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SI. No. Particulars Pages
From To



2. GENERAL NOTES ........................................................................·............. · C

3. WEIGHTAGE ............................................................................................. . :e e
4. MATERIAL RATES ................................................................................... .. . I XXXIV

5. HIRE CHARGES ........................................................................................ . xxxxv XXXXIX

6. LABOUR WAGES...........................................................................;............ L LVIII

CHAPTERS .......................................................................................................... .

1.0 MORTAR ..............................................................� ...................................... 1 3

2.0 EART H WORK FOR BUILDINGS ............................................................... 4 7

3.0 ANTITERMITE TREATMENT...................................................................... 8 10

4.0 CEMENT CONCRETE ................................................................................ 11 21

5.0 STONE WORK ............................................................................................ 22 26

6.0 BRICK WORK ............................................................................................. 27 30

7.0 STEEL AND ALLUMINIUM WORK ............................................................. 31 45

8.0 ROOFING .................................................................................................... 46 50

9.0 WOOD WORK............................................................................................. 51 65

10.0 WATER PROOFING .................................................................................... 66 69

11.0 DRAINAGE WORK ..................................................................................... 70 76

12.0 SANITARY WORK....................................................................................... 77 89

13.0 WATER SUPPLY WORK............................................................................. 90 100

14.0 FLOORING .................................................................................................. 101 111

15.0 FINISHING WORK ...................................................................................... 112 126

16.0 REPAIRS TO BUILDINGS........................................................................... 127 132

17.0 ROADS & BRIDGES-- CARRIAGE OF MATERIALS................................. 133 134

From To

'.:s,ij SITE CLEARANCE AND DISMANTLING ................................................... 135 140

�ij:p· EARTH WORK EROSION CONTROL AND DRAINAGE ............................ 141 153


21.0 BASE AND SURFACE COURSES .............................................................. 160 172

22.0 CONCRETE PAVEMENT ............................................................................ 173 176

23.0 GEOSYNTHETIC AND REINFORCED EARTH .......................................... 177 178


25.0 BRIDGES-PILE FOUNDATION................................................................. 190 194

26.0 BRIDGES-WELL FOUNDATION ............................................................... 195 208

27.0 BRIDGES-OPEN FOUNDATIONS ............................................................ 209 214

28.0 BRIDGES - SUB STRUCTURE .................................................................. 215 220

29.0 BRIDGES - CONCRETE SUPERSTRUCTURE ......................................... 221 232

31.0 EXPANSION JOINTS .................................................................................. 236 238
32.0 BRIDGES-WEARING COAT & APPURTENANCES ................................. 239 241
33.0 BRIDGES - REPAIR AND REHABILITATION ............................................. 242 245
34.0 PIPE CULVERTS ........................................................................................ 246 249
35.0 MAINTENANCE OF ROADS ...................................................................... 250 252
36.0 REINFORCED EARTH STRUCTURE ........................................................ 253 254
37.0 OTHER ITEMS ....... '. .................................................................................... 255 260

38.0 INNOVATIVE ITEM� ................................................................................... 261 310

39.0 FURNISHING WOR .................................................................................. 311 328

40.0 FIRE FIGHTING W RK .............................................................................. 329 356

Drawings ................. ................................................................................... 357 357

Annexure-1 ............ ................................................................................... 358 359

Material Requireme t .................................................................................. 360 394

New Item Included i SR 2015 - 2016 ........................................................ 395 397

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2) ir.Jo:i:,F°d!>F"li�, d.r.le�eiil:!aircle1\, 2-Jodcb �2..9�C3) ��mior'l ��&S, a.'.:lir.l;i:$ffelQ, zjoli9Jc>cb
3) ir.JOl)F"d!>F"li�, d.r.le�eiil:!aircle1\ ��&S, 5�F"�5 ;J:$ir.JF"d, C\leCT.l�C, a.'.:lir.l;i:$ffelQ, 2Joli�cb.
4) e;,cxmi!,cb, a� a.'.:l�li, �eir.lCimi!., 2.Jab.::bcS�1i9 ffelQ, zjoli9Jc>cb
5) e;,cxmi!,cb, ;!C\l� a.'.:l�li, ( ��od ��) a.'.:lt;li)� ffelQ, 2Joli9Jc>cb.
6) �i:jli)� m)� �Ot3C\leai)dcb, ��;i:$Oiil:!c=il\� t,���;i:$01 t,�OdCT.l� �� zjoli9Jc>cb.
----'1"1--;::-tn,:r,e"J�. o:boadcb, ;i:$oiil:!5F" �5��1i� ( dtr.i), 2.3oli9Jc>cb
�� t,Qai)O;!dcb, ;i:$Oiil:!5F" �5��1i� ( e('0;!_.0), t;li)O�C!.
�����c:m�e:2Qa1)oadcb, ;i:$�C\leCT.l�O, zjoli9J.)cb.
10) m)� e:,�ai)o;!dcb, ��em���� iil:!o��CT.l� �Ot3C\leai)Coli6' ���. 2Joli9Jc>cb.
H) �� e:,�ai)oadcb, C\leCT.l�C ( dtr.i) �;i1rc)cb, C\leCT.l�O ( �d), 2J9mo.
12) c:m� e:,�ai)oadcb, CT.l�eOl) ��e, 2.3oli9J.)cb.
13) m)� e:,�ai)o;sdcb, ;i:$�C\!O, a.'.:l��d.
14) �� e:,Qo:Do;sdcb, tJO)rf��e� iil:!�r.i e:,Q�.i��, tJO)li��e�.
15) �� e:,�ai)oadcb, 2.3oli�cb e:,����, 2Joli9Jc>cb.
16) �� e:,�ai)oadcb, zjoli�cb C\lecb ;i:$dtJCT.l� .::b�2.,9�do� .::borze.,, zjoli�cb.
17) .::bo5e>�e.rocir.J�5cb, 5�F"�5, zjoli9J.)cb 1 �2.
18) t,Cimi!,cb, .::bo5i>�lid ;I:$�, zj9ffi)a.'.:).

�!CXD� �wmn �rlrc> ;r$Jc)t ����" d�&,1,iui:3�nd.

1) e:,Qet�e:,�ai)oadcb, �e.�. �� 2Joli�cb:�;i1rc)cb: �e::!�1 o5e>;i:$�: tJ�O: rc�mF": �e: t;li)d��=.::boli9J.)cb
2) e:,Qet5 e:,QOl)o;sdd:l,_ CT.l\eai) ��e a::l.i�t;li)d�rz: 2Joli9J.)cb.
3) e:,Qet5 e:,�ai)o;sdcb, ��er.i e:,�����iil:!o�� CT.l� �Ot3C\leai)Ooli6' ��&S ��zj9ma.'.:l: zjoli9�cb: rc�tJffilF"
: �;i:iff)cb.
_4 e:,Qete e:,Qai)o;sdcb, �-tJ.ti��t;li)d��
) =�-�- d. ir.le.;))� ���a.'.:le.;)) !e�F":;i:$a::l����� :tJ�do� ir.l� C\l�F"rn
5) e:,Qete e:,�ai)o;sdcb, t&e-& C\leCT.le::!C �� 2.39ma.'.:l.
6) e:,Qete e:,�Ol)oaocb, rcr.i �o�;( �� �o�rz.
7) �Ol)F'C\l.�F"c5.5 e:,�ai)o;!dcb, dlile.� a.'.:l�li, zj9ma.'.:l, t!�-&e�:tJO)li��e�:a.'.:l��d
. 8) i5.i�F"�F"c55 e:,�Ol)oadcb, ��em e:,��-�t3�iil:!ot,e)� ��t3C\l�ai)Ooli6' a.'.:l�li, 2J9ma.'.:l, �e�, a.'.:l��d,
�li�e�. ' · (
9) ir.JOl)F"C\l�F"c55 e:,QOl)O;!cb, T'Cr.l �da::!;( a.'.:l�li, i:jli)d�C!.
10) ir.JOl)F"C\l�F"c55 e:,Qai)o;scb, d.r.le� a.'.:l9!� a.'.:l�li, zjoli�cb.
11) Project Director, Centre for E-Governance, E-Procurement Cell, Room No. 141, M.S. Building �a::!Cr'l ;i:$dO
!�iil:!�Ol)� �-��cs-�o���e:,�d.r.le� �C!e.;)) �ed�1\d
12) ;i:$o5e>ai)e oilOl)F"cir.J� e:,�ai)oadcb, drcle.� eroiil:!a.'.:l�li ...............................
13) �Cl)� e:,Qete e:,Qai)oacb �a::!ort �&!m1\
14) �!ai)� e:,, e:,, �;i:$:C\)tJOQecb:;i:$�0-Ieod 8da::!ort, ��0-2, .!.i-4: ��er'l �&!m1\.

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drcle2.:io �:!:I z...t::Sm <':t�ru
2.:lf,;lra� �� 2.3e.-lra�

1. The specifications drawn in this SR for roads, bridges, culverts and buildings are based on recent publication of
IRC, NBC & IS codes.
2. Only short & abridged specifications have been published in this S.R. For detailed specifications the following
books shall be referred,
a. Kamataka Building Specification KBS
b. Kamataka Standard Rate Analysis for Buildings KSRB
C. Karnataka Roads and Bridges Specifications KRBS
d. Kamataka Standard Rate Analysis for Roads
and Bridges KSRRB
3. The schedule of rates book along with detailed specifications furnished in the form of soft copy, constitute complete SR.
4. The material component rate indicated in the SR are the prevailing market rates inclusive of taxes, duties, lead,
loading and unloading charges.
The prevailing market rates of cement, steel and bitumen will be approved by the Superintending Engineer
and published whenever the variation in price is more/less than 10% over the previously approved rates.
Such revision shall be effected with a minimum interval of 30 days. These approved rates shall be adopted both
for preparation of estimates and evaluation of tenders.
The rates for finished items of works indicated in the Schedule of rates are inclusive of lead, lift, 10% contractors
profit, 10% over head charges, loading and unloading charges. Extra lead, loading and unloading charges shall
not be added except otherwise mentioned in specific cases.
To arrive at the rate for item of works, for which materials are available, the following procedure shall be adopted
Finished rate = A
Deduct cost of material = B
Deduct 10% over head charges on 'B' = C
·oeduct 10% Contractor Profit on 'B' = D
Arrived rate 'E' = A-(B+C+D)
For ensuring the quality aspect of the materials used by the contractors such as cement, steel and bitumen etc.,
--------it-is-necessary that the contractor shall furnish the quality control test certificates for these materials. Department
will have the right to get these materials tested at the cost of contractor.
Measurement of doors, windows, ventilators, cupboards etc., shall be taken outside to outside of frames
and coefficients for painting varnishing etc. shall be adopted as per the coefficients prescribed in the IS SP
27-1987(extract enclosed in annexure)
_ Reinforcement shall be measured in length including hooks. The laps and wastages shall not be measured and
paid. Couplings, welded joints, spacer bars, annealed steel wire used for_ binding shall not be measured as the
· · -cost ofthese items are deemed to have been included in the rates.
The teak wood items are to be operated only with the prior approval of Superintending Engineer.
The volume of reinforcement in RCC works need not be deducted from the measurement of concrete quantity.
=rhe mosaic tiles, vitrified tiles and granite slabs, prepolished cement concrete tiles, prepolished granite tiles shall
�procured by the agency only after obtaining approval from the Executive Engineer.
}fhe natural/ river sand to be used shall be clean, sieved and of good quality. As far as possible natural/ river sand
s _ a e used·. Whenever there is scarcity of natural/ river sand, artificial/ manufactured sand can be used to a

)TI�f!l!Jm l:3xtent of 50% of total sand quantity for plastering items and 100% for concrete items.. The certification
,,';f :�concerned Executive Engineer is mandatory for usage of artificial/ manufactured sand.

,. ltG iLtU SJ! Z.£ JI ,.,.

14. The use offiltea:ectsandis totally banned in all items of civil works.
15. If the rates for certain items of works are not found in this SR then such items shall be obtained from SR of Minor
. lrrigatioA/National Highway/ PRED/ KUWS & O8/BWS & SB.
16. For items not found in any of the SR data rates shall be prepared and got approved from competent authority.
17. For all RCC works the rate is exclusive of Steel and fabrication. For chapter 5 i.e. Stone works, Chapter 6 i.e. Brick
works and Chapters 25-33 i.e. For Bridge Works, the rates are inclusive of form works, scaffolding and centering.
: I 18. For Road works, rates indicated for 'EARTHWORK FORMATION, GSB, WBM, WMM and ASPHALT ITEMS' are
for com�act�d t�i�kness.
19. The rates of materials indicated in the SR are only for deriving finished rates of items and for working out data
rates and shall not be adopted for making direct payments.
20. RMC : While using RMC, taking out the samples at worksite is mandatory for conducting necessary tests. It is the
responsibility of the contractor to assure and ensure quality of RMC at the work spot as per design mix for which
Executive Engineer shall obtain necessary test certificates as per IS Standards.
21. TMT Steel :The Steel used in all construction works should confirm to IS 1786 I IS 2830 for both physical and
chemical tests.
In Bridge works only Round TMT bars shall be used for dowel bars.
For lapping steel reinforcement, preferably 25mm and above, only welding splices shall be done.
In the case of CC pavement, load transfer-dowel bars used at the expansion joints, construction joints (and also
at contraction joints, if used) should be rounded steel bars as one side of the dowel bars are to be de-bonded
to allow foe expansion I contraction of the CC slabs. In the case of continuously reinforced concrete pavements
(CRCP) also, rounded steel bars are to be used in order to enable expansion / contraction by de-bonding at the
locations of joints.
In the case of bars at longitudinal joints, use of twisted steel bars is more advantageous.
22. The Task Force Committee has issued, directions to adopt minimum cement constants of various cement mix
as per IS 456 along with super plastisizer. The specifications of concrete items are modified indicating the Mix
design along with constant adopted for cement, jelly and sand. Table for Design mixes of concrete is indicated
in Chapter - 4.
23. Procedure for design mix as enumerated in the chapter on concrete shall be adopted.
24. The design mix shall be got certified from the Quality ,Control Authority I Quality Assurance Authority I Engineering
Colleges/ Other certified Quality Assurance L aboratories by the user Department.
25. 50G solid blocks should be used only for load bearing walls.
26. Comments/ suggestions may be sent to this office by post or e-mail.,


(S.Y. Kundargi)
Superintending Engineer,
PW,P & IWTD, Belagavi Circle, Belagavi.


Area Weightages to be added for finished items fo all the works

executed in the following places:-

SI.No. Area Percentage


2 State Border Area (10 KM. from Border) 5%

3 Works taken outside Karnataka State 5%

Sugar Factory Area

4 5%
(Area within 16 KM. from Major Sugar Factories)

5 Khanapur Taluka Forest Area 5%

6 Works within Belagavi City Corporation Limits 5%

7 Hindalaga Jail Works 5%

8 Building Works 6%

9 Bridge Works 6%

Note: 1. Only one weightage is applicable for each work. If two weightages are applicable
whichever is higher is to be considered.
2. Area weightage is applicable to the full rate of the item.


(S.Y. Kundargi)
Superintending Engineer,
PW,P & IWTD, Belagavi Circle, Belagavi.


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
01 0009 Adhesive (for linoling flooring) Kgs 186.00
02 0509 Adhesive for tiles Kgs 22.00
03 0514 Adhesive for joints Kgs 76.00
04 0022 Bees Wax Kgs 223.00
05 --0513 High bond tile adhesive for vitrified tiles Kgs 28.00
06 2008 Fevicol Kgs 173.00
. 07 2047 Ball Adhesives Kgs 211.00
�.-·--- _08 .. 0387 Shellac Kgs 257.00
0054 Brick bats 25 to 100 mm Cum 388.00
0055 Brick aggregate 20 mm (Nominal) Cum 392.00
0056 Brick aggregate 25 mm (Nominal)
,, Cum 391.00
0064 Burnt brick class designation 35 (non modular) Ground moulded) 100 Nos. 478.00
0503 Burnt brick crass designation 35 (modular) 100 Nos. 547.00
0488 Table moulded bricks class designation 50 (non modular) 100 Nos. 600.00
0504 Table moulded class designation 50 (modular) 100 Nos. 606.00
0505 Wire cut bricks of class designation 75 (non modular) 100 Nos. 1,122.00
0506 Wire cut bricks of class designation 75 ( modular) 100 Nos. 1,168.00
0311 Pre-cast hollow blocks (40x20x20cms) grade 35 100 Nos. 3,276.00
Solid blocks (concrete 40x20x20cms) 100 Nos. 4,533.00
Pre-cast hollow blocks (40x10x20cms) 100 Nos. 2,046.00
Pre-cast solid block (40x10x20cms) 100 Nos. 2,785.00
Hollow concrete blocks (40x20x20cms) Grade 40 100 Nos. 4,300.00
Hollow concrete blocks (40x20x15cms) 100 Nos. 3,200.00
Hollow concrete blocks (40x20x10cms) 100 Nos. 2,200.00
Pre-cast clay hollow bricks 40cm x 20cm x 20cm Each 52.00
Pre-cast clay hollow bricks 40cm x 20cm x 15cm Each 31.00
. Pre-cast clay hollow bricks 40cm x 10cm x 20cm Each 27.00
100 mm and down nominal size Cum 683.00
5-3 mm nominal size Cum 1,160.00


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
30 0750 40 mm nominal size Cum 1,136.00
31 0060 30 mm nominal size Cum 1,071.00
· 25 mm nominal size Cum 975.00
33 0749 20 mm nominal size Cum 1,330.00
34 0058 12.5 mm nominal size Cum 1,404.00
35. 0057 10 mm nominal size Cum 1,403.00
36 0707 6 mm nominal size Cum 1,205.00
37 0803 Fine aggregate 2.36 mm nominal size Cum 1,085.00
38 0762 Key aggregates 22.4 to 2.8 mm Cum 1,103.00
39 0746 Filter media stone aggregates Cum 637.00
40 0904 Coarse aggregates 53 mm cum 720.00
41 0906 Crushed aggregates 37.5mm cum 934.00
42 0912 Crushed coarse aggregate (Supply of hand broken aggregates) cum 548.00
43 0919 Key aggregates passing 26.5mm to 2.8mm cum 850.00
44 0921 Crushed stone aggregate 13.2mm to 10mm cum 1,220.00
45 0922 Crushed stone shipping, 19mm cum 1,303.00
46 0926 Crushed aggregate 9.5mm to 4.75mm cum 462.00
47 567 Filler Aggregates Tonne 1,.139.00
48 0732 Crushed stone chippings 11.2 mm Cum 1,276.00
49 0733 Crushed stone chippings 13.2 mm Cum 1,290.00
50 0400 Stone dust / Grit Cum 400.00
51 0815 Crushed stone chipping 5.6 mm size cum 1,061.00
52 0819 Lime Stone Dust Tonne 5,902.00
53 0287 Pea size gravel I 6mm and down stone grit cum 504.00
54 0334 Sand/ Artificial Sand/ Manufactured Sand cum 1,465.00
55 551 Ordinary earth cum 137.00
56 0731 Sand I Crushed Sand cum 1,465.00
57 0751 Granular material cum 262.00
58 0752 Gravel 2.36 mm cum 262.00
-59--- -Q7-72----Naturaf-sanct5.6 to 75 micron cum 1,465.00
60 0781 Quartz sand Kgs 564.00


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate
No. No. Rs. Ps.
61 0037 Bond stones 20cms x 20cms x 45cms Each 31.00
39 Boulders cum 366.00
0066 Burnt stone slabs 10cms thick Sqm 400.00
-6174 Granite stone slabs fine dressed 40 mm thick Sqm 1,866.00
65 0330 Rubble stones cum 518.00
66 0390 Size stone 20x20x25 cm Each 56.00
1)67 0401 Stone slab 10 to 12 cm thick Sqm 331.00
·ea 0720 Bond stone 20x20x45 cm Each 44.00
59·- -0780 Quarry spalls cum 265.00
70 0789 Size stone 20x20x25 ems Each 15.00
71 0790 Spall Uelly used f r packing) cum 351.00
-- "'f-2- -t}793
r - --
i Rough stone cum 282.00
73 -- 0194 Stone boulders cum 348.00

. 74. �0795 Stone spalls cum 237.00
_· ,75 . 0939 Stone with minimum size of 200mm cum 378.00

- 0010 Aluminium beading Kgs 203.00

f · · -f"-m=...:4,;:;;=�-------'-------------------------
Aluminium handles -15·mm
Aluminium hinges 75 mm length
Q Aluminium stays Each 67.00
Aluminium tower bolt - 20 cm Each 113.00
- ..,.. ...,. ..,. ..-- - _ _ _ o_ _ _ np-. _ ______________ ___ _
· : __.......;e:==1=========--=-·· -= --""'1�,,...- �
A inium sheet f r st s Sqm 360.00
Aluminium window frame Section 1.2 mm thick Kgs 253.00 · ·
Aluminium Composite panel of approved colour straight portion Sqm 5,483.00
_ Aluminium frame section Kgs 198.00
Sqm 4,521.00
� -- � Aluminium
.. --� . --
studs 100 x 100mm fitted with lense reflectors Nos. 261.00
Aluminium sheeting fixed with encapsulated lens type reflective Sqm. 4,215.00
- sheeting of size 0.9sqm
AIUminium alloy/galvanised steel/ Galvanised MS plate Tonne 60,914.00
____ including 5% wastage
:.":·; i ·� Aluminium alloy plate, 2mm thick, fixed with high intensity grade Sqm. 4,333.00
1 g v1 e ause--S0'f:3


.�-- -�-�----� -------.............
._.,..,_....., ....
,, ...., --------------------------

-$[- Ccbde Material Component Name Unit Rate

No: No. Rs. Ps.

91 2069 Aluminium anodised profile top cap beading m 402.00

:;.;...._..;,.._�2--t---fflOOr- AC sheet 6 mm thick semi corrugated Sqm 263.00
0008 AC sheet 6 mm thick semi trafford Sqm 262.00
-0327 Ridges (AC sheet) Pair 301.00
95 0717 Bitumen 80/100 Grade Bulk Tonne 41,950.00
96 835 Bitumen 80/100 Packed Tonne 44,300.00
97 0814 Bitumen 60/70 Grade Bulk Tonne 43,100.00
98 836 Bitumen 60/70 Packed Tonne 46,300.00
99 0030 Bitumen 85/25 Grade Tonne 43,000.00
100 0820 Bitumen 30/40 Grade Tonne 43,500.00
101 0730 CRMB Tonne 44,400.00
102 0806 NRMB 70 Tonne 50,000.00
103 0735 Cut back MC 70 Tonne 47,000.00
104 0718 Bitumen emulsion Tonne 47,700.00
105 0031 Bitumen felt ( Hersian based) �qm 159.00
106 0032 Bitumen washer Each 2.74
107 0109 Coal tar Sqm 27.38
. 108 0108 Coal tar paint L 36.33
109 0035 Blown or residual bitumen Tonne 45,000.00
110 0807 Polymer MB 70 Tonne 50,000.00
111 0736 Detonator Each 10.65
112 0738 Drill bits N os 427.00
113 0786 Safety fuse wire Coil 277.00
114 0791 Gelatin Kg 153.00
115 0002 12 mm thick pre laminated board (Novapan) exterior grade Sqm 663.00
116 0312 Prelaminated board 19 mm thick of approved lamination on Sqm 825.00
both side
_ltl. Jl3J3 _ErelaminatecLboardof approved lamination on one side and Sqm 603.00
blanacing white colour



SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
118 0301 a. Plywood 12 mm thick (Commercial} Sqm 826.00
' b. Plywood 19 mm thick (Commercial} Sqm 1,000.00
c. Plywood 25 mm thick (Commercial} Sqm 1,700.00
-- -d. Sheet 6 mm thick (Commercial} Sqm 600.00

' .
0293 Plain particle board Sqm 499.00
' 120 mao Hard board 45 x 45 mm size Sqm 135.00
« --.,- '
ti.'! -�0181 Hard board 600 x 450 mm size Sqm 148.00
') ·122
• - ··�123
- -0955 Pre-moulded asphalt filler board Sqm. 611.00

,, ..

---- 124 2006

-� - -
12mm plywood Sqm 794.00
,'j 125 2007 4mm thick veneer Sqm 1,188.00
J7Jt 4QQ9 19mm Plyboards Sqm

,, 1,190.00
127 2010 1.5mm Laminate Sqm 820.00
128 2090 5mm PVC sheet Sqm 793.00
-- -·�---.. -129.. e-'209._� 5mm B� pr�lam PVC sheet Sqm 1,076.00
130 2100 . 5mm SS prelam PVC sheet Sqm 950.00
-� - -131 2101 2mm PVC sheet Sqm 375.00

� -···--- ---- ·-
132 0084 Cement Qtl. 720.00
- --
- .:�Ia3. _0439 White cement Qtl. 2,004.00
· ·134 1557 Portland Slag Cement (PSC}/ Portland Pozzolona Cement (PPC} Qtl. 665.00
135 1558 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS} Qtl. 400.00
·-= -·� _.._, �

. 136 -0088 Chequered mosaic tiles grey Sqm 267.00
137 0089 Chequered mosaic tiles light shade Sqm 373.00
.138 0090 Chequered mosaic tiles medium shade Sqm 267.00
· 1-39 0091 Chequered mosaic tiles white colour Sqm 290..00
· 140 0110 Cobble stone 60 mm thick Sqm 457.00
141 0111 Cobble stone 75 mm thick Sqm 530.00
142 0116 Cuddapah slab 2.5 cm to 4 cm thick Sqm 370.00
143 0176 Grey colour mosaic tiles Sqm 184.00
. f44 0213 Light shade mosaic tiles Sqm 245.00
l"Tu 022a--Machine ·cutgran-ite stone stab 40 mm Sqm 536.00
--- -146 _Q229 Machine cut granite stone slab 20 mm Sqm 686.00


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
I 147 0231 Marble chips Kgs 19.03
148 0234 Marble dust Cum 1,160.00
. -
l"T., -0235 Marble powder Cum 1,156.00
1_ 150 0237 Marble slab 20 mm thick Sqm 880.00
-- --
. f5l 0248 Metallic floor hardner Kgs 700.00

{ 152 0386 Shahabad Slabs 2.5 cm to 4 cm thick Sqm 281.00

� 153 0448 White mosaic tiles Sqm 274.00
154 0507 Vitrified tiles 10 mm thick 600x600 mm granolite finish Sqm 735.00
155 0508 Vitrified tiles 600x600 mm 10 mm thick Sqm 707.00
156 0545 20 mm thick Hassan Green granite Sqm 1,653.00
157 0546 Ceramic tiles 30x�0 ems Sqm 1,679.00


158 0510 Grout for vitrified tiles Kgs 84.00

159 0511 Spacers for Vitrified tiles No 3.50
-· 160 0512 Sealer for vitrified tiles Sqm 1.90
161 0515 Prepolished Grey granite 20 mm thick Sqm 1,426.00
•. 162 0517 20mm thick Ruby red granite Sqm 1,650.00
163 0518 20mm thick grey granite Sqm 1,282.00
164 0519 20mm thick Shiva gold granite Sqm 2,127.00
.. 1,390.00
165 0520 20mm thick Black granite Sqm
' 166 0521 Prepolished black granite 20mm thick Sqm 1,573.00
( 167 0523 Prepolished Water cut grey granite Sqm 1,426.00
168 0725 Chequerred cement concrete tiles Sqm 239.00
169 0416 Tandur blue slabs 2.5cms to 4cms thick Sqm 332.00
170 0545 20mm thick Hassan green granite Sqm 1,653.00
171 2076 Lakared granite Sqm 3,622.00
172 2085 Sadarahalli flamnied granite 40mm Sqm 1,173.00
173 2086 Sadarahalli pre polished granite 20mm Sqm 1,072.00
174 2108 Black granite 40mm thick Sqm 1,683.00
175 0112 Colour glazed tiles 15 x 15 ems 10mm thick Each 12.05
176 0113 White glazed tiles 15 x 15 ems 6mm thick Each 9.96
·- ··-
II I -ot8o�ersiarfcfoffifor t.isirig in tiles as reinforcement Sqm 68.37
1za 0217 Linolium sheet for tile 30 cmsx30cms Sqm 404.00

SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate
t�· No. No. Rs. Ps.

• ,v,._-. •-

179.:· 0464 Yelahanka tiles of size 250x250 mm Each 10.92

I -� ......��:--�·
180 0481 Mangalore tiles first class and special tile for ridges and hips Nos 33.58

0485 Medium shade mosaic tiles Sqm 170.00

-'·:· --
'0486 Ceramic tiles 15 ems x 15 ems Sqm 385.00

183 0444 White glazed tiles 15 ems x 15 cm , 10 mm thick plain Each 11.17

I �-0445 Color glazed tiles 15 cm x 15 cm, 10 mm thick anti skid Each 16.83

- "�

·185 578 Pre polished grey granite tile 10mm Sqm 800.00
....., ......186
;,_:.;-,,-: -
§79 Pre polished black granite tile 10mm Sqm 845.00

187 2Q73 Concrete designer tiles Sqm 649.00


188 2074 Ceramic tiles of 300x 600mm Sqm 575.00

l �189 2075 Ceramic tiles of 300x 450mm Sqm 453.00
=·'-· =--

fl 190
·-- ---
2042 Border tiles 30x10cms Each 168.00
"" .

if -- - ;,1�1 2043 Glazed tiles 300 x 450 Sqm 295.00

.. �� .2026 Ceramic tiles 400 x 400mm Sqm 510.00
' 12. RMC
i �-- ·-�
-1-93· 0495 Ready Mix Concrete M 20 (1 :1.5:3) cum 5,470.00
" ... --··
194 0496 Ready Mix Concrete M 25 (1 :1 :2) cum 5,674.00
195 2200 Ready M,ix Concrete M 30 Cum 5,878.00
- -�---
·49t . 2201 Ready Mix Concrete M 35 Cum 5,819.00

197 2202
Ready Mix Concrete M 40 Cum 6,327.00

l ----
rm-a·· >--·0003 18 gaug� 75 mm MS laths of 2.8 m length Nos 230.00
.. "' ···1·99 0004 Z section ····-
Kgs ...... -··· -� - 50.00

i 200 0019 Angle iron 40x40x6mm Kgs 50.00

• 201 0087 Channels 25x25x6 mm Kgs 50.00
r ·�202 -0187 High tension coil oxidised MS Each 100-�oo
- , ..,,,.._� _,. -- - 0203 Hooks oxidised MS 150 mm Each 17.00
204 0221 M.S. flat 30 cmx25mmx3mm Kgs 50.00
205 00223 M.S. Round Bright bars 20mm q 5,500.00
-206 0224 M.S. Square Bright bars 20mm q 5,500.00
207 0249 Mild steel 6 mm dia Kgs 45.00
. ..

208 0250 Mild steel bars q

. . �209 -0252 MS channels Kgs 50.00


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
210 0255 MS flats 20 mm x 6 mm Kgs 50.00
211 0257 MS plates Kgs 52.00
�tz -02sa MS rods Kgs 45.00
213 0259 MS sheet 1 mm thick Kgs 52.00
214 0260 MS sheet 20 gauge Kgs 52.00
215 0262 MS tees Kgs 60.00
216 0264 Mullion section (MS) Kgs 50.00
217 0288 Pig lead Kgs 55.00
218 0414 T section MS Kgs 50.00
219 0484 M.S.Shoes Kgs 50.00
220 0547 Expanded metal 12.5 mm to 25 mm -14 G Sqm 280.00
221 0714 Bearing plates Tonne 62,000.00
222 0716 Binding wire Kgs 60.00
223 0723 Cast Steel Kgs 55.00
224 0724 Cast Steel rocker assembly Kgs 90.00
225 0739 Edge beams of steel of special shape and section Kgs 60.00
226 0748 Forges Steel (2 rollers) Kgs. 300.00
227 0756 High Tensile steel wires/strands Tonne 55,000.00
228 0757 High Tensile strands q 5,500.00
229 0758 Thermo Mechanically Treated bars (TMT bars) Fe 415 Tonne 42,000.00
230 0759 ISMC 1002.806x1.05 Tonne 50,000.00
231 0763 Mild steel q 3,875.00
232 0764 Mild Steel anchors Kgs 45.00
233 0765 Mild steel matrix including wastage Kgs 45.00
234 0766 Mild Steel plate (Galvanised) Tonne 52,000.00
235 0767 MS bars Tonne 52,000.00
236 0770 MS flats Tonne 52,000.00
237 0771 MS gratings 260 mm x 260 mm Each 100.00
238 0777 Pile shoes - Cl Kgs 100.00
239 0778 Pile shoes- MS Kgs 60.00
240 0792 Stainless steel 304 grade Kgs 250.00
-z4T- -os52--Mitd Steel pipe 100mm dia 2.5mm thick m 272.00
242 0863 Mild Steel pipe 25mm dia 2.5mm thick m 90.00

SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps
243 0864 CGI sheets Kgs 43.00

::' 244 0865 Angle iron 45 x 45 x 5mm Kgs. 60.00

245 0866 MS sheet 300mm wide, 2.5mm long & 2.6mm thick Kgs. 60.00
r ·.'.246 0867 Angle iron 50 x 50 x 2mm long Kgs. 60.00
,;� 247 0868 MS sheet of 12 SWG, 3 nos, of 200mm width & 4m length Kgs. 60.00

.248 ··0870 Steel drum 300mm dia 1.2m high/empty Nos. 116.00
249 0940 Mild steel angle iron 75 x 75 x 6mm Kgs. 50.00
""V•.:,•i250 0941 Mild steel angle iron 75 x 75x 6mm, 2.85 metres long Kgs. 50.00
·-- l-251. . 0957 Corrugated sheet, 3mm thicken "W" beam section railing, Kgs. 60.00
4.5m in length
---� 252
0958 Channel post 150 x 75 x 5mm Kgs. 60.00
•253 0959 Channel 150 x 75 x 5 mm Kgs. 60.00
---- - .

.... ''.254 0963 Structural steel in plates, angles, Galvanised structural steel Tonne 60,000.00
I .. plate etc., including 5% wastage
I 255 0972 RS Joist 100 x 75 mm Kgs. 50.00

--- 256 0973 Struts - 2 Nos. for terminal posts, 2m long each 2 x 2 x 11.50 Kgs. 50.00
257 0974 Tie 2 Nos. of 8mm steel plate, 1.5sqm each for terminal posts Kgs. 50.00
at 62.80kg/sqm (2x1.5)
i T-�-�- 7"259'
· 258 0975 Steel wire rope 40mm Kgs. 50.00
1,,"� 0976 Mild steel pipe 25mm dia, 2.5mm thick m 95.00
260 0977 MS sheet for 600 x 300 x 3mm rectangular vane, one number Kgs. 55.00
� at 24 kg/sqm
li ""'� .c.o1 0978 MS .sheet for 250mm dia circular vane 3mm thick, 4 numbers Kgs. 55.00

at 24kg/ sqm
{: .·

262 0979 MS sheet 3mm thick at 24kg/sqm Kgs. 55.00

t 263 0981 Galvanised angle sections 100mm x 10mm of 12mm thickness Kgs. 55.00
-� # weldable structural steel as per IS:2062.2 Nos. of 12m
� --- - -
I' -
length each at 17.7 kg/m
·264 0988 Helical pipes 600mm diametre m 170.00
r 265 0989 Tie rods 20mm diametre KG 55.00
266 1100 Steel circular hollow pole of standard specification for street Each 8,200.00
- -· ...
·-- --I-
lighting to mount light at 9m height above road level.
-267 1510 Tube anchorage set complete with bearing plate, permanent No. 14,000.00
wedges etc.
268 1512 Bearing No. 0.60
.....2sg. 1513 Bearing Rocker & Roller No 4500.00
. --�----·---

---- - -- ----- --------------------------------


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
270 1516 Sheating duct ID 66mm Tonne 60,000.00
271 1519 32mm mild steel dowel bars of grade S 240 Tonne 59,500.00
LIL 1 oLv 76mm deformed steel tie bars of grade S 415 Tonne 59,500.00
273 1534 20 x 5 mm diagonals Kgs. 48.00
=21.f· --'1553 Cast steel rocker bearing assembly of 250 tonne design load Nos. 79,000.00
' capacity duly painted complete with all its components as per

275 1554 PTFE sliding plate bearing assembly of 80 t. design load capacity Nos. 79,000.00
duly painted complete with all its components as per drawing &
drawing and technical specification.
276 558 M.S. Angles 65 x 65 x 6mm 34.7kgs Kgs. 50.00
277 562 38mm dia of 14 guage MS Black pipe m 52.00
�-. -

278 561 20mm dia hold fast rod No. 61.00

·- 279 571 Stainless steel strips m 232.00
280 573 M.S. clamps for shoe Kgs. 60.00
281 576 Steel column 400 x 250mm (ISHB Series) Tonne 65,000.00
282 577 Forged steel roller bearing of 250 tonne No. 3,500.00
283 1103 Steel circular hollow pole of standard specification for street each 5,415.00
lighting to mount light at 5m height above road level
284 2022 MS flat 12x75mm Kgs 48.00
285 2021 M S Tubes Kgs 60.00
286 2027 50mm dia M.S. Hollow pipe B Class 14 Gauge Kgs 74.81
287 2028 20mm x 20mm vertical M.S. Square Straight Rod Kgs 58.00
288 2015 Gusset plates 6mm thick Kgs 62.00
289 2016 Base plate/ base plate Kgs 62.00
290 2018 Anchor Bolts 750mm No. 137.00
291 2029 12x12 M.S. Square Bright Rod Kgs 60.00
292 2030 16x16mm M.S. Square Rod Kgs 60.00
293 2031 40x6mm M.S. Flat Kgs 55.00
294 2032 12mmx6mm M.S. Flat Kgs 55.00
295 2033 Cat iron spike Nos. 95.00
296 2034 50x50 M.S. Hollow pipe Kgs 70.00
297 2036 36mm x 6mm M.S. Flat Kgs 60.00
-29-a- -zo313 Sfainless sfeelnollow-pipes 14 gauge 50mm dia. Kgs 300.00
299 2039 Stainless steel hollow pipe 14 gauge 25mm dia. Kgs 300.00
�f SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate
No No. Rs. Ps.
;·aoo 2040 5" dia 5mm thick M.S. plate No. 55.00
i. '"301 2067 MS pipes of 80mm to 100mm dia Kgs 55.00
.;JU,&. ,&.UUU RMS Gusset plate Kgs 60.00
;jlJ4 -zo1a Stainless steel tubes 40mm, 14 gauge Kgs 300.00
�01?- -f091

M.S. Tube m 320.00
-�306 489 M.S. 20mm Square bar q 5,300.00
- - IL,
--- ""-:--- -
�7 0949 MS angle iron 40mm x 40mm x 6mm 23 metre in length at

-� Kgs. 50.00
3.5 kg per metre
'3Utj 0950 MS angle iron 50mm x 50mm x 6mm, 33.8 metre in length at Kgs. 50.00
4.5 kg per metre.
r4o9 -0951 Runner flat 50 x 5mm Kgs. 50.00
0952 Welded steel with fabric 75 x 50mm mesh at 4kg/ sqm,
--·� �lQ._ Kgs. 52.00
----- - . 4 x 30 x 1.2+5% wastage
311 0�53 Steel pipe 50mm external dia as per IS:1239 2.5mm thick m 180.00

312, 0954 Medium wt. steel channel (ISMC series) 100mm x 50mm, Kgs. 55.00.
------ -
10.8 metre length at 9.2 kg per m
·--�- 0115 Corner beads 45 x 45 mm m 18.75
.c.�l.14. Q190 Honne wood cum 53,440.00 .
I --�c- - - �-
_ t315 0191 Honne wood beading 10 mm wide m 17.50
; 316
0193 Honne wood beading 20x20mm m 27.00
_ ..0194 Honne wood scantling
cum 58,184.00

_ 318
·- - '
0195 Honne wood scantling for styles and rails 30mm thick cum 58,184.00
:-319 0196 Honne wood scantling for styles and rails 35 mm thick cum 58,184.00
� .. - �' '
0198 Honne wood planks for shutters (frame) 35 mm thick cum 57,881.00
�- ;;-g21- --
_pioo Honnewood planks for panels 20 mm thick cum 57,879.00
I _ ·�"322 0201 Honnewood battens cum 57,812.00
'1;�23- 0202 Honnewood beads cum 57,812.00
¥ :324 0205 Jungle wood battens 25mm X 40mm cum 38,142.00
4 &
·- t325: 0206
Jungle wood battens 50mm X 40mm cum 38,267.00
le ·f'326 0207 Jungle wood runners and planks cum 32,840.00
£ ;-�?
7 n?n� _ Jungle wood runners and planks cum 32,774.00

-.:. ---328
--�- F""'-------· -·---
0209 Jungle wood scantling cum 32,774.00
':# ..-------- --



SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
329 0238 Mathi or Nandiwood cum 40,700.00
330 0239 Mathi or nandiwood planks for panels 20 mm thick cum 40,774.00
rn,--uz4-0 Mathi or nandi Wood scantlings for styles and rails 25 mm thick cum 40,777.00
332 0241 Mathi/Nandiwood cum 40,781.00
333 0242 Mathi/Nandi wood battens cum 40,781.00
334 0243 Mathi/Nandiwood beading 10 mmwide m 15.33
335 0244 Mathi/Nandi wood planks for panels 25mm thick m 39,273.00
336 0245 Mathi/Nandiwood scantling cum 39,273.00
337 0246 Mathi/nandiwood scantling for styles and rails 30 mm thick cum 39,125.00
338 0266 Nandiwood reepers 50x25 mm m 51.40
339 0269 NUWUD (MDF) panel filling 19 mm thick Sqm 782.00
340 0286 Panel filledwith NUWUD (MDF) board 12 mm thick Sqm 584.00
341 0294 Planks for filing Sqm 15,877.00
342 0332 Sal wood (White) cum 39,039.00
343 0333 Sal wood battens cum 39,039.00
344 0389 Silver oak or equivalent planks 38 mm thick cum 20,370.00
345 0417 Teakwood cum 1,36,464.00
346 0418 Teakwood beading 10mmwide m 26.83
347 0419 Teakwood beading 20x20 mm m 54.42
348 0420 Teakwood cum 1,31,571.00
349 0421 Teakwood gutties big Each 12.70
350 0422 Teakwood planks for panels 25 mm thick cum 1,46,308.00
351 0423 Teakwood reepers 50x25mm m 105.00
352 0424 Teakwood scantiling for styles and rails 30mm thick cum 1,47,750.00
353 0425 Teakwood scantling for styles and rails 35 mm thick cum 1,53,000.00
354 0426 Teakwood beads cum 1,53,000.00
355 0429 TW beading for fixing glass m 22.40
356 0463 Wooden strips of I class teak wood (25 mm 16mm) 4mtr. long Each 60.96
357 0490 Jungle wood reepers 50x25 mm m 51.00
358 0706 25 mm thick silver oak planks Sqm 21,560.00
359 0798 Wooden blocks Nos 252.00
360 0462 Wooden cleats Each 2.74
361 0080 Casuarina bellies 75 to 100mm dia m 28.14



�s1. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

;:� No. No. Rs. Ps.
,362 0081 Casurina poles 100-150 mm m 47.89
� .. '"' 353' m
-- ..
0082 Casurina Poles 75-100 mm dia 39.97
:::s Jungle Wood cum 25,360.00
···-::·� ,;_365 0872 Wooden staff for fastening of flag 25mm dia, one m long Each 6.00
.;iuu 0961 Wooden ballies 8" dia & 9' long No. 259.00

-�67 0962
Wooden ballies 2" dia for bracing m 22.80
-·�o- ,..;;..'._.:;_,

368 2002 50x35mm salwood cum 39,944.00

.. ,.......,
2003 Teakwood gutties small Nos. 1.34
''370 2011 Teak wood beading 10mm wide m 26.00

.,_-, . ;
,_- -
0006 5.5 mm thick plain glas� Sqm 126.00
372 0170 Glass shelf 600x120mm with guard rail Each 1,116.00

•I --��- 374
373 . 0171 Glass strips Sqm 706.00

t '"375 0467
0172 Glazing cHps Kgs 290.00
4mm thick plain glass Sqm 382.00


]76 0324 Reeded glas5. 2mm thick Sqm 352.00

··377 0325 Reeded glass 3mm thick Sqm 349.00
· ··3·18 0538 Imported glass 6 mm thick Sqm 1,272.00
:!7-� 2012 12mm thick plain toughened glass Sqm 1,155.00
380 2014 12mm thick frosted toughened glass Sqm 1,280.00
�81 2071 Glass etching Sqm 1�569.00
it- --�··-··
l 382 0005 25 rnn:, dia pulley (for alluminum sliding door) Each 43.00
;1 383 0011 Alluminium handles - 15cms Each 108.00
384 0012 Alluminium hinges 75 mm length Each 55.00
t .. �5 0038 Bottom lock nail Each 72.00
�86 0046 Brass screws 25 mm Each 7.00

' 387 0085 Center pulley Each 129.00

388 0086 Central ball bearing Each 153.00
·-389 0107 Cleat angles Each 71.08
·3gcf 0133 Door closure heavy duty floor mounting Each 807.00
- --- -- v-,1 ·t)-t34· Doortock Each 352.00
----- 392 .. 0177 Gusset plates 3.15 mm thick Kgs 47.62


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
393 0178 Handles powder coated 150mm Each 66.54
394 0179 Handles to full width 2m long Each 246.00
- 3115 0188 Hinges 5" heavy duty Each 41.22
396 0189 Hold fasts MS Each 33.43
397 0220 Locking arrangements Each 457.00
398 0222 M.S. holder bat clamp 32mm Each 93.36
399 0225 M.S. stays and clamps for 200mm length including bolts and nuts Each 67.34
400 0226 M.S. stays and clamps for 50mm length including bolts and nuts Each 39.97
401 0227 M.S. stays and clamps for 75mm length including bolts and nuts Each 48.32
402 0253 MS clamps Each 48.00
403 0254 MS cleats with bolts and nuts to rest on pile Each 16.50
404 0256 MS handles oxidised 150mm Each 90.81
405 0261 MS side shed clamps Each 50.00
406 0265 Nails and screws Kgs 52.00
407 0314 Pulleys 38. mm dia Each 63.77
408 0326 Reeper nails 50 mm long Kgs 47.31
409 0384 Screws 40mm Each 3.18
410 0388 Side guide� Each 171.00
411 0399 Stays ( MS) Each 29.62
412 0427 Tower bolt 300 mm long Each 140.00
413 0474 Pivots Nos 630.00
414 0540 Screws Nos 3.15
415 0537 Box cleats Nos 54.15
416 0541 Anchor Bolts Nos 24.77
417 0542 Galvanized L brackets Nos 56.67
418 0708 Steel inserts with stainless steel bolts and nuts Kgs 113.00
419 0719 Bolts and nuts Kgs 69.60
420 0768 MS bolts, nuts and washers Tonne 52,000.00
421 0710 Anchorages Each 162.00
422 0711 Anchor loops (IS 2062) Each 440.00
423 0712 Anchor plates {IS 2062) Each 347.00
-�4- O713--Anchorage Sets Each 113.00
425 0094 Chromium plated screws -25mm Each 2.97


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
426 0167 GI 'J' or 'L' hook with nuts and bolts 8 mm dia Each 19.23
• ,< ,. .

427 0291 Pintels including welded pins Each 13.67


428 04�2 C.P. brass brackets Pair 41.00

- ··-�---···
-429 2084 Hydraulic door clouser - aluminium body No. 890.00

Aluminium paint L 299.00
-�-· -· ... ,_ 0015
431 0016 Aluminium paint primer (red oxide) L 146.00
... .:>:;.,. �---

,'��2 0020 Anticorrosive bitumastic paint L 203.00

-- 433 0033 Black Japan paint L 125.00

434 0131 Dark shade pigment Kgs 271.00
-.,.:-··-=---' 435 0132 Distemper primer L 99.00
436 0136 Dry Distemper Kgs 99.00
------ -437 0137 Enamel metal paint L 246.00
·- ...__438

0138 Enamel primer L 158.00

-. 439 0214 Light shade pigment Kgs 343.00
-� '-' .-, ..
-- ----- 440

0247 Medium shade pigment Kgs 317.00

. 441
-· -,
0285 Paint remover L 172.00

--·- 442 0289 Pigment Kgs 162.00

C, · -�
- •.,.

0290 Pink primer paint L 139.00

-·444 0300 Plastic emulsion paint L 263.00

445 0320 Ready mix primer paint L 126.00
446 0321 Ready mix red lead paint L 126.00
::c<447 0323 Red oxide Kgs 126.00
0430 Undercoat flatting varnish L 215.00
:449 0431 Unslaked lime qtl 460.00
,-450 0432 Varnish L 167.00

-451 -·----
0433 Wall paint L 219.00

-·452 0435 Water proof cement paint Kgs 79.00

453 0438
� --� �--· Wax polish Kgs 330.00
.-�r54 0271 Oil bound distemper Kgs 96.35
455 0428 Turpentine Oil L 53.00
>it� 456 0543 Anodized M R F painting Sqm 396.00
. . �45-1 L 142.00
0447 White lead paint for priming
� --------


Material Component Name Unit

SI. Code Rate '"<'

No. No. Rs. Ps. ,i'.:

458 0461 Whitening Kgs 35.00 t

459 0528 Wax Kgs 283.00 t':"

460 0529 Sealer Coat L 336.00 J1,

461 0530 Melamine Patty Kgs 303.00 ""
-- -·---------- -- ;(;
462 0531 Melamine Polish L 318.00 �
463 0532 T hinner L 111.00 t,

464 0775 Paint I quality (synthetic enamel paint) L 266.00

465 0776 Pigments Kgs 96.60

466 0784 Road marking paint L 375.00

467 0779 Primer L 113.00

468 0173 Gopi powder Kgs 76.88
469 0218 Linseed oil L 124.00 �:
470 0219 Liquid wood filler L 172.00 "·
471 0524 Sand paper Dozen 46.00 f;,
472 0525 50 size sand paper Dozen 46.00
473 0526 36 size sand paper Dozen 46.00
474 569 Primer Kgs. 123.00
475 0528 Wax Kgs 283.00
476 0529 Sealer Coat L 336.00
477 0530 Melamione Patty Kgs. 303.00
478 0531 2020 Melamine Polish L 318.00
479 0532 T hinner L 111.00
480 0543 Anodized M R F painting Sqm 396.00
481 1504 Epoxy resin hardener mix for primne coat Kgs 771.00
482 2044 Light House Polish L 260.00
483 2045 Texture material Kgs 32.64
484 2046 Antifungal paint L 348.00
485 2050 Textured based white cement Kgs 53.80
486 2060 Soap powder Kgs 156.00
487 2081 Wiping cloths Each 28.60
! !

488 2083 Soap oil / Phenol L 53.12

----- ---- "- �
489 2092 Solvent cement adhesive L 226.00
490 0995 Water based paint for cement concrete surface L 46.05
¾ - -

- -
SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate
No. No. Rs. Ps.

- -

_-491 0021 Asbestos cement pipes 75 mm dia of length 2 mtrs 159.00
-4�z uu�:, -c1 Bends 100 mm dia Each 441.00
---,-.-;'. -�3
0096 Cl Bends 75 mm dia Each 323.00

--�· -- <
0097 Cl bends 90 mm dia Each 241.00

'.'485 _0098 Cl heads 100mm dia Each 188.00
�496 - .0099 ,.�.-._.....:• :
Cl pipe 100mm dia of 1.8 m length Each 1,582.00
:2 ��!
,_....,. {•.
0100 Cl Pipes 75 mm dia of 1.8m length Each 1,364.00
. 498 0101
-- Cl shoes 100mm dia Each 539.00
0102 Cl shoes 110mm dia Each 564.00

- -,,--- ,,---:=�
- -
)iOO 0103 Cl shoes 75 mm dia Each 485.00
0146 G.I. Overflow pipe 20mm dia m 153.00
- -- - •.

-- :�_502 0147 G.I. Pipe 100mm dia B class m 794.00

:,..,i;-··ra 0148 G.I. Pipe 150mm dia B class m 780.00
� "504
- - -:�·':"
'""' - 0149 GJ. Pipe 15mm dia B class m 119.00
- · i:::05

0150 G.I. Pipe 20mm dia B class m 150.00

-- _
,e•_ ;506 0151 G.I. Pipe 25mm dia B class m 216.00

,--: ;507 0152 G.I. Pipe 32mm dia B class m 238.00

_--- .,_-_"':'
• <' • � -�
�uR 0153 G._1. Pipe 40mm dia B class m 278.00
- -

:509 0154 G.I. Pipe 50mm dia B class m 335.00

/ fs10 0155 G.I. Pipe 65mm dia B class m 503.00
on· ·0156 G.I. Pipe 80mm dia B class m 690.00
. - i,.:§,12 0157 G.I. Tee 32mm Each 126.00
·513 0158 G.I. Tee 65mm Each 405.00
>':514 .,. -
0169 GI washers Each 8.23
��-- ---,
;5,5 0182 HOPE 11O mm dia, 4Kg/sqcm m 207.00

fI ��
m 270.00

0183 HOPE 110 mm outer dia, 2.5 kg/sqcm
;517 0184 HOPE 90 mm outer dia, 4kg/sqc,:n m 158.00
518 0185 HOPE 90mm outer dia 2.5 kg /sqcm (rain down water pipes) m 121.00
1-519 0212 P.V.C. Lead connection pipe 32mm dia (for wash basin) Each 123.00
·520 0303 Polyethylene pipes high density 32mm external dia m 138.00

I - ..... ---
:::522 0305
U30�f Pofyefnylene pipes high density 40mm external dia
Polyethylene pipes high density 50mm external dia


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
523 0306 Polyethylene pipes low density 20mm external dia m 47.08
524 0307 Polyethylene pipes low density 25mm external dia m 59.71
··�5 0308 Polyethylene pipes low density 32mm external dia m 115.00
526 0309 Polyethylene pipes low density 40mm external dia m 161.00
527 0310 Polyethylene pipes low density 50mm external dia m 169.00
528 0335 Sand cast iron bend 100mm dia with access door, washers, Each 469.00
bolts and nuts
529 0336 Sand cast iron bend 50mm dia with access door, washers, Each 398.00
bolts and nuts
530 0337 Sand cast iron bend 75mm dia with access door, washers Each 394.00
bolts and nut
531 0338 Sand Cast iron pipe 100mm dia 1.8m length Each 1,067.00
532 0339 Sand cast iron pipe 50mm dia 1.8m length Each 121.00
533 0340 Sand cast iron pipe 75mm dia 1.8m length Each 899.00
534 0342 Sand cast iron plain bend 50mm dia Each 235.00
535 0344 Sand cast iron soil waste 114mm offsets 3"dia Each 366.00
536 0345 Sand cast iron soil waste 152mm offsets 3"dia Each 401.00
537 0346 Sand cast iron soil waste 230mm offsets 3" Each 785.00
538 0347 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal invert Each 785.00
plain branches of required degree'100x100x100x100mm ;

539 0348 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal invert plain branches Each 479.00
of required degree '50x50x50x50mm
540 0349 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal invert plain branches Each 531.00
of required degree '75x75x75x75mm
541 0350 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal junction of required Each 762.00
degree '100x100x100x100mm
542 0351 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal junction of required Each 468.00
degree 50x50x50x50mm
543 0352 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal junction of required Each 797.00
degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts and nuts,
544 0353 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal junction of required Each 780.00
degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts and nuts,
545 0354 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal junction of required Each 899.00
- ,__ ---- ----- . degreewmlaccess 'door, rubber washers bolts and nuts,


--,..1 .

.. J

SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.

,;. 546 0355 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal junction of required Each 622.00
·,,,,,; ,.-.. degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts and nuts,
,+ .
547 0356 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal junction of required
. .
Each 516.00
r--- degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts and nuts,

- 75x75x50x50 mm

�� ?48 - 0357 Sand cast iron soil waste double unequal invert plain branches Each 617.00
of required degree '100x100x75mm
. .-
"'· -� �-
9 0359 Sand cast iron soil waste double unequal invert plain branches Each 835.00
;.54 of required degree '100x100x75x75 mm

.550 0360 Sand cast iron soil waste double unequal invert plain branches Each 529.00
of required degree '75x75x50mm
. '551 0361 Sand cast iron soil waste double unequal invert plain branches Each 476.00
-,�=� of required degree '75x75x50x50 mm
"552 0362 Sand cast iron soil waste double unequal junction of requird Each
· ---- r-----·· degree '100x100x50x50mm
553 0363 Sand cast iron soil waste double unequal junction of requird
� .

�---·� Each 837.00

degree '100x100x75x75mm •

-��- tf>5'4
_s·. ,: ,._;,:

"'.---· .,
0364 Sand cast iron soil waste double unequal junction of requird
degree 75x75x50x50mm
Each 396.00

[555 0365 Sand cast iron soil waste single equal invert plain branches Each 790.00
----�-�..:.:...-,..� ,.;.-- of required degree '100x100x100x100mm

56 0366 Sand cast iron soil waste single equal invert plain branches
,,._ of required degree '50x50x50x50mm
Each 471.00
557 0367 Sand cast iron soil waste single equal invert plain branches • Each 332.00
of required degree '75x75x75x75mm

..,..,a- -0368 Sand cast iron soil waste single equal jum:tion of required Each 507.00
degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts and nuts,

.. ---,.�

,559 0369 Sand cast iron soil waste single equal junction of required Each 724.00
� degree with access door '100x100x100mm
•. ··- -
,_ '560 0370 Sand cast iron soil waste single equal junction of required Each 442,00
degree with access door '50x50x50mm

' · "- ..-·�

561 0371 Sand cast iron soil waste single equal junction of required Each 549.00

degree with access door '75x75x75mm

,_.562 0372 Sand cast iron soil waste single equal junction of required Each 680.00
degree with access door, 'rubber washers bolts and nuts,

563 0373 S a_ nd_cast ir.on soil waste single equal junction of required Each 468.00
.q degree with access door, 'rubber washers bolts and nuts,
;!. -------""'--'----+-- ,._____ 50x50x50mm

SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. • Rs. Ps
564 0374 Sand cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of required Each 408.00
degree 100x100x50mm
565_ 0375 Sand cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of required Each 425.00
degree 100x100x75mm
566 0376 Sand cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of required Each 364.00
degree 75x75x50mm
567 0377 Sand cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of required Each 699.00
degree with access door, rubber washers, bolts and nuts,
568 0378 Sand cast iron soil waste single unequal jun·ction of Each 772.00
required degree with access 'door, rubber washers, bolts
and nuts, 100x100x75mm
569 0379 Sand cast iron soil waste single unequal junction of required Each 475.00
degree with access '.door, rubber washers, bolts and nuts,
570 0380 Sand cast iron soild waste double equal junction of required Each 611.00

degree with access 'door, rubber washers bolts and nuts,
571 0381 Sand cast iron trap 100mm dia Each 629.00
572 0382 Sand cast iron trap 50mm dia Each 396.00
573 0383 Sand cast iron trap 75mm dia Each 469.00
574 0393 Special for overflow pipe Each 46.82
575 0402 Stoneware pipes 100mm dia 60 ems long Each 89.83
576 0403 Stoneware pipes 150mm dia 60 ems long Each 151.00
577 0404 Stoneware pipes 200mm dia 60 ems long Each 216.00
578 0405 Stoneware pipes 230mm dia 60 ems long Each 235.00
579 0406 Stoneware pipes 250mm dia 60 ems long Each 251.00
580 0407 Stoneware pipes 300mm dia 60 ems long Each 270.00
581 0408 Stoneware pipes 350mm dia 60 ems long Each 282.00
582 0409 Stoneware pipes 400mm dia 60 ems long Each 299.00
583 0410 Stoneware pipes 450mm dia 60 ems long Each 332.00
584 0476 100 mm dia asbestos cement pipe of length 2 mtrs Each 223.00
585 0477 110 mm outer dia 2 kg/sqcm pressure pipe of approved make (PVC) m 233.00
586 0478 110 mm outer dia 2.5 k!/sqcm pressure pipe of approved make (PVC) m 275.00
587 0479 90 mm outer dia 2 kg/sqcm pressure pipe of approved m 178.00
make (PVC)
588 0493 Sand cast iron soil waste double equal junction of required m 612.00
.degree, 75x75x75x75 mm

- SI. Code

Material Compon�t Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
0534 M S Square pipe 16G Black pipe Kg 47.60
100 mm asbestos cement pipes m 81.50
100 mm dia 1m long GI pipe m 475.00
HOPE pipes - 90mm dia m 125.00
RCC pipes NP3 1200 mm dia includin� collars -m 6,423.00
RCC pipes NP3 900 mm dia including collars m 4,680.00
0821 RCC pipes NP3 300 mm dia 1hcluding collars m 911.00
0822 RCC pipes NP3 450mm dia including collars m 1,462.00
0823 RCC pipes NP3 600 mm dia including collars m 1,834.00
0824 RCC pipes NP3 750 mm dia including collars m 2,847.00
0825 RCC pipes NP2 300 mm dia including collars m 647.00
0826 RCC pipes NP2 450 mm 'tlia including collars m 1,096.00
0827 RCC pipes NP2 600 mm dia including collars m 1,537.00
0828 RCC pipes NP2 750 mm dia including collars m 1,575.00
0829 RCC pipes NP2 900 mm dia including collars m 2,707.00
0830 RCC pipes NP2 1200 mm dia including collars !Tl 4,627.00
0831 RCC pipes NP4 900 mm dia including collars m 5,561.00
0832 RCC pipes NP4 1200 mm dia including collars m 9,834.00
565 RCC pipes NP2 150 mm dia including collars m 374.00
566 RCC pipes NP2 250 mm dia including collars m 503.00
RCC pipes 200mm dia, 2.5m long for drainage m '309.00
Plastic tubes 50cm dia, 1.2m high Nos. 31.90
RCC pipes NP2, 150mm dia including collar m 374.00
566 RCC pipes NP2, 250mm dia including collar m 503.00
568 RCC NP4 1000mm dia including collars m 8,874.00
0001 100mm 'S' or 'P' trap Each 138.00
0023 Bevel lead edge mirror of superior glass of size 600x450mm Each 842.00
0024 Bib cock 15mm nominal bore - NP Each 177.00
0025 Bib cock 20mm nominal bore- NP Each 215.00

I 0026
Bib cock 25mm nominal bore- NP
Bib cock 32mm norrtinalbore- NP
Bib cock 40mm nominal bore- NP Each 358.00

SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. • Rs. Ps.
621 0029 Bib cock 50mm nominal bore- NP Each 393.00
622 0034 Black plastic seat and lid as specified Each 343.00
0.£.J 0040 Brass ball vlave with plastic float 15mm nominal bore Each 294.00
624 0041 Brass ball vlave with plastic float 20mm nominal bore Each 470.00
625 0042 Brass ball vlave with plastic float 25mm nominal bore Each 607.00
626 0043 Brass ferrule and C.I. Mouth cover 15mm nominal bore Each 154.00
627 0044 Brass ferrule and C.I. Mouth cover 20mm nominal bt>re Each 234.00
628 0045 Brass ferrule and C.I. Mouth cover 25mm nominal bore Each 267.00
629 0047 Brass shower rose C.P 100mm dia Each 546.00
630 0048 Brass shower rose C.P 150mm dia Each 597.00
631 0049 Brass stop cock - 15mm Each 241.00
632 0050 Brass union 15mm nominal bore with PVC connection pipe Each 236.00
300mm length

633 0051 Brass union 15mm nominal bore with PVC connection pipe Each 278.00
450mm length
634 0052 Brass union 20mm nominal bore with PVC connection pipe Each 279.00
300mm length
635 0053 Brass union 20mm nominal bore with PVC connection pipe Each. 311.00
450mm length
636 0067 C.I manhole cover with frame 610x455mm size (38 kgs) Each 2,900.00
637 0068 C.I. I M.S. brackets for flushing cistern :. Pair 136.00
638 0069 C.I. Cover 500mm dia -50mm thick (16kgs) Each 1,137.00
639 0070 C.P. brass chain with plug Each 156.00
640 0071 C.P. brass chairi wtth stainless steel plug !ach 304.00
641 0072 C.P. brass pillar tap elbow operated Each 607.00
642 0073 C.P. brass screws 25mm with washers Each 8.00
643 0074 C.P. brass towel rail 600mm length 20mm dia Each 612.00
644 0075 C.P. brass towel rail 740mm length 20mm dia Each 694.00
C.P. brass waste union 32mm of standard pattern
C.P. brass waste union 40mm with fittings
• Each
647 0079 Cast Iron foot rest Each 205.00
648 0105 Circular shape mirror of size 450mm dia with plastic Each 499.00
moulded frame
- -54g- ··-ott4·· - Cop-per plated brass piller tap Each 240.00
650 0117 Gun metal non-return valve 100mm nominal bore horizontal type Each 2,893.00


• ·•

SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.

. 651
0118 Gun metal non-return valve 100mm nominal bore vertical type Each 2,176.00

··'' ,·_,
652 0119 Gun metal non-return valve 25mm nominal bore horizontal type Each 543.00

653 0120 Gun metal non-return valve 25mm nominal bore vertical type Each 462.00
Gun metal non-return valve 32mm nominal bore horizontal type Each 778.00

--*,;t �
- , 655

Gun metal non-return valve 32mm nominal bore vertical type
Gun metal non-return valve 40mm nominal bore horizontal type
Gun metal non-return valve 40mm nominal bore vertical type
· ;�� �58 0125 Gun metal non-return valve 50mm nominal bore horizontal type Each 1,364.00
.. ,·· '. .. :· .
----'----'l· ...1, Gun metal non-return valve 50mm nominal bore vertical type Each 1,308.00
''."660 0127 Gun metal non-return valve 65mm nominal bore horizontal type Each 1,843.00
.;,;;;;:.,;.:�66-1 0128 Gun metal non-return valve 65mm nominal bore vertical type Each 1,733.00
·. ;;�66�_, 0129 Gun metal non-return valve 80mm nominal bore horizontal type Each 2,375.00
·• ., , ..
Jc,.,. :·s:5_3 0130 Gun metal non-return valve 80mm nominal bore vertical type Each 2,228.00
---_+· �-0
�0."139 European type water closet of specified make Each 1,026.00
t: Jt65 0143 G.I. 32mm dia telescopic flush pipes With fittings/ specials Set 543.00
.--.,...;;.,..,. ;,;666 0144 G.I. Flush pipe of standard size and C.P brass spreaders, Set 500.00
\ff ·. brass unions and clamps 'including fittings
...:.�·$67 0145 G.I. Jam nut Each 15.93
Gate vaive 15mm nominal bore -gun metal Each 347.00
?? :·669 ;..,,,,:. '
0160 Gate valve 20mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 460.00
?f:�i-., 'f,670
·c::· _,,
0161 Gate valve 25mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 675.00
,.. ' ·· :::c:-1- · · 0162 Gate valve 32mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 982.00
·-::::_572 0163 Gate valve 40mm nomin�I bore-gun me�I Each . 1,274.00
C673 0164 Gate valve 50mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 1,906.00
)t �·i14 0165 Gate valve 65mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 2,302.00
. ._, .r" ' "

· '" ;;�'>:5- 0166 Gate valve 80mm nominal bore-gun metal Each 2,923.00
' .
Indian type water closet of size 580 mm of specified make Each 553.00
'-�-- --: with footrests
· :577 0273 Orissa pattern of size 575x425 mm with integral type foot rests Each 1,290.00
- ,--:-� :676:.... 027 4 Oval shape mirror of size 450x350mm with plastic Each 452.00
moulded frame


: :c:679 0275 P.V.C automatic flushing cistern 7.5 litres with fittings Each 1,055.00
'680 0276 P.V.C automatic flushing cistern with fittings 10 Its Each 813.00
, ···· --Rxt1- 0277 P.V.C automatic flushing cistern with fittings 15 litrs Each 1,008.00
---- ·-·


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
682 0278 P.V.C flushing cistern 10 litres low level with accessories Each 777.00
40mm flush pipe
683 0_V9 P.V.C pipes unplasticised 16mm m 46.79
684 0280 PVC Pipe unplasticised 20 mm m 54.60
.685 0281 P.V.C pipes unplasticised 25mm m 60.90
686 0282 P.V.C pipes unplasticised 32mm m 70.53
687 0283 P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern 5 litres with fittings Each 728.00
688 0284 P.V.C. flushing cistern 10 Its low level with fitting Each 773.00
689 0411 Stop cock Each 165.00
690 0434 Water meter Each 785.00
691 0302 Polyethylene water storage tank of specified capacity and make L 6.00
692 0322 Rectangalur shape mirror of size 1500x450mm with plastic Each 1,191.00
moulded frame
693 0396 Stainless steel kitchen sink of size 400x470mm with drain Each 4,639.00
board of specific make
694 0397 Stainless steel kitchen sink of size 500x1000mm with drain Each 5,053.00
board of specific make
695 0398 Stainless steel kitchen sink of size 510x1575mm with drain Each 5,600.00
· board of specific make
696 0440 White glazed fire clay kitchen sink of size 600x450x250mm Each 1,497.00
697 0441 White glazed fire clay kitchen sink of size 750x450x250mm Each 1,809.00
698 0442 White glazed fire clay laboratory sink of size 450x300x150mm Each 1,106.00
699 0443 White glazed fire clay laboratory sink of size 600x450x200mm Each 1,446.00
700 0446 White glazed/vitreous china clay 10 Its low level flushing Set 1,961.00
cistern, with fittings and \brackets and 40mm white C.P. flush pipe
701 0449 White vitreous china clay angle back wash basin size Each 773.00
702 0450 White vitreous china clay angle back wash basin size Each 1,000.00
703 0451 White vitreous china clay flat back lipped front urinal basin of Each 700.00
430x260x350mm size
704 0453 White vitreous china clay flat back large urinal basin of size Each 2023.00
705 0454 White vitreous china clay flat back wash basin size 450x330mm Each 615.00
70R fut.�� Whitevitreous china clay flat back wash basin size 550x400mm Each 723.00
707 0456 White vitreous china clay flat back wash basin size 630x450mm
---- -
Each 1,020.00


-- -
_ .:c,,
- .-
. ·- - -
- ,s--- ,. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate
:No. No. Rs. Ps.

o/Q---8 0457 White vitreous china clay squatting plate Each 356.00
.... i.7'.09
0458 White vitreous china clay surgeon type wash basin size

Each 1,120.00
_-·J:, el-,.
' -660x460mm

� :io 0460 White vitreous china clay wall corner type, lipped front urinal Each 648.00
,;,,; basin of size '340x410x265mm

- - r-r·

0487 C.P. brass tap with union

. .:�-� �-1 Each 319.00
'tffl �0491 Rectangular shape mirror of size 453x357mm with plastic Each 647.00
"'� %..,.
•; ;, i:;'.
moulded frame
- �"' ..ii.''. 0546 Ceramic tiles of size 30x30 ems
'. ,_3 Sqm 1,679.00
. '
i-714 203_5 Colour Glazed tiles 30x60cms 6mm thick Each 70.00
-1715 2096 L. Bracket
Nos. 14.90
------., �16 0542 Galvanized L brackets Nos. 56.67
"';717 2079 Granite sink 23cm thick Each 10,479.00
-- -- -

.. .: .�i71Jl ,2098 Rubber Gaskete m 13.80

_,_;.. __ .):.
0083 Caustic soda '
J ,!719 Kgs 58.88
0092 Chicken mesh
. .
Sqm 29.35
(oj' �7;21 0168 GI plaster mesh 0.35 mm thick 10 ems wide m
g22 0251 Mosquito proof coupling 25mm Each 40.43

·--�'.: � - .:()295 Plaster mesh 100mm wide m 44.27

-- '.ft24 0296
i - ;,
Plaster mesh 150mm wide m 48.29
- ;(\ �25 0297 Plaster mesh 200mm wide m 53.34
. __ ]26 0318 Rabbit wire mesh Sqm 68.00
--�- �,,.��
�1:27 0548 Weld Mesh 75mm X 25mm of 6G to 10G Sqm 312.00
0549 Weld Mesh 75 x 50mm of 6G to 10G
}'28 Sqm 288.00
j-i._ 9 0729 Copper plate 12 m long x 250 mm wide Kgs 395.00

-1 -- ---
0796 Wire crate size (1.8 x 1.8m x 0.9m) = 2.916
-- >">"':·--

·-- ·- V30
.,_., _ (4mm dia 2GI wire in 15 ems x 15 ems mesh)
Kgs 227.00

131 0797 Wire mesh 50 mm x 50 mm

·- __,___,
Sqm 215.00
732 0816 Form work for kerb stone/ KM stone Sqm 37.92
�-- 0104 Cinder ballast cum 312.00


· 734
. ' --
Chlorophriphos emulsitiable concentrate
Burnt lime/shell lime
L 306.00
- Z36 0141 Fly ash

..... - ___,_,__ �-
cum 59.66



SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.

737 0142 Fuel (firewood) q 783.00

738 0210 Kerosene oil L 48.29
fvv v� 1-S- Lime cum. 1,855.00
740 0216 Lime surkhi mortar 1 :2 cum 760.00
741 ·0263 Mud mortar cum 313.00
742 0267 Nitric Acid L 111.00
743 0299 Plaster of Paris Kgs 67.27
744 0394 Spirit L 63.23
745 0412 Surkhi cum 476.00
746 0436 Water proofing compound Kgs 63.00
747 0483 Diesel L 50.85
748 0709 Admixture/Super plasticizer L 296.00
749 0715 Bentonite Tonne 7,230.00
750 0741 Epoxy for mortar Kgs 285.00
751 0742 Epoxy for tack coat Kgs 470.00
752 0743 Epoxy material for fixing Kgs 286.00
753 0760 Joint filler (0.01 cm wide and 0.12 mm wide) Sqm 318.00
754 0761 Joint sealing com 25 mm deep Kgs 171.00
755 0811 Chlqmperene c.c. 1.00
756 0812 Natural Rubber c.c. 1.00
757 0813 Neoprene Kgs 344.00
758 0818 Water KL 42.45
759 0268 Northlight adjustable ridges of 1.22 m Pair 235.00
760 0270 Nylon rollers Each 8.55
761 0315 Putty for filling holes Kgs 64.97
762 0319 Rawl plug 40 to 50mm Each 3.29
763 0317 PVC beading Sqm 16.44
764 0328 Roofing felt Type-2 grade-1 fibre based self finish and Sqm 117.00
bitumen based
765 0329 Rubber heading for shutters beading m 27.61
766 0392 Spun yarn Kgs 56.12
767 0413 Suspension shaft m 1,503.00
-768- -ost6 Plastic sheet Sqm 8.55
769 0527 Steel wool Pack 34.15
--·---.-,,. .
·::SI� Code Material Component Name Unit Rate
;No. No. Rs. Ps.
Glazing seal m 504.00
Weather Seal Nos 303.00
- - Spacer tape Sqm 43.45
20 mm thick compressible fiber band 12 m long x 25 cm deep Sqm 592.00
20 mm thick filler 12 m long x 25 cm deep Sqm 628.00
Deviator plates Tonne 51,610.00
_ Elastomeric slab with MS plates inserted inside polysulphine c.c. 1.10
compound filling space around bolts and nuts
Nipples . Each 16.20
Sheathing duct ID m 31.14
PTFE Nodules 12.43
PTFE Nodules cm 0.17
S.F.R.C. Cover and frame 560mm (ID) heavy duty Each 1,315.00
Fine Grass Kgs. 8.90
Hedge Plant Each 6.50
Flowring Plants Each 3.40
Shrubs Each 3.05
Sapling 2m high 25mm dia Each 13.00
Neem cake q 1,103.00
Empty bitumen drum Each 130.00
0857 Rivets Each 4.78
0858 Steel wire 3mm dia Kgs 62.50
0859 Sapling 1 to 1.5m high 2cm dia stem Nos. 11.70
0861 Traffic cones with 150mm reflective sleeve Nos. 541.00
0871 Flag of red colour cloth 600 x 600mm Each 27.00
0900 Supply of quarried stone 150-200mm size cum 479.00
0901 Stone Boulder of size 150mm and below cum 475.00
0910 Precast cement concrete tiles Tiles size 300 x300mm & Nos. 24.30
25mm thick
1104 Jute Rope m 7.85
0925· Cold miling machine at 20cum per hour cum 26.80

I Scrap tyres of size 900 x 20 Nos. 268.00

8- - 20mm stee� wire rope Kgs. 51.36
801 0933 Geotextile filter fabric Sqm. 106.00


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.

802 0934 Perforated geosynthetic pipe 150mm dia m 344.00

803 0935 Paving Fabric Sqm. 27.30
U-eogrids Sqm. 398.00
805 0937 Connectors/Staples Each 7.00
806 0938 Polymer braids m 28.12
807 0945 Hot applied thermoplatic compound L 135.00
808 0946 Reflectorising glass beads Kgs. 67.00
809 0947 Cost of approved type of delineators from ISi certified firm Each 321.00
as per the standard drawing given in IRC:79
810 0948 Barbed wire 335 metre length at 9.38 kg per 100 metre Kgs.. 40.74
811 0960 Sand bags (Cost of sand in empty cement bag) No. 69.56
812 0964 Admixture Kgs. 83.20
813 0966 M 35 grade RCC corbel provided for supporting of equipment cum 5,447.00
814 0971 Nuts and bolts Kgs. 62.74
815 0980 Elastomeric slab seal expansion joint assembly manufactured m 15,730.00
by using chloroprene, elastomer for
elastomeric slab unit
conforming to clause 9150.1 of IRC : 83 (part II} conforming to
clause 2600.6 of MORTH specifications.
816 0982 Preformed continuous chloroprene elastomer or closed cell m 17,200.00
foam sealing element with high mtear strength, vulcanised in
a single operation for the full length of a joint ot ensure water
817 0983 Supply of complete assembly of strip seal expansion joint m 15,180.00
comprising of edge beams, anchorage, strip seal element and
complete accessories as per approved specifications and
818 0984 Supply of a modular strip/ box seal joint assembly comprising m 6,946.00
of edge beams, central beam, 2 modules chloroprene seal,
anchorage elements, support and control system, all steel
sections protected against corrision and installed by the
manufacturer or his authorised representative.
819 0985 Supply of a modular box/ box seal joint assembly containing m 7,943.00
3 modules I cells and comprising of edge beams, two central
beams, chloroprene seal, anchorage elements, support and
cont�I system, all steel sections protected against corrosion
and installed by the manufacturer or his authorised
- 820- -oga-5 LD�O L 52.87
821 0987 Trailor 30 tonne capacity hr 1,295.00
�-No, Cod
e Material Component Name Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
Farmyard manure cum 146.00
Seeds Kgs. 156.00
Sqm 17.20
Doob grass Kgs. 39.94
- Accelerator compound for guniting � Kgs. 27.80
Wire mesh 50mm x 50mm size of 3mm wire Kgs. 44.70
Sodium vapour lamp - 250 Watt Each 1,600.00
Pre-packed ploymer concrete based on epoxy system Kgs. 14.94
complete with curing compound, intiator and promoter
Quick setting compound Kgs. 41.74
Acrylic polymer bonding coat L 1,337.00
--1508 Pre-packed cement based ploymer mortar of strength Kgs. 273.00
45 Mpa at 28 days
---1509 Epoxy resin with pot life not less than 60-90 minutes and Kgs. 671.00
satisfying testing as per clause 2800.3.9
Bearing Neoprene ., No. 2,683.00
Separation membrane of impermeable plastic sheeting 2.29
125 micron thick
Pre-moulded joint filler, 25mm thick for expansion joint 7.75
Joint Sealant Kgs. 131.00_:,
Sealant Primer Kgs. 134.00
Curing compound L 115.00
Super plasticizer admixture IS marked as per 9-103-1999 Kgs. 134.00
at 0.5% by wt. of cement
Collador AC pipe (average) Nos. 79.60
1555 Elastomeric bearing assembly consisting of 7 layers of Nos. 10,085.00
elastomer bonded to 6 nos. reinforcing steel laminates by the
process of vulcanisation, complete with all compenents as
per drawing and technical specifications
Pot type bearing assembly consisting of a metal piston Nos. 91,250.00
supported by a disc, PTFE pads providing sliding surfaces
against stainless steel mating together with cast steel
assemblies/ fabricated structural steel assemblies duly painted
with all components as per clause 2006 and complete as per
drawings and technical specifications.
� -€XJ:)8Aded-metal -'I 2.-Smm to 25mm - 14g Sqm. 300.00
','84.5_ _548 Weld mesh 75mm x 25mm of 69 x 10g Sqm. 312.00


"' ,.
-" . ,,.,., '"

- ------ ------ - - - - - ---- - - -


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.

846 549 Weldmesh 75 x 50mm of 69 x.10g Sqm. 288.00

847 552 Pesticide L 268.00
H4ts s-s3 Granite slabs 7.5cms to Berns thick Sqm. 152.00
Guard stones 700mm x 200mm x 200mm Nos. 62.50

849 557
- - --�-- - �--
850 559 15mm Bolt Nos. 12.55
851 560 60 x 60 x 10 Guage Sq. plate washer Kgs. 48.00
852 570 Sealant Kgs. 133.00
853 563 PVC Storage tank L 6.90
854 564 12 x 12 Gauge G.I. Wire 100mtr at Ts. 8.00/per m m 16.50
855 574 Steel helmet & cushion block Kgs. 79.00
856 575 Vibrating pile driving hammer complete with power unit & hr 199.00
857 0930 Geonets Sqm 71.77
858 0931 Geomembrane Sqm 71.77
859 0932 Geotextile Sqm 71.77
860 2001 Carbon electrodes cm 0.79
861 2004 Screws 3.5" Nos. 5.51
862 2005 Screws 1. 75" Nos. 2.86
863 2013
Latch, Pivot, Locking arrangements; SS door rails etc for
glass doors
Set 10,116.00

864 2023 Cast iron ornamental design Nos 97.00

865 2024 Cast iron arrows No 99.35
866 2025 Expansion bolt No 33.39
867 2052 Coconut Broom stick No. 45.52
868 2053 Bombay broom stick No. 65.54
869 2054 Squeezer I wiper / rubber brushes No. 116.00
870 2055 Coir brushes No. 42.76
871 2056 Bamboo baskets No. 126.00
872 2057 Plastic buckets 20 L capacity No. 155.00
873 2058 Trollies No. 1,832.00
874 2064 Cobble stone 65mm thick Sqm 430.00
875 2065 Cobble stone 80mm thick Sqm 573.00
876 2072 Welding rods Nos 6.50
----S7T �7 Ball beaing hinges heavy duty Nos. 295.00
878 2041 G.I. Coated expansion bolts Nos. 37.18


- ..
. .
SI Code Material Component Name Unit Rate
No. No. Rs. Ps.

�&79 2048
. . -:: Ball Joints Kgs 207.00
-�··,��-· �---.

2049 Design-Trowel Nos. 62.70
.::uo9 Hose pipe 30m length No. 969.00
. t) ,,__2
2061 Plastic Mug Each 38.43

Bleaching Powder

•oo� L:063 Kgs 96.00

-�- �...

Bronze multiwall polycarbonate G.E. make

.;;.;;;;:,' � 2066 Kgs 1,347.00
··- ..;;.-: .

:;::,:; ;.;�5- 2070 Sealent taps Joint 6.50

lf.@'66 2080 Mop stick - alluminium No. 129.00
,.,':.".)- :;_!',..- -
.,___, ,v_or 2082 Disposable garbage bags size 0.9m x 1.5m Each 12.80

,_:,.,-- --2087
' .-:.-.-
RBI Grade 81 Tonne 37,562.00
H389 2088 Safe N Easy/Equivalent Bio-degradable L 602.00

.. -,",-;


------ 2093 Polymeric expansion joints filler - 12mm thick Sqm 651.00
'�91 2094 Polymeric expansion joints filler - 18mm thick Sqm 952.00
-·,-:.;? :,'892 2095 Polymeric expansion joints filler - 22mm thick Sqm 1,326.00
.. ;893 2102 Crystallisation liquid - . Kgs 179.00
.,ce.. '894 2103 lsoproof Kgs 368.00

:;:;,5 2104 Acrylic Kgs 235.00

·,. ..

