Iii/Iii Mbbs Term End Examination JULY 2019

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JULY 2019
Q.1) Enumerate causes of Intrauterine growth restriction.How will you investigate & treat a case
of intrauterine growth restriction. (2+3+5=10)

Q.2) Write short notes on (any two) marks 10

a) Induction of labour.
b) Causes of male infertility.
c) Treatment of endometriasis.

Q.3) Short answers. (5 out of 6) marks 10

a) Complications of laparoscopy.
b) Causes of obstructed labour.
c) Indications of I.U.I (intra uterine insemination)
d) Causes of primary amenorrhea.
e) Complications of preterm labour.
f) causes of post menopausal bleeding.

1. A 15 yrs.old girl comes with cydical pain and primary amenorrhea.what is

most likely?
a) stein-leenthal syndrome.
b) Ashermanic syndrome.
c) Imperforate hymen.
d) Shetone syndrome.

2.All the following associates with PCOD except

a) Hairon syndrome.
b) Weight gain.
c) Thecal hypoplasia.
d) ostopenia.
3. Treatment of primary dysmenorrhoea unresponsive to mefanamic acid is,
a) Combined oral pills.
b) Ibuprofen
c) Progesterone.
d) Fluoxetine.
4. Hysteroscopy can be usefull for all except
a) Detection of serate uterus.
b) removal of Cu.t
c) Treatment of Ashermanic syndrome.
d) Endometriasis.
5.Which is the following can be diagnosed for PROM?
a) Nitrazine test.
b) Amniotic fluid screening under microscope.
c) Both.
d) None.

6.Deep transverse arrest is commonly seen in which type of pelvis

a) Gynecoid
b) Anthropoid
c) Android
d) Platepoid.
7.Prolonged labour can be due to all except
a)Uterine inertia
b) Cervical fibroid.
c) Hydrocephalis.
d) Chorioamnionitis.

8. Which of the following can be complication of postdated pregnancy

a) polydramnios.
b) Cervical fibroid.
c) meconium aspiration syndrome.
d) PROM.

9.Following e methods of diagnosis of ovulation except

a) Sonography
b) Laproscopy
c) X- ray abdomen.
d) Basal body temperature.

10. Incidence of occipito-posterior position is

a) 10 %
b) 25 %
c) 50 %
d) 90 %

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