PO and close to 30% in the char,
with only a small portion going to NCG.
component energy (LHV) density (MJ/kg) symbol
Some properties that have been used in the calculations in this
biomass (bone dry, 0% moisture) 19.1 Ebd paper are given in Table A3.
biomass (10% moisture) 17.0 E1
biomass (30% moisture) 12.7 E3 Table A3. Some Property Values Used in the Calculations
PO 18.0 EPO property value
char 23 EC
heat capacities
biomass 1.0 kJ/kg/K
Compare the above values to those below: pyrolysis oil 2.0 kJ/kg/K
cellulose 17.3 NCG 1.8 kJ/kg/K
lignin 25.4 water (liquid) 4.2 kJ/kg/K
wood (bone dry) 20.0 water vapor 2.0 kJ/kg/K
diesel oil 42.8 heat of vaporization of PO 1.21 MJ/kg
heat of pyrolysis reaction 0.3 MJ/kg
heat of reaction for reforming PO 200 MJ/kg-mol of C in PO
Table A2. Distribution of Energy Content among Pyrolysis
Products (endothermic)
heat of reaction for FT synthesis 170 MJ/kg-mol of CO
fraction % energy of original dry biomass in given fraction (exothermic)
PO 69 empirical formula of bone dry PO CH1.4O0.5 (mol wt = 21)
char 27 (assuming C = 1)

Comments on Energy Content of Biomass Components.
Comparisons of energy densities are given in Table A1.
bS Supporting Information. An operative Excel spread-
sheet of Table 1, giving the material balance and energy budget
It is seen that for the process of Figure 1, is provided. This information is
E1 ¼ 0:65EPO þ 0:2EC þ 0:15ENGC ðA1Þ available free of charge via the Internet at

where the coefficients on the energy densities on the right-hand ’ AUTHOR INFORMATION
side are the weight fractions typically generated by the dry
biomass (10% moisture) pyrolyzing to its respective products Corresponding Author
(see the input parameters of Table 1). Also note that *Tel: 609 924 2750. E-mail:

E1 ¼ 0:9Ebd  0:1  2:2 ðA2Þ

E3 ¼ 0:7Ebd  0:3  2:2 ðA3Þ This research was made possible by the U.S. DOE (Grant No.
DE-FG36-08GO18162) and the U.S. Office of Secretary of
where we have calculated the energy available from the fuel Defense (through Contract No. W15QKN-05-D-0011-0065).
by subtracting out the energy required to vaporize the water We gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with Eric Larson
content. Note that the energy density of bone-dry biomass (Princeton University), Douglas Elliott (Pacific Northwest Na-
(19.1 MJ/kg) lies between that of cellulose (17.3 MJ/kg) and tional Laboratory, PNNL), Andy Aden (National Renewable
that of lignin (25.4 MJ/kg). Also note that the energy density of Energy Laboratory, NREL), Zane Helsel (Rutgers University),
bone-dry wood (20 MJ/kg) is close to that of bone-dry biomass William Lazarus (University of Minnesota), and Carrington
(19.1 MJ/kg). These energy contents, because of the presence of Smith (Air Products Corp.). Also, the peer review process con-
oxygenated compounds, are well below that of diesel oil (which is tributed materially to the quality of this paper. The authors, of
42.8 MJ/kg). course, bear sole responsibility for any errors.
Energy Loss on Pyrolysis. An estimate can be made of the
energy lost in pyrolysis of a 10% moisture biomass (“dry ’ NOMENCLATURE
biomass”). As noted in eq A1, the energy content of dry biomass cp = heat capacity of biomass (MJ/(kg/°C))
is equal to the sum of the energy contents of its products of PO, f = fraction of biomass converted to PO
char, and NCG. Now, from eq 1, it was estimated that the energy EP = energy requirement for pyrolysis (MJ/kg)
required to produce the pyrolysis products was 1.56 MJ/kg at ΔHv = heat of vaporization of PO (MJ/kg)
100% thermal efficiency. Thus, the loss of energy in the pyrolysis ΔHr = heat of reaction of pyrolysis (MJ/kg)
of dry biomass to PO, char, and NCG is estimated at 1.56/17 =
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