<; ;'896 2105 FCM Kgs 85.21
_XL\:' ....\:On7 --
2106 Non woven geo textile Kgs 98.34
.,. ....
_ _.:_-�"- ���- 2107 Polysulphide /acrylic sealant Kgs 366.00
-.-. ,;......
.': ..,·.• '. :�.:,.:,
'. 2112 Empty Sand / Cement Bags No: 3.27
oioo 9001 Gully Trap No. 36.40
j )�01 2097 5mm Semi finished PVC Sheet Sqm 555.00
il:IUL 3001 PVC Pipes 1-0KG/Sqcm 90mm ou�rdia M 350.00
. ,

_, ______: �-903 -3002 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 110mm outerdia M 510.00
... '
-·· 904

3003 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 140mm outerdia M 860.00

.. ,.,,,_,,.,-� .,

'}�� 3004 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 160mm outerdia M 1,100.00

L, tt'in6 3005 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 180mm outerdia M
tso1 3006 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 200mm outerdia M 1,700.00
r®8 3007 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 225mm outerdia M 2,100.00
";;909 3008 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 250mm outerdia M 2,600.00
·- ... . ..

�910 3009 PVC Pipes 1.0KG/Sqcm 280mm outerdia M 3,300.00

. - -,.� -
,"911 3010 PVC Pipes 10KG/Sqcm 315mm outerdia M 4,200.00
"' ...... ,.. ::2-2
.v,, Waterless urinal of size 328x319x598mm Each 27,361.00

----·-- t,=----,---�---
....913 -
2203 Galvanised Steel 105 x 50 mm M 233.00



SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.

914 2204 Galvanised Steel 20 x 47 mm M 118.00

Galvanised Steel 58 x 36 mm M 179.00
alvanised Steel 22 x 20 (FW 66 mm) M 51.80
918 2207 M 24.00
---- ------,_
919- - 22l58 Float Glass 5 mm Thick Sqm 500.00'
920 2212 M.S. Grill Powder Coated 100 mm Pitch Sqm 792.00
920 221 Galvanised "C" Section 18 x 7 (FW 33 mm) M 22.00
921 2209 Galvanised Steel20 x 24 (FW 33 mm) M 53.86
922 2213 Galvanised Steel 90 x 50 mm M 224.00
923 2214 TMT Bars Fe 500 MT 42,000.00
924 2215 TMT Bars Fe 550 MT 42,500.00
925 2216 Maranthi Wood cum 38,444.00
926 2217 Galvanised Steel 70 x 55 mm M 212.00
927 2218 �alvanised Flymesh Section 20 x 40 mm M 144.00
928 2219 Galvanised Steel Section 48 x 25 mm M 200.00
929 2220 Galvanised Steel (Glass Beading ) 12 x 12 mm M 1.20
930 2221 Mesh (SS 304 Grade) Sqm 380.00
931 2222 Galvanised Steel 72 x 55 mm M 219.00
932 2223 Galvanised Steel Section 48 x 50 mm M 198.00
933 2224 Galvanised Steel Section 46 x 52 mm M 198.00
934 2225 Galvanised Steel Section 46 x 46 mm M 186.00
935 2226 Galvanised Beading Section 18 x 25 mm M 68.26
936 2227 Fly ash bricks of size 22.50 x 10 x 7 .5 cm 100 No. 547.00
937 2228 White cement based putty Kgs 28.60
938 Vitrifed tiles - 10 mm thick double charged, nano technology Sqm 1000.00
size 800mmx800mm
939 Vitrifed tiles - 10 mm thick double charged, nano technology Sqm 2000.00
size 1200mmx600mm
940 3023 light weight Concrete (Autoclaved aereated cellular) Each 93.60
Blocks of size 60 x 20 x 15 cm
941 Solid blocks concrete 40 x 15 x 20 ems 100 No 3500.00
942 3024 Light weight concrete (Autoclaved aereated cellular) 60 x 20 x 10 ems Each 61.75
g-4 5--tigfifwe1ght concrete (Autoclaved aereated cellular) 60 x 20 x 20 ems Each 126.00
944 3027 Polymer modified stucco mortar Kg 25.00

SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
945 Sal Wood (Red) Cum 42,000.00
Precast hollow blocks (40x20x20cm) grade 50 100 Nos. 4,651.00
Solid blocks concrete (40x15x20cm) grade 35 100 Nos. 4,100.00
Raw silk granite 20mm thick sqm 1,900.00
Table top 25 mm thick PLPB with edge banding sqm 1,900.00
75 mm thick MS CRCA partation with PLPB tiles sqm 3,000.00
25 mm thick PLPB separator with edge handing sqm 1,900.00
L Clamps No. 5.00
Nut and bolt No. 4.00
Separators and D- Brackets No. 30.00
Cantilever Brackets No. 95.00
End table hode on Brackets No. 35.00
Corner Hook on Bracket No. 35.00
25 mm thick front modesty sqm 1,800.00
25 mm thick legs sqm 2,150.00
Minifix housing No. 4.00
Wooden dowels M8x40 No. 1.50
M6 screw leg No. 6.00
MS Insert No. 5.00
64 mm dia grommet cap No. 10.00
50 mm thick glass wool -sqm 165.00
Wood screws No. 4.00
Ahro tape/press putty Bundle' 298.00
Lipping 1" x 1/4 " Rmt 24.30
Etching of glass sqm 1,350.00
Patch fittings No. 1,400.00
Pivot No. 350.00
Floor machine No. 6,500.00
Locking system No. 1,000.00
- SS Door rails Set 700.00
25 mm treated commercial black board sqm 1,900.00
Teak wood balls No. 200.00

19 mm block board vinyl bonded w/p 7'x3' sqm 1,150.00


SI. Code Material Component Name Unit Rate

No. No. Rs. Ps.
979 2301 Rubble sand stone Cum 258.00
980 2302 Bond sand stone of size 20 x 20 x 45 ems Each 23.00
-2-303 Size sand stone of size 20 x 20 x 24 ems Each 11.64
982 2304 Sand stone boulders Cum 240.00
- 983 2305 Quarry spalls (Sand Stone) Cum 244.00'
984 2306 Corrugated G.I. Sheet 0.6 mm thick Sqm 412.00
985 2307 Corrugated F.R.P. sheet Sqm 270.00
986 2308 Mangalore Tiles Each 14.04
987 2309 G.I. Sheets Sqm 313.00
988 · 2310 F.R.P. Sheets Sqm 243.00
989 2311 H.Y.S.D. Steel Tonne 38,750.00
990 2312 Tata colour G.I. Sheet Sqm 541.00
991 2313 Rough Shahbad Stone 2.5 cm to 4 cm thick Sqm 312.00


Rates for ISi marked Soil Fittings & Fix�ures as per ISi Standards

2" 3" 4" 6"

};,�in Bend 154.00 211.00 281.00 598.00

· ;;Door Bend (UR) 232.00 253.00 312.00 704.00
;.",,_, �
214.00 253.00 312.00 704.00
154.00 166.00 268.00 598.00
244.00 328.00 428.00 799.00
236.00 319.00 427.00 1089.00
298.00 348.00 496.00 1164.00
236.00 307.00 505.00 1144.00
298.00 357.00 516.00 1216.00
342.00 385.00 560.00 1498.00
419.00 459.00 609.00 1592.00
514.00 646.00 1604.00
563.00 674.00 1681.00
294.00 358.00 435.00 1244.00
542.00 586.00
147.00 201.00 229.00 399.00
125.00 139.00 176.CJ0 320.00
316.00 343.00 659.00
:'.j� ��S�e with Ear 322.00 359.00 682.00
,\'; \Offset .3" Projection 202.00 240.00 309.00 668.00
-. ;Offset 6" Projection 254.00 • 283.00 384.00 837.00
. ••
set 9" Projection 528.00 682.00 1102.00
i()fset 12" Projection 704.00 764.00 1306.00
d Hole Pipe 12"
·• '�-:tt 1"�a� 459.00 573.00 789.00
·7 2:Hand Hole Pipe 15"
--..,...,,,..,..,.. - --·�
537.00 658.00 947.00
--;,:·_Inverted Junction 279.00

Rates for ISi marked Soil Fittings & Fixtures as per ISi Standards


Connectors (4" X 6"} 226.00 Passover (4" X 6"} 761.00
Connectors (4" X 9"} 268.00 Passover (4" X 4"} 664.00
Connectors (4" X 12"} 406.00 Passover (2" X 6"} 514.00
rt.-Pc One Way (4" X 12"} 536.00 Passover (2" X 4"} 423.00

-1=-c---· Rates for ISi marked Soil Fittings & Fixtures as per ISi Standards
ITEM 6"X4" 6"X3" 4"X3" 4"X2" 3"X2"
Plain Junction 1021.00 984.00 441.00 351":00 293.00
Door Junction 1072.00 1024.00 518.00 439.00 423.00
Double Plain Junction 1174.00 1102.00 652.00 636.00 -
Double Door Junction 1286.00 1196.00 734.00 714.00 -
Plain Y Junction 974.00 - 413.00 344.00 -
Door Y Junction 1026.00 - 518.00 499.00 -
Double Plain Y Junction 1527.00 1486.00 593.00 583.00 -
Double Door Y Junction 1606.00 1536.00 626.00 616.00 -
Reducer 362.00 347.00 277.00 262.00 239.00
Hom Plain Bend - - - 387.00 -
Hom Door Bend - - - 429.00 -
Anty Syphone - - - 592.00 -
Double Anty Syphone - - - 751.00 -
Belmouth Trap - - 427.00 427.00 -
Inverted Junction - - - , 631.00 -
ITEM WeightKgs. Rate ITEM WeightKgs. Rate

4"X3" 6.00 372.00 4" x4" 4.40 290.00

4"X3" 4.00 263.00 4" x4" 3.80 251.00
4"X3" 3:20 210.00 4" x2" 5.50 363.00
4"X3" 2.60 168.00
. 4" X 2" 3.00 199.00
4"X3" 2.00 131.00 4" x2" 2.20 145.00
4"X3" DDA 5.50 363.00 4" x2" 1.80 119.00
4"X3"CPWD 5.00 331.00 4" x3" x1.2" Long 5.50 363.00
4"X3"CPWD 4.20 277.00 4" x2" x12" Long 4.00 263.00


ITEM 4" 6"
Single Socket Pipe. 867.00 1502.00
Plain Bend 161.00 412.00
Shoe 319.00 464.00
Plain Tee 343.00 633.00


�--------:--------- -
� --

6"X " 3.50 185. 0 a" xa· 2.00 110.00 16" X2" 6.00 330.00
4.00 208.00 9" X9" 2.80 154.00 18"X2" 7.00 376.00
5.00 251.00 10"X10" 3.50 192.00 18" X2" 13.50 679.00
7.00 376.00 12"X12" 5.20 286.00 18" X4" 11.50 632.00
15.00 754.00 14"X14" 7.50 413.00 20"X2" 10.00 520.00
9.00 487.00 15" X15" 8.00 440.00 20"X2" 13.00 676.00
12.00 579.00 16"X16" 9.50 523.00 20" X2" 16.00 808.00
14.00 680.00 18"X18" 16.00 879.00 20"X2" 20.00 1006.00
16.00 807.00 20"X20" 14.00 770.00 20"X2" 30.00 1521.00
25.00 1242.00 22" X22" 18.00 989.00 20"X2" 40.00 2006.00
25.00 1242.00 24"X 24" 23.00 1263.00 20"X3" 50.00 2502.00
38.00 1901.00 24"X3" 75.00 4056.00
75.00 3696.00 8"XS" 3.50 192.00 SIZE WT. KG. RATE
22.00 1109.00 10"X 10" 4.50 248.00 9"X12" 2.50 138.00
25.00 1242.00 12"X12" 6.50 357.00 9"X12" 3.50 190.00
32.00 1616.00 15"X15" 9.50 523.00 16"X22" 10.00 498.00
50.00 2502.00 18" X18" 12.50 688.00 16"X 22" 13.00 648.00
100.00 5009.00 18"X 24" 19.00 1044.00 18"X12" 6.20 340.00
50.00 2502.00 20"X20" 17.00 935.00 18"X18" 11.20 616.00
75.00 3696.00 22"X 22" 20.00 1099.00 18"X24" 12.00 661.00
100.00 5009.00 SQUARE TANK COVER$ 18" X 24" 15.00 762.00
125.00 6261.00 SIZE WT. KG. RATE
4808.00 18"X18" 12.50 758.00
125.00 6261.00 22"X22" 18.00 1091.00
245.00 12372.00 24"X24" 21.00 1273.00 6"X6" 3.50 199.00
. _ J).PUBLE SEAL CO_}'ERS ROUND TANK COVERS 7"X7" 4.50 257.00
"ISi MARKED" SIZE WT. (KG.) RATE 8· 8" 5.50 314.00
SIZE WT. (KG.) RATE 18" 7.50 455.00 9"X9" 6.50 371.00
28.00 1451.00 20" 10.00 605.00 10"X10" 7.50 428.00
50.00 2502.00 22" 12.00 730.00 12"X12" 10.00 571.00
19.50 . . 1008.00 24" 13.00 795.00 15"X12" 47.00 2679.00
25.00 1242.00 28" 23.00 1410.00 16"X14" 58.00 3306.00
38.00 1901.00 ROUNDJALLY 18" X18" 26.00 1482.00
45.00 2296.00 SIZE RATE 18"X18" 67.00 3820.00
38.00 1901.00 4" 18.00 24"X24" 80.00 4561.00
pt: '·A•X24" 38.00 1901.00 5" 29.00 24"X24" 115.00
··,24•X24" 50.00 2502.00 6" 40.00
;24"X24" 60.00 2970.00 8" 67.00
·• 24"X24 "75.00 3696.00 SQUARE JALLY SIZE RATE
115.00 5779.00 SIZE RATE 500mm Dia 100.00 5009.00
150.00 7515.00 4"X4" 22.00 500mm Dia 116.00 5830.00
24"X24" 210.00 10605.00 5"X5" 29.00 560mm Dia 116.00 5830.00
FOOT STEPS 6"X6" 41.00 560mm Dia 128.00 6432.00
SIZE RATE 8"X8" 92.00 560mm Dia 208.00 10496.00
9·x·9· 114.00 600mm Dia 90.00 4593.00
6"X10" Light 131.00
- ·-----
- . �:x
----"· 14" Heavy 277.00
10"X 10"
All Weights are approximate


G.I. PIPE FITTINGS - ISi Standards

15mm 20mm 25mm 32mm 40mm 50mm 65mm 80mm 100mm
Items 1/2" 3/4" 1" 11/4" 11/2" 2" 21/2" 3" 4"

ELBOW 12.45 17.80 34.10 51.30 72.20 111.80 187.10 286.50 498.00

TEE 19.80 34.10 46.40 72.20 100.30 169.00 255.00 349.50 668.00

SOCKET 12.10 17.80 25.50 37.55 53.30 84.80 145.65 199.40 338.00

UNION 37.80 54.45 77.90 118.00 147.80 223.70 440.70 592.50 835.50

NIPPLE 12.10 21.00 32.10 53.60 69.40 104.30 173.00 250.00 330.00
- . ------
CROSS 34.70 49.30 78.00 130.00 169.00 253.00 427.00 546.00 830.00
3-WAY 28.40 44.70 62.50 88.25 245.00 375.00
R-ELBOW 22.10 41.00 60.20 82.00 122.00 220.00 323.00 552.00

R-TEE 37.60 54.00 80.30 114.00 184.00 278.00 389.00 756.00
R-SOCKET 20.10 28.10 43.20 60.20 92.80 156.00 213.00 368.00
SHORTBEND 20.00 39.00 52.15 96.25 146.00 219.00
TANKNIPPLE 32.40 44.70 71.00 124.50 168.00 190.00
CHECKNUT 10.10 20.20 25.20 30.40 39.00 57.00
C.I.PLUG 5.70 8.80 14.60 20.00 26.00 32.00 52.00 88.00
C.I.CAPPLUG 9.20 13.80 19.00 21.00 32.70 40.00 56.00 94.00 161.00
HOSECOLLER 14.70 26.30 32.70 44.90 54.00 103.00
STEELNIPPLE 16.00 23.60 46.00 126.00 164.00 417.00
STEELPLUG 13.20 21.60 45.00 103.00 126.00 189.00
STEELBUSH 16.70 22.80 49.00 108.00 135.00 205.00
STEEL-R-NIPPLE 25.20 37.00 60.70 81.30 117.00

Pricelist for Ductile iron manhole covers, frames & gratings as per EN 124 Standard
Square cover Rectangular Cover Circular Cover with Grating with frame
with frame wiU,.frame (Hinged) square frame (Hinged) (Hinged)
Size Weight Rate Size Weight Rate Size Weight Rate Size Weight Rate
MM Kg. Rs/No. MM. Kg. Rs/No. MM Kg. Rs/No. MM Kg. Rs/No.
300x300 8 653 450x600. 30 2450 350 DIA 22 1797 300x300 12 980
300x300 33 2694 450x600' 70 5715 450 DIA 55 4491 450x450 32 2612
300x300 40 3226 450x600 100 8165 500 DIA 25 2041 400x500 58 4736
450x450 22 1797 450x900 50 4082 500 DIA 45 3674 450x600 38 3103
450x450 45 3674 450x900 75 6124 500 DIA 65 5307 450x450 56 4573
450x900 160 13064 450x900 125 10206 525 DIA 33 2694 550x550 85 6941
600x600 40 3266 600x900 65 5307 525 DIA 50 4082 500x600 80 6532
600x600 65 5307 600x900 105 8573 525 DIA 75 61242 600x600 70 5715
600x600 90 7348 600x900 150 12247 560 DIA 38 3103 600x600 90 7348
5oox600 105 8573 RECESS COVER 560 DIA 55 4491 700x525 70 5715
750x750 125 10206 450x450 35 2858 560 DIA 80 6352 700x525 90 7348
750x750 165 13472 450x450 42 3429 600 DIA 42 3429 750X750 130 10614
800x800 115 9389 600x600 45 3674 600 DIA 60 4899 800x800 135 11023
800x800 140 11430 600x600 65 5307 600 DIA 85 6941 800x800 180 14697
900x900 125 10206 600 DIA 100 8165
900x900 170 13880
. ,__560x560- f-----90-- ·- -734&
900x900 195 15921
Tolera,nce of Weight: 5%, Categories/Load taking: Light Duty-1.5MT, Medium Duty-12.5MT, Heavy Duty-25MT


�- Ko
·- Code

Aa� e2.Wd1[ MAe-5g

Base Price
Per Unit (Rs)
Sr Code
No Products

Stored pressure
Base Price
Per Unit (Rs)

1Kg 1260 39 2FM50ACF AFFF-50 Ltr
2Kg 1890 Stored pressure 9450*
4 Kg 2640 40 2CO02CF Water-9 Ltr
6 Kg 3210 Stored pressure 2430
9 Kg 4230 41 2CO50CF Water 50 ltr
Stored pressure 13200
AEIC eowd1r MAP-iQ 42 2CO50ACF Water 50 ltr
2 Kg 2280 Stored pressure 8160*
4 Kg 3210
6 Kg 3750 t1e1igoer §1ci11 (t:lgm1 Prody91)
9 Kg 4680 43 2MPO2CF MAP-90 1 Kg 1425
25 Kg 16200 44 2CAO2CF Clean Agent (HCFC) 1kg 3540
50Kg 27600 wmc Milt t;ningui1h1c
75Kg 35700 45 2CC02CF Refilling for 2 Kg Carbon 3600
25Kg 10350* composite Cylinder
50Kg 17610* (for 9 ltr Extinguisher)
75Kg 24750* 46 2MS06CF Refilling for 6 Kg Mild 4500
Ceiling Mounted Steel Cylinder (for 50 ltr
(SP Powder) 5 Kg 3570 Extinguisher)
Ceiling Mounted 5790 47 4FO500CF Foam Additives 450 Gms 1500
(SP Powder) 10 Kg
Ge11n Mjst Extinguisher
- ..Mgoou egwd1c IYP! Eim Extioguisb1c
48 2 ltr 5670
1 Kg 2730 49 3 ltr 7290
2kg 4530 50 6 ltr 9720
4kg 7620 l::le§- l::lxsl[g excggu111 §x1tem
�llilD &IIDI l::l�E�-123 51 HPS02 2 ltr 8100
.·QCA03CF 52 HPS03 3 ltr 9600
2 Kg 7800
, ·-·2CA04CF 53 HPS06 6 ltr 12900
4 Kg 14040
·,.l'· 2CA06CF 6 Kg 19920 Mml Ei[I Enjogujsh1[·! M1tal::§eM-IE�
. 2CA21CF Ceiling Mounted 54. 2MEL104 4 Kg 5700
(Clean Agent) 5 Kg 18330 55. 2MEL106 6 Kg 8100
Ceiling Mounted 56. 2MEL-1-09 9 Kg 11400
(Clean Agent) 10 Kg 29250
Mml fic1 Eniogujsh1r-b11D M1tal:§eM-eYBQ
�IUD Aa!Dt-fE::3§ 57 2MEHE04 4 Kg 12900
2kg 9450 58 2MEHE06 6 Kg 19500
4kg 16620 59 2MEHE09 9 Kg 29100
6kg 23250 CO2 Aluminium
9kg 28350 60 2COA[03 2kg 990
Ceiling Mounted 61. 2 COAL21 4.5 Kg' 1800
(Clean Agent) 5 Kg 22110
Ceiling Mounted OB§- Quick B1s11gos1 §x1mms (EE::3§)
(Clean Agent) 10 Kg 34800 62 2SSDCH03 2kg 9000
63 2SSDCH04 4kg 16200
CO2· §gu11u G[jg 64 2SSDCH06 6kg 22800
2kg 1125 65 2SSDCH09 9kg 27900
4.5kg 2160 OB§- Quick Buggn11 sx1mms (l::l�E�-l23l
CO2 -Wbul Tyge 66 2SSDCA03 2kg 7500
67 2SSDCA04 4kg 13800
4.5kg 2160 68 2SSDCA06 6kg 19800
6.5kg 3600 69 2SSDCA09 9kg 24600
22.5kg 8400
QB§- Qujck BISIIQDH §xswms (CO 2>
Water fgam Eim EX1ioguisb1c
70 2SSDCO03 2kg 2100
AFFF-9 Ltr 71 2SSDCO21 4.5kg 4500
Storecl 1>,r��ure 2610 72 2SSDCO22 6.5kg 6000
2FM50CF AFFF-50 Ltr 73 2SSDC023 22.5kg 12600

Rate list of materials (Submersible Three phase) for SR of 2015-16
SI. Code Item Stage
Total rate Rate Suggested
No. No. Unit Rate for 2014-15
1 2 3· 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 3HP/2.2KW 8 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 24000.00 5.50% 25320.00 25320.00
Equivalent Pumps

·2 4HP/3KW 8 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 25000.00 5.50% 26375.00 26375.00

Equivalent Pumps
3 4HP/3KW 10 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.1, 26500.00 5.50% 27957.50 27950.00
Equivalent Pumps
4 5HP/3 .7KW 5 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 26350.00 5.50% 27799.25 27700 .00
Equivalent Pumps
5 5HP/3.7KW 8 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 29250.00 5.50% 30858.75 30800.00
Equivalent Pumps
6 5HP/3. 7KW 10 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 31400.00 5.50% 33127.00 33100.00
Equivalent Pumps
7 5HP/3. 7KW 12 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 32500.00 5.50% 34287.50 34200.00
Equivalent Pumps
8 6HP/4 .5KW 5 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 30800.00 5.50% 32494.00 32400.00
Equivalent Pumps
9 6HP/4.5KW 6 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 30450.00 5.50% 32124.75 32100.00
Equivalent Pumps
10 6HP/4.5KW 8 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 31200.00 5.50% 32916.00 32900.00
Equivalent Pumps
11 6HP/4.5KW 10 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 32550.00 5.50% 34340.25 34300.00
. KIRLOSKAR and Other
• Equivalent Pumps
12 6HP/4,5KW 14 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 33500.00 5.50% 35342.50 35300.00
Equivalent Pumps
13 7.5HP/5.5KW 6 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 32000.00 5.50% 33760.00 33700.00
Equivalent Pumps
14 7.5HP/5.5KW 8 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 33500.00 5.50% 35342.50 33000.00
Equivalent Pumps
15 7.5HP/5.5KW 12 1 ATALANTA. SUGUNA, C.R.I, 32000.00 5.50% 33760.00 33700.00
Equivalent Pumps
16 7 .5HP/5.5KW 14 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 35200.00 5.50% 37136.00 37100.00
----------- --- -
I------- ···--
Equivalent Pumps


Rate list of materials (Submersible Three phase) for SR of 2015-16
Item Stage Basic Total rate Rate Suggested
Brand Taxes for 2014 -15
Unit Rate
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7.5HP/5.5KW 16 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 43500.00 5.50% 45892.50 45800.00
Equivalent Pumps
10.0HP/7.5KW 8 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 40500.00 5.50% 42727.50 42700.00
Equivalent Pumps
10.0HP/7.5KW 10 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 41500.00 5.50% 43782.50 43700.00
Equivalent Pumps
10.0HP/7.5KW 16 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 42500.00 5.50% 44837.50 44800.00
Equivalent Pumps
10.0HP/7.5KW 20 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 47500.00 5.50% 50112.50 50100.00
Equivalent Pumps
12.5HP/9.3KW 16 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 50500.00 5.50% 53277.50 54300.00
Equivalent Pumps
12.5HP/9.3KW 20 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 53300.00 5.50% 56231.50 56200.00
KIRLOSK AR and Other
Equivalent Pumps
12.5HP/9.3KW 25 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.1, 57300.00 5.50% 60451.50 60400.00
KIRLOSK AR and Other
Equivalent Pumps
12.5HP/9.3KW 10 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 55300.00 5.50% 58341·.50 58000.00
KIRLOSK AR and Other
Equivalent Pumps
12.5HP/9.3KW 12 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C'.R.I, 55300.00 5.50% 58341.50 25300.00
Equivalent Pumps
12.5HP/9.3KW 24 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 60100.00 5.50% 63405.50 63400.00
KIRLOSKAR and Other_
Equivalent Pumps
15.0HP/11KW .,.}6 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 59500.00 --�.50% 62772.50 62700.00
KIRLOSK AR and Other
Equivalent Pumps
15.0HP/11KW 20 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.1, 56300.00 5.50% 59396.50 59300.00
Equivalent Pumps
15.0HP/11KW 25 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.1, 62000.00 5.50% 65410.00 65400.00
Equivalent Pumps
15.0HP/11KW 15 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 57500.00 5.50% 60662.50 60600.00
KIRLOSK AR and Other
Equivalent Pumps
15.0HP/11KW 28 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 66000.00 5.50% 69630.00 69300.00
Equivalent Pumps

-�--�- --

- �--
- --- -
Rate list of materials (Submersible Three phase) for SR of 2015-16
SI. Code Item Stage Basic Total rate Rate Suggested
Brand Taxes
No. No. Unit Rate for 2014 -15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
33 15.0HP/11KW 30 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 67000.00 5.50% 70685.00 70600.00
Equivalent Pumps
·- - .
r--34-- 17 .5HP/13KW 30 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.1, 70500.00 5.50% 74377.50 74300.00
Equivalent Pumps
35 17.5HP/13KW 29 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.1, 70000.00 5.50% 73850.00 73800.00'
Equivalent Pumps
36 20HP/15KW 20 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, 69500.00 5.50% 73322.50 73300.00
Equivalent Pumps
37 20HP/15KW 30 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.1, 75000.00 5.50% 79125.00 79100.00
Equivalent Pumps
38 20HP/15KW 16 1 ATALANTA, SUGUNA, C.R.I, ·62300.00 5.50% 65726.50 65700.00
Equivalent Pumps


·-... �._, .i., ..,..,

Rate list of materials (Submersible Single Phase) for SR of 2015-16

ltemS Stage Unit Brand Basic Taxes Total Ratesug-
Rate rate gestedfor

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1.0HP/ 75KW 10 ATA!,.ANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 12000.00 5.50% 12 660.00 12600.00

. HP/75KW 12 1 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 15000.00 5.50% 15825.00 15800.00
1.0HP/ 75KW 15 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 14900.00 5.50% 15 719.50 15700.00
1.0HP/ 7 5KW 21 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 16800.00 5.50% 17724.00 17700.00
1.5HP/1.1KW 10 1 ATALANTA/SU GUNA/ CRI/ 14900.00 5.50% 15719.50 15700.00
1.5HP/1.1KW 12 1 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 14000.00 5.50% 14770.00 14700.00
1.5HP/1.1KW 15 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 16000.00 5.50% 16880.00 16800.00
1.5HP/1.1KW 18 1 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 15500.00 5.50% 16352.50 16300.00
1.5HP/1.1KW 21 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 18000.00 5.50% 18990.00 18900.00
1.5HP/1.1KW 25 1 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 18500.00 5.50% 19517.50 19500.00
1.5HP/1.1KW 30 1 ATALANTA/SU GUNA/ CRI/ 19500.00 5.50% 20572.50 20500.00
2.0HP/1.5KW 12 1 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 15500.00 5.50% 16352.50 16300.00
2.0HP/1.5KW 16 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 17000.00 5.50% 17935.00 17900.00
2. 0HP/1.5KW 20 1 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 18000.00 5.50% 18990.00 18900.00
2.0HP/1.5KW 25 1 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 19000.00 5.50% 20045.00 20000.00
2.0HP/1.5KW 30 1 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 19500.00 5.50% 20572.50 20500.00
2.0HP/1.5KW 40 ATALANTA/SUGUNA/ CRI/ 25000.00 5.50% 26375.00 26300.00

I ·•

Rate list of materials (MONOBLOCK TYPE-MB SERIES THREE PHASE) for SR of 2015-16
SI. Code Items Stage Unit Brand Basic Taxes Total rate Rale
No. No Rate Sliggested
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- 1 1 /0. 75 10 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 8550.00 5.50% 9020.25 9000.00

z·- . . 1.5/1 . 1 12 1
ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 10300.00 5.50% 10866.50 10800.00
3 2/1 .5 15 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 12500.00 5.50% 13187.50 13100.00

4 3/2. 2 21 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 16000.00 5.50% 16880.00 16800.00
5 5/3.7 10 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 19000.00 5.50% 20045.00 20000.00
6 7.5/5.5 12 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 24000.00 5.50% 25320.00 25300.00
7 10/7 .5 15 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 32000.00 5.50% 33760.00 33700.00


8 1 2 . 5/9.. 3 18 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 34500.00 5.50% 36397.50 36300.00
9 15/11 21 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 38500.00 5.50% 40617.50 40600.00
,_._ 10 20/1 5 25 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 50500.00 5.50% 53277.50 53200.00
11 25/18.5 30 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 65000.00 5.50% 68575.00 68500.00
12 30/22 12 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 98000.00 5.50% . 103390.00 103300.00


- '

Rate list of materials (MONOBLOCK TYPE-MB SERIES SINGLE PHASE) for SR of 2015-16 -

SI. Code Items Stage Unit Brand Basic Taxes Total rate Rale
No. No Rate sugges1Bd t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 I
1 3/2.2 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 20000.00 5.50% 21100.00 21100.00


2 5/3 .7 1 ATALANTA/ SUGUNA/ CRI / 22500.00 5.50% 23737.50 23700.00



I---- ------� - -- ---

- --- .

Code Hire Charges Component Name Unit Rate
No. Rs. Ps.

1001 Mixer (concrete) - 1 cum Capacity Day 1,600.00

1002 Vibrator (with needle) Day 350.00

Bitumen Boiler Oil Fired - 1500 ltr. Capacity hr 157.00

1005 Mini Mix Plant 6/10 TPH Day 1,600.00

1006 Wheel Burrows Day 15.00

1007 Hand Mixer Day 160.00

-t008 Farm Tractor Day 2,260.00

1010 Mechanical Paver finisher 100 TPH capacity Day 7,040.00

lipper Day 2,016.00

Front End Loader 1 cum bucket capacity hr 700.00

1013 Hot Mix Plant 40/60 TPH Day 76,960.00

Vibrator Roller Day 11,560.00
Hire charges for Tractor mounted or mini dozer Day 2,400.00
1016 Pneumatic Tyre Roller (8 Tonnes) - 25 cum/ hr Day 8,272.00
1018 Motor Grader BEML Day 15,200.00
Motorised scrapper Day 1,520.00

Wheeled Dozer D 50 BEML Day 14,000.00

1022 Hydraulic Control Paver finisher (with Electronic Sensor) 100 TPH Day 18,560.00

1023 Tractor 40 HP Day 1,520.00

1024 Tractor 50 HP Day 2,512.00

1028 Wet Mix Plant 60 TPH/ Pug Mill hr 1,133.00

1030 Air Compressor Day 2,304.00

1031 J.C.B. Excavator Day 6,720.00

1032 Water Tanker I Day Day 485.60

-----------:------------- - -- --------- ------- --


Code Hire Charges Component Name Unit Rate
No. Rs. Ps.

1069 HOM for pumping water 3.5 KL / hr capacity pump hr 50.00

HOM of Vibrator Day 200.00

1071 HOM of welding and grinding machine Day 400.00

1073 HOM of cutting and grinding machine Day 400.00

1074 HOM of cutting and grinding machine hr 50.00

1075 HOM of Machinaries for planing cum 40.00

HOM of polishing machine Day 200.00

1077 HOM of Blow lamp Day 50.00

HOM of pilling rig with Bentonite pump, etc. Day 37,960.00

HOM of pump 23 KW Day 800.00

1080 HOM of pump 9.5 KW Day 500.00

1081 HOM of pneumatic hammer and pavement braker hr 50.00

1082 HOM of screed vibrator hr 50.00

:1083 Mastic cooker Day 448.00

1084 HOM of gunniting equipment Day 400.00

HOM of drilling equipment Day 50.00

Plate vibrator having 3 Ton compaction force Day 300.00

Crane charges Day 4,000.00

Grout pump, agitator Day 300.00

HOM of 7.5 cft capacity concrete mixing machine Day 1,440.00

Crane Charges hr 500.00

1093 HOM of Machinery jack for prestressing hr 91.00

1094 HOM of spraying machine Day 75.00

Crawlar Tractor hr 200.00


- .
. ·- ..
' - ·· -··--- - � .
- ·

-. ·


·s1. Code Hire Charges Component Name Unit Rate
No. No. Rs. Ps.

73 1096 Tipper-5 cum hr 240.00

1-097 Smooth Wheeled Roller hr 386.00

75 1098 Rotavator - 25 cum / hr hr 14.55

76 1099 Ripper - 60 cum / hr hr 24.65

77 1301 Mechanical Broom Hydraulic hr 309.00

78 1302 Bitumen Pressure Distributor hr 890.00

79 1303 Emulsion Pressure Distrbutor hr 665.00

80 1304 Hotmix Plant - 120 TPH capacity hr 18,600.00

81 1305 Hotmix Plant - 100 TPH capacity hr 13,750.00

82 1306 Vacuum dewatering Sq mtr. 40.00

83 1307 Hydraulic Chip Spreader hr 2,000.00

84 1308 Pot-.:.hole Repair Machine hr 852.00

85 1309 GSB Plant 50 cum hr 902.00

86 1311 Cranes 80 tonnes hr 971.00

87 1312 Cranes 35 tonnes hr 647.00

88 1313 Cranes 3 tonnes hr 270.00

89 1314 Concrete Bucket - 1 cum capacity hr 12.30

90 1315 Kerb Casting Machine hr 280.00

91 1317 Piling Rig with Bantonite Pump hr 4,745.00

92 1321 Generator 100 KVA hr 630.00

93 1322 Generator 33 KVA hr 296.00

94 1324 Road Marking Machine hr 67.30

95 1325 Mobile Slurry Seal Equipment hr 802.00

96 0135 Drilling Equipment (Tractor mounted) Day 1,920.00


-----------'-----�--�------- -


,:j-· - Code
t{ SI. Hire Charges Component Name Unit Rate
No. No. Rs. Ps.
�,-_--,, ' 97 1326 Integrated stone crusher of 200 TPH including belt conveyor hr 13,150.00
vibrating screens

98 1327 Hot Mix Plant 20 to 40 TPH Capacity hr 4,580.00

·- . _i
99 1501 Grout pump with agitator & accessories hr 800.00
-_ ,._.__

- ---,c; -
0 -100 1503 Epoxy Injection gun hr 275.00
- -;c'

- ;,Ji ••�Jo2
10 1 1506 Shotcreteing equipment hr 100.00
1511 Stressing jack with pump hr 150.00
_:j;,::'. ,_, __
- - 103 -- 1515 Hire charges for jack of 40 tonne lifting capacity No. 3,300.00
_ 104 1517 Cement concrete batch mix at 75 cum/ hr hr 1,800.00
.- ·
:� 105 1527 Road sweeper at 1250 sqm/hr hr 276.00
---- --106 1528 Cement concrete batch mix at 175 cum/hor (effective output) hr. 7,904.00
-101 1529 Electric generator set 250 KVA hr 750.00

--- 108 1530 Slip form paver with electronic sensor hr 1,800.00

...,.. .... "�109 1532 Concrete joint cutting machine hr 1,565.00

110 1535 Batch type cold mixing plant 100 - 120 TPH capacity hr 8,000.00
.• ..,
producing an average output of 75 tonne per hour

- -�'--
::·J11 1550 Motorised barge of 20 tonne capacity hr 500.00

112 1551 Boat to carry at least 20 persons hr 110.00

-_ 113 0902 base mix plant (pug mill) hr 1,133.00
----� . �- --
114 0965 Transit mixer 4 cum oapacity for lead beyond 1 km 2.00
= ---... ��--
115 0970 Usage of plant & equipment for pneumatic method of hr 400.00
well sinking

-_, 116 0996 Air Compressor 250 cfm with pneumatic breaker/ jack hammer hr 257.00
� --,-_ - along with accessori_es
--- .
-- ..-; 117 0999 Compressor with guniting equipment along with accessories hr 275.00

'i- -- - -
118 137 Concrete paver finisher with 40 HP Motor hr 2,170.00

c,Qete c,Qoj)�dd) �e!Jilea,jo:!a)ef\ 2:)odd) � t-9�!:!) ��Nel57' ��&3, �'c?ra� �� �m�d�o
�Tkib i
2015-J6�e �o�� z3eJm<1,J ��ci ei�MO �5dd cidlieJ� ei�o5 01-04-20I5 eoci �e11
z;)cb� o$ el:l e�e;i:b� z;)n,_
1. Directorate of Economics and Statistics, M.S. Building, Bangalored�d en� ;r;lo.: DEN 01:PWX
: 2008 ei�o'iS l0-02-2009.
2. G'l 5e,:lee e:,de!l ;r;lo. t,t,:z.3 �:CJ�MO:ci en:2007-08 CJ: 23-04-2007.
3. ��F"5 ��&3 ;i:b�ee3 en� ;r;lo. ��=173:c::i�c::ioi::!�io6 CJ : 30-04-2007.
4. ;r;l�F"dci en�ci ;r;!�'<I �: 46 : e:,OS' �c::i� 2008 CJ : 24-05-2008.
5. im� � 0£:3N�OS'd�d el:l� ;i::lo.i!.i2:ic::iN6' 201 �c::iN6'c::io CJ��e: 04-05 ei�o5 23-01-2008.
6. ��F"5 e:,cm,)� a�a en� ;r;lo. c::ioc:!�'<lc::i: �:so :i!Je:,OS'-11:2008-09. CJ.01-06-2008.
7. e:,de!l;i::lo t,t,:z3.�:CJ�MO:cidel:l�:2008-09:CJNC)0516-08-2008.

8. e:,de!l ;r;lo t,t,:z.3.�:CJ�MO:cidel:l�:2009-10:1399 CJMl0501-07-2009.

9. e:,de!l ;r;lo t,t,:z.3.�:CJc=:lMO:ciden�:2010-11 :519 CJNCl05 30-04-2010.

10. e:,de!l ;,:lo t,t,:z.3.�:CJc=:lMO:ciden�:2011-12:258 CJ�o520-04-2011.
� i:
11. 2;so� Ndn�5cb, e:,tpF"5 ���o£l'<l5 Ndn��e.:,cmd�d en� ;.So. e:,�oN:0l:z35o;i:l.rci:2012
12. e:,de!l ;.So t,t,:z.3.�=��-2:CJc=:lMO:ciden�:2012-13:481 CJ�o515-05-2012.

13. Z;sQ� NdF"e�5cb, C:,lpF"5 ��Ncl0�5 Ndf"e�NC)e;)cxi:)d�d en� ;i::lo. C:,NclON:01:z35o;i:l.rci:2013
14. G'l 5ZSee e:,de!l ;i::lo �;r;l=��-2CJci en:2013-14:411 CJ:08-05-2013.

15. 2;so� Ndn!l5rn, e:,tpF"5 ��Nclo�5 Ndn�Mle.:,cmd�d en� ;.So. e:,NcloN:0l:z35o;i:l.rci:2014
CJNCl05 l4-02-2014.
16. G'l 5ZSW e:,de!l ;r;lo : z.3.�: �;;:s=��-2:CJci en:20114-15:222 CJMl0526-04-2014.

11. Ndn�5rn, e:,tpF"5 � -Nclo�5 Ndn!!Nele.:,cmd�d en� ;r;lo. e:,NcloN:01 :z35o;i:l.rci:201s

e.roe3..,ero-4d ;;:s �F"dci el:l�oo.., CJNCl05 04-04-2008 doci:l �� �cmF"ci�F"neJ t,�'<lt$cm� c=:l!:!ci
c=:l���cm� e.:,n�i!.i �e�eenoia)er\ ��&3cm oden�ne,,-i� CJc=:lMO �5detl 5N� CJ�MO od�� N71t;)
en�;i:b� z;)flA '8eJ50c:!o$ e:,de!l Ne�cb�o.J

1. Public works, Ports & Inland Water Transport Department should direct all the Superintending
Engineers who are competent to approve the S.Rs to follow the Notification issued by the Labour
Department in respect of Labour Component of the S.Rs with effect from 2008-09.
2. All departments of the Government should follow the Notification issued from time to time by the
Labour Department with regard to Minimum wages currently for payment to the Daily Wage
Employees. Wherever daily wages being paid are higher than those notified by the Labour
Department the rates will be frozen till the increases are neutralized by CPI through periodic
notification of Labour Department.
t,ddo$ ��F"5 ��&3 t,t;)�z.5� ;r;lo. ��=95:c::i�c::ioc:!� :2008 z3 oneJJ'clcb eiNClo5: 25-01-2011 d ��d
�M ��F"5 ��&3cm ;i:b�Je3 e.roe3..,ero-3do$ e::s:,�5eog, 5e,3W en� e.roe3..,ero-5do$ CJ�o5 0l-04-2015 eoci
31-03-2016d�dtl ec:3.:i ®;i:b�o;! �i:55 2.:le3 ;.ir.)t5cl'<l o5ci�cE�cb� aj;! eo1!!:l'5-a aj;! tJc:3'5-a 4 �l� (M>�-a �,1�) ��
�$'<1cxi:)� 5eJ5Cc:!O$ e35-a aScl5�r\d.

.. ·Ol-04-2015 eod 31-03-2016d�drl �m� �355 z.3e3 �W)�otJ 6205
e:,Q �t3� ;r:!o.iiei�-95: c:::i�c:::io1J�i2oos z.3ort�m tl: zs-01-2011 3944

�5�;rj 2261
�· 01-04-20150od 31-03-2016d�drl e:,���;i:b�o� �i.55 z.3e3

_.�o5d�<5�/\m�dt!,¼ aj,l o�t!,¼ 4 �e1�o:bo� 2261 X 0.04 = 90.44

��i,j�'IS �! !ort..;rl M. 90.44x 30 = 2713.20
�d�iii o�rt�rl �F\�mrt = 2713.20
� tJO"t:ii!a ��i,ja?.S = M. 104.35
ts� .;r:!o. iiei�:95:c:::i�c:::ioiJ�..,l2oos z.3orteJ�m o�otJ: 25-01-2011do$�� dd awM a)�i,j$'1S �eeN
c!') ddrteJ� eromi.5d�rl geJ501Jo� NiiQ �Q;r:!z.3eiie>F\m�d.


. SKILLED 145.20 104.35 249.55
SEMI SKILLED 140.20 '104.35 244.55

5el�F"5�(;ji)�o:b e:,��t5�o:b���om� 5el�F"5 ab�rl (Semi Skilled) ab�o:b����o;sd ab�c:::iod.)

·_ �N O�Mc!') dd Nii��QNd.
. �-�F"5�(;ji)�o:b e:,Q�is� 0�05 25-01-2011d �iieid 2015-16�o:;�c!')rl O�Mc!') dd71eJ�3�C�&i
)ieJ� 2014-lS�e me!')� drcle�e��ef\ �(;ji)�fl �ec!').t.m71&1158 O�Mc!') ddrt� 2014-lS�e mo��
-� _Q�m� ddn..;rio3 ��m�deod&1ddrt� 2015-16�e m!lrl �e� dd ��..,e��rtPifrl awM �(;ji)�o:b�
c!') e:,�dd�N�e:-&;i:b�m� �5dCM e:,�cm�rb�d. (�� iiei o:be:-d�e:-cm�d �2:3cm �eo� �d��cm
ct� l�e �2c:3e Nr.JF"o:biieJ��o:b)

""'> .,,.u ·'"!f ;rjo. e,c,:��:ae,;ri:m�o-7:0c':111.rcle'.l:ddid� 2015-16/ 00692 o�o'd: 22-05-2015

aj,;rJc)_.��o:b�e:,d5�ram� e:,o;i;r1e,;i� �e71raN 2015-16�e mo� �e5.fcle�wera ��� z.3�m� �e)�d
� �c!') ddrteJ� (�� �e�� �� �e�� N�F"a5r.i i,j��) do$ dd��cmo� dd�te��n�rl e:,eJ�l:3;i:;b� �c!')
-"��i1 (Labour Component of the SR} awM�(;ji)�o:bc!') 0C:SM0 e:,mdde'.) N�F"&;i:;b�d.)� �5d0rl ami�!;i:b�
·tt�:-�- <'\'i!:J��F\ ��
M • M ...&J
'. '�'.,-,:..-:::,��\:-·:-:';\_ .
e:,�Jo:bt5ilrb�o$ 0�05 Ol-04-2015Cod �erl �m�o� �e�ON e:,��ed� NeiJ�fld.
"- . . .,. ,, . ;;,.,,. ,

ing &1 ddri� o�otJOI-04-20I50od �ddrclo�

n �oo� e:,ce�d�drl �eo:be;m�d. M ..0


Je ;r:!&/-
ur (��- wi�.tbodd1')
e:,�e�i e:,�cmo;sdm
�e�o �� ��m �(;ji)@3
z.3�m� �.J� z.3�m�


�!ext>� c,dd$�F"d�f\ ;rjq�d.
1) �i:jle)� �o:bF"d!>F"li�, �e�e�o'ir.lel'\, z:iodcb o::b�2.,9Nil@ �c.,mOrt �m&S, ��;r.l;i5'e)Q, �oli9Jclcb
2) �o:bF"d!>F"li�, dr.le�e�o'ir.lef'I, z:iodcb �2.,9Nilct:, �c.,mort �m�, ��;r.l;i5'e)Q, �oli9Jclcb
3) �o:bF"d!>F"li\°b, dr.le�e�o'ir.le f\ �m&S, 5NilF"l35 ;r.l � F"d, Ne�.::!o, ��;r.l;i5'e)Q, �oli�cb.
4) e:,o:m�cb, ;!N� �t.Jelli, �e �o:m� 2.:l�c6121i9 ;i5'i)Q, �oli9Jclcb
5) e:,o:m�cb, ;!N� �t.Jelli, ( �oo:iod �139') �i:jle)� ;i5'e)Q, t3oli9Jclcb.
6) �i:jle)� �� �OtSNeo:bdcb, �c.,;r.lo��c., e:,Qa::ii�;r.101 e:,� od�� a::ii� t3oli9Jclcb.
- - -1) .:m� eQo:b03dcb, ;rJo�'dF" o::b�e�it"lli� (dtr.i), t3oli�cb
8) �� e:,Qo:b03dcb, ;rJo�'dF" �e�tirl\'b ( �d), i:jJe>dma.
9) �� e:,Qo:bo3dcb, ;rJ�Ne�.::!o, t3oli�cb.
10) �� e:,Qo:bo3dcb, ��emQa::ii��m�, t3oli9Jclcb.
H-) �� e:,Qo:bo;!dcb,Ne�.::!O (dtr.i) �;r.l..Jc)cb, Ne�.::!o ( �d), t39mo .
12) �� e:,Qo:b03dcb, �'\eo:b ��o, t3oli9Jclcb.
13) �� e:,Qo:bo;!dcb, ;rJ�Ne�.::!o, �t!i>�d.
14) �� e:,Qo:b03dcb,tTollic.,�e���r.i e:,Qa::ii��t;)�d,tTollic.,iL'ile�.
15) �� e:,Qo:b03dcb, t3oli9Jclcb e:,Qi:!i��t;)�d, t3oli9Jclcb.
16) �� e:,Qo:b03dcb, t3oli9Jcld.)Neeb ;rJdz:i�� �2.,92-500 12 o::bo a�, t3oli9Jclcb.
17) .::!.:laweSe�im>c., ecb, 5NilF"l35 , t3oli9Jclcb 1 �2.
1 8) e:,o:m�cb, ��lid ;rJ�, t39m�.

�!ext>� �&!�n asi>M ;E!tc)t �tb��n efwib&�'1c>a�nd.

1) e:,Qete e:,Qo:b03dcb eir.:le�e�o.itilel'\, z:iodcb o::b�2.,9Nil@ �e,mort �m�, .::!,>� �oli9Jclcb =�,1;r.l..Jc)cb: .::!.:loli9Jclcb:
aw;r.l�: !>.::!iircl� z:i�o: ro�mF": i:jJe>dma �.::!Ort.
2) e:,Qete e:,Qo:b03ocb, �'\eo:b ��o i:!i� i:jJe>dma: t3oli9Jclcb.
3) e:,Qete e:,Qo:b03dcb, ��er.i e:,Qi:!i��otSNeo:boo� i:!i� t39m�: t3oli9..r.icb: ro c., z:im.F" : �;r.l..Jc)cb.
4) e:,Qete e:,Qo:b03dcb, .;:!).z:i.ti��i:jJe>dma:.;:!).�.ti �� i:!i�� �e.:o ! eq:!F":itS.::!� c!1l3�t.Jel : z:ie,dot! � e.:o� �F"r.i
i:!i� &ae� ��.
5) e:,Qete e:,Qo:bo;!dcb, t!e.tNe�.::!o i:!i� t-3,,;!m�.
6) e:,Qete e:,Qo:bo3dcb, ror.i �d.::!;i:J i:!i� i:jle)dma.
7) �o:bF"NmF"m� e:,Qo:bo;!dd.), dr.m!Jcle�oialef'\, z:iocid.) �;!� 2.,y�a.) �c.,mort �m� �t.Jelli, 2JYm�,
t!�el2:tTolli�e� =�t!.>$,d
81 �o:bF"NmF"cS'd e:,Qo:b03dcb,tS��om� �OtSNeo:boo� �t.Jelli, t39m�, t!iL'il/12, �t!i>�d, tTolli�e�.
9) �o:bF"NmF"cSe e:,Qo:b03d.), ror.i �o.::!;i:J ��li, i:jle)oma.
10) �o:bF"NmF"cSe e:,Qo:bo3cb, �e � ��� �t.Jelli, �oli9Jclcb.
11) Project Director, Centre for E-Governance, E-Procurement Cell, Room No. 141, M.S. Building �.::!Ort ;r.ldO
!��120:0� �-��ce-�o��� e:,��er39' �ae.:o �edmf\d
12) ;r.lawo:b'd �o:bF"im>C)� e:,Qo:b03dd.), eir.:le .� ero��t.Jelli •.••..................: ........
13) �!o:b� e:,Qete e:,Qo:b03cb �ort�&!mf\
14) �!o:b� e:,.e:,. �;rj:N2.:JOQ'dcb:;r.l�o -1,2,3,4,5,6,7,�8d.::!t5rt , 12�0-21 itr4: �.�;EJS'.l,. �.::!On�&!mf\.

e:,Qet5 e:,Qo±l03dcb
e3.Ji)e�o c::b� ��m ���


(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
New labour rate to be adopted from 01-04-2015


Particulars Basic DA Total Basic DA Total

155.20 104.35 259.55 148.20 104.35 252.55

Graduate in Engineering 160.20 104.35 264.55 154.20 104.35 258.55
LT.I. Certificates Holder 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
Job Oriented Diploma Holder 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
fll!.��door Light/Bisti 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
Stone Wadder (Heavy) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
Stone Wadder (Light) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
$tone revetment builder/ 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
1-!_c:>rt Supr/Gauge
Scavenger 141.18 104.35 245.53 104.35
139.61 243.96
s��eper 141.18 104.35 245.53 104.35
139.61 243.96
Mason Class I (with tools) 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20
104.35 246.55


.. ;;,
� ·� -·Mason Class ll(with tools)
140.20 104.35 244.55 104.35
139.20 243.55
Carpenter Class I (with tools) 145.20 104.35 249.55 104.35
142.20 246.55
Carpenter Class II ( - do -) 140.20 104.35 244.55 104.35
139.20 243.55
.Carpenter Assistant 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20
104.35 243.55
,,Stone Dresser (with tools) 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
Painter Class II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
VV�ite/Colour Washer 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
· Wagon Driller/Pnematic tamper 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
.Stone Chistler Calss I 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
Stone Chistler Class II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
· Floor Polishermle Layer 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
; /�a} Bar Bender/Welder I 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
; . b) Bar bender/Welder II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
'." . :Driver for light vehicle 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
Driver for heavy vehicle 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
. J:>river for road rollers 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
·Manual Driller 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
· Science Graduate employed 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
:/J:0:\. - : in Labo��tc>ry .
. 32 Arts/Commerce Graduate 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
- ·- _employed in Office

(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
New labour rate to be adopted from 01-04-2015


'sf:- Particulars Basic DA Total Basic DA Total
·-3-3- - licenced Blaster 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
34 Blaster Helper 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
�5 Hammer man/Stone Breaker 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
36 Licenced Plumber with tools 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
37 Licenced electri Wiremen 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
fitter with tools
38 Lineman 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
39 Auto Electrician/ Mechanic Grade I 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
40 Auto Electrician/Mecnic Gracie 11 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
41 Gas or Electric Welder 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
42 Telephone Operator/Lineman 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
43 Telephone Mechanic 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
44 Telephone Attender 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
45 Wireless Operator 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
46 Fitter Class I 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
47 Fitter Class II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
48 Mechanic Class I/Mechanic 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.�5
HmP Grade I/EME Grade I
49 Mechanic Class II/Mechanic 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
HmP Grade I/EME Grade Ill
50 Operator/Heavy/CC Mixer/ 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
Stone Crusher/Motor Mill
51 Operator/Heavy/CC Mixer/ 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
Stone Crusher/Motor Mill
52 Operator Light/Pump 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
Vibrator/Grinder/Air conditioner
53 Turner 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
54 Tinker (With tools) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
55 Cleaner 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
56 Crest Gate operator 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
57 Gate Operator for Dam 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
58 Sluice gate operator for Dam 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
�sg- f--�luicem-anfor-canals 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
60 Foreman Grade I 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55


_ (for payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
New labour rate to be adopted from 01-04-2015


Particulars Basic DA Total Basic DA Total

140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55

•·"·' . ·
.pperator Grade II 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
;with Helmet working 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
_ er Pneumatic pressure
ers (ord.inary) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent _Cadre
! ..$inker 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20. 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
jiographer (Senior) 1.40.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
\109�_pher (Junior) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
·-· it(�enior) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
t Ju!lJ()r) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
- ;,� :gJ?erator 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
atory Attender 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
141.18 104.35 245.53 139.61 104.35 243.96
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
n with cart and single 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55

140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

140.20 ·104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

·· un pipe moulder Class II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
....t�ary/Sowdy/Neerganti 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
�,- ·-·:cultural Assistant (Trained) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
:: _ tman (Licenced) with boat
.�--�-r 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
140.20 104.3q 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55

(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)
New labour rate to be adopted from 01-04-2015


SI. Particulars Basic DA Total Basic DA Total

gr Fireman 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
92 Gangman/Survey/mazdoor 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
93 Wood Sawer (with tools) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
94 Compounder/Pharmasist 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
95 Compunder (SSLC) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
96 School Bus Conductor 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
97 I.B. Maity 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
98 I.B. Waterman 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
99 Photographer 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
100 Dhobi 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
101 Artisan Chistler 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
102 Artisan Mason 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
103 Artisan Helper 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
104 Artisan fitter 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
105 Assistant Mechanic 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
106 Blacksmith Grade I 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
107 Blacksmith Grade II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
108 Cook 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
109 Drilling/Grouting Operator Gr.I 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
110 Drilling/Grouting operator Gr.II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
n1 Engineering Degree Final 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
Year course completed
112 Engineering Diploma Final 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
year course completed
113 Electrician or Lineman with 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
wireman permit
114 Foreman - heavy machinery 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
work shop (General)
115 Fabricator 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
116 Field Asst. spraying attender, 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
Plant propagators, Prunders
with Horticulture Dept. certificate
117 Mali (Gardner) trained 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
--· ----- - -- -143- aU-fGani�untrained heavy 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
119 Mali (Gardner) Untrained light 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre


(For payment of wages of dally wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)

New labour rate to be adopted from 01-04-2015

tt <-· �-
Particulars Basic DA Total Basic DA Total
1':., ,.1---+------------11----+---+-----4---+---+-----1--------1
120· Literate Assistant (Graduate) 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55 Equivalent Cadre
.. ..: 121 Literate Assistant (SSLC passed) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
- 122 Literate Assistant (Non SSLC) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
123 Hammer Mazdoor 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
·, 124 Helper (Electrical) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
�-·-.'- · -125 Medicine sprayer - Malnad 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
. , . _ ._ .. 126 Medicine sprayer - Maidan 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

. ..,, .....
. 127 Jack Hammer DriUer 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
128 Laboratory Asst. (Graduate) 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55 Equivalent Cadre
-- 1-29 Laboratory Asst. (SSLC Passed) 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
..,.-=�- 130 Machinist Class - I 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
�-..::.+- ·1-31 Machinist Class - II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
· "· . 132 Operator for pump compressor 140.20 .104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55
' ·
Mixer without ITI
i: .,.• , 133 Drilling mechanic Grade I
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
:2.t.::-' 134 Drilling mechanic Grade II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

,·: .;··-�-- ,.,135 Revenue Surveyor 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

�- · ,�t
..":--;: "._ -136 Gate Operator Grade I 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
137 Gate Operator Grade II 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
. 138 Sluice Gate Operator Unskilled 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
.,_..........."·�+139 Stone cutter Class - I 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
140 Stone cutter Class - II · 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

- 141 Sismological Asst. having 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
.. graduation in Geology

i/}f . 142 Typist (Senior passed graduate) 145.20 104.35 249.55 104.35
142.20 246.55 Equivalent Cadre
\:}t 143 Tracer/Blue Printer 141.18 104.35 245.53 104.35
139.61 243.96
-- · .. ;,:-,�,,.. 144 Turner with ITI Certifiate Gr.I 140:20 104.35 244.55 104.35
139.20 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
::7:�, 145 Turner with ITI Certificate Gr.II 140.20 104.35 244.55 104.35
139.20 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
. . 146 Valveman 140.20 104.35 244.55 104.35
139.20 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
_ .� 147 Welder Grade I 140.20 104.35 244.55 104.35
139.20 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

I _. :,�-
--·-H48 Welder Grade II
149 Work lnspector/Maistry/Supervisor
f---l.150 __do;;;..Graduate

244.55 104.35
249.55 142.20 104.35

Equivalent Cadre

Equivalent Cadre
I � ..:. :-:-:_,.,_
151 _do_SSLC passed
140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre

, __ .- -
--.1_ .._________--L..____,___
---------------- --
- - -�- -- - ---- ··


(For payment of wages of daily wage employees & For adoption in data rates and preparation of SR)

New labour rate to be adopted from 01-04-2015


SI. Particulars Basic DA Total Basic DA Total
152 _do_Non SSLC 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
153 Electrical Inspector with 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
Supervisor with
5 years experience
154 Driver for Rig 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55
155 Ex-Serviceman/Night Watchman 141.18 104.35 245.53 139.61 104.35 243.96 Equivalent Cadre
156 Sallower 141.18 104.35 245.53 139.61 104.35 243.96
157 Chinnadika Cooli 140.20 104.35 244.55 139.20 104.35 243.55 Equivalent Cadre
158 Saranga/Khasasi 145.20 104.35 249.55 142.20 104.35 246.55

1) � ffif.)� Cl�MO ddli� CJ: 01.04.2015 ood 23vOa:D0Mcb�dJ.
2) e) �e)a:D-1 (?:S.r.lecv6'-l ):t3�M:&eo� �11�11 ii:m� e1a:Dw.Jrb�o.
�) �e)a:D-2 (?:S.r.lecv6'-2) �e)ai) 1d �oe�li��c5.feld:!);;!S�� UD�d
�oe�li�n e:i1a:Dw.Jrb�d:l.

Superintedning Engineer
PW,P & IWTD, Belagavi Circle,



ti Description
� SI. No. Unit Rate
l!g' Rs. Ps.

if ·· 1.1 KSRB 0.5-1.1 : Providing cement mortar of mix 1:1 (1 cement : cum 10,490.00
1 sand) including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of
-- machinery complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 0.5-1.2
· · · J,�-- KSRB 0.5-1.2 : - do-cement mortar of mix 1:2 cum 7,940.00
· �-:'·1:3 KSRB 0.5-1.3 : -do-cement mortar of mix 1:3 cum 6,670.00

1.4 KSRB 0.5-1.4: -do-cement mortar of mix 1:4 cum 5,540.00

- -·""I .5 KSRB 0.5-1.5 : -do-cement mortar of mix 1:5 cum 2,930.00

__:_1-6_ KSRB 0.5-1.6: -do-cement mortar of mix 1:6 cum 4,400.00

1.7 KSRB 0.5-1.7 : -do-cement mortar of mix 1:8 cum 3,880.00

'""" ·1.8 KSRB 0.5-1.8: -do-cement mortar of mix 1:10 cum 3,530.00
1.9 KSRB 0.5-2.1 : Providing lime mortar of mix 1:1 (1 lime putty : cum 3,520.00
1 sand) including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of machinery
complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 0.5-2.1
·.. 1.10 KSRB 0.5-2.2 : -do-lime mortar of mix 1:2 (1 lime putty : 2 sand) cum 3,400.00

1.11 KSRB 0.5-2.3 : -do -lime mortar of mix 1:3 (1 lime putty : 3 sand) cum 3,350.00
including cost of all materials, labour charges.
KSRB 0.5-3.1 : Providing lime surkhi mortar of mix 1:1 (1 lime putty cum 2,620.00
: 1 surkhi) including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS

_J.:J3 KSRB 0.5-3.2 : - do - lime surkhi mortar of mix 1:2 (1 lime putty : cum 2,210.00
2 surkhi)
1.14 KSRB 0.5-3.3 : - do - lime surkhi mortar of mix 1:3 (1 lime putty : cum 2,005.00
3 surkhi)
1.15 KSRB 0.5-4.1 : Providing lime surkhi sand mortar of mix 1:1 :1 cum 2,760.00
(1 lime putty : 1 surkhi : 1 sand) including cost of all materials, labour
charges, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
1.16 KSRB 0.5-4.2 :-do-lime surkhi sand mortar of mix 1:1 :2 (1 lime putty cum 2,200.00
: 1 surkhi : 2 sand)
1.17 KSRB0.5-5.1 : Providing cement mortar with stone dust/grit of mix 1 :2 cum 6,715.00
(1 cement : 2 stone dust/grit) including cost of all materials, labour
charges, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS



SI. No. Description Unit Rate tj

Rs. Ps.

KSRB 0.5-6.1: Providing cement lime mortar of mix 1 :1 :3 cum 6,720.00 I

(1 cement : 1 lime putty:3 sand) including cost of all materials, labour
charges, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 0.5-2.3

1.19 KSRB 0.5-6.2 : - do -cement lime mortar of mix 1:1:4 (1 cement cum 6,240.00
1lime putty:4 sand}

1.20 KSRB 0.5-6.3 : - do - cement lime mortar of mix 1:1:5 (1 cement cum 5,920.00
1lime putty:5 sand}
1.21 KSRB 0.5-6.4: - do - cement lime mortar of mix 1:1:6 (1 cement cum 5,285.00
1lime putty:6 sand)
1.22 KSRB 0.5-6.5 : - do - cement lime mortar of mix 1:1 :7 (1 cement cum 4,950.00
1lime putty: 7 sand)
1.23 KSRB 0.5-6.6: - do -cement lime mortar of mix 1:1:8 (1 cement cum 4,630.00
1lime putty: 8 sand)
1.24 KSRB 0.5-6.7: - do - cement lime mortar of mix 1:2:9 (1 cement cum 4,695.00
2Iime putty: 9 sand)
1.25 KSRB 0.5-6.8: -do -cement lime mortar of mix 1:3:12 (1 cement cum 4,400.00
31ime putty: 12 sand)
1.26 KSRB O.5-7.1: Providing white cement mortar with marble dust of cum 18,170.00
mix 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 marble dust) including cost of all materials,
labour charges, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
1.27 " KSRB 0.5-7.2: -do-white cement mortar with marble dust of mix 1:3 cum 14,210.00
(1 white cement: 3 marble dust)
1.28 KSRB 0.5-7.3:-do-white cement mortar with marble dust of mix 1:4 cum 11,060.00
(1 white cement: 4 marble dust)
1.29 KSRB 0.5-7.4:-do -white cement mortar with marble dust of mix 1:5 ·cum 9,360.00
(1 white cement: 5 marble dust)

1.30 KSRB 0.5-8.1 : Providing fly ash sand mortar of mix 1 :1.5:3 (1 cement cum 4,585.00
: 1.5 fly ash : 3 sand) including cost of all materials, labour charges,
HOM of machinery complete as per specifications. .

Specification No. KBS 0.5-2.4 ij
1.31 KSRB 0.5-8.2: -do - fly ash sand mortar of mix 1:2:4 (1 cement : cum 3,800.00
2 fly ash : 4 sand)
1.32 KSRB 0.5-8.3: -do -fly ash sand mortar of mix 1 :2.5:5 (1 cement : cum 3,360.00

2.5 fly ash: 5 sand) 1
1.33 KSRB 0.5-8.4 : - do -fly ash sand mortar of mix 1:3:6.5 (1 cement : cum 3,015.00
3 fly ash: 6.5 sand)
1.34 Mud Mortar cum 222.00 ilw




SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


2.1 KSRB 2-1.1 : Earthwork in surface excavation in ordinary soil for cum 150;00
levelling and lowering the ground manually (other than foundation of
---------hHttdings, culverts, road drains and trenches of pipe lines and cables)
and removing the excavated stuff to a distance not exceeding 50m and
lift upto 1.5m, excavated surface levelled and neatly dressed, disposed
- to be levelled after breaking of clods and neatly dressed as per
specification. No. KBS 2.1(a)/ 2.3.1

· 2.? KSRB 2-1.2: - do - Hard soil cum 207.00

Note: Adopt item 2.24 for excavation in all types of soils for lowering
& levelling the ground for building works by mechanical means
KSRB 2-2.1 : Earthwork excavation for foundation of buildings, cum 177.00
water supply, sanitary lines and electrical conduits either in pits or
in trenches 1.5m and above in width, in ordinary soil not exceeding
1.5 m. in depth including dressing the bottom and sides of pits and
trenches, stacking the excavated soil clear from edges of excavation with
lead upto 50 m. after breaking of clods complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS 2.1(a)/ 2.3.5
KSRB 2-2.2 : Earthwork excavation for foundation of buildings, water cum 266.00
supply, sanitary lines and electrical conduits either in pits or in trenches
1.5m and above in width, in hard soil not exceeding 1.5 m. in depth
including dressing the bottom and sides of pits and trenches, stacking
the excavated soil dear from edges of excavation with lead upto 50 m.
after breaking of clods complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS 2.1(b)/ 2.3.5
KSRB 2-2.3 : Excavation 1.5m and above in width in soft rock by cum 480.00
blasting for foundation of buildings, water supply, sanitary lines and
electrical conduits either in pits or in trenches not exceeding 1.5 m. in
depth, stacking the excavated stuff from edges of excavation with lead
upto 50m including cost of explosives, labour and HOM of equipment
complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS 2.1.C / 2.9.4 / 2.18 I 2.19
2,6 KSRB 2-2.4 : - do - in soft rock without blasting cum 825.00
2.7 KSRB 2-2.5 : Excavation 1.5m and above in width in hard rock by cum 515.00
blasting for foundation of buildings, water supply, sanitary lines and
electrical conduits either in pits or in trenches not exceeding 1.5 m. in
depth, stacking the excavated stuff from edges of excavation with lead
upto 50m including cost of explosives, labour and HOM of equipment
complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS 2.1.d / 2.3.4 / 2.18 / 2.19
KSRB 2.2.6 : Excavation 1.5m and above in width in hard rock by cum 1,185.00
chiselling and/ or wedging, where blasting is prohibited for foundation
of buildings, water supply, sanitary lines and electrical conduits either
· - -in pits or in trenches 1.5 m. in depth stacking the excavated stuff clear
from the edge of excavation with lead upto 50m including cost of labour
complete as per specifications. Specification. No. KBS

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 2.2.7: Benching hard rock 5 to 7.5 cm depth. for seating of Sqm 1,260.00
foundation, including cost of all labour complete as per specifications.
· · specification. No: KBS 2.1(a)/ 2.3.1
...,.;;;.;,....;...:...r,,.40--�1,RB-2,3+.Filling.available excavated earth ( excluding rock ) in sides cum 120.00
of foundations upto plinth in layers not exceeding 20 ems. in depth,
compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with lead
---��.�--�upt0"50m;-··and lift upto 1.5 m. including cost of all labour complete as
per specifications.
specification. No. KBS 2.9

2.11 KSRB 2-4 : Refilling available earth around pipe lines, cables in layers cum 72.00
not exceeding 20cms in depth, compacting each deposited layer by
ramming after watering with lead upto 50m. and lift upto 1.5 m. including
cost of all labour complete as per specifications.

2.12 KSRB 2.5 : Earthwork excavation in soil deposits and filling sides cum 240.00
of foundation upto plinth in layers not exceeding 20cms. in depth,
compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering with all
lead and lift including cost of all labour complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS 2.9.9 / / 2.1.1

2.13 KSRB 2.6 : Providing and filling sand in foundation upto plinth to cum 1,850.00
required depth for sub soil treatment including watering ramming with
all lead and lift complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS 2.10.2

2.14 KSRB 2.7 : Providing and removing shoring and strutting for Sqm 500.00
protecting the sides of foundation trenches, wherever required,
including cost of all materials and labour complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS 2.5 / 2.13

2.15 KSRB 2.8 : Providing and Filling in foundation with granite/ trap cum 1,880.00
broken metal 100mm. and down size, with approved sand including
hand packing, ramming, watering, including cost of all materials and
labour with all lead and lift. complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS

2.16 KSRB 2.9 : Spreading and forming the excavated earth to required Sqm 5.50
level, slope for an average thickness of 75mm. in all classes of soils
including breaking clods and tamping manually alround the building and
low laying areas complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS:

2.17 KSRB 2.10 : Providing sand cement bed with 5% cement with all cum 2,790.00
leads for all materials and lift of 1.5 m. machine mixed, laid in layers of
15cms. thick and well compacted for foundation, including curing cost
of materials labour and HOM complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS

2.1 8 KSRB 2.11 : - do - sand cement bed with 10% cement cum 3,420.00

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

2.19 KSRB 2.12 : Providing sand piles with all leads and lift of 1.5 m. for Sqm 200.00
stabilising foundation after duly making 5 ems. dia holes to a depth
of 1.2 to 1.5 m. at 0.5 m c to c and filling with sand and tamping
wherever required including cost of materials, labour complete as per
specification. No. KBS
-----2.�:2'0 - - KSRB 2.13: - do - sand and 10% cement Sqm 232.00
2-21 KSRB 2.14-1: Extra for additional lift of 1.5m. or part thereof for cum 11.80
excavation In loose/ soft or hard soil including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications.
, ___ _ _ specification. No. KBS

____,2.22 KSRB 2.14-2: - do - in soft or hard rock cum 21.00

2.23 Earth work excavation for foundation of structures by mechanical

means as per drawing and technical specification, including setting
out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom, backfilling
the excavation earth to the extent required and utilising/ transporting
the remaining earth locally upto 1.00km lead. (Depth upto 3.00 Mts)
2.23.1 - do - Ordinary/Hard soil cum 45.00
:'- ;"'• -2.23.2 - do - Ordinary Rock (not requiring blasting) cum 60.00
---·2.23.3 - do - Hard Rock (requiring blasting) cum 497.00
-; -i-�,;·2.23.4 - do - Marshy soil cum 320.00
,-;.:_..,;=::2._24 Earth work for lowering and levelling the ground other than foundation cum 57.00
works by mechanical means upto 3.00 depth, including providing
shoring and strutting, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom, filling back the excavation earth to the
extent required including the cost of labour & HOM of machineries, as
per drawing and technical specification.
, KSRB2.2
1. Excavation for foundation of buildings, water supply sanitary lines,
electrical conduits either in pits or in trenches where excavation
width is above 600 mm below 1.5 mtrs. depth add 25% extra and
for width upto 600 mm add 50% extra for respective rates due to
� KSRB2-2
restricted conditions.

- ____
2. Extra for excavation under water conditions and/or foul conditions
including bailing/pumping out, removing slush add 20% of the rate
� of the respective rate on account of slow progress of work under
-----�--- these conditions.


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
R s. Ps.


KSRB-3.1 Supplying chloropyriphos emulisifiable concentrate of L 370.00

20%, in sealed containers including delivery as specified sales tax,
---�---transport, Insurance and other levies complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS

KSRB-3.2: Providing and injecting chemical emulsion for Pre­ Sqm 144.00
constructional Anti-Termite Treatment, creating continuous chemical
barrier under and around the column pits, walls, trenches, basement
excavation, top surface of the plinth filling, junction of wall and floor,
along the external perimeter of building, expansion joints, over the top
surface of consolidated earth on which apron is to be laid, surrounding
of pipes and conduits, with chloropyriphos emulsifiable concentrates of
20% concentration, including cost of chemical, diluting in water to one
percent concentration, labour, HOM of equipments, complete as per
specifications. (Plinth area of the building at ground floor only shall be
Specification No. KBS: 3.2.6 / 3.2.7

KSRB-3.3 : Providing, injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-constructional m 80.00

Anti-Termite Treatment along external walls where the apron is not
provided using chemical emulsion at 7.5 Litre/sqm of the vertical surface
of the substructure to a depth of 300mm. Including excavation of channel
along the wall and redoing with chlorophyriphos emulsion concentrate 20%
diluting in water to 1% concentration, including cost of chemicals, diluting in
water to one percent concentration, labour, HOM of equipments, complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS : 3.3.3

KSRB-3.4: Providing, injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-constructional m 59.00

Anti-Termite Treatment along external walls below concrete or
masonry apron using chemical emulsion at 2.25 litre/m. including drilling
and plugging of holes, with chlorophyriphos emulsion concentrate 20%
diluting in water to 1% concentration, including cost of chemicals, diluting in
water to one percent concentration, labour, HOM of equipments, complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS : 3.3.4
KSRB 3.5: Providing, injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-constructional Sqm 300.00
Anti-Termite Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical
emulsion at one litre / hole 30mm apart including drilling 12mm. dia holes
and plugging with cement mortar 1:2 proportion to match with the existing
floors with chlorophyriphos emulsion concentrate 20%, including cost of
chemical diluting in water to one percent concentration, labour, HOM of
equipments, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS

KSRB.3-6: Providing, Injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-constructional m 94.00

Anti-Termite Treatment of existing masonry using chemical emulsion at
one liter / hole at 300mm intervals including drilling of holes at 45 degree
and plugging them with cement mortar 1:2 to the full depth of the hole with


SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

Chloropyriphos emulsifiable concentration 20% including cost of chemical

diluting in water to one percent concentration, labour, HOM of equipments,
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS : 3.3.5

3.7 KSRB 3.7: Providing, injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-constructional m 270.00
Anti-Termite Treatment at points of contacts of wood work by chemical
emulsion Chloropyriphos ( in oil or kerosene based solution ) at 0.5 liters per
hole by drilling 6mm. dia holes at downward angle of 45 degree at 150mm.
c to c and sealing the same including cost of chemicals, diluting in water to
one percent concentration, labour, HOM of equipments, complete as per
Specification No. KBS : 3.3. 7

3.8 Providing general disinfection services, spraying of insecticide Sqm 28.00

and pesticide inside and outside the building (flies, bedbugs.lizards,
cockroaches, spiders caterpillars etc.,) including cost of materials labour
lead lift, hire charges of equipments etc., complete.





SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
4.1 KSRB 4-1.1: Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of cum 5,015.00
mix 1:2:4 with OPC cement@ 240kgs, with 40mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates@0.878cum and fine aggregates@
·-·-o:459cum machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 ems.
thick, well compacted, in foundation, including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per specifications
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.2
KSRB 4-1.2 : Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of cum 4,845.00
mix 1:3:6 with OPC cement@ 220kgs, with 40mm and down size graded
grar:iite metal coarse aggregates@0.892cum and fine aggregates@
0.465cum machine mixed, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not
exceeding 15 ems. thick, well compacted, in foundation including cost
of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.2
KSRB 4-1.3 : Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete cum 4,635.00
of mix 1 :4:8 with OPC cement@ 180kgs, with 40mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.85cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.57cum machine mixed, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers
not exceeding 15 ems. thick, well compacted, in foundation, including
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.2
KSRB 4-1.4 : Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete cum 4,490.00
of mix 1:5:10 with OPC cement@ 160kgs, with 40mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.86cum and fine aggregtes
@ 0.58cum machine mixed, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers
not exceeding 15 ems. thick, well compacted, in foundation, including
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per
- ,.�f-t �'
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.2
KSRB 4-1.5 : Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete cum 5,825.00
of mix M20 with OPC cement@ 300kgs, with 20mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and fine aggregtes
@ 0.43cum, with superplastisiser @31ts confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding
15 ems. thick, well compacted, in foundation, plinth and cills, including
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.2
KSRB 4-1.6 ; Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete cum 5,095.00
of mix 1:2:4 with cement@ 240kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates@ 0.69 cum and fine aggregtes @
0.459cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15
ems. thick, well compacted, in foundation, plinth and cills, ncluding
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.2


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

4.7 KSRB 4-1.7 : Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete cum 5,055.00
of mix 1 :3:6 with OPC cement@ 220kgs, with 20mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.84cum and fine aggregtes
@ 0.56cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding
15 ems. thick, well compacted, in foundation, plinth and cills, ncluding
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.2
4.8 KSRB 4-1.8 : Extra for laying cement concrete under water including cum 97.00
cost of pumping or dewatering and clearing slush as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.2, 4.8
4.9 KSRB 4-1.9 : Extra for laying cement concrete under foul conditions. cum 130.00
Specification No. KBS
4.10 KSRB 4.2.1 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete cum 6,235.00
of Design mix M25 with OPC cement@ 340kgs, with 20mm and down
size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.70 cum and fine
aggregtes@ 0.47cum, with super plasticisers@ 3 liters confirming
to is 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008 at machine mixed, concrete laid in
layers not exceeding 15 ems thick, vibrated for all works in foundation
for footings, pedastals, retaining walls, return walls, walls {any
thickness) including attached pilasters, columnspillars, posts, struts,
buttresses, bed blocks, anchor blocks & plinths etc., including cost of
all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing, complete but excluding
cost of reinforcement as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6
4.11 KSRB 4.2.2 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement cum 6,030.00
concrete of Design mix M20 with OPC cement@ 320kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum
and fine aggregtes @ 0.460 cum, with super plasticisers@ 3 liters
confirming to is 9103-1999 reafirmed-2008, machine mixed, concrete
laid in layers not exceeding 15 ems thick, vibrated for all works in
foundation for footings, pedastals, retaining walls, return walls,
walls {any thickness) including attached pilasters, columnspillars,
posts, struts, buttresses, bed blocks, anchor blocks & plinths
etc., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing,
complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6
4.12 KSRB 4.2. 7 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement
concrete of design mix M25 with OPC cement@ 340kgs, with 20mm cum 6,370.00
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.70cum and
fine aggregtes@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers
not exceeding 15 ems thick, vibrated for all works in ground floor level
for roof slabs, staircase, lintles and beams retaining walls, return
waits, walls {any thickness) Including attached pilasters, columns,
,pillars, posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets,
coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window cills, fillets . etc.,
including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing,
complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 4.2.8: Providing and laying in position reinforced cement cum 6,165.00
concrete of design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 320kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @31ts confirming to
--�-;.,.,....;.,...,.--�S9'103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers
not exceeding 15 ems thick, vibrated for all works in ground floor level
for roof slabs, staircase, linties, and beams retaining walls, return
--��----"'"--wans,walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters,columns,
pillars,posts,struts,buttresses,string or lacing courses,parapets,
coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window cills, fillets
etc., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing,
complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6
KSRB 4.2.10 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement sqm 455.00
concrete of design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 24kgs, with 12mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.05175cum
and fine aggregtes @ 0.0345cum, with superplastisiser @0.2251ts,
machine mixed, well compacted for plain chajja of 7.5 ems. average
thickness, upto ground floor level, including cost of all materials, labour,
HOM of machinery, finishing, curing, complete but excluding cost of
reinforcement as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6
KSRB 4.2.11 : Providlng and laying in position reinforced cement sqm 510.00
concrete of design mix M20 with OPC cement@ 27.20kgs, with 12mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.05865cum
and fine aggregtes@ 0.0391cum, with superplastisiser @0.2251ts,
machine mixed, well compacted for plain chajja of 8.5 ems. average
thickness, upto ground floor level, including cost of all materials, labour,
HOM of machinery, finishing, curing, complete but excluding cost of
reinforcement as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6
KSRB 4-2.12: Extra for providing throating or drip moulding to R.C.C. m 19.00
chajja with plastering ( labour charges only ) as per specifications.

