Hospital Management System

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Hospital are vital centers which plays a major role in our society .Today's Hospital's working has
become very complex because of various different departments hospital will had .The more
bigger the hospital is the more difficult to maintain it manually. Hospital Management
System(HMS) is a software which can make management of day to day task in hospitals easier .

It takes three set of users 1.Admin 2. Doctor 3.Patient each has its own functionalities. It allows
patients to take appointments of various doctors of different departments. Doctors will be able to
check this appointment when he/she logs in. All the details of doctors are stored in database.
Similarly one table will be dedicated for appointments ,all appointments made by patients are
stored in this table .Moreover this table will provide admin the opportunity to look into History
of appointments been made in past by different users. This project Hospital Management system
includes registration of patients, storing their details into the database system . Our software has
the facility to give a unique id for every patient and stores the details of every patient and the
staff automatically. Every user(Admin, Doctor, Patient) has secured login mechanism to avoid
data theft or illegal access. The data can be retrieved easily. The interface is very user - friendly.

Hence Hospital Management System greatly reduces human efforts to maintain and run day to
day tasks of hospitals in a smooth fashion. It provides a way of reducing human errors which can
effect seamless functioning of hospital.

Modules :
1. Login Module
2. Appointment module
3. Doctor Schedule module
System Requirements Specification:

Software Requirements:

The major software requirements of the project are as follows.

Language : Java (JDK1.7.)

Operating System : Microsoft Windows Xp,Vista,7,8

IDE : Net Beans 7.4

Front End : JAVA (Swings)

Hardware Requirements:

Processor : Intel Pentium 4

RAM : 256 MB

Hard Disk : 40 GB

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