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Menurut pendapat saya tentang toko sembako sangan bagus karena peluangnya sangat besar dan

banyak ibu rumah tangga membutuhkan sesuatu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari hari . antara
pelanggan dan pembeli saling menguntungkan pembeli bisa mudah membeli barang dengan harga
murah dan letaknya tidak terlalu jauh

Pendapat saya tentang toko sembako sangat bagus karena di desa sangat membutuhkan toko
sembako untuk membeli keperluan memasak dan rumah tangga.jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh dan
menghemat biaya .peluang usahanya sangat bagus dan bisa mendapat keuntungan.

In my opinion about the grocery store is nice to know because chances are very large and many
housewives need something to meet daily needs. between the customers and the mutually
beneficial buyer buyers can easily buy goods at low prices and located not too far

My opinion of the grocery store in the village is very nice because it desperately needs the
store to buy groceries and household cooking purposes. distance is not too far away and save
costs. chances are very good effort and can get a pretty good profit

My opinion of the grocery store in the village is

very nice because it desperately needs the store
to buy groceries and household cooking purposes.
distance is not too far away and save costs.
chances are very good effort and could benefit.

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