I. ·. -
Specification No. KBS
__ . _ 4.22 KSRB 4-3.1 : Extra if vibratoris used for Item No.4-1 to 4-8 as per specifications. cum 17.00
Specification No. KBS 4.2.6
KSRB 4-3.2 : Deduct where machine mixing is not done cum 17.00
Specification No. KBS /
-- 4.24 KSRB 4-4.1 : Extra for use of water proofing compound in Cement cum 255.00
I concrete of mix 1: 1 :2,at one kg of compound per bag of cement.
Specification No. KBS

f-- �
t' 4.25 KSRB 4-4.2 : Extra for use of water proofing compound in Cement cum 189.00
concrete of mix 1:1.5:3,at one kg of compound per bag of cement.
Specification No. KBS
f; .. 4.26 KSRB 4-4.3 : Extra for use of water proofing compound in Cement cum 151.00

concrete of mix 1 :2:4,at one kg of compound per bag of cement.
Specification No. KBS
.J,,. --- �-- --

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

4.27 KSRB 4-5 : Providing lath plaster with cement mortar 1 :3, 5cms thick Sqm 929.00
with 6mm dia mild steel bars at 20 ems. c to c both horizontally and
vertically fixing chicken mesh for drop chajja, facia, backing to cup
boards including cost of all materials, labour, providing and removing
form work HOM of machineries, curing, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
4.28 KSRB 4-6.1 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 206.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for foundations, footings, bases
of columns for mass concrete including cost of all materials, labour
complete as per specificaitons.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
4.29 KSRB 4-6.2 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting,
propping etc., and removal of form work for suspended floors, landings,
balconies and likes, thickness upto 200 mm including cost of all
materials, labour complete as per specificait-ons for heights more than
3.50m from ground level.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
4.29.2 - do -Oto 5 mts Sqm 540.00
4.29.3 - do - 0 to 6 mts Sqm 715.00
4.29.4 - do - 0 to 7mts Sqm 870.00 ...
4.29.5 - do - 0 to 8 mts Sqm 1,025.00
4.29.6 - do -Oto 9 mts Sqm 1,250.00
4.29.7 - do -Oto 10 mts Sqm 1,525.00
4.29.8 - do - 0 to 11 mts Sqm 1,775.00
4.29.9 - do - 0 to 12 mts Sqm ·2,030.00
4.29.10 - do -Oto 13 mts Sqm 2,280.00
4.29.11 - do - 0 to 14mts Sqm 2,540.00
4.29.12 - do -Oto 15 mts Sqm 2,850.00
4.29.13 - do - 0 to 16 mts . . Sqm �.150.00

4.30 KSRB 4-6.2 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 280.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for flat surface such as roofs,
landings, balconies and likes, thickness upto 200 mm including cost of
all materials, labour complete as per spe_cificaitons.up to 3.50m from
Ground level. Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
4.30.1 KSRB 4-6.3 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 345.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for flat surface such as
suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and likes, thickness above 200
mm including cost of all materials, labour complete as per Specification.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
4.31 KSRB 4-6.4 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm. 260.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for vertical surface such as walls
at any thickness, including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth cills and
string courses cost of all materials, labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2

l SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

-4.32 KSRB 4-6.5 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm. 328.00
propping etc., for columns, pillars, post and struts, square/ rectangular/

polygon in plan including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
KSRB 4-6.6 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm
propping etc., and removal of form work for columns, and
,mc·�--�---struts, circular or curved in plan including cost of all materials, labour
complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
KSRB 4-6.7 :Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 227.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for sides and soffits of beams,
beam haunchings, cantilever girders, bressumers and lintels not
exceeding 1 m in depth including cost of all materials, labour complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
KSRB 4-6.8 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 305.00
p ropping etc., and removal of form work for sides and soffits of
beams, beams haunchings, cantilelver, girders, bressumers and lintels
exceeding 1 m in depth including cost of all materials, labour complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
KSRB 4-6.9 :Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 637.00
propping etc., for edges of slabs and breaks in floor including cost of
all materials, labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
KSRB 4-6.10 :Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 245.00
propping etc., for chajjas, corbels etc., including edges including cost
_ of all materials, labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
KSRB 4-6.11 :Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 440.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for Stairs (excluding landing)
except spiral staircase including cost of all materials, labour complete
as per specificaiton.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
KSRB 4-6.12 :Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 470.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for cornices and mouldings
including cost of all materials, labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
KSRB 4-6.13 :Providing and removing, centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 410.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for vertical fins and vertical
sun breakers including cost of all materials, labour complete as per

,I·-·- - -
specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
KSRB 4-6.14 :Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 380.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for sloping or battering surface
including folded plates where inclination to horizontal plane does not
exceed 30 degree requiring shuttering only on the under side including
,--�- ----cost of all materials, labour complete as per specifications.

.1 ·
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
. ,·_.�_-, . ____-----

IJif;_�,- ·•
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

4.42 KSRB 4-6.15 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, Sqm 593.00
propping etc., and removal of form work for where inclination to horizontal
plane exceeds 30 degree (where shuttering may be provided both on
under side and upper side if required) including cost of all materials,
labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
4.43.1 KSRB 4-7 : Providing 2 legged scaffolding for stone masonry work m 268.00
using 10-15 ems. dia best quality casurina poles of 4m over all length
(3m +0.5m projection + 0.5m In to the ground), the distance between
two rows being 1.25m and spacing of posts being 2m in both rows with
2 horizontal posts with 0.5 mm overlap on either side and braces at
2 m c to c including longitudinal and transveres middle braces to step
up and providing platform with casurina poles, forms tied up using coir
rope complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
4.43.2 - do - KSRB 4-7: Scaffolding for stone masonry converted to cum. cum 217.00
4.43.3 - do - KSRB 4-7 : Scaffolding for stone masonry work converted to sqm. sqm 98.00
4.44 KSRB 4-8 : Providing two legged scaffolding for brick masonry work
using 10-15 ems. dia best quality Casurina poles of 4m over all length
(3m +0.5m projection + 0.5m In to the ground) the distance between
two rows being 1.25m and spacing of post being 2m in both rows with
2 horizontal posts with 0.5 mm overlap on either side and braces at
2 m c to c including longitudinal and transveres middle braces to step
up and providing platform with casurina poles, forms tied up using coir
rope complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS
4.44.1 - do - for non modular brick work cum 223.00
(Non modular standard bricks: 4x0.23x3=2.76 cum)
4.44.2 - do - for modular brick work cum 258.00
(Modular bricks 4x0.2x3=2.4 cum)
4.44.3 - do - for non modular brick work Sqm 51.00
4.44.4 - do - fo modular brick work Sqm 52.00
4.45 KSRB 4.9.1 : Providing mild steel reinforcement for R.C.C work including q 6,525.00
straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping and
I or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring
to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design
(laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) cost of
materials, labour, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.6.3
4.46 KSRB 4.9.2 : Providing T.M.T steel reinforcement for R.C.C work
including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position,
lapping and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and
anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete
as per design (laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and
paid) cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery complete as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.6.3
4.46:2 ··�do '--TMTbars Fe 500 Tonne 61,330.00
4.46.3 - do - TMT bars Fe 550 Tonne 61,980.00


SI. No. Description Rate
Rs. Ps.

Lift charges f or steel of all diameters f or addition al floors over groun d Tonne
floor per floor height of 3.5 m. or p a rt thereof co st of labour, complete
4.47 443.00

as per sp ecifica tions. Spe cification No. KBS

'it-· '4:48 _erovi,ding and

l aying cem ent concrete using 20 mm an d down size

��- :_ ·-�-· �t._, •.•-·_--; �,. -- . r���) fi


: � f����8� ���� �!�1 � �i ��i t�����:�� �� :�fi

!1;� f;�:;f��;;�;;I;Jt���;;;;�;;
a e e r a f c cum 6,917.00
compa cted vibratin g, curin g, f or raft f oun dation column footin g , m ain

ff _ -·- · __

i f orRCC works laid in 15 cm thick l aye rs a nd w ell comp acted includin g
t vibratin g curin g etc., with all lead and lift etc., comple te. (e xculsive of

tt�,49.1. :::::.i:�=��rs:,.s,Stain:ase andRoof-M-20 cum

Ready mixed Cement concrete for Beams , Staircase andRoof with M-25

,� �
Ready mixed Cement concrete f or Beams , Staircase andRoof with M-30
· J ./a;i;,4;49_3 cum
Ready mixed Cement concrete f or Beams, Staircase andRoof with M-35
cum 7,340.00
Ready mixed Cement concrete f or Beams, Staircase andRoof with M-40 cum 7,955.00
Note : The RMC should be obtained only from the plants
certified by the quality council of India as per letter No. CE,
C&B, AE-2, 2015-16 Dt. 02.09.2015
Providing and mixing synthetic fibers 100% virgin triangular monofilament
poly ester fi bers , 12mm in cut leng t h for use as se cond a ry f ibe r
reinforcemen t in con crete works. Application per cubic meter sh all be
125 grams per bag of cement or 0.25% by weig�t of cement.
- do - For 1 :2:4 Concrete

I ,-:
- do - For M-20 Concrete
cum 310.00

cum 400.00
Providin g a n d mixin g f ibe rm esh MD(Mult i Dim ens ion a l) G ra ded


·-----. ,
.I'1--}T ��:n�� ����� fh: �� ����s�) ���� �i���� ��7:���p�:�: ��=��
� :..' "�<- f�.? .., _- ��·�-�
b s c 3 b t n r

contains no reprocessed olefin materials and are specially man ufactured

Ii' ,.,,t:,-: - with 25 individual unique fiber design to an optimum gradation f or use
as complete secon d a ry reinf orcemen t. Application per cu bic me te r
sh all equal a min imum of 0.1% by volume (0.9kg per cubic meter) in the
-:� ,-
concrete. Fibermesh MD Gr aded Polypropylene fibrilated fiber should
·. __ con firm toASTM C 1116 type Ill 4.1.3ASTM C 1116 perform ance level
1% ASTM C 133 9 (Minimum ave rage residual stren gth of 0.35 Mp a).

t}��� i;Er�������¥§�r;:JzE5g����
cum 410.00

per cubic meter shall be @ 0.9kg to 1.8kg pe r cum of concrete .

I :Jftf : _ Fibermesh stealth e3 sh all confirm to ASTM C 1116 type 111.4.106.

;- 1:::·;�*-'53
, ••.__.

- �--Providing and casting reinf orced cement concrete racks ""'.ith design mix sqm
,,f c:�., 'i M20, granite or trap jelly 12mm and down size 5 ems thick an d below

f:l.: • ;.'d�:.--- - 18
:,/):-. -,o=·c - -

f'II:': ·•
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

with reinforcements of 6mm dia MS bars at 15 ems. Centre to centre

for main reinforcement and at 30cms centre to centre for distribution
including supports wherever necessary with burnt brick in CM 1:4
including centring, form work, curing etc., complete (inclusive of cost
of steel and fabrication charges}.
4.54 Providing RCC loft (atta} 7.5cms thick with cement concrete design sqm 465.00
mix M20 using clean granite or trap jelly of 20mm and down size with
necessary reinforcements at 20cms centre to centre as per design
including form work, centring, curing, etc., complete (exclusive of cost
of steel and fabrication charges}.
4.55 Providing and fixing RCC slabs 5 ems thick for wall shelves with 12mm sqm 570.00
and down size jelly cement concrete design mix M20 including CM 1:3
plaster finishing, curing etc., complete (excluding the cost of steel and
fabrication charges}.
4.56 Providing RCC design mix M20 using granite metal 20mm and down size
for 7.5 ems thick solid parapet or perforated as per design, specification
and directions.(exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges}
including necessary centring, form work and finishing smooth with
CM (1:3) etc., complete.
4.56.1 - do - 7.5 ems thick sqm 460.00
4.56.2 - do - 1O ems thick sqm 655.00
4.57 Providing and mixing AlkaU resistant glass fibers HD12 to arrest cum 330.00
plastic shrinkage cracks and to provide as a secondary reinforcement
in concrete at 600 gms / cum of concrete and containing minimum
127 millions of fibers of length 12mm, diameter 14 microns.specific
gravity 2.68, modulus of elasticity 72 Gpa and having the aspect ratio
(length/dia} of 857, including cost of labour.materials and HOM of
machineries etc complete. (NOTE: Rc!te is for cum of concrete}


1. IS 456:2000 has recommended that minimum grade of concrete shall not be less than M20 in
reinforced concrete work. Design.mix concrete is preferred to nominal mix. If design mix concrete
cannot be used for any reason on the work for grades M20 or lower, nominal mixes may be
used with permission of Engineer-in-charge, which however is likely to involve higher cement
content. Accordingly all concret above M20 grade for RCC work must be design mixes.

PROPORTIONS FOR NOMINAL MIX CONCRETE {Kg per cubic metre of concrete)

Quantities calculated are based on concrete density of 2400 Kg/cum.m and proportion
of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate (by mass) generally 1:2 but subjected to an upper
limit of 1:1.5 and a lower limit of 1:2.5.

Mix of Cement Range of Fine Range of Coarse Water -Kgs.

Concrete Content - Kgs Aggregate - Kgs Aggregate - Kgs
(1:5:10) 160 615-860 1286-1531 96
(1 :4:8) 180 600-845 1270-1510 108
- --- . (.1:.3�6) 220 585-820 1230-1462 132
(1:2:4) 240 575-810 1210-1440 144


SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
ft - The following basic data are required for mix proportioning of a particular grade of concrete:

a) Exposure condition of the structure under cons ideration (for guidance see table 3
_ofJS 456-2000)
b) e n i m
;;��=u� �nd�:�� �f��� :�ct��=����r���;::r��i:i t�� g:�!��� �:e�:1::

I,;:/ • -,- - 3 and 5 of IS 456-2000). This has been reproduced in Appendix.

c) Type of cement, viz., Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement
(PPC), Portland Slag Cement (PSC) etc.
d) Maximum nominal size of aggregate to be used, viz. 40mm, 20mm and 12.5mm.
Min imum cement content (for guidance see Tables 3,4,5 and 6 of IS 456-2000)
Maximum water-cement ratio (for guidance see Tables 3 and 5 of IS 456-2000)
Degree of workability de sired (for guidance see Clause 7 of IS 456-2000)
Maximum temperature of concrete at the time of placing.
i) Early age strength requirements, if required.
j) Type of aggregate viz., Granite, Basalt, Natural River Sand, Manufactured Sand etc.,
k) Maximum cement content.
I) Use of admixture, its type and condition of its use. Dosage of admixture shall be
decided based on manufacture's recommendations.

SI. Grade of Cement Cement Water Water Admixtures

No. Concrete Content Content Content Cement in Kgs.
in Kgs. in bags in Kgs. ratio
1 M-20 300 6.00 165 0.55 3
2 M-20 320 6.40 160 0.50 3
3 M-25 340 6.80 163 0.48 3
4 M-30 360 7.20 162 0.45 3
5 M-35 390 7.80 168 0.43 3
6 M-40 420 8.40 164 0.39 3
7 m-45 440 · 163 0.37 4
8 m-50 450 9.00 149 0.33 4


SI. Grade of Cement Cement Water Water Admixtures

No. Concrete Content Content Content Cement in Kgs.
in Kgs. in bags in Kgs. ratio
1 M-20 320 6.40 176 0.55 3
2 M-20 330 6.60 165 0.50 3
3 M-25 340 6.80 163 0.48 3
M-30 360 7.20 162 0.45 3
5 M-35 400 8.00 172 0.43 3
M-40 430 8.60 168 0.39 3


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Note :Determination of Cement content in Concrete Mixes is based on guidelines

given in:
1) IS 456-2000-lndian Standard - Plain & Reinforced Concrete-Code of
Practice (4th Revision)
....,.._____4)-_..15..10262.-2009· Recommended Guidelines for Concrete mix design; and
3) IS SP 23: 1982 - Hard Book on Concrete mixes.
2. All concrete items are including finishing the expose surfaces for uneven
.�.·�· . ... . honeycombing but excluding plastering.
3. KSRB 4-6.15 : Only the area beneath shall be measured for payment.
7. Lift charges: An additional rate of Rs. 50.00/cum per floor may be added for every
additional floor for items under SI.No. 4.1 to 4.13 and Rs. 5.00/sqm per floor may
be added for every additional floor for items under SI. No. 4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.27,
4.28, 4.55, 4.56, 4.57, 4.58.1, 4.58.2, 4.30 to 4.42. For 4.43.1 to 4.44.4 an additional
rate of Rs. 5/floor may be added.
8. Centering height of 3.5 meters is considered for item No. 4.28, 4.30 to 4.44.4.
An additional rate Rs. 20 shall be added for every additional meter or part thereof
for the above limits.
9. Usage of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
Use of 25% of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag of minimum 380 mtsq.
per kg fineness to replace cement in the cement concrete nominal mix as given
below to economize and to reduce the concrete cost proportionately.
10. The difference in cost of cement for RMC items shall be effected for every price
revision of cement.
11. RMC : While using RMC, taking out the samples at worksite is mandatory for
conducting necessary tests. It is the responsibility of the contractor to assure
and ensure quality of RMC at the work spot as per design mix for which Executive
Engineer shall obtain necessary test certificates as per IS Standards.
12. TMT Steel : For all RC� works the contractor shall purchase the TMT STEEL
manufactured by the authorized dealers and necessary physical tests for the
TMT Steel so procured shall be conducted. As per IS 1786 if necessary chemical
tests may also be insisted.
In road works only Round TMT bars shall be used for dowel bars.
For lapping steel reinforcement, preferably 25mm and above, only welding splices
shall be done.
13. Item No. 4.14 to 4.18 are deleted.



s1.No. Description Unit Rate

' . ,.,5.0 STONEWORK

Rs. Ps.

..·· }
; : 5. KSRB 5-1.1 : Providing and constructing granite / trap I basalt rubble cum 2,070.00
_s_tone masonry in foundation with mud mortar (uncoursed}, bond stones
at two m. apart in each course including cost of materials, labour, curing
complete as per specifications.
KBS 5.1.12

KSRB 5.1-2 : Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt rubble cum 3,255.00
stone masonry in foundation with cement mortar 1:8 (uncoursed), bond
stones at two m. apart in each course including cost of materials, labour,
curing complete as per specifications.
KBS 5.1.12

KSRB 5.1-3 : - do - with cement mortor 1:6 cum 3,430.00

KBS 5.1.12

KSRB 5.2-1 : Providing and constructing granite I trap I basalt size cum 3,200.00
stone masonry in foundation with mud mortar, stone hammerd dressed
in courses not less than 20 ems high, bond stones at two m. apart in
each course including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
KBS 5.1.12

KSRB 5.2-2 : Providing and constructing granite/ trap/ basalt size stone cum 4,210.00
masonry in foundation with cement mortar 1:8, stone hammerd dressed
in courses not less than 20 ems high, bond stones at two m. apart in
each course including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
KBS 5.1.13

-·-· _ ......
KSRB 5.2-3 : - do - cement mortor 1:6
KBS 5.1.13
cum 4,360.00

I .
I ::-::·�:-:5.9 KSRB 5.3-3 : Providing and constructing granite I trap / basalt size cum 5,290.00
stone masonry in basement with cement mortar 1 :6, edges of stones
chistle dressed in courses not less than 15 ems high, bond stones at
two m. apart in each course including cost of materials, labour, curing
complete as per specifications.
KBS 5.1.13
. _· 5.12 KSRB 5.4-3 : Providing and constructing granite/ trap/ basalt size stone cum 5,510.00
masonry in superstructure with cement mortar 1:6 , edges of stones
. _. - --
_ �.
chistle dressed in courses not less than 15 ems high, bond stones at two
m. apart in each course including cost of materials, labour, scaffolding,
curing complete as per specifications.
-·-· -·�--------
KBS 5.1.13
5.13 KSRB 5.4-4 : - do - with cement mortor 1:4 cum 5,830.00


Description Unit Rate
SI. No. Rs. Ps.

ground floor cum 182.00

KSRB 5-5 : Extra lift charges for size stone masonry above
,JRi:- �i�fY additional floor.
.. ,.· .·:;KSS:5;1.13
cum 280.00
. . .· . : orconstructing stone masonry in square or rectangular
. ·_,_�is>W.,.� complete as per specifications.
. 8S5:1:13
KSRB 5-7: Extra for constructing masonry in circular pillars including cum 817.00
. ., cosiof extra materials and labour complete as per specifications.
KBS 5.1.13
5.17 KSRB 5-8.1 : Providing one line dressing to granite stone slab/ granite Sqm 508.00
stone masonry as per specifications.
KBS 5.1.13
5.18 KSRB 5-8.2 : Providing two line dressing to granite stone slab/ granite Sqm 846.00
stone masonry as per specifications.
KBS 5.1.13
5.19 KSRB 5-8.3 : Proiding three line dressing to granite stone slab/ granite Sqm 1,184.00
stone masonry as per specifications.
KBS 5.1.13
5.20 KSRB 5-8.4 : Providing pulmane finish only on three line dressed surface Sqm 334.00
as per specifications.
KBS 5.1.13
5.21 KSRB 5-8.5 : Providing quoin dressing to stone masonry and stone slabs, m 85.00
two line 5 ems wide on each face as per specifications.(measurement
including mortar joints)
KBS 5.1.13
5.22 KSRB 5-9 : Providing chamfering edges to stone slab 2.5 ems. wide as m 33.00
per specifications. (only chamfered length shall be recorded)
KBS 5.1.13
5.23 KSRB 5-10 : Providing hammer dressing to size stones as per specifications. No 6.00
5.24 KSRB 5-11 : Providing and constructing load bearing wall with cement Sqm 1,002.00
concrete cavities blocks ( hollow blocks ) of proportion 1 :1.5:3 blocks
of size 40x20x20cms. (lxbxh) strength not less than 5 Newton per
sqmm with cement mortar 1:4 conforming to I.S. 2185 of 1967 having
not less than 40mm. shell thickness with two or more large cavities
and having solid material between including cost of materials, labour
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
KBS No.5.4
5.25 KSRB 5-12: - do - blocks of strength not less than 3.5 newton per sqm Sqm 770.00
- 5.26· KSRB 5-13 : Providing and constructing non-load bearing wall with Sqm 574.00
cement concrete cavities blocks ( hollow blocks ) of proportion 1:1.5:3
blocks of size 40x10x20cms. ( lxbxh ) strength not less than 3.5
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Newton per sqmm with cement mortar 1:4 conforming to I.S. 2185 of
1967 having not less than 40mm shell thickness 50% of total volume of
block having two large cavities with 20mm. wall thickness in between
including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete
-as per specifications.
KSRB 5-14: Providing and constructing precast concrete solid blocks Sqm 950.00
---�- with compressive strength not less than 3.5 Newton per sqmm with
cement mortar 1 :4 masonry (quoin, Jamb, closer blocks ) with solid
concrete blocks of size 40x20x20cms conforming to I.S: 2185/1965
in superstructure including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding,
curing complete as per specifications.

KSRB 5-15 : Providing and constructing non-load bearing wall with Sqm 635.00
cement concrete solid blocks with compressive strength not less than 3.5
Newton per sqmm with cement mortar 1:4 ( Jamb, closer blocks ) with
blocks of size 40x1 0x20cms. (lxbxh) conforming to I.S : 2185/1965 in
superstructure including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding,
curing complete as per specifications.

Providing and frxing Pre cast solid concrete kerb stones made out of CC 1:2:4
and finished with CM 1:3 plastering and finishing cutting etc., complete.
- do - of size 450 x 200 x 400 mm No 355.00
- do - of size 450 x 150 x 500 mm No 340.00
Providing and fixing pre cast solid cement concrete kerb stones made No 300.00
out of C.C. 1 :2:4 with top and bottom width 114 and 165 mm respectively,
400mm high and 450mm in length finished with CM 1 :3 plastering
and finishing cutting, including form work, curing, including cost of all
materials, labour, hire charges of machinery, loading, unloading, lead
and lift, transportation etc., complete.
. ½Zft·5.31 Providing granite slabs of selected quality roughly dressed and fixed in
�;:�� = - _,, cement mortar (1 :6) including fixing curing etc., complete.
i_ .Si:�"5.31.1 - do - 7.5 ems thick Sqm 425.00
. :''._",'.?3'·...-�- '
:-.;-?L 5.31.2
.: ·y..J:-_,:',··
- do - 10 ems thick Sqm 730.00
{�l��: 5.32 Removing B.S. slab of Drain and stacking. Sqm 58.00
- 5.33 Refixing stone slabs of drains and pointing in C.M (1:3). Sqm 72.00
5.34 KSRB 5.14.1 : Providing and constructing precast concrete solid blocks Sqm 810.00
with compressive strength not less than 3.5 Newton per sqm with
cement mortar 1 :4 masonry (quoin, Jamb, closer blocks) with solid
concrete blocks of size 40x15x20cms conforming to I.S: 2185/1965 in
superstructure including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding,
curing complete as per specifications.
5.35 Providing and constructing sand stone/Quartzite/iron/rubble stone cum 2,680.00
masonry in foundation with cement mortar 1:8 (uncoursed), bond
stones at two mtr apart in each course including cost of materials, labour,
curing complete as per specifications with all lead and lifts.

---------------------- - .---.,-�------· ..

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs, Ps,

5.36 Providing and constructing sand stone/Quartzite/iron/rubble stone cum 2,860.00

masonry in foundation with cement mortar 1 :6 (uncoursed), bond
stones at two mtr apart in each course including cost of materials, labour,
curing complete as per specifications with all lead and lifts.
5.37 Providing and constructing sand stone/Quartzite/iron / rubble stone cum 3,520.00
masonry in foundation with cement mortar 1 :8 stone hammered,
dressed in course not less than 20cms high bond stone at 2mtrs. apart
in each course including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications with all lead and lifts.
5.38 Providing and constructing sand stone/Quartzite/iron / rubble stone cum 3,695.00
masonry in foundation with cement mortar 1 :6 stone hammered,
dressed in course not less than 20cms high bond stone at 2mtrs. apart
in each course including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications with all lead and lifts.
5.39 Providing and constructing sand stone/Quartzite/iron I rubble stone masonry cum 4,230.00
in basement with cement mortar 1 :8 edges of stone, chistle dressed
in course not less than 1 Scms high bond stones at 2mtrs. apart in
each course including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
specifications with all lead and lifts.
5.40 Providing and constructing sand stone/Quartzite/iron / rubble stone masonry cum 4,380.00
in basement with cement mortar 1 :6 edges of stone, chistle dressed
in course not less than 1 Scms high bond stones at 2mtrs. apart in
each course including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
specifications with all lead and lifts.
5.41 Providing and constructing sand stone/Quartzite/iron/rubble stone masonry cum 4,425.00
in super structure with cement mortar 1 :8 edges of stone, chistle dressed
in course not less than 15cms high bond stones at 2mtrs. apart in each
course including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
specifications with all lead and lifts.
5.42 Providing and constructing sand stone/Quartzite/iron / rubble stone cum 4,600.00

masonry in super structure with cement mortar 1 :6 edges of stone,
chistle dressed in course not less than 1Scms high bond stones at
2mtrs. apart in each course including cost of materials, labour, curing
complete as per specifications with all lead and lifts.
5.43 Providing and constructing sand stone/Quartzite/iron I rubble stone cum 4,925.00
masonry in super structure with cement mortar 1 :4 edges of stone,
chistle dressed in course not less than 1Scms high bond stones at 2mtrs.
apart in each course including cost of materials, labour, c:;uring complete
as per specifications with all lead and lifts.
5.44 Providing sand stone/Quartzite/iron / stone pitching on slope using stone cum 1,010.00
of approved size and packing quarry spails as per drawings including
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications with all lead
and lifts.

1. Additional rate of Rs. 30.00/Sqm. for item no. 5.24, 5.25, 5.26, 5.27, 5.28, 5.34 for
every additional floor.


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Descriptlon Uni: R-(.1.i.v

SI. No.
R.s. P$,

KSRB 6-1.1 :Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with cum :3,875,00
approved quality of non-modular bricks of standard size of class
designation 3.5 Newton per sqmm with mud mortar for basement and
superstructure including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding,
�: curing complete as per specifications.
-·<: Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.2 KSRB 6-1.2 : Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry for cum 4,790.00
(t basement and superstructure with approved quality of non-modular
--¥ bricks of standard size of class designation 3.5Newton per sqmm
"ii-:' with cement mortar1 :8 including cost of materials, labour charges,
�: scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
fc·· Specification No. KBS 6.2

6.3 KSRB 6-1.3 : - do - with cement mortar 1 :6 cum 4,920.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
cum 5,495.00

; 6.5 KSRB 6-2.2 : Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with
approved quality of non-modular bricks of standard size of class
designation 5.0Newton per sqmm (table moulded) with cement mortar
1 :8 for basement and superstructu/re including cost of materials, labour
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
ft�· Specification No. KBS 6.2
i;' . -
.::- 6.6 KSRB 6-2.3 : - do - with cement mortar 1 :6 cum 5,645.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.7 KSRB 6-2.4 : Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with cum 5,925.00
approved quality of non-modular bricks of standard size of class
designation 5.0 Newton per sqmm with cement mortar 1 :4 for
t. basement and superstructure including cost of materials, labour charges,

scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.2

_f ·.

� 6.8 KSRB 6-3.1 : Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with cum 8,215.00
approved quality of non-modular bricks of standard size of class
designation 7.5Newton per sqmm with cement mortar 1 :8 for
basement and superstructure (Machine moulded Wirecut bricks) with
cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per
�}1 specifications.
;t: Specification No. KBS 6.2

�- 6.9 KSRB 6-3.2 : - do - with cement mortar 1 :6 cum 8,345.00

Specification No. KBS 6.2

6.10 KSRB 6-3.3 : - do - with cement mortar 1 :4 cum 8,625.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.11 KSRB 6-3.4 : - do - with cement mortor 1 :3 cum 8,900,00
' Specification No. KBS 6.2


--------------------·-· ---. , . -.· ·

SI . N o. Description Unlt Rate

Rs, Ps,

6.13 KSRB 6-4.2 : Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with cum 5,315.00
approved quality of modular bricks ground moulded of standard
size of class designation 3.5Newton per sqmm with cement mortar
1 :8 for basement and superstructure with cost of materials, labour
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.14 KSRB 6-4.3 : - do -with cement mortar 1 :6 cum 5,430.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.16 KSRB 6-5.2 : Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with cum 5,690.00
approved quality of modular bricks of standard size of class
designation 5.0Newton per sqmm (table moulded)with cement mortar
1 :8 for basement and superstructure including cost of materials, labour
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.17 KSRB 6-5.3 : - do -with cement mortar 1 :6 cum 5,805.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.18 KSRB 6-5.4 : - do -with cement mortar 1 :4 cum 6,050.00
6.19 KSRB 6-6.1 : Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry with cum 9,270.00
approved quality of modular bricks of standard size of class
designation 7.5Newton per sqmm (Machine moulded Wirecut bricks)
with cement mortar 1 :8 for basement and superstructure induding cost of
materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.20 KSRB 6-6.2 : - do -with cement mortar 1 :6 cum 9,380.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.21 KSRB 6-6.3 : - do -with cement mortar 1 :4 cum 9,625.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.22 KSRB 6-6.4: - do -with cement mortar 1 :3 cum 9,870.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.23 KSRB 6-7.1 : Construction of partition wall 11.2 ems thick with non Sqm 700.00
modular ground moulded burnt bricks of class designation
3.5 Newton per sqmmwith cement mortar 1 :4 inlcuding providing and
fixing plaster mesh manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of
nominal thickness 0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at
7.5 m. c to c including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding,
curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.24 KSRB 6-7.2 : - do -with bricks of class designation 5.0 Newton per sqm Sqm 800.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.25 KSRB 6-7.3 : Construction of partition wali 11.2 ems thick with Sqm 650.00
non-modular ground moulded burnt bricks of class designation
3.5 Newton per sqmmwith cement mortar 1 :4 including cost of materials,
labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.2
Description Rate
SI. No.

S.26 KSRB 6-7.4 : - do - with bricks of class designation 5.0 Newton per sqm 7.50.00
Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.27 KSRB 6-8.1 :Construction of partition wall 10 ems thick with ground Sqrn 674.00
moulded modular burnt bricks of class designation 3.5 Newton
per sqmm with cement mortar 1 :4 including providing and fixing plaster
mesh manufactured out of hot dipped gelvanised irnn of nominal
thickness 0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at 7.5 m. c to c
including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete
as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 6.2
·· . 6.28 KSRB 6-8.2 : Construction of partition wall 10 ems thick with table Sqm 715.00
t- moulded modular burnt bricks of class designation 5.0Newton per
sqmm with cement mortar 1 :4 including providing and fixing plaster
mesh manufactured out of hot dipped gelvanised iron of nominal
thickness 0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at 7.5 m. c to c
including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete
as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.29 KSRB 6-8.3 :Construction bf partition wall 10 ems thick with ground Sqm 575.00
moulded modular burnt bricks of class designation 3.SNewton per
sqmm with cement mortar 1:4 induding cost of materials, labour charges,
scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.30 KSRB 6-8.4 : Construction of partition wall 10 ems thick with table moulded Sqm 665.00
modular burnt bricks of class designation 5.0 Newton per sqmm with cement
mortar 1:4 including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing
complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 6.2
6.31 Providing and constructing approved quality of standard size precast cum 4,940.00
FLY ASH brick masonry with compresive strength not less than
3.5 Newton per sqmm with cement mortar 1 :6 for basement and
superstructure with cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing
complete as per specifications.
6.32 Provinding and constructing non load bearing wall with Light Weight
Concrete (Autoclaved areated concrete) Blocks confirming to IS:2185
(part-3) 1984 and IS 6441-1972 of compressive strength of 3.0N/sq mm
with a thin layer of polymer based jointing solvent for super structure
with neccesary scaffolding, curing including cost of all materials, labour,
lead& lift etc, complete as per specifications.
6.32.1 - do - with 600x200x100mm size Blocks Sqrn 1,060.00
6.32.2 - do - with 600x200x150mm size Blocks Sqm 1,415.00
6.32.3 - do - with 600x200x200mm size Blocks Sqm 1,780.00
6.32.4 - do - 600x200x230mm size Blocks Sqm 1,880.00

1. Lift charges: The above rates are applicable for Ground floor only. An
additional rate of Rs. 50.00/cum and Rs. 5/sqm per floor may be added
for every additional floor above or below the ground floor.
2. Add 10% extra for gable portion.
3. Item No. 6.12 is deleted.


------ -··-···
· ·-··- --�--- ---- ..
Descrlpti on
SI. No.


7.1 KSRB 7.1 : Providing and fixing in position collapsible steel shutters -Sqm 4,430.00
with single or double leaf with vertical channel 20mmx1 0mmx2mm
braced with flat iron diagonals 20mmx5mm size, with top and bottom rails
of T iron sections of 40x40x6 mm with 38mm dia steel pulleys complete
with bolt and nuts, locking arrangements, stoppers, handles on both
sides with 7.Scms openings at 10 ems. c to c applying a priming coat
of red lead paint. cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery complete
as per specifications.
size of gate 2.4mx1 .4m
Specification No. KBS 7.7 / 7.12

7.2 KSRB 7.2: Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet sliding shutters Sqm 3,280.00
with frame and diagonal braces of 40x40x6 mm angle Iron 3.15mm
thick M.S. Gusset plates at junctions and corners, 25mm dia pulley,
40x40x6 mm angles and T iron guide rail top and bottom respectively
with handles, stoppers and locking arrangements etc., including applying
a priming coat of red lead paint cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications.
1 double leaf door of size 2.4x2.4m
Specification No. KBS 7.8 / 7.12
7.3 KSRB 7.3 : Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet garage door with Sqm 2,610.00
frame and diagonal braces of size 40x40x6 mm angle Iron, 3.15mm thick
M.S. Gusset plates at the junctions and corners, with handles, stoppers
and locking arrangements etc., including applying a priming coat of red
lead paint cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery complete as per
Double leaf door of size 2.4x2.4m
Specification No. KBS 7.9 / 7.12
7.4 KSRB 7.4 : Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet garage door with Sqm 2,118.00
frame and diagonal braces of size 40x40x6 mm angle Iron, using M.S.
flats 30x6 mm for diagonal braces and central cross pieces 3.15mm
thick M.S. Gusset plates at the junctions and corners, with handles,
stoppers and locking arrangements etc., including applying a priming
coat of red lead paint cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinery
complete as per specifications.
1 double leaf door of size 2.4x2.4m
Specification No. KBS 7.9 / 7.12
7.5 KSRB 7.5 : Providing and fixing pull and push type rolling shutters Sqm 2,168.00
of approved make out of 18 guage, 75mm wide cold roiled steel laths
of convex corrugation, with side guides and bottom rail, with interlocking
arrangements for steel laths by means of alternate clips, suspension shaft
with High tension coil type springs two numbers, mounted on specially
designed pipe shaft, with bracket plates, guide channels, ball bearing
arrangements, for inside & outside locking with push & pull operations
complete including pulling hooks, 4Nos. handles with ali fittings and
accessories, painted with a coat of red lead paint (without top cover) cost
of materials, labour, HOM of machinery complete as per soecificaticns.
Shutter size 3mx2.8 m
Specification No. KBS 7.10 / 7.12
Sl. No. Description Unlt Rate
Rs. Ps.

7.6 KSRB 7.6 : Providing and fixing top covers made out of 20 guage m 570.00
M.S. sheet over pull and push rolling shutters bent to shape including
cost of red lead primer coat of painting , materials, labour, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications. l
Specification No. KBS 7.10.6 / 7.12

7.7 KSRB 7.7 : Providing and fixing in position in cement concrete Sqm 3,920.00
1 :3:6 steel glazed windows and ventilators side hung/top hung fully
openable as per approved drawings using Z angles of 25x33x3mm,
weighing 1.419 Kg/m both for outer and inner frames and central mullion
section of size 25x46x3mm. weighing 2.28Kg/m duly providing T section
19x19x3mm weighing 0.839 kg/m for glazing of windows not more than
34 ems. c to c including providing and fixing 4mm. thick reeded glass
with teakwood beading of required size, all steel sections should confirm
to I.S 7452:1990, 4nos. of holdfasts of approved size, section should
be cut to length welded and electrically grinded subdividing frames of
unit shall be tenonned and revetted into the frames electrically. All the
steel surface shall be throughly cleaned free of rust and painted with
one coat of anti-corosive paint and finishing with two coats of ready mix
paint of approved colour and make including cost of materials, fixtures,
labour and HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 7.12.1 / 7.12.2 / 7.12.3 / 7.12
7.8 KSRB 7.8 : Providing and fixing in position in cement concrete 1 :3:6 steel Sqm 3,300.00
glazed windows and ventilators side hung/top hung 2/3 openable 1/3
fixed as per approved drawings using Z angles of 25x33x3mm, weighing
1.419 kg/m both for outer and inner frames and central mullion section
of size 25x46x3mm, weighing 2.28kg/m all duly providing T section
19x19x3mm weighing 0.839 kg/m for glazing of windows, not more than
34 ems. c to c including providing and fixing 4mm. thick reeded glass
with teakwood beading of required size, all steel sections should confirm
to I.S 7452:1990, 4nos. of holdfasts of approved size, section should
be cut to length welded and grinded electrically subdividing frames of
unit shall be tenonned and revetted into the frames electrically. All the
steel surface shall be throughly cleaned free of rust and painted with
one coat of anti-corrosive paint and finishing two coats of ready mix
paint of approved colour and make including cost of materials, fixtures,
labour charges and HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.
7.9 KSRB 7.9 : Providing and fixing M.S.grill work for windows and Kgs 90.50
ventilators using M.S. flats, or M.S. square rods, or combination of
M.S. flats and square rods as per approved design, drawing including
cutting steel sections and welding the same to required pattern with a
coat of red lead primer, cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 7.12
7.10 KSRB 7.10 : Providing and fixing in position aluminium windows
and ventilators as per approved drawings with sliding shutters using
double track window frame section of size 61.85x31.75mm. with
1.2mm thick, bottom section weight 0.695 kg/m, sides and top sections
-� �. ""·• -··-······
h. ·--·. ....... -··- ·-··· · ·--········----
. . �•hr
"· '

SI.No. Description Unlt Rate

1.3 mm. thick weight 0.659 kg/m; and shutter comprising top and bottom
section of size 40mmx18mm, 1.25mm thick 0.417 kg.Im; shutter outer
side 40mmx18mm, 1.25mm.thick weight 0.417 kg/m, shutter interlock
section 40mmx26.7mm, 1.1mm thick, weight 0.469 kg/m. the shutters
mounted on nylon rollers with approved quality of fixtures such as
aluminium handles tower bolts etc.; and providing and fixing 5.5mm. thick
plain glass for shutters fitted with rubber beading aluminium sections
including cutting to required length, joints mitred subdividing the frame
tenonned and rivetted in the assembled frame stiffened with end clips
at corners angles etc., and fixed to the walls, lintels, floor beams/cills
as the case may be with necessary steel screws, raul plugs, or teak
wood gatties including cutting masonry or concrete and making good
the original surface using cement mortar, aluminium sections pretreated
for removal of any Specification No. KBS
7.10.1 -do- using aluminium section anodized to 12 - 15 microns. Sqm 3,860.00

7.10.2 -do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of 60-70 Sqm 3,525.00
microns with exterior durable pure polyester grade powder of approved
7.11 KSRB 7.11 : Providing and fixing in position aluminium windows and
ventilators as per approved drawings with sliding shutters using three
track window frame of size 92x31.75mm bottom section 1.3mm thick,
weight 1.07kg/m; sides and top sections 1.3 mm, thick, weight 0.933
kg/m.shutter frame section comprising top and bottom section of size
40mmx18mm, wall thickness 1.25mm. weight 0.417 kg.Im. shutter side
outer 40mmx18mm. wall thickness 1.25mm. weight 0.417 kg/m, shutter
interlock section 40mmx26.7mm wall thickness 1.1 mm. thick, weight
0.469 kg/m, the shutters mounted on nylon rollers with approved quality
of fixtures such as aluminium handles tower bolts etc.; providing and
fixing 5.5mm. thick plain glass for shutters fitted with rubber beading
all aluminium sections including cutting to required length, joints mitred
subdividing the frame tenonned and rivetted, in the assembled frame,
stiffened with end clips for corners, angles etc., and fixed to the walls,
lintels, floor beams/cills as the case may be, with necessary steel screws,
raul plugs or teak wood gatties including cutting masonry or concrete
and making good the original surface using cement mortar.
7.11.1 -do- using aluminium section anodized to 12 -15 microns. Sqm 3,830.00
7.11.2 -do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of 60-70 Sq m 4,110.00
microns with exterior durable pure polyester grade powder of approved
7.12 KSRB 7.12: Providing and fixing in position aluminium windows and
ventilators as per approved drawings with sliding shutters using four
track window frame of size 122.2x31.75mm. for bottom section 1.1mm
thick, weight 1.205 kg/m; sides and top sections 1.2 mm. thick weight
1.093 kg/m; shutter section comprising top and bottom section of size
40mmx18mm wall thickness 1.25mm. weight 0.417 kg.Im, shutter
side outer 40mmx18mm. wall thickness 1.25mm. weight 0.417 kg/m,

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

shutter interlock section 40mmx26.7mm wall thickness 1.1 mm. weight

0.469 kg/m; shutters mounted on nylon rollers with approved quality
of fixtures such as aluminium handles, tower bolts etc.; providing and
fixing 5.5mm. thick plain glass for shutters fitted with rubber beading
including cutting to required length, joints mitred subdividing the frame,
tenoned and riveted in the assembled frame to be stiffened with end
clips at corners, angles etc.; fixed to the walls, lintels, floor beams;ciiis,
as the case may be with necessary steel screws, raul plugs, or teak
wood gatties including cutting masonry or concrete and making good the
original surface using cement mortar; aluminium sections pretreated for
removal of any rust and coated with greasy materials for non adhesion
of mortar and other sticky materials; ( this coating should be cleaned
after installation ) including cost of materials; fixtures, labour and HOM
of machinery complete as per specifications.

7.12.1 -do- using aluminium section anodized to 12 - 15 microns. Sqm 3,596.00

7.12.2 -do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of 60-70 Sqm 3,695.00
microns with exterior durable pure polyester grade powder of approved
7.13 KSRB 7.13 : Providing and fixing aluminium casement windows,
combination of fixed glazing at top fully open able windows using
Z sections of 33mm, web thickness 4mm, weight 0.663 kg/m; central
mullion section 59x33mm with web thickness 3mm section weight
1.123kg/m; the shutters on aluminium hinges with approved quality of
fixtures such as aluminium tower bolts, handles, stays etc., providing
and fixing 5.5mm plain glass for shutters fitted with glazed clips
19mmx17.3mmx11mm. 0.9mm thick and rubber beading, aluminium
sections cutting to required length, joints metered, subdividing the
frame tenoned and riveted, assembled frame to be stiffened with end
clips at corner, angles and fixed to wall, lintel beam, floor; cill, as the
case may be with necessary screws, rawl plugs, cutting masonry or

concrete and making good the original surface; aluminium surface
pretreated for removal of any rust and coated with greasy materials
for non-adherence of mortar or any other sticky materials; (coating
removed after installation) and thoroughly cleaned free from dirt, rust
etc., including cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery
complete as per specifications.
7.13.1 -do- using aluminium sectiQn anodized to 12 - 15 microns. Sqm 4,335.00
7.13.2 -do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of 60-70

Sqm 4,420.00
microns with exterior durable pure polyester grade powder of approved l

7.14 KSRB 7.14 : Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position 1
aluminium partitions using sections in combination of plain,
single grove and double grove as per requirements for the frames
of overall size 101.6mm x 44.45mm, 3.18mm.thick having section
weight, plain sections 2.40kg/m single grove section 2.541 kg/m.
and double grove section 2.683 kg/m and bottom bottom member

SI.No. Descrlptlon Unit

114.3 mm x 44.45 mm 3.18 mm thick and 2.6 46 kg/m; aluminium

louvres of size 77 .6mmx27.6mm 1 .7mm. thick section weight O .483kg/m;
bottom portions provided with 12mm. thick pre laminated sheet both
side of approved colour lamination exterior grade; aluminium sections
of mat finish or glossy finish using section, spacing of vertical member
shall not exceed 0.6 m. c to c; sections are cut to the required lengths,
joints mitered and comers grinded subdividing frames tennoned and
riveted to the frames, the assembled frame should be stiffened with
comer angles stripped and fixed with screws, rawl plugs and teak wood
gutties to R.C.C.columns or masonry on sides, R.C.C. lintels or beams
at top and floor at bottom, including cutting chistling and making good
with cement mortar to match the surface, providing and fixing bottom
panel filled with the materials to a height of 0.9m. from floor level; and
5.5mm. thick plain glass for middle portion viz., 0.9m. to 2.13 m. and top
panel with lower sections, the glass and panels fitted with glazing clips of
19mmx17.3mm. with thickness of 0.9mm. weight 0.124kg/m; aluminium
sections pre-treated for removal of any rust and prevention of further
rust formation, and coated with greasy materials for non-adherence of
mortars or any other sticky materials; vertical members embedded in
the flooring by making suitable size holes and fixing with cement mortar,
with necessary opening for fixing of doors of standard size (excluding
cost of door opening) All the frame should be throughly cleaned free
from rust, scale or dirt including cost of materials, fixtures, labour and
HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.
7.14.1 -do- using aluminium section anodized to 12 - 15 microns. Sqm 5,653.00
7.14.2 -do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of 60-70 Sqm 5,726.00
microns with exterior durable pure polyester grade powder of approved
7.15 KSRB 7.15: Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position
aluminium partitions using aluminium sections of mat finish or glassy
finish in combination of plain grove, single grove and double grove as
per requirements for the frames of overall size 63.5mm x 38.1 mm. with
thickness of 2mm. having section weight, plain sections 1.054kg/m,
single grove thickness 1.95mm. section weight 1.094kg/m, double
grove thickness 1.9mm section weight 1.094kg/m and bottom member
114.3 mm. x 44.45mm. thickness 3.18mm. weight 2.646 kg/m;
aluminium louvres section of size 36.5mmx34.93mm 1.45mm. thick
section weight 0.429kg/m; bottom portions provided with 12mm. thick
prelaminated sheet both sides of approved colour lamination exterior
grade upto 0.9m height, spacing of vertical member not exceeding
0.6 m. c to c; sections are cut to the required lengths, joints mitered
and corners grinded subdividing frames tennoned and rivetted to the
frames; the assembled frame stiffened with corner angles, stripped and
fixed with screws, rawl plugs and teak wood gutties to R.C.C.columns
on sides, R.C.C. lintels or beams at top and floor at bottom, including
cutting chistelling and making good with cement mortar to match the
surface; providing and fixing 5.5mm. thick plain glass for middle portion
viz., 0.9m. to 2.13 m. and top panel with louvres sections: the glass and

----------------------�--.. ·-····----------
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps,

panels fitted with glazing clips of 19mmx17.3mm. of thickness 0.9mm.

weight 0.124kg/m, aluminium sections treated for removal of any rust
and prevention of further rust formation, coated with greasy materials
for non-adherence of mortars or any other sticky materials; vertical
members embedded in the flooring by making suitable sized holes and
fixing with cement mortar, with necessary opening for fixing of door of
standard size (excluding cost of door ) all the frame thoroughly cleaned,
free from rust, scale or dirt including cost of materials, fixtures, labour
and HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.

7.15.1 -do- using aluroinium section anodized to 12 15 microns. Sqm 3,610.00

7.15.2 -do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of Sqm 3,678.00
60-70 microns with exterior durable pure polyester grade powder of
approved quality.
7.16 KSRB 7.16 : Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position
aluminium shutters to the existing door frame in the partition using
47 .62x44.45mm section thickness 3.18mm, weight 1.505kg/m for
vertical frame; 47.62x44.45 thickness of 3mm, weight 1.42kg/m for
top section, 49.91mmx44.45mm with wall thickness 3mm, weight
1.495kg/m for central rail; and 114.3mmx44.45mm thickness 3.18mm,
weight 2.646kg/m for bottom rail; aluminium sections and cut to length
joint metred and corners grinded, the bottom rail and top rail hinged
or pivoted, opening arrangements including providing and fixing
standard approved accessories, such as aluminium handles, tower
bolts, lock, pivots: hinges P.V.C. or rubber gasket, 12mm prelaminated
sheets (Novopan) exterior grade of approved colour both sides same

colour for bottom panel of maximum height 0.90m and 5.5mm thick
plain glass for top panel (Novopan) and glass fixed with glazed clips
19mmx17.3mmx11mm, 0.9mm thick, weight 0.124kg/m; aluminium
sections treated for removal of any rust and prevention of further
rust formation, and coated with greasy materials for non-adherance

of mortars or any other sticky materials, including cost of materials,
fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as ' per specifications.
7.16.1 -do- using aluminium section anodized to 12 - 15 microns. Sqm 4,323.00
7.16.2 -do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of Sqm 4,364.00
60-70 microns with exterior durable pure polyester grade powder of
approved quality.
7.17 KSRB 7.17: Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position
aluminium door s using following aluminium mat finish or
glossy finish, outer frame plain section 101.6x44.45mm thickness
3.18mm, section weight 2.404 kg/m, door shutters vertical section
44.62x44.45mm thickness 3.18mm, section weight 1.505kg/m, top
section 47.62x44.45mm thickness 3.00mm, section weight 1.426kgim
bottom section 114 .3x44.45 thickness 3.18mm, section weight
2.646kg/m, door central section 49.91x44.45mm thickness 3.00mm.
section weight 1.495 kg/m glazing clips 19x17.3x11mm thickness 0.9mm
section weight 0.124kg/m; aluminium sections cut to length joint metred
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

comers grinded, the shutters pivoted opening arrangement with heavy

duty aluminium alloy automatic door closures floor mounted, providing
and fixing standard approved accessories, such as aluminium handle
full width or length, tower bolts, lock, pivots: P.V.C. or rubber gasket
---with 5.5m. thick plain glass for top and bottom panel; aluminium sections
treated for removal of any rust and prevention of further rust formation,
and coated with greasy materials for non-adherance of mortars or
any other sticky materials; the assembled frame fitted with the comer
angles, strips and fitted with screws, rawl plugs or teakwood gutties to
R.C.C. columns or masonry on sides. beams and flooring in bottom.
including cutting, chistling and making good with cement mortar to match
the surface; all the frames throughly cleaned free from rust, scale, or
dirt including cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery
complete as per specifications.

-do- using aluminium section anodized to 12 - 15 microns. Sqm 5,400.00

-do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of Sqm 5,489.00

60-70 microns with exterior durable pure polyester grade powder of
approved quality.

Providing and fixing of Aluminium composite panel of approved Sqm 7,520.00

make and colour for wall cladding for straight Brick/Rec/stone walls &
coloumns/beams with necessary aluminium frame works at required
level made out of 50x25x3mm C section or equalent. The panel should
consist of 2.5 mm thermoplastic core of antitoxic LDPE sandwiched
between 0.25 skins thick aluminium sheet making a total panel thickness
of 3mm. The surfaces will be finished with PVDF based coating on
topsides and service coating on reverse sides would be in polyester
paint. The system shall be fixed using GI brackets, aluminium L cleats
and stainless steel bolts and nuts complete with spring washer and cap
nuts and all other necessary accessories, sealing shall be done using
weather sealant of Dow Coming 789 with necessary rods etc., complete.

Providing and fixing of Aluminium composite panel of approved make Sqm 6,220.00
and colour for wall cladding for curved Brick/Rec/stone walls & coloumns/
beams with necessary aluminium frame works at required level made
out of 50x25x3mm C section or equalent. The panel should consist
of 2.5 mm thermoplastic core of antitoxic LDPE sandwiched between
0.25 skins thick aluminium sheet making a total panel thickness of 3m,m.
The surfaces will be finished with PVDF based coating on topsides and
service coating on reverse sides would be in polyester paint. The system
shall be fixed using GI brackets, aluminium L cleats and stainless steel
bolts and nuts complete with spring washer and cap nuts and all other
necessary accessories, sealing shall be done using weather sealant
necessary rods etc., complete.

Providing, fabricating and fixing of stick type structural glazing using Sqm 6,900.00
Alluminium Extrusions of 63.5 mm x 58.00 mmx 2.25 mm of 1.73 kgs/
mtr for vertical and Horizontal members and 63.5 mm x 38.1 x 1.33
mm ofO.759 kg/Mtr, as outer frame with Electro Anodized Paint coated
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

block finishing, using 6mm thick imported glass reflective hard coated
ocean blue raw glass with all necessary accesories like ultra glass
Silicon sealant of Space tape, Masking tape, Galvanized Anchaor
bolt, machine screws, 6mm thick M.S. angle 50mm x 150mm x 6mm
M.S. Galvanized L Brackets, structural sealant setting clocks, fasteners,
wall connection etc., complete.
7.21 "Providing fusion bonded epoxy coating not less than 175 microns
thickness and upto 300 microns to reinforcement of all diameters as
per IS: 13620-1993 including testing of coating at plant. The rate is
inclusive of cost on account of careful handling, PVC coated binding
wire instead of GI Binding wire, touch up material supplied by coating
agency, repair work, loading, unloading and straightening of bent rods
etc., complete as per specification and as directed by the Engineer in
charge. {Inclusive of all taxes but excluding transportation charges)
7.21.1 _do_For 10mm to 16mm dia bars Tonne 11,800.00
7.21.2 _do_For 20mm to 32mm dia bars Tonne 8,380.00
7.22 Providing , fabricating, assembling and fixing in position aluminium
partition using 101.60mm x 44.45mm x 3.18mm aluminium, mat
finish or glossy finish , anodized sections combination of plain, single
groove and double groove members should not exceed 0.60mc/c and
bottom member of required lengths, joints mitred and corner grinded
sub dividing assembled frame should be stiffened with corner angles.
Stripped and fixed with screws rawl plug and teakwood guttas to RCC
column or masonry on sides. RCC lintels or beams at top and mosaic
floor at bottom; including cutting chistelling and making good with
cement mortar to match the surface .Providing and fixing 12mm. thick
prelaminated sheet (Ecoboard - exterior grade) of approved colour
for bottom panel of maximum height 0.9m, and 5.50 mm thick plain or
pin headed glass for middle panel and top panel with glazing clips pf
19.05mm.x17.30mm.1.00mm. All the aluminium sections used should be
treated for removal of any rust and prevention of further rust formation
and coated with greasy materials for non adherence of mortar or any
other sticky materials: Ti-,e vertical members should be embedded in the
flooring by making suitdble size holes and fixing with cement mortar.
All the frame should be thoroughly cleaned free from rust, scale or dirt.
work should be carried out as per direction of engineer-in-charge of the
work with all lead and lift as per chief Architect's drawing etc., complete
to a degree of perfection.
7.22.1 -do- using aluminium section anodized to 12 - 15 microns. Sqm 2,900.00
7.22.2 -do- using aluminium section powdered coated to a minimum of 60-70 Sqm 3,000.00
microns with exterior durable pure polyester grade powder of approved
7.23 Providing and fixing door frame with or without ventilator made out Sqm 2,200.00
of cold rolled steel section of thickness 1.25mm formed into section

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

of 60mm x 105mm welded to form a rectangular door conforming to

IS 513-1973 and phosphated and painted and with one coat of red oxide
primer, two coat of a pproved enamel paints the frame work with 4nos.
of hold fast of size 200 x 25 x 4mm fixed in cement concrete 1:3:6 of
-- ·2omm down size jelly and 4nos. of ISi marked hinges 125mm long
welded to the frame and fixed with shutter made out of Honne wood
styles and rails of 30mm thick with panels of 12mm thick 'Ecoboard'
Plain Particle Board of exterior grade conforming to IS- 3087 excluding
the cost of fixtures but including labour charges for fixing of fixtures..
The hollow portion of the frame to be filled with c.c1:2:4 of 20mm down
size jelly.
"Providing and fixing cold rolled prepainted steel windows of
IS standards, made out of 0.6mm thick deep drawing quality galvanised
on both sides 120gms/ Primer coat upto 5 microns with
thermosetting epoxy resin and finish painted with a polyester based
paint 20 microns thick. The size of profiles is approximately 46x52mm
for external frames, 46x46mm section for shutters, 46x70mm section for
centre mullion/transom and 18x31mm section is for fixing glasses. The
section should be cut to length joint mitred and assembling by means of
corner brackets made out of cold rolled cold annealed strips of 1.2mm
thick duly galvanised and fixed with nickle plated self taping screws. The
shutters are provided with approved quality of fixtures like handles made
out of zamac alloy die cast and powder coated, receiver made out of
glass filled nylone and hinges made out of CRCA powder coated. 4mm
thick glass should be fixed with EPDM gaskets. Guard bars fabricated
out of 10mm square bright bars shall be fixed horizontally at 125mm
C/C by rivetting to the external frame. The above frames are fixed to the
concrete I masonry walls by means of self expanding screws."
a) - do- with 4mm float glass without gaurd bars Sqm 3,520.00

b)- do- with 4mm tinted glass without gaurd bars Sqm 3,600.00

c) - do- with 4mm float glass with gaurd bars Sqm 4,000.00

d) - do- with 4mm tinted glass with gaurd bars Sqm 4,250.00

Providing and fixing cold rolled prepainted steel partitions of IS Sqm 2,700.00
standards, made out of 0.6mm of deep drawing quality galvanised
on both sides 120gms/ Primer coated upto 5 microns With
thermosetting epoxy resin and finish painted with a polyester based paint
20 microns thick. The size of profiles is 46X52mm for external frame,
section for mullion or transom is of size 46x70mm and section for fixing
glass/board is of 18x31 mm. The section should be cut to length joint
mitred and assembling by means of corner brackets made out of cold
rolled cold annealed strips of 1.2mm thick duly galvanised and fixed
with nickel plated self taping screws. 5mm thick glass should be fixed
with EPDM gaskets. 10mm thick prelaminated particle board shall be
fixed with the help of the clipping bead. The above frames are fixed

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

to the concrete / masonry walls and floors by means of self expanding


7.26 Supplying and fixing pressed steel door frames size 125x65 mm Sqm 3,500.00
manufactured from 1.25mm thick carbon steel or imported steel strips
with mitred joints of 900 for door openings and shutters made out of
seasoned Honne wood, styles of 30 mm, thick with lock rail of 160
mm, width, top and side rails of 100 mm. width and bottom rails of 250
mm width and panel filling with 12mm thick particle board of exterior
grade bonded with phenol formal dehide resin and the shutter shall
be rot proof, vermin proof, heat resistant guaranteed against shrinkage,
warpage and such other defects for a period of 3 years. This shall be
as per approved drawings, specification and direction including cost of
conveyance, manufacturing, painting with enamel paint 2 coats over primer
coat, cost of labour for all items of work, machinery, equipment and all other
incidental charges with all lead, lift, loading and unloading etc., complete.
The Hollow portion of the frame to be filled with cement concrete 1 :2:4.
7.27 "Supplying and fixing pressed steel window frame of size 100 x 50mm Sqm 3,800.00
manufactured from 1.25 mm thick carbon steel or imported steel strips
with neat mitred joints at 900degree for window openings and shall be
suitable to fix M.S. grills as per design and drawings using 12mm dia rods
at 100mm Centre to Centre horizontally and two members of M.S flats of
6mmx40mm size at 150mm apart, welded into a frame of 6mmx40mm
size M.S. flats with 16mm size lugs, and 8 Nos. of 100mm size hinges,
4 Nos of Butt Stay pins and 4 Nos. Tower bolts and shutters half panelled
II and hallf glazed with shutters made out of seasoned honne wood, styles
of 30mm thick and 100mm width and rails of 30mm thick and 100mm
'I width and using 4mm thick pin headed glass and panel, filling with 12mm
thick particle board of exterior grade bonded with phenol formal dehide
resin and the shutter shall be rot proof vermin proof, heat resistant

guaranteed against shrinkage, warp age and such other defects for a
period of 3 years.This shall be as per approved drawing, specification
and direction including cost of conveyance, manufacturing painting with
2 coats enamel paint over one coat of primer, cost of labour for all items
of work, machinery, equipment and all other incidental charges with all
lead, lift loading and unloading etc., complete. The Hollow portion of
the frame to be filled with cement concrete 1 :2:4."
7.28 Providing electric welding using carbon electrodes including cost of cm 2.80
welding machine, power charges, welding rods, and labour charges for
welding etc., complete as per specification.

7.29 Fabrication supplying and erecting M.S. tubular trusses of all spans as Kgs 131.00
per approved drawing & design with prefabricated steel applications
using quality material and are durable, reliable and corrosion and
abrasion resistant. Welding shall confirm to latest structural welding
code. Quality shall be on various parameters like shape, size, design
gauge and polish. The entire trusses is anchored in RCC column by
using 4 nos of M.S. anchor bolts at each support with 10mm thick
base plate and shoe plate. The work includes cutting, straightening,

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

placing in position of M.S. pipes and welding wherever necessary and

applying one coat of redoxide primer coat to all the members including
cost of all materials, labour charges, and hire charges of machineries
for cutting, welding, grinding and erection equipments, with all lead and
.----..c..lift, transportation, letc. , complete as per specification
Fabricating, supplying & erecting M.S. Angular Truss for all spans Kgs 128.00
"- as per approved designs and drawing. The entire truss is anchored
suitably by using 4 Nos. of M.S. anchor bolts at each support, with
base plate and shoe plate. The work includes cutting, straightening,
placing in position of M.S angle and welding wherever necessary, and
applying one coat of red oxide primer coat to all the members including
cost of all materials, labour charges, & hire charges of machineries for
cutting, welding, grinding & erection equipments, etc. , complete as per
Fabricating, providing and erecting in poiston of M.S. Ornamental Kgs 147.00
security Grill Gate without hot dip using 75 x 12mm MS Flat for alround
frame work with verticals at the centre and horizontal centere support
MSSquare of 20 x20 mm of different heights as shown in the drawing
are to be fixed at 16 ems CIC for square bars of full height and at
8cms C I C for bottom rods providing ornamental C I Designers at the
·bottom and CI arrows in the midle and top. The entire frame work is to
be fixed by means of expansion bolts to the brick pillars with necesary
drilling holes. the work includes providing two coats of enamel painting
over one coatr of red lead ready mix primer coa·t etc complete cost of
all labour, painting, erection charges using hoist pulleycranes with all
lead and lift, loading, transporting and unloading using hoist pulley
cranes, scaffolding charges and all other incidental charges required
for successful completion fo the work as per specification and drawings
Fabricating, providing and erecting in poiston of Hot dip galvanised Kgs 166.00
M.S.Ornamental security Grill Gate using 75 x 12mm MS Flat for
alround frame work with verticals at the centre and horizontal center
support MSSquare of 20 x20 mm of different heights as shown in the
drawing are to be fixed at 16 ems CIC for square bars of full height
and at 8cms C I C for bottom rods provide ornamental C I Designers
at the bottom and C I arrows in the middle and top. The entire frame
work is to be fixed by means of expansion bolts to the brick pillars with
necessary drilling holes. the work includes providing two coats of enamel
painting over one coat of red lead ready mix primer coat etc complete
cost of all labour, painting, erection charges using hoist pulleycranes
etc as per specification and drawings.

Fabricating, providing and erecting in poiston of M S Ornamental Kgs 148.00

security Grill without hot dip using 75 x 12mm MS Flat for alround
frame work with verticals at the centre and horizontal centere support
MSSquare of 20 x20 mm of different heights as shown in the drawing
are to be fixed at 16 ems CIC for suqare bars of full height and at
8cms C I C for bottom rods providg ornamental C I Designers at the
botom and C I arrows inthe midle and top. The entire frame work is to
be fixed by means of expansion bolts to the brick pillars with necesary


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

drillling holes. the work includes providng two coats of enamel painting
over one coatr of red lead ready mix primer coat etc complete cost of
all labour, painting, erection charges using hoist pulleycranes etc as per
specification and drawings.

7.34 Fabricating, providing and erecting in poiston of Hot dip galvanised Kgs 175.00
M S Ornamental security Grill using 75 x 12mm M S Flat for alround
frame work with verticals at the centre and horizontal centere support
M S Square of 20 x20 mm of different heights as shown in the drawing
are to be fixed at 16 ems CIC for suqare bars of full height and at
Berns C / C for bottom rods providg ornamental C I Designers at the
botom and C I arrows inthe midle and top. The entire frame work is to
be fixed by means of expansion bolts to the brick pillars with necesary
drillling holes. the work includes providng two coats of enamel painting
over one coatr of red lead ready mix primer coat etc complete cost
of all labour, painting, erection charges using hoist pulleycranes with
all lead and lift, loading; transporting and unloading using hoist pulley
cranes, scaffolding charges and all other incidental charges required for
successful completion fo the work as per specification and drawings,

7.35 Providing and fixing M.S. Hand railing for Balcony/Staircase etc., Sqm 2,932.00
with 50mm dia. M.S. hollow pipe of 14 gauge, welded to 20mmx20mm
M.S. square rod placed vertically, spaced at 100mm at regular intervals
of 600mm. These vertical rods laterally tied _to 3 horizontal rods spaced
at equal interval. These assembly is fixed to concrete by using expansion
bolts and welding the same to reinforcement bars and making good the
surface. All the joints and sections hould be cut to length, welded and
grinded wherever necessary etc., complete . The work includes cost
of all materials, labour charges for all items of work, hire charges for
welding, cutting and grinding equipment, and electricity charges, etc.,
complete as per specification and drawing.

7.36 Providing and fixing M.S. Grill over existing compound wall as per Sqm 5,880.00
using 16mm x 16mm M.S. Square rod at 150mm c/c spacing and 6mm x
40mm M.S. flats at horizontal and 6mm x12mm M.S. flat for ornamental
design and providing shop edge design at the vertex of every vertical
rods, including welding, grinding wherever necessary. All the steel
surface should be thoroughly cleaned free of rust and painted with anti
corrosive paint (shop paint) etc., complete. The work includes cost of all
materials, labour charges for all items of work, hire charges for welding,
cutting and grinding equipment, and electricity charges, etc., complete
as per specification.

7.37 Providing and fixing M.S. Gate as per Chief Architect Drawing, Sqm 3,432.00
using 50mm x 50mm 14 guage M.S. hollow pipe frame work bent to
ornamental shape as shown in the drawing and 35mm x 6mm and 16
x 16mm Square rods for verticals alternatively spaced at 4cms c/c in
two halves and 40mmx6mm M.S. flats for horizontal member and at
the top cast iron spikes are provided at alternate vertical members as
shown in the drawing etc., complete. All the steel surface should be


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

thoroughly cleaned free of rust and painted with anti corrosive paint
(shop paint) etc., complete. The work includes cost of all materials,
labour charges for all items of work, hire charges for welding, cutting and
grinding equipment, and electricity charges, with lead and lift, loading
andunloading charges, etc., complete as per specification.

Providing and fixing stainless steel 304 grade for staircase railings, Sqm 6,310.00
··fialconies, ramps, with hand rail, 50mm dia 16 guage hollow pipe
welded to vertical hollow 50mm dia pipe of 16 guage, stainless steel
·· vertical pipe spaced at 1.20m regular intervals, and 5 Nos of 25mm
dia. Stainless steel hollow horizontal pipe are welded to vertical 50mm
dia hollow pipe. The entire assembly is fixed to staircase concrete by
- using expansion bolts by drilling concrete etc., complete including cost
___pf materials, labour, HOM of machineries and electrical charges, etc.,
complete as per specifications.

Providing and fixing 304 - grade stainless steel hand rails of 14-gauge Sqm 6,070.00
pipes for Ramps staircase made out of stainless steel hallow pipes,
_____ using 50mm dia for verticals @1.60 mtr c/c fixed tot he ramps or steps
by drilling with bolts and 100mm dia MS base plates 10mm gauge for
fixing of Vertical pipes 4 - Nos anchor bolts & 40mm dia pipes fixed
horizontally for 2-rows top, one pipes fixed with vertical pipes another one
fixed with elbows and 25mm dia pipes are fixed horizontally for 2-rows
below top measure@equal intervals including cutting, welding, bending
wherever necessary with suitable caps @ tops, bottoms & corners
finishing with mat / shining etc., complete including cost and conveyance
of all materials, labour for all items of work, HOM of equipment with all
lead and lift, loading and unloading, transportation charges and all other
incidental charges etc., complete as per specification and directions of
the Engineer-in-charge of the work.
Ramps or Staircase for physically challenged.

f;RB 7-14 and KSRB 7-15: Door opening shall only be deleted from the overall
easurements and balance area shall only be considered for payment.

,,: charges: The above rates are applicable for Ground and basement floors
:'only. Add an additional rate of Rs. 5.00/sqm per floor above or below.

.d I

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SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 8.1 : Providing and fixing in position stone slab roofing Sqm 680.00
10 to 12 ems thick laid to line and level over wooden rafters or R.C.C.
battens, pointing exposed joints with cement mortar 1:4 including cost
of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications. ( wooden
rafters and R.C.C. battens to be paid seperately )
··· · Specification No. KBS
KSRB 8.2 : Providing and fixing in position black cuddapah slab / Sqm 645.00
Shahabad slab / Thandur blue slab 4 ems thick for roofing laid to
line and level over wooden rafters or R.C.C. battens pointing exposed
joints with cement mortar 1 :4 including cost of materials, labour, curing
complete as per specifications. (wooden rafters and R.C.C. battens to
be paid seperately )
KSRB 8.3-1: Providing and laying to required line and slope roofing with Sqm 475.00
corrugated asbestos cement sheet 6mm. thick fixed with galvanised
iron J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm. dia C.I plain and bitumen washers
over the existing purlins, rafters and trusses including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. Kl;3S 8.5
KSRB 8.5 : Providing and laying cinder concrete in cement 1 :15 cum 1,890.00
(1 cement: 15 cinder of 12.5mm nominal gauge) on terraced roof or
sunken slabs, laid to slope compacting, including cost of materials,
labour, curing complete as per specifications.
KSRB 8.6-1 : Providing and fixing on wall surface cast iron rain down m 1,380.00
water pipes 75mm dia including filling the joints with spun yarn soaked
in neat cement slurry 1:2 with necessary specials like shoes, bends
and offsets fixed with iron clamps, wall plugs, screws, including cost of
materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 8.3-2 : Providing and laying to required line and slope roofing Sqm 475.00
with semi-corrugated ( Trafford ) asbestos cement sheet 6mm. thick
fixed with galvanised iron J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm. dia C.I
plain and bitumen washers, over the existing purlins, rafters and trusses
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 8.3-3 Extra for A.C. sheet corrugated/ semi-corrugated sheet Sqm 9.15
roofing with vertical sheeting to a pitch exceeding 60 degrees
KSRB 8.3-4: Providing and fixing ridges, hips with asbestos cement m 380.00
sheet roofing with G.I. J or L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm. dia G.l.plain
and bitumen washers, serrated or plain wings, adjustable ridges,
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
8.9 KSRB 8.3-5 : Providing and fixing northlight adjustable ridges, hips m 305.00
with asbestos cement sheet roofing with G.I. J or L hooks, bolts and
nuts 8mm. dia G.l.plain and bitumen washers, serrated or plain wings,
adjustable ridges, including cost of materials, labour, complete as per


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

8.10 KSRB 8.4-1 : Providing and fixing Mangalore tile roofing using first Sqm 1,325.00
class tiles with necessary special tiles for ridges and hips, teak wood
reepers of size 50x25mm and pointed with cement mortar 1:4 over
the existing rafters including cost of materials, labour, curing complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 8.17

8.11 KSRB 8.4-2 : -do- nandi wood reepers of size 50x25mm Sqm 1,080.00

8.12 KSRB 8.4-3 :-do - jungle wood reepers of size 50x25mm Sqm 1,075.00

8.13 KSRB 8.6-2 : Providing and fixing on wall surface cast iron rain down m 1,600.00
water pipes 100 mm dia including filling the joints with spun yam soaked
in neat cement slurry 1:2 with necessary specials like shoes, bends
and offsets fixed with iron clamps, wall plugs, screws, including cost of
materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 8.25, 8.26

8.14 KSRB 8.6-3 : Providing and fixing on wall surface asbestos cement rain m 512.00
down water pipes 75mm dia including filling the joints with spun yam
soaked in neat cement slurry 1:2 with necessary specials like shoes,
bends and offsets fixed with iron clamps, wall plugs, screws, including
cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 8.27, 8.28

8.15 KSRB 8.6-4: -do-100 mm dia m 620.00

8.16 KSRB 8.6-5 : Providing and fixing on wall surface 2.5 kg/ H.D.P.E. m 558.00
rain down water pipes 90 mm outer dia approved make and brand
with necessary specials like shoes, bends and offsets fixed with iron
clamps, wall plugs, screws, including cost of materials, labour, curing
complete as per specifications.

8.17 KSRB 8.6-6 : -do - 2.5kg / H.D.P.E. rain down water pipes m 740.00,
110mm outer dia

8.18 KSRB 8.6-7 : Providing and fixing on wall surface 4.0 kg/ H.D.P.E. m 604.00
rain down water pipes 90 mm outer dia. approved make and brand
with necessary specials like shoes, bends and offsets fixed with iron
clamps, wall plugs, screws, including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.

8.19 KSRB 8.6-8: -do - 4.0 kg/ H.D.P.E. rain down water pipes m 753.00
110mm outer dia

8.20 KSRB 8.7-1 :Providing and fixing in position 10mm thick plaster of Sqm 2,297.00
paris (Gypsum anhydrous) for ceiling flat surface upto a height of
5 m above floor level over aluminium strips 25mm / 6mm with 10mm
gap in between and reinforced with rabbit wire mesh fixed to metal
frames including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per

8.21 KSRB 8.7-2: - do- ceiling curved surface Sqm 2,385.00


1te SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Ps. Rs. Ps.

too 8.22 KSRB 8.7-3: Extra over item No. 8.7-1 and 8.7-2 for any sunk or raised Sqm 1,021.00
moulded design plaster of paris (Gypsum anhydrous) ceiling
KSRB 8.7-4: Extra over item No. 8.7-1 and 8.7-2 for providing plaster Sqm/m 93.00
-------of paris (Gypsum anhydrous) ceiling above 5 m. height from floor level

::'.:'fk24 KSRB 8.7-5: Providing and fixing in position 12mm thick plaster of Sqm 2,020.00
---..........�. �····paris (Gypsum anhydrous) for ceiling rein forced with hessian cloth
.oo flat surface with ceiling tiles up to a height of 5 m above floor level over
00 aluminium strips and rendered smooth with plaster of paris including
cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
KSRB 8.7-6 : Extra over item No. 8.7-5 for providing plaster of paris Sqm/m 41.50
(Gypsum anhydrous) ceiling tiles above 5 m height from floor level

8.26 Providing top layer with 12mm thick silica latex plaster with smooth Sqm 360.00
finishing on top surface.
�.27 Providing and fixing 6mm Bronze Multi wall poly carbonate sheet Sqm 2,670.00
for Tubular structure. The work including cost of all materials, labour
charges, and hire charges of machineries for cutting, welding, grinding
and erection equipment, complete as per specification.
Providing and fixing 15 mm thick densified regular edged eco friendly Sqm 1,566.00
light weight calcium silicate False ceiling tiles of approved texture
spintone/cosmos/Hexa or equivalent of size 595 x 595 mm in true
horizontal level suspended on inter locking metal grid of hot dipped
galvanized steel sections (galvanizing@ 120 grams per sqm including
both sides) consisting of main T runner suitably spaced at joints to
get required length and of size 24 x 38 mm made from 0.33 mm thick
(minimum) sheet, spaced 1200 mm centre to centre, and cross T of
size 24 x 28 mm made out of 0.33 mm (minimum) sheet, 1200 mm
long spaced between main T at 600 mm centre to centre to form a
grid of 1200 x 600 mm and secondary cross T of length 600 mm and
size 24 x i8 mm made of 0.33 mm thick (minimum) sheet to be inter
locked at middle of the 1200 x 600 mm panel to form grid of size
600 x 600 mm resting on periphery walls / partitions on a Perimeter wall
angle precioated steel of size 24 x 24 x 3000 mm made of 0.40 mm thick
with 25 mm long dry wall screwes at 230 mm intervals and laying 15 mm
thick densifed edges calcium silicate ceiling tiles of approved texture
(Spintone l Cosmos) in the grid including cutting / making opening for
services like diffusers, grills, light fittings, fixtures, smoke detectors
etc., wherever required, Main T runners ti be suspended from ceiling
using G I slotted cleats of size 25 x 35 x 1.6 mm fuixed to ceiling with
12.5 mm dia and 50 mm long dash fastemers, 4 mm GI adjustable rods
with galvanized stell level clips of size 85 x 30 x 0.80mm spaced at 1200
mm centre to centre along main T bottom exposed with 24 mm of all
T sections shall be pre painted with polyster baked paint for all heights,
as per specifications, drawings and as directed by Engineer in charge.

-------------------------- · ·-····-··

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

8.29 Providing and fixing of pre pigmented extruded orange cement roof Sqm 713.00
tiles of size 420mm x 330mm with necessary specials such as Ridges,
Barges and Nails etc. including cast of providing PVC (6.00kgs/sq cm)
gutters of min 6" radius and down water pipes of 4" dia as per the roof
design on EXISTING MS/WOODEN ROOF or TRUSS. Including cost
of materials, scaffoldings, labour etc., compelte as per specifications.
8.30 Providing and fixing of pre pigmented extruded orange cement roof Sqm 670.00
tiles of size 420mm x 330mm with necessary specials such as Ridges,
Barges and Nails etc., including cost of providing PVC (6.00kgs/ sqcm)
gutters of min 6" radius and down water pipes of 4" dia as per roof design
mortar band, all materials labour as per specifications.

Note for Item 8.28

1. Only calcium silicate false ceiling area will be measured from wall to wall.
No deduction shall be made for exposed frames / openings (cut outs) having
area less than 0.30 sqm. The calcium silicate ceiling tile shall have NRC value
of 0.50 (Minimum )light reflection > 85% non-combustible as per B S 476 part IV,
100% humidity resistance and also having thermal conductivity< 0.043 w/m 0 KC

_..,, ..



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 9-1 : Labour for providing Teak wood wrought and putup for cum 3,340.00
purlins, common rafters and similar work including cost of labour, HOM
-----ofmachineries complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 9.4
KSRB 9-2.1 : Providing Honne wood wrought and putup for purlins, cum 78,760.00
common rafters and similar work including cost of materials, labour,
HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 9.27
KSRB 9-2.2 : -do - Mathi / Nandi wood wrought and putup cum 54,225.00

KSRB 9-2.3 : -do - Sal wood wrought and putup for purlins cum 53,920.00

KSRB 9-2.4 : -do- Jungle wood such as Nerale, Neem wrought cum 45,790.00
and putup

KSRB 9.4-1 : Providing Teak wood frames of doors, windows, cum 1,74,740.00
clerestory windows, ventilators and other frames, wrought, framed
or assembled including making plaster groves (excluding cost of cement
concrete and side clamps), but including cost of materials, labour, HOM
of machineries complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 9.33
KSRB 9.4-2: -do- Honne wood frames cum 79,100.00
KSRB 9.4-3: -do- Mathi / Nandi wood frames cum 56,800.00
KSRB 9.4-4 : -do -White Sal wood frames cum 54,650.00
KSRB 9.4-5: -do- Red Sal wood frames cum 54,650.00
KSRB 9.5-1 : Providing and fixing in position fully panelled Teak wood Sqm 7,720.00
shutters for doors, with styles and rails of 40mm. thick with bottom and
lock rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing
and panels of 25mm thick including cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34
KSRB 9.5-2 : -do- Honne wood Sqm 3,670.00
KSRB 9.5-3 : -do- Mathi/Nandi wood Sqm 2,935.00
KSRB 9-6.1: -do -Teak wood Styles and rails of 35mm thick Sqm 7,260.00
KSRB 9-6.2 : -do - Honne wood - do - Sqm 3,480.00
KSRB 9-6.3: - do - Mathi/ Nandi wood - do - Sqm 2,790.00
KSRB 9-7.1 : Providing and fixing in position fully panelled Teak wood Sqm 6,800.00
shutters for doors, styles and rails of 30mm. thick with bottom and
lock rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing
and panels of 25mm thick including cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34

-- -- . -. - · ·· · =· .

SI. No. Description Unit Rate 'C

Rs. Ps.

