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AAS 2nd EDITION ARISE LMM PEN PILOT’S NOTES FOR WELLINGTON il, X, XI, XU, x & XIV TWO HERCULES XI, VI, XVI or XVII ENGINES. RESTRICTED (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY) NOTES TO USERS ‘Turs publication is divided into five pars Descriptive, Handling, Operating Data, Emergencies, snd Mustrations, Part I gives only a brief description of the controls with hich the pilot should be acquainted. ‘These Notes are complement P.aogs Pitt's Notes General and anume a thorough knowledge of its contents. All plots should be in posension of & copy of A.P.2095 (se AM.O. Ag3/43. Words in capital letters indicate the sctul markings on the controls concerned. Additional copies may be obtained from APES., Pulham Road, §.W3, by application on RAF. Form 294, in duplicate, quoting the number of this publication in foll— AB as7Be, 61536, 8 eP—PN, Comments and sungestions should he for- warded through the uaual channels to the Ait Ministry (D.T-F). WELLINGTON Aum Minasrar Atm Penticarton 15786, ty a6 Se? PLN, Jaary 1944 Pite's Notes WELLINGTON Ill, X, XI, XI, XIII AND XIV—PILOT’S NOTES and Blition. Tis edition suporcades all previous ue. LIST OF CONTENTS PART I DESCRIPTIVE Pore INTRODUCTION : FUEL AND OIL SYSTEMS Fue! tars 5 Balance cocks : Tash eons % Foe andpomp : Foc games i Foc premare warning lights 7 Of ute & Oi tan ow evel nora - MAIN SERVICES Eleecal sytem 8 AIRCRAFT CON Frving conto a ‘rimming a Interconnection of elevator wimming tabs and Bape 5 Undercarriage contol = Undereariage incisor z Underage warning Hors an ihe 8 Fipeonolss es : » Whe brakes x Flying control locking gear a PART tented ENGINE CONTROLS Para. ‘Throtle end misture controls 2 Propeller controls 3 Supercharger eohtrl oy Carburetor air intake contol a Covling gil controls i 2% (il cooler shutters (Mk. IIT airerat only) 2 Slow-running cut-outs i 3 Priming pumps Pe) Engine starter and booster-cil pushbuttons Pd Boost gauge reversal contol rs OTHER CONTROLS Bomb doors : 2 Bombdepth-charge release contol 3 "Torpedo release controls (Mk. XI and XIII aie. craft only) ays rela Heating controle 3 Landing tape 36 ‘Reconnaissance flares ey ” PART II—HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS Mamet ffl nd aur oem 8 Preliminaries Pa Starting engines and warming up e “Testing engines and installations ie Cheek lint befor tying 2 Check le before take-off 48 ‘Take-of “ Climbing = 4 General Bing a 4 Stalling . a Diving 8 Check list hefore landing * Apprach ° Mislanding 5 Aer landing 3 Beam approach 1 3 PART II1—OPERATING DATA Engine data—Hercules XI (Mz. 111 sireraft only) Enpnedaa_Hetels VI, XVL and XVII ying limitations : Position eur corecions ‘Maximum performance Economical fying ‘ uel capacities and consumption tate ven apenta PART IV—EMERGENC Engine failure during take-off Enpine failure in fight. Feathering Unfeathering ‘Undercarriage emergency operation Bomb ad depi-hage jetsoning Fue jettisoning Parachute exte Coie exits ‘Aires reseve equipment Flotation gear Ditching ‘Turret external rotation Fire extinguishers PART V—ILLUSTRATIONS Aw Puuicarion 1578, m, ty a6, & 2B. Pilots Notes PART 1 DESCRIPTIVE Nore.—The numbers quoted in brackets after items is the text refer to the key numbers of the illustra tions in Part V. INTRODUCTION ‘The Wellingtons ITT and X are equipped as medium ‘Bombers (some are used for training purposes), and the Wellingtons XI, XII, XIIT snd XIV for general recon- naissance duties with Coastal Command. ‘The Mis. XI and XIII carry torpedoes, alternatively dlepth-charges, and operate by day; the Ms. XIV and “XIV are each fied with a Leigh light in the mid-under turret and carry depth charges only. "The corresponding Marks of Hercules engine are x fellows Mark. Heresies XI Mark X Herevies VI or XVI Mark XI Hercules VI or XVI Mark XI Hereules VI or XVI Mark XU Hercules XVI Mark XIV Hercules XVII ach is ited with Row electric oF de Havilland hydro- smati fully feathering propellere. Some Mk IH] siteraft hhave Rotol hydraulic propellers, FUEL AND OIL SYSTEMS (Fig. 4) ‘2. Fuel tanks (9) Normal tanks —wo main tacks in each wing supply the feed pipe through non-return valves, and a tank in each nacelle nupplies the same pipe through s cock controlled from the fuselage. ‘These three tanks on each side spy the enginesdriven pumps through main tank cocks (Ch 6 te PART I—DESCRIPTIVE engines through ‘orexponding master cocks (Ep and Es). ‘The capacities ‘of thete tanks are as follows: 2: Front wing tanks 2 Rear wig tanks 2 Nacelle tanks 150 gallons each 167 gallons each 8 gallons each (i) story ans (@) Mh 111 and X srcrft—In adiion to the nora proarilaty teedeg be ot cgs sais pecty con be mwtalled in cach enter bomb eal. Thea tank inny the an feed efor each engine throwgh core forcing non-return valves and on-off nes (DP and Ds Conan scr ited ith higheeapacty bom beam Cony am atin tank of 395 lone conperaiet pe Sock (De). To gallon tans when on reinforcing High (0) Mk. XI, KH, XU and XIV aiverafi—Up thre Sela tia can be cid, one teach Bomb ct Fietin ches tanks tows though corresponding non- ‘eur saver and ona cols (De, Dp and) i the tected balance pop ond 2 te tbe fd toe. The Faloving serrate takage canbe etre {) One 1s-glon tak inthe cei om cel Cid ‘To sylon tak, nein ech enter bom cl ‘One 185s tank in the centre bomb ell and one Heelce tank in ue trtoned bomb al (wen anyone torpedo ie caiod () These sBscgalon tanks on in each bomb ll (for rntrcing tight). “The centre Bomb cell tank i’ divided ito two partly ible cel The thre-way ker cock (De) allows Fon tbs devon en iy espa nentnos to oesoe sesh dor Ort tal ov comevampecaty tr ie two cocks Dp. and Dr and can, therefore, be baed smtanemaly PART 1—-DESCRIPTIVE 3+ Balance cocks.—The ful systerns forthe port and a board engines are connected by a pressure halance cock (A) (63) and a suction balance eock (B). These cocks are rormnally kept shut, but the pressure balance cock (A) may hheopened if failute of ether engine pump i suspected, and the suction balance eock (1})may be opened to enable either engine pump to be fed by tasks on the opposite side, 44 Tank coeks.—The pilot ean shut off the fuc supply to an engine by elosing the corresponding engine master cock (Gp oF Es) (61). The preaure balance cock (A) i also lunder his control. The remainder of the cock, however, are under the control ofthe erew and areas follows’ (The main tank cocks (Cp and Cs), remotely controlled by handles a the port and starboard wes of the fuselage, immediately forward of the spar exntre section. (i) The nacelle tank cocks controlled by cables beside the snain tank cock handles (iy The suetion balance cock (B) and the auiliay tank cocks (De, Dp and Ds) immediately at of the spar. Nov —Codks Cp, Ca and B are three-poition cock, but may he regarded as ON-OFF cocks, a8 to positions only are used. Cock Dp on Mark X icra fted with two s5-gallon tanks in the ‘pore bom call isa threeposition eock, 5. Fuel handpump.— There is a fuel handpamp aft of th spar for priming the fue stem (if necessary) and supple renting the supply of either engine-driven pimp. The handpurp is connected between the suction and preeure halance pipes on the port ide of the pressure balance cock (A); this cock must he open to fed the starboard engine from the handpump, and the snetion balance cock (B) sust be open for the handpump to draw from the star- ‘board tanks. An ON-OFF cock (H) controle the supply fromm the euctio balance pipe to the handpump. 6. Puck gauges.—Contents gauges for all take except the ‘nacelle and centre bomb cell tanks are fed. To obeain readings operate the puehbutton (9) on the pilot's instru ‘ment panel or the pushbutton near the gauges on the lectrgal panel PART I—-DESCRIPTIVE ‘Fucl pressure warning lights—'Two fuel presure warning lights (23) one for each enpine are fied on the right= hhand ide’ of the pilot's instrument panel and come ‘on when the pressure drops below 1} Ibeqin. They fare ot ited on Mk. [1 wicrat 8. OM tanks —Each engine hes one oll tank holding 16 gallons, mounted on the front of the nacelle Fue tank An ausiliary oil tank in the foslage, aft of the spar, for ‘use on long-range fights, holds 15 gallons and incor porstes ahandpump to enable oil from the swsiiary tank {o be transferred to ether of she raclle tanks through two-way selector cock in the delivery pipe nearby. (For ‘management of auxiliary tank and pump see para 38,) The oil dilution valves are operated by to pushbutton, one for each engine, on the electrical panel aft of the eockpit 9, Oil tank low-level fndicators.