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Wah Engineering College

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Machine Design (ME - 316)
Assignment # 1
(PLO-2, CLO-2)
Submission Date: 11th Feb, 2019 Total Marks: 100
1. A point on a thin plate is subjected to the two successive states of stress shown. Determine the resultant state
of stress represented on the element oriented as shown on the right. Use stress transformation equations

2. For the state of plane stress shown, determine (a) the value of τ xy for which the in-plane shearing stress
parallel to the weld is zero, (b) the corresponding principal stresses. Use stress transformation equations

3. A shear wall in a reinforced concrete building is subjected to a vertical uniform load of intensity q and a
horizontal force H, as shown in the first part of the figure. (The force H represents the effects of wind and
earthquake loads.) As a consequence of these loads, the stresses at point A on the surface of the wall have
the values shown in the second part of the figure (compressive stress equal to 1100 psi and shear stress
equal to 480 psi). (a) Determine the principal stresses and show them on a sketch of a properly oriented
element. (b) Determine the maximum shear stresses and associated normal stresses and show them on a
sketch of a properly oriented element. (Note: You can use MPa instead of psi i.e. 1100 MPa and 480 MPa).
Use stress transformation equations only.
4. An element in plane stress is subjected to stresses σ x = -68.5 MPa and τxy = 39.2 MPa (see figure). It is
known that one of the principal stresses equals 26.3 MPa in tension. (a) Determine the stress σ y. (b)
Determine the other principal stress and the orientation of the principal planes; then show the principal
stresses on a sketch of a properly oriented element. Use stress transformation equations only.

5. An element in biaxial stress is subjected to stresses σx = - 60 MPa and σy = 20 MPa, as shown in the figure.
Using Mohr’s circle, determine (a) the stresses acting on an element oriented at a counterclockwise angle
θ = 22.5° from the x axis and (b) the maximum shear stresses and associated normal stresses. Show all
results on sketches of properly oriented elements.

6. An element in pure shear is subjected to stresses τxy = - 16 MPa, as shown in the figure. Using Mohr’s circle,
determine (a) the stresses acting on an element oriented at a counterclockwise angle θ = 20°from the x axis
and (b) the principal stresses. Show all results on sketches of properly oriented elements. Use both stress
transformation equations and Mohr’s circle.

7. An element in uniaxial stress is subjected to tensile stresses σ x = 55 MPa, as shown in the figure. Using
Mohr’s circle, determine (a) the stresses acting on an element oriented at an angle θ = - 30° from the x axis
(minus means clockwise) and (b) the maximum shears tresses and associated normal stresses. Show all
results on sketches of properly oriented elements.
8. What is the difference between Tresca and Von Mises Yield Criterion? Explain the difference with the help
of example of pure shear applied to the material. Use stress transformation equation or Mohr’s Circle.

9. If the A-36 steel pipe having yield stress of 250 MPa has an outer and inner diameter of 30 mm and 20 mm,
respectively, determine the factor of safety against yielding of the material at point A according to the
maximum-distortion-energy theory and maximum shear stress theory. Find the difference in results of both
failure criterion in percentage and discuss the results.

10. For the following biaxial state of stress at a point in a machine part subjected to combined loadings, you are
required to
a. Determine the maximum principal stresses and the maximum shear stresses.
b. Plot the Mohr’s circle for this stress state.
c. If the ductile material with strength of 450 MPa, the design factor is chosen as 3, determine whether
or not it is safe using failure criteria – Maximum shear stress theory and Maximum Distortion Energy
d. Conduct a discussion on which failure criterion is the most conservative one.

σ ij = 70 x P 40
[ 40 −60 x P ]
Where P is your registration number.

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