9.21 KSRB 9-7.2: -do-Honne wood Sqm 3,300.00

9.22 KSRB 9-7.3: -do-Mathi/ Nandi Sqm 2,650.00
9.23 KSRB 9-8.1 : -do - Teak wood wood panels of 35mm thick Sqm 6,295.00
9.24 KSRB 9-8.2 : - do-Honne wood Sqm 3,098.00
9.25 KSRB 9-8.3 : -do-Mathi/ Nandi wood Sqm 1,888.00

9.26 KSRB 9-9.1: Providing and fixing in position Teak wood half panelled Sqm 6,450.00
and half glazed shutters for doors, styles and rails of 40mm. thick with
bottom and lock rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as
per drawing and panels of 25mm thick, 4mm thick plain glass, fixed with
beading 15mm wide and thickness to finish with the shutters surface
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42
9.27 KSRB 9-9.2: -do-Honne wood Sqm 3,290.00
9.28 KSRB 9-10.1 : Providing and fixing in position Teak wood half panelled Sqm 5,994.00
and half glazed shutters for doors, styles and rails of 35mm. thick with
bottom and lock rails 1,80mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as
per drawing and panels of 25mm thick, 4mm thick plain glass, fixed with
beading 15mm wide and thickness to finish with the shutters surface
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures )
9.29 KSRB 9-10.2 : - do - Honne wood.half panelled and half glazed Sqm . 3,105.00
shutters for doors, styles and rails of 35mm. thick with bottom and lock
rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
panels of 25mm thick, 4mm thick plain glass, fixed with beading 15mm
wide and thickness to finish with the shutters surface including cost of
materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
(excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42
9.30 KSRB 9-11.1: Providir1 and fixing in position Teak wood half panelled Sqm 5,445.00
and half glazed shutte. s for doors, styles and rails of 30mm. thick with
bottom and lock rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as
per drawing and panels of 25mm thick, 4mm thick plain glass, fixed with
beading 15mm wide and thickness to finish with the shutters surface
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures )
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42
9.31 KSRB 9-11.2: -do- Honne wood Sqm 2,880.00

9.32 KSRB 9-12.1 : Providing and fixing in position Teak wood half panelled Sqm 5,140.00
and half glazed shutters for doors, styles and rails of 30mm. thick with
bottom and lock rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as
per drawing and panels of 20mm thick, 4mm. thick plain glass, fixed with
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

beading 15mm wide and thickness to finish with the shutters surface
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures )
....--- -
�pecification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42
KSRB 9-12.2: -do-Honne wood Sqm 2,760.00

KSRB 9-13-1: Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made Sqm 3,147.00
out of Honne wood styles and rails of 40mm. thick with bottom and
lock rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing
and panels of 18mm thick of exterior grade Melamine impregnated
prelamination particle board of approved colour on both sides
including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as
per specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures )
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.26.4
KSRB 9-13-2 : - do-on one side Sqm 2,978.00
KSRB 9-13-3 : Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made Sqm 2,900.00
out of Honne wood styles and rails of 40mm. thick with bottom and lock
rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
panels of 18mm thick of exterior grade plain particle board including cost
of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
( excluding cost of fixtures )
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.26.3
KSRB 9-14-1: Providing and fixing in positio·n shutters for doors made out Sqm 2,895.00
of Honne wood styles and rails of 35mm. thick with bottom and lock rails
180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and panels
of 18mm thick of exterior grade Melamine impregnated prelamination
particle board of approved colour on both sides including cost of
materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
( excluding cost of fixtures )
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.26.4
KSRB 9-14-2:-do-one side Sqm 2,776.00
KSRB 9-14-3 : Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made Sqm 2,808.00
out of Honne wood styles and rails of 35mm. thick with bottom and lock
rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
panels of 18mm thick of exterior grade plain particle board including cost
of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
( excluding cost of fixtures )
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.26.3
KSRB 9-15-1: Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made out Sqm 2,740.00
of Honne wood styles and rails of 30mm. thick with bottom and lock rails
180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and panels
of 18mm thick of exterior grade Melamine impregnated prelamination
particle board of approved colour on both sides including cost of
materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
(excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.26.3


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

9.41 KSRB 9-15-2: -do-one side Sqm 2,575.00

9.42 KSRB 9-15-3: Providing and fixing in position shutters for doors made Sqm 2,495.00
out of Honne wood styles and rails of 30mm. thick with bottom and lock
rails 180mm wide top rail and styles 100mm wide as per drawing and
panels of 18mm thick of exterior grade Plain particle board including cost
of materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
( excruding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.26.3
9.43 KSRB 9-16.1: Providing and fixing in position Teak wood fully panelled Sqm 8,860.00
shutters for windows with styles and rails of 35mm. thick, 75mm wide
in two halves with panels of 25mm thick including cost of materials,
labour charges, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
(excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34
9.44 KSRB 9-16.2: -do-Honne wood Sqm 4,008.00

9.45 KSRB 9-16.3 : - do-Mathi/ Nandi wood Sqm 3,015.00

9.46 KSRB 9-16.4 : Providing and fixing in position fully panelled shutters Sqm 3,275.00
for windows with Honne wood styles and rails of 35mm. thick, 75mm
wide in two halves with panels provided with NUWUD ( MDF ) of 25mm
thick including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures )
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.26.3
9.47 KSRB 9-17.1: Providing and fixing in position Teak wood fully panelled Sqm 7,400.00
shutters for windows with styles and rails of 30mm. thick, 75mm wide in
two halves with panels of 20mm thick including cost of materials, labour
charges, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications. (excluding
cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34
9.48 KSRB 9-17.2: -do- Honne wood Sqm 3,496.00

9.49 KSRB 9-17.3 : - do- Mathi/ Nandi wood Sqm 2,690.00

9.50 KSRB 9-17.4 : Providing and fixing in position fully panelled shutters Sqm 3,018.00
for windows with Honne wood styles and rails of 30mm. thick, 75mm
wide in two halves with panels provided with NUWUD ( MDF ) of 18mm
thick including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.26.3
9.51 KSRB 9-18.1: Providing and fixing in position Teak wood fully panelled Sqm 6,753.00
shutters for windows with styles and rails of 25mm. thick, 75mm wide
in two halves with panels of 20mm thick including cost of materials,
labour charges, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
(excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 9-18.2: -do-Honne wood Sqm 3,240.00

KSRB 9-18.3 : -do-Mathi/ Nandi wood Sqm 3,520.00
__KSRB 9-18.4 : Providing and fixing in position fully panelled shutters Sqm 2,766.00
for windows with Honne wood styles and rails of 25mm. thick, 75mm
wide in two halves with panels provided with NUWUD ( MDF ) of 18mm
-�--�- -----thick including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.26.3
KSRB 9-18.5: -do- NUWUD (MDF) of 12mm thick Sqm 2,604.00

KSRB 9-19.1: Providing and fixing in position Teak wood half panelled Sqm 7,600.00
shutters at bottom and half glazed at top for window shutters with styles
arid rails of 35mm. thick, 75mm wide in two halves with panels of 25mm
thick, 3mm thick reeded glass for top panels fixed with wooden beading
including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures) Specification
No. Providing and fixing in position Teak wood half panelled shutters at
bottom and half glazed at top for window shutters with styles and rails of
35mm. thick, 75mm wide in two halves with panels of 25mm thick, 3mm
·· thick reeded glass for top panels fixed with .wooden beading including
cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries complete as per
specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures) Specification No. KBS 9.34,
KSRB 9-19.2 :-do-Honne wood Sqm 3,715.00
KSRB 9-19.3 :-do-Mathi/ Nandi wood Sqm 2,930.00
KSRB 9-19.4 :Providing and fixing in position windows half paneled Sqm 3,290.00
shutters at bottom and half glazed at top for window shutters with
Honne wood styles and rails of 35mm. thick, 75mm wide in two halves
with panels filled with NUWUD ( MDF ) of 18mm thick, 3mm thick
reeded glas� for top panels fixed with wooden beading including cost
of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries complete as per
specifications. ( excluding cost of fixtures )
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42, 9.26.3

KSRB 9-20.1 : Providing and fixing in position Teak wood half panelled Sqm 6,620.00
shutters at bottom and half glazed at top for window shutters with styles
and rails of 30mm. thick, 75mm wide in two halves with panels of 20mm
thick, 3mm thick reeded glass for top panels fixed with wooden beading
including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures) Specification
No. KBS 9.34, 9.42

KSRB 9-20.2: -do - Honne wood Sqm 3,395.00

KSRB 9-20.3: -do - Mathi/ Nandi wood Sqm 2,723.00

KSRB 9-20.4 : Providing and fixing in position windows half paneled Sqm 2,734.00
shutters at bottom and half glazed at top for window shutters with Henne

SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

wood styles and rails of 30mm. thick, 75mm wide in two halves with
panels filled with NUWUD (MDF ) of 18mm thick, 3mm thick reeded glass
for top panels fixed with woodenbeading including cost of materials,
labour charges, HOM of machineries completeas per specifications.
(excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34,9.42, 9.26.3
9.64 KSRB 9-21.1 : Providing and fixing in position half panelled shutters
at bottomand half glazed at top for window shutters with Teak wood
Sqm 6,080.00
styles and rails of25mm. thick, 75mm wide in two halves with panels l
of 20mm thick, 3mm thick reeded glass for top panels fixed with
wooden beading including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42 f

9.65 KSRB 9-21.2 : - do - Honne wood Sqm 3,205.00

9.66 KSRB 9-21.3 : - do - Mathi/ Nandi wood Sqm 2,675.00

9.67 KSRB 9-21.4 : Providing and fixing in position windows half paneled Sqm 2,548.00
shutters at bottom and half glazed at top for window shutters with Honne
wood styles and rails of 25mm. thick, 75mm wide in two halves with {
panels filled with NUWUD (MDF) of 18mm thick, 3mm thick reeded glass
for top panels fixed with wooden beading including cost of materials,
labour charges, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
(excluding cost of fixtures) Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42, 9.26.3

9.68 KSRB 9-22.1 : Providing and fixing in position fully glazed for windows Sqm 5,265.00
shutters with Teak wood styles and rails of 35mm. thick 75mm wide in
single shutters with 4mm thick plain glass fixed with wooden beading
including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42

9.69 KSRB 9-22.2 : - do - Honne wood Sqm 2,810.00

9.70 KSRB 9-23.1 : Providing and fixing in position fully glazed for windows Sqm 4,650.00
shutters with Teak wood styles and rails of 30mm. thick, 75mm wide in
single shutters with 4mm thick plain glass fixed with wooden beading
including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42

9.71 KSRB 9-23.2 :- do - Honne wood Sqm 2,617.00

9.72 KSRB 9-24.1 : Providing and fixing in position fully. glazed for windows Sqm 4,165.00
shutters with Teak wood styles and rails of 25mm. thick, 75mm wide in
single shutters with 4mm thick plain glass fixed with wooden beading
including cost of materials.labour charges, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42
9.73 KSRB 9-24.2 : - do - Honne wood Sqm 2,425.00

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 9-25.1 :Providing and fixing in position fully glazed shutters for Sqm 6,470.00
ventilators side hung or central pivoted with Teak wood styles and rails
of 30mm. thick, 50mm Wide and central divider of 30mm. wide, 3mm thick
reeded glass fixed with wooden beading of size 10mm wide flushed to the
...,,......--,thickness of the frame including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
. Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42

KSRB 9-25.2 : - do - Honne wood Sqm 3,476.00

KSRB 9-25.3 : - do - Mathi/ Nandi wood Sqm 2,850.00

KSRB 9-26.1 : Providing and fixing in position fully glazed shutters for Sqm 3,794.00
ventilators side hung or central pivoted with Teak wood styles and rails
of 25mm. thick, 50mm wide and central divider of 25mm. wide, 3mm thick
reeded glass fixed with wooden beading of size 10mm wide flushed to the
thickness of the frame including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications. (excluding cost of fixtures)
Specification No. KBS 9.34, 9.42

KSRB 9-26.2 : - do - Honne wood Sqm 2,164.00

KSRB 9-26.3 : - do - Mathi/ Nandi wood Sqm 1,843.00
KSRB 9-27.1 : Fixing of door frame in an existing opening including Nos 985.00
embeeding frame in floor and walls after cutting masonry for holdfasts
for embedding holdfast in cement concrete 1:3:6 of 20mm and down
size granite metal painting two coats of coal tar to sides of frame, making
good the damages to walls and floor as required and disposal of the
debries with lead upto 50 m. including cost of materials, labour charges,
complete as per specifications.

KSRB 9-27.2 : - do - Fixing of window frame Nos 670.00

KSRB 9-27.3 : - do - Fixing of ventilator frame Nos 530.00


Providing & fixing 30mm thick factory made rigid foam Panelled Door Sqm 3,550.00
Shutters made from M.S. tube of 19 gauge thickness, size 19x19mm fro
styles and 15x15mm for top & bottom rails, covered with heat moulded
PVC channel of 5mm thick sheet & 30 x 50mm wide to form styles &
5mm thick & 75mm wide PVC Sheets for top rail, lock rail & bottom rail
on either side & 5mm thick 20mm wide PVC sheet as gap insert for top
rail & bottom rail, Panelling of 5mm thick PVC sheet fitted in the M.S.
Frame, Sealed to the styles & rails with 5x30mm PVC sheet beading
on either side & joined together with solvent cement adhesive etc.,
Complete as per manufacturers specification & direction of Engineer­
in-charge fixed to frames with 3 nos of 75 m.m Aluminium hinges.


Providing & fixing factory made PVC Door frame of size 50x47mm with Sqm 574.00
a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam


----·-- . - --�--- --

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. P s. ,.,;

sheet metered cut at corners & jointed 2 No.s of 150mm long brackets i
t 9
of 15x15mm M.S Square tube, the entire door frame to be reinforced
with 19x19mm M.S Square tube of 19 gauge. The door frame to be
fixed to the wall using M.S. Screws of 65180mm size complete as per
manufacturers specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Providing & fixing 30mm thick factory made rigid foam Prelam Panelled
Door Shutters made from M.S. tube of 19x19mm, 19 gauge for styles

and 15x15mm for top & bottom rails, covered with heat moulded
Prelaminated PVC C Channel of 5mm thick sheet & 30x50mm wide to
form styles & 5mm thick & 75mm wide Prelaminated PVC Sheets for

top rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side & 5mm thick, 20mm wide
cross PVC sheet as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail, Panelling of 5mm
thick PVC sheet Prelaminated on either side fitted in the M.S. frame,
Sealed to the styles & rails with PVC Designer beading on either side
& joined together with solvent cement adhesive etc., Complete as per
manufacturers specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge fixed to
frames with 3 nos of 75mm. Aluminium hinges.
9.85.1 -:do- with both side prelam Sqm 4,440.00

9.85.2 -do- with one side prelam Sqm 3,260.00

9.86 PVC DOOR SHUTTER : Supply and fixing of door shuttersmade of rigid Sqm 1,760.00
PVC extruded hollow section of 20mm x 200mm with the wall thickness
of 1.0mm + /0.1 mm equally divided into 4nos with tongue and groove
lockin_g arrangements. The shutter frame is made of 58x24 mm with
the wall thickness of 1.5mm+/-0.15mm section metricut and joined at
4 corners with 125mmx225mm plastic brackets. The shutter shall be
horizontally reinforced with 2nos of 8mm PVC rods. Teak wood battons
shall be reinforced inside the door shutter during the fabrication of the
door shutter at those points wherever the hardware is fixed on to the

door shutter.
9.87 Supply and fixing of door shutters made of rigid PVC extruded hollow Sqm . 1,950.00
section (Nandi or equivalent) of 20mmx200mm with the wall thickness
of 1.0mm+/-0.1 mm equally divided into 4nos with tongue an groove
locking arrangements. The shutter frame is made of 30mm x 79mm with
the wall thickness of 1.5mm+/-0.15mm section metric cut and joined at
4 corners with 125mmx225mm plastic brackets. The shutter shall be
horizontally reinforced with 2nos of 8mm PVC rods. Teak wood battons
shall be reinforced inside the door shutter during the fabrication of the
door shutter at those points wherever the hardware is fixed on to the
door shutter.
9.88 Supply and fixing of door frame made of hollow extruded PVC Section m 230.00
having dimension of 40x57mm with the wall thickness of 2mm+/-0.2mm
duly reinforced with seasoned wood plank at the hinges side. The door
frame top 2corners shall be metric cut/welded.


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Supply and fixing of door frame made of hollow extruded PVC Section m 220.00
having dimension of 40x46mm with the wall thickness of 2mm+/-0.2mm
duly reinforced with seasoned wood plank at the hinges side. The door
....--fr=�meJop 2 corners shall be metric cut/weilded .
_ Providing and fixing factory made splendoor of solid core single
=---1,af rigid composite polymer laminated sal wood, door shutter of
required thickness, manufactured out of solid core door conforming to
IS 2202 (Part-1) 1991, laminated with 0.8 mm thick polymer, termite,
water resistant and fire retardant with superior gluing based on vacuum
lamination technology and with various pre moulded design on both
faces conforming to IS 6307-1985, using adhesive conforming to IS
4835-1979 and door shuters tested in conformation to IS 4020-1994.
__ The finish of shutters will be TEADK/OAK/CEDAR/ROSE WOOD/
cost of fixtures and inclusive of supply of shutters to respective work
_do_ with door shutter 30mm thick Sqm 3,200.00
_do_ with door shutter 35mm thick Sqm 3,650.00
Providing and fixind of factory made 30mm P.V.C rigid foam Sqm 2,520.00
PANEL DOORS Rajashree made from MS tube of 19 guage, size of
19mm x 19mm and covered with heat moulded PVC C Channel of 5
mm thick and width of 50mm to form styles and rails. The inner panel
should be inserted in between the frame with 5mm thick PVC rigid
foam sheet, welded/sealed to the styles and rails along with 5mm PVC,
beeding on all and either sides. The vertical tubes may be filled with
suitable wood material to further enhance the screw holding capacity
Providing and fixing PVC Hollow Door Frame of the size 50x47mm m 390.00
with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out of extruded 5mm rigid PVC
foam sheet, mitre cut at two comers and joined with 2 Nos. of 150mm
long brackets of 15x15mm M.S. Square tube. The two vertical door
profiles are to be reinforced with 19x19 mm M.S. Square tube of 19
gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided through out
the frame. The door screws through the frame by using PVC fasteners.
A minimum of 4 Nos of screws to be provided for each vertical member
& minimum 2 Nos. for horizontal member.
Providing and fixing factory made single leaft rigid GRP Sandwich Sqm 3,200.00
composite door shutter of 32mm thick, laminated with two GRP
skins with wood grain finish, fabricated using U.V-stabilized lsopthalic
Gelcoat and on layer of 45 gsm E-Glass Chopped strand Mat (CSM),
impregnated with orthopthalic polyster resin. The thickness of the skins
shall not be less than 1.5mm. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) structural
foam panel of 29mm thickness and a density of 20 Kg/m3 shall be
,---�-----. sed as core material. Wooden reinforcements made of Seasoned
Salwood block of cross section not less than 28mmx32mm and also
necessary salwood reinforcements for fixing the metal fittings such as

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

tower bolts, aldrops, handles, etc, shall be provided. A structural

adhesive compatible with EPS foam shall be used for bonding the
core material, the Salwood reinforcement and the skins. The material
and process for manufacturing the door shutters shall confirm to
RV/TIFAC Composites Design centre Standards and specifications
and the door shutters tested in confiramation to IS 4020-1994. The
finish of shutter will be plain colour White/Ivory/Beige/Light Grey
or any other colour using high quality pigments. Exclusing cost of
fixtures and inclusive of supply of shutters to respective work spot.
9.94 Providing and fixing factory made single leaf rigid GRP Sandwich Sqm 4,000.00
composite door shutter of 40 mm thick, laminated with two GRP
skins with wood grain finish, fabricated using U.V-stabilized lsopthalic
Gelcoat and one layer of 450 gns E-Glass Chopped Strand Mat
(CSM), impregnated with orthopthalic polyester resin. The thickness
of the skins shall not be less than 1.5mm. Expanded Polystyrene i
(EPS) structural foam panel of 37mm thickness and a density of I
20 Kg/m3 shall be used as core material. Wooden reinforcements
made of Seasoned Salwood block of cross section not lessthan
36mmx32mmand also necessary salwood reinforcements for fixing
the metal fittings such as tower bolts, aldrops, handles, etc. shall be
provided. A �tructural adhesive compatible with EPS foam shall Qe
used for bonding the core material, the salwood reinforement and the Jf
skins. The material and process for manufacturing the door shutters
shall confirm to RV-TIFAC Composites Design Centre Standards
and specifications and the door shutters tested in confiramation to IS
4020-1994. The finish of shutter will be plain coulur White/IVORY/
Beige/Light Grey or any other colour using high quality pigments.
Excluding cost of fixtures and inclusive of supply of shutters to
respective work spot.
9.95 Providing and fixing 65mmx90mm GRP Doorframe fabricated m 480.00
using E-Glass Chopped Strand Mat (CSM). U.V-stabilized
lsopthalic Gelcoat and lsopthalic resin. The thickness of the GRP
skin shall not be less than 2.0 mm. The doorframe consists of four
segmens, which are provided with plug-in-socket arrangement
in-situ in the mould. The segments are plugged in and are joined
together by means of screws. The GRP frame shall be provided
with wooden reinforcement of 6 locations fro high screw holding
capacity for fixing metallic hold fast and shall be consolidated by
filling with medium density foam/Plaster with fibre reinforcement.
Six Numbers of 260mmx25mmx5mm size S shaped M.S. flat hold
fast shall be provided with the frame.
9.96 Providing and fixing 65mmx125mm GRP Doorframe fabricated m 565.00
using E-Glass Chopped Strand Mat (CSM) U.V- stabilized lsopthalic
Gelcoat and lsopthalic resin. The thickness of the GRP skin shall
not be less than 2.0mm. The doorframe consists of four segments,
which are provided with plug-in-socket arrangement in-situ in the
mould. The segments are plugged in and are joined together by
means of screws. The GRP frame shall be provided with wooden
reinforcement on 6 locations for high screw holding capacity for fixing
metalling hold fast and shall be consolidated by filling with medium
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

density foam/Plaster of Paris with fibre reinforcement. Six Numbers of

260mmx25mmx5mm size S shaped M.S. flat hold fast shall be provided
with the frame.
_ Providing G.R.P. unbreakable railings available in a wide range of Each 440.00
attractive colours made out of cross section >70mmx64mm of standard
length 7 feet (approximate 3.6Kg/m). The material and process for
__ manufacturing railings shall confirm to RV-TIFAC composites design
centre standards and specifications.
Providing and fixing RCC door frames factory manufactured, with m 220.00
C.C. 1 :1 1/2 :3 reinforced with 3 Nos. of 6 mm dia. Main bars and 6
mm dia. Stirrups welded at 30 cm C/C, vibrating, curing including cost
of steel and fabrication charges having 3 Nos. of hinges with 20mm x
3mm M.S. flat welded with required iron rods and flats with drilling and
fixing 4 No.of flat screw nuts each in concrete for fixing hinges and
making necessary provision in concrete for fixing aldrops, tower bolts
etc., including cost of one coat of oil based enamel primer, 4 No.of hold
fasts, 3 Nos. ISS Iron oxidised hinges necessary metal screws etc.,
complete. 60mm x 100 mm size-Door frames.
Providing and fixing mosquito mesh to mesh to windows with 7.5 mm Sqm 740.00
to 1.25 mm thick Honne wood petties including labour charges etc.,
Providing and fixing require line and slope roofing with semi-corrugated Sqm 850.00
PVC roofing sheets of industrial profile 250/40 in 2.00 mm thick white
colour, fire and heat resistant having width of 1.054 mtrs. fixed with
self tapping screws with washers, over the existing purlins, rafters and
trusses including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specification.

Providing and fixng Teak Wood Hand railing to stair case using bulusters rmt 9,180.00
of sections 40mm x 25mm as per design drawing No: 11863 / railings
issued by the Principal Chief Architect and fixing it to the steps using anchor
bolts and necessary adhesive materiasl and fixing T.W. handrail of section
75 x 75 mm to bulusters and finishing the same by using colourless polish
etc., complete. The work includes cost of all materials, labour charges for
all items of work, hire charges for welding, cutting and grinding equipment,
and electricity charges, with lead and lift, loading and unloading charges,
etc., complete as per drawing and specification

Providing Maranthi wood frames of doors, windows, clear story windows, cum 53,490.00
ventilation and other frames, wrought, framed or assembled including
making plaster grooves (excluding cost of concrete cement and side
clamps) but including cost of materials, labours, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications.

Providing & Fixing Mosquito mesh shutters made out of Stainless Sqm 3,200.00
Steel mosquito proof mesh with 95% & above visibility which is fixed to
the powder coated aluminium frame 32mm thick of approved shade.
The work including fixing the shutters with necessary accessories, to
complete as per specification including the labour charges for fixing the
shutter to the existing frames.

SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

9.104 Providing & Fixing Mosquito mesh shutters made out of Stainless Sqm 2,600.00
Steel mosquito proof mesh with 95% & above visibility which is fixed to
the powder coated aluminium frame 20mm thick of approved shade.
The work including fixing the shutters with necessary accessories, to
complete as per specification including the labour charges for fixing the
shutter to the existing frames.
9.105 Providing & Fixing Mosquito mesh shutters made out of Stainless Sqm 650.00
Steel mosquito proof mesh with 95% & above visibility which is fixed
to the powder coated aluminium frame of size 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 all round &
32mm thick of approved shade. T he work including fixing the shutters
with necessary accessories, to complete as per specification including
the labour charges for fixing the shutter to the existing frames.
9.106 Providing and fixing flush door shutter made out of solid core black
board type, well seasoned chemically treated hard wood battens and
internal frame with minimum 45 mm wide wooden frame all-round door
shutters covered with cross bonded wooden sheets ( core veneer)
hot pressed and fastened on both sides of the door using liquid
phenol formaldehyde resin as per IS specification 2202 (Part-I) 1991.
From manufacturer (Factory) complete as per specification.
9.106.1 - do - 30mm thick both side teak Sqm 3,390.00
9.106.2 - do - 30mm thick one side teak and one side commercial Sqm 2,845.00
9.106.3 - do - 30mm thick both side commercial Sqm 1,997.00
9.106.4 - do - 35mm thick both side Teak Sqm 3,634.00
9.106.5 - do - 35mm thick one side teak and one side commercial Sqm 3,040.00
9.106.6 - do - 35mm thick both side commercial Sqm 2,240.00
9.106.7 - do - 40mm thick both side teak Sqm 3,755.00
9.106.8 - do - 40mm thick one side teak and one side commercial Sqm 3,270.00
9.106.9 - do - 40mm thick both side commercial Sqm 2,482.00
9.107 Providing and fixing to the existing door frames, factory made single Sqm 2,346.00
leaf HOF - Teak Veneer skin sandwich composite door shutter of
40 mm thickness made out of honeycomb of 34 mm thick and-surrounded
by good quality properly seasoned wooden reinforcements of size
33 mm X 65 mm for fixing fixtures such as tower bolts, aldrops, handles
etc., and laminated on either sides with 3 mm thick wood grain finish
good quality HOF-Teak Veneer skins, using structural bonding material
compatible with honeycomb core, wood and HOF- Teak Veneer skin and
the whole assembly is bonded together at high temperature and pressure
using 650 tonnage heated compression moulding press.All the four sides
of the door shutter are applied with two coats of UV stabilized polyester
resin putty to completely cover and seal the wood from water ingression.
The material and process for manufacturing the door shall confirm to


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

RV-TIFAC composites design centre standards and specification and

the door shutters tested in confirmation to IS4020-1994, including cost
of all materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries etc. complete
but excluding the cost of fixtures.

Providing and fixing to the existing door frames, factory made Sqm 1,705.00
single leaf HDF skin sandwich composite door shutter of 40 mm
thickness made out of honeycomb of 34 mm thick and surrounded
by good quality properly seasoned wooden reinforcements of size
33 mm X 65 mm for fixing fixtures such as tower bolts, aldrops, handles
etc., and laminated on either sides with 3 mm thick wood grain finish
good quality HDF skins, using structural bonding material compatible
with honeycomb core, wood and HDF skin and the whole assembly is
bonded together at high temperature and pressure using 650 tonnage
heated compression moulding press. The HDF Composite door surface
is coated with 2 coats of high quality primer.The front and back surfaces
of the door shutter and all the four sides are painted with two coats of
high quality paint of any desired colour. The material and process for
manufacturing the door shall confirm to RV-TIFAC composites design
centre standards and specification and the door shutters tested in
confirmation to IS4020-1994, including cost of all materials, labour
charges, HOM and machineries etc. complete but excluding the cost
of fixtures.

Providing and fixing to the existing door frames, factory made single Sqm 2,373.00
leaf HDF - Teak Veneer skin sandwich composite door shutter of
32 mm thickness made out of honeycomb of 29 mm thick and surrounded
by good quality properly seasoned wooden reinforcements of size
28 mm X 40 mm for fixing fixtures such as tower bolts, aldrops, handles
etc., and laminated on either sides with 3 mm thick wood grain finish
good quality HDF- Teak Veneer skins, using structural bonding material
compatible with honeycomb core, wood and HDF- Teak Veneer skin and
the whole assembly is bonded together at high temperature and pressure
using 650 tonnage heated compression moulding press. All the four sides
of the door shutter are applied with two coats of UV stabilized polyester
resin putty to completely cover and seal the wood from water ingression.
The material and process for manufacturing the door shall confirm to
RV-TIFAC composites design centre standards and specification and
the door shutters tested in confirmation to IS4020-1994, including cost
of all materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries etc. complete
but excluding the cost of fixtures.

Providing and fixing to the existing door frames, factory made single Sqm 1,598.00
leaf HDF skin sandwich composite door shutter of 32 mm thickness
made out of honeycomb of 26 mm thick and surrounded by good quality
properly seasoned wooden reinforcements of size 25 mm X 65 mm for
fixing fixtures such as tower bolts, aldrops, handles etc., and laminated

Description Unit Rate
SI. No.
Rs. Ps.

on either sides with 3 mm thick wood grain finish good quality HOF
skins, using structural bonding material compatible with honeycomb
core, wood and HDF skin and the whole assembly is bonded together at
high temperature and pressure using 650 tonnage heated compression

�----�moulding press. The HOF Composite door surface is coated with 2 coats
of high quality primer. The front and back surfaces of the door shutter
and all the four sides are painted with two coats of high quality paint
of any desired colour. The material and process for manufacturing the
door shall confinn to RV-TIFAC composites design centre standards and
specification and the door shutters tested in confinnation to IS4020-1994,
including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries
etc. complete but excluding the cost of fixtures.

9.111 Providing and fixing to the existing door frames, factory made single Sqm 1,840.00
leaf HOF skin sandwich composite door shutter of 32 mm thickness
made out of honeycomb of 26 mm thick and surrounded by good quality
property seasoned wooden reinforcements of size 25 mm x 65 mm for
fixing fixtures such as tower bolts, aldrops, handles etc., and laminated
on either sides with 3 mm thick wood grain finish good quality HOF
skins, using structural bonding material compatible with honeycomb
core, wood and HDF skin and the wh9le assembly is bonded together at
high temperature and pres'sure using 650 tonnage heated compression
moulding press. The HDF Composite door surface is coated with 2 coats
of high quality primer.The front and back surfaces of the door shutter
and all the four sides are painted with two coats of high quality paint
of any desired colour. The material and process for manufacturing the
door shall confinn to RV-TIFAC composites design centre standards and
specification and the door shutters tested in confinnation to IS4020-1994, I
including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries
etc. complete but excluding the cost of fixtures. I

1. Lift charges : The above rates are applicable for Ground floor only.
An additional rate of Rs. 3.00/sqm per floor may be added for every
additional floor above or below for items vide SI. No. 9.14 to 9.99,
9.101, 9.102 and 9.111.


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 10-2 : Providing and laying in position Yelahanka tiles of size Sqm 1,035.00
250 x 250mm of approved quality and make, over a bed of cement
---m-o-rtar 1 :3 an average thickness 25mm over weather proof course and
pointed with cement mortar 1 :3 mix with red oxide including curing cost
.... � of materials, labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS

KSRB 10-3 : Providing and laying integral cement based waterproofing Sqm 850.00
treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment
of roofs, balconies, terraces etc., consisting of following application.
{a) Applying and grouting a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/
sqm of cement admixed with proprietary water proofing compound
conforming to IS:2645 over the RCC slab after cleaning the surface
before treatment. {b) Laying cement concrete using broken brick bats
25mm to 100mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 admixed with
proprietary water proofing compound conforming IS:2645 over 20mm
thick layer of cement mortar 1 :5 admixed with proprietary water proofing
compound to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls
upto 300mm height including rounding off junctions of walls and slabs.
{c) After two days of proper curing, applying a second coat of cement
lurry admixed with proprietary water proofing compound {d) Finishing
the surface with 20mm thick joint less cement mortar of mix 1:4 admixed
with proprietary water proofing compound and finally finishing the
surface with trowel and neat cement slurry and making of 300x300mm
square. {e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water
for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for final test including
cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications.

KSRB 10-4 : Providing and laying four courses water proofing Sqm 310.00
treatment with bitumen felt over roof consisting of first and third
courses of blown and / or residual bitumen applied hot at 1.45 kg / sqm
of area for each course second course of roofing felt Type - 3 grade-I
{hessian based self finish bitumen felt) and forth and final course of stone
grit 6mm and down size or pea sized gravel spread at 0.06 cum. I sqm
including preparation of surface but exduding grading complete with
bitumen felt {hessian based) Type - 3 grade-I blown or / and residual
bitumen applied hot 1.4 kg / sqm including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications. KBS 10.4.3

KSRB 10-5 : Providing and laying six courses water proofing Sqm 427.00
treatment with bitumen felt over roof consisting of first, third and
fifth courses of blown and / or residual bitumen applied hot at 1.45 kg,
1.2kg and 1.7kg / sqm of area respectively, second and fourth courses
of roofing felt Type -2 grade-I {fibre based self finish bitumen felt) and
sixth and final course of stone grit 6mm and down size or pea sized
gravel spread at 0.06 cum. / sqm including preparation of surface,
excluding grading but including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications. KBS 10.4.3


SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

10.5 Waterproofing of RCC Terrace / podium slab / toilet / utilities / water

retaining structure by preparing the surface by chipping and cleaning
and Grouting of Honey comb, voids,cracks / construction joints with
cement slurry (1kg cement added in 10 ltr of water) added with 100gm
of inorganic accelerator, followed by spraying of liquid biological modified
alkaline earth silicates@ 0.40 ltr per sqm on whole surface to reduce the
micro porosity and allowing it to dry, curing the surface for the silicates
to penetrate deeper into the concrete and spraying waterproofing
impregnate liquid containing silane and silanol linear copolymer @
0.50 ltr per sqm and finally applying polymer slurry made out of cross
linked acrylic / styrene / butadiene & cement in the ratio of 1 :0.1, @
0.50kg/sqm on the whole surface, including all labour charges tools and
equipments, all complete as per the specification
10.5.1 -do- Sqm 590.00
10.5.2 Bore Packing : filling the bore wherever necessary with polymer Sqm 242.00
modified concrete and brushing one coat of acrylic copolymer cross
linked formulation on the bore. including all labour charges tools and
equipments, all complete as per the manufacturer
10.5.3 Extra for water proofing the inside surface of tanks (OHT & UGT) - Sqm 285.00
applying of modified polymers soft acrylic esters coat @0.40 kg/sqm in
2 coats including all labour charges tools and equipments, all complete
as per the specification.
10.6 Providing and fixing food grade epoxy painting to over head tank Sqm 100.00
and sump tank after cleaning and drying including pumping and bailing
out of water, including cost of all materials labour lead and lifts etc.,
10.7 Cleaning RCC sump tanks and RCC overhead tanks with mechanical L 0.50
dewatering including removal of sludge, mud, dirt, algea etc and cleaning
the wall surface of tanks using high pressure jet, vacuum cleaning and
spraying anti bacterial treatment to the wall and ceiling surfaces and
UV treatment, including removing of sludge etc., using suitable coconut
broomstick, squeesers / wipers / rubber brushes, coir brushes, plastic
buckets, mugs, dewatering using motor with portal arrangement, hose
pipe etc., complete including all safety measures.
10.8 Providing and applying composite water proofing compo_und as Sqm 547.00
impregnate only on wet surfaces to arrest leaks in surfaces such as
roof cealing, internal and external walls, flooring and other surfaces
apart from water tanks, sumps, reservoirs, by mixing the composite
waterproofing compound with water in ratio of 1 :10 to make a workable

slurry and pouring it on all cleaned and prepared corners and disturbed
area and further mixing in the ratio 1 :20 AND pouring it on the prepared
surface by cleaning the surface with etchant chemical from dirt foreign

materials etc., and allowing it to be there upto 3 hours and then cleaning
the same using water complete as per specification so that the surface
is got back and ready to use after 4 hours.

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Providing and applying Polymer based water proofing slurry having Sqm 3,100.00
chemical resistance properties, capable of withstanding a Temperature
of 200 DegC for Protective Negative coating for Water Dampness &
seepages, comprising of Portland cement, Lime stone, Silica sand,
---Alumina cement, sodium aluminate in the form of powder composition
at 3.30 kgs mixed with 1.0 liter of Acrylic emulsion, applied on
O.64 Sqm area/liter of slurry on a cleaned surface free of loose materials
·· etc, complete on all masonry structures, overhead tank, sump tank,
water closet areas, sunken slab and other such areas, filling tile joints,
capable of Self curing within 3 to 4 hours of its application in normal
atmospheric condition, including cost of all materials, labour charges,
HOM and machineries etc., complete.
Providing and applying Polymer based instant running water leak arrester KG 2,100.00
in civil works using mixture capable of withstanding a temperature
of 200 Deg C comprising of Portland cement, Lime stone, Silica
sand, Alumina cement, Sodium aluminate, Calcium oxide in the form
of powder composition of 1.00kg mixed with 250ml water, applied on
a cleaned surface free of loose materials, dust etc., for cavities and
also for damaged areas in all masonry and concrete structures, for
rapid hardening and leak arresting including cost of all materials, labour
charges, HOM and machineries etc., complete.
Providing and applying water proofing in two coats of 300 microns Sqm 900.00
thickness on all surfaces like concrete, Metal, Plastic, Asbestos, Wood,
Cloth canopy using Heat refractive compound made out of Vinyl Acetate
copolymer latex, Water, Titanium Dioxide, Barium metaborate, Ceramic
Microsphere powder, Mica, Propylene Glycol in suitable proportions and
the surface to be treated should be cleared of loose particles/dust/fungus
etc and kept dry before the application of heat refractive compound,
including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries
etc., complete.

It can be followed by other operations like screeding, tiling eJc.,

after 1 hour. DO NOT FORCIBLY REMOVE composite waterproofing
compound ON TILES IF ANY.



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 12-1.1 : Providing and laying in position to required level or m 295.00
slope 100mm internal diameter salt glazed stoneware pipes grade
--�nd jointing with stiff mixture of cement mortar in proportion of 1:1,
testing of pipes and joints.including cost of materials, labour charges
complete as per specifications.
��Specification No. KBS 12.2.5 / 12.7

KSRB 12-1.2: -do-150mm m 465.00

KSRB 12-1.3 : -do-200mm m 650.00
KSRB 12-1.4: -do-230mm m 715.00
KSRB 12-1.5 : -do-250mm m 770.00
KSRB 12-1.6: -do-300mm m 840.00
KSRB 12-1.7 : -do-350mm m 905.00

KSRB 12-1.8: -do-400mm m 980.00

KSRB 12-1.9: -do- 450mm m 1,100.00

KSRB12-2.1 : Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete m 220.00

M7.5 40mm and down size graded granite metal, machine mixed
concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 ems thick, well compacted,
for 100mm internal diameter stoneware pipes including cost of
materials, labour charges, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per
Specification No. KBS 4.1 / 4.2

KSRB 12-2.2: -do-150mm m 370.00

KSRB 12-2.3 : -do-200mm m 410.00
KSRB 12-2.4 :-do-230mm m 440.80
KSRB 12-2.5: -do-250mm m 460.00
KSRB 12-2.6: -do-300mm m 525.00
KSRB 12-2.7 : -do-350mm m 590.00
KSRB 12-2.8: -do-400mm m 655.00
KSRB 12-2.9 : -do-450mm m 715.00

'. · t'.11.19 KSRB 12-3.1: Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete m 325.00
· . 4·- •
of mix M 7.5 using 40mm and down size graded granite I trap metal
.for haunching of 100mm internal diameter stoneware pipes, concrete
machine mixed laid in layers not exceeding 15 ems thick, well
compacted, induding cost of materials, labour charges, form work,
HOM of machinery, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1 / 4.2

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

11.20 KSRB 12-3.2 : -do-150mm m 525.00

11.21 KSRB 12-3.3 : - do - 200mm m 618.00

11.22 KSRB 12-3.4 : - do - 230mm m 710.00

11.23 KSRB 12-3.5 : - do - 250mm m 720.00
11.24 KSRB 12-3.6 : - do-300mm m 830.00
11.25 KSRB 12-3.7: -do-350mm m 950.00

11.26 KSRB 12-3.8 : - do-400mm m 1,070.00

11.27 KSRB 12-3.9 : - do - 450mm m 1,190.00

11.28 KSRB 12-4.1 : Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete m 690.00
of M 7.5 using 40mm and down size graded granite / trap metal for
surrounded encasing 100mm internal diameter stoneware pipes,
concrete machine mixed well compacted including cost of materials,
labour charges, form work, HOM of machinery, curing complete as per
Specification No. KBS 4.1 / 4.2

11.29 KSRB 12-4.2 : - do-150mm m 838.00

11.30 KSRB 12-4.3 : - do-200mm m 978.00

11.31 KSRB 12-4.4 : -do - 230mm m 1,065.00

11.32 KSRB 12-4.5 : - do-250mm m 1,130.00
11.33 KSRB 12-4.6 : - do - 300mm m 1,290.00
11.34 KSRB 12-4.7 : -do - 350mm m 1,470.00

11.35 KSRB 12-4.8 : -do - 400mm m 1,645.00

11.36 KSRB 12-4.9 : .:... do - 450mm m 1,810.00

11.37 KSRB 12-5.1 : Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole Nos 13,230.00
0.91 m internal dia at bottom 0.91m deep and 0.56m dia at top with
table moulded non-modular bricks of 50 class designation 50 in cement
mortar 1 :4, inside cement plastered 12mm thick with cement mortar
1 :3, finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete
M 10 using 40mm and downsize granite metal and making necessary
channel in cement concrete M 50 with 20mm and downsize granite metal
finished with a floating coat of neat cement, with S.F.R.C. cover and
frame ( heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation) 560mm internal diametre
confirming IS :12592, total weight cover and frame to be not less than
182 kg, fixed in cement concrete 1 :2:4, 20mm and downsize broken
granite metal, providing and removing centering, shuttering including
cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of mechineries complete as per
specifications. (Excavation, footrests and 12mm thick cement plaster
on the external surface shall be paid separately}
Specification No. KBS 12.4

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 12-5.2 : -do-deep 1.67m Nos 19,960.00

KSRB 12-5.3 : Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole Nos 24,850.00
1.22 m internal dia at bottom 1.68 m deep and 0.56m dia at top, with
-table moulded and non modular bricks of class designation 50 in cement
mortar 1:4, inside cement plaster 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3,
finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete M 1O
· ·-"-� using 40mm and down size granite metal and making necessary channel
in cement concrete M 15 with 20mm and down size granite metal,
finished with a floating coat of neat cement, with S.F.R.C. cover and
frame ( heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation) 560mm internal diameter
confirming to IS : 12592, total weight length of cover and frame to be
not less than 182 kg, fixed in cement concrete M 15 20mm and down
size broken granite metal, providing and removing centering, shuttering
· including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. (Excavation, footrests and 12mm thick
cement plaster on the external surface shall be paid separately)
Specification No. KBS 12.4

KSRB 12-5.4 : -do - 2.29m deep Nos 29,450.00

KSRB 12-5.5 : Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole Nos 40,240.00
1.52 m internal dia at bottom 2.30m deep and 0.56m dia at top, with ,
table mol!lded and non-modular bricks of class designation 50 in
cement mortar 1:4, inside cement plaster 12mm thick with cement
mortar 1:3, finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation
concrete M 10 mixed using 40mm and down size granite metal and
making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix with 20mm
anddown size granite metal, finished with a floating coat of neat cement,
with S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation)
560mm internal diameter confirming to IS: 12592, total weight length of
cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg, fixed in cement concrete
M 15 20mm and down size broken granite metal, providing and removing
centering, shuttering including cost of materials, labour charges, HOM
of machineries complete as per specifications. (Excavation, footrests
and 12mm thick cement plaster on the external surface shall be paid
Specification No. KBS 12.4

KSRB 12-5.6:-do-deep 4.18m Nos 74,190.00

KSRB 12-5.7: Constructing circular type manhole 1500mm internal Nos 40,830.00
dia at bottom 2.50m deep, 525mm dia at top, in brick masonry with
1:5 cement mortar, cement plaster 1:3, finish with a floating coat of neat
cement, RCC 1:2:4 top slab using 20mm and down size granite metal,
foundation concrete M 7.5 using 40mm and down size granite metal and
making chpnnels in cement concrete M 15 using 20mm and down size
granite metal, neatly finished curing, fixing Cl cover complete including
cost of materials, labour charges, HOM of machineries complete as per
specifications. (Excavation, footrests and 12mm thick cement plaster
on the external surface shall be paid separately)
Specification No. KBS 12.4


--- �-

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

11.44 KSRB 12-6.1 : Providing 20mm square M.S footrest and fixing in Nos 265.00
manhole with M 10 cement concrete block of 20x20x1Ocms, using
20mm and down size metal of size including cost of materials, labour
charges, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 12.4.6
11.45 KSRB 12-6.2 : Providing 20mm round M.S footrest and fixing in manhole Nos 235.00
with M 1O cement concrete block of 20x20x1 Ocms, using 20mm and
down size metal of size including cost of materials, labour charges,
curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 12.4.6
11.46 KSRB 12-6.3 : Providing cast iron footrest and fixing in manhole with Nos 310.00
M 10 cement concrete block of 20x20x1 Ocms, using 20mm and down
size metal of size including cost of materials, labour charges, curing
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 12.4.6
11.47 KSRB 12-7 .1 : Making connection of drain or sewer line of size 100 to Nos 1,630.00
230mm external dia with existing manhole including breaking into and
making good the walls, floors with cement concrete M 15 with 20mm
and downsize granite metal, cement plastered on both sides of mix
1 :3, finished with a floating coat of neat cement, and making necessary
channels for the drain, including cost of materials, labour charges,
curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
11.48 KSRB 12-7.2: -do - 250 to 300mm Nos 2,145.00
11.49 KSRB 12-7.3: - do -350 to 450mm Nos 2,840.00

11.50 KSRB 12-8.1 : Constructing brick masonry inspection chamber Nos 7,280.00
455x610mm, and 450mm depth, ( clear inside dimension ) for single
pipeline, using table moulded non-modular bricks of class designation
50 in cement mortar 1 :5, C.I cover withframe (light duty) 455x610mm
internal dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not less
than 38 kg ( weight of cover 23kg and weight of frame 15 kg) R.C.C.
top slab with cement concrete M 15 with 20mm and downsize granite
metal, foundation concrete M 5 with 40mm and downsize granite metal
inside plastering 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3, finish smooth
with a floating coat of cement on walls and bed concrete complete as
per standard design including cost of materials, labour charges, curing
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
11.50.1 - do - 600x600mm and 450mm depth ( clear inside dimension) for Nos. 8,008.00
single pipeline, using table moulded non-modular bricks of class
designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5, C.I cover withframe (light duty)
11.50.2 - do - 450x450mm and 450mm depth (clear inside dimension) for Nos. 4,456.00
single pipeline, using table moulded non-modular bricks of class
designation 50 in cement mortar 1 :5, C.I cover withframe (light duty)

s1.No. Description Unit Rate
Ps. Rs. Ps.

. oo ·11.50.3 - do - 450x300mm and 450mm depth ( clear inside dimension ) Nos. 2,976.00
for single pipeline, using table moulded non-modular bricks of class
designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5, C.I cover withframe (light duty)

- do - 230x150mm and 450mm depth ( clear inside dimension ) Nos. 765.00

>O for single pipeline, using table moulded non-modular bricks of class
designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5, C.I cover withframe (light duty)
KSRB 12-8.1.1 : Extra for item no. KSRB 12-8.1 depth beyond 450mm Each 640.00
and brick masonry chamber with table moulded non modular bricks of
0 class designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5 for every 150mm depth or
part thereof including cost of materials, labour charges, curing complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
KSRB 12-8.2 : Constructing brick masonry inspection chamber Each 8,030.00
500x700mm, and 450mm depth, ( clear inside dimension ) for pipeline
with one or two inlets, using table moulded non-modular bricks of class
designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5, C.I cover with frame (light duty)
455x610mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to be
. riot less than 38 kg ( weight of cover 23kg and weight of frame 15 kg )
R.C.C. top slab with cement concrete M 15 with 20mm and downsize
granite metal , foundation concrete M 5 with 40mm and downsize
granite metal inside plastering 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3,
finished smooth with a floating coat of cement on walls and bed concrete
complete as per standard qesign including cost of materials, labour
charges, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
KSRB 12-8.2.1 : Extra for item no. KSRB 12-8.2 depth beyond 450mm Each 710.00
and brick masonry chamber with table moulded non-modular bricks of
class designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5 for every 150mm depth or
part thereof including cost of materials, labour charges, curing complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
KSRB 12-8.3 : Constructing brick masonry inspection chamber Each 9,030.00
600x850mm, and 450mm depth, ( clear inside dimension ) for pipeline
with three or more inlets, using table moulded non-modular bricks of
class designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5, C.I cover with frame (light
duty) 455x610mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover with
frame to be not less than 38 kg ( weight of cover 23kg and weight of
frame 15 kg ) R.C.C. top slab with cement concrete M 15 with 20mm
and downsize granite metal , foundation concrete M 5 with 40mm and
downsize granite metal inside plastering 12mm thick with cement mortar
1:3, finished smooth with a floating coat of cement on walls and bed
concrete complete as per standard design including cost of materials,
labour charges, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS


,,______- . ._. , . ,? _�_,,_..,�,.. -,,..,-- ....,,.....,...._ . -�- ......-=-

SI.No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

11.55 KSRB 12-8.3.1 : Extra for item no. KSRB 12-8.3 depth beyond 450mm Each 825.00
and brick masonry chamber with table moulded non-modular bricks of
class designation 50 in cement mortar 1 :5 for every 150mm depth or
part thereof including cost of materials, labour charges, curing complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
11.56 Providing and fixing unplasticised PVC pipes 10.00 kg/ working
pressure chemp plast / Wavin or equivalent make with pipe
fittings, clips, making good the floor, including cost of all materials,
labour charges, HOM of equipment and testing complete as per
11.56.1 -do- with 90mm outer dia m 480.00
11.56.2 -do- with 110mm outer dia m 685.00
11.56.3 -do- with 140mm outer dia m 1,135.00
11.56.4 -do- with 160mm outer dia m 1,448.00
11.56.5 -do- with 200mm outer dia m 1,835.00
11.56.6 -do- with 225mm outer dia m 2,224.00
11.56.7 -do- with 250mm outer dia m 3,386.00
11.56.8 -do- with 280mm outer dia m 4,290.00
11.56.9 -do- with 315mm outer dia m 5,453.00

1. The items vide SI.No. 11.10 to 11.18 are for cement concrete bedding
for stoneware pipes.
2. The items vide SI.No. 11.19 to 11.27 are for haunching of stoneware
pipes with cement concrete.
3. The items vide SI.No. 11.28 to 11.36 are for Haunching of stoneware
pipes with cement concrete surrounded encasing.
4. The walls of manholes and inspection chambers shall be built of one
brick thickness i.e. 112.5mm for depths upto 4:25m. Below a depth of
4.25m in ordinary subsoil the wall thickness shall be increased to one
and half brick i.e. 168.75mm and at 9.75m below ground two brick thick
i.e. 225mm walls shall be built.




Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.


KSRB 11-1 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, water pan 3,870.00
___,,c=lo!i_et Indian type (Squatting pan) of size 580mm with footrests,
100mm S or P trap, 10 litre low level, P.V.C flushing cistern ( all are
approved make) with fittings, C.I / M.S brackets, 32mm diameter flush
-pipe fittings and clamps, overflow arrangements with specials and 25mm
mosquito proof coupling of approved design, painting of fittings and
brackets, cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required,
including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11

KSRB 11-2 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, water pan 4,800.00
__ closet Orissa pattern of size 580 x 440mm with integral type footrests,
100mm S or P trap, 10 litre low level, P.V.C flushing cistern (all are
approved make) with fittings, C.I / M.S brackets, 32mm diameter flush
pipe fittings and clamps, overflow arrangements with special and 25mm
mosquito proof coupling of approved design, painting of fittings and
brackets, cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required,
including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11

KSRB 11-3 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, water pan 1,165.00
closet Indian type (Squatting pan) of size 580mm with footrests,
100mm S or P trap, (approved make) cutting and making good the
wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications.

KSRB 11-4: Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, water pan 2,094.00
closet Orissa pattern of size 580 x 440mm with integral type footrests,
100mm S or P trap, (approved make ) cutting and making good the
wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11

KSRB 11-5 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, water Each 5,248.00
closet European type ( Pedestal type, P-trap ) with black solid
plastic seat and lid, C.P brass hinges, rubber buffers. 10 litre low level,
P.V.C flushing cistern ( all are approved make) with fittings, C.I / M.S
brackets, 40mm diameter flush bend with fittings and clamps, overflow
arrangements with special and 25mm mosquito proof coupling of
approved design, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials,
labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11

KSRB 11-6 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, water Each 5,065.00
......---�� closet European type { Pedestal type, S-trap ) with black solid plastic
seat and lid, C.P brass hinges, rubber buffers. 10 litre white glazed /
vitreous china clay low level, flushing cistern ( all are approved make )
with fittings, C.I / M.S brackets, 40mm diameter flush bend with fittings
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

and clamps, overflow arrangements with specials and 25mm mosquito

proof coupling of approved design, painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required, including
cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11
12.7 KSRB 11-7 .1 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat Unit 3,560.00
back, lipped front urinal basin of 430x260x350mm with 5 litres
P V C automatic flushing cistern, C .I / M.S brackets, standard flush pipe
and C .P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G .I . clamps complete
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and
floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications .
Specification No. KBS 11
12.8 KSRB 11-7 .2 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat Unit 4,810.00
back, lipped front urinal basin of 430x260x350mm in the range of
two 7.5 litre P.V.C with automatic flushing cistern, C.I I M.S brackets,
standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and
G.I. clamps painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good
the wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11
12.9 KSRB 11-7.3 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat back, Unit 6,328.00
lipped front urinal basin of 430x260x350mm in the range of three with
7.5 litres PVC automatic flushing cistern, C.I / M.S brackets, standard
flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G.I. clamps
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and
floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications .
Specification No. KBS 11
· 12 .10 KSRB 11-7.4 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat Unit 7,500.00
back, lipped front urinal basin of 430x260x350mm in the range of
four with 10 litres PVC automatic flushing cistern, C.I / M.S brackets,
standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G.I.
clamps complete painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials,
labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11
12.11 KSRB 11-8.1 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, wall Unit 3,500.00
corner type, lipped front urinal basin of size 340x41 0x265mm with 5
litres P.V.C automatic flushing cistern, C.I / M.S brackets, standard
flush pipe and C .P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G.I. clamps
complete painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the
wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 11-8.2 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, wall Unit 4,726.00
corner type, lipped front urinal basin of size 340x41 0x265mm in the
range of two with 7.5 litre P.V.C automatic flushing cistern, C.I / M.S
brackets, standard flush pipe and C.P.brass spreaders with brass unions
-----rn:1 G.I. clamps painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials,
labour complete as per specifications .
�Specification No . KBS 11
KSRB 11-8.3 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, wall Unit 5,543.00
corner type, lipped front urinal basin of size 340x41 0x265mm in
the range of three with 7.5 litre P.V.C automatic flushing cistern,
C.I / M.S brackets, standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with
brass unions and G.I. clamps painting of fittings and brackets, cutting
and making good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost
of materials, labour complete as per specifications .
Specification No . KBS 11
KSRB 11-8.4 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, wall Unit 6,055.00
corner type, lipped front urinal basin of size 340x41 0x26Lmm in the
range of four with 10 litre P.V.C automatic flushing cistern, C.I / M.S
brackets, standard flush pipe and C.P.brass spreaders with brass unions
and G.I. clamps painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the wall and floor'wherever required, including cost of materials,
labour complete as per specifications .
Specification No . KBS 11
KSRB 11-9.1 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat back Unit 5,525.00
or half stall urinal basin of size 580x380x350mm with 5 litres P.V.C
automatic flushing cistern, C.I / M.S brackets, standard flush pipe and
C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G. I. clamps C.I dtrap with
outlet grating and other couplings in C.P brass, painting of fittings and
brackets, cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required,
including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications .
KSRB 11-9.2 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat Unit 8,927.00
back or half stall urinal basin of size 580x380x350mm in the range of
two with 7.5 litres P.V.C automatic flushing cistern, C.I I M.S brackets,
standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G.I.
clamps, C.I. trap with outlet grating and other couplings in C.P brass
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and
floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications .
Specification No . KBS 11
KSRB 11-9.3 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat Unit 11,610.00
back or half stall urinal basin of size 580x380x350mm in the range of
three with 10 litres P.V.C automatic flushing cistern, C.I / M.S brackets,
standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G.I.
clamps, C.I. trap with outlet grating and other couplings in C.P brass
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and
floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications .
Specification No . KBS 11

SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

12.18 KSRB 11-9.4 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat Unit 14,600.00
back or half stall urinal basin of size 580x380x350mm in the range of
four with 10 litres P.V.C automatic flushing cistern, C.I / M.S brackets,
standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G .I.
clamps, C.I. trap with outlet grating and other couplings in C.P brass
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and
floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11
12.19 KSRB 11-10.1 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, Unit 3,130.00
squatting plate with 5 litre P.V.C automatic flushing cistern including
brass coupling C.I / M.S brackets, G.I flush pipe of standard size and
C.P. brass spreaders painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials,
labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11
12.20 KSRB 11-10.2 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, Unit 4,285.00
squatting plate in the range of two single squatting plate with 7.5
litre P.V.C automatic flushing cistern including brass coupling C.I /
M.S brackets, G.I flush pipe of standard size and C.P. brass spreaders
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and
floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11
12.21 KSRB 11-10. 3 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, Unit 4,720.00
squatting plate in the range of three single squatting plates with
10 litre P.V.C automatic flushing cistern including brass coupling C.I /
M.S brackets, G.I flush pipe of standard size and C.P. brass spreaders
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and
floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications .
Specification No . KBS 11
12.22 KSRB 11-10.4 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, Unit 5,710.00
squatting plate in the range of four single squatting plates with
one number 15 litre P.V.C automatic flushing cistern including brass
coupling C.I / M.S brackets, G .I flush pipe of standard size and C.P.
brass spreaders painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials,
labour complete as per specifications .
Specification No . KBS 11
12.23 KSRB 11-11.1 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat Unit 4,034.00
back wash basin size 630x450mm with a pair of 15mm C.P brass
pillar taps with C.I / M.S brackets, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard
pattern, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the
wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications .
Specification No. KBS 11

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 11-11.2: Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat Unit 3,155.00
back wash basin size 630x450mm with a single 15mm C.P brass
pillar tap with C.I / M.S brackets, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard
pattern, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the
....----:-:wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications .
='-C--� _Specification No . KBS 11
KSRB 11-11.3 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat back Unit 3,660.00
wash basin size 550x400mm with a pair of 15mm C.P brass pillar taps
with C.I / M.S brackets, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern,
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and
floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications .
Specification No. KBS 11
KSRB 11-11.4: Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat back Unit 2,780.00
wash basin size 550x400mm with a single 15mm C.P brass pillar tap
with C.I / M.S brackets, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern,
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and
floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as
per specifications .
Specification No . KBS 11
KSRB 11-11.5: - do-of size 450 x 300mm Unit 2,645.00
Specification No . KBS 11
KSRB 11-11.6 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, angle Unit 3,130.00
back wash basin size 600x480mm with a single 15mm C.P brass
pillar tap with C.I / M.S brackets, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard
pattern, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the
wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications .
KSRB 11-11.7: -do - of size 400 x 400 mm Unit 2,844.00
Specification No . KBS 11
KSRB 11-11.8 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, surgeon Unit 5,085.00
type wash basin size 660x460mm with a pair of 15mm C.P brass pillar
taps with pair of elbow operated levers, C.I I M.S brackets, 32 mm C.P.
brass waste of standard pattern, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting
and making good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost
of materials, labour complete as per specifications .
KBS 11
KSRB 11-11.9 : Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, surgeon Unit 4,320.00
type wash basin size 660x460mm with single 15mm C.P brass pillar
tap with single elbow operated lever, C.I / M.S brackets, 32 mm C.P.
brass waste of standard pattern, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting
and making good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost
of materials, labour complete as per specifications .
KBS 11

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

12.32 KSRB 11-12.1: Providing and fixing kitchen sink of white glazed fire Unit 3,770.00
clay of size 600x450x250mm with M.S / C.I brackets, C.P brass chain
with rubber plug, 32 mm C.P. brass waste, tap with union, brass stop
cock complete, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials,
labour complete as per specifications. KBS 11
12.33 KSRB 11-12.2: - do - of size 750 x 450 x 250 mm Unit 4,307.00
KBS 11
12.34 KSRB 11-13.1 : Providing and fixing laboratory sink of white glazed Unit 3,850.00
fire clay of size 600x450x200mm with M.S / C.I brackets, C.P brass
chain with rubber plug, 32 mm C.P. brass waste, tap with union, brass
stop cock complete, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials,
labour complete as per specifications. KBS 11
12.35 KSRB 11-13.2: - do - of size 450 x 300 x 150 mm Unit 3,420.00
KBS 11
12.36 KSRB 11-14.1: Providing and fixing stainless steel kitchen sink of Unit 8,150.00
size 510x1040mm bowl depth 178mm, with drain board, M.S / C.I
brackets, stainless steel plug 40 mm, painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required, including
cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications.
12.37 KSRB 11-14.2: - do - of size 500 x 1000 mm Unit 7,467.00
12.38 KSRB 11-14.3 : Providing and fixing stainless steel kitchen sink Unit 6,950.00
of size 400x915mm bowl depth 160mm, with drain board, M.S / C.I
brackets, stainless steel plug 40 mm, painting of fittings and brackets,
cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required, including
cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications.
12.39 KSRB 11-15.1 : Providing and fixing 600x450mm bevellead edge Unit 1,249.00
mirror of superior glass with 6mm hard board backing and fixed to
wooden cleats with C.P screws, washers, including cost of materials,
labour complete as per specifications.
12.40 KSRB 11-15.2: Providing and fixing 450mm dia circular shape mirror Unit 816.00
with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade with 6mm thick
hard board backing including cost of materials, labour complete .as per
12.41 KSRB 11-15.3 : Providing and fixing 453x357mm dia rectangular Unit 993.00
shape mirror with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade
with 6mm thick hard board backing including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications.
12.42 KSRB 11-15.4 : Providing and fixing 450x350mm dia oval shape Unit 750.00
mirror with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade with
6mm thick hard board backing including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications.
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
KSRB 11-15.5: Providing and fixing 1500x450mm dia rectangular Unit 1,777.00
shape mirror with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade

with 6mm thick hard board backing including cost of materials, labour
complete as per specifications.
KSRB 11-16: Providing and fixing 600x120mm glass shelf supported Unit 1,470.00
- . on alluminium angle frame with C.P brass brackets, guard rail fixed to
: -��-Wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws and washers including cost of
materials, labour complete as per specifications.
KSRB 11-17-1 : Providing and fixing C.P. brass towel rail 740mm Unit 1,024.00
length, 20mm dia with C .P brackets, fixed to wooden cleats with
C.P. brass screws including cost of materials, labour complete as per
KSRB 11-17.2: Providing and fixing C.P. brass towel rail 600 mm Unit 923.00
length, 20mm dia with C.P brackets, fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass
screws including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications.
KSRB 11-18-1.1: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste and m 915.00
vent pipes 100mm dia with spun yarn soaked in cement slurry and
cement mortar 1:2 including cost of materials, labour, testing complete
as per specifications. KBS 11-1.10
KSRB 11-18-1.2: - do - with 75mm dia pipe m 770.00
KBS 11-1.10
KSRB 11-18-1.3: - do - with 50 mm dia pipe m 130.00
KBS 11-1.10
KSRB 11-18-2.1 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste Each 630.00
bends 100 mm dia with access door, insertion of rubber washers 3mm
thick bolts and nut, with spun yarn soaked in cement slurry and cement
mortar 1:2 including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per
KSRB 11-18-2.2: -do -with 75 mm dia bends. Each 540.00
KSRB 11-18-2.3: - do -with 50 mm dia bends. Each 545.00
KSRB 11-18-3.1: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste plain Each 346.00
bend, 100mm dia with spun yarn soaked in cement slurry and cement
mortar 1:2 including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per
KBS 11-1.10
KSRB 11-18-3.2: - do - with 75 mm dia palin bends Each 317.00
KBS 11-1.10
KSRB 11-18-3.3: - do - with 50 mm dia palin bends Each 346.00
KBS 11-1.10
KSRB 11-18-4.1 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste Each 1,022.00
double equal junction of required degree with access door
100x100x100x100nim, insertion of rubber washers 3mm thick bolts
and nuts, including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per
specifications. KBS 11-1.10

SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

12.57 KSRB 11-18-4.2: - do -with access door 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 mm Each 808.00

KBS 11-1.10
12.58 KSRB 11-18-4.3: - do -with access door 50 x 50 x 50 x 50 mm Each 795.00
KBS 11-1.10
12.59 KSRB 11-18-5.1: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste single Each 933.00
equal junction of required degreewith access door 100x100x100mm,
insertion of rubber washers 3mm thick bolts and nuts, including cost
of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
KBS 11-1.10
12.60 KSRB 11-18-5.2: - do -with access door 75 x 75 x 75 mm Each 720.00
KBS 11-1.10
12.61 KSRB 11-18-5.3: - do -with access door 50 x 50 x 50 mm Each 588.00
KBS 11-1.10
12.62 KSRB 11-18-6.1 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste Each 1,070.00
double unequal junction of required degree with access door
100x100x75x75mm, insertion of rubber washers 3mm thick bolts
and nuts, including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per
KBS 11-1.10
12.63 KSRB 11-18-6.2: - do -with access door 100 x 100 x 50 x 50 mm Each 1,070.00
KBS 11-1.10
12.64 KSRB 11-18-6.3: - do -with access door 75 x 75 x 50 x 50 mm Each 530.00
KBS 11-1.10
12.65 KSRB 11-18-7.1: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste single Each 990.00
unequal junction of required degreewith access door 100x100x75mm,
insertion of rubber washers 3mm thick bolts and nuts, including cost
of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
KBS 11-1.10
12.66 KSRB 11-18-7.2: - do -with access door 100 x 100 x 50 mm Each 900.00
KBS 11.1.10
12.67 KSRB 11-18-7.3: - do -with access door 75 x 75 x 50 mm Each 628.00
KBS 11.1.10
12.68 KSRB 11-18-8.1: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste double Each 980.00
equal junction of required degree 100x100x100x100mm, including
cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1 .10

12.69 KSRB 11-18-8.2: - do -with 75 x 75 x 75 x 75 mm Each 796.00

KBS 11.1.10

12.70 KSRB 11-18-8.3: - do -with 50 x 50 x 50 x 50 mm Each 620.00

Specification No. KBS 11. 1. 10


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 11-18-9.1 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste single Each 933.00
equal junction of required degreewith access door 100x100x100mm,
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
- Specification No. KBS 11.1.10

KSRB 11-18-10.1 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste Each 1,070.00
·· double unequal junction of required degree100x100x75x75mm,
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
KBS 11-1.10

KSRB 11-18-11.1: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste single Each 567.00
unequal junction of required degree 100x100x75mm, including cost
of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
KBS 11-1.10

KSRB 11-18-11.2: - do -with 100 x 100 x 50 mm Each 546.00

KBS 11-1.10

KSRB 11-18-11.3: - do -with 75 x 75 x 50 mm Each 492.00

KBS 11-1.10

KSRB 11-18-12.1: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste double Each 1,008.00
equal invert plain branches of required degree 100x100x100x100mm,
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10

KSRB 11-18-12.2: - do -with 75 x 75 x 75 X 75 mm Each 697.00

KBS 11.1.10

KSRB 11-18-12.3: - do -with 50 x 50 x 50 X 50 mm Each 633.00

KBS 11.1.10

KSRB 11-18-13.1 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste single Each 1,014.00
equal invert plain branches of required degree 100x100x100x100mm,
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10

KSRB 11-18-13.2: - do -with 75 x 75 x 75 X 75 mm Each 453.00

KBS 11.1.10

KSRB 11-18-13.3: - do -with 50 x 50 x 50 X 50 mm Each 623.00

KBS 11.1.10

KSRB 11-18-14.1: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste double Each 1,070.00
unequal invert plain branches of required degree 100x100x75x75mm,
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1 .10
KSRB 11-18-14.3 : Providing and flXing sand cast iron soil waste double Each 630.00
equal invert plain branches of required degree 75x75x50x50mm,
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10

. ·- -�----- --

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

12.84 KSRB 11-18-15.1: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste single Each 567.00
unequal invert plain branches of required degree 100x100x75mm,
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.1 0
12.85 KSRB 11-18-15.2 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste Each 492.00
single unequal invert plain branches of required degree 75x75x50mm
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10
12.86 KSRB 11-18-16.1 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste Each 532.00
152mm offsets for 100mm pipes, including cost of materials, labour,
testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10
12.87 KSRB 11-18-16.2 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste Each 490.00
114mm offsets for 75mm pipes, including cost of materials, labour,
testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.1b
12.88 KSRB 11-18-16.3: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste 230 Each 1,000.00
mm offsets for 75mm pipes, including cost of materials, labour, testing
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10
12.89 KSRB 11-18-17.1 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron trap of 100mm Each 900.00
dia, of self cleaning design with screwed down or hinged grating with
or without vent arm including cutting and making good the walls and
floors, cost of materials, labour, testing, complete as per specifications
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10
12.90 KSRB 11-18-17.2: - do -with 75 mm dia Each 700.00
KBS 11.1.10
12.91 KSRB 11-18-17.3: - do - with 50 mm dia Each 610.00
KBS 11.1.10
12.92 KSRB 11-18-18.1 : Providing lead caulked joints to sand cast iron Joint 110.00
/ cast iron (spun) pipes and fittings of 100mm dia, including cost of
materials, labour, testing, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 13.2.7
12.93 KSRB 11-18-18.2: - do - with 75 mm dia Joint 96.00
KBS 13.2.7

12.94 KSRB 11-18-18.3: - do - with 50 mm dia Joint 81.00

KBS 13.2.7
12.95 KSRB 11-18-9.2: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste single Each 667.00
equal junction of required degree with access door 75x75x75mm,
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 11-18-9.3: - do - with 50 x 50 x 50 mm Each 588.00

KBS 11.1.10

KSRB 11-18-10.2 : Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste Each 1070.00
--double unequal junction of required degree 100x100x50x50mm,
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10

KSRB 11-18-10.3: - do - with 75 x 75 x 50 x 50 mm Each 630.00

KSRB 11-18-19.1 : Providing and fixing M.S stays and clamps for No 243.00
sand cast iron pipes of 100mm dia including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.

KSRB 11-18-19.2: - do - with 75 mm dia No 217.00

KSRB 11-18-19.3: - do - with 50 mm dia No 66.00
KSRB 11-18-14.2: Providing and fixing sand cast iron soil waste double Each 1,050.00
unequal invert plain branches of required degree 100x100x75x75mm
including cost of materials, labour, testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 11.1.10

Providing (China Clay) glazed foot rests of approved 1st quality and Pair 180.00
make conforming to ISi specifications and fixing in CM (1:3) as directed
(Rate includes cost of materials and conveyance to work spot).

Providing plastic seat with approved 1st quality and make conforming
to ISi specifications double flapped and fixing to English water closet
with all fittings (Rate includes cost of materials, fixtures and conveyance
to work spot).
.104.1 -do- White Pair 280.00

Pair 230.00

Providing 3 ems dia GI telescopic flush tank lever of approved 1st Each 225.00
quality and make conforming to ISi specifications and fixing in position
as directed by the Engineer. Rate includes cost of materials and
conveyance to work spot.
Providing vulcanizing or rubber float of approved 1st quality and make Each 180.00 •
conforming to ISi Specifications and fixing for low down cistern as directed
.Rate includes cost of materials and conveyance to work spot.
Providing wash basin brackets of approved 1st quality and make Pair 228.00
conforming to ISi Specifications and fixing for low down cistern as
directed .Rate includes cost of materials and conveyance to work spot.
Providing pedestal for wash basin of approved 1st quality and make Each 875.00
conforming to ISi Specifications and fixing for low down cistern as
directed .Rate includes cost of materials and conveyance to work spot.
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

12.109 Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay urinals with flat back Each 860.00
of approved make fixed to wooden plugs including bends, painting white
to exposed pipes etc., complete as per directions.(rate includes cost of
all materials and lead).A grade.
12.110 Providing white vitreous china clay Indian pattern squatting urinals Each 970.00
with white glazed foot rests of approved quality and make conforming
to ISi specifications and fixing in Position with M-15 as directed of size
50.8 ems X 38 ems X 10.16 ems -A Grade (Rate includes cost of all
materials and conveyance to work spot).
12.111 Providing and fixing 7.5 ems to 15.00 ems dia NP grating 100 mm dia. Each 160.00
12.112 Providing stoneware gully trap of approved quality and make fixing in
M-15 and plastering with CM 1:3 wherever necessary.( Rate includes
cost of all materials, fixtures and lead).
12.112.1 -do-10cms x 10cms Each 185.00
12.112.2 -do-15cms x 10cms Each 270.00
12.113 Providing and fixing Cl Nahani trap of approved make conforming to
ISi specifications and construction of Cistern in M-15 as per directions
(Rate is inclusive of cost of materials and fixtures and conveyance of
materials to work spot)..
12.113.1 -do-10cms x 7.5cms Each 250.00
12.113.2 -do-12.5cms x 7.5cms Each 285.00
12.114 Cleaning the blockages of closets and soil pipes into working order
12.114.1 -Do- with scaffolding m 60.00
12.114.2 -Do- without scaffolding m 50.00
12.114.3 -do- underground stone ware pipes m 20.00
12.115 Providing and fixing white viterous china clay, wall corner type, lipped Unit 34,900.00
front waterless urinal basin of size 328x319x598mm C.I. / M.S. brackets,
standard flush pipe complete painting of fittings and brackets, cutting
and making good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost
of materials, labour complete as per specifications.
12.116 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor unplasticised PVC 6.00
kgs/sqcm working pressure with pipe fittings, wall clips etc., and making
good the wall, ceiling and floor for sanitary pipelines including cost of all
materials, labour charges, HOM of acquirements and testing complete
as per specifications.
12.116.1 - do - 110 mm dia m 410.00

12.116.2 -do - 140 mm dia m 664.00

12.116.3 -do - 160 mm dia m 828.00

12.116.4 - do- 200 mm dia m 1,330.00

12.116.5 - do - 250 mm dia m 2,050.00


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRB13-1.1 : Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor galvanised m 195.00
/ mild steel tube 15mm dia nominal bore with fittings (medium
-- -grade weight 1.27 kg/mtr) B class including cost of all materials, labour
charges, HOM of equipments and testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.2.14 / 13.8

- do - 20 mm dia m 238.00

- do-25 mm dia m 327.00

- do - 32 mm dia m 365.00

-do - 40 mm dia m 430.00

-do - 50 mm dia m 522.00

KSRB 13-2.1 : Extra for concealed pipe including painting with m 105.00
anticorrosive bitumastic paint cutting chases, making good the
concrete surface, and plaster for 15mm dia nominal bore including
cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM equipment complete as per
Specification No.KBS

- do - 20 mm dia nominal bore m 105.00

- do - 25 mm dia nominal bore m 105.00
KSRB13-3.1: Providing and fixing in trenches galvanised / mild steel m 160.00
tubes (medium grade) 15mm dia nominal bore with all fittings (earth
work in trenches to be measured and paid for separately) including
cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of equipments and testing
complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.2.14 / 13.6

KSRB13.3.2 - do - 20 mm dia m 200.00.

KSRB13.3.3-do-25 mm dia m 290.00
KSRB13.3.4 - do - 32 mm dia m 320.00
KSRB13.3.5 - do - 40 mm dia m 375.00
KSRB13.3.6 - do - 50 mm dia m 450.00
KSRB13.3.7 - do - 65 mm dia m 680.00

KSRB13.3.8 - do - 80 mm dia m 920.00

KSRB13.3.9 - do - 100 mm dia m 1,070.00

KSRB13.3.10- do-150 mm dia m 1,070.00

. ... ··

· SI. No. Description Rate

Rs. Ps.

13.20 KSRB13-4.1 : Making connection of G.I distribution branch with G.i Nos 370.00
main of 25 to 40mm. nominal bore, including cutting and threading the
pipes, providing and fixing Tee, nuts, labour for all item of works, testing
and HOM of equipments complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.10
13.21 KSRB13-4.2 : Making connection of G.I distribution branch with G.i 765.00
main of 50 to 85mm. and 100 to 150 nominal bore, including cutting and
threading the pipes, providing and fixing Tee, nuts, labour for all item of
works, testing and HOM of equipments complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.10
13.22 KSRB13-5 : Providing and fixing water meter with stop cock, jam Set 1,387.00
nut, socket in G.I pipe line including cutting and threading the pipe
and making long screws including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of
equipments and testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.2.19 / 13.16
13.23 KSRB13-6.1-1 : Providing and fixing in position brass bib cock of Each 227.00
approved quality 15mm nominal bore including cost of all materials,
labour and HOM of equipments with all leads complete as per
Specification No.KBS 13.2.2 / 13.3
13.24 KSRB13-6.1-2 - do-20 mm dia nominal bore Each 275.00
13.25 KSRB13-6.1-3 - do-25 mm dia nominal bore Each 290.00
13,26 KSRB13-6.2-1 : Providing and fixing in position brass stop cock of Each 210.00
approved quality 15mm nominal bore including cost of all materials,
labour and HOM of equipments with all leads complete as per
Specification No.KBS 13.2.2 / 13.3
13.27 KSRB13-6.2-2 - do - 20 mm dia nominal bore Each 210.00
13.28 KSRB13-6.2-3 - do - 25 mm dia nominal bore Each 210.00
13.29 KSRB13-6.2-4 - do - 32 mm dia nominal bore Each 210.00
13.30 KSRB13-6.2-5 - do - 40 mm dia nominal bore Each 210.00
13.31 KSRB13-6.2-6 - do - 50 mm dia nominal bore Each 206.00
13.32 KSRB13-6.3-1 : Providing and fixing in position brass gate valve with Each 445.00
C.I wheel of approved quality ( screwed end ) 15mm nominal bore
including cost of all materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all
leads complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.2.6 / 13.3
13.33 KSRB13-6.3-2 - do - 20 mm dia nominal bore Each 588.00
13.34 KSRB13-6.3-3 - do - 25 mm dia nominal bore Each 850.00

SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB13-6.3-4 -do - 3 2 mm dia nominal Each 1,230.00

KSR�13-6.3-5 -do - 40 mm dia nominal Each 1,596.00
KSRB13-6.3-6 - do -50 mm dia nominal Each 2,370.00
KSRB13-6.3-7 -do - 65 mm dia nominal Each 2,856.00
KSRB13-6.3-8 -do - 80 mm dia nominal Each 3,612.00
KSRB13-6.4-1 : Providing and fixing in position brass ball valve high or Each 396.00
low pressure with plastic float of approved quality 15mm nominal bore
including cost of all materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all
leads complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS
KSRB13-6.4-2 -do - 20 mm dia nominal Each 620.00
KSRB13-6.4-3 -do - 25 mm dia nominal Each 800.00
KSRB13-6.5-1: Providing and fixing in position 15mm nominal bore Each 240.00
brass ferrule with C.I mouth cover including boring and tapping the
main, cost of all materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all leads
complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.2.3 / 13.14
KSRB13-6.5-2 -do - 20 mm dia nominal Each 345.00
KSRB13-6.5-3 -do - 25 mm dia nominal Each 380.00
KSRB13-6.6-1: Providing and fixing unplasticised PVC connection pipe Set 385.00
with brass union 15mm nominal bore 300 mm length of PVC connection
including cost of all materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all
leads complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS
KSRB13-6.6-2 -do - 450 mm Length Set 485.00
KSRB13-6.6-3 : Providing and fixing unplasticised PVC connection pipe Set 420.00
with brass union 20mm nominal bore 300 mm length of PVC connection
including cost of all materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all
leads complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS
KSRB13-6.6-4: KSRB13-6.6-2 -do - 450 mm Length Set 450.00
KSRB13-6.7-1: Providing and fixing in position chromium plated brass Each 775.00
shower rose with 15 or 20mm inlet 100mm dia including cost of all
materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all leads complete as
per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.2.16 / 13.3
KSRB13-6.7-2 -do - 150 mm dia Each 810.00
KSRB13-7.1-1: Providing and fixing in position 25mm nominal bore Nos 684.00
gun metal non-return valve horizontal type of approved make
including cost of all materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all
leads complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.2.10 / 13.13

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

13.53 KSRB13-7.1-2 - do - 32 mm dia nominal bore Nos 970.00

13.54 KSRB13-7.1-3 - do - 40 mm dia nominal bore Each 1,150.00

13.55 KSRB13-7.1-4 - do - 50 mm dia nominal bore Nos 1,685.00

13.56 KSRB13-7.1-5 - do - 65 mm dia nominal bore Nos 2,278.00·
13.57 KSRB13-7.1-6 - do - 80 mm dia nominal bore Nos 2,930.00
13.58 KSRB13-7.1-7 - do - 100 mm dia nominal bore Nos 3,567.00
13.59 KSRB13-7.2-1: Providing and fixing in position 25mm nominal bore Nos 587.00
non-return valve vertical type of approved make including cost of all
materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all leads complete as
per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 13.2.10 / 13.13
13.60 KSRB13-7.2-2 - do - 32 mm dia nominal bore Nos 720.00

13.61 KSRB13-7.2-3 - do - 40 mm dia nominal bore Nos 1,200.00

13.62 KSRB13-7.2-4 :- do - 50 mm dia nominal bore Nos 1,630.00

13.63 KSRB13-7.2-5 - do - 65 mm dia nominal bore Nos 2,150.00

13.64 KSRB13-7.2-6 - do - 80 mm dia nominal bore Nos 2,755.00

13.65 KSRB13-7.2-7 - do - 100 mm dia nominal bore Nos 2,685.00

13.66 KSRB13-8.1 : Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor, medium m 94.00
density polyethylene pipes 6.00 kgs/ working pressure 20mm
outside diameter with special flange, compression type fittings, wall clips,
making good the wall, ceiling and floor including cost of all materials, labour
charges, HOM of equipments and testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS / 13.9 for internal water supply connection

13.67 KSRB13-8.2 - do - 25 mm dia m 110.00

13.68 KSRB13-8.3 - do - 32 mm dia m 183.00

13.69 KSRB13-8.4 - do - 40 mm dia m 246.00

13.70.1 KSRB13-8.5 - do - 50 mm dia m 256.00

13.70.2 KSRB13-8.6: -do- 63mm m 270.00
13.70.3 KSRB 13-8.7: -do- 75mm m 300.00

13.70.4 KSRB 13-8.8: -do- 90mm m 350.00

13.70.5 KSRB 13-8.9: -do- 110mm m 420.00
13.70.6 KSRB 13-8.9: -do- 140mm m 530.00
13.70.7 KSRB 13-8.9: -do- 160mm m 600.00


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB13-9.1: Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor high density m 213.00
polyethylene pipes 6.00 kgf/ working pressure 32mm outside
diameter raising mains & exposed distribution pipes with special flange,
,.._,.__ .. compression type fittings, wall clips, making good the wall, ceiling and
floor, including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of equipments
and testing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS / 13.9
KSRB13-9.2 - do - 40 mm dia m 277.00
KSRB13-9.3 - do - 50 mm dia m 290.00
KSRB 13-9.4 : -do- 63mm m 345.00
KSRB 13-8.9 : -do- 7 5mm m 400.00
KSRB 13-8.9: -do- 90mm m 470.00
KSRB 13-8.9: -do- 110mm m 560.00
KSRB 13-8.9: -do- 1 40mm m 710.00

KSRB13-10.1 : Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor m 94.00

unplasticised PVC pipes 10.00 kgs/ working pressure 16mm
outside diameter chemp plast / Wavin or equivalent make with pipe
fittings, wall clips, making good the wall, ceiling and floor, including
cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of equipment and testing
complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS / 13.9

KSRB13-10.2 - do - 20 mm dia m 104.00

KSRB13-10.3 - do - 25 mm dia m 112.00
KSRB13-10.4 - do - 32 mm dia m 125.00
KSRB 13-11.1 : Providing and placing on terrace, polyethylene water Nos 8,060.00
storage tanks as per IS 12701 : 1996 with manhole lid and suitable locking
arrangements, making holes of suitable diameter for inlet, outlet and over
flow pipes, induding cost of all materials, labour, transport charges, HOM of
equipments and testing complete as perspecifications.(For 1000 lib'e capacity)
Specification No.KBS 13.22
Providing and fixing gun metal wheel valve conforming to IS
specification of approved make as per directions including all lead and
lift etc., complete.
-do- for 15mm dia: Each 295.00
-do- for 20mm dia: Each 365.00
-do- for 25mm dia: Each 505.00
-do- for 32mm dia: Each 740.00
-do- for 40mm dia: Each 940.00
-do- for 50mm dia: Each 1,440.00


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

13.80 Providing gun metal pillar cocks 15mm dia of I class conforming to Each 250.00
ISi specifications and fixing them in position as per directions including
of cost of materials and fixtures and conveyance to spot.

13.81 Providing NP/CP waste unions conforming to ISi specifications and

fixing them in position as per directions including cost of materials,
fixtures and conveyance to work spot etc., complete.