—Two red warning lights 5), one for each main oil tank, are fited on the pilots instrument panel and 2 duphieste pair on the rear side of ‘the wing spar. These light up when the cil reaches « dangerously low level and give warning that the hand- ‘Pump must be sed to replenish the main tanks, MAIN SERVICES Hydraulic system () Mb IIT and X aireraft.—Two engine-riven hydraulic pumps are mounted on the port engine one pump ‘Operates the two gun turret) and the other plump. ‘supplies the following general services: Undercarriage Windscreen wiper. (i) MA, XI, XU, XIU and XIV sireraft-—"There are three pumps driven by the port engine, one pump supplies the Services listed above, = secood operstes the reat gun turret, and the third pump operates the front gum toret fon Mic XU and XIII aircraft and the midcunder turret fon Mk, XIL and XIV sire PART J—DESCRIPTIVE ) All Marks.—A hanidpump (81) to the right ofthe pilot's ‘Seat will operate any of the general services through the ‘ertal linn if the cagisesdefecn pomp hee aed, or 3 the port engine is stopped. If the normal” hydraulic syatem fils to operate these service by ether the engine- driven pump or the handpump, the undercarriage may be lowered by an emergency hydraulic system (separa. 66) 13, Pacumati stem. —Two compressre ae ven by the searard engine one opertes the tomate cota and the othr splice prestre forthe wheel brakes snd he fod jaan valve A suction pup is dives by ech tegite, one pump operating the blind fying intent Yael an the oter acting ar revere, A pump change: ver cock control (By) el othe right ofthe et ad ‘there is a gauge (25) to the right of the centre instrument joo 12, Blt stem (@ Mk IT aberaftA 1,500 wat gene on the sa tour engine upp 24 volts D.C for the following “Al ighting Engine staring Propeller featcing nd pitch changing (Rotl lee fe) Peete Heaing Foc contents gauges Cnnereariags eal fp indices Radio snd eam approach Freertiguiher sem Camera beng Git dation eves Operation a eatin gee Rllse avd isto of nghy (i) Bh, X errata» goo wat peers one on eich ngine, supply 24 vole D.C. for the above gener (i) AK XT ond XAT arcrapt-—One 1,90 wat perro on Gach engine soplien 2 volts DLC. forthe above genera Services and A.C forthe apc ado equipment PART I~DESCRIPTIVE (G0) MA X11 and XIV sireraft—w0 1,500 wat generators, fone om each engine, siply 24 voles D.C. for the above general services In adzition, the port engine Eeneator fuppie A.C. forthe apecil radio equipment. DIC. for the Leigh light i supplied by a separate generator on the sarboard engine. (0) ‘AU atarks— The enteral baer socket for ground sat- ing ofthe engines fs urder hinged panelonthe starboard Side of the fuselage, below the main plane leading edge ‘The ground fight twitch non the tatboard ideo the fuselage, just forward of the main spa. AIRCRAFT CONTROLS 15. Flog control —These are of the conventional type ‘The udder bars adjustable for reach by mean of asa wheel (35) atthe rear of ste mounting. This can be Totated in fight bythe fet, clockwie rotation shortening {he reach, Dual control, coupled to tbe main cont an be mounted on 4 special Aloor extension forward the starboard scat 14. Trimming tabs.