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Photo Appropriation of an Original Artwork

My Photo Appropriation of  Georges Seurat's Painting

Title “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte”
By Jamie D. Medalla
 Title: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte
 Creator: Georges Seurat
 Date created: 1884
Details about the  Physical dimensions: 207.6 cm × 308 cm (81.7 in × 121.25 in
artwork  French title: Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte
 Credit Line: Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection
 Location: Art Institute of Chicago
 Type: Landscape painting
 Medium: Oil on Canvas

Georges-Pierre Seurat- was a French post-

Impressionist artist. He is best known for devising the
painting techniques known as chromoluminarism as
well as pointillism. While less famous than his
paintings, his conté crayon drawings have also
About the artist
garnered a great deal of critical appreciation. Seurat's
artistic personality combined qualities that are usually
supposed to be opposed and incompatible: on the one
hand, his extreme and delicate sensibility, on the
other, a passion for logical abstraction and an almost
mathematical precision of mind.
A mirror impression of Seurat own painting,  Bathers at Asnières,
completed shortly before, in 1884. “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La
Details of the Grande Jatte” depicts people relaxing in a suburban park on an island in the
artwork Seine River called La Grande Jatte, a popular retreat for the middle and
upper class of Paris in the 19th century. Almost every figure on La Grande
Jatte appears to be cast in shadow, either under trees or an umbrella, or from
another person
The Original
Art vs. The

Image 1: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte/ Image 2:

The latter-days
 Title: The latter-days
Details About  Creator: Jamie D. Medalla
the Photo  Date Created: April 14, 2020
Appropriation  Physical dimension: Unspecified
 Medium: Digital painting
 Type: Painting
My artwork is inspired by French post-Impressionist artist Georges-
Comparison and Pierre Seurat’s painting “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande
contrast Jatte”. Almost everything in the painting is the same. Only the way of people
is altered.
The only similar that remains in both pieces is the people and the sea.
In Seurat’s painting, he meant nothing very complicated. He wanted
ordinary people as his subject, and ordinary life. For Parisians, Sunday was
the day to escape the heat of the city and head for the shade of the trees and
the cool breezes that came off the river. And at first glance, the viewer sees
many different people relaxing in a park by the river. On the right, a
fashionable couple, the woman with the sunshade and the man in his top hat,
are on a stroll. On the left, another woman who is also well dressed extends
her fishing pole over the water. There is a small man with the black hat and
Further thin cane looking at the river, and a white dog with a brown head, a woman
Comparison and knitting, a man playing a horn, two soldiers standing at attention as the
Contrast musician plays, and a woman hunched under an orange umbrella. Seurat also
painted a man with a pipe, a woman under a parasol in a boat filled with
rowers, and a couple admiring their infant child. Some of the characters are
doing curious things. The lady on the right side has a monkey on a leash. A
lady on the left near the river bank is fishing. The area was known at the
time as being a place to procure prostitutes among the bourgeoisie, a likely
allusion of the otherwise odd "fishing" rod. In the painting's center stands a
little girl dressed in white (who is not in a shadow), who stares directly at the
viewer of the painting. This may be interpreted as someone who is silently
questioning the audience: "What will become of these people and their
class?" Seurat paints their prospects bleakly, cloaked as they are in shadow
and suspicion of sin.
In my photo appropriation entitled “The latter-days” it represents the
people of modern times, showing how people are swallowed by technology.
Those people even when in vacation, with families or friends never
forgetting to use mobile phone, or any devices that affects the quality of
bonding and time. My photo appropriation also shows how people are very
into trends, into social media, or into how other will judge them. A very
opposite of the original artwork. In this regard, the citizens of today’s world
are not capable of doing things such of those like before, sometimes we are
very reckless of everything, we are blind of the current and true situation, we
don’t see and appreciate the beauty of life, we only care for our own sake.
The ordinary and simple life becomes complicated and painful.
Hopefully, everyone of today’s world realizes that it is not about the things
that we want will help us have beautiful life but it is our heart and soul that
offers good life. Have good quality time with your love ones and show them
Message your love. Have kindness that helps people grow. Have eyes that see beauty
in every situation. Be the change that you want. Start from yourself. Don’t
let technology controls you, don’t let technology affects the life you want to
live. Live life to the fullest. We can’t go back to the good old days but we
can restart and have the better days only if we start within ourselves. Let’s
go and may the Lord always guide us with his loving arms.

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