13.81.1 -do- for 32mm dia: Each 125.00

13.81.2 -do- for 40mm dia: Each 155.00

13.81.3 -do- for 50mm dia: Each 215.00

13.82 Providing & fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium-Polyethelene (PE-AL-PE)
Composite Pressure Pipes conforming to IS 15450 duly "ISi" marked,
U.V. stabalized with Carbon black for hot & cold water supply, capable to
withstand temperature upto 80° C including all special composite fittings
(engineering plastic blend and brass inserts wherever required.) e.g.
elbows, tees, reducers, couplers & connectors etc., with clamps at 1.00
meter spacing, cutting & making good the walls etc., including testing
complete as required. (Internal work)
Pipes exposed on wall

13.82.1 1216(16 mm OD) Pipe m 180.00

13.82.2 1620(20mm OD) pipe m 220.00

13.82.3 2025(25mm OD) pipe m 285.00

13.82.4 2532(32mm OD) pipe m 400.00

13.82.5 3240 (40mm OD) pipe m 505.00

13.82.6 4050 (50mm OD) pipe m 610.00

13.83 Providing & fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium-Polyethelene (PE-AL-PE)
Composite Pressure Pipes conforming to IS 15450 duly "ISi" marked,
U.V. stabalized with Carbon black for hot & cold water supply, capable
to withstand temperature upto 80 ° C including all special composite
fittings (engineering plastic blend and brass inserts wherever required.)
e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, couplers & connectors etc. with cement
tacking at 1.00 meter spacing, and every fitting, cutting & making good
the walls etc., including testing complete as required. (Internal work)
Concealed piping with cutting chases & making good walls etc.,
13.83.1 1216(16 mm OD) Pipe m 250.00
13.83.2 1620(20mm OD) pipe m 290.00
13.83.3 2025(25mm OD) pipe m 350.00
13.83.4 2532(32mm OD) pipe m 445.00
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

3240 (40mm OD) pipe m 580.00

4050 (50mm OD) pipe m 750.00

Providing & fixing Polyethelene-Aluminium-Polyethelene (PE-AL­

PE) Composite Pressure Pipes conforming to IS 15450 duly "ISi"
marked, U.V. stabalized with Carbon black for hot & cold water supply,
capable to withstand temperature upto 80 ° C including all special
composite fittings (engineering plastic blend and brass inserts wherever
required.) e.g. elbows, tees, reducers, couplers & connectors etc. with
tranching & refilling upto 1.00 meter depth including testing complete
as required. (External work)
Pipe in trenches including excavation & refilling etc.,
1216 (16mm OD) pipe m 170.00
1620 (20mm OD) pipe m 225.00
2025 (25mm OD) pipe m 280.00
2532 (32mm OD) pipe m 360.00
3240 (40mm OD) pipe m 460.00
4050 (50mm OD) pipe m 555.00
Providing and fixing Chorinated Poly Venyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes
conforming to IS 15778, having thermal stability for hot and cold water
supply including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings including
fixing the pipe with clamp at 1.00 mtr spacing. This includes jointing of
pipes and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of
joints complete. (internal work exposed on wall)
15mm nominal OD pipes m 115.00
20mm nominal OD pipes m 135.00
25mm nominal OD pipes m 170.00
32mm nominal OD pipes m 225.00
40mm nominal OD pipes m 310.00
50mm nominal OD pipes m 440.00
Providing and fixing Chorinated Poly Venyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes
conforming to IS 15778, having thermal stability for hot and cold water
supply including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings including
fixing the pipe with clamp at 1.00 mtr spacing. This includes jointing
of pipes and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement & the cost
of cutting chases & making good the same including testing of joints
complete. (Concealed work including cutting chases and good the walls
15mm nominal OD pipes m 130.00
20mm nominal OD pipes m 210.00
· 25mm nominal OD pipes m 250.00
32mm nominal OD pipes m 310.00


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

13.87 Providing and fixing Chorinated Poly Venyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes
conforming to IS 15778 having thermal stability for hot and cold water
supply including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings, this includes
jointing of pipes and fittings with one step solvent cement, trenching,
refilling & testing of joints complete. (external work).
13.87.1 15mm nominal OD pipes m 110.00
13.87.2 20mm nominal OD pipes m 125.00
13.87.3 25mm nominal OD pipes m 165.00
13.87.4 32mm nominal OD pipes m 215.00
13.87.5 40mm nominal OD pipes m 300.00
13.87.6 50mm nominal OD pipes m 450.00
13.87.7 62.50mm nominal OD pipes m 1,390.00
13.87.8 75mm nominal OD pipes m 1,715.00
13.87.9 100mm nominal OD pipes m 2,380.00
13.87.10 150mm nominal OD pipes m 4,140.00
13.88 Providing and fixing polished granite sink of size 60cms x 90cms Each 7,150.00
of 23cm thick, the sink portion shall be 15cm in depth of shapes oval /
round / square over brick masonry in cement mortar 1 :6 including cost
and conveyance of all materials, labour for all items of work, HOM of
equipment with all lead and lift, loading and unloading, transportation
charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per
specification and directions of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.
13.89 Providing and fixing polished granite sink of size 60cms x 75cms Each 6,020.00
of 23cm thick, the sink portion shall be 15cm in depth of shapes oval /
round / square over brick masonry in cement mortar 1 :6 including cost
and conveyance of all materials, labour for all items of work, HOM of
equipment with all lead and lift, loading and unloading, transportation
charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per
specification and directions of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.
13.90 Providing and fixing polished granite sink of size 60cms x 60cms Each 4,890.00
of 23cm thick, the sink portion shall be 15cm in depth of shapes oval /
round / square over brick masonry in cement mortar 1:6 including cost
and conveyance of all materials, labour for all items of work, HOM of
equipment with all lead and lift, loading and unloading, transportation
charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per
specification and directions of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.
13.91 Providing and Fixing Stainless Steel sink of sizes upto 60cms x Each 620.00
45cms in 20mm thick granite slab of by cutting required thickness
and width of grooves and fixing using adhesives etc., complete
including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for all items of
work, HOM of equipment with all lead and lift, loading and unloading,
transportation charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete as
per specification and directions of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.



Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

cutting granite slab upto 40mm thick and required width of grooves
for fixing Stainless Steel sink and fixing using adhesives.
do_ for fixing Stainless steel sink upto 60cm x 45 ems No 590.00
_do_ for fixing Stainless steel sink above 60cm x 45 ems No 888.00
-Providing and fixing concealed UVstabilised and antimicrobial fusion
3 layer PP-R pipes confirming to DIN 8077 complete with PP-R plain
jjttings incluiding brass threaded polypropelene random fittings including
chasing the walls.
Internal Plumbing - for concealed fitting
. 20mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 200.00
--25mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 265.00
32mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 320.00
Providing and fixing concealed UV stabilised and antimicrobial fusion
3 layer PP-R pipes confirming to DIN 8077 compete with PP-R plain
fittings including brass threaded polypropelene random fittings including
chasing the walls.
Internal Plumbing - for exposed on wall
20mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 135.00
25mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 175.00
32mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 230.00
40mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 330.00
50mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 490.00
Providing and fixing concealed UV stabilised and antimicrobial
fusion 3 layer PP-R pipes confirming to DIN 8077 complete with PP-R
plain fittings including brass threaded polypropelene random fittings
including chasing the walls.
External plumbing
20mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 125.00
25mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 175.00
32mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 215.00
40mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 300.00
50mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 530.00
63mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 665.00
75mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 835.00
90mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 1,270.00
13.95.9 110mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 1,340.00
13.95.10 160mm pipe outer dia (3 layer) m 2,470'.00

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Note: KSRB13-11 : Polyethylene tanks

1. These tanks shall be ready made / manufactured with following
i) HOPE ; High density poly-ethylene :
ii) LOPE : Low density poly-ethylene
iii) LLOPE : Linear low density poly-ethylene
2. Tanks shall be placed on firm base covering entire bottom area.
3. Fittings checknuts etc., shall be paid separately.
4. Tanks shall be anchored properly depending upon location
5. Tanks are available in sizes 200 to 20000 litres
6. Add 15% extra for internal water supply items.



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRB 14.1: Providing and laying flooring with burnt stone slabs 10 ems Sqm 965.00
thick, rough chistle dressed on sand bed of 7.5 ems to 8 ems thick
and pointed with cement mortar 1:3, including cost of materials, labour,
· · curing complete as per specifications.
_..Specification No. KBS 14.26
·· KSRB 14.2 : Providing and laying flooring with burnt stone slabs Sqm 950.00
. :--10 ems thick rough chistle dressed on cement mortar bed 1 :6, 25 mm
thick, and pointed with cement mortar 1:3, including cost of materials,
labour, curing complete as per specifications.
- · Specification No. KBS 14.26

·--RSRB 14.3 : Providing and laying flooring and steps machine cut granite Sqm 2,860.00
slabs 40mm thick on cement mortar bed 1 :6, 25 mm thick, and pointed
with cement mortar 1:3 over existing cement concrete bed, including
cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.26

KSRB 14.4: Providing and laying flooring and steps fine dressed granite Sqm 3,325.00
stone slabs 40 mm thick on cement mortar bed 1 :6, 25 mm thick,
and pointed with cement mortar 1:3 over existing cement concrete bed,
including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.26

KSRB 14.5 : Providing and laying flooring and steps fine machine Sqm 1,220.00
polished granite stone slabs 20 mm thick on cement mortar bed 1:6, 20
mm thick, and joints finished with cement mortar 1:3 over existing cement
concrete bed , including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.26

KSRB 14.6-1: Providing and laying heavy duty cobble stones 60mm Sqm 920.00
thick interlock pavers, using cement and course sand for manufacture of
blocks of approved size, shape and colour with a minimum compressive
strength of 281 kg per sqm over 50mm thick sand bed (average
thickness ) and compacting with plate vibrator having 3 tons compaction
force thereby forcing part of sand underneath to come up in between
joints, final compaction of paver surface joints into its final level, including
cost of materials, labour and HOM of machineries complete as per
Specification No. KBS

KSRB 14.6-2 : - do - heavy duty cobble stones 75mm thick Sqm 1,015.00

KSRB 14.7-1: Providing and laying flooring with M15 cement concrete Sqm 320.00
40 mm thick using broken granite 20mm and down size laid to line and
,----�- level in one layer and finish with a floating coat of neat cement , including
cost of materials, labour, curing, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.3


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

14.9 KSRB 14.7-2: Providing and laying red oxide flooring 40 mm thick, Sqm 590.00
with an under layer of 30mm thick M-15 cement concrete, using broken
granite metal of 12.5mm nominal size and top layer of 10mm thick plaster
with 1 :3 cement mortar mixed with red oxide ( using 3.5 kg of red oxide
per 50 kg of cement ) finished with floating coat of neat cement mixed
with red oxide (mix of same proportion), including cost of materials,
labour, curing, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.3
14.10 KSRB 14.7-3 : Providing and laying flooring 40 mm thick, with an Sqm 505.00
under layer of 30mm thick M-15 cement concrete, using broken granite
metal of 12.5mm nominal size and top layer of 10mm thick plaster with
cement mortar 1 :3, finished with floating coat of neat cement , including
cost of materials, labour, curing, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.3
14.11 KSRB 14.7-4 : Extra for making chequers of approved pattern on cement Sqm 21.00
concrete floor, steps, landings, pavements, including cost of labour
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
14.12 KSRB 14.8-1: Providing and laying linolium covering to floors plain Sqm 595.00
or coloured 3.2mm thick sheet/ tiles laid with an approved adhesive
on sub floor stretching, cutting and fixing complete, including cost of
materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.37.7
14.13 KSRB 14.9-1: Providing and laying M-15 cement concrete flooring, Sqm 2,635.00
50 mm thick with metallic concrete hardner topping, under layer of
35mm thick m-15 cement concrete using broken granite metal of 20mm
and down size, and top layer 50mm thick of metallic cement hardner
consisting of mix 1:2 (1 cement hardner mix: 2 granite metal 10mm
nominal size) by volume, with which metallic hardening compound of
approved quality mix in the ratio of 4:1 ( 4 part of cement and 1 part of
metallic floor hardening compound of approved quality by wt), including
finishing cost of materials, labour, curing, complete as per specifications
Specification No. KBS 14.4

14.14 KSRB 14.9-2: Providing and laying M-15 cement concrete flooring Sqm 2,720.00
60 mm thick with metallic concrete hardner topping, under layer of
45mm thick M-15 cement concrete using broken granite metal of 20mm
and down size and top layer of 15mm thick metallic cement hardner
consisting of mix 1 :2 ( 1 cement hardner mix : 2 granite metal 10mm
nominal size) by volume, with metalic hardening compound of approved
quality mix in the ratio of 4:1 (4 part of cement= 1 part of metallic floor
hardening compound of approved quality by wt), including finishing,
cost of materials, labour, curing, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.4

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 14.10-1: Flooring with 25mm thick polished tandur blue stone Sqm 1,160.00
slabs using cement mortar 1:6, 25mm thick over existing cement
concrete bed or top of roof laid to line and level and jointed with cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including cost
of materials, labour, curing, polishing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
KSRB 14.10-2: Flooring with 20 mm thick polished shahabad slabs Sqm 1,085.00
using cement mortar 1:6, 25mm thick over existing cement concrete
bed or top of roof laid to line and level and jointed with cement slurry
mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including cost of
materials, labour, curing, polishing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
KSRB 14.10-3: Providing flooring with 20 mm thick polished Cadapa Sqm 1,210.00
slabs using cement mortar 1:6, 25 mm thick over existing cement
concrete bed or top of roof laid to line and level and jointed with cement
slurry mixed with pigmentto match the shade of the slab, including cost
of materials, labour, curing, polishing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
KSRB 14.11-1: Providing mosaic flooring with cast-in-situ 40mm Sqm 1,200.00
thick using marble chips ,flooring rubbed and polished to granolithic
finish with under layer of 28mm thick cement concrete M-15 with stone
aggregate 12mm and down size, and top layer 12mm thick with dark
shade pigment with ordinary cement in top layer only using white,
black, chacolate, yellow or baroda green marble chips of size from
7 to 10 nominal size laid in cement marble powder mix 3: 1 ( 3 cement:
1- marble powder by weight ) in proportion of 4:7 ( 4 cement marble
powder mix : 7 marble chips by volume ) curing polishing oxalic acid
wash, wax polish , including cost of materials, labour, complete as per
Specification No. KBS 14.8
KSRB 14.11-2 : Providing mosaic flooring with cast-in-situ 40mm Sqm 1,350.00
thick using marble chips flooring, rubbed and polished to granolithic
finish with under layer of 28mm thick cement cocrete M-15 with stone
aggregate 12mm and down size , and top layer 12mm thick with light
shade pigment with white cement in top layer only using white, black,
chacolate, yellow or baroda green marble chips of size from 7 to 10
nominal size laid in cement marble stone mixed 3: 1 ( 3 cement : 1 marble
powder by weight) in proportion of 4:7 ( 4 cement marble powder mix :
7 marble chips by volume) curing polishing oxalic acid wash, wax polish
, including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.8
KSRB 14.11-3 : Providing mosaic flooring with cast-in-situ 40mm thick Sqm 1,250.00
using marble chips flooring rubbed and polished to granolithic finish with
under layer of 28mm thick cement cocrete M-15 with stone aggregate
12mm and down size, and top layer 12mm thick with medium shade
pigment with approximately 50% white cement and 50% ordinary

-- · --- - ---------- - -- ··--· ·-·----· -·-- - -- --� -����--- - ---·-··-·--- · -


cement in top layer only using white, black, chacolate, yellow or baroda
green marble chips of size from 7 to 10 nominal size laid in cement
marble stone mixed 3:1 (3 cement : 1 marble powder by weight) in
proportion of 4:7 (4 cement marble powder mix : 7 marble chips by
volume) curing polishing oxalic acid wash, wax polishing, including cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.8
14.21 KSRB 14.11-4 : Providing mosaic flooring with cast-in-situ 40mm Sqm 1,230.00
thick using marble chips and polished to granolithic finish with under
layer of 28mm thick cement concrete M-15 with stone aggregate 12mm
and down size, and top layer 12mm thick with white cement without
any pigment in top layer only using white, black, chacolate, yellow or
baroda green marble chips of size from 7 to 10 nominal size laid in
cement marble powder mix 3: 1 ( 3 cement : 1 marble powder by weight)
in proportion of 4:7 ( 4 cement marble powder mix : 7 marble chips by
volume ) curing, polishing oxalic acid wash, wax polish, including cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.8
14.22 KSRB 14.11-5 :Extra for providing and fixing aluminium strips 40 mm m 36.60
wide and 1.5mm thick painted with a protective coat of bitumen for joints
of mosaic floors, including cost of materials, labour, curing, complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
14.23 KSRB 14.11-6 :Extra for providing and fixing glass strips 40 mm wide m 52.65
and 4mm thick for joints of mosaic floors , including cost of materials,
labour, curing, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
14.24 KSRB 14.12-1: Providing mosaic tiles flooring with precast grey colour Sqm 675.00
mosaic tiles 20mm thick using marble chips of approved colour 7 to 10
nominal size laid in floors and landings on a bed of 25mm thick cement
mortar 1 :6, mix, jointed with neat cement slurry mix with pigment to
match the shade of tiles curing, rubbing, polishing, oxalic acid wash, wax
polish , including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machinary complete
as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.11
14.25 KSRB 14.12-2: Providing mosaic tiles flooring with precast light Sqm 895.00
shade pigment with white cement mosaic tiles 20mm thick using
marble chips of approved colour 7 to 10 nominal size laid in floors
and landings on a bed of 25mm thick cement mortar 1:6, mix, jointed
with neat cement slurry mix with pigment to match the shade of tiles,
curing. rubbing, polishing, oxalic acid wash, wax polish, including cost
of materials, labour, HOM of machinary complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.11
14.26 KSRB 14.12-3 : Providing mosaic tiles flooring with precast medium Sqm 740.00
shade pigment using 50% white cement and 50% ordinai)' cement


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

mosaic tiles 20mm thick using marble chips of approved colour 7 to 10

nominal size laid in floors and landings on a bed of 25mm thick average
thickness of cement mortar 1 :6, mix, jointed with neat cement slurry
mix with pigment to match the shade of tiles, curing, rubbing, polishing,
oxalic acid wash, wax polish , including cost of materials, labour, HOM
of machinary complete as per specifications.

KSRB 14.12-4 : Providing mosaic tiles flooring with white precast Sqm 910.00
cement mosaic tiles 20mm thick using marble chips of 7 to 1O nominal
size laid in floors and landings on a bed of 25mm thick average thickness
of cement mortar 1 :6, mix, jointed with neat cement slurry mix with
pigment to match the shade of tiles, curing, rubbing, polishing, oxalic
acid wash, wax polish , including cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machinary complete as per specifications.

KSRB 14.13-1: Providing precast chequered mosaic tiles dark shade Sqm 980.00
using ordinary grey cement for steps and flooring, with precast
20mm thick, using marble chips of 7 to 1O nominal size laid in floors,
steps and landings on a bed of 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 mix, and
jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade
of tiles, curing, rubbing, polishing, oxalic acid wash, wax polish,including
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

KSRB 14.13-2: Providing precast chequered mosaic tiles light shade Sqm 1,215.00
using white cement for steps and flooring, 20mm thick, using marble
chips of 7 to 10 nominal size laid in floors, steps and landings on a bed
of 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 mix, and jointed with neat cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles curing, rubbing,
polishing, oxalic acid wash, wax polish , including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.13, 14.14

KSRB 14.13-3: Providing precast chequered mosaic tiles medium Sqm 1,035.00
shade pigment using 50% white cement and 50% ordinary cement
for steps and flooring 20mm thick using marble chips of 7 to 10 nominal
size laid on a bed of 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 mix, and jointed
with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of tiles
curing, rubbing, polishing, oxalic acid wash, wax polish , including cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.13, 14.14

KSRB 14.13-4: Providing precast chequered mosaic tiles white Sqm 1,165.00
colour for steps and flooring, 20mm thick, using marble chips of 7
to 10 nominal size laid on a bed of 12mm thick cement mortar 1 :3 mix,
and jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the
shade of tiles rubbing, polishing, oxalic acid wash, wax polish, including
cost of materials, labour, curing, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 14.13, 14.14
KSRB 14.14-5: Providing Ceramic tiles of approved make,shade and
size for flooring, treads of steps and landings laid on a bed of 12mm
thick, cement mortar 1:3 mix, flush pointing with white cement using

----�-�--····-- •a, - --- - • , ·· -- -- ,���--�---���

SI. No. Description Rate

Rs. Ps.

colour pigment , including cost of materials, labour, curing, complete

as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS
14.36.1 _do_ for Ceramic Tiles of size 15x15cms 6mm thick Sqm 1,055.00
14.36.2 _do_ for Ceramic Tiles of size 30x30cms 6mm thick Sqm 2,815.00
14.36.3 _do_ for Ceramic Tiles 400 x 400mm on a bed of 20mm thick Sqm 1,270.00

14.36.4 _do_ for Ceramic Tiles 30cm x 60cm 6mm thick, on a bed of 20mm Sqm 1,270.00
14.37 KSRB 14.15-1: Providing marble slab flooring 20mm thick with edges Sqm 2,520.00
of slab machine cut, for flooring, treads of steps and landings laid on
a bed of 25mm thick cement mortar 1 :6, mix, to line and level, jointed
with cement slurry curing, rubbing, polishing complete finishling with
flush pointing using white cement, including cost of materials, HOM of
machineries, labour, curing, complete as per specifications.
14.38 KSRB 14-16.1 : Providing skirting upto 30 ems. height with cement Sqm 255.00
mortar 1 :3 finished with a floating coat of neat cement including rounding
off junctions floor, overall 15 mm thick including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 14.5
14.39 KSRB 14-16.2 : Providing red oxide skirting upto 30 ems. height Sqm 295.00
with cement mortar 1 :3 including rounding off junctions with floor,
finished overall 15 mm thick, top portion 5mm thick mixed with red oxide
and a floating coat of neat cement using 3.5kg of red oxide of iron per
50 kg of cement including cost of materials, labour, complete as per
Specification No.KBS 14.5
14.40 KSRB 14-17.1 : Providing skirting, dadoing, rises of steps with white Sqm 1,145.00
glazed tiles 6mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and jointed
with white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using glazed
tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 14.16, 14.17
14.41 KSRB 14-17.2: Providing skirting, dadoing, rises of steps with colour
glazed tiles on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and jointed with white
cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface using glazed tiles of
approved make and size including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 14.16, 14.17
14.41.1 Colour glazed tiles 15x15 ems 6mm thick Sqm 1,270.00
14.41.2 Colour glazed tiles 30x60 ems 6mm thick with border of size 30 x 10 Sqm 1,400.00
14.41.3 Colour glazed tiles 30x45 ems 6mm thick with border of size 30 x 10 Sqm 1,155.00


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 14-18.1 : Providing skirting, dadoing, rises of steps using Sqm 2,660.00
marble slabs with machine cut edges upto 25mm thick and not
exceeding 30 ems. height on 10 mm. thick cement mortar 1:3 and
jointed with white cement slurry over existing rough plaster surface
---'<=incruaing cost of material, labour complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 14.19
�--Providing and fixing Special make glazed Vitrified tiles (Granomite Sqm 1,330.00
finish) of approved make, quality and colour of size 600x600x10mm
->thick fixed on existing flooring with a special adhesive for flooring, skirting
and jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match shade
of tiles, including providing spacers at required interval and removing
, .::· stains etc., Complete as per specification.
...Providing and fixing Vitrified glazed tiles of approved make, quality Sqm 1,240.00
& colour of size 600 x 600 x 10mm thick fixed on existing flooring with
special adhesive for flooring, skirting and jointed with neat cement
slurry mixed with pigment to mach shade of tiles, including providing
spacers at required interval and removing stains etc., Complete as per
- Providing and fixing Vitrified glazed tiles of approved make, quality & Sqm 1,275.00
- colour of size 600 x 600 x 10mm thick fixed on bed of 12 thick cement
·· mortar for flooring, skirting and jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with
· igment to mach shade of tiles, including providing spacers at required
�terval and removing stains etc., Complete as per specification.
· . roviding and laying pattern flooring for staircase treads and risers Sqm 5,850.00
)ing the combination of 20mm thick ruby red granite @ 66%,20 mm
· ick grey granite @ 20%, 20mm thick, 20mm thick black granite 14%.
e granite materials are laid on existing bed of CM 1 :3 20mm thick
mTed with colour pigment, including full rounding for nostng, flaming
e ruby red granite for 50 mm wide curing etc., complete as per
·· cification.
· iding and laying flooring using prepolished, water cut/gang saw
m thick granite laid over bed of 20mm thick 1 :4 cm & jointed with
tcement slurry mixed with pigment to mach shade of granite slabs
ding laying POP on finished surface and cleaning the surface,
ding the cost of all materials and labours etc., complete as per
· -�- sing silver grey granite/ Multy Red/ Ruby Red/ Black/ Hassan Sqm 2,580.00
Granite of width not less than 1200mm
-Ing bla�k granite/ Multy Red / Ruby Red / Black / Hassan Sqm 2,470.00
. Granite of width not less than 900mm
Ing 10mm thick silver grey granite / Multy Red / Ruby Red Sqm 1,605.00
_-, Hassan Green Granite tiles
· " !ng 19mm thick Raw Silk / Black Peart granite of width not less Sqm 2,765.00

19mm thick Raw Silk/ Black Peart granite of width not less Sqm 3,115.00
�_ i
� I

• • •� CC.- .O ,_- s-.C ,� -- ---- ·-· -------- - ,- -�--,----

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

14.48 Providing and laying flooring for corridors/lobbies using combination

of pre polished 19 mm thick water cut/gang saw Grey Granite,
Black Granite, and strips of 50mm wide pre flamed grey granite using
pre polished grey granite 19mm thick 76%, Pre polished black granite
19mm thick@ 2% and preflamed 19mm thick grey granite@22% over
existing cement concrete bed in CM 1 :4 average 20mm thick pointed
with white cement/colour pigment etc., complete.

14.48.1 _do_ using 19mm thick granite width not less than 1200mm Sqm 3,005.00

14.48.2 _do_ using 10mm thick granite slab Sqm 2,300.00

14.49 Providing and fixing of wall cladding using 20mm thick gang saw Sqm 3,550.00
water cut Shiva gold granite, grey granite in CM 1 :3 proportion
cut to required shape, pattern with paper joints, finished with cement
mortal using white cement and colour pigments to match the colour of
slab making through jointing with sealant, making holes 25mmx12mm
grooves in joints including curing etc., complete.
14.50 "Providing and fixing skirting of 300mm high using prepolished water m 835.00
cut/gang saw of 19mm thick grey granite 0.5mm wide chamfered width
and depth and fixing in CM 1 :4 of 20mm thick after chipping the walls
etc., complete."
14.51 Providing and laying Hassan Green granite flooring for staircase, Sqm 4,420.00
treads and rises using pre polished 20 mm thick water cut green
Granite slab laid over existing cement concrete bed in CM 1 :3, average
20mm thick including full rounding for nosing , cutting 3 line grooves
not more than 2 mm wide for antiskidding, curing etc.,complete.
14.52 Providing and laying platform using prepolished, water cut / gang Sqm 3,035.00
saw 40mm thick telephonic Black Granite. laid on existing vertical
-supports and fixing in CM 1 :3 proportion. Including cutting to required
shape, pattern with paper joints, including full rounding for nosing,
finished with cement mortar, pointed with colour pigments to match the
colour of slab making through jointing with sealant, making holes 25mm
x 12mm grooves in joints including curing.
14.53 Providing full nosing for 40mm thick granite slab using required m 460.00
machinery including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for all
items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per specification
14.54 Providing half nosing for 40mm thick granite slab using required m 310.00
machinery including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for all
items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per specification
14.55 Providing full nosing for 20mm thick granite slab using required m 230.00
machinery including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for all
items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per specification
14.56 Providing half nosing for 20mm thick granite slab using required m 155.00
machinery including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for all
items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per specification

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
Providing and fixing for flooring 40mm thick sadarhalli grey flammed Sqm 1,930.00
granite slab for bath areas in Bathrooms over a bed of 25mm thick CM
1:6 and fixing granite slab with CM 1:3.
�+iff:w1iEliAg and fixing granite flooring in combination of 19mm thick Sqm 5,015.00
(Avg) gang saw water cut LAKARED granite with 86% and with 14%
of 19mm thicl (avg) Black granite in CM 1:4 proportion with a coat of
..-....,,..'irU't'h plastering using CM 1 :4, cut to required shape, pattern with
-- . paper joints, finished with cement mortar using white cement and
;�- colour pigments to match the colour of slab making through jointing
with sealant, grooves in joints including cost of curing etc., complete
including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for all items of
- . work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per specification
__.eroviding and fixing for flooring 20mm thick gang saw water cut Sqm 2,392.00
telephonic black granite in CM 1:4 proportion with a coat of rough
plastering using CM 1:4, cut to required shape, pattern with paper joints,
finished with cement mortar using white cement and colour pigments to
match the colour of slab making through jointing with sealant, grooves in
. ____.joints induding cost of curing etc., complete including cost and conveyance
' --'. of all materials, labour for all items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete
as per specification
--Providing and fixing 20mm thick gang saw water cut LAKARED Sqm 5,025.00
granite for cladding in CM 1:4 proportion with a coat of rough plastering
using CM 1 :4, cut toJequired shape, pattern with paper joints, finished
with cement mortar using white cement and colour pigments to match
the colour of slab making through jointing with sealant, grooves in joints
including cost of curing etc., complete including cost and conveyance of
all materials, labour for all items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete
as per specification.
Providing and fixing for flooring 20mm thick gang saw water cut
sadarhalli grey granite in CM 1:4 proportion, cut to required shape,
pattern with paper joints, finished with cement mortar using white cement
and colour pigments to match the colour of slab making through jointing
with sealant, groves in joints including cost of curing
- do - minimum width of 1200mm Sqm 2,106.00
- do - minimum width of 900mm Sqm 2,010.00
Providing and laying/fixing cement base, precast, pre polished Sqm 1,260.00
cement concrete, designer tiles 25mm thick for flooring conforming to
IS 1237 heavy duty tiles for flooring, treads of steps and landing, laid on
a bed of 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 mis finished with flush pointing
using white cement, including cost of materials, including cutting, griding
the edge to half/full round wherever required, labour, curing complete
as per specification.
Providing and fixing Ceramic tiles of size 400x400mm for flooring, Sqm 1,200.00
threads, steps and landing, laid on a bed of 20mm thick cement mortar
.. 1 :3 mix flush pointing with_ white cement mixed with matching colour
pigment including curing, cleaning etc., complete. The work includes
cost of ail materials, labour charges for all items of work, hire charges
for equipment, etc., complete as per specification.

---- ----·--·---

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

14.64 Providing and fixing colour glazed tiles of size 300mmx600mm for Sqm 1,325.00
walls with borders of size 300x100mm, set in Cement Mortar 1 :3 and
pointed with white cement with matching colour pigment with necessary
curing, cleaning including providing and removing scaffolding wherever
necessary etc., complete. The work includes cost of all materials, labour
charges for all items of work, hire charges for equipment, etc., complete
as per specification.
14.65 Providing and fixing colour glazed tiles of size 300mmx450mm for Sqm 1,090.00
walls with borders of size 300x100mm, set in Cement Mortar 1:3 and
pointed with white cement with matching colour pigment with necessary
curing, cleaning including providing and removing scaffolding wherever
necessary etc., complete. The work includes cost of all materials, labour
charges for all items of work, hire charges for equipment, etc., complete
as per specification.
14.67 Providing and fixing of wall dadding using 20 mm thick gang saw water
cut granite in CM 1 :3 proportion cut to required shape patron with paper
joint finished with cement mortar using white cement and colour pigments
to match the colour of slab making through jointing with sealant, making
holes 25mm x 12mm grooves in joints induding curing etc., complete
14.67.1 - do- with grey granite 20mm thick gang saw with minimum width 1200 Sqm 2,785.00
14.67.2 - do- with sadharalli 20mm thick gangsaw with minimum width 1200 Sqm 2,285.00
14.68 Providing and fixing of clay tiles for cladding tiles of size 230x75x10mm Sqm 1,650.00
thick on 12mm thick cement mortar 1 :3 & jointed with Adhesive/ cement
slurry over rough plaster surface excluding cost of rough plasterd surface
and the surface is painted with red apex paint and black apex paint into
the groves.
14.69, Supplying, fabricating and fixing of Stainless steel cladding for walls using Sqm 12,800.00
304 grade Stainless steel 16 guage sheet wall cladding of thickness over
the frame made out of 50x50mmx3mm thickness anodized aluminium
frame work at an equal distance of 2 ft vertifically fixed to the wall using
100mm screws, guttas, anchor bolts and fastners with all necessary
bending and cutting as per the desing and site condition. The frame
work finally to be finished with 12mm BWP plYWOOd to receive the SS
sheet on it uniformly.
i 14.70 Providing and laying of teak wooden polished flooring of 12mm thick, Sqm 4,950.00
high density timber of approved colour and design. with end trims,
I: I
transition, profiles, beading, 15mm thick felt, and 20 micron polyester
film with 4mm thick foam underlay etc.,
14.71 Providing and laying of Modular wooden polished flooring of. 12mm Sqm 2,900.00
thick, high density timber of approved colour and design with end trims,
transition, profiles, beading, 15mm thick felt, and 20 micron polyester
film with 4mm thick foam underlay etc.,
14.72 Providing Venyl flooring of approved quality and make, fixed on the top Sqm 625.00
of existing flooring fixed with suitable adhesive, including cutting to the
requied size and fixing etc. complete

Note: Lift charges: The above rates are applicable for Ground and basement
floors only. An additional rate of Rs.1.50/sqm per floor may be added
for every additional floor for items vide SI.No.14.1 to 14.72.




Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRB 15.1.1 Providing flush pointing to square rubble, course or Sqm 91.00
uncoursed stone masonry with cement mortar 1:3, 20mm deep, after
-� raking joints to depth of 20mm nicely lining, including cost of materials,
labour, curing complete as per specifications.
KSRB 15.1.2-do -cement mortar 1:4 Sqm 89.00
KSRB 15.1.3-do-Providing ruled pointing to coursed stone masonry Sqm 92.00
with cement mortar 1:3, 20mm deep, after raking joints to depth of 20mm
nicely lining, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per

KSRB 15.1.4-do-cement mortar 1:4 Sqm 89.00

KSRB 15.1.5 Providing raised and cut pointing to coursed stone Sqm 135.00
masonry with cement mortar 1:3, 20mm, after raking joints to depth of
20mm nicely lining, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete
as per specifications.

KSRB 15.1.6 - do- cement mortar 1:4 Sqm 130.00

KSRB 15.2.1 Providing flush pointing to stone slab pavements, with Sqm 32.00
cement mortar 1:3, after raking joints, nicely lining, including cost of
materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
KSRB 15.2.2 Providing ruled pointing to stone slab pavements with Sqm 33.00
. cemeot mortar 1:3, 20mm deep, after rakiflg joints , including cosJ of
materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
KSRB 15.3.1Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single coat Sqm 170.00
with cement mortar 1:3, to brick masonry including rounding off
corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per

KSRB15-3.2 : -do- cement mortar 1:4 Sqm 155.00

KSRB15-3.3 : -do- cement mortar 1:6 Sqm 140.00

KSRB15-3.4 : Providing 15mm thick cement plaster in single Sqm 1-95.00

coat with cement mortar 1:3, to brick masonry including rounding off
corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
KSRB15-3.5 :-do- cement mortar 1:4 Sqm 175.00

KSRB15-3.6 :-do- cement mortar 1:6 Sqm 155.00

KSRB15-3.7 : Providing 18mm thick cement plaster in single Sqm 230.00

coat with cement mortar 1 :3, to brick masonry including rounding off

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
15.16 KSRB15-3.8 : -do- cement mortar 1 :4 Sqm 205.00

15.17 KSRB15-3.9 : -do- cement mortar 1:6 Sqm 185.00

15.18 KSRB15-3.10 : Providing 20mm thick cement plaster in single coat Sqm 245.00
with cement mortar 1 :3, to stone masonry & concrete surface including
rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing
and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing
complete as per specifications.
15.19 KSRB15-3.11 : -do- cement mortar 1 :4 Sqm 220.00

15.20 KSRB15-3.12 : -do- cement mortar 1 :6 Sqm 195.00

15.21 KSRB15-3-13 : Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single Sqm 182.00
coat with cement mortar 1 :3, to ceiling including rounding off corners
wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing
scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
15.22 KSRB15-3.14 : -do- cement mortar 1 :4 Sqm 165.00

15.23 KSRB15-4.1 Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound Sqm 10.20
in cement plaster work at one kg per bag or in the proportion
recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar 1 :3, 12mm
thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.
15.24 KSRB15-4.2-do-cement mortar 1:4, 12mm thick Sqm 7.60

15.25 KSRB15-4.3-do- cement mortar 1:4, 15mm thick Sqm 9.65

15.26 KSRB15-4.4-do-cement mortar 1:4, 18mm thick Sqm 11.60

;15.27 KSRB15-4.5 Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound Sqm 12.90
in cement plaster for stone masonry work at one kg per bag or in the
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar 1 :4,
20mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.
15.28 KSRB15-4.6 Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound Sqm 17.15
in cement plaster for birck masonry work at one kg per bag or in the
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar 1 :3,
20mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.
15.29 KSRB15-4.7 Extra for providing and mixing waterproofing compound Sqm 12.90
in cement plaster for brick masonry work at one kg per bag or in the
proportion recommended by the manufacturers, for cement mortar 1 :4,
20mm thick cost of materials complete as per specifications.

15.30 KSRB15-5.1 : Providing rough cement plastering 15mm thick in Sqm 165.00
single coat with cement mortar 1:4, to brick masonry for base of
dadooing works with sand of approved quality, providing and removing

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per


KSRB 15-5.2 : - do - cement mortar 1 :6 Sqm 145.00

. KSRB 15-6 : Providing floating coat of cement to plastering and Sqm 18.55
finishing smooth, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete
as per specifications.

� KSRB 15-7 : Providing lime rendering for plastering to wall and Sqm 17.75
ceiling, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per

KSRB 15.8.1 Providing and fixing plaster mesh 100mm wide m 54.00
manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness
0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120gms per sqm width, along route of walls
chipped for services, junction between RCC and brick walls including
cost of materials, labour for fixing complete as per specifications. (length
of mesh only be measured for payment )

KSRB 15.8.2 -do - plaster mesh 150mm wide m 59.00

KSRB 15.8.3 - do - plaster mesh 200mm wide m 65.00

KSRB 15.9 Providing and fixing corner beads 45x45mm size m 30.00
manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness
0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120gms per sqm width, along exposed
comers of walls, coloumns, lintels including cost of materials, labour
for fixing complete . (length of mesh be measured for payment)

KSRB 15.10.1 Providing white washing to new wall surface in two Sqm 6.80
coats with lime of approved quality, to give an even shade including
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

KSRB 15.10.2 Providing white washing for every one additional coat Sqm 3.10
with lime of approved quality, to give an even shade including cost of
materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

KSRB 15.10.3 Providing white washing to ceiling and I or sloping Sqm 7.40
roof surface in two coats with lime of approved quality, to give an even
shade including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

KSRB 15.10.4 Providing white washing to ceiling and I or sloping Sqm 3.70
roof surface with additional one coat with lime of approved quality, to
give an even shade including cost of materials, labour, complete as per

KSRB 15.11.1 Providing cement washing to rough wall surface in Sqm 6.80
one _coat with_po_rtland cememt sluny to give an even shade after
- �throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops
and other foreign matter including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

15.43 KSRB 15.11.2 Providing cement washing on iron surface in one Sqm 62.00
coat with portland cement slurry mixed with boiled linseed oil to give
an even surface after thoroughly cleaning the surface to remove all dirt,
dust, mortar drops and other foreign matter including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
15.44 KSRB 15.12.1Providing Gopi colour washing to new wall surface Sqm 10.00
in two coats with lime and gopi colour of approved quality, to give an
even shade after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt,
dust, mortar drops and other foreign matter including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
15.45 KSRB 15.12.2 Providing Gopi colour washing to new wall surface in Sqm 5.20
one coat with lime and gopi colour of approved quality, to give an even
shade after thoroughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust,
mortar drops and other foreign matter including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.
15.46 KSRB15-13: Applying of distemper
KSRB 15-13.1: Providing and applying one coat distemper primer
of approved brand on wall surface after throughly brooming the surface
to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and other foreign matter including
preparing the surface, even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
15.46.1 -wall surface- Sqm 26.30

15.46.2 KSRB 15-13.2 Extra over Item 15-13.1 for applying one coat of Sqm 1.80
distemper primer over ceiling and/ or sloping roof as per specifications.
15.47 KSRB 15-13.3 : Providing and applying two coats dry distemper of
approved brand, and shade on wall surface including priming coat and
whitening after throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust,
mortar drops and other foreign matter including preparing the surface
even and sand paper smooth1 cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications.
15.47.1 -do- Sqm 53.00

15.47.2 KSRB 15-13.4: Extra over Item 15-13.3 for applying distemper primer Sqm 3.75
over ceiling and / or sloping roof as per specifications.
15.48 KSRB 15-13.5 : Providing and applying one coat on old surface
dry distemper of approved brand, and shade on wall surface after
thoroughly brooming the surface clean of all gease, dirt, loose pieces
of scales including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth,
cost of material, labour, complete as per specifications.
15.48.1 -wall surface- Sqm 16.20

15.48.2 KSRB 15-13.6: Extra over Item 15-13.5 for applying distemper over Sqm 0.89
ceiling and /or sloping roof as per specifications.


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 15-13.7: Extra for providing and applying every subsequent cost Sqm 11.10
of dry distemper of approved brand , for item no. 15-13.3 and 15-13.5
of approved shade on wall surface cost of materials, labour, complete
_a_s. per specifications.

KSRB 15-14.1 : Providing and applying two coats with oil bound
___washable distemper of approved brand and shade on wall surface
including priming coat with distemper primer after throughly brooming
the surface free from mortar drops and other foreign matter including
preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.

-do- Sqm 75.00

KSRB 15-14.2: Extra over Item 15-14.1 for applying oil bound washable Sqm 4.45
distemper on ceiling and / or sloping roof as per specifications.

KSRB 15-14.3 : Providing and applying one coat with oil bound
washable distemper of approved brand and shade on wall surface to
give an even shade after throughly brooming the surface free from all
grease, dirt, loose peases of scales, including preparing the surface
even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications.

-do- Sqm 30.00

KSRB 15-14.4 : Extra over Item 15-14.3 for applying one coat with Sqm 1.80
oil bound washable distemper on ceiling and / or sloping roof as per

KSRB 15-15.1 : Providing and applying painting in two coats with

plastic emul_sion paint of approved brand on wall surface to give an
even approved shade after thoroughly brushing the surface, free from
mortar drops and other foreign matter including preparing the surface
even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications.

-do- Sqm 73.00

-do- with primer Sqm 90.00

KSRB 15-15.2: Extra over Item 15-15.1 for painting two coats with Sqm 3.00
plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and shade on ceiling and / or
sloping roof as per specifications.

KSRB 15-15.3 : Providing and applying painting in one coat with

plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture on wall
surface to give an even approved shade after thoroughly brushing
the surface, free from mortar drops and other foreign matter including
·- prepanng-thesffrface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

15.52.1 -do- Sqm 46.00

15.52.2 KSRB 15.15.4 : Extra over Item 15-15.3 for painting with one coat Sqm 2.40
plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and shade on ceiling and / or
sloping roof as per specifications.

15.52.3 KSRB 15-15.5 : Extra for providing and applying every subsequent coat Sqm 31.00
of painting with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and shade
for Item no.15-15.1 and 15-15.3 cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications.

15.53 KSRB 15-16.1 : Providing and finishing external walls in two coats
with waterproof cement paint of approved brand and shade to give
an even shade after throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt
and loose powdered material, free from mortar drops and other foreign
matter cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

15.53.1 -do- Sqm 65.00

15.53.2 -do- with primer Sqm 83.00

15.53.3 KSRB 15-16.3 : Extra for providing and applying every subsequent coat Sqm 25.00
of waterproofing cement paint of approved brand and shade for Item
no.15-16. 1 cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

15.54 KSRB 15-16.2 : Providing and finishing external walls in one coat with
waterproof cement paint of approved brand and shade to give an even
shade after throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt and loose
powdered material, free from mortar drops and other foreign matter cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

15.54.1 -do- Sqm 37.30

15.54.2 -do- with primer Sqm 43.30

15.54.3 KSRB 15-16.3 : Extra for providing and applying every subsequent Sqm 25.00
coat of waterproofing cement paint of approved brand and shade for
Item no.15-16.1 and 15-16.2 cost of materials, labour, complete as per
15.55 KSRB 15-17.1 : Applying priming coat over new wood surface Sqm 35.00
and / or wood based surface with white lead paint priming including
preparing the surface after thoroughly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and
foreign matter, sand papering and knotting ready mix paint including
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
15.56 KSRB 15-17.2: Applying priming coat over new wood surface and Sqm 34.00
/ or wood based surface after brushing with wood primer pink paint
including preparing the surface after thoroughly cleaning oil, grease,
dirt and foreign matter, sand papering and knotting ready mix paint
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 15-17.3: Applying priming coat over new wood surface and Sqm 37.00
I or wood based surface after brushing with aluminium paint primer,
water resistant including preparing the surface after thoroughly cleaning
oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, sand papering and knotting ready mix
.----I"-· 1t--1including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

KSRB 15-17.4 : Applying priming coat over new wood surface Sqm 36.00
-�IHd-l or wood based surface, after brushing with ready mix enamel
priming paint including preparing the surface after thoroughly cleaning
oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, sand papering and knotting ready mix
paint including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

KSRB 15-17.5 : Applying priming coat over new wood surface and Sqm 34.40
I or wood based surface after preparing the surface after throughly
cleaning oil, grease, dirt and foreign matter, sand papering and knotting
-· llquid wood filler, for varnish including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.

KSRB 15-17.6: Providing and applying painting two coats(excluding Sqm 80.00
priming coat ) on new wood surface and / or wood based surface
with enamel paint to give an even shade, cleaning the surface of all
dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papering including cost of materials,
-�... labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 15.:-11.8 : Extra over Item No. 15-17.6 for applying every Sqm 46.00
subsequent coat of �namel paint to give an even shade after cleaning
the surface of all dirt; dust and foreign matter, sand papering including
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 15-17.7: Providing and applying painting one coat(excluding Sqm 50.00
Rrlming coat ) on new wood surface and / or wood based surface
with enamel paint to give an even shade after cleaning the surface of all
dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papering including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 15-17.8 : Extra over Item No.15-17.7 for applying every Sqm 46.00
subsequent coatof enamel paint to give an even shade after cleanir1g
the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papering including
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

KSRB 15-17.9 : Applying varnish two coats(excluding priming coat) Sqm 69.00
on new wood surface and / or wood based surface undercoating with
flatting varnish and finishing coat with varnish to give an even shade after
cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papering
so as to produce smooth dry, mat surface including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.

KSRB 15-17.11 : Extra over Item No. 15-17.9 and 15-17 .10 for applying Sqm 33.50
every subsequent coat of varnish to produce a smooth dry and mat
surface after cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter,
��- including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.


-------------------------·-- -- --


SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

15.63.1 KSRB 15-17.10 : Providing and applying varnishing one coat Sqm 37.00
(excluding priming coat) on previously varnished wood/ or wood
based surface to give an even surface after cleaning the surface of all
dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papering so as to produce a smooth
dry and mat surface, including cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications.
15.63.2 KSRB 15-17.11: Extra over Item No. 15-17.9 and 15-17.10 for applying Sqm 33.00
every subsequent coat of varnish to produce a smooth dry and mat
surface after cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter,
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
15.64 KSRB 15-17.12 : Providing and applying polishing with trench polish Sqm 129.00
on new wood surface and / or wood based surface to give an even
surface after cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter,
sand papered smooth, including cost of wood filler and materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.
15.65 KSRB 15-17.13 : Providing and applying polishing with trench polish Sqm 66.00
over previously polished wood or wood based surface to give an
even surface after cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter,
sand papered smooth, including cost of wood filler and materials, labour,
complete as.per specifications.
15.66 KSRB 15-17.14: Providing and applying wax polish in two coats on Sqm 65.00
new wood surface and/ or wood based surface, with bees wax polish
in proportion of 2:1.5:1:0.5 (2 bees wax: 1.5 linseed oil: 1 turpentine oil:
0.5 varnish by weight) to give an even surface after cleaning the surface
of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papered smooth, including cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
15.67 KSRB 15-17.15: Providing and applying wax polish in single coat on Sqm 32.00
new wood surface and/ or wood based surface, with bees wax polish
in proportion of 2:1.5:1:O.p (2 bees wax: 1.5 linseed oil: 1 turpentine oil:
0.5 varnish by weight) to give an even surface after cleaning the surface·
of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, sand papered smooth, including cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
15.68 KSRB 15-17.16 : Providing and applying painting two coats Sqm 36.00
(excluding priming coat) on new wood surface and/ or wood based
surface with coal tar paint to give an even shade after cleaning the
surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
15.69 KSRB 15-17.17: Providing and applying painting one coat ( excluding Sqm 24.00
priming coat) on new wood surface and/ or wood based surface with
coal tar paint to give an even shade after cleaning the surface of dirt,
dust and foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSR B 15-17.18 : Providing and applying painting one coat Sqm 20.00
{excluding priming coat) on previously painted wood surface and
·1 or wood based surface with coal tar paint to give an even shade after
7,; cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, including cost
,.· o ma erials, labour, complete as per specifications.
_ • .: °KSRB 15-17.19: Providing and applying painting one coat {excluding Sqm 43.00
iming - coat) on previously painted wood surface and / or wood
, ... based surface with enamel paint to give an even shade after cleaning
:'::,;;_ the surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 15-17.20: Applying additional one coat {excluding priming Sqm 40.00
: - - ·coat) on previously painted wood surface and / or wood based
surface with enamel paint to give an even shade after cleaning the
--surface of all dirt, dust and foreign matter, including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.

KSRB 15-18.1 : Applying red. lead ready mix priming coat over Sqm 28.00
new steel or other metal surface including preparing the surface
after throughly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter, and
scoured with wire brushes, fine steel wool, sand papers including cost
-- of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 15"'·18.2 : Providing and applying enamel metal paint two Sqm 78.00
coats {excluding priming coat) over new steel or other metal
surface brushing togive an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt
and other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.
KSRB 15..-18.3 : Providing and applying enamel metal paint one coat Sqm 49.00
{excluding priming coat ) on previously painted steel or other metal
surface brushing to give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt
and other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.
KSRB 1�18.4: Providing and applying aluminium paint two coats Sqm 62.00
{excluding priming coat ) over new steel or other metal surface
brushing to give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt and
other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications.
KSRB 15-18.5: Providing and applying aluminium paint one coat Sqm 38.00
(excluding priming coat ) on previously painted steel or other metal
surface brushing to give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt
and other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.

KSRB 15-18.6 : Providing and applying black japan paint one coat Sqm 32.00
{excluding priming coat ) on previously painted steel or other metal
surface brushing to give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt
and other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

15.79 KSRB 15-18.7 : Extra for applying every subsequent black japan paint Sqm 28.50
on previously painted steel or other metal suriace brushing to give an
even shade after cleaning of oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter,
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
15.80 KSRB 15-19.1 : Providing and applying ready mix priming coat Sqm 32.00
over concrete I masonry/ asbestos cement sheet / plastered suriaces
including preparing the suriace after thoroughly cleaning of oil, grease,
dirt and other foreign matter, and sand papering including cost of
materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
15.81 KSRB 15-19.2 : Providing and applying spray painting in two coats Sqm 67.00
(excluding priming coat) over concrete/ masonry/ asbestos cement
sheet/ plastered suriaces with flat wall paint of approved brand to give
even shade after cleaning the suriace of all dirt, dust and other foreign
matter, and sand papering including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.
15.82 KSRB 15-19.3: -do- spray painting in one coat Sqm 42.00
15.83 KSRB 15-20.1: Providing and applying floor painting with ready mix Sqm 55.00
paint in two coats (excluding priming coat ) on new concrete/ asbestos
cement sheet/ plastered suriaces brushing to give an even shade after
preparing the suriace after thoroughly cleaning oil, dirt, dust other foreign
matter and sand papering including cost of materials, labour, complete
as per specifications.
15.84 KSRB 15-20.2: - do -one coat Sqm 35.00
15.85 KSRB 15-21.1: Providing and applying wax polish on new concrete Sqm 27.70
floor and vertical plastered suriace using approved brand to give an even
shade after preparing the suriace after thoroughly cleaning oil, dirt, dust
other foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete as
per specifications.
15.86 KSRB 15-21.2: -do - previously polished concrete floor Sqm 26.40
15.87 KSRB 15-22.1 : Providing marble chips skirting or dadoing (upto Sqm 1,045.00
30cms height) rubbed and polished to granolithic finish, top layer 6mm
thick with white, black, chocolate, grey, yellow or baroda green marble
chips from smallest to 4mm nominal size dark shade pigment with
ordinary cement (in top layer only) laid in cement marble powder 3:1
(3 cement: 1 marble powder by weight) in proportion of 4:7 (4 cement
marble powder mix: 7 marble chips by volume) overall thickness 24mm
(18mm thick under lay er, 6mm thick top layer) in cement mortar ofmix
1:3 including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
15.88 KSRB 15-22.2 : Providing marble chips skirting or dadoing (upto Sqm 1,140.00
30cms height) rubbed and polished to granolithic finish, top layer
6mm thick, with white, black, chocolate, grey, yellow or baroda green
marble chips from smallest to 4mm nominal size, light shade pigment
with white cement ( in top layer only) laid in cement marble powder 3:i
(3 cement: 1 marble powder by weight) in proportion of 4:7 (4 cement
marble powder mix: 7 marble chips by volume ) overall thickness 24mm
( 18mm thick under !ayer, 6mm thick top layer } in cement mo1iar of rni;:
·, :3 inciuding cost of materrais, labour, comp!ete as pe:· speciflcat::-:,.:.

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
KSRB 15-22.3 : Prov di ng i marble chips skirting or dadoing (upto Sqm 1,095.00
30cms height) rubbed and pol shed i to granol th
i c
i finish top layer 6mm
th ck i w th
i white, black, chocolate, grey, yellow or baroda green marble
h=i s from smallest to 4mm nominal s ze,
!!!-,o-----=c"-'- i medium shade pigment
w th i approx mately
i 50% white cement and 50% ord nary i cement
( ni top layer only ) laid ni cement marble powder 3:1 (3 cement :1 marble
----powder by we ght) i in proport on
i of 4:7 (4 cement marble powder mix :
?marble chips by volume) overall th ckness i 24mm (18mm th ck i under
. layer, 6mm thick top layer) in cement mortar of mix 1 :3 includ ng i cost
of materials, labour, complete as per spec fications.i

KSRB 15-22.4: Prov ding i marble chips skirting or dadoing (upto Sqm 1,015.00
30cms height) rubbed and polished to granolith ci finish top layer 6mm
thick w th
i wh te,
i black, chocolate, grey, yellow or baroda green marble
chips from smallest to 4mm nominal size, white cement w thout i any
pigment ( ni top layer only) la di ni cement marble powder 3:1 ( 3 cement
: 1 marble powder by we ght i ) ni proport on
i of 4:7 ( 4 cement marble
powder m xi : 7 marble chips by volume ) overall th ckness
i 24mm (18mm
th ck
i under layer, 6mm th ck i top layer) in cement mortar of m xi 1 :3
i ng
i cost of materials, labour, complete as per spec ficati ons.

KSRB 15-22.5 : Extra labour for work ni dadQ exceed ng i 30 ems in Sqm 17.60
he ght
i including cost of labour, complete as per spec fications.

KSRB 15-23.1 : Providing pre-cast grey colour mosaic tiles 20mm m 245.00
thick with marble chips of wh te, i black, chocolate, grey, yellow or
baroda green from smallest to 6mm nom nal i s ze,
i w th
i ordinary cement
( ni top layer only ) for sk rti ng
i and rises of steps ( not exqeeding 30cms
he ght)
i on 10cms th cki cement mortar 1 :3 jointed w th i neat cement slurry,
rubbed and pol shedi to granolithic finish, nclud
i ng
i cost of materials,
labour, complete as per spec fications.

KSRB 15-23.2 : Prov di ng i pre-cast mosaic tiles using light shade m 365.00
pigment with white�ment 20mm thick with marble chips of white,
black, chocolate, grey, yellow or baroda green from smallest to
6mm nom nal i s ze,
i with ordinary cement (in top layer only) for sk rti ng
and rises of steps (not exceeding 30cms height) on 1 0cms thick cement
mortar 1 :3 jointed with neat cement slurry, rubbed and polished to
granolithic finish, nclud
i ngi cost of materials, labour, complete as per
specificat ons.

KSRB 15-23.3 : Prov ding

i pre-cast mosaic tiles using medium shade m 323.00
pigment using approx mately
i 50% White cement and 50% ordinary
cement 20mm thick with marble chips of white, black, chocolate, grey,
yellow or baroda green from smallest to 6mm nominal size, with ordinary
cement ( ni top layer only ) for skirting and rises of steps ( not exceed ng
30cms height) on 1 0cms th ck i cement mortar 1 :3 jointed w th i neat
cement slurry, rubbed and pol shed i to granolithic finish, ncluding
i cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps,

15.95 KSRB 15-23.4 : Providing pre-cast mosaic tiles of white shade with m 265.00
white cement without any pigment 20mm thick with marble chips of
white, black, chocolate, grey, yellow or baroda green from smallest to
6mm nominal size, with ordinary cement ( in top layer only ) for skirting
and rises of steps ( not exceeding 30cms height ) on 10cms thick
cement mortar 1:3 jointed with neat cement slurry, rubbed and polished
to granolithic finish, including cost of materials, labour, complete as per
15.96 Providing melamine polishing of approved shade including Sqm 780.00
removing and refixing of doors shutters scraping with blade and
rubbing with zero size sand paper and applying sealer coat by way. of
spraying with necessary compressor and applying patty after rubbing
with steel wool including two coats of approved shade of melamine
polish etc., complete.
15.97 Providing melamine polishing of approved shade including Sqm 945.00
removing and refixing of doors shutters, glass, beading and
existing polishing, scraping with blade and rubbing with zero size
sand paper and applying sealer coat by way of spraying with necessary
compressor and applying patty after rubbing with steel wool including
two coats of approved shade of melamine polish etc., complete.
15.98 Providing and mixing Synthetic fibers 100% Virgin triangular
monofilament polyster fibers 6mm in cut length for use as micro
reinforcement for application at 125 grams per bag of cement l.e 0.25%
by weight of cement.
15.98.1 _do_ for CM 1 :4, 20mm thick Sqm 5.00
15.98.2 _do_ for CM 1:4, 12mm thick Sqm 4.50
15.98.3 _do_ for CM 1 :6, 20mm thick Sqm 4.00
15.98.4 _do_ for CM 1 :6, 12mm thick Sqm 3.50
15.99 Providing and mixing Synthetic fiber 100% virgin triangular Sqm 11.50
monofilament polyester fibers for use as micro secondary reinforcement
in guitie and shotcrete civil works with application dosage of 125-175
grams per bag of cement i.e. 0.25%-0.30% by weight of cement.
15.100 Providing and mixing fiber mesh Harbourite fine fibrillated 100%
virgin polypropylene fibers contains no olefin materials and are
specially engineered manufactured to use as cementitious micro
reinforcement. Application @125 gms for 1:3 cement mortar, 150 gms
for 1:4 CM and 200 gms for 1 :6 CM mix per bag of cement in both coats
of the plaster. Harbourite 12mm long shall be used in the back coat and
Harbourite 6 mm long fibers shall be used in the top coat. Fibermesh
Harbourite fibers should be confirming to ASTM C 1116 ACI 524-93.

15.100.1 _do_ for CM 1:3 , 20mm thick Sqm 24.00

15.100.2 _do_ for CM 1:3, 12mm thick Sqm 15.50


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Sqm 22.00
'00.4 _do_ for CM 1:4 , 12mm thick Sqm 14.00
t4+tt,t:,_!'>-_do_ for CM 1:6 , 20mm thick Sqm 19.00

Sqm 14.00
Providing and mixing fibermesh stealth micro blocker anti microbial
multi filament 100% virgin polypropylene fibers which should be free
from reprocessed olefin materials, containing an active anti microbial
ingredient built in to the polymer structure of the fiber itself during
manufacturing process.It 9hould prevent the growth of micro organisms
like bacteria, mold fungus, mildew etc. on concrete surfaces. Application
top of plaster to be mixed in mechanical mixer at 150 gm of fibers
per bag of cement for CM 1:3, 175 gm for CM 1:4 and 250 gms for
CM 1:6 fibermesh stealth micro blocker shall confirm to ASTM C-1116
type 111 4.1.3.

-0-1.1 _do_ for CM 1:3, 20mm thick Sqm 39.50

:, 01.2 _do_ for CM 1:3, 12mm thick Sqm 26.50
)101.3 _do_ for CM 1:4, 20mm thick Sqm 35.50
101.4 _do_ for CM 1:4, 12mm thick Sqm 22.50
f101.5 _do_ for CM 1:6, 20mm thick Sqm 33.50
�;101.6 _do_ for CM 1:6, 12mm thick Sqm 29.50
Providing and mixing Harbourite 12 mm fine fibrillated 100% virgin Sqm 68.00
polypropylene fibers which should be free from reprocessed olefin
materials and specifically manufactured for use as cementitious micro
reinforcement application rate of 175 gms to 250 gms per bag of cement
or 1.8 kg per cum in the guinite/shotcret and dfJ'signed to an optimum
gradation for use as concrete secondary reinforcement.
Providing external walls with texture finish using approved brand Sqm 295.00
paint, applied uniformly in three coats over one coat of primer including
cost of all materials, machineries, labour, transportation, loading and
unloading, all-lead and lift and all other incidental charges including
scaffolding and removing stains, complete as per specifications.

Providing and finishing external walls in two coats over one coat of Sqm 155.00
100% acrylic silicon glazed primer with antifungal paint for top coat
of approved brand and shade to give an even shade after thoroughly
brooming the surface to remove all dirt and loose powdered material,
free from mortar drops and other foreign matter cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.

Providing textured paint of approved quality, colour and shade to Sqm 375.00
wall surface after cleaning and rubbing the wall surface with wire brush


of medium size emery stone to remove all the loosely adhering particles,
the surface is then cleaned with water and ensured that it is in line and
level. The textured material is then mixed with 40-50% of clean water
until a homogeneous thick slurry is formed, the slurry is left for 5-10
min, to react completely with ingredients. The textured finish prepared
as above is then applied to the wall surface with suitable roller/spray
gun/putty/ blade/ trowel to get the desired finish. The finished surface
shall be applied with two coats of exterior paint of approved shade.
The rate includes providing and removing scaffolding, all lead and lift
and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per directions of the
Engineer-in-charge of the work.
15.106 Providing applying two coats of wall putty to inside plastered walls and Sqm 55.00
ceiling using white cement putty. Scrapping and levelling the surface
using steel blade and preparing the surface even and smooth by using
different grade sand papers, including cost of all materials, cost of labour
and scaffolding etc., complete as per the specification.
Area to be considered -
(a) 100% for fresh surface
(b) Upto 10 % for repainting

1. Lift charges: The above rates are applicable for Ground floor only.
An additional rate of Rs. 5.00/sqm per floor for inside plastering
works only may be added for every additional floor. Below or above
the ground floor.
2. Lift charges: The above rates are applicable for Ground floor.
An additional rate of Rs. 3.00/sqm per floor for painting works of
exterior walls only may be added for every additional floor.

3" Scaffolding charges : An additional rate of Rs. 10.00/sqm per floor

for external plastering works only may be added for every additional

4. Scaffolding charges : An additional rate of Rs. 3.00/sqm for painting

works of exterior walls only maybe added for every additional floor.



----------------- -- - ----

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRB 24-1 : Removing white wash or colour wash by steel
brushing and/ or scraping, sand papering and preparing wall surface
__ smooth including repairs to scraches, cost of labour, complete as per
Specification No.KBS
-do- Sqm 5.40
- -- KSRB 24-2 : Extra for removing white wash or colour wash by steel Sqm 5.95
brushing and/ or scraping, sand papering the ceiling and/ or sloping roof
surface smooth including repairs to scraches, cost of labour, complete
as per specifications.
KSRB 24-3 : Extra for washing the wall surface spoiled by smoke, Sqm 2.40
soot, with clear water before sand papering the surface smooth
including necessary repairs to scraches, cost of labour, complete as
per specifications.
KSRB 24-4 : Extra for Item No. 24-3 washing the ceiling and/ or sloping Sqm 2.70
roof surface spoiled by smoke soot with clear water before sand papering
the surface smooth and including necessary repairs to scraches, cost
of labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 24-5 : Cleaning and washing of decorated wall surface with
soap, soda and water including cost of materials, labour, complete as
per spectfications.
Specification No.KBS
-do- Sqm 2.50
KSRB 24-6 : Extra for KSRB 24-5 cleaning and washing the old ceiling Sqm 2.80
and / or sloping roof with soap, soda and water including cost of
materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 24-7: Cleaning and washing the old plastered wall surface with
soap, soda, water including cost of materials, labour, complete as per
-do- Sqm 2.50
KSRB 24-8 : Extra for Item No. 24-7 cleaning and washing the old Sqm 2.80
plastered ceiling and / or sloping roof surface with soap, soda, water
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
KSRB 24-9 : Cleaning and washing of stone masonry wall surface Sqm 3.65
with nitric acid including cost of materials, labour, complete as per
Specification No.KBS
KSRB 24-10 : Removing the old paint or polish from wood and Sqm 47.40
I or wood based surface with paint remover of approved brand /
_manufacturer and making surface even including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS

SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

16.6 KSRB 24-11 : Removing the old paint or polish from wood and/ Sqm 29.60
or wood based surface with caustic soda solution and making surface
even including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS

16.7 KSRB 24-12 : Removing the old paint from wood and / or wood Sqm 58.70
based surface with blow lamp and making surface even including cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS

16.8 KSRB 24-13: Removing the old paint from steel and/ or other metal Sqm 48.80
surface with hand scraping and making surface even including cost of
labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS

16.9 KSRB 24-14: Removing the old paint from steel and/ or other metal Sqm 58.70
surface with flame cleaning and making surface even including cost of
material, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS

16.10 KSRB 24-15: Removing the old paint from steel and/ or other metal Sqm 46.65
surface with paint remover of approved brand/ manufacturer cleaning
and making surface even inclu(;ling cost of material, labour, complete
as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS

16.11 KSRB 24-16: Fixing small pieces ( not exceeding 0.015 cum ) for Piece 14.75
making good wherever hinges etc., have been removed from frames
or joinery etc., with teak wood excluding cost of materials but including
cost of labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS

16.12 KSRB 24-17 : Providing and fixing small pieces ( not exceeding 0.015 Piece 141.00
cum) for making good wherever hinges etc., have been removed from
frames or joinery etc., with ha_nne wood including cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS

16.13 KSRB 24-18: -do-matti / nandl wood Piece 110.00

16.14 KSRB 24-19:-do-Sal wood pieces ( not exceeding 0.015 cum) Piece 106.00

16.15 KSRB 24-20 : Renewing bars, styles and rails, straight forjoinery upto Piece 960.00
50mm thick including mitres, haunching, mortices etc., and removing
the old defective pieces and replacing with Teak wood including cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS

16.16 KSRB 24-21: -do-Honne wood Piece 400.00

16.17 KSRB 24-22: -do -Matti / Nandi wood Piece 317.00


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRB 24-23 : Rewedging, cramping joinery of any description with Leaf 333.00
new wedges in glue or white lead and repinning including rehanging or
refixing of shutters, hinges or pivots, not exceeding one sqm per leaf,
removing or dismantling excluding cost of wood but including cost of
Tabour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS
- KSRB 24-24 : - do - exceeding one sqm but not exceeding two Leaf 442.00
sqm per leaf
KSRB 24-25 : - do - exceeding two sqm
Leaf 625.00
KSRB 24-26 : Making repairs to joinery at angles with 300mm x
25mm x 3mm length of MS flat forged to shape and let into wood work, Each 80.00
counter sunk, drilled and screwed including cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications. Specification No.KBS
KSRB 24-27 : Renewing Honne wood battens in roof inclu.ding cum 11,010.00
making good the holes in walls, r�moval of rubbish to the dumping round
with a lead upto 50 m including cost of materials, labour, complete as
- -- per specifications. Specification No.KBS
KSRB 24-28 : - do - Matti / Nandl wood battens cum 8,480.00
KSRB 24-29 : - do - Sal wood battens .cum 8,230.00
KSRB 24-30 : Removal of old broken glass panes ( any thickness of Sqm 72.00
size, quality or description ) from wooden frames, glazed with putty or
fixed with beads including cost of labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS
KSRB 24-31 : - do - from metal frames Sqm 101.00
KSRB 24-32 : Removing serviceable glass of any description from Sqm 103.00
old wood or metal frames (any thickness or size, quality or description)
hacking out old putty etc., including risk and making good breakages in
taking out and handling, stacking within a lead of 50 m. including cost
of labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS
KSRB 24-33 : Supplying and fixing new teak wood beads wherever m 33.50
necessary including cost of materials, labour, complete as per
specifications. Specification No.KBS
KSRB 24-34 : - do - Honne wood beads m 21.70
KSRB 24-35 : Renewal of old putty of glass panes including cost of m 22.90
materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 24.2.6
KSRB 24-36 : Removing the glazed tiles in patches in area exceeding Sqm 520.00
10 tiles and not exceeding 5 sqm including removing old tiles preparing
�urf�ces and laying or setting new or old tiles complete including cost of
materials, ( excluding cost of tiles) labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS



] 'I

SI. No . Description Unit Rate

. "J:,
.f:' Rs. Ps.

16.32 KSRB 24-37 : - do - mosaic tiles Sqm 415.00

16.33 KSRB 24-38 : Cutting out cracks of roof terrace to V section cleaning m 40.75
out, wetting, grouting with cement and sand slurry 1:3 (1 cement, 3 sand)
including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS

,, 16.34 KSRB 24-39 : Cutting out cracks of roof terrace to V - section Sqm 40.70
cleaning out and filling solidly with a hot mixure of bitumen and clean

dry sand 1 :1 by weight including cost of materials, labour, complete as

,, per specifications. Specification No. KBS
16.35.1 KSRB 24-40 : Dubbing out on old irregular walls average 10mm thick Sqm 170.00

w· and making good the surface with cement mortar 1:3 including curing
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 24.2.1

16.35.2 KSRB 24-43 : Add for KSRB No. 24-40 for every 5mm t�ick increase Sqm 46.55
,t'r after 10mm with respective mortars including curing cost of materials,
ii labour, complete as per specifications.

! 16.36.1 KSRB 24-41 : Dubbing out on old irregular walls average 10mm thick Sqm 147.00

j· and making good the surface with cement mortar 1:4 including curing

cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KB$ 24.2.1
16.36.2 KSRB 24-43 : Add for KSRB No. 24-40, 24-41, 24-42 for every 5mm Sqm 40.00
thick increase after 10mm with respective mortars including curing cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

16.37.1 KSRB 24-42 : Dubbing out on old irregular walls average 10mm thick Sqm· 123.00

j ,f ,,
and making good the surface with cement mortar 1:6 including curing
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.
Specification No.KBS 24.2.1
I 16.37.2 KSRB 24-43 : Add for KSRB No. 24-40, 24-41, 24-42 for every 5mm Sqm 34.25
thick increase after 10mm with respective mortars including curing cqst
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.

16.38 KSRB 24-44 : Repairs to plaster in patches of 2.5 sqm and less in Sqm 242.00
walls, ceilings 10 to 20mm thick in cement mortar 1 :3 including cutting
the patches in proper shape and replastering the surface of the wall
including disposal of rubbish with a lead of 50m including curing cost
::� : l: of materials, labour, complete as per specifications..
.;"'!:�· ' Specification No.KB$ 24.2.1
16.39 KSRB 24-45 : - do - cement mortar 1:4 Sqm 218.00
16.40 KSRB 24-46 : - do - cement mortar 1:6 Sqm 195.00
16.41 Removing of existing old or broken wash basin / urinals and Each 190.00
disposing it with all cost and conveyance labour for all items of
work, HOM of equipment with all lead and lift, loading and unloading,
transportation charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete as
per specification and directions of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Removing of existing old or broken Water closet Indian / Eurpoean Each 175.00
and disposing it with all cost and conveyance labour for all items of
work, HOM of equipment with all lead and lift, loading and unloading,
transportation charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete as
per specification and directions of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.

Removing of existing old Sanitary and plumbing pipelines, stacking m 58.50

and disposing it with all cost and conveyance labour for all items of
work, HOM of equipment with all lead and lift, loading and unloading,
·-transportation charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete as
per specification and directions of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.

External sweeping and terrace cleaning

Cleaning of outer periphery like roads footpaths curb stones terrace Sqm 0.45
including removing grass dust etc., to the nearest garbage pit using
suitable coconut broomstic,bombay broomstick, squezers /wipers /
rubberbrushes, coir brushes, bamboo baskets, plastic bukets mugs
trolley etc., complete

Cleaning stone parapets removing of dirt dust etc., using suitrable Sqm 1.00
soap powder, coconut broomstick, squeezers / wipers/ rubber
brushes, coir brushes, plastric brushjes, mugs, booster pumps with
portable arrangement, hose pipe etc., complete including cost of water
charges and electrical charges.

Cleaning Quadrangle chajjas including removing of dirt dust etc., Sqm 6.50
using suitrabre soap powder, coconut broomstick, squeezers /
wipers/ rubber brushes, coir brushes, plastric brushjes, mugs, booster
pumps with portable arrangement, hose pipe etc., complete excluding
water charges including electrical charges and all safety measures.

Cleaning sub surface drains including removing of dirt dust etc., using m 10.50
suitrable soap powder , coconut broomstick, squeezers / wipers/
rubber brushes, coir brushes, plastric brushjes, mugs, booster pumps
with portable arrangement, hose pipe etc., complete

Cleaning surface drains including removing of dirt dust etc., using m 6.65
suitrable soap powder , coconut broomstick, squeezers / wipers/ rubber
brushes, coir brushes, plastric brushjes, mugs, booster pumps with
portable arrangement, hose pipe etc., complete.

Cleaning of office floors, toilet floors, corridors, lobbies, partitions, Sqm 1.30
storage units, furniture, electrical & electronic equipments, doors,
windows, curtains, blinds etc., including cleaning of dust, etc., using
suitable bombay broom stick, squezers / wipers/rubber brushes, mop
sticks, coir brushes, bamboo baskets, plastic buckets, trolleys, wiping
cloths, carry bags, etc.,removing the debris to the nearest garbage pit
- -e;omplete.




Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB M100�1 Loading and Unloading of Stone Boulder / Stone cum 68.00
aggregates /Sand/ Kanker / Moorum.
KSRRB M100-1 : Placing tipper at loading point, loading with front end
loader.dumping, turning for return trip, excluding time for haulage and return
trip complete as per specifications.
MORTH -100/ Chapter 1

KSRRB M100-2. Loading and Unloading of Stone Boulders by Manual cum 85.00
Means complete as per specifications.
MORTH -100/ Chapter 1

KSRRB M100-3 Loading and Unloading of Cement or Steel by Manual Tonne 118.00
Means and as per specifications complete.
MORTH -100/ Chapter 1
KSRRB M100-4.1. Cost of Haulage Excluding Loading and Unloading 2.00
MORTH -100/ Chapter 1
Case-I : Surface Road
KSRRB M100-4.2. Haulage of materials by tipper excluding cost of 2.40
loading, unloading and stacking complete as per specifications.
MORTH -100/ Chapter 1 Case-II: Unsurfaced Gravelled Road
KSRRB M100-4.3. Haulage of materials by tipper excluding cost of loading, 4.80
unloading and stacRing complete as per specifications.MORTH Chapter
1 Case-Ill : Katcha Track and Track in River Bed/Nallah Bed and Choe
KSRRB M100-5. Supply of quarried stone, hand breaking into coarse cum 758.00
aggregate 63mm nominal size (passing 80 mm and retained on 50 mm
sieve) and stacking as directed complete as per specifications.
MORTH -100/ Chapter 1
KSRRB M100-6. Crushing of stone boulders of 150 mm size in an cum 860.00
integrated stone crushing unit of200 tonnes per hour capacity comprising of
primary and secondary crushing units, belt conveyor and vibrating screens
to obtain stone aggregates of 13.2 mm nominal size complete.
MORTH -100/ Chapter 1

KSRRB M100-7. - do - stone aggregates of 20 mm nominal size cum 864.00

KSRRB M100-8. - do - stone aggregates of 40 mm nominal size cum 770.00



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB 200 Cutting of trees

KSRRB 200-1. Cutting of trees girth from 300mm to 600mm including Each 177.00
-----c=tting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps roots stacking of
serviceable materials earth filling in the depressions / pit, labour charges
complete as per specifications.
·�MORTH specification clause 201/ Chapter 2

. _ KSRRB 200-2. - do - 600mm to 900mm Each 547.00

KSRRB 200-3. - do - 900mm to 1800mm Each 1,330.00
KSRRB 200-4. - do - 1800mm to 2700mm Each 2,070.00
KSRRB 200-5. - do - 2700mm to 3600mm Each 4,140.00
KSRRB M200-6.1 Cutting of trees girth from 300mm to 600mm including Each 340.00
cutting of trunks, branches and removal of stumps, roots stacking of
serviceable materials with all'lifts and up to a lead of 1000m and earth filling
in the depressions / pit, complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 201
KSRRB M200-6.2 : - do - 600mm to 900mm Each 667.00
KSRRB M200-6.3 : - do - 900mm to 1800mm Each 1,450.00
KSRRB M200-6.4 : - do -1800mm to 2700mm Each 4,325.00
- do - 2700mm to 3600mm Each 4,338.00

KSRRB M200- Clearing grass

KSRRB M200-7.1. Clearing grass and removal of rubbish by manual Ha 15,220.00
· ·- means and stacking outside the periphery of the area cleaned complete
as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 201

KSRRB 200- Clearing and grubbing road land

KSRRB 200-8. Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank Sqm 5.90
vegetation, grass, brush, shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300mm,
by manual means, in area of light jungle, removal of stumps, disposal of
unserviceable materials, stacking of serviceable materials labour charges
complete as per specifications.
MORTH / Chapter . 2

KSRRB 200-9. -do- thorney jungle Sqm 8.85

KSRRB M200-10.1. Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting Ha 45,890.00
rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300
mm, removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable
materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned,
including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm
in thickness complete as per specifications. I. By Manual Means: A. In area
-of. Ughtjungle.
MORTH Specification No. 201

KSRRB M200-10.2. -do- I. By Manual Means:B. In area of thorny jungle. Ha 61,340.00


______________________ ...,_ .._,,, x=- ··.·-,,.__ ._- ,· ·-· ----" � ����"•�--
- ��--

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

18.15 KSRRB M200-11.1. Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting Ha 20,640.00
rank vegetation, grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300
mm, removalof stumps of trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable
materials and stacking of serviceable material to be used or auctioned,
including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm
in thickness complete as per specifications .
II. By Mechanical Means:A. In area of light jungle.
MORTH Specification No. 201
18.16 KSRRB M200-11.2. -do- II. By Mechanical Means:B. In area of thorny Ha 25,200.00

KSRRB M200-Dismantling of structures

18.17 KSRRB M200-12.1. Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, cum 290.00
bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete as
per specifications.
i) Lime /Cement Concrete. I. By Manual Means :A. Lime Concrete,
cement concrete grade M-10 and below.
MORTH Specification No. 202
18.18 KSRRB M200-12.2. -do- i) Lime /Cement Concrete. I. By Manual Means cum 350.00
:B. Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20.
18.19 KSRRB M200-12.3. -do-C. Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete cum 960.00
grade M-20 & above.
18.20 KSRRB M200-13.1. -do- 11. By Mechanical Means. A. Cement Concrete cum 337.00
Grade M-15 &M-20.
18.21 KSRRB M200-13.2. -do- By Mechanical Means. cum 580.00

18.22 KSRRB M200-14.1. Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, cum 171.00
bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever
necessary, sorting the dismantled material, 'disposal of unserviceable
material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete as
per specifications. ii) Dismantling Brick / Tile work. A. In lime mortar.
MORTH Specification No. 202
18.23 KSRRB M200-14.2. -do- Dismantling brick/Tile work B. In cement mortar. cum 230.00
18.24 KSRRB M200-14.3. -do- Dismantling brick/Tile work C. In mud mortar. cum 146.00
18.25 KSRRB M200-14.4. -do- Dismantling brick/Tile work D. Dry brick cum 135.00
pitching or brick soling.
18.26 KSRRB M200-15.1. Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, cum 195.00
retaining walls and other structure comprising of masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary,
sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and
stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete as per specifications.
iii) Dismantling Stone Masonry. A. Rubble Stone masonry in lime mortar.
MORTH Specification No. 202


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M200- 15.2. -do-B. Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar. cum 230.00
KSRRB M200- 15.3. -do- C. Rubble stone masonry in mud mortar. cum 170.00
KSRRB M200-15.4. -do- D. Dry rubble masonry. cum 160.00
KSRRB M200-15.5. -do- E. Dismantling stone pitching/ dry stone cum 146.00
-SRRB M200-15.6. -do- Dismantling brick/Tile work F. Dismantling cum 170.00
Boulders laid in wire crates including opening of crates and stacking
dismantled materials.
KSRRB M200-16. -do- iv) Dismantling wood work wrought framed and cum 414.00
fixed in frames of trusses upto a Height of Sm above Plinth Level.
"KSRRB M200-17.1. -do- v) Steel work in all types of Sections upto Tonne 1,130.00
__ a Height of 5 m above plinth level excluding Cutting of Rivet. - A.
Including dismembering."
KSRRB M200-17.2..-do- v)Steel work in all types of Sections upto Tonne 855.00
a Height of 5 m above plinth level excluding Cutting of Rivet- B.
Excluding dismembering.
-do-B for cutting rivets. RIVET 7.90
KSRRB M200-18.1. -do-vi) Scraping of Bricks Dismantled from Brick Nos 1.00
work including Stacking - A. In Lime/ Cement mortar.
KSRRB M200-18.2. -do-B. In mud mortar. Nos 0.40
KSRRB M200-19.1. ..:..cto- vii) Scraping of stones from dismantled stone cum 427.00
masonry - A. In cement and lime mortar.
KSRRB M200-19.2. -do-B. In mud mortar. cum 90.75
KSRRB M200-20. -do-viii) Scraping plaster in litne or cement mortar Sqm 12.90
from brick/ stone masonry.
KSRRB M200-21.1. -do-ix) Removal of all types of Hume pipes and stacking m 158.00
including earthwork and dismantling of masonry works -A. Upto 600 mm dia.
KSRRB M200-21.2. -do- Removal of all types of Hume pipes and m 213.00
stacking including earthwork and dismantling of masonry works - B.
Above 600 mm to 900 mm dia.
KSRRB M200-21.3. - do - Removal of all types of Hume pipes and stacking m 365.00
including earthwork and dismantling of masonry works C, Above 900 mm dia.
KSRRB M200. Dismantling of cement concrete pavement
KSRRB M200-24. Dismantling of cement concrete pavement by cum 760.00
mechanical means using pneumatic tools, breaking to pieces not exceeding
0.02 cum in volume and stock piling at designated locations and disposal
of dismantled materials stacking serviceable and unserviceable materials
seperately complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 202
KSRRB M200. Dismantling of guard rails
KSRRB M200-25. Dismantling of guard rails by manual means and disposal m 57.00
.,,--�,.fc:fismantled materials with all lifts and stacking serviceable materials and
unserviceable materials seperately complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 202

. . - '-·---�--�... ......