—The elevator and rudr trimming abs sre opersod By a single contra (5) which ork i. the ail sme” Thr ina Se aden col (6) {or the elevator abs 19 the left of ison cuming tb (po oa) one es rouble handle (65) sith « lockrsee grip, immediatly out. board ofthe levator and rudder tntaming tb contol and work in the opposite way othe natural, euraing lockwte rss the starboard wing. {5 Inereonnection of cevator wimming tabs and flaps. When the faps are fll lowered they cause the area to become "tairheary ; the fas ae, therefor, inter ‘connected with the elevator tabs tht lowering of the {aps automaticaly race the elevator abe and counter acts the "tashewines Je i eeuential that the elevator trimming tab contol ‘ould ot be forward of the central positon before the fapeare lowered, or damage tothe tab cto] mechanism tray reall On most acral spring catch ited tric allows the plot to fel the central postion on ‘moving the control 6 oe 8 PART I—DESCRIPTIVE ‘Undercarriage cvotrol—Raising and. lowering of the underearrage and calles! in controlled by a lever (31) inthe eenre ofthe instrument pancl which has automatic safety catches locking it in the UP or DOWN positions, ‘These catches sus be freed by the catch release before the lever can be operated. Each main wheel unit is provided with mechanical up and down loeka which auto- ‘matically lock the unit in the UP or DOWN position 28 soon as it is fully retracted or lowered. ‘The locke are stutomatically released by hydraulic power immediately the undercarriage selector lever is moved to the UP or DOWN ‘position. Correct operation of the locks: is indicated by the normal undercarriage indicator, with the electrical circuit of which they are interconnected, ‘Underearriage inieator—On Mk. IIL aircraft the ine ieator (11) shows a8 follows: All units locked DOW'S All units locked All nits locked U bbut on the later Marks the indistor shows as follows: ‘All units locked DOWN. Three green lights ‘All units unlocked ‘Three red lights ‘All units locked UP lights ‘The indicator switch (4) is interlocked so that it must bbe on when the ignition switches are on. The indicator DOWN lights are duplicated (on Mk TH aircraft the red lights are also duplicated, but not the wilwheel igh), and inthe event of failure of a lamp the duplicate set can be brought into circuit by pulling out (or pushing i) a knob jn the centre of the dial exe. In addition, counter- clockwise rotation of this kno operates a dimmer screen, ‘Undercarriage warning hora and lght.—An electric horn hehind the pilot's seat sounds ands red light beside the underearriage indicator lights up if both throttles are closed andthe undercarriage is not locked doven. ‘The hora can be tested by pressing the test pushbutton (8) ‘with the indicator switch closed. The light goes out when the horn stops. The light is not fted on Mk. TIL tircraft. "Thee green lights No lights PART [DESCRIPTIVE 19, Flap control.—'The fap cunteol lever (29) ie retained in ity neutral postion by a spring-loaded catch which is feleased for operation by depressing the knob. ‘The flaps are interconnected with the clevator tab control (Gee para. 15). The up indicator (36) i witehed on by the undercarriage indicator switch 20, Wheel brakes.—Twin operating levers (4o) for the pneumatic wheel brakes are provided on ‘the control ‘column handwheel; they are compressed cither singly for simultancously to apply both brakes. The brakes can be applied in the fully locked postion for parking by ‘engaging the locking side (42). "The system provides for diferent braking by viree of rudder bar movement when taxing. A triple presoure gauge (18), showing the rain supply pressure and the pressure at each brake, is ‘ted on the right of the instrument pane 21, Flying control locking gear-—The fying controls can be Tocked in their neural poston by means of a triangular spring-loaded frame, hinged beneath the window ledge ‘on the port side of the cockpit, and a detachable hinged ‘uisance bar. When not i usc, the former isceured by {a strap and pinto the side of the eoekpt, and the ‘sowell tthe atarboard side ofthe cabin pang. ENGINE CONTROLS 22, Throttle and mixture controls—‘The two throte levers (48) are interconnected with the correponding mixta. control Levers (53) 90 that ifthe throtle ie moved out of the weak mixture cruising range, the misture lever will, ifn the WEAK postion, return to the sich (NORMAL) position. On Hercules XVI and XVI installations there Bre no plot's mixture control Levers, control being fully futomatie. An economical mixture teength ix obtained by keeping ator below -+-2 I. !sqin. boost. Pending the introduction of a warning light to indicate the economical ‘raising boost position ofthe throttle levers, a white line is puinted on the quadrant and the levers. On certain ‘mollifed engines a postion midway berween the climbing and economical cruising boost settings gives. beter 5 2. 