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Drive Pulley

Pulley shell diameter 650 A

Face width 2000 B
Lock Element Centres 1900 C
Bearing Centres 2300 D
Drive Centre to Bearing 300 E

Belt Speed (m/min) 8

Pulley speed (rpm) 3.92
Motor Speed (rpm) 1440
Gear box Ratio 367.61
Belt Tension (T1) (KN) 27.7
Belt Tension (T2) (KN) 9.20
Effective Tension (TE) (KN) 18.50
Power - Absorbed (kW) 5.0
Drive efficiency (%) 95%
Power - Installed (Min) (kW) 5.3
Motor Selected (kW) 7.5
Drive Mass (kg) 500
Drive Mass (N) 4905
Max Torque into shaft (kNm) 9.0
Torque arm radius (m) 0.5
Force into Torque Arm (N) 17902.6
Combined force into shaft 22807.6
Drive Shaft Diam (mm) 100
Polar 2nd Moment of Area 'J' (m4) 4.91E-06 pi x d^4/64
Torsional Shear Stress δ (N/mm2) = (MN/m2) 91.17 T x r / J
Bending Moment Overhung - Max (Nm) 6842.28
Bending Stress σ (MN/m2) 139.37 M x y / J
Combined Stress (MN/m2) 114.7 [(direct stress/2)^2+(shear stress)^2]^0.5
Material UTS (MN/m2) - EN3a Steel 430

Min' Shaft Size

Max Shear theory (F of S = 4) 102.2 mm dia
Von Mises Theory (F of S = 4) 99.3 mm dia
Design Life (Hrs) 8211747.9167
Bending of Shaft

A Drive Unit

shear stress)^2]^0.5

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