SI.No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M200- Dismantling Kerb stone and Channel

18.49 KSRRB M200-26. Dismantling Kerb stone by manual means and disposal m 9.20
of dismantled materials with all lifts and complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 202
18.50 KSRRB M200-27. Dismantling of Kerb stone channel by manual means m 13.80
including and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and complete as
per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 202
KSRRB M200- Dismantling of kilometre stone
18.51 KSRRB M200-28.1. Dismantling of kilometre stone including cutting Each 290.00
of earth, foundation and disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and
back filling of pit complete as per specifications. A. 5th KM stone ( quantity
of cement concrete = 0.392 cum).
MORTH Specification No. 202
18.52 KSRRB M200-28.2. -do- B. Ordinary KM stone ( quantity of cement Each 175.00
concrete = 0.269 cum ).
18.53 KSRRB M200-28.3. -do- C. Hectometer stone ( quantity of cement Each 35.00
concrete = 0.048 cum ].
KSRRB M200- Dismantling of barbed wire fencing
18.54 K�RRB M200-29. Dismantling of barbed wire fencing / wire mesh m 39.00
fencing including posts, foundation concrete, back filling of pit by manual
means including disposal of dismantled material with all lifts and stacking
serviceable material and unserviceable material separately complete as
per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 202

KSRRB M200- Dismantling of Cl water pipe line

18.55 KSRRB M200-30. Dismantling of Cl water pipe line 600 mm dia including m 92.00
disposal with all lifts and stacking of serviceable material and unserviceable
material separately under supervision of concerned department complete
as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 202

KSRRB M200- Removal of cement concrete pipe ofsewer gutter

18.56 KSRRB M200-31. Removal of cement concrete pipe of sewer gutter m 123.00
1500 mm dia under the supervision of concerned department including
disposal with all lifts and stacking of serviceable and unserviceable material
separately but excluding earth excavation and dismantling of masonry works
complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 202

KSRRB M200- Removal of Telephone / Electric poles and lines

18.57 KSRRB M200-32. Removal of Telephone / Electric poles including Nos 133.00
excavation and dismantling of foundation concrete and lines under the
supervision of concerned department, disposal with all lifts and stacking
the serviceable and unserviceable material separatelycomplete as per
MORTH Specification No. 202


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Weights of materials

Weights of Materials as in Average weight in Average weight in

Materials Engineers Hand Book Kg/cum ton/cum
{Page 27) in kg/cum
Earth 1280 1280 1.28
Granite Stones 2460-2800 2630 2.63
Granite 1600-2000 1800 1.8
Sand : Ory Clean 1600 1600 1.6
Debris 1350 1.3
Example for Transportation of earth on Surface roads for 2 Kms.
Basic rate for haulage of
materials as per item No. 17.4 For surface roads exluding Basic rate
KSRRB: M 100-4.1 loading & unloading Rs. 2.00 Tonne Km.
Average Weight of earth
(1.28 Tonne/Km.) For 2 Kms = 2.00 X 1.28 X 2 Rs. 5.12
Add loading & unloading item
No. 17.1 KSRRB M 100-1 Rs. 62.20
Total . Rs. 67.32/cum
NOTE : For different materials,
on different roads the lead,
leading & unloading charges
shal� be calculated as indicated
in the above example.




Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB 300 - Excavation for road, drains and similar works cum 77.00
. KSRRB 300-1. Earthwork excavation by manual means in ordinary soil
involving an average horizontal throw uptd 2 meters and an average
lift upto 1.5 m, excavated surface leveled and sides neatly dressed, the
disposed earth to be leveled neatly after breaking of clods complete as
per specifications. MORTH / Chapter 3
- · KSRRB 300-2. -do- in hard soil cum 106.00
Earthwork excavation by mechanical means in hard/ordinary soil involving an cum 24.15
average horizontal throw upto 2 mtrs & average lift upto 0.5 mtrs. Excavated
surface levelled and sides neatly dressed etc. the disposed earth to be
levelled neatly after the breaking of clods completed as per specification
MORTH clause 301
KSRRB 300 - Excavation for road formation
KSRRB 300-3. Earthwork excavation and forming in embankment by cum 97.00
manual means in ordinary soil (When earth is taken from bank cutting or
from borrow pits ) including breaking of clods, spreading to required line
and level, forming, and cost of all labour complete as per specifications.
( excluding watering and compaction of earth ) (with all lead and lift)
MORTH / Chapter 3
KSRRB 300-4. -do- in hard soil cum 147.00
KSRRB 300-5. Excavation in soft rock with blasting for formation of cum 326.00
roads including stacking neatly, to uniform line and level including cost of
explosives, labour, HOM of machineries and equipments complete as per
specifications. (with all lead and lift)
MORTH / Chapter 3
KSRRB 300-6. -do- soft rock without blasting cum 700.00
KSRRB 300-7. Excavation in hard rock by blasting for formation of roads cum 430.00
including stacking to uniform line and level as directed by the engineer
including cost of explosives, labour, HOM of machineries and equipments
complete as per specifications. (with all lead and lift)
MORTH / Chapter 3
KSRRB 300-8. Excavation in hard rock by chiselling and / or wedging cum 1,057.00
where blasting is prohibited for formation of roads including stacking
to uniform line and level including cost of all labour complete as per
specifications. (with all lead and lift)
MORTH / Chapter 3
KSRRB M300-9. Excavation for roadway in all types soil using manual cum 138.00
means including loading in truck for carrying of cut earth to embankment
site complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 301

KSRRB M300-10. Excavation in ordinary rock using manual means

.. _ including-Loading_ in a truck and carrying of excavated material to cum 200.00
embankment site and complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 301


- - -----------------·
SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Excavation in Soil with Dozer

19.11 KSRRB M300-11 . Excavation for road way in all types of soil by mechanical cum 67.00
means including cutting and pushing the earth to site of embankment
including trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements
of lines, grades and cross sections complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 301

Excavation in Ordinary Rock with Dozer

19.12 KSRRB M300-12. Excavation for roadway in ordinary rock by deploying cum 115.00
a dozer, 80 HP including cutting and pushing the cut earth to site of
embankment trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with
the requirements of lines, grades and cross sections complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 301

Excavation in Hard Rock (requiring blasting) with disposal

19.13 KSRRB M300-13. Excavation for roadway in hard rock (requiring blasting) cum 210.00
by drilling, blasting and breaking, trimming of bottom and side slopes in
accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, loading
and stacking at site of cut road with a lead of 1.00 km and complete as per
specifications. (Excavated rock credited to contractor) -·
MORTH Specification No. 301

Excavation in Soil using Hydraulic Excavator CK 90 and Tippers with

19.14 KSRRB M300-14. Excavation for roadwork in all types of soil with hydraulic cum 45.00
excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers,
trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines,
grades and cross sections, and transporting to the embankment location
to a lead of 1.00 km and complete as per specifications .
MORTH Specification No.301

Excavation in Ordinary Rock using Hydraulic Excavator CK-90 and

Tippers with Disposal
19.15 KSRRB M300-15. Excavation for roadway in ordinary rock with hydraulic cum 62.00
excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers,
transporting to a lead of 1.00 km to embankment site and trimming bottom
and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and qross
sections complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 301
Excavation in Hard Rock (blasting prohibited)
19.16 KSRRB M300-16.1. Excavation for roadway in hard rock (blasting prohibited) cum 360.00
with rock breakers including breaking rock, loading in tippers and stacking @
site up to 1.00 km lead and trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with
requirements of lines, grades and cross sections complete as per specifications.
A. Mechanised
MORTH Specification No. 301
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Excavation in Hard Rock (blasting prohibited}

KSRRB M300-16.2. Excavation for roadway in hard rock (blasting prohibited) cum 690.00
with rock breakers including breaking rock, loading in tippers and disposal and
--trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines,
grades and cross sections complete as per specifications. B. Manual Method.
MORTH Specification No. 301

KSRRB M300-17. Excavation for road way in hard rock ( controlled blasting) cum 237.00
with rock brakers including breaking rock, loading in tippers transporting
to stacking at site and trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance
with requirement of lines, grades and cross sections complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 301

Excavation in Marshy Soil

KSRRB M300-18. Excavation for roadway in marshy soil with hydraulic cum 52.00
excavator 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in· tippers
and disposal and trimming of bottom and side slopes in accordance
with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 301

Removal of Unserviceable Soil with Disposal

KSRRB M300-19. 8emoval of unserviceable soil including excavation, cum 37.00
loading and disposal but excluding replacement by suitable soil which shall
be paid separately as per clause 300.5 complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 301

Presplitting of Rock Excavation Slopes.

KSRRB M300-20. Carrying out excavation in hard rock to achieve a Sqm 98.00
specified slope of the rock face by controlled use of explosives and blasting
accessories in properly aligned and spaced drill holes, collection of the
excavated rock by a 80 HP dozer, loading in tipper by a front end loader
and disposing of the material all as specified in clause No. 300.3 complete
as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 303

Excavation for Structures.

KSRRB M300-21.1. Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures as cum 240.00
per drawing and technical specification, including setting out, construction
of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom, backfilling the excavation earth to the extent
required and utilising the remaining earth locally for road work complete as per
specifications. i) all types of soil -A. Manual Means (i) Depth upto 3 m.
MORTH Specification No. 304

KSRRB M300 21.2. -do- B. Mechanical Means (i) Depth upto 3 m. cum 47.00

KSRRB M300-22.1. -do-ii) Ordinary Rock (not requiring blasting) - cum 304.00
A. Manual Means (i) Depth upto 3 m".


--- - ------ - -- -- -- - --------------1 ,,

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

19.25 KSRRB M300-22.2. -do- ii)Ordinary Rock (not requiring blasting} - cum 46.00
B. Mechanical Means.

19.26 KSRRB M300-23. -do- iii} Hard Rock (requiring blasting} - A. Manual cum 505.00
19.27 KSRRB M300-24. -do- iv} Hard Rock ( blasting prohibited) -A. Mechanical cum 460.00
19.28 KSRRB M300-25.2.-do- v} Marshy soil - A. Manual Means (i) upto 3 m cum 448.00

19.29 KSRRB M300-25.3. -do- vi} Marshy soil B} Mechanical means (ii} Upto cum 97.00
3m depth
KSRRB 300- Extra additional lead
19.30 KSRRB 300-26.1. Extra for every additional lead of 7.50 mtr. additional lead cum 3.30
beyond 15m but upto 60m by manual means for all kinds of soils except
hard rock including cost of all labour complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 3

19.31 KSRRB 300-26.2. When lead is more than 60m upto 500m by any means cum 3.70
of conveyance including loading and unloading for all kinds of soils e�cept
hard rock including cost of all labour complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 3
19.32 KSRRB 300-27. Dressing of earthwork including cutting and filling upto cum 38.40
15 ems thick or depth including cost of all labour complete as per
· MORTH Chapter 3
19.33 KSRRB 300-28. Box cutting / trenching the sub grade to proper slope, Sqm 1.00
camber and removing inequalities including removing the stuff and
depositing on the road side slopes ( cutting of earthwork shall be paid
separately in the respective item on the basis of classification of the
excavation} including cost of all labour complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 3
KSRRB M300- Stripping and Storing of top soil
19.34 KSRRB M300-29. Stripping, Storing of top soil by road side at 15 mt internal cum 171.00
and re-application on embankment slopes. Cut slopes and other areas in
localities where the available embankment material is not condusive to
plant growth by manual means complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 305
KSRRB M300-Stripping, Storing and Re-laying Top soil from Borrow
Areas in Agriculture Fields.
19.35 KSRRB M300-30. Stripping, Storing and Re-laying Top soil from Borrow cum 41.00
Areas in Agriculture Fields. Stripping of top soil from borrow areas located
in agriculture fields, storing at a suitable place, spreading and re-laying
after taking the borrow earth to maintain fertility of the agricultural field,
finishing it to the required levels and satisfaction of the farmer complete
as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 305


------------------------�- -���-- - ---

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M300- Turfing with Sods/Seeding and Mulching

KSRRB M300-31. Turfing with Sods-Furnishing and laying of the live sods of Sqm 19.00
perenial turf forming grass on embankment slope, verges or other locations
shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer including preparation
otground, fetching of sods and watering. complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 307

KSRRB M300-32. Preparation of seed bed on previously laid top soil, Sqm 76.00
furnishing and placing of seeds, fertilizer, mulching material, applying
bituminous emulsion at the rate of 0.23 litres per sqm and laying and fixing
jute netting, including watering for 3 months all as per Clause 308 complete
as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 308

KSRRB M300-36. Construction sub-surface drain with perforated pipe of m 670.00

100 mm internal diameter of metal / asbestos cement / cement concrete
/ PVC, closely jointed, perforations ranging from 3mm to 6mm depending
upon size of crushed stone material surrounding the pipe, with 150mm
bedding below the pipe and 300mm cusion above the pipe, cross-section
of excavation 450x550mm. Excavated material to be utilised in roadway
at site complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specjfiq3tio11 No. 309

KSRRB M300- Aggregate Sub-Surface Drains

KSRRB M300-37. Construction of sub-surface drain 300mm x 450mm with m 230.00
crushed stone aggregates conforming to Table 300-4, excavated material
to be utilised in roadway complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 309

KSRRB M300-Underground Drain at Edge of Pavement

Construction of coverd drain 1m x 1m (inside dimension) with RCC M20 m 5,585.00
grade 10cm thick for walls and floor, laid over 10cm thick 1 :3:6 PCC bed
and covered with M30 grade RCC slab of 15cm thick excluding earth
work including reinforcement @ 35 kg/rmt and form work complete as per
specifications. MORTH 309

KSRRB M300- Preparation and Surface Treatment of Formation.

KSRRB M300-39. Preparation and Surface Treatment of Formation by Sqm 1.38
removing mud and slurry, waterinQ to the extent needed to maintain the
desired moisture content, trimming to the required line, grade, profile and
rolling with 8-10 tonne smooth sheeled roller, complete as per Clause 310.
complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 310
KSRRB M300 Earth work on Hill Road
KSRRB M300-40. Excavation in hilly Areas in all types of Soil by Mechanical cum 84.00
means. Excavation soil in hilly areas by mechanical means including cutting
___ and trimmiog__of side slopes and disposing of excavated earth and complete
as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 301


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

19.47 KSRRB M300-41. Excavation in Hilly Areas in Ordinary Rock by Mechanical cum 128.00
means not requiring Blasting. Excavation in hilly area in ordinary rock not
requiring blasting by mechanical means including cutting and trimming of
slopes and disposal of cut material and complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 301
19.48 KSRRB M300-42. Excavation in Hilly Areas in Hard Rock Requiring Blasting. cum 277.00
Excavation hilly areas in hard rock requiring blasting by mechanical means
including trimming of slopes and disposal of cut material and complete
as per specification.
MORTH Specification No. 301

KSRRB 300- Scarifying the surface and dressing

19.50 KSRRB 300-44 Scarifying top bituminous surface or surface dressing Sqm 24.00
or premix carpet including picking up scarified materials, stacking of old
serviceable materials by manual means including cost of all abour charges
complete as per specifications. MORTH /Chapter 3
19.51 KSRRB 300-45. Scarifying stone metal crust 50mm to 100mm thick with Sqm 47.00
pick axes along with premix carpet /surface dressing and stacking of old
serviceable materials by manual means including cost of all labour charges
complete as per specifications.
MORTH /Chapter 3
19.52 KSRRB 300-46. Scarifying stone metal crust 50mm to 100mm thick by road Sqm 28.00
roller with scarifier along with 20mm premix carpet I surface dressing and
stacking of old serviceable materials including cost of all labour charges,
HOM of machinaries complete as per specifications.
MORTH /Chapter 3
19.53 KSRRB 300-47. Scarifying kankar/gravel/metal crust upto 150mm thick Sqm 24.00
with pick axes and disposal of stuff including cost of all labour charges
complete as per specifications.
MORTH/Chapter 3
19.54 KSRRB 300-48. Scarifying kankar/gravel/metal crust upto 150mm thick Sqm 17.00
with power roller and scarifier, disposal of stuff including cost of all labour
charges, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH /Chapter 3
19.55 KSRRB 300-49. Scarifying bituminous course 50mm to 75mm thick along
Sqm 53.00
with premix carpet/surface dressing by manual means without disturbing
the base and stacking of the debris materials including cost of all labour
charges complete as per specifications.
MORTH /Chapter 3
19.56 KSRRB 300-50. Scarifying bituminous course 50mm to 75mm thick along Sqm 28.00
with premix carpet/surface dressing by road roller attached with scarifier
without disturbing the base and stacking the debris including cost of all
labour charges, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH /Chapter 3



Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB 300-51. Making 50mm x 50mm furrows at 45° to the centre line of Sqm 2.80
the road and at_ one metre interval in the existing thin bituminous wearing
course including sweeping, taking out old materials, stacking the debris
cost of all labour charges complete as per specifications.
MORTH / Chapter 3

KSRRB M300- Scarifying Existing Granular Surface to a Depth of 50mm

by Manual Means.
KSRRB M300-52.1. Scarifying the existing granular road surface to a Sqm 19.00
- ·depth of 50mm arid disposal of scarified material and complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 305.4.3
KSRRB M300-52.2. Scarifying Existing Bituminous surface to a depth of Sqm 3.30
50mm by Mechanical Means. Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface
to a depth of 50mm and disposal of scarified material and complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 305.4.3

KSRRB M300-Constructlon of Embankment with Material Gravel/Munum.

KSRRB M300-53. Construction of embankment with approved material cum 430.00
Gravel/Murrum with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading,
grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement Table 300-2
complete as per specifications, including cost of gravel I murrum, watering
charges & compaction by vibratory roller to 95% of proctors density.
MORTH Specification No. 305
KSRRB M300-Construction of Embankment with Material deposited
from Roadway cutting.
KSRRB M300-54.Construction of �mbankment with approved material cum 66.00
deposited at site from roadway cutting and excavation from drain and
foundation of other structures graded and compacted to meet requirement
of Table 300-2 complete asper specifications. Which includes, watering
charges & compaction by vibratory roller)
MORTH Specification No. 305
KSRRB M300-ConstNction of Subgrade and Earthen Shoulders.
KSRRB M300-55. Construction of sub-grade and earthen shoulders with cum 459.00
approved material Gravel/Murrum with all lifts & leads, transporting to site,
spreading, grading to required slope and compacted to meet requirement
of Table No. 300-2 complete as per specifications, including cost of earth,
watering charges & compaction by vibratory roller to 97% of proctors density)
MORTH Specification No. 305
KSRRB M300-Construction of Rockflll Embankment.
KSRRB M300-56. Construction of rockfill embankment with availabel cum 37.00
broken hard rock fragments of size not exceeding 300mm laid in layers not
exceeding 500mm thick including filling of surface voids with stone spalls,
- - blinding-top layerwith granular materiat;rolledwith vibratory road roller, all
complete as per Clause 313 complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 313

--------··---·-------�� - · ·-· ··-··-- -- -

SI.No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB 300-Compaction
19.64 KSRRB 300-58. Compaction of original ground with maximum of 6 passes Sqm 4.50
of 8 to 1 O tonnes power roller including filling in depression occuring during
rolling including cost of all labour, HOM of machinery complete as per
MORTH / Chapter 3

19.65 KSRRB M300-59.1. Loosening of the ground upto a level of 500mm below cum 52.00
the subgrade level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet
requirement of Table 300-2 for subgrade construction complete as per
specifications. Case-I:Compacting original ground supporting subgrade.
(which includes watering charges & compaction by vibratory roller)
MORTH Specification No. 305.3.4

19.66 KSRRB M300-59.2. Loosening, levelling and compacting origial ground cum 25.00
supporting embankment to facilitate placement of first layer of embankment,
scarified to a depth of 150mm, mixed with water at OMC and then compacted
by rolling so as to achieve minimum dry density as given in Table 300-2
for embankment construction. complete as per specifications. Case-II:
Compacting original ground supporting embankment.(which includes
watering charges & compaction by vibratory roller)
MORTH Specification No. 305.3.4
19.67 KSRRB 300-60. Extra for laying earth by manual means as per specifications cum 9.45
for compaction in 250mm thick loose layers when laying of earth in layers
is done simultaneously with excavation of earth work and dressing but
excluding rolling and watering including cost of all labour complete as per
specifications. MORTH / Chapter 3
19.68' KSRRB 300-61. Extra for laying earth by manual means as per specifications cum 40.00
for compaction in 250mm thick loose layers when laying of earth in layers
is done from stacked materials including breaking of clods and dressing
but excluding rolling and watering including cost of all labour complete as
per specifications.
MORTH / Chapter 3
19.69 KSRRB 300-62. Extra for laying earth by mechanical means as per cum, 24.00
specifications for compaction in 250mm thick loose layers when laying of
earth in layers is done from stacked materials including breaking of clods
and dressing but excluding rolling and watering including cost of all labour,
HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH / Chapter 3
19.70 KSRRB M300-63. Construction of Embankment with Flyash / Pond cum 82.00
Ash available from Coal or Lignite Burning T hermal Plants as Waste
Material. Construction of embankment with flyash conforming to Table 1 of
IRC:SP:58-2001 obtained from coal or lignite burning thermal power stations
as waste material, spread and compacted in layer of 200mm thickness each
at OMC, all as specified in IRC:SP:58-2001 and as per approved plans
complete as per specifications.
19.71 KSRRB 300-64.1. Extra for watering the earth to bring the earth upto required cum 7.00
optimum moisture content manually including cost of all labour complete
as per specifications. MORTH / Chapter 3

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
KSRRB 300-64.2. Extra for watering the earth to bring the earth upto required cum 1.75
optimum moisture content with machinery including cost of all labour, HOM
of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH / Chapter 3
KSRRB 300-65. Extra for rolling to specification with the use of vibratory cum 15.60
roller when earth is at suitable moisture content with desired field density
not less than 95% of maximum dry density ( modified heavy proctor test )
including HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
_ _ MORTH / Chapter 3
KSRRB 300-66. Extra for rolling to specification with the use of vibratory cum 19.60
roller when earth is at suitable moisture content with desired field density not
less than 100% of maximum dry density ( modified heavy proctor test)
including HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH / Chapter 3
KSRRB 300-67. Extra for rolling to specification with power roller. when cum 7.80
earth is at suitable moisture content with desired field density not less than
95% of maximum dry density ( ordinary proctor test ) including HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH / Chapter 3
KSRRB 300-68. Extra for rolling to specification with power roller 8-10 cum 9.80
tonne when earth is at suitable moisture content with desired field density not
less than 100% of maximum dry density ( ordinary proctor test ) including
HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH / Chapter 3
KSRRB M300-Horticulture
KSRRB M300-Spreading of sludge farm yard manure or/ and good earth
KSRRB M300-1. Spreading of sludge farm yard manure or/ and good earth cum 60.00
in required thickness (cost of sludge, farm yard manure or/and good earth
to be paid for separately) complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 307
KSRRB M300- Grassing with Doobs grass
KSRRB M300- 2.1. Grassing with Doobs grass including watering and Sqm 54.00
maintenance of the lawn for 30 days or more till the grass forms a thick
lawn free from weeds and fit for moving including supplying good earth if
needed complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 307
i) In rows 15 cm apart in either direction.
KSRRB M300-2.2. - do- ii) In rows 7.5 cm apart in either direction
KSRRB M300-Making lawns including ploughing and draddlng with Sqm 103.00
'swagha' breaking of clod
KSRRB M300-3. Making lawns including ploughing and breaking of clod, Sqm 16.20
removal of rubbish, dressing and supplying doobs grass roots and planting
at 15 cm apart, including supplying and spreading of farm yard manure at
ra_te__Qf_0. Ht GIJITI per 100 _ s_grn cpmplete as per specifiifications.
MORTH Specification No. 307


.- - . ____._-�......-�.

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M300- Maintenance of lawns or Turfing

19.81 KSRRB M300-4.Maintenance of lawns or Turfing of slopes ( rough grassing) Sqm 86.00
for a period of one year including watering etc complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 307
KSRRB M300-Turfing lawns with fine grassing including ploughing, dressing
19.82 KSRRB M300-5. Turfing lawns with fine grassing including ploughing, Sqm 20.15
dressing including breaking of clods, removal of rubbish, dressing and
supplying doobs grass roots at 10 cm apart, including supplying and
spreading of farm yard manure at rate of 0.6 cum per 100 sqm complete
as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 307

KSRRB M300- Maintenance of lawns with fine grassing for the first year
19.83 KSRRB M300-6. Maintenance of lawns with fine grassing for the first year Sqm 15.00
including watering etc complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 307

KSRRB M300- Planting and maintenance permanent hedges

19.84 KSRRB M300-7.1. Planting permanent hedges including digging of m 110.00
trenches, 60 cm wide and 45 cm deep, refilling the excavated earth mixed
with farmyard manure, supplied at the rate of 4.65 cum per 100 metres
and supplying and planting hedge plants at 30 cm apart complete as per
A) Planting permanent hedges including digging of trenches
MORTH Specification No. 307
19.85 "KSRRB M300-7.2. -do- 8) Maintenance of hedge for one year m 126.00

KSRRB M300 - Planting and Maintaining of Flowering Plants and Shrubs

19.86 KSRRB M300- 8.1. Planting and Maintaining of Flowering Plants and m 21.20
Shrubs -A) Plantfng flowring plants and shrubs in central verge
MORTH Specification No. 307
19.87 KSRRB M300- 8.2. -do- 8) Maintenance of flowering plants and shrubs Km 1,35,740.00
in central verge for one year.
KSRRB M300- Planting of trees and their maintenance for one year
19.88 KSRRB M300-9. Planting of trees by the road side (Avenue trees) in 0.60 Each 670.00
m dia holes, 1 m deep dug in the ground, mixing the soil with decayed farm
yard/sludge manure, planting the saplings, backfilling the trench, watering,
fixing the tree guard and maintaining the plants for one year complete as
per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 307

KSRRB M300-Renovation lawns including, weeding, forking the

ground, top dressing with forked soil
19.89 KSRRB M300-10. Renovation lawns including, weeding, forking the ground, Sqm 11.00
top dressing with forked soil, watering and maintenance the lawns, for 30
days or more, till the grass forms a thick lawn, free from weeds, and fit for
moving and disposal of rubbish as directed, including supplying good earth,
if needed but excluding the cost of well decayed farmyard namure complete
as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 308

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M300-Supply at site of work well decayed farm yard manure

KSRRB M300-11. Supply at site of work well decayed farm yard manure, cum 175.00
from any available source, approved by the engineer in charge including
_ s<::reening.and stackin complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 308.2

KSRRB 300-Supply at site of work/ store-deoiled neem cake

KSRRB 300-12. Supply at site of wori</ store-deoiled neem cake duly packed quintal 1,320.00
in used gunny bags complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 308.2

KSRRB M300-Supplylng sludge

KSRRB M300-13. Supplying sludge duly stacked at site/store complete as cum 175.00
per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 308.2

KSRRB M300- Half brick circular tree guard

KSRRB M300-14. Half brick circular tree guard, in 2nd class brick, internal Each 1,590.00
diametre 1.25 metres, and height 1.2 metres, above ground and 0.20
metre below ground, bottom two courses laid dry, and top three courses in
cement mortar 1 :6 (1 cement 6 sand) and the intermediate courses being
in dry honey comb masonry, as per design complete, complete as per
KSRRB M300-Edging with 2nd class bricks, laid dry lengthwise
KSRRB M300-15. Edging with 2nd class bricks, laid dry lengthwise, including m 32.00
excavation, refilling, consolidation, with a hand packing and spreading nearly
surplus earth within a lead of 50 metres complete as per specifications.

KSRRB M300- Making tree guard from empty bitumen drums

KSRRB M300-16. Making tree guard 53 cm dia and 1.3 m high as per design Each 393.00
from empty bitumen drum, slit suitably to permit sun and air, (supplied by
the department at stock issue rate) including providing and fixing 2 nos MS
sheet rings 50 x 0.5 mm with rivets, complete in all respect complete as
per specifications.
KSRRB M300-17. Making tree guard 53 cm dia and 2 metres high as Each 770.00
per design from empty bitumen drums, slit suitably to permit sun and air,
(supplied by the department at stock issue rate) including providing and
fixing four legs 40 cm long of 30 x 3 mm MS riveted to tree guard· and
providing and fixing 2 nos. MS sheet rings 50 x 0.5 mm with rivets complete
in all respects complete as per specifications.

KSRRB M300- Wrought iron and mild steel welded work

KSRRB M300-18. Wrought iron and mild steel welded work (using angles, quintal 7,740.00
square bars, tees and channel grills, grating frames, gates and tree guards
of any size and design etc. including cost of screens and welding rods or
traits-and nuts·complete fixed in position but without the cost of excavation
and concrete for fixing which will be paid separately complete as per

. ----- - ·-·- -�---

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M300-Tree guard with MS iron

19.98 KSRRB M300-19. Providing and fixing MS iron tree guard 60 cm dia and 2 Each 2,120.00
metre high above ground level formed of 4 Nos (25 x 6 mm) and 8 Nos (25
x 3 mm) vertical MS riveted to 3 Nos (25 x 6 mm) iron rings in two halves,
bolted together with 8 mm dia and 30 mm long bolts including painting two
coats with paint of approved brand over a coat of priming, complete in all
respects, complete as per specifications.
KSRRB M300-Tree gaurd with MS Angle and Steel wire
19.100 KSRRB M300-20. Providing and fixing tree gaurd 0.60 metre square, 2.00 Each 2,817.00
metre high fabricated with MS angle iron 30 x 30 x 3 mm, MS iron 25 x 3
mm and steel wire 3 mm dia welded and fabricated as per design in two
halves bolted together complete as per specifications

KSRRB M300-Compensatory afforestation

19.101 KSRRB M300-21. Planting trees as compensatory afforestation at the rate Ha 62,800.00
of 290 trees per hectare at a spacing of 6 m by grubbing and leveling the
ground upto a depth of 150 mm, digging holes 0.9 m dia, 1 m deep, mixing
farm yard/sludge manure with soil, planting of saple.
19.102 Milling the bituminous pavement surface for depth upto 150mm beyond 55 Sqm 70.00
mm using milling machine, to make a uniform surface without disturbing the
base, cleaning the milled surface, including cost of all labour charges and
hire charges of machineries etc complete., including stacking the milled
material on the sides of road.

Note for Item 19.102

1. For any additional depth over anti above 55mm, rate shall be worked
out on pro-rata basis
2. Lead charges for the disposal of milled material shall be worked out as
per note 1 indicated in chapter 17. The lead charges shall be allowed
only with prior approval of Executive Engineer.
3. In case there is a situation where the cross-section is of cut and fill
and cut earth is required to be used In embankment in the immediate
4. KSRRB 300-26.2. Note : For lead beyond 500 m earthwork shall be
payable at carriage rates by mechanical transport. These rates also
include earthwork excavation in ordinary soil including loading and



-------------�-��-- -----�---- ------------------ .....

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.


Note : Granulated blast furnace slag / slag sand may be used for item
No. 20.1, 20.2, 20.4, 20.5, 20.6 instead of river sand / grit and 6mm
...--- below aggregates or in combination.

KSRRB 400- Granular Sub-base

-- KSRRB 400-1. Providing, laying, spreading and compacting inverted cum 2,138.00
choke of screening Type 'B' or sand in sub-base course in uniform
--layer on a prepared base by mechanical means with motor grader and
compacting with power roller including cost of all materials, labour, HOM
of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 4
KSRRB 400-2. Providing, laying, spreading and compacting specified cum 1,472.00
graded, gravel or any other course material 60% and cushed
stone aggregates of granite I trap / basalt 40% in sub-base course,
close grading-I including premixing the material at OMC in mechanical
mixer (Pug mill), carriage of mixed material, spreading in uniform layers
with motor grader on a prepared base and compacting with power roller
to achieve the desired density including all materials, labour, HOM of
machinery, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion
complete as per specifications. MORTH Chapter 4
KSRRB M400-6.1. Construction of granular sub-base by providing
close graded cushed stone aggregates of granite I trap/ basalt material,
mixing in a mechaical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed material to
work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared
surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired
density, complete as per specifications. A. Plant Mix Method.

Close graded granular sub-base material as per 400-1 cum 1,680.00

For Grading- I Material

For Grading II Material cum 1,464.00

For Grading Ill Material cum 1,396.00
KSRRB M400-6.2. Construction of granular sub-base by providing
close graded cushed stone aggregates of granite/ trap/ basalt material,
spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method by rotavator at OMC, and compacting
with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as
per specifications. B. By Mix In Place Method.

Close graded granular sub-base material as per 400-1 cum 1,527.00

For Grading I Material

--, For Grading IJMateri-a� cum 1,305.00

For Grading Ill Material cum 1,237.00


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB 400 Granular SutH3ase with Coarse Graded Material (table 400-2)
20.6 KSRRB M400-7. Construction of granular sub-base by providing Coarse
graded cushed stone aggregates of granite I trap / basalt material,
speading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface,
mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting
with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per
specifications. By mix in place method.
20.6.1 ForCoarse graded granular sub-base material as per 400-2 cum 1,660.00
For Grading I Material
20.6.2 For Grading II Material cum 1,587.00
20.6.3 For Grading Ill Material cum 1,370.00
KSRRB M400- Lime stabilization for improving subgrade
20.7 KSRRB M400-8.1. Laying and spreading available soil in the subgrade cum 255.00
on a prepared surface, pulverising, mixing the spread soil in place with
rotavator with 3 per cent slaked lime having minimum content of 70
per cent of CaO, grading with motor grader and compacting with the
road roller at OMC to the desired density to form a layer of improved
subgrade complete as per specifications. A. By Mechanical means
MORTH SpecificationNo. 402
20.8 KSRRB M400-8.2. Lime Stabilisation for improving Subgrade Laying cum 266.00
and spreading available soil in the subgrade on a prepared surface,
pulverising, mixing the spread soil in place with rotavator with 3 per cent
slaked lime having minimum content of 70 per cent of Cao, grading
with motor grader and compacting with the road roller at OMC to the
desired density to form a layer of improved subgrade. complete as per
specifications. B. By Manual means
MORTH Specification No. 402
KSRRB M400- Lime Treated Soil for Sub-Base
20.9 KSRRB M400-9. Providing, laying and spreading soil on a prepared cum 366.00
subgrade, pulverising, mixing the spread soil in place with rotavator with
3% slaked lime with minimum content of 70 per cent of Cao, grading
with motor grader and compacting with the road roller at OMC to achieve
atleast 98% of the maximum dry density to form a layer of sub-base
complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 402

KSRRB M400-Cement Treated Soil Sub-Base/Base

20.1O KSRRB M400-10. Providing, laying and spreading soil on a prepared cum 1,036.00
subgrade, pulverising, adding the designed quantity of cement to the spread
soil, mixing in place with the rotavator, grading with the motor grader and
compacting with the road roller at OMC to achieve the desired unconfined
compressive strength and to form a layer of sub-base/base complete as
per specifications. (For 4% quantity of cement by weight of soil).
MORTH Specification No. 403

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M400-Cement Treated Crushed rock or Combination as

per Clause 403.2 & Table 400.4 in Sub-Base/Base
KSRRB M400-11. Providing, laying and spreading material on a
_prepared subgrade, adding the Designed quantity of cement to the
spread material, mixing in place with the rotavator, grading with the
motor grader and compacting with the road roller at OMC to achieve
the desired unconfined compressive strength and to form a layer of
sub-base/base complete as per specifications. (Quantity of cement
assumed as 4% of quantity of crushed rock by weight)
MORTH Specification No. 403
Cement at site at 4% by wt. of crushed aggregate (600 tonne) Grading cum 2,137.00
of material for sub-base course
Cement at site at 4% by wt. of crushed aggregate (600 tonne) Grading
of material for base course cum 1,935.00
KSRRB M400- Water Bound Macadam
KSRRB M400-14.1. Providing, laying, spreading and compacting
cushed stone aggregates of granite / trap / basalt of specific sizes
to water bound macadam specifications including spreading in
uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3-wheeled steel/vibratory
roller 8-10 tonn�s in stages to proper grade and camber, applyin.g
and brooming requisite type of screening/binding materials to fill up
the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering and compacting to the
required density complete as per Specification. A. By mannual means.
MORTH Specification No. 404
Type A 13.2mm for grading II cum 2,218.00
Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel for grading II cum 2,060.00
Type B 11.2mm for grading Ill cum 2,155.00
Crushable type such as Moorum or Gravel for grading Ill cum -2,045.00
KSRRB M400- Crushed cement sub-base/base
KSRRB M400- 15. Breaking and crushing of material obtained by cum 236.00
breaking damaged cement concrete slabs to size range not exceeding
75mm as specified in Table 400.7 transporting the aggregate obtained
from breaking of cement concrete slabs , laying and compacting the
same as sub-base / base course, constructed as WBM to Clause
400.4 except the use of screening or binding material complete as per
specifications. MORTH Specification No. 405

KSRRB M400- Penetration Coat over top layer of crushed cement

concrete base
KSRRB M400-16. Spraying of bitumen over cleaned dry surface of Sqm 141.00
crushed cement concrete base at the rate of 25 kg per 1O sqm by a
bitumen pressure distributor, spreading of key aggregates at the rate
ofQ.13 cu_rn per_1 Q sqm by � meGl'lanic:al gritter and rolling the surface
as per Clause 500.6.3.8 complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 405.2


SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M400- Wet Mix Macadam

20.18 KSRRB M400-17. Providing, laying, spreading and compacting cum 1,728.00
cushed stone aggregates of granite / trap / basalt to wet mix macadam
specifications including pre mixing the material with water at OMC in
mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed materials by tipper to site,
laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-base/base course on well
prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the
desired density complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification
No. 406

KSRRB M400-Construction of Median and Island with soil taken

from Roadway cutting
20.19 KSRRB M400-18. Construction of Median and island above road cum 118.00
level with approved material deposited at site from roadway cutting and
excavation for drain and foundation of other structures, spread, graded
and compacted as per Clause 400.7 complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 407
KSRRB M400-Construction of Median and island with Soil taken
from Borrow Areas.
20.20 KSRRB M400-19. Construction of Median and island with Soil taken cum 188.00
from Borrow Areas. Construction of Median and island above road
level with approved material deposited from borrowpits, spread, sloped
and compacted as per Clause 400.7 complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 407
KSRRB M400-Construction of footpath and separator
20.21 KSRRB M400-21. Construction of footpath/separator by providing a Sqm 668.00
150 mm compacted granular sub-base as per Clause 401 & 25mm
thick cement concrete grade M-15, overlaid with precast concrete tiles
in cement mortar 1 :3 including provision of all drainage arrangements
but excluding kerb channel complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 409
KSRRB M400-22 Crusher Run Macadam Base
20.22 KSRRB M400-22.1. Providing cushed stone aggregates of granite cum 1,860.00
/ trap / basalt depositing on a prepared surface by hauling vehicles,
spreading and mixing with a motor grader, watering and compacting
with a vibratory roller to Clause 410 to form a layer of sub-base/base.
complete as per specifications. A. By mix in place method. (For 53 mm
maximum size)
MORTH Specification No. 41O
20.23 KSRRB M400-22.1. -do- A. By mix in place method. (For 45 mm cum 1,810.00
maximum size) MORTH Specification No. 410
20.24 KSRRB M400-22.2. Providing cushed stone aggregates of granite I trap cum 2,025.00
/ basalt material depositing on a prepared surface by hauling vehicles,
spreading and mixing with a motor gader, watering and compacting
with a vibratory roller to Clause 410 to form a layer of sub-base/base.
complete as per specifications. (For 53 mm maximum size ) B. By
Mixing Plant Method. MORTH Specification No. 410


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M400-22.2. -do- B. By mixing Plant Method. ( For 45 mm cum 1,988.00

maximum size) MORTH Specification No. 410
KSRRB M400- Lime, Flyash stabilised Soil Sub-base. cum 290.00
KSRRB M400-23. Lime, Flyash stabilised Soil Sub-base. Construction
of sub-base using lime-flyash admixture with granular soil, free from
organic matter/deleterious material or clayey silts and low plasticity clays
having Pl between 5 & 20 and liquid limit less than 25 and commercial
dry lime slaked at site or pre-slaked with CaO content not less than 50%,
flyash to conform to gradation as per Clause 43 of IRC: 88-1984, lime
+ flyash content ranging between 1O to 30%, the minimum un-confined
compressive strength and CBR value after 28 days curing and 4 days
soaking to be 7.5 kg/sqcm and 25% respectively, all as specified in
IRC:88-1984 complete as per specifications.

This analysis provides for median and island with earthen top. In
case the surface is required to be turfed or planted with shrubs,
the same is required to be provided separately.
KSRRB M400-20. Construction of Shoulders
A. Earthen Sh_oulders. The rate as applicable for sub-grade
construction may be adopted.
B. Hard Shoulders. Rate as applicable for sub-base and or base
may be adopted as per approved design.
C. Paved Shoulders. The rate may be adopted as applicable
for different layers of pavement depending upon approved
design of paved shoulders.
Cost of flyash has not been considered as same will be available
free of cost. Only carriage of flyash has been provided.
Lime + Flyash has been ta�en as 20% of total mass and ratio of
lime and flyash as 1 :4 for estimating purposes. Total quantities
will be as per approved design.
Ground granulated blast furnace slog/slag sand may be used for
item No. 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.4, 20.5, 20.6, instead of river sand, grit
and 6mm below aggregate or in combinations.



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB 500-1. Cleaning the existing WBM road surface including Sqm 12.30
removing of binding materials and other foreign matter with wire brushes
and small picks, sweeping with brooms or soft brushes and finally dusting
with old gunny bags and / or compressed air, to receive bituminous
treatment including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications.
MORTH specification clause 501
KSRRB 500-2. Cleaning the existing black topped surface with brooms, Sqm 3.07
soft brushes and finally dusting with old gunny bags and / or compressed
air to receive bituminous treatment including cost of all materials, labour,
HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH specification clause 501

KSRRB 500-3. Scarifying existing stone metal layer upto 75mm thick Sqm 90.00
along with their bituminous surface, picking up scarified materials and
stacking of old serviceable materials with lead of 100 m. sequential spreading
of the salvaged aggregates with fresh aggregates on prepared base and
consolidating as per water bound macadam specifications including cost of
all labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH specification clause 501
Providing and applying primer coat for surfaces of medium porosity Sqm 77.00
like cement stabilized soil base @ 1.10kg/sqmt over prepared surface
with S.S bitumen emulsion using bitumen tanker fitted with spray set
(excluding cleaning of road surface) including cost of all material, labour,
HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 5
KSRRB M500-6. Providing and applying primer coat with S.S. bitumen Sqm 36.00
emulsion on prepared surface of granular base such as WMM including
cleaning of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg /
sqm using mechanical means complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 502

KSRRB 500-7. Providing and applying tack coat using 80/100 grade Sqm 14.75
bitumen(VG10} on the prepared black topped surfaces at 2.5 kg per 10
sqm, heating bitumen in boiler fitted with spray set (excluding cleaning of
road surface) including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 5
KSRRB 500-9. Providing and applying tack coat using 80/100 grade Sqm 24.00
bitumen(VG10) on granular base such as WBM surfaces hot bitumen
primed at 4 kg per 10 sqm, heating bitumen in boiler fitted with spray
set (excluding-cleaning of road surface) including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 5

------------------ ------ ---- ---- --------- ....... - 1

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

21.10 KSRRB M500-10. Providing and applying tack coat using 80/100 grade
bitumen(VG10) in boiler fitted with spray set distributor at the rate of
0.20 kg per sqm on the existing prepared bituminous surface cleaned
with mchancial broom. complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 503
21.10.2 - do - using Bitumen 80/100 (VG-10) on primed surfaces Sqm 11.40
21.11 KSRRB 500-11. Providing and laying bituminous macadam on
prepared surface with crushed coarse aggregates as per design mix
formula for base / binding course including loading of aggregates with
F.E. loader, hot mixing of stone aggregates and bitumen in hot mix
plant, transporting the mixd material in tipper to paver and laying mixed
materials with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling by
power roller to achieve the desired density, but excluding cost of primer
/ tack coat including lead, lift and cost of all materials, labour, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 5
21.11.1 - do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-1 cum 6,180.00
(80 mm to 100mm) with 3.1 % VG-30 Bitumen
21.11.2 - do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 6,763.00
(50 mm to 75 mm) with 3.3 % VG-30 Bitumen
21.11.3 - do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 5,864.00
(80 mm to 100 mm) with 3.1 % VG-30 Bitumen
21.11.4 - do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 6,087.00
(50 mm to 75 mm) with 3.3 % VG-30 Bitumen
21.11.5 - do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical paver Gr-I cum 5,810.00
(80 mm to 100 mm) with 3.1 % VG-30 Bitumen
21.11.6 - do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical paver Gr-II cum 6,037.00
(50 mm to 75 mm) with 3.3 % VG-30 Bitumen
21.12 KSRRB 500-12. Providing, laying and consolidating' of crushed Sqm 368.00
stone aggregates on prepared surface as per built up spray grout
specifications 75mm thick, as base course compacted in two layers
composite construction of crushed stone aggregates with application
of bitumen binder after each layer and lay aggregate on the top of
second layer and rolling with power roller 8 to 10 tonne but excluding
cost of primer / tack coat including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications.MORTH clause No. 506

21.17 KSRRB M500-17. Providing and laying dense graded bituminous

macadam using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
VG30 grade bituminous binder and, transporting the hot mix to work site,
laying to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth
wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction
as per MORTH table 500-10 complete in all respects complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 507

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-1 cum 7,260.00
(80 mm to 100mm) with 4 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do -using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 8,000.00
(50 mm to 75 mm) with 4.5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M .P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 7,100.00
(80 mm to 100 mm) with 4 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 7,850.00
(50 mm to 75 mm) with 4.5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical paver Gr-I cum 7,050.00
(80 mm to 100 mm) with 4 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical paver Gr-II cum 7,800.00
(50 mm to 75 mm) with 4.5 % VG-30 Bitumen
KSRRB M 500-18. Providing and laying semi dense bituminous
concrete using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed
with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site,
laying with a paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve
the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 508
complete in all respects complete as per specification!?.
- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M .P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum. 7,730.00
(35 rrim to 40 mm) with 4.5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M .P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 8,290.00
(25 mm to 30 mm) with 5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M .P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 7,580.00
(35 mm to 40mm) with 4.5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 8,150.00
(25 mm to 30 mm) with 5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M .P. with Mechanical Paver Gr-I cum 7,525.00
(35 mm to 40 mm) with 4.5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical Paver Gr-II cum 8,095.00
(25 mm to 30 mm) with 5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 7,590.00
(35 mm to 40 mm) with 4.5 % VG-10 Bitumen
- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 8,145.00
(25 mm to 30 mm) with 5 % VG-10 Bitumen
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M .P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 7,440.00
(35 mm to 40mm) with 4.5 % VG-10 Bitumen
21.20.10 - do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M .P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 7,995.00
(25 mm to 30 mm) with 5 % VG-10 Bitumen
2· 1.20.11 - do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical Paver Gr-I cum 7,615.00
(35 mm to 40 mm) with 4.5 % VG-10 Bitumen
SI. No. Description !Rate
--------------------------------�-��·-- -----
Ps. xis,

21.20.12 - do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M. P. with Mechanical P aver Gr-li 1,940.00
(25 mm to 30 mm) with 5 % VG-10 Bitumen
21.21 KSRR B M500-18. P roviding and laying semi dense bituminous
concrete using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed
with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site,
laying with a paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve
the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause N o. 508
complete in all respects complete as per specifications.
21.21.1 - do - using 100-120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver grading I cum 7,890.00
(35-40mm) with 4.5% CRMB-55 grade
21.21. 2 - do - using 100-120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver grading II cum 8,480.00
(25-30mm) with 5% CRMB-55 grade
21.21.3 - do - using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver grading I cum 7,745.00
(35-40mm) with 4.5% CRMB-55 grade
21.21.4 - dO - using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver grading II cum 8,330.00
(25-30mm) with 5% CRMB-55 grade
21.21.5 - do - usjng 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with mechanical paver grading I cum 7,690.00
(35 -40mm) with 4.5% CRMB-55 grade
21.21.6 - do - using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with mechanical paver grading II cum 8,275.00
(25-30mm) with 5% CRMB-55 grade
21.21.7 - do - using 100-120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver grading I cum 8,595.00
(35-40mm) with 4.5% NRMB 70 / PMB 70 grade
21.21.8 - do - using 100-120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver grading II cum 9,260.00
(25-30mm) with 5% NRMB 70/ PMB 70 grade
21.21. 9 - do - using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver grading I cum 8,440.00
(35-40mm) with 4.5% NRMB 70/ PMB 70 grade
21.21. 10 � do -:using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver grading II cum 9,110.00 t.

(25-30mm) with 5% NRMB 70/ PMB 70 grade

21.21.11 - do - using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with mechanical paver grading I cum 8,390.00
(35-40mm) with 4.5% NRMB 70/ PMB 70 grade
21.21.12 - do - using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with mechanical paver grading II cum 9,055.00
(25-30mm) with 5% NRMB 70/ PMB 70 grade
21.22 KSRR B MS00-19. P roviding and laying bituminous concrete 40 mm
thick with hot mix plant, using crushed aggregates of specified grading,
premixed with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to
work site, laying with a paver finisher to the required grade, level and
alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers
to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause
N o. 500.9 complete in all respects complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 509


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 9,315.00
(50 to 65 mm) with 5.5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 9,880.00
(30 mm to 45 mm) with6 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 9,165.00
(50 mm to 60mm) with 5.5 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 9,725.00
(30 mm to 45 mm) with 6 % VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with mechanical paver grading I cum 9,115.00
(50-65mm) with 5.5%VG-30 Bitumen
- do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P . with Mechanical Paver Gr-II cum 9,670.00
(30 mm to 45 mm) with 6 % VG-30 Bitumen
KSRR B M500-19. Providing and laying bituminous concrete using
crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous
binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with paver
finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth
wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction
as per MORTH specification clause No. 509 complete in all respects
complete as per specifications .
- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 9,520.00
(50 to 65mm) with 5.5 % CRMB 55
- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 10,100.00
(30 mm to 45 mm) with6 % CRMB 55
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-I um 9,370.00
(50 mm to 60mm) with 5.5 % CRMB 55
- do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M. P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 9,945.00
(30 mm to 45mm) with 6 % CRMB 55
- do - using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P . with mechanical paver grading I cum 9,315.00
(50 -65mm) with 5.5% CRMB-55 grade
- do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical Paver Gr-II cum 9,890.00
(30 mm to 45 mm) with 6 % CRMB 55
- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 10,380.00
(50 to 65 mm) with 5 .5 % NRMB 70/ PMB 70
- do - using 100/120 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 11,050.00
(30 mm to 45 mm) with 6 % NRMB 70/ PMB 70
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with sensor paver Gr-I cum 10,240.00
(50 mm to 60mm) with 5 .5 %NRMB 70/PMB 70
' .23 .10 - do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M. P. with sensor paver Gr-II cum 10,890.00
(30 mm to 45 mm) with 6 % NRMB 70/ PMB 70
:23.11 - do - using 40-60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with mechanical paver grading I cum 10,180.00
-··· -· (50-65mm) with 5 .5% NRMB 70/ PMB 70
� .23.12 - do - using40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with Mechanical Paver Gr-II cum 10,840.00
(30 mm to 45 mm) with 6 % NRMB 70/ PMB 70
__.. _ ·--· ·-:�--=

SI. No. Description �j�!'t Rate

Rs. Ps.

21.26 KSRRB 500-22. Providing and laying single coat surface dressing or first Sqm 99.00
coat of the two surface dressing with 0.15 cum/10 sqm crushed stone
chippings passing 19mm & retained on 13.20mm sieve as per Table
500-21and bitumen 12 kg / 10 sqm of VG-10 (80/100) as wearing course
consisting of a layer of bituminous binder laid on the prepared surface
followed by cover of crushed stone chippings of specified size (may
be pre-coated also) and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne capacity
including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete
as per specifications. MORTHclause No.510
21.27 KSRRB 500-23. Providing and laying second coat surface dressing with Sqm 80.00
0.10 cum/10 sqm crushed stone chippings passing 13.2mm & retained
on 9.50mm sieve as per Table 500-21and bitumen 10 kg / 10 sqm of
VG-10 (80/100) as wearing course consisting of a layer of bituminous
binder laid on the prepared surface followed by cover of crushed stone
chippings of specified size (may be pre-coated also) and rolling with power
roller 8-10 tonne capacity including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of
machineries complete as per specifications. MORTHclause No.510
21.32 KSRRB 500-27. Providing and laying open graded premix carpet of Sqm 140.00
20mm thick on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course
composed of 11.2mm and 13.2mm size stone aggregates 0.027 cum/
e. sqm premixd with bituminous binder at 1.46kg/sqm in mini hot mix
plant 6-10 tonne capacity laying manually and rolling with power roller
8-10 tonne, excluding cost of tack coat, including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specificationsusing VG
10 (80/100) grade. MORTH clause No.511/Chapter 5
21.33 KSRRB 500-28. - do - using CRMB 55 grade. Sqm 145.00
MORTH clause No.511
21.36 KSRRB 500-30. Providing and laying 20 mm thick mix seal surfacing Sqm 175.00
Type A on prepared surface as wearing course with specified graded
crushed aggregates of 5.6mm and 11.2mm size 0.027 cum/sqm premixd
with bituminous binder at 2.20kg/sqm), in hotmix plant 40/60 tonne,
transporting the mixed materials in tipper and laying with machanical
·paver finisher to required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8·10
tonne, excluding cost of tack coat including cost of all materials, labour,
HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH clause No.512 using VG-30 (60/70 grade)
21.37 KSRRB 500-31. - do - using CRMB 55 grade bitumen Sqm 179.00

21.38 KSRRB 500-32. Providing and laying 20 mm thick mix seal surfacing Sqm 160.00
Type-B on prepared surface as wearing course with specified graded
crushed aggregates of 5.6mm and 13.2mm size 0.027 cum/sqm
premixed with bituminous binder at 1.90kg/sqm, in hotmix plant
40/60 TPH, transporting the mixed materials in tipper and laying with
machanical paver finisher to required level and grade, rolling with
power roller 8-10 tonne, excluding cost of tack coat including cost of all
materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH clause No.512 using VG 30 (60/70 grade) bitumen


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB 500-33. - do - using CRMB 55 grade bitumen Sqm 165.00

KSRRB 500-34. Providing and laying 20 mm thick mix seal surfacing Sqm 180.00
Type A on prepared surface in a single course composed of specified
graded crushed aggregates 5.6mm to 11.2mm size 0.027 cum/sqm
premixd with bitumen binder at 2.20 kg/sqm of in a minimix plant 6 /
10 tonne capacity, laying manually and rolling with power roller 8-10
tonne excluding cost of tack coat including cost of all materials, labour,
HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH clause No.512 using VG-30 (60/70) bitumen
KSRRB 500-35. - do - using CRMB 55 grade bitumen Sqm 180.00
KSRRB 500-36. Providing and laying 20 mm thick mix seal surfacing Sqm 169.00
Type-B on prepared surface in a single course composed of specified
graded crushed aggregates 5.6mm to 13.2mm size 0.027 cum/sqm
premixd with bitumen binder at 1.90 kg/sqm of VG-30 (60/70) in a
minimix plant 6 / 10 tonne capacity, laying manually and rolling with
power roller 8-10 tonne excluding cost of tack coat including cost of all
materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH clause No.512
KSRRB 500-37.Providing and laying 20 mm thick mix seal surfacing Sqm 168.00
Type-B on prepared surface in a singl_e course composed of specified
graded crushed aggregates 5.6mm to 13.2mm size 0.027 cum/sqm
premixd with bitumen binder at 1.90 kg/sqm of CRMB 55 grade in a
minimix plant 6 / 10 tonne capacity, laying manually and rolling with
power roller 8-10 tonne excluding cost of tack coat including cost of all
materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per specifications.
MORTH clause No.512
KSRRB M500- 39.1 and 39.2. Providing and laying SEAL COAT for
sealing the voids on Bituminous surface, laid to the specified levels,
grade and cross fall manually and rolling with power roller 8 - 10 tonne
capacity including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery
complete as per the specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 513
- do - TYPE A- using graded aggregates 6.7mm and down size at 0.009 Sqm 64.00
cum/sqm with bitumen binder VG-10 (80/100 grade) at 0.98 kg/sqm.
- do -TYPE B - using graded aggregates 2.36mm and down size at 0.006 Sqm 49.00
cum/sqm with bitumen binder VG-10 (80/100 grade) at 0.68 kg/sqm.
KSRRB M500-41. Providing and laying 25 mm thick mastic asphalt Sqm 540.00
wearing course with paving grade bitumen @ 5.82 kg/sqmt meeting the
requirements given in table 500-29, prepared by using mastic cooker
and laid to required level and slope after cleaning the surface, including
providing antiskid surface with bitumen precoated finegrained hard
stone chipping of 13.2 mm nominal size at the rate of 0.005cum per 10
sqm and at an approximate spacing of 10 cm center to center in both
directions, pressed into surface when the temperature of surfaces is
-not less than 1 O00C, protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over mastic surface, all
complete as per MORTH clause No 515 Complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 515
--···· -· --�---- .,_

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

21.53 KSRRB M500-48. Providing and applying slow setting bitumen Sqm 44.00
emulsion@at 0.75 kg/sqm for sealing cracks less than 3 mm wide or
incipient fretting or disintegration in an existing bituminous surfacing
complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 518
21.54 KSRRB M500-48. Providing and applying low viscosity bitumen emulsion Sqm 6.60
with crushed stone grit 3mm size for sealing cracks less than 3 mm wide
or incipient fretting or disintegration in an existing bituminous surfacing
complete as per specifications.
(emulsion 2% of grit, 3.75 kg/sqm) (In case it is decided by the Engineer
to blind the fog spray)
21.55 KSRRB M500-49.1. Providing, laying and rolling of bituminous cold cum 12,680.00
mix on prepared base consisting of a mixture of unheated mineral
aggregate and emulsified or cutback bitumen, including mixing in a
plant of suitable type and capacity, transporting, laying, compacting and
finishing to specified grades and levels complete as per specifications.
Case - I : using bitumen emulsion at 175 kg/cum & 9.5mm or 13.2mm
nominal size aggregate" MORTH Specification No. 519
21.56 KSRRB M500-49.2. Providing, laying and rolling of bituminous cold mix cum 12,560.00
on prepared base consisting of a mixture of unheated mineral aggregate
!' an'd emulsified or cutback bitumen, including mixing in a plant of suitable
type and capacity, transporting,· laying, compacting and finishing to
specified grades and levels complete as per specifications. Case - II
: using bitumen emulsion at 175 kg/cum & 19mm or 26.5mm nominal
size aggregate. MORTH Specification No. 519
21.57 KSRRB M500-49.3. Providing, laying and rolling of bituminous cold mix cum 8,890.00
on prepared base consisting of a mixture of unheated mineral aggregate
and emulsified or cutback bitumen, including mixing in a plant of suitable
type and capacity, transporting, laying, compacting· and finishing to
specified grades and levels complete as per specifications. Case - Ill
: using cutback bitumen at 110 kg/cum & 9.5mm or 13.2mm nominal
size aggregate MORTH Specification No. 519
21�58 KSRRB M500-49.4. Providng, laying and rolling of bitumens cold mix on cum 8,760.00
prepared base consisting of a mixture of unheated mineral aggregate
and emulsified or cutback bitumen, including mixing in plant of suitable
type and capacity, transporting, laying, compating and finishing to
specified grades and levels complete as per specifications. Case - IV
: Using cutback bitumen & 19mm or 26.5mm nominal size aggregate
MORTH Specification No. 519
21.64 KSRRB M500-56.1. Providing and laying slurry seal consisting Sqm 77.00
of a mixture of fine aggregates, portland cement filler, bituminous
emulsion and water on a road surface including cleaning of surface,
mixing of slurry seal in a suitable mobile plant, laying and compacting
to provide even riding surface Complete as per specifications.
Case - I : 5mm thickness
MORTH Specification No. 516


SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

21.65 KSRRB M500-56.2. Providing and laying slurry seal consisting of a Sqm 52.95
mixture of fine aggregates, portland cement filler, bituminous emulsion
and water on a road surface including cleaning of surface, mixing of
slurry seal in a suitable mobile plant, laying and compacting to provide even
riding surface Complete as per specifications. Case - II : 3mm thickness
MORTH Specification No. 516
KSRRB M500-56.3. Providing and laying slurry seal consisting of a Sqm 32.00
mixture of fine aggregates, portland cement filler, bituminous emulsion
and water on a road surface including cleaning of surface, mixing of
slurry seal in a suitable mobile plant, laying and compacting to provide even
riding surface Complete as per specifications. Case - Ill : 1.5mm thickness
MORTH Specification No. 516
KSRRB M500-57.1. Providing and laying of a stress absorbing Sqm 63.00
membrane over a cracked road surface, with crack width below
6 mm after cleaning with a mechanical broom, using modified binder
complying with clause No 521sprayed at the rate of 9 kg per 10 sqm
and spreading 5.6 mm crushed stone aggregates at 0.11 cum per 10
sqm with hydraulic chip spreader, sweeping the surface for uniform
spread of aggregates and surface finished to conform to clause 902
complete as per specification. Case - I :Stress absorbing membrane
(SAM) crack width less than 6mm
MORTH Specification No. 522
KSRRB M500-57 .2. Providing and laying of a stress absorbing Sqm 80.00
membrane over a cracked road surface, with crack width 6 to 9 mm
after cleaning with a mechanical broom, using modified binder complying
with clause 521, sprayed at the rate of 11 kg per 10 sqm and spreading
11.2 mm crushed stone aggregates at 0.12 cum per 10 sqm, sweeping
the surface for uniform spread of aggregates and surface finished to
conform to clause 902 complete as per specification. Case - II :Stress
absorbing membrane (SAM) crack width 6mm to 9mm".
MORTH Specification No.
KSRRB M500-57.3. Providing and laying a single coat of a stress Sqm 100.00
absorbing membrane over a cracked road surface, with crack width
above 9 mm and cracked area above 50% after cleaning with a
mechanical broom, using modified binder complying with clause 521,
sprayed at the rate of 15 kg per 10 sqm and spreading 11.2 mm crushed
stone aggregates at 0.12 cum per 10 sqm, sweeping the surface for
uniform spread of aggregates and surface finished to conform to
clause 902 complete as per specification. Case - Ill :Stress absorbing
membrane (SAM) crack width above 9 mm and cracked aread above 50%.
MORTH Specification No.
KSRRB M500-57.4. Providing and laying a bitumen impregnated Sqm 150.00
geotextile layer after cleaning the road surface, geotextile conforming
to requirements of clause 703.31 laid over a tack coat with 1.05 kg per
sqm of paving grade bitumen 80 - 100 penetration and constructed to
the requirement of clause 703.4 complete as per specification. Case -
IV : Bitumen impregnated geotextile.
MORTH Specification No. 522
--·- - --·· -· -·-····.. -=--, -M----111
St No. Descriptior1 Rate
Rs. Ps.

21.71 KSRRB M500-58.1. Providing and laying of premix of crushed stone cum 8,100.00
aggregates of 40mm down size and emulsion binder at 98 kgs/cum
mixed in a batch type cold mixing plant, laid over prepared surface, by
paver finisher, rolled with a pneumatic tyred roller initially and finished
with a smooth steel wheel roller, all as per clause 519.3 complete as per
specifications. Case - I: 75 mm thickness
MORTH Specification No. 519.3
21.72 KSRRB M500-58.2. Providing and laying of premix of crushed stone cum 11,430.00
aggregates of 13.20mm down size and emulsion binder at 153 kg/cum
mixed in a batch type cold mixing plant, laid over prepared surface, by
paver finisher, rolled with a pneumatic tyred roller initially and finished
with a smooth steel wheel roller, all as per clause 500.19.3 complete as
per specifications. Case - 11 : 40 mm thickness
MORTH Specification No. 519.3
21.73 KSRRB M500-58.3. Providing and laying of premix of crushed stone cum 13,060.00
aggregates of 6.00mm down size and emulsion binder at 186 kg/cum
mixed in a batch type cold mixing plant, laid over prepared surface, by
paver finisher, rolled with a pneumatic tyred roller initially and finished
with a smooth steel wheel roller, all as per clause 500.19.3 complete as
per specifications. Case - Ill : 25 mm thickness.
MORTH Specification No. 519.3
21.74 KSRRB M500-47. Recycling pavement by cold milling of existing
bituminous layers, planing the surface after cold milling, reclaiming
excavated material to the extent of 30 per cent of the required quantity,
hauling and stock piling the reclaimed material near the central recycling
plant after carrying out necessary checks and evaluation, adding fresh
material including rejuvenators as required, mixing in a 40/60 TPH hot
mix plant, transporting to site and laying with mechanical paver and
compacting to the required grade, level and thickness including cost of
all materials and labour etc., complete as specified in MORTH clause 517
MORTH Specification No. 517
21.74.1 -do - using milling machine for DBM grade II (50mm to 75mm thick) using cum 6,020.00
bitumen binderVG-30 (60/70 grade) to achieve 4.50% bitumen content.
21.74.2 - do -Scarifying using roller attached scarifier - for DBM grade II (50mm cum 6,030.00
to 75mm thick) using bitumen binder VG-30 (60/70 grade) to achieve
4.50% bitumen content.
21.74.3 - do - using milling machine for BM grade ii (50mm to 75mm thick) using cum 4,460.00
bitumen binderVG-30 (60/70 grade) to achieve 3.30% bitumen content
21.74.4 - do - Scarifying using roller attached scarifier - for BM grade II (50mm cum 4,470.00
to 75mm thick) using bitumen binder VG-30 (60/70 grade) to achieve
3.30% bitumen content.
21.75 Providing and laying 20 mm thick mix seal surfacing Type A on Sqm 170.00
prepared surface as wearing course with specified graded crushed
aggregates of 5.6mm and 11.2mm size 0.027 cum/sqm premixd with
modified bituminous binder at 2.20 kg/sqm consisting of 2.024 kg ofVG- 10
bitumen (80/100 grade) and Plastomeric Thermoplastics 0/Vaste Plastic
Additive) @ 0.176 kg, in hotmix plant 40/60 TPH, transporting the mixed
materials in tipper and laying with machanical paver finisher to required

----------- ----------- -

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

level and grade, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne, excluding cost of tack
coat, including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete
as per specifications. MORTH clause No.512
Providing and laying 20 mm thick mix seal surfacing Type B on Sqm 155.00
prepared surface as wearing course with specified graded crushed
aggregates of 5.6mm and 13.2mm size 0.027 cum/sqm premixd with
modified bituminous binder at 1.90 kg/sqm consisting of 1.748 kg of
VG- 10 bitumen (80/100 grade) and Plastomeric Thermoplastics (Waste
Plastic Additive)@ 0.152 kg, in hotmix plant 40/60 TPH, transporting the
mixed materials in tipper and laying with machanical paver finisher to
required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne, excluding
cost of tack coat, including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machineries
complete as per specifications. MORTH clause No.512
Providing and laying semi dense bituminous concrete using crushed
aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder and
filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a paver finisher
to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per
MORTH specification clause No. 508 complete in all respects complete
as per specifications.
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity HMP with Mechanical Paver, cum 7,465.00
Gr-1 (35 mm to 40 mm) with 4.5 % of modified bitumen binder consisting
of 4.14% of VG-10 Bitumen (80/100 grade) and 0.36% of Plastomeric
Thermoplastics (Waste plastic Additive).
- do - using 40/60 TPH capacity HMP, with Mechanical Paver, cum 8,000.00
Gr-II (25 mm to 30 mm) with 5 % of modified bitumen binder consisting
of 4.60% of VG-10 Bitumen (80/100 grade) and 0.40% of Plastomeric
Thermoplastics (Waste Plastic Additive)
Providing and laying bituminous concrete 40mm thick with hot mix
plant, using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with
bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying
with a paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling
with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 500.9 complete in all
respects complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 509
- do - using 40-60 TPH capacity HMP ,with mechanical paver grading cum 9,155.00
I (50-65mm) with 5.5% of modified bituminus binder consisting of
5.06% of VG-10 Bitumen (80/100 grade) and 0.44% of Plastomeric
Thermoplastics (Waste Plastic).
- do - using 40-60 TPH capacity HMP ,with mechanical paver grading cum 9,660.00
II (30-45mm) with6% of modified bituminus binder consisting of
5.52% of VG-10 Bitumen (80/100 grade) and 0.48% of Plastomeric
Thermoplastics (Waste Plastic).
Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA} as per section 515 of MORTH 5th Revision:
Providing and laying stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) using crushed
aggregates of specified grading (as per section 515 of MORTH 5th
Revision): premixed with modified bituminous binder containing
Palletized Cellous fibre at 0.3% (on loose fibre basis) on the weight of

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

total mix in the batch and filler(Hydrated lime dust @ 2% of weight of

aggregates, transporting the hot mix to work site, Laying with a paver
finisher to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth
wheeled, Vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction
as per MORTH specifications clause no. 515 complete in all respects
complete as per specification
Note: Pnumatic tyre roller must not be used

21.79.1 -do- using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with mechanical paver cum 10,630.00
SMA- 45mm to 75mm, compacted thickness with 5.8% VG-30 bitumen
as per MORTH 5 revision clause 515.
21.79.2 - do- using 40/60 TPH capacity H.M.P. with mechanical paver cum 10,570.00
SMA- 40mm to 50mm, compacted thickness with 5.8% VG-30 bitumen
as per MORTH 5 revision clause 515.

NOTE : KSRRB 500-11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19,

1. Labour for traffic control, watch and ward and other miscellaneous
duties at site including sundries have been included in administrative
overheads of the contactor.
2. Where tack coat is required to be provided before laying mastic
asphalt, the same is required to be measured and paid separately.
3. Where the contractors selected source of aggregates have poor
affinity for bitumen as a condition for the approval of that source the
bitumen shall be treated with approved anti stripping agent as per the
manufactures recommendations without additional payment.
While laying DBM, SDBC � BC mixes, it is desirable to compact and
prepare Marshall Stability Test specimens at the site, by taking the
mix from the paver (rather than from the hot mix plant site only)
and carry out (a) Marshall Stability tests (b) bitumen extraction
test and determination of bituminous binder content and gradation
of aggregates in the mix and (c) determination of density and
calculation of Density -Voids analysis. This will enable to determine
the properties of the mixes at the actual laying temperature.
In the case of MSS, it is sufficient to carry out bitumen extraction
test and to check the bitumen binder content and gradation of the
aggregates used while paving.

5. Item No. 21.24, 21.25, 21.48 to 21.52 are deleted.



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB M600- Cement concrete Pavements

KSRRB M600-1. Construction of dry lean cement concrete mix cum 3,775.00
CC1:5:10 with OPC cement @160Kgs, with 25mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregate at 0.86cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.58cum Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with (coarse and fine
aggregate conforming to IS: 383) aggregate cement ratio not to exceed
15: 1. Aggregate gradation after blending to be as per Table 600-1,
cement content not to be less than 160 kg/ cum, optimum moisture
content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength
not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported
to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes
vibratory roller, finishing and curing complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 601

KSRRB M600-2. Cement Concrete Pavement :- Construction of

un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over
a prepared sub base with 25mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregate with superplastisizer at 31ts conforming to
IS 9103-1999 reaffirmed 2008, (Coarse and fine aggregate conforming
to IS: 383) mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix
design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver,
spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including
provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints,
including groove cutting charges, joint filler, separation membrane,
sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod,
admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades
as per drawing complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 602
-do- with M30 @ 360 Kg/cum Cement, C.A, 0.69 cum F.A. 0.46 cum cum 6,710.00
-do-with M40 @ 420 Kg/cum Cement, C.A, 0.67 cum, F.A. 0.44 cum cum 7,170.00

KSRRB M600-3. Construction of Rolled Cement Concrete mix 1 :4:8 cum 3,915.00
OPC cement @180kgs, with 25mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregate at 0.85cum and fine aggregates @0.57cum
base course with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS:383,
aggregate cement ratio 12:1 and minimum cement content of 180kg/
cum, aggregate gradation to be as per Table 600-4 after blending,
mixing in batching plant at optimum moisture content, transporting to
site, laying with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10
tonnes smooth wheeled vibratory roller to achieve, the designed flexural
strength, finishing and curing complete as per specifications

KSRRB M600- Construction of Base / sub-base of pavement with

Lean Concrete flyash
KSRRB M600-5. Construction of Base sub-base mix 1:5:10 OPC cum 3,305.00
cement @160kgs, with 25mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregate at 0.86cum and fine aggregates @0.32cum using
r SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

cement, sand, flyash @ 0.26 and coarse aggregates proportioned as

per table 4 of IRC: 74-1979 and with water content ratio, slump and
compressive strength as defined in the said table, mix prepared in a
batching and mixing plant and compacted with a vibratory roller 8-1O
tonnes capacity within the time limit laid down vide clause 700.6.3 of IRC:
74-1979, construction joints properly formed at the end of days work,
> cured for 14 days, all as specified in IRC: 74-1979 and as per approved
ITi·! plans complete as per specifications (Fly ash content @0.26cum)
MORTH Specification No. Suggestive
KSRRB M600-Cement -Flyash concrete pavement
22.5 KSRRB M600-6. Construction of reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement cum 5,995.00
concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with OPC cement design
mix M30 at 360 kg per cum, with 25mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregate at 0.69cum and fine aggregates @0.46cum
with superplastisizer at 3Its conforming to IS 9103-1999 Reaffirmed
2008, coarse and fine aggregate. conforming to IS: 383, replacing
cement by fly ash to the extent of 15% and sand by 10%, mixed in a
batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to
site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and
finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction,
expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, including groove cutting
charges, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant,
debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing
compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as
per specifications MORTH Specification No. Suggestive
22.6 Cement concrete pavement.Construction of un-reinforced plain
cement concrete pavement, thickness as per design, over a prepared
sub base with OPC cement or any other type as per clause 1051.2.2
with 25mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates and
fine aggregtes , with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008 , mixed in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.6 cum
capacity and appropriate weigh batcher as per approved mix design,
laid in approved fixed side form work (steel channel, laying and fixing of
125 micron thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates including levelling
the form work as per drawing) & spreading the concrete with shovels,
rackers compacted using needle, screed and plate vibrator and finished
in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion,
construction and longitudinal joints, including groove cutting charges,
joint filler, separation membrane, selant primer, joint sealant, admixtures
as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per
drawing complete as per specifications.
22.6.1 M30 (at 360Kg per cum coarse aggregate @ 0.69cum and fine cum 5,775.00
aggregate @ 0.46cum)
22.6.2 M20 (at 300Kg per cum coarse aggregate @ 0.69cum and fine cum 5,125.00
aggregate @ 0.43cum)
22.7 Vaccum de-watering with vaccum pump and suction mat and Sqm 90.00
compaction with skin floater clubbed with floating disc including cost of

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

generator, HOM of machinery, Screed Vibratory, Power Floater, blade

and disc etc., with all lead and lift.
Providing groove cutting for width of 5mm to 10mm and depth
80mm-100mm including cost of cutting machine, generator & HOM of
machinery, including cost of blade,coolant etc., including cleaning of
groove & providing sand and hot bitumen fillers, and filler metal etc.,
including cost of conveyance of all materials, labour, lead and lift charges
and all other incidental charges as per drawing and as per specifications.

- do- for concrete pavement Rmt. 115.00

8.2 - do- for asphalt pavement Rmt. 75.00


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB M700-1. Construction of sub surface drain 200 mm dia m 582.00

using geotextilestreated with carbon black with physical properties as
·· given in clause 700.2.2.3 formed in to a stable network and a planar
geocomposites structure, joints wrapped with geotextiles to prevent
ingress of soil, all as per clause 700.2 and approved drawings including
excavation and backfilling complete as per specifications.MORTH
Specification No. 702

KSRRB M700-2. Construction of a narrow filter sub- surface drain m 815.00

Narrow Filter Sub-Surface Drain consisting of porous or perforated
pipe laid in narrow trench surrounded by a geotextiles filter fabric, with
a minimum of 450 mm overlap of fabric and installed as per clause
700.2.3 and 300.9.3.5 including excavation and backfilling complete
as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 702.4

KSRRB M700-3. Laying Paving Fabric Beneath a Pavement Overlay:­ Sqm 88.00
Providing and laying paving fabric with physical requirements
as per Table 704-2 over a tack coat of paving grade Bitumen 80-100
penetration, laid at the rate of 1 kg per sqm over thoroughly cleaned
and repaired surface to provide a water resistant membrane and crack
retarding layer. Paving fabric to be free of wrinkling and folding and
to be laid before cooling of tack coat, brooming and rolling of surface
with pneumatic roller to maximise paving fabric contact with pavement
surface complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 703

KSRRB M700-4. Laying Boulder Apron in Crates of Synthetic cum 4,470.00

Geogrids:- Providing, preparing and laying of geogrids crated apron
1 m x 5 m, 600 mm thick including excavation and backfilling with baffles
at 1 metre interval, made with geogrids having characteristics as per
clause 700.4.2, joining sides with connectors/ring staples, top comers
to be tie tensioned, placing of suitable cross interval ties in layers of 300
mm connecting opposite side with lateral braces and tied with polymer
braids to avoid bulging, constructed as per clause 700.4.3. filled with
stone with minimum size of 200 mm and specific gravity not less than
2.65, packed with stone spalls, keyed to the foundation recess in case of
sloping ground and laid over a layer of geotextiles to prevent migration
of fines, all as per clause 700.4 and laid as per clause and
approved design complete as per specifications.MORTH Specification
No. 704




Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB 800-1. Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic Sqm 62.50
enamel paint in approved shades on new plastered concrete surfaces,
with materials, labour complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 8
KSRRB M800-2. Retro-Reflectorised Traffic Signs - Providing and
fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign
as per revised IRC :67- 2012 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide
clause 800.1.3, fixed over Aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported
on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to
the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade
cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level
as per approved drawing complete as per specifications. MORTH
Specification No.801
90 cm equilaterial triangle -Type IV No 3,670.00
90 cm equilaterial triangle -Type XI No 3,875.00
60cm equilateral triangle -Type IV No 2,555.00
60cm equilateral triangle -Type XI No 2,687.00
60cm circular -Type IV No 3,090.00
60cm circular -Type XI No 3,258.00
80mm x 60mm rectangular -Type IV No 3,920.00
80mm x 60mm rectangular -Type XI No 4,145.00
60cm x 45 cm rectangular -Type IV No 3,035.00
60cm x 45 cm rectangular -Type XI No 3,200.00
60cm x 60 cm square -Type IV 3,415.00
60cm x 60 cm square -Type XI No 3,605.00
90 cm high octagon -Type IV No 4,730.00
90 cm high octagon -Type XI No 5,009.00
KSRRB M800-3. Direction and Place Identification Signs upto
0.9 sqm Size Board - Providing and erecting direction and place
identification retro-reflectorised sign as per revised IRC:67-2012 made of
high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 800.1.3, fixed over aluminium
sheeting, 2 mm thick with area not exceeding 0.9 sqm supported on a
mild steel single angle iron post 75 x 75 x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground
by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement
concrete 45 x 45 x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved
drawing complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No.801
24.3.1 _do_ Using Type IV sheeting Sqm 7,255.00
24.3.2 _do_ Using Type XI sheeting Sqm 7,701.00

; ,, ,

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

24.4 KSRRB M800-4. Direction and Place Identification Signs with size
more than 0.9 sqm Size Board Providing and erecting direction and
. place identification retro- reflectorised sign as per revised IRC :67-2012
made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 800.1.3, fixed over
aluminium sheeting, 2 mm thick with area exceeding 0.9 sqm supported

on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm, 2 Nos. firmly
'. fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15
·, grade cement concrete45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground
:. � level as per approved drawing complete as per specifications. MORTH
ii Specification No.801
24.4.1 _do_ Using Type IV sheeting Sqm 7,650.00
24.4.2 _do_ Using Type XI sheeting Sqm 8,117.00

24.5 KSRRB M800-5.1. Over head Signs:-Providing and erecting overhead Tonne 93,040.00
signs with a corrosion resistant 2mm thick aluminium alloy sheet
reflectorised with high intensity retro-reflective sheeting of encapsulated
lense type with vertical and lateral clearance given in clause 800.2.2
and 800.2.3 and installed as per clause 800.2.7 over a designed support
system of aluminium alloy or galvanised steel trestles and trusses of
sections and type as per structural design requirements and approved
plans complete as per specifications.
A. Truss and Vertical Support
MORTH Specification No.802
24.6 KSRRB M800-5.2. Providing and erecting overhead signs with a Sqm 7,510.00
corrosion resistant 2mm thick aluminium alloy sheet reflectorised with ;1
high intensity retro-reflective sheeting of encapsulated lense type with Jl
vertical and lateral clearance given in clause 800.2.2 and 800.2.3 and
installed as per clause 800.2.7 over a designed support system of
aluminium alloy or galvanised steel trestles and trusses of sections and
type as per structural design requirements and approved plans complete
as per specifications.
B. Aluminimum Alloy Plate for Over Head Sign
MORTH Specification No.802
KSRRB M800- Painting Letters
24.7 KSRRB M800-6. Painting two coats on New Concrete Surface:- Sqm 71.00
Painting two coats after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint
in all shades on new plastered concrete surfaces complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 803
24.8 KSRRB M800-7. Painting:-Providing and applying two coats of ready
mix paint of approved brand after through cleaning of surface to give
an even shade complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 803
24.8.1 -do- Painting on Steel Surface Sqm 62.00
24.8.2 -do- Painting on Wood Surface Sqm 70.00

----------------------- ------------- -----

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRBM800-9. Painting New Letter and Figures of any Shade with cm 0.71
synthetic enamel paint black or any other approved colour to give an
even shade complete as per specifications. ("i)Hindi ( Matras commas
and the like not to be measured and paid for half letter shall be counted
as half)"
MORTH Specification No. 803
KSRRB M800-10. Painting new letter and figures of any shade with cm 0.44
synthetic enamel paint black or any other approved colour to give an
even shade complete as per specifications. ("ii) English and Roman -
Hyphen and the like not to be measured and paid for "
MORTH Specification No.801
KSRRB M800-11.1.Painting lines, dashes, arrows etc.,on Roads in Sqm 130.00
two coats on New Work:-Painting lines, dashes, arrows etc on roads in
two coats on new work with ready mixed road marking paint conforming
to IS:164 on bituminous surface, including cleaning the surface of all
dirt, dust and other foreign matter, demarcation at site and traffic control
complete as per specifications. i) Over 10 cm in width.
MORTH Specification No. 803
KSRRB M800-11.2. Painting lines, dashes, arrows etc.,on Roads in Sqm 118.00
two coats on New Work:-Painting lines, dashes, arrows etc on roads in
two coats on new work with ready mixed road marking paint conforming
to IS:164 on bituminous surface, including cleaning the surface of all
dirt, dust and other foreign matter, demarcation at site and traffic control
complete as per specifications.ii) Upto 10 cm in width
MORTH Specification No. 803
KSRRB M800-12.1.Painting lines, dashes, arrows etc.,on Roads in Sqm 105.00
two coats on Old Work:-Painting lines, dashes, arrows etc on roads in
two coats on old work with ready mixed road marking paint conforming
to IS: 164 on bituminous surface, including cleaning the surface of all
dirt, dust and other foreign matter, demarcation at site and traffic control
complete as per specifications. i) Over 10 cm in width
MORTH Specification No. 803
KSRRB M800-12.2 -do- ii) Upto 10 cm in width Sqm 92.00
MORTH Specification No. 803
KSRRB M800-13.Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Sqm 535.00
Compound with Reflectrising Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface:-
Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm
thick including reflectorising glass beads at 250 gms per sqm area,
thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per
IRC:35. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks
and holes complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 803
--·�·-· . �............. "


SI. No. Description Unit Rate

. j•
Rs. Ps
KSRRB 800- Kilometre stone
24.16 KSRRB M800-14.1. Reinforced cement concrete M-15 Grade 5th Nos 3,155.00
kilometre stone of standard design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position
including painting and printing etc complete as per specifications.
Including additional M-15 concrete pedestal of 0.2mt. height above G.L.