0 “ PART 1—-DESCRIPTIVE economy on the climb after the boost has fallen 0 4 and this position wil be indicted by a second white line, A friction lever (47) ie provided for ‘lamping the thromles in any position “to prevent ‘movement de to vibration. Propeller controls ‘The speed control levers (56), common to all three types of propeller, area the rear of the engine control quadrant land are moved forward to increase rpm. "The feathering ppushbuttons (6 and 15) for the hydraulic types are on the fntrament pane "The controls for the electric propellers (if Sted) are on the instrument panel and are follows: (@) Safety suitcesToese should always be ON in Hight ‘a they control the supply to the propeler pitch mech. ‘anism and feathering circuits. If an exeessive load is applied during any operation, the safety switch is auto- ‘atically thrown to OFF. If this happens the switch should be tese to ON at the end of about halfuaminute, (8) Selector saitcherBach switch ean be moved 10 three diferent postions ather than the central one, in which the propeller operates in fixed pitch, The two lower postions are for manual [NCreate and DECrease of the p.m. respectively, and when the switch is moved to either of these postion it must be held there until the esired pum. are attained; on being released iil return to the central position. In the upper (AUTO) poriton, the propeller operates under constant speed Contra. (© Feathering reitchs, —Theve are moved upward for ‘pid feathering and will function whatever the portion Of the propeller selector switches. Feathering cam be effected slowly, but using substantially lees current, by holding the corresponding selector switch dove tothe lft in the DECrease cpm. postion In either case, when the propeller is fully feathered the selector switch should be fet to central. PART I—DESCRIPTIVE 24. Supercharger control—"Thie control (54) aft of the throttle levers may be locked in tither the MEDIUM (M ratio) or FULL, (S rato) positions by a spring catch which is teleased by depressing the lever. On Mk XI, XI, XUT and XHV aiteaft the control it locked in M ratio, 445, Carburettor air intake contrl.—Te lever (55) at the tide of the supercharger control may be locked in either the COLD or WARM ponitions by « spring-catch which is disengaged by depressing the lever. ‘The shutters are hydraulically operated. 26, Comling ill controls. The gills are opened andelosed by ‘handles (37) which are turmed anti-clockwise to open. 27. Oil cooler shutters (Mk. IIE aireraft only)—The ol ‘cooler shutter: are opersied by “Esactor”” hydraulic controls tothe right ofthe pilots ses. 28, Slow-running eut-outs—The controls (57), which are spring loaded handles, are aft ofthe engine control box fod exch must be pulled and held out to stop the ‘Corresponding engine after the throtle fs closed and before switching of the ignition 29, Priming pamps.—An induction system priming pump, for use when starting, is mounted in each engine nacelle [A three-wry priming cock inside each undercarriage ‘wheel housing sllows for priming with high volatility fuel from an ostade source. 36. Engine-starter and booster-coll_ pushbutton. These (Gand 17) are on the centre instrument panel. 43% Boost gauge reversal control. If one ofthe boost gauges fails, the boost gauge ofthe other engine can be used in its stead by pulling out the boost gauge reversal contol (28). OTHER CONTROLS 32 Bomb doors.—The bomb doors are operated by a handle (43) which can be moved to the OPEN or CLOSED Position, after roleasing the lok, by depressing the spring- Taded thumb-knob, The handle is coupled withthe bomb releate master switch (gs) s0 a8 to prevent the release of bombs until the contre in the OPEN postion 15

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