MORTH Specification No. 804
24.17 KSRRB M800-14.2. Reinforced cement concrete M-15 Grade kilometre Nos 1,980.00
stone of standard design as per IRC:8-1980, fixing in position including
painting and printing etc complete as per specifications. Including
I additional M-15 concrete pedestal of 0.2mt. height above G.L.
MORTH Specification No. 804

24.18 KSRRB M800-14.3. Reinforced cement concrete M-15 Grade Nos 600.00
hectometer stone of standard design as per IRC:26-1980, fixing in
position including painting and printing etc complete as per specifications.
Including additional M-15 concrete pedestal of 0.2mt. height above G.L. .,,

MORTH Specification No. 804 '1

24.19 KSRRB M800-15. Road Delineators:-Supplying and installation of Nos 430.00
delineators (road way indicators, hazard markers, object markers),
80-100 cm high above ground level, painted black and white in 15 cm
wide strips, fitted with 80 x 100 mm rectangular or 75 mm dia circular
reflectorised panels at the top, buried or pressed into the ground and
conforming to IRC-79 and the drawings complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 805
24.20 KSRRB M800-16. Boundry Pillar:- Reinforced cement concrete M-15 Nos 390.00
grade boundry pillars of standard design as per IRC:25-1967, fixed in
position including finishing and lettering but excluding painting complete
as per specifications. · MORTH Specification No. 806
KSRRB M800- Fencing/ Railing
24.21 KSRRB M800-17. G.I. Barbed Wire Fencing 1.2 Metre High-Providing m 240.00
and fixing 1.2 metres high GI barbed wire fencing with 1.8 m angle iron
posts 40 mm x 40 mm ·x 6 mm placed every 3 metres center to center
founded in M15 grade cement concrete, 0.6 metre below ground level,
every 15th post, last but one end post and comer post shall be strutted
on both sides and end post on one side only and provided with 9
horizontal lines and 2 diagonals interwoven with horizontal wires, fixed
with GI staples, tum buckles etc complete as per clause 800.7 .as per
specifications. MORTH Specification No. 807
24.22 KSRRB M800-18. G.I. Barbed Wire Fencing 1.8 Metre High:- Providing m 415.00
and fixing 1.8 metres high GI barbed wire fencing with 2.4 m angle iron
posts 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm placed every 3 metres center to center
founded in M-15 grad'3 cement concrete, 0.6 metre below ground
level, every 15th post, last but one end post and corner post shall be
strutted on both sides and end post on one side only and provided with
12 horizontal lines and 2 diagonals interwoven with horizontal wires,
fixed with GI staples, turn buckles etc complete as per clause 800.7 as
per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 807

------------------·-·-·- · - ·

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M800-19. Fencing with Welded Steel Wire Fabric 75mm x m 640.00
50mm:-Providing 1.20 metre high fencing with angle iron posts 50 mm
x 50 mm x 6 mm at 3 metre center to center with 0.40 metre embedded
in M15 grade cement concrete, comer, end and every 10th post to be
strutted, provided with welded steel wire fabric of 75 mm x 50 mm mesh
or 75 mm x 25 mm mesh and fixed to iron posts by flat iron 50 x 5 mm
and bolts etc. complete in all respects as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No.Suggestive
KSRRB M800-20.Tubular Steel Railing on Medium Weight Steel m 1,600.00
Channel {ISMC Series} 100 mm x 50mm:-Providing, fixing and erecting
50 mm dia steel pipe railing in 3 rows duly painted on medium weight
steel channels (ISMC series) 100 mm x 50 mm, 1.2 metres high above
ground, 2 m centre to centre, complete as per approved drawings as
per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 808
KSRRB M800-21.Tubular Steel Railing on Precast RCC Posts, 1.2m m 1,218.00
High Above Ground Level:-Providing, fencing and erecting 50 mm dia
painted steel pipe railing in 3 rows on precast M-20 Grade RCC vertical
posts1.8 metres high (1.2 m above GL) with 3 holes 50 mm dia for pipe, fixed
2 metres centre to, complete as per approved drawing as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 808
KSRRB MS00- Crash Barrier
KSRRB M800-22.Reinforced Cement Concrete Crash Barrier:­ m 3,270.00
Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges
of the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians, constructed
with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to
IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints
filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on
which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to
MOST circular No. RW / NH - 33022/1/94-DO Ill dated 24 June 1994
as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by
the Engineer, all as specified complete as per specifications. MORTH
Specification No. 809
KSRRB M800-23.1. Metal Beam Crash Barrier:-Providing and erecting m 2,777.00
a "W" metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated
sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC
series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to
centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below ground/road level, all steel parts and
fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to
IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with
a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long complete
as per clause 800.10 complete as per specifications. Excluding cost of
earth work excavation and pee for fixing. A. Type - A, "W"
MORTH Specification No. 810
KSRRB M800-23.2. Metal Beam Crash Barrier:-Providing and erecting
a "Thrie" metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated m 4,330.00
sheet metal beam rail, 85 cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC
series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to
centre, 2m high with 1.15m below ground level, all steel parts and
fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to
-----...-F ·c

Si. No, Description Rate

Rs, Ps.

IS: 1367 and IS: 1364, metal beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with
a space of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 546 mm long complete
as per clause 800.10 complete as per specifications. Excluding cost of
earth work excavation & PCC for fixing. B. Type - B, "THRIE"
MORTH Specification No. 810
24.29 KSRRB M800-24. Flexible Crash Barrier, Wire Rope Safety Barrier: m 2,20!5JJO
Providing and erecting a wire rope safety barrier with vertical posts of
medium weight RS Joist (ISMS series) 100 mm x 75 mm (11.50 kg/m),
1.50 m long 0.85 m above ground and 0.65 m below ground level, split
at the bottom for better grip, embedded in M-15 Grade cement concrete
450 x 450 x 450 mm, 1.50 m center to center and with 4 horizontal steel
wire rope 40 mm dia and anchored at terminal posts 15 m apart. Terminal
post to be embedded in M 15 grade cement concrete foundation 2400
x 450 x 900 mm (depth), strengthened by a strut of RS joist 100 x 75
mm, 2 m long at 45° inclination and a tie 100 x 8 mm, 1.50 m long at the
bottom, all embedded in foundation concrete as per approved design
and drawing, rate excluding excavation and cement concrete complete
as per specifications. Excluding cost of earth work excavation & PCC
for fixing. MORTH Specification No. Suggestive
KSRRB MS00- Anti-Glare devices in Median
24.30 KSRRB M800-26.2. Providing and erecting an anti - glare screen with Each 2,720.00
25 mm dia vertical pipes fabricated and framed in the form of panels
of one metre length and 1.75 metre height fixed with circular vane 250
mm dia at top and rectangular vane 600 x 300 mm at the middle, made
out of steel sheet of 3 mm thickness, end vertical pipes of the panel
made larger for embedding in foundation concrete, applying 2 coats of
paint on all exposed surfaces, all as per approved design and drawings
complete as per specifications. B. Anti-glare screen with 25 mm steel
pipe framework fixed with circular and rectangular vanes. Excluding
cost of earth work excavation & PCC for fixing.
MORTH Specification No. Suggestive
24.31 KSRRB M800-26.3. Providing and erecting anti - glare screen with m . 940.00
rectangular vanes of size 750 x 500 mm made from MS sheet, 3 mm
thick and fixed on MS angle 50 x 50 x 6 mm at an angle of 45° to the
direction of flow of traffic, 1.5 m center to center, top edge of the screen
1.75 m above ground level, vertical post firmly embedded in M-15
cement concrete foundation 0.60 m below ground level, applying 2
coats of paint on exposed faces, all complete as per approved design
and drawings complete as per specifications.C. Anti-glare screen with
rectangular vane MS sheet. Excluding cost of earth work excavation &
PCC for fixing. MORTH Specification No. Suggestive
KSRRB MS00 - Street lighting
24.32 KSRRB M800-27. Providing and erecting street light mounted on a Each 13,220.00
steel circular hollow pole of standard specifications for street lighting,
9 m high spaced 40 m apart, 1.8 m overhang on both sides if fixed in
the median and on one side if fixed on the footpath, fitted with sodium
vapour lamp and fixed firmly in concrete foundation complete as per
specifications. Excluding cost of earth work excavation & PCC for fixing.
MORTH Specification No. Suggestive

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M800-28. Lighting on Bridges : Providing and fixing lighting Each 8,855.00
on bridges, mounted on steel hollow circular poles of standard
specifications, 5 m high fixed on parapets with cement concrete, 20 m
apart and fitted with sodium vapour lamp complete as per specifications
KSRRB M800- Cable Duct Across the road
KSRRB M800-29.1. Providing and laying of a reinforced cement m 1,650.00
concrete pipe duct, 300 mm dia, across the road (new construction),
extending from drain to drain in cuts and toe of slope to toe of slope in
fills, constructing head walls at both ends, providing a minimum fill of
granular material over top and sides of RCC pipe as per IRC:98-1997,
bedded on a 0.3 m thick layer of granular material free of rock pieces, outer
to outer distance of pipe at least half dia of pipe subject to minimum450
mm in case of double and triple row ducts, joints to be made leak proof,
invert level of duct to be above higher than ground level to prevent entry of
water and dirt, all as per IRC: 98 - 1997 and approved drawings complete
as per specifications. Case - I : Single row for one utility service
KSRRB M800-29.2. -do-Case -11: Double row for two utility services m 3,050.00
KSRRB M800-29.3. -do-Case-Ill :Triple row for three utility services. m 4,470.00
KSRRB M800-Gantry mounted variable message sign board
KSRRB M800-33.1. Providing and erecting gantry mounted variable Tonne 90,230.00
· message sign board electronically operated capable of flashing the
desired message over a designed support system of aluminium alloy or
galvanised steel, erected as per approved design and drawings and with
lateral clearance as per clause 800.2.3 complete as perspecifications.
i) Gantry Support System
KSRRB M800-34Traffic input attenuators at abutments and piers
KSRRB M800-34.1. Providing and installation of traffic attenuators at Sqm 1,815.00
abutment/pier of flyovers bridges using scrap tyres of size 100 x 20
retrieved from trucks laid in 2 rows and 4 tiers, one above the other
and tied with 20 mm wire rope as per approved design and drawings
complete as per specifications
KSRRB M800-34.2. Providing and installation of traffic impact attenuator Sqm 1,210.00
at abutment/pier of flyovers bridges using plastic/steel barrels 0.60 m
dia and 1.0 m in height, filled with sand in three rows and tied with20
mm steel wire rope as per approved design and drawings complete as
per specifications. B. Using Plastic / steel Barrel, Filled with Sand
KSRRB M800-34.3. Providing and installing a patentend HI - DRO Sqm 970.00
cell system as a traffic impact attenuators, using plastic tubes 50 cm
dia, 1.2 m in height, 25 mm opening at the top, placed in three rows,
filled with water and tied with a 20 mm steel wire rope complete as
per specifications. (In this patented HI - ORO cell system, water gets
discharged from plastic tubes on impact over a pre-determined time,
thus absorbing the energy) C. With HI - ORO Cell Sandwich (Patented)
KSRRB M800 Road markers / Road stud
KSRRB M800-35. Providing and fixing of road stud 100x 100 mm, Nos 350.00
die-cast in aluminium, resistant to corrosive effect of salt and grit, fitted

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

with lense reflectors, installed in concrete or asphaltic surface by drilling "·

hole 30 mm upto a depth of 60 mm and bedded in a suitable bituminous !

grout or epoxy mortar, all as per BS: 873 part 4:1973 complete as per
KSRRB M800- Traffic cone
24.42 KSRRB M800-36. Provision of red fluorescent with white reflective Nos

650.00 $�
sleeve traffic cone made of low density polyethylene (LOPE) material ·�
with a square base of 390 x 390 x 35 mm and a height of 770 mm, 4 kg
in weight, placed at 1.5 m interval, all as per BS: 873 complete as per
KSRRB M800- policeman umbrella
24.43 KSRRB M800-39. Provision of a 2 m high (floor to roof) umbrella for Nos 4,340.00
traffic policeman at road crossings, where necessary, installed on a
raised platform, built on a central support of a steel pipe 100 mm dia, roof
made of 25 mm dia steel pipe to provide covered area of 3 sqm, roofed
with CGI sheets, all steel parts to be given 2 coats of paint complete as
per specifications

KSRRB M800-Portable barricade in construction zone

24.44 KSRRB M800-43. Installation of a steel portaqle barricade with horizontal Each 3,395.00
rail 300 mm wide, 2.5 m in length fitted on a '/\ frame made with 45 x
45 x 5 mm angle iron section, 1.5 m in height, horizontal rail painted
(2 coats) with yellow and white stripes, 150 mm in width at an angle
of 45°, 'I\ frame painted with 2 coats of yellow paint, complete as per
IRC:SP:55-2001 complete as per specifications.
KSRRB M800-Permanent type barricade in construction zone
24.45 KSRRB M800-44.1. Construction of a permanent type barricade made Each 5,365.00
of steel components, 1.5 m high from road level, fitted with 3 horizontal
rails 200 mm wide and 4 m long on 50 x 50 x 5 mm angle iron vertical
. support, painted with yellow and white strips, 150 mm in width at an angle
of 45°, complete as per IRC:SP:55-2001 complete as per specifications.
A. With steel components
24.46 KSRRB M800-44.2. Construction of a permanent type barricade made of Each 5,935.00
wooden components, 1.5 m high from road level, fitted with 3 horizontal
planks 200 mm wide and 3.66 m long on 100 x 100mm wooden vertical
post, painted with yellow and white strips, 150 mm in width at an angle
of 45°, complete as per IRC:SP:55-2001 complete as per specifications.
B. With Wooden components
24.47 KSRRB M800-44.3. Construction of a permanent type barricade made Each 14,390.00
with brick work in mud mortar, 1.5 m high, 4 m long, 600 mm thick,
plastered with cement mortar 1 :6, painted with yellow and white strips
complete as per specifications. C. With bricks


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M800-Drum delineator in construction zone

KSRRB M800-45. Provision of metal drum/empty bitumen drum Each 450.00
delineator, 300 mm in diameter, 800 mm high, filled with earth for stability,
painted in circumferential strips of alternate black and white 100 mm
wide fitted with reflectors 3 Nos of 7.5 cm dia, all as per IRC:SP:55-2001
complete as per specifications.
KSRRB M800-Flagman
KSRRB M800-46. Positioning of a smart flagman with a yellow vest and Each 344.00
a yellow cap and a red flag 600 x 600 mm securely fastened to a staff
1 m in length for guiding the traffic complete as per specifications
Supplying and fixing in position new guard stones of granite/trap/sand Each 150.00
stone/shahabad roughly dressed, of size 700mm x 200mm x 200mm
including excavation, painting with white and black paint 15cm wide
strip alternatively etc., complete.
Removing and verifying guard stones/KM stones/ boundary stones, in Each 30.00
a complete manner embedded in earth excluding painting.
Providing and fixing RCC precast guard stones of size 0.23mx0.23mx1.Sm Each 2,240.00
casted in cc 1:1.5:3 with 20mm down size aggregates using 10mm dia
vertical 4TMT steel rods and 8 mm dia stirrups at 20 cm c/c fixed 0.90
m above Ground level using steel moulding, Curing, transportation to
work spot including excavation in hard soil fixing in plain cement concrete
1 :2:4 using 20mm downsize aggregate including aligning to plumb and
line providing enamel painting to exposed faces in alternate black and
white strips and painting with reflective paint on top of guard stone with
a width of 10 cm including cost of all materials, labour, hire charge of
machineries complete. (As per drawing)
Demarcation of right of way (Row) as per land plan survey using total Km 6,613.00
station/DGPS/any other suitable survey method including calculation of
co-ordinates of 200mts interval on both side of the road.

Lettering and arrow marks on sign board to be provided separately

as per actual requirement. Rates for these items have been analysed
Rate for excavation, cement concrete M ..15 and painting may be taken
from respective chapters.
Excavation and backfilling are incidental to work and not to be
measured separately.
In the case of median crash barrier, 'W metal beam or their beam section
should be provided on both sides of the vertical posts fixed in the median.
Extra provision for metal beam railing and spacer is required to be made
when fixed in the median depending on approved design.
Plantation of shrubs and plants of approved species in the median apart
from cutting off glare from vehicle coming from opposite direction, these
plants provide a pleasant environment and are eco-friendly.



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Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB 1100- Bored/ Cast-in-situ R.C.C. piles
KSRRB 1100-1. Bored/ Cast-in-situ R.C.C. 1000mm dia. piles with m 26,700.00
OPC cement design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregtes
@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008 excluding reinforcement as per drawings including
cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete as per
specifications. MORTH /Chapter 12
-do- M30, 1000mm dia piles 360 Kg Cement, C.A. 0.69 M3, F.A 0.46 M3 m 26,137.00
-do- M35, 1000mm dia piles 390 Kg Cement, C.A. 0.69 M , F.A 0.45 M
3 3
m 26,348.00
Note : The above items ie. 25.1, 25.1.1, 25.1.2, are to adopted only
after obtaining approval from S.E.
KSRRB 1100-2. Driving cast-in-place vertical R.C.C. 500mm dia. m 9,040.00
piles with OPC cement design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and
fine aggregtes @ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008 excluding reinforcement as per drawings
including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machineries complete
as per specifications. MORTH / Chapter 12
-do- M30, 500mm dia piles 360 Kg Cement, C.A. 0.69 M3, F.A 0.46 M3 m 8,854.00
-do- M35, 500mm dia piles 390 Kg Cement, C.A. 0.69 M3, F.A 0.45 M3 m 8,907.00
KSRRB M1100-3.1. Bored cast-in-situ R.C.C. Pile with OPC cement m 5,870.00
design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.45cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
excluding Reinforcement complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications and removal of excavated earth with all lifts and lead
upto 1000 m complete as per specifications. A. Pile diametre =750 mm
MORTH Specification No. 1100 & 1700
KSRRB M1100-3.2. -do- B. PIie diametre = 1000 mm m 9,750.00
MORTH Specification No.1100, 1600 & 1700
KSRRB M1100.3.3. -do- C. Pile diametre = 1200 mm m 12,710.00
MORTH Specification No.1100 & 1700
KSRRB M1100 Driven cast-in-place R.C.C. Pile
KSRRB M1100-4.1. Driven cast-in-place vertical R.C.C. Pile with OPC m 4,840.00
cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates@0.68cum and fine aggregtes@0.45cum,
with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
excluding Reinforcement complete as per Drawing and & Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. Pile diametre = 750 mm
MORTH Specification No.1100 & 1700
KSRRB M1100-4.2. -do-Pile diametre = 1000 mm MORTH Specification m 7,855.00
No.1100 & 1700
KSRRB M1100-4.3.-do- Pile diametre = 1200 mm MORTH Specification m 11,455.00
No.1100 & 1700
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
, "
:,i. �
:,f '
25.9 KSRRB M 1100-4.4. Driven precast vertical circular R.C.C. Piles with m 2,245.00
OPC cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.68cum and fine aggregtes
@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9 103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008, excluding Reinforcement complete as per Drawing
and & Technical Specification complete as per specifications.Pile

diametre = 500 mm
MORTH Specification No. 1100 & 1700
25.10 KSRRB M1100-4.5. -do- Pile diametre = 750 mm m 3,915.00
MORTH Specification No. 1100 & 1700
\: 25.11 KSRRB M1100- 4.6. -do- Pile diametre = 1000 mm m 6,590.00
i MORTH Specification No.1100 & 1700

25.12 KSRRB M1100- 4.7. Driven precast vertical R.C.C. Piles with OPC m 1,480.00
cementdesign mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregtes @
0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9 103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008, excluding Reinforcement complete as per Drawing
and & Technical Specification complete as per specifications. Size of
pile = 300 mm x 300 mm
MORTH Specification No.1100 & 1700

25.13 KSRRB M1100- 4.8. -do- Size of pile = 500 mm x 500 mm m 2,530.00
MORTH Specification No.1100 & 1700

25.14 KSRRB M1100-4.9. -do- Size of pile = 750 mm x 750 mm m 4,950.00

MORTH Specification No.1100 & 1700

25.15 KSRRB M1100-5. Driven Vertical Steel Piles as per Drawing and & m 7,760.00
Technical Specification complete as per specifications. Section of the pile
=H Section steel column 400 x 250 mm (ISHB Series) �
MORTH Specification No.1100 & 1900 !
25.16 KSRRB M1100-6. Driven Vertical Steel Piles as per Drawing and & m 8,755.00
Technical Specification complete as per specifications. Section of the pile
=H Section steel column 450 x 250 mm (ISHB Series)
MORTH Specification No.1100 & 1900

KSRRB M1100- Pile Cap

25.18 KSRRB M1100-8.1. Cement Concrete for Reinforced Concrete in cum 5,770.00
Pile Cap as per Drawing and Technical Specification complete as per
specifications. A. RCC with OPC cement design mix M20 @ 320kgs,
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregtes@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3Its
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Case-I: Using Concrete Mixer
MORTH Specification No.1100, 1500 & 1700
25.19 KSRRB M1100-8.2. -do- A. RCC with OPC cement design mix cum 5,595.00
M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.46cum, with
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

superplastisiser @31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008

Case-II: Using Batching Plant, T ransit Mixer and Concrete Pum p
MORTH Specification No.1100, 1500 & 1700

KSRRB M 1100-9.1. Cement Concrete for Reinforced Concrete in cum 5,985.00

Pile Cap as per Drawing and Technical Specification complete as per
specifications. B. RCC with OPC cement design mix M25 @ 340kgs,
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.7cum and fine aggregtes@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser@31ts
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2009.
Case-I: Using Concrete Mixer
MORTH Specification No.1100, 1500 & 1700

KSRRB M 1100-9.2. -do- B . RCC with OPC cement design mix cum 5,940.00
M25 @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.47cum, with
superplastisiser@31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2009.
Case-II: Using Batching Plant, T ransit Mixer and Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No.1100, 1500 & 1700

KSRRB M1100-10.1. Cement Concrete for Reinforced Concrete in Pile cum 6,150.00
Cap per Drawing and Technical Specification complete as per s pecifications.
C. RCC with OPC cement design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and
fine aggregtes @ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @31ts confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008.
Case-I: Using Concrete Mixer
MORTH Specification No.1100, 1500 & 1700

KSRRB M1100-10.2. -do- C. RCC with OPC cement design mix cum 6,110.00
M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.46cum, with
superplastisiser@31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008.
Case-II: Using Batching Plant, T ransit Mixer and Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No.1100, 1500 & 1700

KSR RB M 1100-11.1. Cement Concrete for Reinforced Concrete cum 6,400.00

in Pile Cap complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
complete as per specifications.D. RCC with OPC cement design
mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.45cum, with
superplastisiser@31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008.
Case-I: Using Concrete Mixer
MORTH Specification No.1100, 1500 & 1700

KSRRB M1100-11.2. -do- D. RCC with OPC cement design mix cum 6,370.00
M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.45cum, with
superplastisiser @31ts confirming to IS9103-1 999 Reaffirmed-2008.
Case-II: Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No.1100, 1500 & 1700

1 93
--· --�- �-------------

SI.No . Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M1100-Levelling course for Pile Cap

25.26 KSRRB M1100-12. Providing and laying of PCC M 15 levelling course 100 cum 4,260.00
mm thick below the pile cap complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 1100 & 1700

KSRRB M1100- Supplying, Fitting and Placing un-coated HYSD bar/

MS Bar
25.27 KSRRB M1100-13. Supplying, Fitting and Placing un-coated TMT bar Foundation as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.1600
25.27.2 -do- TMT bars Fe 500 Tonne 60,460.00
25.27.3 -do- TMT bars Fe 550 Tonne 61,140.00
25.28 KSRRB M1100-14. Supplying, fitting and placing un-coated Mild steel Tonne 56,270.00
reinforcement in foundation as per drawing and technical specification
complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No.1600
25.29 Trail Bores : Drilling 80mm dia hole through all kinds of soil using casing m 1,155.00
shoe bit vertical or inclined up to 10 degree to vertical, as directed includ­
ing cost of materials, machineries, labour, water charges, remaining,
collection of wash samples at suitable intervals, logging and leaving,
supplying honne wood core box, fixing casing pipes (excluding cost of
casing pipes etc., complete.
25.30 Trail Bores: Drilling 76mm dia (NX) core hole in soft rock using diamond m 2,250.00
core bit vertical or inclined up to 10 degree to vertical, as directed in­
cluding cost of materials, machineries, labour, water charges, collection
of core samples, logging and leaving, supplying honne wood core box
including cement grounding (excluding cost of cement for grouting) and
re-drilling in case of collapse of sides etc., complete.
25.31 Trail Bores: Drilling 76 mm dia (NX) core hole in Hard rock using dia­ m 4,410.00
mond core bit vertical or inclined up to 10 degree to vertical as directed
including cost of materials, machineries, labour, including cement
grouting (excluding cost of cement for grouting) and re-drilling incase
of collapse of sides etc., complete.

Note: KSRRB 1100.1, KSRRB 1100.2

Note 1 : Rate for 450mm dia, 550mm dia, 750mm dia. piles and
1200mm. dia. piles can be extrapolated as per proportion of pile
cross-sectional area.

Note 2 : Item No. 25. 1 is to be adopted :

a) Only where manual labour is used for removal of excavated
earth, disposal of excavated earth etc. and when only pilling
rig and Betonite pump machinery is used.
Note 3: Items No. 25.2, 25.2.1, 25.2.2, 25.3, 25.4, 25.5, 25.6, 25.7,
25.8, 25.9, 25.10, 25.11, 25.12, 25.13 & 25.14 are to be adopted
where entire work is taken up using machinery.



-- - --�------�-- --- -----------


--- ------ - -

SI.No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.


KSRRB M1200-Temporary Island
KSRRB M1200-1.1. Providing and Constructing Temporary Island 16 m No 1,30,760.00
diameter for Construction of Well Foundation for 8m dia Well complete as
per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 1200
KSRRB M1200-1.2. Providing and Constructing Temporary Island 16 m No 8,40,410.00
diameter for Construction of Well Foundation for 8m dia Well complete as
per specifications. B. Assuming depth of water 4.0 m and height of island
MORTH Specification No. 1200
KSRRB M1200-1.3. Providing and Constructing Temporary Island 16 m m 4,750.00
diameter for Construction of Well Foundation for 8m dia Well complete as
per specifications. C. Providing and constructing one span service road
to reach island location from one pier location to another pier location-
Assuming span length 30 m, width of service road 10 m & depth of water
1 mMORTH Specification No. 1200
KSRRB M1200- Providing and Laying Cutting Edge of Mild Steel
KSRRB M1200-2. Providing and Laying Cutting Edge of Mild Steel Tonne 1,02,970.00
weighing 40 kg per metre for Well Foundation complete as per Drawing
and Technical Specification complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.1200 & 1900
KSRRB M1200- Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete
KSRRB M1200-3.1. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification.
MORTH Specification No. 1200,1500 & 1700
KSRRB M1200-3.1 i) RCC with OPC cement design mix M20 @ cum 7,505.00
320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with
superplastisiser@31ts confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008

KSRRB M1200-3.2 ii) RCC with OPC cement design mix M25 @ cum 7,770.00
340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum, with
superplastisiser@31ts confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
KSRRB M1200-3.3. iii) RCC with OPC cement design mix M35 cum 8,250.00
@ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates @ 0.45cum, with
superplastisiser@31ts confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008

26.5.4 KSRRB M1200-4.1. i) PCC design mix M15 with OPC cement cum 5,445.00
@ 240kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates@0.63cum and fine aggregates@ 0.42cum

KSRRB M1200-4.2. ii) PCC with OPC cement design mix M 20 cum 6,470.00
@ 300kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.64cum and fine aggregates @ 0.43cum, with
superplastisiser@31ts confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008



SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

26.5.6 KSRRB M1200-4.3. iii) RCC with OPC cement design mix M20 cum 6,925.00 %.
@ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with ii

superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
26.5.7 KSRRB M1200-4.4. iv) PCC with OPC cement design mix cum 7,075.00 !,
M25 @ 340kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008

26.5.8 KSRRB M1200-4.5. v) RCC with OPC cement design mix cum 7,170.00
M25 @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal "'"-,

coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum, with ·d

superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008 i

-� I

26.5.9 KSRRB M1200-4.6. vi) PCC with OPC cement design mix M30 cum 7,245.00 !
@ 360kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
26.5.10 KSRRB M1200-4.7. vii) RCC with OPC cement design mix M30 cum 7,335.00
@ 360kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
26.5.11 KSRRB M1200-4.8 viii) RCC with OPC cement design mix M35 cum 7,605.00
@ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates @ 0.45cum, with
superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
26.5.12 KSRRB M1200-4.9. ix) RCC with OPC cement design mix M40 cum 7,510.00
@ 420kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.67cum and fine aggregates @ 0 .44cum, with
superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- Using Batching Plant, T ransit Mixer and Concrete PumpMORTH
Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700
26.6 KSRRB M1200-5.1. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,355.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
Concrete to be placed using tremie pipe. C. Bottom Plug: i) PCC with 43
grade cement design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 40mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008. Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer. MORTH Specification
No.1200, 1500 & 1700
26.7 KSRRB M1200-5.2. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 5,930.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
Concrete to be placed using tremie pipe i) PCC with OPC cement
design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008.
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, T ransit Mixer and Crane / Concrete
PumpMORTH Specification No. 1200, 1500 & 1700


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
KSRRB M1200-6.1. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,930.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
Concrete to be placed using tremie pipe ii) PCC with OPC cement
design mix M25 @ 340kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008.
Case - i : Using Concrete MixerMORTH Specification No.1200,1500 &
KSRRB M1200-6.2. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,515.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
Concrete to be placed using tremie pipe :PCC with OPC cement design
mix M25 @ 340kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/ Concrete
Pump MORTH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700
KSRRB M 1200-7.1. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 7,775.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
Concrete to be placed using tremie pipe. iii) PCC with OPC cement
design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008.
Case - I: Using Concrete MixerMORTH Specification No.1200,1500 &
KSRRB M1200-7.2. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,670.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
Concrete to be placed using tremie pipe. :PCC with OPC cement
design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/ Concrete
PumpMORTH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700
KSRRB M1200-8.1. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 8,080.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
Concrete to be placed using tremie pipe. iv) PCC with OPC cement
design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates@0.68cum and fine aggregates@ 0.45cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008. Case
- I: Using Concrete MixerMORTH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700
KSRRB M1200-8.2. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,930.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
Concrete to be placed using tremie pipe :PCC with OPC cement design
mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates @ 0.45cum, with
superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane I Concrete
PumpMORTH Specification No.1200, 1500 & 1700


- -�- - ----�-------------------

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

26.14 KSRRB M1200-9.1. (i) PCC with OPC cement design mix M20 cum 6,070.00
@ 320kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse

aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with
superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Same as in bottom plug concrete, excluding cost of forming sump,

l protective bunds, chiselling etc.MORTH Specification No.1200,1500 &


26.15 D. Intermediate Plug - Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well

Foundation MORTH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700

26.15.1 KSRRB M1200-9.2. (ii) PCC with OPC cement design mix cum 6,620.00
M25 @ 340kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
26.15.2 KSRRB M1200-9.3. (iii) PCC with OPC cement design mix M30 cum 7,775.00
@ 360kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
26.16 E.Top Plug
KSRRB M1200-10.1. (i) PCC design mix M15 with OPC cement cum 4,950.00
@ 240kgs, with 40mm and dowri size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates@0.63cum and fine aggregates@ 0.42cum
MORTH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700
26.17 KSRRB M1200-10.2. (ii) PCC with OPC cement design mix cum 5,930.00
M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggrega�es @0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
MORTH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700
26.18 KSRRB M1200-10.3. (iii) PCC with OPC cement design mix cum 6,480.00
M25 @ 340kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Same as item 2100-11.5. excluding formwork
MORTH Specification No.1200, 1500 & 1700
26.19 KSRRB M1200-10.4. (iv) PCC with OPC cement design mix cum 6,634.00
M30 @ 360kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Same as item 2100-11.9. excluding formwork
MORTH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700
26.20 "KSRRB M1200-11.1. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 7,330.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification F. Well
cap. i) RCC with OPC cement design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008.Case- l:Using Concrete Mixer" MORTH
Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

"KSRRB M1200-11.2. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,215.00

Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification.
i} RCC with OPC cement design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and
fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
(Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/ Concrete
Pump MORTH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700)

KSRRB M1200-11.3. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,560.00

Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification.
i} RCC with OPC cement design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and
fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008. Case - I: Using Concrete MixerMORTH
Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700

"KSRRB M1200-11.4. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,445.00

Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification.
(ii} RCC with OPC cement design mix M25 @ 340kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.7cum and
fire aggregates@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008. (Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit
Mixer and Crane I Conaete Pump"MORlH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700)

"KSRRB M1200-11.5. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,950.00

Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification.
(iii} RCC with OPC cement design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and
fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008. Case - I: Using Concrete Mixer"MORTH
Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700

"KSRRB M1200-11.6. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,575.00

Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification.
:RCC with OPC cement design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and
fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/ Concrete
PumpnMORTH Specification No.1200,1500 & 1700
"KSRRB M1200-11.7. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 7,155.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification.
(iv} RCC with OPC cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.68cum and
fine aggregates@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008. Case- I: Using Concrete Mixer"MORTH
Specification No.1200, 1500 & 1700


SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

26.27 "KSRRB M1200-11.8. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 6,825.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification:RCC
with OPC cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and
fine aggregates@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reafflrmed-2008
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Crane/ Concrete
Pump"MORTH Specification No.1200, 1500 & 1700

26.28 "KSRRB M1200-12. Plain / Reinforced Cement Concrete, in Well cum 7,050.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specification
(v) RCC with OPC cement design mix M40 @ 420kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.67cum and
fine aggregates@ 0.44cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reafflrmed-2008. Using Btching Plant, Transit Mixer and
Concrete Pump"MORTH Specification No.1200, 1500 & 1700

KSRRB M1200-Slnklng of well in sandy soil

26.29 KSRRB M1200-13.1. Sinking of 6 m external diameter well (other than m 1,790.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. (i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m. Rate
of sinking = 0.50 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.30 KSRRB M1200-13.2. -do- ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth, Rate of sinking m 2,410.00
= 0.33 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.34 KSRRB M1200-14.1. Sinking of 7 m external diameter well ( other than m 2,500.00
pneumatic method of sinking ) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. A. Sandy Soil, Diameter of well ::: 7 m. i)
Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m, Rate of sinking = 0.30 m per hour.
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.35 KSRRB M1200-14.2. -do-(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking m 3,210.00
= 0.22 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200

26.39 KSRRB M1200-15.1. Sinking of 8 m external diameter well ( other than m 3,035.00
pneumatic method of sinking ) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. (i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m. Rate
of sinking at 0.25 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.40 KSRRB M1200-15.2. -do-(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking m 3,670.00
at 0.20 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M1200-16.1. Sinking of9 m external diameter well ( other than m 3,125.00
pneumatic method of sinking ) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications (i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m. Rate
of sinking at 0.25 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-16.2. -do-(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking m 4,030.00
= 0.18 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-17.1. Sinking of 10 m external diameter well ( other than
pneumatic method of sinking ) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m. Rate of sinking= 0.20 m I hour m 3,570.00
(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking= 0.17 ml hour m 4,305.00
KSRRB M1200-18.1. Sinking of 11 m external diameter well ( other than m 7,705.00
pneumatic method of sinking ) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m, Rate
of sinking= 0.15 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-18.2. -do- (ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of m 7,565.00
sinking at 0.13 m per hour.
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-19.1. Sinking of12 m external diameter well ( other than m 16,750.00
pneumatic method of sinking ) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
c;;layey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m, Rate
of sinking at 0.05 ml hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-19.2. -do-(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking m 19,750.00
at 0.038 m/hour MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-20.1. Sinking ofTwin D Type well( other than pneumatic m 3,740.00
method of sinking ) through all types of strata namely, sandy soil, clayey soil
and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing and technical
specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level complete as per
specifications. Overall length= 12 m, Overall width= 6 m. (i) Depth from
bed level upto 3.0 m, Rate of sinking at 0.18 ml hour MORTH Specification
No. 1200
KSRRB M1200-20.2. -do-(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth: Rate of sinking m 4,080.00
at 0.17 mlhour MORTH Specification No. 1200


- - --· -------------

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

26.68 KSRRB M1200-21.1. Sinking of 6 m external diameter well (other than m 2,410.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.Section 1200
(i) Depth below bed level upto 3.00m, rate of sinking at 0.33m per hour

26.69 KSRRB M1200-21.2. -do-(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking m 5,575.00
= 0.17 m per hour
MORTH Specification No.Section 1200

26.73 KSRRB M1200-22.1. Sinking of 7 m external diameter well (other than m 3,210.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. (i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m.
Rate of sinking= 0.22 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200

26.74 KSRRB M1200-22.2. -do- (ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking m 5,485.00
= 0.17 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.78 KSRRB M1200-23.1. Sinking of 8 m external diameter well (other than m 3,925.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. (i) Depth from bed level upto 3.0 m. Rate
of sinking= 0.18 ml hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.79 KSRRB M1200-23.2. -do-(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking m 5,945.00
= 0.17 ml hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200

26.83 KSRRB M1200-24.1. Sinking of 9 m external diameter well (other than m 4,195.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. (i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m. Rate
of sinking= 0.17 m per hour MORTH Specification No. Section 1200

26.84 KSRRB M1200-24.2. -do- (ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking m 6,390.00
= 0.15 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200

26.88 KSRRB M1200-25.1. Sinking of 10 m external diameter well (other than m 4,980.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. (i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m, Rate
of sinking= 0.18 ml hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M1200-25.2. -do- (ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of m 6,705.00

sinking= 0.15 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-26.1. Sinking of 11 m external diameter well (other than m 8,225.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications.
i) Depth from bed level upto 3.0 m. Rate of sinking= 0.1O m I hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-26.2. -do-
(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth. Rate of sinking= 0.08 ml hour m 14,140.00
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-27.1. Sinking of 12 m external diameter well (other than m 19,650.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications.
i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m, Rate of sinking= 0.04 m I hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-27 .. 2. -do- m 32,670.00
(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth, Rate of sinking= 0.03 ml hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-28.1. Sinking of Twin D Type Well (other than pneumatic m 4,550.00
method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil
and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing and technical
specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level complete as per
i) Depth below bed level upto 3.0 m , Rate of sinking= 0.16 m I hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200-28.2.-do- m 7,400.00
(ii) Beyond 3 m upto 10 m depth, Rate of sinking= 0.15 ml hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200.29. Sinking of 6 m external diameter well (other than m 11,590.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications.
Depth in soft rock strata upto 3 m. Rate of sinking= 0.25 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200.30. Sinking of 7 m external diameter well (other than m 8,545.00
pneumatic methodof sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications.
Depth in soft rock strata upto 3 m. Rate of sinking= 0.22 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
SI. No, Description
r!(s., Ps.

26.109 KSRRB M1200.31. Sinking of 8 m external diameter well {other than ,9,580.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications.
Depth in soft rock strata upto 3 m. Rate of sinking= 0.22 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.110 KSRRB M1200.32. Sinking of 9m external diameter well (other than m 11,050.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications.
Depth in soft rock strata upto 3 m. Rate of sinking= 0.15 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.111 KSRRB M1200.33. Sinking of 10m external diameter well (other than m 1 2,160.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. Depth in soft rock strata upto 3 m. Rate
of sinking= 0.14 ml hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.112 KSRRB M1200.34. Sinking of 11m external diameter well (other than m 26,980.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. Depth in soft rock strata upto 3 m. Rate
of sinking = 0.06 m / hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.113 KSRRB M1200.35. Sinking of 12m external diameter well (other than m 59,480.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. Depth in soft rock strata upto 3 m. Rate
of sinking= 0.025 m / hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.114 KSRRB M1200.36. Sinking of Twin D Type Well (other than pneumatic m 13,140.00
method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil
and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing and technical
specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level complete as per
Depth in soft rock strata upto 3 m. Rate of sinking= 0.12 mi hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200- Hard Rock
26.115 KSRRB M1200.37. Sinking of 6 m external diameter well (other than m 11,260.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications.
Depth in hard rock strata upto 3 m. Rate of sinking= 0.17 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M1200.38. Sinking of 7 m external diameter well (other than m 14,410.00

pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. Depth in hard rock strata upto 3 m. Rate
of sinking = 0.17 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200.39. Sinking of 8 m external diameter well (other than m 15,000.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. Depth in hard rock strata upto 3 m. Rate
of sinking = 0.17 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200.40. Sinking of 9 m external diameter well (other than m 17,190.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. Depth in hard rock strata upto 3 m. Rate
of sinking = 0.15 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200.41. Sinking of 10 m external diameter well (other than m 18,490.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. Depth in hard rock strata upto 3 m. Rate
of sinking = 0.12 m per hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200 ·.
KSRRB M1200.42. Sinking of 11 m external diameter well (other than m 40,580.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking i� reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. Depth in hard rock strata upto 3 m. Rate
of sinking = 0.05 m/hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200.43. Sinking of 12 m external diameter well (other than m 86,450.00
pneumatic method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil,
clayey soil and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing
and technical specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level
complete as per specifications. Depth in hard rock strata upto 3 m. Rate
of sinking = 0.020 m/hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
KSRRB M1200.44. Sinking of Twin D Type Well (other than pneumatic m 19,360.00
method of sinking) through all types of strata namely sandy soil, clayey soil
and rock as shown against each case, complete as per drawing and technical
specifications. Depth of sinking is reckoned from bed level complete as per
specifications. Depth in hard rock strata upto 3 m. Rate of sinking = 0.10 m/hour
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200


SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

26.123 KSRRB M1200-45. Pneumatic sinking of wells with equipment of cum 59,300.00
approved design, drawing and specifications worked by competent and
trained personnel and comprising of compression and decompression
chambers, reducers, two air locks separately for men and plant & materials,
arrangement for supply of fresh air to working chambers, check valves,
exhaust valves, shafts made from steel plates of riveted construction not
less than 6 mm thick to withstand an air pressure of 0.50 MPa, controlled
blasting of hard rock where required, staircases and 1 m wide landing
platforms with railing, arrangement for compression and decompression,
electric lighting of 50 V maximum, proper rooms for rest and medical
examinations and compliance with safety precautions as per IS:4138 , all
as per clause 1200.7.6 of MORTH Specifications.
MORTH Specification No. Section 1200
26.124 KSRRB M1200-46. Sand filling in wells complete as per drawing and cum 2,380.00
technical specifications
MORTH Specification No.1207
26.125 KSRRB M1200-47. Providing steel liner 10 mm thick for curbs and 6 mm Tonne 94,640.00
thick for seining of wells including fabricating and setting out as per detailed
drawing complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.1200 & 1900
KSRRB M1200-Reinforced cement concrete for well curb
26.126 KSRRB M1200-48.1. Construction of cement concrete kerb with top m 405.00
and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M-20
grade PCC on M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50
mm projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb lying machine,
founation concrete laid manually, all complete as per Clause 400.8 complete
as per spcifications. A. Using Concrete Mixer
MORTH Specification No.408
26.127 KSRRB M1200-48.2. Construction of cement concrete kerb with top and m 340.00
bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M-20 grade PCC
on M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection
beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb lying machine, foundation
concrete laid manually, all complete as per Clause 400.8 complete as per
spcifications. 8. Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
MORTH Specification No.408
26.128 KSRRB M1200-49.1. Cast-in-Situ Cement Concrete M 20 Kerb with m 755.00
Channel. Construction of cement concrete kerb with channel with top and
bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M-20 grade
PCC on M-10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, kerb channel laid with kerb
laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as per
Clause 400.8 complete as per specifications. A. Using Concrete Mixer
MORTH Specification No.408
26.129 KSRRB M1200-49.2. Cast-in-Situ Cement Concrete M 20 Kerb with m 650.00
Channel. Construction of cement concrete kerb with channel with top and
bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20 grade
PCC on M10 grade foundation 150 mm thick, kerb channel laid with kerb
laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as per
Clause 400.8 complete as per specifications. B. Using Concrete Batching
and Mixing Plant
MORTH Specification No.408
---------�--�------ -

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

Providing and fixing 3m long 25mm dia TMT dowel bars 1.5m inserted
in 50mm dia holes drilled in hard rock and grouting in CM 1 :.1 including
necessary bending, hooking, cutting and handling charges complete,
including the cost of steel. (MORTH clause 1200).
-do- below LWL in open foundation upto 3m. Each 1,250.00

ic2f2.130.2 -do- below LWL in open foundation beyond 3m. Each 1,410.00

__ 26.130.3 -do- for well foundation below LWL upto 3m. Each 1,885.00

. 26.130.4 -do- for well foundation below LWL beyond 3m. -Each 2,515.00

1. KSRRB M 1200-13.3,14.3, 15.3, 16.3, 17.3, 18.3, 19.3, 20.3, 21.3,

22.3, 23.3, 24.3, 25.3, 26.3, 27.3 and 28.3 beyond 10m upto 20m
a} Add 5% for every additional meter depth of sinking over the rate
for sinking of previous meter

2. KSRRB M 1200-13.4,14.4, 15.4, 16.4, 17.4, 18.4, 19.4, 20.3, 21.4,

22.4, 23.4, 24.4, 25.4, 26.4, 27.4 and 28.4 beyond 20m upto 30m
a} Add 7.5% for every additional meters of depth of sinking over
the rate of sinking for the pervious meter
b} Add 20%of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading
arrangement and labour where cost is 80% of finished rate of
previous meter

3. KSRRB M 1200-13.5,14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19.5, 20.5, 21.5,

22.5, 23.5, 24.5, 25.5, 26.5, 27.5 and 28.5 beyond 30m upto 40m.
a) Add 10% for every additional meters of depth of sinking over
the rate of sinking for the pervious meter
b} Add 20% of cost for Kentledge including supports, loading
arrangements and labour where cost is 80% of finished rate of
previous meter.
4. Item No. 26.31 to 26.33, 26.36 to 26.38, 26.41 to 26.43,
26.46 to 26.48, 26.50 to 26.52, 26.55 to 26.57, 26.60 to 26.62,
26.65 to 26.67, 26.70 to 26.72, 26.75 to 26.77, 26.80 to 26.82,
26.85 to 26.87, 26.90 to 26.92, 26.95 to 26.97, 26.100 to 26.102,
26.105 to 26.106 are deleted.



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB M2100- Excavation in Ordinary Soil

KSRRB M2100-1.1. Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures cum 115.00
such as culverts, bridges etc., as per drawing and technical specifications,
including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling
with approved material complete as per specifications I. Ordinary soil -A.
Manual Means (i) Depth upto 3m
MORTH Specification No. 304

KSRRB M2100-1.2. -do-.ii) 3 m to 6 m depth MORTH Specification No. cum 148.00

KSRRB M2100-1.3.-do- (iii) Above 6 m depth MORTH Specification No. cum 198.00
"KSRRB M2100-2.1. Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures cum 48.00
such as culverts, bridges etc., as perdrawing and technical specifications,
including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling
with approved material complete as per specifications. B. Mechanical
Means (i) Depth upto 3 m"
MORTH Specification No. 304
"KSRRB M2100-2.2. -do- B.Mechanical Means (ii) Depth 3 m to 6 m" cum 55.00
MORTH Specification No. 304
"KSRRB M2100-2.3. -do- B.Mechanical Means (iii) Depth above 6 m cum 67.00
MORTH Specification No. 304
"KSRRB M2100- Excavation in Ordinary Rock with blasting
"KSRRB M2100-3.1. Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures as cum 165.00
per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction
of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material complete
as per specifications. "II . Ordinary rock - (not requiring blasting) A. Manual
Means. Depth upto 3 m
MORTH Specification No. 304

"KSRRB M2100-3.2. -do- (ii) Ordinary rock (not requiring blastsing) cum 60.00
" B. Mechanical Means Depth upto 3m
MORTH Specification No. 304

"KSRRB M2100 Excavation in Hard Rock with Blasting

"KSRRB M2100-4.1. Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures as cum 415.00
perdrawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction
of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material complete
as per specifications. "Ill. Hard rock - (requiring blasting) A. Manual
MORTH Specification No. 304

- _- ..

SI. No,
-··-·-·- - .�.... ...... � ---·-�· -·
.. ..
---·- ···· ---· --� -
"KSRRB M2100 Excavation in Hard Rock without Blasting
27.10 "KSRRB M2100-4.2. Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures as :eum 390.00
per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction
of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material
complete as per specifications. "Ill. Hard rock - (blasting 9rohibited )
A. Mechanical Means
MORTH Specification No. 304
"KSRRB M2100 Excavation in Marshy soil
27.11 KSRRB 2100-5. Excavation in marshy soil upto 3m depth for foundations cum 540.00
of structures as per drawing and technical specifications including removing
the excavated stuff to a lead of 15m., including dewatering , shoring and
shuttering, refilling trenches in 250mm layers, wherever necessary watering
and ramming, including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
MORTH Chapter 12

27.12 "KSRRB M2100-5.1. Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures as cum 395.00
per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction
of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material complete
as per specifications. "V. Marshy soil - A. Manual Means Upto 3 m
MORTH Specification No. 304
27.13 "KSRRB M2100-5.2. -do- "V. Marshy soil - B. Mechanical Means cum 105.00
MORTH Specification No. 304

KSRRB M2100 Filling the foundations

27.14 KSRRB 2100-6. Filling the foundations trenches using approved sand cum 2,615.00
as per drawing and technical specifications in 250mm layers, wherever
necessary watering and ramming, inciuding cost of al1 materials, labour
complete as per specifications.
MORTH Chapter 12

KSRRB M2100 Back Filling of abutments using wing wall & Returns
27.15 "KSRRB M2100-7. Earth work in excavation for foundation of structures as cum 245.00
per drawing and technical specifications, including setting out, construction
of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved materiai complete
as per specifications. VI. Backfilling in Marshy Foundation Pits."
MORTH Specification No. 304

27.16 KSRRB M2100-8. Filling Annular Space Around Footing in Rock Lean cum 5,445.00
cement concrete M 10 mix.

27.17 KSRRB M2100-9. Sand Filling in Foundation Trenches as per Drawing cum 2,380.00
& Technical Specification
MORTH Specification No. 304

, ry ...


-...-,: :.-:-t ��
,,� �"4.., I
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB M2100-10. Plain cement concrete M10 with OPC cement cum 5,750.00
@ 220kgs, with crushed 40mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.84cum and fine aggregates @ 0.56cum, in
foundation mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and compacted
by vibration including curing for 14 days complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2100
KSRRB M2100-11. Brick Masonry Work in Cement Mortar 1:3 in cum 5,500.00
Foundation complete excluding Pointing and Plastering as per Drawing
and Technical Specifications MORTH Specification No. 1300
KSRRB M2100-11.1. Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 sand) cum 5,700.00
"KSRRB M2100-12.1. Stone Masonry Work in Cement Mortar 1 :3 in cum 3,900.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
A. Square Rubble Coursed Rubbie Masonry (first sort)"MORTH
Specification No. 1405.4
KSRRB M2100-12.2. Stone Masonry Work in Cement Mortar 1 :4 in cum 3,865.00
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. B.
Random Rubble Masonry( coursed / uncoursed)
MORTH Specification No. 1405.4
KSRRB M2100-13. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete M15 with cum 5,995.00
OPC cement@ 240kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.84cum and fine aggregates@ 0.56cum in Open
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100
"KSRRB M2100-14. Plain/Reinforcement Cement Concrete M20 with cum 6,150.00
OPC cement@ 300kgs, with 40mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @0.64cum and fine aggregates @ 0.43cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, in
Open Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
"MORTH Specification No. 1"500,1700 & 2100
"KSRRB M2100-15.1. "KSRRB M2100-14. Plain /Reinforcement cum 6,570.00
Cement Concrete M20 with OPC cement @ 320kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.46cum; with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, in Open Foundation complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
Case -1 : Using Concrete Mixer'' MORTH Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100
"KSRRB M2100-15.2. Plain/Reinforcement Cement Concrete M20 cum 6,090.00
with OPC cement@ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with
superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, in Open
Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
Case - II : With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100
-----------------------· ·- · ··-" .....___ ·--------
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

27.28 KSRRB M2100-16.1. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete idesign cum 6,705.00
mix M25 with OPC cement @ 340kgs, with 40mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.70cum and fine aggregates
@ 0..47cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008,Open Foundation complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications
D. PCC Grade M-25. Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100

27.29 KSRRB M2100-16.2. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete idesign cum 6,345.00
mix M25 with OPC cement @ 340kgs, with 40mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.70cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008,Open Foundation complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications Case -11 With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer
and Concrete PumpMORTH Specification No.1500,1700 & 2100

27.30 KSRRB M2100-17. 1. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete idesign cum 6,790.00
mix M25 with OPC cement @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.70cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008,Open Foundation complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH
Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100
27.31 KSRRB M2100-17.2. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete idesign cum 6,430.00
mix M25 with OPC cement @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.70cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser @31ts confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008,Open Foundation complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specification Case -11 : With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer
and Concrete Pump MORTH Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100

27.32 KSRRB M2100-18.1. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open cum 6,850.00
Foundation with OPC cement design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 40mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and fine
aggregates@0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed 2010complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Case -1 : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500·,1700
& 2100

27.33 KSRRB M2100-18.2. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open cum 6,490.00
Foundation with OPC cement design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @3lts confi;ming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008 complete as per Drawing and Technical
Case - II : With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100
---------------------------�------------ - ----

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M2100-19.1. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open cum 6,930.00

Foundation with OPC cement design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to
gg1Q3-1999 Reaffirmed-2008 complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. Case -1: Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification
No. 1500,1700 & 2100
KSRRB M2100-19.2. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open cum 6,575.00
Foundation with OPC cement design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008 complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications Case - II : With Batching Plant, Transit Mixer and
-·-concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100

KSRRB M2100-20.1. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open cum 7,155.00

Foundation with OPC cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming
to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008. Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100

KSRRB M2100-20.2. Plain/ Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open cum 6,795.00

Foundation with OPC cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008. Case II: With Batching Plant, Transit
Mixer and Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1700 & 2100

1. KSRRB M2100-1.1, KSRRB M2100-1.2, KSRRB M2100-1.3,

KSRRB M2100-2.-1, KSRRB M2100-2.2, KSRRB M2100-2.3,
KSRRB M2100-3.1� 3.2, 4.1, 4.2 Add 10% extra for dewatering
charges and specification is to be modified accordingly.
2. KSRRB M2100-5.1: Add 30% extra for dewatering charges and
specification is to be modified accordingly.
3. KSRRB M2100-5.2: Add 20% extra for dewatering charges and
specification is to be modified accordingly.
4. Add 15% extra for shoring and shuttering for items KSRRB
M2100-5.1 specification is to be modified accordingly.
5. Add 10% extra for shoring and shuttering for items KSRRB
M2100-5.2 specification is to be modified accordingly.
6. In case of rock, foundation beyond 3m is not dug and hence
not included.
7. It is assumed that Marshy soil will be available upto 3m depth

------------------- ----------------------


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M2200- Brick masonry in Substructure
KSRRB M2200-1. Brick masonry work in 1 :3 in sub-structure complete cum 9,815.00
excluding pointing and plastering, as per drawing and Technical
Specifications complete
MORTH Specification No. 1300 & 2200as per specifications
KSRRB M2200-2. Pointing with cement mortar (1 :3 ) on brick work in Sqm 53.00
substructure as per Technical Specifications, complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 1300 & 2200
KSRRB M2200-3. Plastering with cement mortar (1 :3 ) on brick work in Sqm 130.00
sub-structure as per Technical Specifications, complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 1300 & 2200
KSRRB M2200- Stone masonry in Substructure
KSRRB M2200-4.1. Stone masonry work in cement mortar 1 :3 for cum 3,845.00
substructure complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications complete
as per specifications. A. Random Rubble Masonry (uncoursed)
MORTH Specification No. 1400 & 2200
KSRRB M2200-4.2. -do- 8. Coursed rubble masonry (first sort) cum 3,890.00
MORTH Specification No. 1400 & 2200
KSRRB M2200-4.3. -do- C. Ashlar masonry ( first sort ) Plain ashlar cum 4,790.00
MORTH Specification No. 1400 & 2200
KSRRB 2200 Plain/ Reinforced cement.concrete;in sub-structure
complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications complete as per
MORTH Specification No.1500, 1700 & 2200
Unit= cum

KSRRB M2200-5.1 .. M15 with OPC cement@ 240kgs, with 40mm cum 6,370.00
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.63cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.42cum
a) upto 5mtr height

KSRRB M2200-5.2. Design mix M20 with OPC cement @ 300kgs, c um 6,535.00
with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.64cum and fine aggregates@ 0.43cum, with superplastisiser@31ts
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
b) upto 5 m height

KSRRB M2200-5.3. Design mix M25 With OPC cement@ 340kgs, cum 7,010.00
with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.7cum and fine aggregates@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser@31ts
rnnflrming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
c) - i) Upto 5 m height

----------- -- --- - -------------·
SI. No. Description Unlt Rate
Rs. Ps.

28.7.4 KSRRB M2200-5.4. Design mix M25 @with OPC cement 340kgs, cun1 7,290.00
with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.7cum and fine aggregates@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser@31ts
confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- ii) For height above 5 m and upto 10 m.

28.7.5 KSRRB M2200-5.5. Design mix M25 with OPC cement@340kgs, 7,630.00
with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.7cum and fine aggregates@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser@31ts
confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- iii) For height above 10 m.

28.7.6 KSRRB M2200-5.6. Design mix M30 with OPC cement@360kgs, cum 7,170.00
with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@31ts
confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- i) upto 5 m height

28.7.7 KSRRB M2200-5.7.Design mix M30 with OPC cement@ 360kgs, cum 7,450.00
with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@31ts
confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
d) PCC Grade M-30 - ii) For height above 5 m and upto 10 m.

28.7.8 KSRRB M2200-5.8. Design mix M30 with OPC cement@ 360kgs, cum 7,820.00
with 40mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3!ts
confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- iii) For height above 10 m.

28.7.9 KSRRB M2200-5.9. Design mix M20 with OPC cement@320kgs, cum 6,850.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@31ts
confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- i) Upto 5 m height.
28.7.10 KSRRB M2200-5.10. Design mix M20 with OPC cement@320kgs, 7,H5.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superp:astisiser@31ts
confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- ii) For height, upto 10m
28.7.11 KSRRB M2200-5.11. Design mix M20 with OPC cement@320kgs, cum 7,455.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69curn and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superp!astisiser@3it:;
confirming to !S9103-i 999 Reaffirmed-2008
- iii) For height above 10 m.
28.7:12 KSRRB M2200-5:!2.Design mix M2!5 w1th OPC c9rne:1t @340kgs, 7,i20.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse agwegates
@O. ?cum and fine aggregates@ 0.47cum, vvith superplasti::::iser@3lt,
confirming to 1S9103-1999 Reaffirmed-200f::
- i) Upto 5m height

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M2200-5.13. Design mix M25 with OPC cement @ 340kgs, cum 7,370.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.7cum and fine aggregates@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser@3Its
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- ii)For height, upto 1Om,
KSRRB M2200-5.14.Design mix M25 with OPC cement @ 340kgs, cum 7,745.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.?cum and fine aggregates@ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser@3Its
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- iii) For height, above 10m,
KSRRB M2200-5.15. Design mix M30 with OPC cement@360kgs, cum 7,270.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3Its
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- i) Upto Sm height,
KSRRB M2200-5.16. Design mix M30 with OPC cement@ 360kgs, cum 7,490.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser@3Its
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
g) RCC Grade M-30 - ii) For height, upto 10m,
KSRRB M2200-5.17. Design mix M30 with OPC cement @ 360kgs, cum 7,805.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @3Its
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- iii) For height, above 1Om,
KSRRB M2200-5.18.Design mix M35 with OPC cement @390kgs, cum 7,550.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.68cum and fine aggregates@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser@3Its
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- i) U pto 5m height,
KSRRB M2200-5.19. Design mix M35 with OPC cement @390kgs, cum 7,735.00
with 2-0mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.68cum and fine aggregates@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser@3Its
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- ii) For height, upto 1Om,
KSRRB M2200-5.20. Design mix M35 with OPC cement @ 390kgs, cum 7,995.00
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.68cum and fine aggregates@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser@31ts
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
- iii) For height, above 10m,
PCC grade M15 with OPC cement@ 240kgs, with 40mm and down cum 6,500.00
size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.63cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.42cum above Smtr height
PCC grade design mix M20 with OPC cement @300kgs, with 40mm cum 6,535.00
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.64cum and
fine aggregates @ 0.43cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to
IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, above Smtr height
---------------------- ,�,,-�-··· . .. ...,.. . . ,,.·--�-----------
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M2200- TMT/MS Bar Reinforcement

28.8 KSRRB M2200-6. Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement
in sub-structure complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications
complete as per specificationsMORTH Specification No.1600 & 2200

28.8.2 -do- TMT Bars Fe 500 Tonne 60,600.00

28.8.3 -do- TMT Bars Fe 550 Tonne 61,280.00

28.9 KSRRB M2200-7. Supplying, fitting and placing mild steel reinforcement Tonne 55,670.00
complete in substructure as per drawing and Technical Specifications
complete as per specificationsMORTH Specification No.1600 & 2200
KSRRB M2200- Providing Weep Holes
28.10 KSRRB M2200-8. Providing weep holes in Brick masonry / Plain / Nos /mtr 227.00
Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall / return wall with 100 mm dia AC
pipe, extending through the furrwidth of the structure with slope of 1V :20H
towards drawing face. Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications
complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.2706 & 2200
28.11 KSRRB M2200-8.1. Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and return cum 652.00
wall complete as per drawing and Technical Specification complete as per
specifications. A. Granular material
MORTH Specification No. 710.1.4 of IRC:78 & 2200
28.12 KSRRB M2200-8.2. -do- B. Sandy material cum 2,525.00
MORTH Specification No.710.1.4 of IRC:78 & 2200
KSRRB M2200- Filter Media
28.13 KSRRB M2200-9. Providing and laying of Filter media with granular cum 1,255.00
materials /stone crushed aggregates satisfying the requirements laid down
in clause 2500.4.2.2. of MORTH specifications to a thickness of not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the
wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and Technical Specification complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 710.1.4 of IRC:78 & 2200
KSRRB M2200- Bearings
28.14 KSRRB M2200-10. Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and Tonne 415.00
level cast steel rocker bearing conforming to IRC: 83(Pt.-1) section IX and
clause 2000.3 of MORTH specifications complete including all acce�sories
as per drawing and Technical Specifications complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.1000, 2000 & 2200

28.15 KSRRB M2200-11. Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and Tonne 20.00
level forged steel roller bearing conforming to IRC: 83(Pt.-1) section IX and
clause 2000.3 of MORTH specifications complete including all accessories
as per drawing and Technical Specifications complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.1000, 2000 & 2200
---- - ---------------------- ------------

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M2200-12. Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line Tonne 1,300.00
and level sliding plate bearing with PTFE surface sliding on stainless
steel complete including all accessories as per drawing and Technical
Specifications and BS: 5400, section 9.1 & 9.2 (for PTFE) and clause 2000.4
of MORTH Specifications complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.2000 & 2200
KSRRB M2200-13. Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and c.c. 0.72
level elastomeric·bearing conforming to IRC: 83 (Part-II) section IX and
clause 2000.5 of MORTH specifications complete including all accessories
as per drawing and Technical Specifications complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2000 & 2200

KSRRB M2200-14. Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to 1ine and Tonne 1,300.00
level sliding plate bearing with stainless steel plate sliding on stainless
steel plate with mild steel matrix complete including all accessories as per
drawing and Technical Specifications complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.2000 & 2200
KSRRB M2200-15. Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and Tonne 482.00
level POT-PTFE bearing consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc
or unreinforced elastomer confined within a metal cylinder, sealing rings,
dust seals, PTFE surface sliding against stainless steel mating surface,
complete assembly to be of cast steel/fabricated structural steel, metal
and elastomer elements to be as per IRC: 83 part-I & II respectively and
other parts conforming to BS: 5400, section 9.1 & 9.2 and clause 2000.6 of
MORTH Specifications complete as per drawing and approved Technical
Specifications complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.2000 & 2200

1. In case of stone masonry, the size of the weep hole shall be 150mm
x 80mm or circular with 150mm diameter.
2. For structure in stone masonry, the weep holes shall be deemed_
to be included in the item of stone masonry work and shall not
be paid separately.



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


Solid slab super structure
KSRRB M2300-1.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. A. RCC - with OPC cement
design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008.
Case -1 : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500,1600
& 1700
Height upto 5 m cum 7,505.00
Height 5 m to 10 m cum 7,800.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,090.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,180.00
Height above 20 m cum 8,440.00
T - Beams & slabs
KSRRB M2300-1.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification - complete as per specifications. A. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008.
Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600
& 1700
Height upto 5 m cum 7,800.00
Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,090.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,380.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,440.00
Height above 20 m cum 8,705.00
Solid slab super structure
KSRRB M2300-2.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced / Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. A. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates@0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump.
MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700


. -� ·"' -'--�--�

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

29.3.1 Height upto 5 m cum 7,090.00

29.3.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 7,365.00
29.3.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 7,640.00
29.3.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 7,890.00 .r,,
I 29.3.5 Height above 20 m cum 8,160.00

29.4 T - Beams & slabs

KSRRB M2300-2.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. A. RCC - with OPC
cement design mix M20 @ 320kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.46cum, with superplastisiser @31ts confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008. r·

Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump.

MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700 ,,�
29.4.1 Height upto 5 m cum 7,365.00 ·"
29.4.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 7,640.00 J
29.4.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 7,910.00
29.4.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,160.00
29.4.5 Height above 20 m cum 8,430.00

29.5 Solid slab super structure

KSRRB M2300-3.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. B. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M25 @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum,
with superplastisiser@31ts con�rming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case -1 : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600
& 1700
29.5.1 Height upto 5 m cum 7,775.00
29.5.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,080.00
29.5.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,380.00
29.5.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,480.00
29.5.5 Height above 20 m cum 8,755.00

29.6 T - Beams & slabs

KSRRB M2300-3.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced I Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. B. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M25 @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

metal coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum,

with superplastisiser@31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600
& 1700
Height upto 5 m cum 8,080.00
Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,380.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,680.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,755.00
Height above 20 m cum 9,025.00

Solid slab super structure

KSRRB M2300-4.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced / Prestressed

cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. B. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M25 @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum,
with superplastisiser@31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700
Height upto 5 m cum 7,360.00
Height 5 m to 10 m cum 7,645.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 7,930.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,195.00
Height above 20 m cum 8,475.00

T - Beams & slabs

KSRRB M2300-4.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced / Prestressed

cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. B. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M25 @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.7cum and fine aggregates @ 0.47cum,
with superplastisiser@31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump
MORTH Specif!cation No. 1500,1600 & 1700
Height upto 5 m cum 7,645.00
Height 5 m to 10 m cum 7,930.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,215.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,475.00
Height above 20 m cum 8,755.00


· ·-··-··· ....... ---
SI. No. Description Rate

29.9 Solid slab super structure

KSRRB M2300-5.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed

cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. C. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600
& 1700
29.9.1 Height upto 5 m cum 7,980.00
29.9.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,295.00
29.9.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,605.00
29.9.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,705.00
29.9.5 Height above 20 m cum 8,985.00
29.10 T - Beams & slabs

KSRRB M2300-5.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed

cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. C. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates@ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case - I: Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500,1600
& 1700
29.10.1 Height upto 5 m cum 8,295.00
29.10.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,605.00
29.10.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,915.00
29.10.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,985.00
29.10.5 Height above 20 m cum 9,270.00

29.11 Solid slab super structure

KSRRB M2300-6.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed

cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. C. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700


. �·
:.�· .,' .
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Height upto 5 m cum 7,545.00

Height 5 m to 10 m cum 7,837.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,130.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,400.00
Height above 20 m cum 8,690.00
T - Beams & slabs

KSRRB M2300-6.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed

cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. C. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M30 @ 360kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum,
with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700

Height upto 5 m cum 7,835.00

Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,130.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,420.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,690.00
Height above 20 m cum 8,980.00

Solid slab super structure

KSRRB M:2300-7.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed

cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. D. RCC/ PSC with OPC
cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600
& 1700

29.13.1 Height upto 5 m cum 8,145.00

29.13.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,470.00
29.13.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,790.00
29.13.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,910.00
29.13.5 Height above 20 m cum 9,210.00

29.14 T - Beams & slabs

KSRRB M2300-7.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. D. RCC/ PSC with OPC

SI. No, Description Rate
Rs. Ps .

cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008, Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification
No. 1500,1600 & 1700
29.14.1 Height upto 5 m
_.,,u�, 8,470.00
29.14.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,790.00
29.14.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 9,115.00
29.14.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 9,210.00
29.14.5 Height above 20 m cum 9,505.00

29.15 Box girder & Balanced cantilever

KSRRB M2300-7.3. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced / Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. D. RCC / PSC with OPC
cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Case ·- I : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600
& 1700
29.15.1 Height upto 5 m cum 9,440.00
29.15.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 10,085.00
29.15.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 10,730.00
29.15.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 10,970.00
29.15.5 Height above 20 m cum 11,555.00

29.16 Solid slab super structure

KSRRB M2300-8.1 . Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. D. RCC / PSC with OPC
cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008, Case - I I : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer &
Concrete Pump MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700

29.16.1 Height upto 5 m cum 7,715.00

29.16.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,020.00
29.16.3 Height 10 m to 15 m ,cun: o,.,;;,.::.o.vv

29.16.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,620,00

29.16.5 Height above 20 m cum 8,92�J)0


:': � "

fl "
J- -. �
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

T - Beams & slabs

KSRRB M2300-8.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. D. RCC / PSC with OPC
cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1600 & 1700
Height upto 5 m cum 8,020.00
Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,325.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,630.00
. Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,910.00
Height above 20 m cum 9,210.00
Box girder & Balanced cantilever
KSRRB M2300-8.3. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. D. RCC / PSC with OPC
cement design mix M35 @ 390kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates
@ 0.45cum, with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999
Reaffirmed-2008, Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer &
Concrete Pump MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700
Height upto 5 m cum 8,935.00
Height 5 m to 10 m cum 9,545.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 10,150.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 10,720.00
Height above 20 m cum 11,320.00
Solid slab super structure
KSRRB M2300-9.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced / Prestress.ed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. E. PSC with OPC cement
design mix M40 @ 420kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.67cum and fine aggregates @0.44cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600
& 1700
Height upto 5 m cum 9,230.00
Height 5 m to 10 m cum 9,440.00

·--·------· ___._,,_ ... ·-··
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

29.19.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 9,770.00 �;

29.19.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 10,105.00 ii

29.19.5 Height above 20 m cum 10,435.00
29.20 T - Beams & slabs ,i
KSRRB M2300-9.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed l...
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical ;1
Specification complete as per specifications. E. PSC with OPC cement
design mix M40 @ 420kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.67cum and fine aggregates @ 0.44cum,
with superplastisiser@31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
Case - I : Using Concrete Mixer MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600
& 1700
29.20.1 Height upto 5 m cum 8,790.00
29.20.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 9,095.00
29.20.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 9,400.00
29.20.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 9,710.00
29.20.5 Height above 20 m cum 10,015.00

29.21 Solid slab super structure

KSRRB M2300-10.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M40 @ 420kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.67cum and fine aggregates@ 0.44cum,
with superplastisiser@31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Case - 11 : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump MORTH
Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700
29.21.1 Height upto 5 m cum 8,005.00
29.21.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,310.00
29.21.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,625.00
29.21.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,935.00
29.21.5 Height above 20 m cum 9,250.00
29.22 T - Beams & slabs including launching of precast girder by
launching truss upto 40m span
KSRRB M2300-10.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M40 @ 420kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.67cum and fine aggregates@ 0.44cum,
with superplastisiser @31ts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Height upto 5 m cum 8,320.00

Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,625.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,935.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 9,250.00
Height above 20 m cum 9,565.00
Cast-in-situ box girder, segmental construction & balanced cantilever
KSRRB M2300-10.3. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced I Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. RCC with OPC cement
design mix M40 @ 420kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.67cum and fine aggregates @ 0.44cum,
with superplastisiser @3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
Case - II : Using Batching Plant, Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump
MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700.

Height upto 5 m cum 9,250.00

Height 5 m to 10 m cum 9,880.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 10,500.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 11,130.00
Height above 20 m cum 11,760.00

Solid slab / voided slab super -structure

KSRRB M2300-11.1. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced / Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. F. PSC with OPC cement
design mix M40 @ 420kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.67cum and fine aggregates @ 0.44cum,
with superplastisiser@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700

Height upto 5 m cum 7,870.00

Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,125.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 8,500.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 8,8 10.00
Height above 20 m cum 9,125.00
T - Beams & slabs including launching of precast girder by launching
truss upto 40m span
KSRRB M2300-11.2. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced / Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. F. PSC with OPC cement
design mix M45 @ 440kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.66cum and fine aggregates@ 0.44 cum,
with superplastisiser@4Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1600 & 1700

-- --- --- -- ---- - -- - - ------
- - ..........

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

29.25.1 Height upto 5 m cum 8,565.00

29.25.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 8,885.00
29.25.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 9,205.00
29.25.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 9,530.00
29.25.5 Height above 20 m cum 9,855.00
29.26 Cast-in-situ box girder, segmental construction & balanced
KSRRB M2300-11.3. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced / Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. F. PSC with OPC cement
design mix M45 @ 440kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.66cum and fine aggregates @ 0.44 cum,
with superplastisiser@4Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700
29.26.1 Height upto 5 m cum 9,530.00
29.26.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 10,175.00
29.26.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 10,820.00
29.26.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 11,465.00
29.26.5 Height above 20 m cum 12,110.00
29.27 Cast-in-situ box girder, segmental construction & balanced
KSRRB M2300-12. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced / Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. G. PSC with OPC cement
design mix M50 @ 450kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.66cum and fine aggregates@ 0.44 cum,
with superplastisiser@4Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
MORTH Specification No. 1500, 1600 & 1700
29.27.1 Height upto 5 m cum 9,590.00
29.27.2 Height 5 m to 10 m cum 10,245.00
29.27.3 Height 10 m to 15 m cum 10,900.00
29.27.4 Height 15 m to 20 m cum 11,230.00
29.27.5 Height above 20 m cum 11,555.00
29.28 Cast-in-situ box girder, segmental construction & balanced
KSRRB M2300-13. Furnishing and Placing Reinforced/ Prestressed
cement concrete in super-structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification complete as per specifications. H. PSC with OPC cement
design mix M55 @ 450kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @0.68cum and fine aggregates@ 0.45cum,
with superplastisiser@4lts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008
MORTH Specification No. 1500,1600 & 1700


Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

Height upto 5 m cum 9,665.00

Height 5 m to 10 m cum 10,325.00
Height 10 m to 15 m cum 10,985.00
Height 15 m to 20 m cum 11,310.00
Height above 20 m cum 11,640.00
KSRRB M2300 - TMT bar reinforcement
KSRRB M2300-14. Supplying, fitting and placing TMT bar reinforcement
in super-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
complete as per specifications MORTH Specification No. 1600
-do- TMT Bars Fe 500 Tonne 61,435.00
-do- TMT Bars Fe 550 Tonne 62,115.00
KSRRB M2300 - High tensile wires
KSRRB M2300-15. High tensile steel wires/ strands including all Tonne 1,91,380.00
accessories for stressing, stressing operations and grouting complete as
per drawing and Technical Specifications complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 1800



SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB M2500-1.1. Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for cum 930.00
protection against scour with stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg
each complete as per drawing and Technical specification complete as per
specifications. A. Boulder Laid Dry Without Wire Crates
MORTH Specification No. 2503

"KSRRB M2500-1.2. Providing and laying of boulder apron laid in wire crates cum 1,375.00
made with 4mm dia GI wire conforming to IS: 280 & IS:4826 in 100mm x
100mm mesh (weaved diagonally) including 10% extra for laps and joints
laid with stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as
per specifications. B. Boulder Apron Laid in Wire Crates"
MORTH Specification No. 2503

KSRRB M2500-Cement concrete blocks

KSRRB M2500-2. Providing and laying of apron with cement concrete cum 5,145.00
blocks of size 0.5x0.5x0.5 m cast in-situ and made with nominal mix of
M-15 grade cement concrete with a minimum cement content of 240 kg /
cum as per IRC: 21-2000 complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2503

KSRRB M2500- Pitching

KSRRB M2500-3. Providing and laying Filter material underneath pitching cum 1,405.00
in slopes complete as per drawing and Technical specification
MORTH Specification No. 2504
KSRRB M2500-4.1. Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over cum 930.00
prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing and Technical specifications
A. Stone I Boulder
MORTH Specification No. 2504
KSRRB M2500-4.2. -do- B. Cement Concrete Blocks of size 0.3x0.3 cum 5,145.00
x0.3 m cast in cement concrete of Grade M-15.
MORTH Specification No. 2504

KSRRB M2500-Flooring with Rubble Stone

KSRRB M2500-5.1.Providing and laying Flooring complete as per drawing cum 3,965.00
and Technical specifications laid over cement concrete bedding complete
as per specifications. A. Rubble stone laid in cement mortar 1 :3
MORTH Specification No. 2505

30.8 "KSRRB M2500-5.2. -do- B. Cement Concrete Blocks Grade M-15" cum 5,670.00
MORTH Specification No. 2505
KSRRB M2500-6. Dry rubble flooring Construction of dry rubble flooring cum 1,240.00
at cross drainage works for relatively less important works complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 2506

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

! KSRRB M2500- Geotextile filter
! 30.10 KSRRB M2500-7. Laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and Sqm 165.00
embankment slopes on which pitching is laid to prevent escape of the
embankment material through the voids of the stone pitching / cement
concrete blocks as well as to allow free movement of water without creating
any uplift head on the pitching complete as per specifications
t: MORTH Specification No. 700 & 2504
KSRRB M2500- Curtain Wall
30.12 KSRRB M2500-9.Curtain wall complete as per drawing and Technical cum 3,900.00
Specifications. A. Stone masonry in cement mortar (1 :3)
MORTH Specification No. 2507.2
30.13 KSRRB M2500-10.Curtain wall complete as per drawing and Technical cum 5,015.00
Specifications. B. Cement Concrete Grade M-15
MORTH Specification No. 2507.2 1
KSRRB M2500- Flexible Apron

30.14 KSRRB M2500-11. Construction of flexible apron 1 m thick comprising cum 990.00
of loose stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg beyond curtain wall
complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2507.2
KSRRB M2500- Gabian Structure
30.15 KSRRB M2500.12. Providing and construction of a gabian structure for cum 2,100.00
retaining earth with segments of wire crates of size 7 m x 3 m x 0.6 m
each divided into 1.5 m compartments by cross netting, made from 4 mm
galvanised steel wire at 32 kg per 10 sqm having minimum tensile strength
of 300 Mpa conforming to iS:280 and galvanizing coating conforming to
IS:4826, woven into mesh with double twist, mesh size not exceeding 100 x
100 mm, filled with boulders with least dimension of 200 mm, all loose ends
to be tied with 4 mm galvanised steel wire complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2503.3
30.16 KSRRB M2500-13 Gabian Structure for Erosion Control, River Training cum 3,785.00
Works and Protection works Providing and constructing gabian structures
for erosion control, river training works and protection works with wire
crates of size 2 m x 1 m x 0.3 m each divided into 1 m compartments by
cross netting, made from 4 mm galvanised steel wire@32 kg per 10 sqm
having minimum tensile strength of 300 Mpa conforming to IS:280 and
galvanizing coating conforming to IS:4826, woven into mesh with double
twist, mesh size not exceeding 100 mm x 100 mm, filled with boulders with
least dimension of 200 mm, all loose ends to be securely tied with 4 mm
galvanised steel wire complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2503.3

Note: KSRRB 2500-8.A toe wall for toe protection can either be in dry rubble
masonry in case of dry rubble pitching or pitching with stones in wire
crates or it can be in PCC M-15 nominal mix if cement concrete block
have been used for pitching. Rates for toe wall can be adopted from
respective clauses depending upon approved design. The rate for
excavation for foundation, dry rubble masonry and PCC M-15 have
been analysed and given in respective chapters.



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M2600- Expansion Joints

KSRRB M2600-1. Providing and laying a burried expansion joint, expansion
gap being 20 mm, covered with 12 mm thick, 200 mm wide galvanised m 1,600.00
weldable structural steel plate as per IS: 2062, placed symmetrical to centre
line of the joint, resting freely over the top surface of the deck concrete,
welding of 8 mm dia. 100 mm long galvanised nails spaced 300 mm c/c
along the centre line of the plate, all as specified in clause 2600.4
MORTH Specification No. 2604

KSRRB M2600- Filler Joint

KSRRB M2600-2. (i) Providing & fixing 2 mm thick corrugated copper m 2,380.00
plate in expansion joint complete as per drawing & Technical Specification
complete as per specifications MORTH Specification No. 2605

KSRRB M2600-3. (ii) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick compressible fibre m 198.00
board in expansion joint complete as per drawing & Technical Specification
complete as per specifications MORTH Specification No. 2605

KSRRB M2600-4. (iii)Providing and fixing in position 20 mm thick m 253.00

premoulded joint filler in expansion joint for fixed ends of simply supported
spans not exceeding 10 m to cater for a horizontal movement upto 20 mm,
covered with sealant complete as per drawing & Technical Specification
MORTH Specification No. 2605

KSRRB M2600-5.(iv) Providing and filling joint sealing compound as per m 22.85
drawings and technical specifications with coarse sand and 6 per cent
bitumen by weight complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2605
KSRRB M2600- Asphaltic Plug Joint
KSRRB M2600-6. Providing and laying of asphaltic plug joint to provide m 1,343.00
for horizontal movement of 25 mm and vertical movement of 2 mm, depth
of joint varying from 75 mm to 100 mm, width varying from 500 mm to 750
mm (in traffic direction), covered with a closure plate of 200mm x 6mm of
weldable structural steel conforming to IS: 2062, asphaltic plug to consist of
polymer modified bitumen binder, carefully selected single size aggregate of
12.5 mm nominal size and a heat resistant foam caulking/backer rod, all as
per approved drawings and specifications, complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2600
KSRRB M2600- Elastomeric Slab Seal Expansion Joint
31.7 KSRRB M2600-7. Providing and laying of an elastomeric slab steel m 21,510.00
expansion joint, catering to right or skew (less than 20 deg., moderately
curved with maximum horizontal movement upto 50 mm, complete as
per approved drawings and standard specifications to be installed by
the manufacturer/supplier or their authorised representative ensuring
compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for installation and clause
2600.6 of MORTH specifications for road & bridge works complete as per
specifications. MORTH Specification No. 2606

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M2600- Compression Seal Joint

31.8 KSRRB M2600-8. Providing and laying of compression seal joint consisting m 25,390.00
of steel armoured nosing at two edges of the joint gap suitably anchored
to the deck concrete and a preformed chloroprene elastomer or closed
cell foam joint sealer compressed and fixed into the joint gap with special
adhesive binder to cater for a horizontal movement upto 40 mm and vertical
movement of 3 mm complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2600

KSRRB M2600- Strip Seal Expansion Joint

31.9 KSRRB M2600-9. Providing and laying of a strip seal expansionjoint catering m 20,750.00
to maximum horizontal movement upto 70 mm; complete as per approved
drawings and standard specifications to be installed by the manufacturer/
supplier or their authorised representative ensuring compliance to the
manufacturer's instructions for installation complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2607

KSRRB M2600- Modular Strip/ Box Seal Joint

31.10 KSRRB M2600-10. Providing and laying of a modular strip Box seal m 9,065.00
expansion joint including anchorage catering to a horizontal movement
beyond 70 mm and upto 140mm, complete as per approved drawings
and standard specifications to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or
their authorised representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's
instructions for installation complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2600

31.11 KSRRB M2600-11 Providing and laying of a modular strip box seal expansion m 10,370.00
joint catering to a horizontal movement beyond 140mm and upto 210mm,
complete as per approved drawings and standard specifications to be
installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorised representative
ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for installation.
complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 2600

1. Guidelines laid down vide the MORTH circular No. RW/NH-34059/1/96-S&R
dated 30-11-2000 and subsequent corrigendum dated 25-01-2001 may be
referred for expansion joints.
2. The nominal size of aggregates shall be 12.5 mm for depth of joint upto
75mm and 20mm for joints of depth more than 75mm.
3. The installation shall be done by the manufacturer or his authorised
represesntative to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
4. The concreting for joining the expansion joint asssembly with the deck has
not been included in this analysis as the same is catered in the quantities
of RCC deck.
5. The anchoring bars of the expansion joint assembly shall be welded to
the main reinforcement of the deck.



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB M2700- Mastic Asphalt

KSRRB M2700-1. Providing and laying 12 mm thick mastic asphalt
Sqm 280.00
wearing course on top of deck slab excluding prime coat with paving
grade bitumen meeting the requirements given in table 500-29, prepared
by using mastic cooker and laid to required level and slope after cleaning
the surface, including providing antiskid surface with bitumen precoated fine
grained hard stone chipping of 9.5 mm nominal size at the rate of 0.005cum
per 10 sqm and at an approximate spacing of 10 cm center to center in
both directions, pressed into surface when the temperature of surfaces not
less than 100 deg. C, protruding 1 mm to 4 mm over mastic surface, all
complete as per clause 5100.5 complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 515 & 2702

KSRRB M2700- Railing

KSRRB M2700-2. Construction of precast RCC railing of M-30 Grade, m 1,790.00
aggregate size not exceeding 12 mm, true to line and grade, tolerance
of vertical RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing
between vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm, leaving adequate space
between vertical post for expansion, complete as per approved drawings
and technical specifications complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2703,1500,1600 & 1700
KSRRB M2700-3. Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-situ with m 1,755.00
20 mm nominal size aggregate, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical
RCC post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between vertical
post not to exceed 2000 mm, leaving adequate space between vertical
post for expansion, complete as per approved drawings and technical
specifications complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2703,1500, 1600 & 1700
32.4 KSRRB M2700-4. Providing, fitting and fixing mild steel railing complete m 3,250.00
as per drawing and Technical Specification complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2703.2, 1900
32.5 KSRRB M2700-5. Drainage Spouts complete as per drawing and Technical No 1,790.00
specification complete as per specifications MORTH Specification No. 2705

KSRRB M2700- Approach Slab

32.6 KSRRB M2700-6. PCC M15 Grade leveling course below approach cum 5,095.00
slab complete as per drawing and Technical specification complete as per
specifications MORTH Specification No. 2700
32.7 KSRRB M2700-7. Reinforced cement concrete M30 approach slab cum 9,880.00
including reinforcement@ 50 kg/cum and formwork complete as per drawing
and Technical specification complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.1500, 1600, 1700 & 2704

KSRRB M2300-16. Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat cum 11,505.00
with OPC cement design mix M30@ 360kgs, with 20mm and down size
graded granite metal coarse aggregates @0.69cum and fine aggregtes
@ 0.46cum, and reinforcement at 75 kg/cum with superplastisiser
------- -------��------ - - �----------
., . • �-�=,-��.n-,:.---.-�--,

SI. No. Description Unlt Rate

Rs. Ps.

@3Its confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008 including cost of

reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications
j complete as per specifications MORTH Specification No. 2702
� KSRRB M2700- Precast Pretensioned Girders
32.9 KSRRB M2700-9. Providing, precasting, transportation and placing in cum 23,740.00
position precast pretensioned concrete girde,s as per drawing and technicai
specifications including the cost high tensiled strands complete as per
MORTH Specification No.1800 & 2300
32.10 KSRRB M2700-10. Providing and fixing Helical pipes in voided concrete m 390.00
slabs complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 1700 & 1800

KSRRB M2700- Painting on Concrete Surface

32.11 KSRRB M2700-12. Providing and applying 2 coats of water based cement Sqm 46.20
paint to unplastered concrete surface after cleaning the surface of dirt, dust,
oil, grease, efflorescence and applying paint at of 1 litre for 2 sqm complete
as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 800

32.13 Providing and laying 3mm thick asphalt seal pad made of actatic Sqm 438.00
polypropylene polymer (app) modified bituminous pad reinforced with
non woven polyester mat of high bear strength as a carrier (confirming to
ASTM - 06222 (S) Specification) on concrete bridge deck slab complete
as per specifications.

NOTE : For KSRRB 2700-1

1. The rates for 6mm or any other thickness may be worked out on pro-rata basis
2. Where tack coat is required to be provided before laying mastic asphalt,
the same is required to be measured and paid separately.
3. The quantity of bitumen works out 17% of the mastic asphalt blocks
without aggregates and falls within the standards laid down by MORTH

NOTE : For KSRRB 2700-2 & KSRRB 2700-3

4. Quantities of material have been adopted from standard plans of MORTH
vide drawing No. SD/202.
5. 48m length is the total linear length adding both sides of 24m span.

NOTE : For KSRRB 2700-5

6. In case of viaducts in urban areas, the drainage spouts should be
connected with suitably located pipelines to discharge the surface run­
off to drains provided at ground level.
7. In case of bridges, sufficient length of G.I. Pipe shall be provided to
ensure that there is no splashing of water from the drainage spout on
the structure.


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


33.1 KSRRB M2800-1. Removal of existing cement concrete wearing
Sqm 83.00
coat including its disposal complete as per Technical Specification
without causing any detrimental effect to any part of the bridge structure
and removal of dismantled material with all lifts and lead complete as
per specifications
MORTH Specification No.2809

33.2 KSRRB M2800-2. Removal of existing asphaltic wearing coat Sqm 60.00
comprising of 50 mm thick asphaltic concert laid over 12 mm thick
mastic asphalt including disposal with all lift and lead complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 2809

33.3 KSRRB M2800-3. Guniting concrete surface with cement mortar Sqm 720.00
applied with compressor after cleaning surface and spraying with epoxy
complete as per Technical Specification.
MORTH · Specification No.2807

KSRRB M2800-4. Providing and inserting nipples with approved No 97.00

fixing compound after drilling holes for grouting as per Technical
Specifications including subsequent cutting/removal and sealing of the
hole as necessary of nipples after completion of grouting with Cement
/ Epoxy complete as _per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2800

33.5 "KSRRB M2800-5.1. Sealing of cracks / porous concrete by Kgs 205.00

injection process through nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical
Specification A. Cement Grout"
MORTH Specification No. 2806

33.6 "KSRRB M2800-5.2. Sealing of cracks / porous concrete by Kgs 200.10

injection process through nipples/Grouting complete as per Technical
Specification .
B. Cement Mortar (1 :1) Grouting"
MORTH Specification No. 2806
KSRRB M2800-6. Patching of damaged concrete surface with Sqm 870.00
polymer concrete and curing compounds, initiator and promoter,
available in present formulations, to be applied as per instructions
of manufacturer and as approved by the Engineer complete as per
MORTH Specification No. 2800
KSRRB M2800-7. Sealing of crack/ porous concrete with Epoxy Kgs 530.00
Grout by injection through nipples complete as per clause 2800.3.1
complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2803
KSRRB M2800-8. Applying epoxy mortar over leached, honey combed Sqm 580.00
and spalled concrete surface and exposed steel reinforcement complete
as per Technical Specification.
MORTH Specification No. 2804

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

33.10 KSRRB M2800-9. Removal of defective concrete, cleaning the surface Sqm 258.00
thoroughly, applying the shotcrete mixture mechanically with compressed
air under pressure, comprising of cement, sand, coarse aggregates, water
and quick setting compound in the proportion as per clause 2800.7.1.
sand and coarse aggregates conforming to IS: 383 and table 1 of IS: 9012
respectively, water cement ratio ranging from 0.35 to 0.50, density of gunite
not less than 2000 kg/cum, strength not less than 25 Mpa and workmanship
conforming to clause 2800.7.6 complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2807
33.11 KSRRB M2800-10. Applying pre-packed cement based polymer mortar Sqm 720.00
of strength 45 Mpa at 28 days for replacement of spalled concrete complete
as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2800
33.12 KSRRBM 2800-11. Eproxy bonding of new concrete to old concrete Sqm 750.00
complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2805
33.13 KSRRB M2800-12.1. Providing external prestressing with high tensile Tonne 4,79,930.00
steel wires / strands for taking output of 1 MT, including drilling for passage
of prestessing steel, all accessories for stressing and stressing operation
and grouting complete as per drawing and Technical Specification
MORTH Specification No. 2810
33.14 KSRRB M2800-12.�. Providing external prestressing with high tensile Tonne 3,55,940.00
steel wires /strands for taking output of 3.10 MT, including drilling for passage
of prestessing steel, all accessories for stressing and stressing operation
and grouting complete as per drawing and Technical Specification
MORTH Specification No. 2810
... 33.15 KSRRB M2800-12.3. Providing externarprestressing with high tensile Tonne 3, 18,630.00
steel wires / strands for taking output of 9.28 MT, including drilling for
passage of prestessing steel, all accessories for stressing and stressing
operation and grouting complete as per drawing and Technical Specification
MORTH SpecificatiorJ No. 2810
33.16 KSRRB M2800-13. Replacement of Bearings complete as per Technical
Specification complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 2810
33.16.1 Bearing Rocker & Roller Nos 14,030.00
33.16.2 Bearing Neoprene No 11,660.00
33.18 KSRRB M2800-15. Replacement of Expansion Joints complete as per m 3,925.00
drawings complete as per specifications
33.19 KSRRB M2800-16. Replacement of Damaged Concrete Railing complete m 190.00
as per specifications
33.20 KSRRB M2800-17. Replacement of Crash Barrier complete as per m 350.00
33.21 KSRRB M2800-18. Replacement of Damaged Mild Steel Railing m 155.00
complete as per specifications


--------�---------- ---- - --
- ------
- ---------

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M2800-19. Repair of Crash Barrier. Repair of concrete crash m 375.00

barrier with cement concrete of M-30 grade by cutting and trimming the
damaged portion to a regular shape, cleaning the area to be repaired
thoroughly, applying cement concert after erection of proper form work
complete as per specifications
KSRRB M2800-20. Repair of RCC Railing Carrying out repair of RCC m 202.00
M-30 railing to bring it to the original shape complete as per specifications

KSRRB M2800-21. Repair of Steel Railing to bring it to the original m 290.00

shape complete as per specifications



Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


KSRRB M2900- PCC M10 in Foundation

KSRRB M2900-1. Plain cement concrete M10 mix with crushed stone
cum 4,610.00
aggregate 40mm nominal size mechanically mixed, placed in foundation
and compacted by vibration including curing complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 408
KSRRB M2900-2.1. Laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe NP4 / m 11,825.00
prestressed concrete pipe for culverts on first class bedding of granular
material in single row including fixing collar with cement mortar 1 :2 but
excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry
works in head walls and parapets complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 2900
A. 1000 mm dia
KSRRB M2900-2.2. -do- B. 1200 mm dia m 13,170.00
MORTH Specification No. 2900
KSRRB M2900-3.1. Laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe NP4 /
prestressed concrete pipe for culverts on first class bedding of granular
m 23,740.00
material in double row including fixing collar with cement mortar 1 :2 but
excluding excavation, protection works, backfilling, concrete and masonry
works in head walls and parapets complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 2900
A. 1000 mm dia

KSRRB M2900-3.2. -do- B. 1200 mm dia m 26,440.00

MORTH Specification No. 2900
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP3 for culverts
including pointing ends, and fixing collars with cement mortar 1 :2 including
cost of all materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
Specifications. No. KSRB 1000, 2300
MOST Specification No.1000 / 2300
300mm. dia m 1,445.00
450mm. dia m 2,195.00
600mm. dia m 3,695.00
750mm. dia m 4,055.00
900mm. dia m 6,550.00
1200mm. dia m 8,940.00
Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pipe NP2 for culverts
including pointing ends, and fixing collars with cement mortar 1 :2 including
cost of all materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
Specifications. No. KSRB 1000, 2300
MOST Specification No.1000 / 2300
150mm dia
m 540.00
250mm dia m 730.00
300mm dia m 985.00

SI. No. Description
�· . . ..· .

.. .. . �· . �· .�. �----
Rs. Ps.
34.7.4 450mm dia m 1,615.00
34.7.5 600mm dia m 2,245.00
34.7.6 750mm dia m 2,345.00
34.7.7 900mm dia m 3,860.00
34.7.8 1200mm dia m 6,470.00
34.8 Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt size stone masonry in

foundation with cement mortar & stone hammerd dressed in courses not
less than 20 ems high, bond stones at two m. apart in each course including
cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications. KBS 5.1.13
34.8.1 - do - cement mortar 1 :8 cum 4,470.00
34.8.2 - do - cement mortar 1 :6 cum 4,620.00
34.9 Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt size stone masonry cum 5,630.00
in basement with cement mortar 1 :6, edges of stones chistle dressed
in courses not less than 15 ems high, bond stones at two m. apart in
each course including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
specifications. KBS 5.1.13
34.10 Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt size stone masonry in
superstructure with cement mortar & edges of stones chistle dressed in
courses not less than 15 ems high, bond stones at two m. apart in each
course including cost of materials, labour, scaffolding, curing complete as
per specifications. KBS 5.1.13
34.10.1 - do - with cement mortar 1 :6 cum 5,855.00
34 .10 .2 - do - with cement mortar 1 :4 cum 6,020.00
34.11 Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete of mix 1 :2:4 with cum 5,520.00
cement@ 240kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates@ 0.69 cum and fine aggregtes@ 0.459cum, machine mixed,
concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 ems. thick, well compacted, for
coping. Including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing
complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.2

34.12 Providing flush pointing to square rubble, course or uncoursed stone

masonry with cement mortar, 20mm deep, after raking joints to depth of
20mm nicely lining, including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as
per specifications.
34.12.1 - do - cement mortar 1 :4 Sqm 95.00
34.12.2 - do - cement mortar 1 :3 Sqm 97.00

34.13 Providing ruled pointing to coursed stone masonry with cement mortar,
20mm deep, after raking joints to depth of 20mm nicely lining, including
cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
34.13.1 - do - cement mortar 1 :4 Sqm 95.00
34.13.2 - do - cement mortar 1 :3 Sqm 98.00
34.14 Providing and constucting pithcing / Revetment of 30 cm thick on slopes Sqm 280.00
using granite/basalt/trap/stones of surface area not less than 0.04 sqm and
wedged with spalls including cost of all materials, labour etc., complete as
per specification.

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

1. In case of cement cradle bedding, quantity of PCC M-15 is to be calculated
as per design and priced separately and added.

The rate analysis does not include excavation I cement/ masonry works
in head walls, backfilling, protection works and parapet walls. The same
are to be calculated as per approved design and drawings and priced
separately on rates available under respective chapters.



--------------------- ----- ------- - -------------- ------------

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

KSRRB M3000-1. Restoration of rain cuts with soil, moorum, gravel or m 85.00
a mixture of these, clearing the loose soil, benching for 300 mm width,
laying fresh material in layers not exceeding 250 mm and compacting
with plate compactor or power rammers to restore the original alignment,
levels and slopes complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 3002
KSRRB M3000-2. Making up loss of material I irregularities on shoulder Sqm 20.00
to a minimum depth of 150mm to the design level by adding fresh
approved soil and compacting it with appropriate equipment complete
as per specifications
MORTH Specification No.3003
KSRRB M3000-3. Stripping excess soil from the shoulder surface Sqm 10.00
to a minimum depth of 150mm to achieve the approved level and
compacting with plate compactor complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 3003

KSRRB 3000 Filling Pot-holes and Patch Repairs with Open-Graded

Premix Surfacing, 20 mm
KSRRB M3000-4. Removal of all failed material, trimming of completed Sqm 200.00
excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning of surface, applying
tack coat on the sides and base of excavation at 0.40 kgs/sqm as per
clause 500.3, and filling the pot holes with open graded pre-mix material
as per clause 500.11, & sealing the surface with Type-8 seal coat as per
clause 513 compacting the surface to form a smooth continuous surface,
including cost of all materials and labour complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 3004.2
KSRRB 3000 Filling Pot-holes and Patch Repairs with Bituminous
Concrete, 40 mm
KSRRB M3000-5. Removal of all failed material, trimming of completed Sqm 355.00
excavation to provide firm vertical faces, cleaning of surface, applying
tack coat on the sides and base of excavation at 2.5kg/10sqm as per
clause 500.3, filling back the pot holes with hot bituminous material as
per clause 500.4, compacting, trimming and finishing the surface to
form a smooth continuous surface, all as per clause 3004.2 complete
as per specifications MORTH Specification No. 3004.2
KSRRB M3000-6. Filling of crack using slow - curing bitumen emulsion m 4.40
and applying crusher dust in case crack are wider than 3mm complete
as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 3004.3.3
KSRRB M3000-7. Applying crusher dust to areas of road where bleeding m 1.03
of excess bitumen has occurred complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 3004.4
KSRRB 3000 Repair of Joint Grooves with Epoxy Mortar
KSRRB M3000-8. Repair of spalled joint grooves of contraction joints, m 515.00
longitudinal joints and expansion joints in concrete pavements using

r ,
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

epoxy mortar or epoxy concrete complete as per specifications.

MORTH Specification No. 3005.1
35.9 KSRRB M3000-9. Removal of existing sealant and re sealing of m 37.00
contraction, longitudinal or expansion joints in concrete pavement with
,.,. fresh sealant material complete as per specifications
MORTH Specification No. 3005.2
35.10 KSRRB M3000-10. Removal of earth from the choked hill side drain and m 32.00
disposing it on the valley side manually complete as per specifications.
MORTH Specification No. 3000
35.11 KSRRBM 3000-11. Clearance of land slides in soil and ordinary rock by cum 10.50
a bull-dozer D 80 A-12, 180 HP and disposal of the same on the valley
side complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 3000
35.12 KSRRB M3000-12. Clearing of land slide in hard rock requiring blasting cum 63.00
for 50% of the boulders and disposal of the same on the valley side
complete as per specifications. MORTH Specification No. 3000
35.13 Patching of deep potholes by restoring the granular base course using
material confinning to WBM garde -111 standards /WMM wherver necessary
by- manual means including trimming the pothole to the required shape
and size, cleaning the pothole applying tack coat at 4 kg/10sqm over the
WBM/WMM surface including cleaning etc, and covering the surface with
premixed mix seal TYPE-A20mm thick including lead, loading unloading,
rolling and finishing etc., Complete as per standard specification.
35.13.1 - do - upto 75 mm thick Sqm 423.00
35.13.2 - do - upto 150 mm thick Sqm 510.00
35.14 patching of shall9w potholes on asphalt surfaces by using corresponding
standard premixes including removing the failed materials on the road
surface, preparation of potholes to the required standards before
patching them, application of tack coat at 2.5 kg/10 sqm over the asphalt
surface including lead, loading unloading, rolling and finishing etc.,
complete as per standard specification.
35.14.1 - do - using MSS Type - A upto 20 mm thick Sqm 195.00
35.14.2 - do - using SDBC 25 mm thick Sqm 204.00
35.14.3 - do - using BM for base coarse 50mm thick and 25mm thick SDBC for Sqm 395.00

1. The earth stripped from earthen shoulders to be dumped on the side
slopes locally for disposal.
2. The constituents of epoxy mortary/ epoxy concrete will be as per the
instruction and manual of the manufacturer.
3. 35.14.3 & 35.13.2 Should be operated after obtaining approval from S.E.



-- - --- --- -------------------

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.


36.1 KSRRB M3100-2. Assembling, joining and laying of reinforcing elements. m 285.00
A. With reinforcing element of steel / aluminium strips / polymeric
MORTH Specification No. 3102

KSRRB M3100-3. Assembling.joining and laying of reinforcing elements Sqm 490.00

B. With reinforcing element of synthetic geogrids
MORTH Specification No. 3102

KSRRB M3100-4. Facing Elements of RCC Sqm 1,760.00

MORTH Specification No. 3104

The specification and construction details to be adopted shall be as per

section 3100 of MORTH specification.

____ Drainage arrangement shall be made as per approved design and


_,_ The quantity of filter media shall be calculated as per approved design
- an
d specifications and shall be priced separately. The rate for same to
be adopted from chapter 15.

For compaction of Earthwork, attention is invited t o clause 3105.5 of

, MORTH specificatio n.

Length of reinforcing strips will vary with the height of wall and will be
'!_per approved design and drawings.

}The earth fill material shall be clean, free draining, granular with high
· ftjction and low cohesion, non-corrosive, coarse grained with not 10
_ r'cent of particles passing 75 micron sieve, free of any deleterious
: 'atter,-chlorides, salts, acids, alkalie.

e�c_Qst of reinforced earth retaining wall shalfinclude following :

-:Excavation for foundation including backfilling .

.,e�ndation concrete as per approved design.

ost of facial pannels and their erection.

, of reinforcing elements including theilr fixing and joining with

cial pannels.

ge arrangement including filter media as per approved design


cted earth filling to be retained shall form part of embankment.




p o_n___________U_n_it_____R_a_t_e__
:'.,.;,,._ ·
Rs. Ps.
,;,c -----------------------------------------

Providing erecting and removing casurinapole Barricading using poles of
7.50 to 10 ems. Dia and 1.5 height above ground fixed vertically at intervals
of 2.0 to 2.5 mtrs. CIC and Horizontally at 0.50 mtrs, above ground level,
including fixing poles in the ground level for minimum depth of 0.30 mtr and
tied with coir rope firmly including cost and conveyance of all materials,
labour, lead and lift charges and complete.

For two tier Barricading m 43.00

For three tier Barricading m 55.00

Supplying and fixing M.S. Rectangular poles made out of 2 equal angles m 1,020.00
of 65x65x6 mm welded together and fixed in CC (1:2:4) WITH 2 NOS16mm
dia M.S. hold fast rods each of length 25 ems. Including cost of all materials
cutting, bending scaffolding wherever necessary, nicely finishing the welded
joints with all lead lifts and as per the directions of the Engineer-in - charge
of the work and including providing 2 coats of approved quality paint over
one coat of shop painting ( excluding cost of earthwork and concrete)

Providing chain link fencing 50mm size of 8 guage properly stretched Sqm 505.00
between existing rectangular poles and fixed with suitable bolts & nuts, the
free ends shall be welded to the pole and block pipe at top and bottom as
required including cost of all materials, labour, lead and lifts and as per the
directions of the Engineer-in-charge of work including two coats of approved
quality paint over one coat of shop paint
Providing and fixing M.S. Block pipe of 38mm dia, of heavy guage of 14 m 320.00
including removing the bends, cutting the pipe, and fixing pipe in between
the existing two verticle poles (M.S. rectangular poles) and spot welding
the chain link with M.S. block pipe including cost of all materials wastage in
cutting, and scaffolding wherever necessary with all lead and lift as directed
by the Engineer-in-charge of work etc., complete including two coats of
approved quality paint over one coat of shop_ paint.
Providing barbed GI wire fencing of 12x12 gauge drawn into stone pillars m 32.00
or iron pillars including drawing in holes wherever necessary excluding the
cost of pillars but including the cost of barbed wire and binding wire etc.,

Providing corrugated cement asbestos Ridge sheets set in C.M. 1 :3 m 505.00

and pointed with C.M. 1:3.

Providing Mangalore Ridge tiles set in C.M. 1 :2 and pointed with m 245.00

Fixing doors, window and ventilators in walls. No 240.00

Supplying and fixing new Mangalore tiles on existing reapers Sqm 730.00

Removing and fixing old Mangalore ridge tiles including pointing with m 59.00


---------·· -
. ----"=�
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

37.11 Repairs to roof with available corrugated zinc sheets/ A.C .sheets with new Sqm 59.00
J bolts, screws and washers etc., on existing reeper and rafters.

37.12 Repairing door and window frames with available wood to the required size. Sqm 390.00
37.13 Repairing and fixing shutters (panelled or glazed) to doors, windows, {
Sqm 390.00
ventilators and cupboards.

37.14 Fixing old eve board with necessary screws and approved painting two m 15.00 f.:

37.15 Providing and fixing plain rolled glass 3mm thick with T.W beading of 10mm Sqm 755. 00

37.16 Providing and fixing 4mm thick glass panes to steel windows including T.W. Sqm 800.00
beading of 10 mm thick and 2 coats of approved paints.

37.17 Easing of shutters of door. No 50.00

37.18 Easing of window shutters. No 49.00

37.19 Providing and fixing M.S bars to windows and ventilators including cutting Kgs 108.00
making holes in frame work with two coats of approved paints.

37.20 Labour charges for fixing iron bars to windows including cutting fixing and Kgs 49.00
making holes in the frame work and painting two coats with approved paint
etc., complete (excluding the cost of iron bars)

37.21 Repairs to cornice or coping or mortar band, 15 cm deep and 8cm projection Sqm 59.00
for damaged portion.

37.22 Removing cuddappa slab flooring and stacking the material with a lead of Sqm 29.00
50 meters.

37.23 Removing and resetting Mangalore tiles and replacing broken ones wherever Sqm 15.00
necessary (excluding cost of new tiles).

37.24 Cleaning glass with chemicals. Sqm 8.70

37.25 Removing and refixing existing mortar and pestle stone. Each 155.00
37.26 Removing by chiselling cement joints 50mm to 80mm deep in pipes upto Sqm 29.00
150mm dia.

37.27 Labour charges for fixing plain, frosted or pin headed glass panels Sqm 275.00
(clear glass area) with teak wood beading.

37.28 Drilling holes of 2.50 ems dia (roof/chajja/stone).

37.28.1 -do- in slabs upto 7.50 ems thick No 74.00

37.28.2 -do- in slabs upto 10 ems thick No 89.00
37.29 Providing and fixing mortar and pestle stone with suitable size of pestle
stone including three line dressing for top and two line dressing for the
exposed faces

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

-do- 50 ems x 50 c_ms x 60 ems Set 295.00

-do- 40 ems x 40 ems x 40 ems Set 235.00
Providing wall black boards in CM 1 :3 with two coats of black paint including Sqm 875.00
finishing etc., complete.

Providing and fixing mortise locks heavy duty to doors. No 518.00

Providing and fixing hydraulic door closures-with mounting heavy duty. No 1,020.00
Providing and fixing hydraulic door closures-Aluminium body. No 1,120.00
Cleaning of glazed tiles. Sqm 56.00
Wall bores in Brick masonry upto 45 cm thick. Each 73.00
Wall bores in size stone masonry
-do- upto 45 cm thick. Each 175.00
-do- upto 60 to 90cm thick. Each 190.00
-do- upto 90 to 120 cm thick. · Each 220.00
Cutting of road surface for pipeline trenches and disposing of the cum 210.00
excavated stuff as directed including barricading, danger lighting etc., in
the Macadam road.
Cutting of road surface for pipeline trenches and disposing of the cum 320.00
excavated stuff as directed including barricading, danger lighting etc., in
the Asphalt surface road.
Cutting of road surface for pipeline trenches and disposing of the cum 575.00
excavated stuff as directed including barricading, danger lighting etc., in
the Cement concrete road.
Diversion of water course by providing Coffer dams or bunds or islands
as may be necessary for piers and abutments foundations, bailing out or
pumping water during excavation and until completion etc., complete.
-do- 1.50 mtrs depth below LWL. cum 275.00
-do- beyond 1.50 mtrs depth upto & including 3m depth. cum 335.00
-do- beyond 3.00 mtrs depth upto & including 4.5m depth. cum 490.00
-do- beyond 4.50 mtrs depth upto & including 6.00m depth. cum 585.00
Dismantling Mangalore tiles roof and stacking the material within a radius
of 50 meters.
-do- with reapers Sqm 44.00
-do- without reapers Sqm 29.00
-do- A.C. sheet roofing. Sqm 58.00
Dismantling Cl or AC rain water Pipes with fittings and clamps and stacking Rmt 15.00
the materials with a lead of 50 meters.

- ------------ ----------------

SI. No, Description Unlt Rate

Rs. Ps.

37.44 Dismantling weather proof course and removing and conveying the debris Cllm 440.00
to a distance upto 200m.
37.45 Dismantling Madras terrace jack arch roof including rafters and stacking Sqm 145.00
the materials with a lead upto 50m and removing the debris to a distance
upto 200m.
37.46 Dismantling stone slab roofing over wooden reepers or RCC battens Sqm 145.00
(dismantling reepers and battens to be paid for separately) including
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable within 200m
lead (with in average thickness of 1 O ems
37.47 Dismantling burnt brick masonry in clay mortar/lime mortar/cement mortar cum 145.00
and stacking the bricks within a radius of 50m and removing the debris to
a distance upto 200m.
37.48 Dismantling size stone masonry in clay mortar and stacking the size stone cum 160.00
within a radius of 50m and removing the debris to a distance upto 200m.
37.49 Dismantling the tile work in floor and roof laid in cement or surki mortar Sqm 30.00
including stacking the materials with in 50 m lead of tiles thickness 10mm
to 25mm.
37.50 Dismantling plastering and removing the debris with a lead upto 200m. Sqm 22.00

37.51 Dismantling cement concrete flooring or plain cement concrete work Sqm 51.00
including removing and conveying the debris to distance upto 200m (within
average thickness of 15 ems).
37.52 Dismantling barbed wire or flexible wirer rope in fencing including making m 4.40
rolls and stacking within 50m lead.
37.53 Dismantling expanded metal or IRC fabric with weld mesh necessary battens Sqm 14.65
and beading etc., including stacking the serviceable materials within 50 m lead.
37.54 Providing and fixing 12.5mm to 25 mm expanded metal work of 14 gauge Sqm 1,100.00
with Mathi or Nandi wood patties of 50 mm x 12 mm size, including two
coats approved paint etc., complete. (Including cost of screws).
37.55 _do_ with weld mesh 75 mm X 25 mm 6G X 10G. Sqm 1,115.00
37.56 Removing and resetting of footpath slab Sqm 117.00
37.57 Removing and resetting of kerb stones m 59.00
37.58 Supplying water storage tanks made of virgin polymer (LLD PE) with two Ltr. 8.30
layers outer Black or Blue and inner White layer of approved quality and
make, conforming to I.S.I./ISO/SSI specifications.
37.59 Providing laying plain/ reinforced cement concrete for Box Drain walls of
thickness 10cm to 20cm including centering shuttering for work etc. complete
as per approved drawing and design MORTH specification No. 1500, 1700,
37.59 .1 -do- PCC M15 Grade using concrete mixer cum 7,505.00
37.59.2 -do- PCC M20 Grade using concrete mixer cum 7,700.00

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Providing and fixing RCC name board of size 1.35xk0.60x0.04 mtrs, fixed Each 4,800.00
in reinforced cement concrete poles of size 0.1Ox0.1Ox2.60mtrs in cement
concrete M 20 proportion using 20mm and down size graded metal machine
mixed with 10mm dia main steel bars and 8mm dia stirpes as shown in
drawing. The board shall be provided with 12mm thick cement plaster in
cement mortar 1 :3 on both the sides. The poles shall be embedded in the
ground for a depth of 0.5 mtrs with cement concrete M 10 proportion. The
board shall be fixed as per the drawing and at the place indicated by the
Engineering charge of the work. The cost includes excavation, cost of all
materials, cost of steel, centering, transportation charges, fixing charges
etc., The work shall be carried out as per the detailed specifications,
drawings and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work.
Providing and fixing sign board of size 60x60cm equilateral triangle using Each 3,500.00
M.S sheet 5mm thick with RCC pole of size 0.15x0.15x2.3 mtr made out of
cement concrete M 20 proportion using 20mm and down size graded metal
machine mixed with 10mm dia main steel bars and 8mm dia stirupps as
shown in drawing. The poles shall be embedded in the ground for a depth
of 0.6mtrs with cement concrete M 10 proportion. The board shall be fixed
as per the drawing and at the place indicated by the Engineering charge of
the work. The cost includes excavation, cost of all materials, cost of steel,
centering, transportation charges, fixing charges etc., The work shall be
carried out as per the detailed specifications, drawings and directions of
the Engineer in charge of the work.
Providing and constructing informatory name board of size 1.75m x 1.75m Each 6,500.00
with Burnt brick masonry in CM 1 :6 with non-modular bricks of standard
size of class designation 50 (table moulded). The foundation shall be
provided with cement concrete M 7.5 for a depth of 10cms and with size
stone masonry with Cement Mortar 1 :6 and copping concrete with cement
concrete M 10 as indicated in the drawing. The name board shall be provided
with 12mm thick plaster in CM 1 :6 on both the sides including rounding
of corners. The name board shall be provided with painting with 2 coats
of enamel paint. The board shall be fixed as per the drawing and at the
place indicated by the Engineering charge of the work. The cost includes
excavation, cost of all materials, centering, transportation charges, fixing
charges etc., The work shall be carried out as per the detailed specifications,
drawings and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work.
37 .63 Providing two bulb underreemed pile foundation upto maximum 5m depth
including hire charges of machineries digging the pile holes, labour charges
and laying 20mm and down size jelly RCC M 20 keeping the reinforcement
edge cutting etc., complete as per specifications.
37 .63.1 23cm dia m 715.00
37 .63.2 30cm dia m 1,210.00
37.64 Providing and fixing RCC precast fencing pole of size 0.15m x 0.15m x Each 1,550.00
2.0m casted in CC 1:1.5:3 with 20mm downsize aggregate making holes
for drawing barbed wire at 30cm c/c using 10 mm dia vertical 4 TMT steel rods
and 8mm dia stirrups at 15cm c/c fixed 1.5m above ground level using steel
moulding, curing, transportation to work spot including excavation in hard soil
fixing in plain cement concrete 1 :2:4 using 20mm downsize aggregate including
aligning to plumb and line providing including cost of all materials, labour, hire
charge of machineries lead, lift loading & unloading etc.,Complete.


1. The material component rate indicated in the SR are the prevailing market rates inclusive of taxes, duties,
lead, lift, loading and unloading charges.
The rates for finished items of works indicated in the Schedule of rates are inclusive of lead, lift, 10% contractor's
profit, 10% over head charges, loading and unloading charges. Extra lead, loading and unloading charges
shall not be added except otherwise mentioned in specific cases.
For ensuring the quality aspect of the materials used by the contractors, it is necessary that the contractor
shall furnish the quality control test certificates for these materials. Department will have the right to get these
materials tested at the cost of contractor.
The rates of innovative items included in this volume are expensive over the conventional items, but highly
effective performance wise. Hence these items shall be used effectively and judiciously duly adopting the
following procedures:
a)Site Engineer/ Sub-Divisional Officer shall identify the specific work for adoption of these items with proper
justification and report.
b)Assistant Executive Engineer, Quality assurance shall furnish his opinion on this report.
c) Executive Engineer shall examine the necessity of the proposal and submit to Superintending Engineer
with due recommendations for inclusion in the estimate.
d} Superintending Engineer shall decide the necessity and accord approval for inclusion in the estimate.
The work shall be got inspected by SE / EE QA during execution and after completion and obtain report.
Details of manufacturer,; /Authorized dealers of Innovative products are appended.
Comments, suggestions with reference to the specification, rates and additions if any, may please be
communicated to the following address:

Office of the
Superintending Engineer, Tele: 0831-2420153
KPWP & IWTD, Belagavi Circle, Fax : 0831-2467802
Belagavi-590 016 E-mail :


---------------------------- -- -- - ---- - - --- -�---------
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


Using Membrane Technology
For raft & retaining wall
Providing & applying water proofing to concrete surfaces using high Sqm 480.00
quality polymer-modified bituminous compounds (confirming toASTM D
5147) reinforced with non woven polyester fabric, weighing 180gm/sqm
granular finish 4mm thick by torch on application method confirming to
the properties indicated below. It shall be provided after priming the
surface using bitumen primer at 0.2 ltr /sqm.
Detailed specification & Methodology
1. Membrane thickness 4mm (+ or- 5%)
2. Tensile strength- Longitudinal 790 N/5cm Transverse 730 N/5cm
3. Elongation of Membrane - Longitudinal 65% Transverse 69%
4. Tear Resistance - Longitudinal 180 N Transverse 190 N
5. Lap joint strength - Longitudinal 750 N/5cm Transverse 550 N/5cm
6. Puncture Resistance- Static 1.4 Dynamic 1.3
7. Water absorption - < 0.15%
8. Water permeability - Nil
9. Chemical resistance- Chloride, sulphate and Nitrate
The area to be water proofed shall be free from loose aggregate, dust
free and in dry condition. Primer must be applied to the surface and
allowed to dry prior to application of membrane. The membrane shall
be applied within 6 hours after application of primer. The membrane
comes in a roll form shall be unrolled and placed in the correct position
where it has to be torched..Each layer must over lap the next layer by
min 10cm at the adjacent and 15cm at the ends. The heat application
through propane gas torch shall be applied on membrane thus causing
melting and subsequent adhesion in the surface. The membrane should
be properly placed and torched on in staggered position.
38.2 For roof Slab & Terraces
Providing & applying water proofing to roof slab, terraces, landscape Sqm 700.00
area, podium etc., using modified polyurethane cures (conforming to
ASTM C836-84) to give a tough elastomeric waterproof membrane
on the surface. The surface shall be cleaned free from dust and other
particle before usage.
Standards & Methodology
This compound has a medium viscosity grade with 620% of elongation
and shall be done either by roller application/brush application/ spray.
This will be applied for a thickness of 1.3mm first layer 0.5mm & 2nd
layer 0.8mm. After applying the 2nd layer sand sprinkle shall be done
to provide mechanical key.
Providing waterproof treatment to roof slab using 2 coats of acrylic Sqm 1,130.00
co polymer elastomeric ISOPROOF sealer & protector. The surface

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

shall be prepared free of tar, dust, fungus, loose particles etc.,

The surface shall be applied with basecoat of crystallization liquid and
then ISO PROOF, wetting agent and liquid (1: 1:6) over the prepared
surface. In addition the surface shall be provided with polysulphide/
acrylic sealant to V groves, making haunch at junction of parapet and
roof slab and at damaged portion using patching mortar to drain off rain
water. Over this one coat of flexible cementatious membrane (FCM),
Spreading 2 layers of 40 gsm non woven geotextile membrane as
reinforcing material (over FCM) with one primer coat of ISOPROOF
& applying second coat of ISOPROOF liquid over the primer coat -
conforming to ASTM D 412 - 1992. The work shall be carried out as
per the directions of the Engineer in charge.
Standards & Methodology
1. Surface Preparation
The surface shall be made free from all dirt, fungus, loose particles
by using wire brush. The surface shall be cleaned with solvent like
xylene, Toluene, Benzene, dilute hydro chloric acid.
i) Cutting of 'V'-Grooves : The V shaped grooves shall be cut along
the location of all the visible cracks. The 'V'-Grooves shall be of
size 5mm as directed by the Engineer in charge.


SL No. Description
._FR. .2-.. Fs,

2. Primary reduction of water permeability

The concentrated crystallization liquid of specific gravity 1.09 is
lightly diluted and applied on the prepared surface. The sodium
acetate formed during the chemical reaction penetrates inside the
pores of the concrete and reacts with water to form crystals to block
the pores of the concrete, there by reducing water permeability.
--""-- ;;;;;,;';

3. Porosity and voids reduction {Base Coat Application)

Applying wetting agent consisting of acrylic monomer, co-polymer
liquid and crystallization liquid as base on the prepared surface
and V groove and cracks etc.


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

4. Application of Sealant / Patching Mortar

Cracks will be sealed using suitable sealant or patching mortar.
These make them ideally suited for joint treatment. Its adhesion is
very strong & binds with the building materials such as concrete,
and take care of expansion and contraction in the structures.

5. Levelling course using Flexible Cementatious Material

A concrete mix in the ratio 1 :1.5:3 (1 :cement: 1.5 quartz powder:
3 graded stone) is laid to make haunch at junction of parapet and
roof slab and at damaged portions to drain off water.
The factory made dry CEMENTATIOUS silica sand power consisting
of dry cement mortar (1 cement: 4 silica sand) shall be mixed with
additives like ISOPROOF chemical and acrylic polymer and water
to arrive at workable consistency. The same shall be applied over
the prepared surface to give even surface and act as base for geo­
textile ;fabric.


6. Non woven Geo Textile Fabric Application
Two layers of Non-Woven Geo Fabric 40gsm (40=40=80gsm) shall
be applied on FCM coating. Geo fabric shall be saturated with
acrylic co polymer applied in wet condition. Over this layer, flexible
monolithic membrane shall be laid by mixing single component ISO
PROOF with water in the ratio of 1 :1.

- '\.


.,..,..._---- - -·-

7. Primer Coat
A mixture of acrylic monomer (1: 1) ISOPROOF & water mixed
in proper proportion will be applied on the geotextile mer:ibrane.


------------------- ----�----------

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

8. Final Coat
Application of a coat of ISOPROOF shall be applied at right angles
to the primer coat and drying time is about 3 hours. The rate of
completion of ISOPROOF for primer and final coat shall not be less
than 1.25Kg per Sq meter.

Atotic Polypropylene
Providing and laying Water proofing with single layer of 3mm thick Sqm 450.00
granule finish @ 4.Skg/sqm using Atotic Polypropylene membranes
(APP) with overlap of 100mm at every joints including applying bitumen
emulsion priming coat over the dry surface, including scarifying the
surface and removing dust and foreign materials removing debris and
cleaning surface with wire brush to give even surface. The work shall
be carried out as per the instructions
_ of Engineer in charge of the work.


.�,........�"- =�- -� -··-"-�- --- -- -----�---
SI. No, Description R.afo
Rs. Ps
.:-�7�-- ·=-- =·='='� - -- --·--·
- - ----�

38.5 Admixture for concrete mix

Concrete structures including water retaining structures Providing Kgs 360.00
admixture to concrete mix using INTEGRAL CRYSTALINE admixture.
Integral Crystalline Admixture shall be added @0.8% by weight of
cement to the ready mix concrete / concrete at the time of batching
conforming toASTM C 1202 & DIN V 18998.
Mixing: Admixture must be added to the concrete at the time of batching
at 0.8% by weight of cement. The sequence of procedures for addition
will vary according to the type of batch plant operation and equipment:
Addition of Admixture to RMC Transit Mixer/ Concrete Mixer: Mix
Admixture with water to form a very thin slurry 1 powder : 1.26 liters
of water (e.g. 18 kg of powder mixed with 22.7 liters of water). Pour
this material into the drum of the ready-mix truck/ concrete mixer. The
aggregate, cement and water should be batched and mixed in the plant
in accordance with standard practices (taking into account the quantity
of water that has already been placed in the ready-mix truck). Mix for at
least 5 minutes to ensure even distribution of the Admixture throughout
the concrete.
Addition of Admixture to the Batching Plant: Add Admix to the
coarse aggregates and sand, then mix thoroughly for 2 - 3 minutes
before adding the cement and water. The total concrete mass should be
blended using standard practices. In case of a fully automated Batching
plant, the Admix shall be poured in the dry form (in the required pre-
measured quantity) to the coarse aggregates and sand while the same
is being fed to the batching plant through the conveyor belt.
Note: It is important to obtain a homogeneous mixture of Admixture with
the concrete. Therefore, do not add dry Admixture powder directly to
wet concrete as this may cause clumping and.thorough dispersion will
not occur. STORAGE: Admixture must be stored dry at a temperature
of 25 degrees. A secured covered storage space shall be provided in
the close vicinity of the batching plant.
38.6 For Construction joints
Providing pressure grouting for construction joints with cement grout Point 95.00
mixed with plasticised expanding grout admixture at 225 grams/bag of
cement conforming to BS:8110 part 1 - 1985, Section 8,9,4.6.
The admixture, cement and water shall be added in the ratio of 225
gram/bag of cement /21 ltrs of water. This shall be applied to concrete
joints at a pressure of 2 to 4 kg/cm2 by using pumping equipments.
The admixture shall confirm toASTM C827 and shall have unrestrained
expansion upto 4%
38.7 Water retaining Structures
Providing & applying water proofing to concrete surfaces using crystalline Sqm 470.00
capillary water proofing system at 1 kg per sqm for concrete surfaces
( confirming toASTM D 4060, D4541) followed by application of 2 coats of
1 mm thick acrylic polymer based cementatious coating. This crystalline
water proofing compound in powder form shall be mixed with water at
3:1 ratio (3 powder: 1 water) at the time of application.

----·-·- ------· ------- ------- -

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

The surface shall be pre damped with water. The water shall be mixed
powder in the ratio of 3 powder :1water mixing thoroughly with a slow
speed drill fitted at a speed RPM of 282640. The final crystalline slurry
shall be applied with a soft brush bloom at average of 1 kg /sqm area.
Curing shall be minimum of 48 hour by treating the surface by fog spray
3 to 4 time a day. Acrylic/ Liquid polymer compound shall be mixed with
water by means of using a slow speed drill mixer 500 RPM and gradually
adding the powder component to the liquid avoiding lump formation and
mixed for 2 to 4 minutes. The slurry shall be applied using stiff brush
in 2 coats that forms 1mm thick. (0.5 mm thick each coat) Curing shall
be minimum of 48 hour by treating the surface by fog spray 3 to 4 time
a day. Protection layer such as plastering or concrete screen shall be
applied on the water proof membrane surface.
Providing and laying 12mm thick coving at the junction of slab and Rmtr. 145.00
vertical offsets with CM 1:3 admixed with modified styrene�butadiene
rubber emulsion (confirming to BS 6319) specially designed for use as a
bonding aid and gauging liquid for cementations system (5 ltrs for 50kg
Modified styrene butadiene rubber emulsion shall be added to dry
mix of cement mortar of 1 :3 (5 ltrs for 1 bag of cement and 3 bags of
cement) mixed thoroughly by adding water 0.35 water cement ratio and
peddling for 2 minutes.
Swellable rapjd expansion water proofing for construction joints
in all types of concrete works I composite works
Providing and water proofing treatment to construction joints of all types m 500.00
of concrete works using swellable rapid expansion in water. Water stop
capable of exp4nding 215% in 120 hours, when immersed potable water
Conforming to:"ASTM D 297 & ASTM D 6 Standard
The water stopper shall be laid as per following steps:
i. Clean the surface sufficiently to receive the water stopper
ii. Apply a cdat of primer to the area where water stopper is to be laid
placed at an application rate of 240 running meters per 3.78 Liters
of primer (primer is supplied along with water stopper)
iii. Using moderate hand pressure with the heel of the hand, press a
continuous bead of Water Stopper firmly into the position. Make
sure that the product has bonded to the primed area.
iv. Peel the protective backing form the exposed side of the water
stop and tightly butt the coil ends to form a continuous water stop.
Do not overlap the water stop.
v. Follow standard concrete pouring procedures here after.


- ·-
SI. No. Description Rate
--------------------------�-------· --·--·--- --
Rs, Ps.

The proposed water stopper shall be used for the following situations:
1. At all the cold construction joints
2. At the junction of Horizontal Raft and vertical retaining walls
3. At the Junction of horizontal Roof slab and vertical Parapet walls
4. At all cold construction joints in Water retaining structures such as
water tanks, swimming pools, water bodies on Podium, roof garden
or Flower beds etc.
5. Around the Pipe penetrations, metal penetrations, any other
penetrations, where there is a joint between two different surfaces
- one of the surfaces being Concrete.
6. Construction joints in the lift Pits
Providing Water proofer Capable of bridging cracks upto 2mm in the
Exposed Roof surface using Spray Applied Liquid Water proofer at the
rate of 0.20 ltr/sqm. Primer & chemical mortar shall be applied before
applying this spray liquid water proofer. The area shall be cleaned by
high pressure water jet/wire bush or by mechanical means to make it
free from loose particle, dust dirt etc.
38.10.1 _do_ for crack filling Rmt 95.00
38.10.2 _do_ for applying spray Sqm 350.00
1. The first part consisting of grouting the porous slab area with non­
shrink cementatious grout (if required).
2. The second part consisting of treating the cracks and construction
joints by routing-out to a minimum 20mm x 20mm groove and filling
it with a crystalisation Mortar after priming with crystalisation slurry.
3. The third part consisting of making vata at the interface joint of the
slab and parapet with crystalisation Mortar.
4. The fourth part consisting of sealing all joints of outlet drains pipe,
etc. with crystalisation Mortar.
5. The fifth part consisting of providing and applying liquid water
proofer which can be spray applied at a coverage of 0.2 It/ sqmt
"to permanently fix non-soluble crystalline growth throughout the
capillary tracts and pores of concrete. It is spray applied over the
entire terrace concrete slab and parapet walls up to 300 mm height
1] Before application of liquid water proofer the entire TERRACE slab
shall be cleaned with high pressure water jet
2] During the cleaning process all the cracks and construction joints
shall become visible. They should be treated as explained above.
3] Liquid water proofer shall be spray applied at a coverage rate of
0.2 Its/ sq mts. After application of when the surface ls dry to touch
[usually after 4-6 hrs] flood the surface with abundant water
4] 24 hrs later flood the surface with abundant water again. After 24
hrs again flood the surface with water. After the 3rd flooding treated
area shall be ponded to verify the waterproofing performance.

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


Providing INTEGRAL CRYSTALINE Waterproofing treatment to the
sunken portion of Toilets. Using Crystalline Slurry of approved make
@ 1.4kg per SQM in two coats (0.7 kg per sqm per coat) conforming to
ASTM C 1202 & DINV 18998 standards.
1. The first part consisting of grouting the porous slab area with
non-shrink cementatious grout (if required).
2. The second part consisting of treating the cracks and construction
joints by routing-out to a minimum 20mm x 20mm groove and treat­
ing it with crystalisation Mortar. First it is primed with crystalisation
slurry and later filled with crystalisation mortar and later again a
coat of crystalisation slurry.
3. The third part consisting of making required slopes at the interface
joint of the toilet slab and masonry wall with crystalisation Mortar..
4. The fourth part consisting of sealing / packing all joints of outlet
5. The fifth part consisting of providing and applying In-depth Crystal­
line Waterproofing System @ 1.4 kgs/sqm in 2 coats to permanently
fix non-soluble crystalline growth throughout the capillary tracts and
pores of concrete. The In-depth Crystalline waterproofing Material
shall be applied by brushing as per manufacturer's specification.
on the entire toilet sunken slab and walls.
Providing & applying water based (WB) / wax based low viscosity wax L 110.00
emulsion curing compound membrane / layer applied in the form of
spray over the concrete surface. The material consists of self curing
compound membrane satisfying ASTM C309-90 standard ensuring a
non penetrating continuous film on the concrete surface covering af.l
area of 4.5 to 5 sqm per ltr of curing compound and shall be applied
with a distance of 45 ems after 5 hours of concreting to get the best
results. This item shall be adopted wherever there is scarcity of water
and with �rior approval of Superintending Engineer.
Providing & applying high efficiency polymer based curing compound L 240.00
membrane I layer applied in the form of spray over the roof surface. The
material consists of self curing compound membrane satisfying greater
curing efficiency when tested to BS 7542-1992 standard ensuring a non
penetrating continuous film on the concrete surface, covering an area
of 3.5 to 5 sqm per liter of curing compound and shall be applied with
a distance of 45 ems after 5 hours of concreting to get the best results.
The above items shall be adopted wherever there is scarcity of water
and with prior approval of Superintending Engineer.
Providing and laying bituminous cold mix of approved make (conforming Sqm 540.00
to clause 519 of MORT&H Specifications and requirements) for repair
of roads in adverse climate condition on the prepared surface, cleaning
with broom as per specification, including laying in proper camber and
grade with regular size, compaction with hand rammer including cost of
cold mix, labour, lead, loading & unloading transportation, etc., complete,
in all respect.

SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Main Features I Advantages of Bituminous cold Mix

Ready for immediate use with pre-mixed aggregates (cold technol­
• No heating of mixing or additions to the product before or after
• Requires simple equipments such as hand brushes, shovel and a
rammer. The use of roller is not necessary
• No pretreatment of repair areas is required i.e, cutting out, use of
tack cost
• Instant curing/setting, partly by air-drying and partly by compaction
• All-weather usage product Instant repair of roads with bituminous
cold mix can be made in monsoons & wet conditions, extremes of
heat (60 C+) and cold conditions
• Eliminates necessity of plant & machinery at site
• Very fast setting as compared to other options
• After repairs, the road can be immediately opened to heavy traffic
reducing the traffic hold up time.
• No sticking/picking up of material by vehicle tyres
Highly stable at high pavement temperatures
Highly resistant to stripping by water
Offers high skid resistance
Leads to no raveling, no bleeding, no deparession/permanent
No wastage of material
• Minimum unskilled labour required
• Long service lif� of the repaired potholes
• No pollution during maintenance
How to use Bituminous Cold Mix
• Comes in convenient ready to use packing of 50 kg net HOPE bags
with inside LOPE liner
• Preparation prior to repair is minimal for optimum results, remove
standing water/loose debris/dust with a brush from the pothole.
• Pour Bituminous Cold Mix directly from the bag into the pothole
and overfill by 10mm
• Where deep potholes are to be repaired, it is economical to first
compact approximately 10mm Bituminous Cold Mix across bottom
of pothole, then fill remaining cavity with 6/10 mm metal chips well
compacted and then top with 25mm of Bituminous Cold Mix as a
final course
• Compaction can be done using a simple hand rammer. For large
repairs, using a roller shall ensure smooth/even compaction. Do
not use plate compactor
Cures instantly and compacts further with traffic
• Open to traffic immediately since it does not stick to tyres


Brush..,. Fill..,. Tamp..,. Go

The Pothole Simple Application Tools Brush away loose debris/

standing water

Pour cold mix into the Compact with rammer Immediately allow for traffic
-pothole & overfill 10mm


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

38.15 RBI GRADE-81

Pulverising the local soil in place, spreading with rotavator duly adding
the specified quantity of inorganic Compound RBI Grade 81 as
approved by CRRI, mixing thoroughly, sprinkling desired quantity of
water, grading with motor grader and compacting with the road roller
at OMC to the desired density for improving the subgrade & shoulders.
(The laboratory CSR of the compacted soil shall not be less than 10)
38.15.1 Pulverising the local soil in place, spreading with rotavator duly adding
the specified quantity of inorganic Compound RBI Grade 81 as approved
by CRRI, mixing thoroughly, sprinkling desired quantity of water, grading
with motor grader and compacting with the road roller at OMC to the
desired density for improving the subgrade & shoulders. (The laboratory
CSR of the compacted soil shall not be less than 10) For soils having WL between 35 & 50, with 1% of inorganic Compound cum 910.00
like RBI Grade 81 by weight of Soil. For soils having WL more than 50, with 2% of inorganic Compound like cum 1,715.00
RBI Grade 81 by weight of Soil.
38.15.2 RBI GRADE -81 (Gravel soil & Aggregate Mix Material)
Pulverising and mixing 80% Gravel Soil and 20% Aggregates (30mm
nominal size), spreading with rotavator duly adding the specified quantity
of inorganic Compound RBI GRADE-81 as specified by IRC: 37-2012,
mixing thoroughly, sprinkling desired quantity of water, grading with
motor grader and compacting with vibratory roller at OMC to the desired
density for the Base / Sub Base Layer (The Laboratory
CSR of the gravel soil shall not be I.ess that 9%) including cost of all
materials, labour, HOM of Machineries complete as per specification.· With 2% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Soil & cum 2,315.00
Aggregate Mix Material With 3% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Soil & cum 3,125.00
Aggregate Mix Material With 4% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Soil & cum 3,940.00
Aggregate Mix Material With 5% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Soil & cum 4,750.00
Aggregate Mix Material:
38.15.3 RBI GRADE -81 (Coarse Aggregate & Fine Aggregate Mix Material)
Pulverising and mixing coarse Aggregates (10mm & down size) and
Fine aggregate (2.36mm & down size) in 1 :1 proportion, spreading with
rotavator duly adding the specified quantity of inorganic Compound RBI
GRADE-81 as specified by IRC: 37-2012, mixing thoroughly, sprinkling
desired quantity of water, grading with motor grader and compacting with
vibratory roller at OMC to the desired density for preparing the Stabilized
Base/ Sub Base Layer including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of
Machineries complete as per specification.


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
.. .15.3.1 With 2% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Coarse cum 3,340.00
& Fine Aggregate Mix Material

.15.3.2 With 3% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Coarse cum 4,440.00
& Fine Aggregate Mix Material

-· .15.3.3 With 4% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Coarse cum 5,520.00
& Fine Aggregate Mix Material

8.15.4 -RBI GRADE -81 -Cold In Place Recycling

Pulverising and mixing the existing worn-out/ damaged road with
recycler/milling machine duly adding the specified quantity of inorganic
Compound RBI GRADE-81 as specified by IRC: 37-2012, mixing
thoroughly, sprinkling desired quantity of water, grading with motor
grader and compacting with vibratory roller at OMC to the desired density
for preparing the Stabilized Base including cost of all materials, labour,
HOM of Machineries complete as per specification. (RAP-Reclaimed
Asphalt Pavement)
.15.4.1 With 2% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Milled cum 3,000.00
-.15.4.2 With 3% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Milled cum 4,080.00
.15.4.3 With 4% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Milled cum 5,160.00
{; With 5% inorganic Compound like RBI GRADE 81 by weight of Milled cum 6,245.00
Cutting the pothole to regular-shape, trimming to provide firm vertical cum 3,340.00 k

faces, removing all loose materials, cleaning of surface, filling with a

mix of aggregates (40mm downsize) & local soil (except BC Soil) in
1:1 proportion duly adding 2 % of Inorganic compound RBI Grade 81,
mixing thoroughly, compacting & finishing etc., complete in WBM layers
for Pothole/Patch repairs.
Methodology andConstruction
Stabilization using RBI Grade 81 (the process of improving the
engineering properties of a material by means of the addition of RBI
Grade 81) is subject to the quality of materials available and the impact
of the environment (traffic, climate, etc.) on the structural design.
Stabilization with RBI Grade 81 endeavors to increase the quality of
the project and reduce construction costs by improving the properties
of substandard, readily available material to comply with the relevant
1. Materials
Soil or Gravel
Stabilizer agent, RBI Grade 81
Should be kept under cover and protected from moisture from the time
. of-purchase to the time of use. If material has been left exposed to
environmental elements, consult a RBI Grade 81 representative.



SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

It is preferable to stabilize a soil with a continuously smooth gradation

curve from the maximum particle size to the smallest particle size with
no excess or lack in certain particles. This will ensure better interlocking
capabilities of the soil particles resulting in increased density and
strength of the soil. It is recommended that the soil material have
sufficient fine material (< 2.00 mm) to effectively stabilize the material
with RBI Grade 81.
2. Water
Water used should be free from harmful substances that may affect the
setting and hardening process of the stabilizer. Water that is thought
to encourage adverse reactions should be tested for compatibility with
RBI Grade 81.
3. Construction procedures
The stabilization of soil requires the careful programming of several
a. Pulverization, which may require initial scarifying
b. Addition of stabilizer
c. Thorough mixing of soil, stabilizer and added water
d. Laying, spreading and compacting
e.Curing - (minimum of 7 days curing is necessary)
Thus efficient planning of the side operations is necessary to minimize
the time between mixing and compacting. The periods of working should
also be consistent with the climatic conditions and the capability of the
construction equipment or plant, to keep to a minimum, if any changes
in moisture content and delays before compaction. Therefqre moisture
controthas to be considered throughout the stabilization process. A good
indication of the moisture content is to be found in the wheel tracks on
the uncompacted mixture. If too dry for satisfactory compaction, the
material in the tracks would crumble and crack; if too wet it would be
easily moulded, deforming plastically. Close to the optimum moisture
content the wheel tracks would have a dense, stiff surface. It is
recommended that 8 - 12 tons smooth-wheeled rollers or 6 - 10 tons
vibrating rollers be used for the compaction effort. During shaping of
the road before initial compaction it is essential to build in a camber to
prevent rainwater ponding on the road surface and the construction of
side drains by shaping with a grader. The road should therefore have
adequate cross-falls across the shoulders to the side drains to ·allow
for easy run-off of the surface water into the adjacent side drains. See
figures 1(a) and 1(b).

4 Prior to the construction of the stabilized layer

i) Stabilized layers should be constructed only where the underlying
layer or foundation meets all specified requirements.
ii) Before construction of any stabilized material or pavement layer as
well as before any transported material for stabilization is dumped
on the road, the underlying layer should be investigated to establish
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

whether there is any damage, wet spots or other defects. Any

defects to the layer should be rectified before the stabilized layer
is constructed.
iii) Where the stabilized layer is constructed on the floor of a pavement
excavation or on the top of an existing pavement layer i.e. where
the underlying layer has not been reworked or reconstructed, the
floor of the excavation or the top of the existing pavement layer should
first be watered and the compaction of the layer should be verified.

5. Preparing the layer

Road levels shall be implemented to control (1) the shape of the
road and (2) the specified stabilized layer height. To minimize
surface irregularities it is recommended that the levels be set up
at intervals of 1Om or 20m apart.
The material to be stabilized should be placed, or in the case of an
existing pavement layer, scarified to the full depth specified, broken
down, watered if necessary and mixed to achieve a homogenous
layer. Any oversize material should be removed. or broken down
to -53mm on the road by means of a grid roller as the occurrence
of large stones will influence (1) the quality of the finish and (2) the
depth control due to the "pulling out" of the oversize rocks.

6 Applying the -9_tabilizing agent, RBI Grade 81

i) Prior to product application, dosage determination and soil testing
should be performed under Section 3 Testing of materials and
· ii) After the layer of sQil or gravel has been prepared the stabilizing
agent should be spread uniformly over the full area of the layer by
means of an approved type of mechanical spreader or by hand.
iii) If application is administered by hand, pockets or bags of stabilizing
agent should be accurately spaced at equal .intervals along the
section to be ·stabiUzed so that the specified rate of application can
be achieved.The stabilizing agent should be spread as evenly as
possible and then be uniformly distributed over the entire surface.

7. Mixing in the stabilizing

_ agent, RBI Grade 81
i) Immediately after the stabilizing agent has been spread it should
be mixed with the material to the full depth of treatment. Special
attention should be taken not to disturb the compacted layer
underneath and especially not to mix the stabilizing agent in below
the desired depth. Mixing should continue for as long as necessary
and repeated as often as required to ensure homogeneity and
thorough mixing of the soil with RBI Grade 81 over the full area of
the application site.
ii) Mixing-should be-done by grader, disc harrow, rotary mixer (rotovator)
or equivalent equipment over successive passes of the layer.


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

8. Watering
i) Immediately after RBI Grade 81 has been properly mixed into the
layer, the predetermined moisture content should be administered.
ii) Each application or increment of water should be well mixed with
the material so as to avoid concentration of water near the surface
or in pockets within the layer.
iii) Particular care should be taken to ensure satisfactory moisture
distribution over the full depth, width and length of the section
being stabilized and to prevent any portion of the work from getting
excessively wet after the stabilizing agent has been added. The
moisture content of the material and stabilizing agent should be
the optimum moisture content (OMC) calculated at maximum dry ii
density (Mod AASHTO density).
iv) If any portion of the work becomes too wet after the stabilizing agent
has been added and before the mixture has been compacted, as
during rain or downpour, the application shall be rejected. These
portions should be allowed to dry out to the required moisture
content and then be scarified, re-stabilized, re-compacted and
finished off.
v) The water supply and watering equipment should be adequate
to ensure that all the water required is added and mixed with
the material being treated within the prescribed period to enable
compaction and finishing to be completed.
Ensure that the moisture content in the mixture is not below the OMC or
r,nore than 2 % above the OMC and less than the qyantity that causes
the road bed to become unstable during compaction and finishing. If
any portion of the work becomes too wet after the stabilising agent has
been added and before the mixture has been compacted, as during rain
or downpour the application shall be rejected. These portions should be
allowed to dry out to the required moisture content and then be scarified,
re-stabilised, re-compacted and finish the layer.


Placement of RBI Grade 81 Bags

Step 2

Spreading of RBI Grade 81


Step 6


Step 7


Step 9


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Soilflx Chemical compound

Cutting the pothole to regular shape, trimming to provide firm vertical cum 3,450.00
faces, removing all loose materials, cleaning of surface, filling with a
mix of aggregates (40mm downsize) & local soil (except BC Soil) in
1:1 proportion duly adding 0.5 % of Soilfix Chemical compound, mixing
thoroughly, compacting & finishing etc., complete in WBM layers for
Pothole/Patch repairs.


Providing and constructing thick clay hollow brick masonry in cement
mortar 1 :6 using horizontal perforated clay hollow brick with minimum
crushing strength of 35 kg/sqcm including scaffolding, curing etc.,
complete as directed at all levels.
_do_ of size 400 x 200 x 200mm Sqm 960.00

_do_ of size 400 x 200 x1 50mm Sqm 615.00

_do_ of size 400 x 200 x 100mm Sqm 560.00

Minimum Crushing Strength 35 Kg/Sqcm.
U- Value 1.1 W/SqmK.
Density 695 Kg /Cum.
Water absorption <20 %.
Reduces the energy consumption and hence help to maintain
comfortable temperature inside.
Natural & Green Building Product.
*Ref: • IS 3952 Guidelines for use of horizontally perforated clay

Construction "'ethodology
* All concret��urfaces of beams and columns coming in contact with
brick work is to be hacked.
* Pre wet the bricks before construction.
* Use cement mortar slurry of 1 :2 on the hacked surface to create a
roughened surface for proper bonding.
* Use silt free (less than 5%) sieved clean sand for mortar.
* Place the marker course of brick (1st course) after checking the
_ vertical& horizontal alignment. And also mark the vertical course up
to beam bottom on the column to maintain the equal mortar joints.
* Mix mortar in proportion of 1 :6 for 200 & 150 mm thick walls and

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

1:4 for 100 mm thick walls using Farma box (Equal to 1 cement bag)
for measuring sand and a measuring can to standardize quantum
of water to get a consistent mix. Mix well for uniformity. Mix mortar
in small manageable quantities and use it within ½ an hour.

* Mortar joints should be 1O to 12 mm for both vertical and
horizontal joints. T he joints should be neatly pointed using an
Aluminum Straight edge.
* Give concrete band of 1 :2:4 with 8 mm steel (2 Nos.) in a 100 mm
thick wall at every 1 meter height.
* Adjuster course in concrete 1 :2:4 should be laid two in courses
below the beam and not above the top most courses.
38.19 Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) for Profile correction of existing
bituminous road surface before carrying out White Topping
Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) M-5 for Profile correction of existing bituminous cum 3,565.00
road surface before carrying out White Topping Construction of dry
lean cement concrete sub base layer over existing scarified (to the
depth of 25 mm with miller machine includes mobilization, diesel
and operating cost, includes cleaning by air blower/sand blasting/
brooming etc.) bituminous road surface with coarse and fine aggregate
conforming to IS 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding
25mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation
after blending to be as per table 600-1, cement content not less than
160 kg/cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial
length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at
7 days, mixed in ready mix concrete plant or a batching plant (to ensure
consistency) transported to site, laid to the depth of 40 mm - 50 mm with
a fixed form paver with electric sensor, having gang mounted vibrators
equally spaced with variable rpm and atleast three integral steel tubes
with 8-10 tonnes vibratory rollers for screeding, levelling, compaction,
finishing and curing, includes lifting/shifting charges of paver, as per
specifications complete, ( cement 160kgs. coarse aggregate=0.86 cum,
Fine aggregate=0.58cum)
MORTH specifications No.601.
38.20 Providing and laying White Topping as per IRC:SP76-2008 over
bituminous surface (Existing bituminous surface preparation to be done
if necessary either by milling or levelling course with BM/DBM to correct
surface profile and to be paid separately} with unreinforced M-40 grade
pavement quality concrete (PQC)using polymeric synthetic fibre as per
ASTM ( 1116) such as polyester / polyethylene / polypropylene at 1.20
kg/cum, mixed in batching and mixing plant or weigh batcher as per
approved mix design to achieve minimum flexural strength or modulus of
rupture of concrete 4.50 MPa at 28 days limiting maximum water cement
ratio to 0.40, transported to site, laid with mechanical paver finisher,
spread, vibrated, compacted and finished in a continuous operation
to the lines and grades as per drawing, texture finishing of surface,
spraying two layers of curing compound, curing with water sprayed on
hessian cloth coverd over concrete surface, groove cutting to a depth of
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

1/3 of the slab depth and of width 3-5 mm as per design (grove cutting
to be paid separately). For Thin white Topping and ultra thin white
topping the groove cutting shall be 1.25mm x 1.25m grid) including
cost of all materal, side from work, labour and HOM of machineries
etc. complete as per specifications.

- do - with unreinforced M40 grade pavement quality concrete using cum 7,465.00
43 grade OPC @ 420 kg/cum, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and
Admixture confirming to IS 9130-1999 (R-2004)
·-� .

38.20.2 - do - with un-reinforced M-40 grade Pavement Quality Concrete cum 7,060.00
(PQC) using 53 grade OPC at 315 kg/cum and cementitious material
Ground Granulated Blast furnace slag at 105 kg/cum, satisfying
IS:12089-1987(R2004) coarse aggregate fine aggregate, admixture
conforming to IS:9103-1999(R2008)

- do - with un-reinforced M-40 grade Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC) cum 6,925.00
using 53 grade OPC at 357 kg/cum and cementitious material FlyAsh,
at 63 kg/cum, satisfying IS:3812-2013(Part-1) coarse aggregate fine
aggregate, Admixture conforming to IS:9103-1999(R2008)
Providing groove cutting for width of 4mm - 6mm and 113rd depth of m 100.00
PQC Whitetopping within 8-10 hrs of placing/finishing of PQC including
cost of ctltting machine, generators, HOM of machinery, blades, coolant
etc., including cleaning of groove and providing sand and hot bituminous
or equivalent approved sealant filling etc., including cost of conveyance
of all materials, labour, lead and lift charges and all other incidental
charges as per drawing and as per specifications.
Cement Concrete White Topping/Concrete Overlay as per IRC: SP:
White topping is defined as a PCC (Portland Cement Concrete) overlay
constructed on the top of an existing bituminous pavement. Thus, it is
a rehabilitation or structural strengthening alternative on bituminous
pavement. Rutting of pavement is a real problem in a country like India,
with heavy truck loads, operating under frequent start/stop conditions'.
It is commonly applied where· rutting of bitominous pavements is a
recurring problem, particularly in case of city roads. Concrete over
lays offers the potential for extended service life, increased structural
capacity, reduced maintenance requirements and lower life-cycle costs
when compared with bituminous overlay alternative.
Concrete overlays have been used on both bituminous (flexible)
pavements since 1918 and existing concrete pavement since 1913.
White topping is classified into three types, based on the thickness of
overlay, types of interface provided i.e., degree of bonding between the
underlying bituminous layers with PCC overlay & thickness of overlay.
They are;
i) Conventional White topping - which consists of PCC overlay of thickness
200 mm or more, which is designed & constructed without consideration
of any· bond between exfsting overlay · & · underlying bituminous layer
(without assuming any composite action).


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

ii) Thin White topping (TWT)- which has PCC overlay between 100 - 200
mm. It is designed either considering bond between overlay & underlying
bituminous layer or without consideration of bond. High strength concrete
(M 40 or higher) is normally used to take care of flexure requirement.
Joints are at shorter spacing of 0.6 to 1.25 m.
iii) Ultra-Thin White topping (UTWT)- which has PCC overlay of less than
100 mm. Bonding between overlay & underlying bituminous layer is
mandatory. To ensure this, the existing layer of bitumen is either milled
(to a depth of 25 mm) or surface scrapped (with a non-impact scrapper)
or gently chiselled. Joints are provided at a spacing of 0.6 to 1.25 m.
Surface preparation
In case of TWT, bond between PCC overlay & existing bituminous
pavement is atleast partly desirable; in case of UTWT, effective bond is
essential. To ensure this any of the following method can be adopted.
- Milling the existing bituminous surface to obtain a uniform surface.
Milling can be used to remove surface distortion like cracks in the top
portion and adjust cross slopes. Thickness of milling usually is in the
range of 25 to 50 mm.
- Surface scrapping is carried out on bituminous surfaces which are quite
hard. This can be for a depth of 1 O mm and carried out with tools which
have vertical impact control, so that the subgrade is not damaged.
- Chiselling of the surface at regular intervals, if the existing surface is
The minimum thickness of existing bituminous pavement (excluding the
milled/scrapped thickness) shall be 75-100 mm to ensure a reliable &
strong base.


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Use of GEO Textiles / GEO fabrics in road pavements and m 90.00

sub-surface drainage works.
Providing and Inserting Prefabricated Vertical Drain, core with synthetic
material and wrapped with Non-woven geotextile 120GSM in very soft
clay for quick consolidation.
Technical Data;
-do- with 100mm width ,thickness = 4mm,mass per linear meter
90g/m,with tensile strength=2.0 KN
-do -with 100mm width.thickness =5.2 mm.mass per linear meter
110g/m,with tensile strength= 2.4 KN

Application Methodology;
Vertical drains may be installed employing either vibratory or stat.ic
methods. In either case, the drain is enclosed in a tubular steel mandrel
of small cross-sectional area usually 50x125mm. A small steel anchor
plate is attached to the drain at the bottom of the mandrel. The mandrel
is then driven in to the soil either with a static or vibratory rig. When the
design depth is reached, the mandrel is extracted. The anchor plate
retains the drain in the soil. When the mandrel is fully extracted the
drain is cut off a new anchor plate is installed and the process begins
again. These are used in Land reclamation projects, Construction of
highways ,railways ,airfields and dykes,Ports and harbor construction,
Development of industrial sites ,Mitigation of liquefaction,etc..
38.23 Providing and Laying Needle punched and mechanically bonded
Non-woven Geotextile indigenously manufactured from high quality
synthetic fibres on the prepared subgrade for separator cum filtration
cum drainage application with necessary overlaps as per drawing.

38.23.1 _do_ with GSM 150 Sqm 100.00

38.23.2 _do_ with GSM 200 Sqm 105.00
38.23.3 _do_ with GSM 250 Sqm 110.00
38.23.4 _do_ with GSM 300 Sqm 115.00
38.23.5 _do_ with GSM 400 Sqm 125.00
38.23.6 _do_ with GSM 500 Sqm 135.00
38.23.7 _do_ with GSM 600 Sqm 145.00

SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Technical Data
-do-with GSM 150,1.3mm thickness,Grabtensile strength 540N, Puncture
strength 315N,Trapezoidal tear 230N,Apparent opening size 180 µm,
-do- 200Gsm, 1.6 mm thickness,Grabtensile strength 720N,Puncture
strength 400N,Trapezoidal tear 300N,Apparent opening size 150µm
m -do-250Gsm,1.8 mm thickness, Grabtensile strength 865N,Puncture
strength 525N,Trapezoidal tear 360N,Apparent opening size 150µm
-do-300Gsm,1.9 mm thickness, Grabtensile strength 1010N,Puncture
strength 650N,Trapezoidal tear 415N, Apparent opening size 120µm
-do-400GSM,2.5 mm thickness, Grabtensile strength1325N,Puncture
., strength 785N,Trapezoidal tear 510N, Apparent opening size 106µm
-do-S00GSM,2.9 mm thickness, Grabtensile strength1570N,Puncture
· strength 910N,Trapezoidal tear 600N, Apparent opening size 90µm
-600GSM,3.4 mm thickness, Grabtensile strength1980KN,Puncture
strength 1080N, Trapezoidal tear 705N, Apparent opening size =?0µm

Application Met�odology;
These contribute 'to road structure strength by providing separation
between the base course aggregate and underlaying, weaker soils,
maintaining the structural integrity of the structure and avoiding
the intermixing of the different layers. It also acts as filter around
aggregate also allows water to flow into the drainage system
while minimizing the passage of fine soil particle that could diminish
drainage capacity. These used in application like Retaining Wall and
Steep sided embankments, Embankment on soft ground, Shallow
foundations.Railway tracks.Confinement ponds, reservoirs and canals.
38.24 Providing and Laying rope Gabions, indigenously manufactured from
high strength rope for slope protection and erosion control for river bank
and sea-shore protection. Exclusive of providing & filling stones.
38.24.1 _do_ copper and synthetic rope gabion of size 1mx1mx1m, aperture Box 1,300.00
100mm x 100mm
38.24.2 _do_ copper and synthetic rope gabion of size 1mx1mx2m, aperture Box 2,400.00
100mm x 100mm
38.24.3 _do_ copper and synthetic rope gabion of size 1mx1mx3m, aperture Box 3,600.00
100mm x 100mm
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Technical Data;
do - size 1M x1M x 1M, aperture 150mm x 150mm, Tensile strenth
9500Kg/m, Punching shear strenth 5200Kg
-do - size 1M x1M x 2M, aperture 100mm x 100mm, Tensile strenth
14000Kg/m, Punching shear strenth 6200Kg
· -do-size 1 M x1M x 3M, aperture 100mm x 100mm, Tensile strenth
14000Kg/m, Punching shear strenth 6200Kg,

Application Methodology;
Copper and polymer Gabions are rectangular or cylindrical baskets
fabricated from polym_er meshes and usually filled with stone and
used for structural purposes such as retaining walls,revetments,slope
protection.and similar applications. T hese are fabricated froni ropes of
suitable diameter into a box like form with required size and apertures.
T hese are used in application like River bank protection, revetment,
toe-walls,aprons,groynes,spurs,channel linings, sea shore protection,
seawalls, Anti-erosion structures,etc.
Pr�v}ding and Synthetic Biaxial Geogrid indigenously manufactur-ed
from selected high tenacity synthetic yarn with high molecular weight
(> 25000 g/mol), and low carboxyl end group (<30mmol/kg) for soil
reinforcement application for stabilisation, requirement of geogrid
strength in both direction with granular fill.
_do_ with 30 x 30 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 125.00

_do_ with 40 x 40 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 145.00

_do_ with 60 x 60 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 180.00

_do_ with 90 x 90 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 220.00

Technical Data;
-do- ultimate tensile strenth 30Kn/m in MD and CMD, Tensile strenth
at 2% elongation 6Kn/m in MD and 6Kn/m in CD, aperture size in MD
and CD 26X26mm.
-do- ultimate tensile strenth 40Kn/m in MD and CMD, Tensile strenth at
2% elongation 7.5Kn/m in MD and 7.5Kn/m in CD, aperture size in MD
and CD 25X25mm
-do- ultimate tensile strenth 60Kn/m in MD and CMD, Tensile strenth at
2% elongation 9Kn/m in MD and 7.5Kn/m in CD, aperture size in MD
and CD 25X25mm

51. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

-do- ultimate tensile strenth 90Kn/m in MD and CMD, Tensile strenth

at 2% elongation 11Kn/m in MD and 9Kn/m in CD, aperture size in MD
and CD 23X23mm

Application Methodology;
Biaxial geogrids are designed for:applications where strength requirement
is in both directions. They are used in reinforcement of granular roadbase
and subbase, area stabilization, trackbed stabilization, load transfer
38.26 Providing and Synthetic Uniaxial Geogrid, indigenously manufactured
from selected high tenacity synthetic yarn with high molecular weight
(> 25000 g/mol), and low carboxyl end group (<30mmol/kg) for reinforced
soil wall and slope application with granular fill as per design prepared
by technology provider of reinforced earth wall and slope.

38.26.1 , _do_ with 40 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 120.00

38.26.2 _do_ with 60 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 135.00
38.26.3 _do_ with 80 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 155.00
38.26.4 _do_ with 100 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 180.00
38.26.5 _do_ with 120 Kn/m Ultimate T�nsile Strength Sqm 205.00
38.26.6 _do_ with 150 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 230.00
38.26.7 _do_ with 200 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 290.00
38.26.8 _do_ with 250 Kn/m Ultimate Tensile Strength Sqm 330.00
Technical Data:
-do- with ultimate tensile strenth 40Kn/m in MD and 20Kn/m in CD,
aperture size in MD and CD 30X25mm,
-do- with ultimate tensile strenth 60Kn/m in MD and 20Kn/m in CMD,
aperture size in MD and CD 30X25mm,
-do-with ultimate tensile strenth 80Kn/m in MD and 30Kn/m in CMD,
aperture size in MD and CD 30X25mm,
-do- with ultimate tensile strenth 100Kn/m in MD and 30Kn/m in CMD,
aperture size in MD and CD 30X23mm,
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

-do- with ultimate tensile strenth 120Kn/m in MD and 30Kn/m in CMD,

aperture size in MD and CD 30X23mm,
-do- with ultimate tensile strenth 150Kn/m in MD and 30Kn/m in CMD,
aperture size in MD and CD 30X23mm,
-do-with ultimate tensile strenth 200Kn/m in MD and 30Kn/m in CMD,
aperture size in MD and CD 30X22mm,
-do- ultimate tensile strenth 250Kn/m in MD and 30Kn/m in CMD,
aperture size in MD and CD 30X20mm,
-do- ultimate tensile strenth 35Kn/m in MD and 60Kn/m in CMD, Tensile
strenth at 2% elongation 8Kn/m in MD and 9Kn/m in CD, aperture size
in MD and CD 25X25mm
-do- ultimate tensile strenth 40Kn/m in MD and 80Kn/m in CMD, Tensile
strenth at 2% elongation 8Kn/m in MD and 12Kn/m in CD,

Application Methodology:
Uniaxial geogrids are available in a range of tensile strength and are
·suitable for applications, which require strength in one direction.these
are used in reinforced soil walls.steep slopes and basal reinforcement
of embankments.veneer reinforcement.etc..
38.27 Paving Fabric
Providing and Laying Needle punched and mechanically bonded Non­ Sqm 140.00
woven Paving Fabric indigenously manufactured from high quality
Synthetic staple fibres having grab tensile strength of 39Kg , and melting
point of 150 °C confirming to ASTM / Marth sec - 700 over a tack coat
of paving grade bitumen 80-100 preparation, laid at the rate of 1 kg
per over thoroughly cleaned and repaired surface to surface
with pneumatic roller to maximize paving fabric contact with pavement
surface as per drawing.


SL No.

, , ,,,, , .._, __ __
,_ ,_ ,, ',, , ·- ---�--- �--- -�- ---· ---�-�- -�------· -- -------- . .. _ ,, . _ _,,,

Application Methodology:
Paving fabric is a strong layer of fabric is applied under asphalt to
minimize surface water infiltration and prevent existing cracks in the road
from surfacing to enhance the performance of pavement. The Barrier
function refers to the prevention of fluid movement across the plane of
the geotextile. A nonwoven geotextile provides a barrier function when
saturated with an impermeable material, like bitumen. :t Retards the
propagation of cracks, Reduced the required design overlay thickness,
Extends the life of the overlay and the pavement section,These can be
used as asphalt over lay on flexible pavement a nd rigid pavement -a
layer of DBM/BC should be provided on rigid pavement before laying
the paving fabric.

38.28 Providing and construction of steel wire mesh Gabion retaining wall for
retaining walls with Mechanically woven double twisted, mechanically
selvedge, Zinc+PVC coated Gabion of mesh type 1Ox12, wire dia
2.7/3.?mm (inner/outer diameter), Selvedge wire dia 3.4/4.4mm as per
standards (EN/IS 16014) with diapragms (partitions), in every 1M for
Gabions of length higher then 1.5M as per standards, from manufacturers
of proven experience in similar technology, including filling of rubble of
size 150mm to 250mm at site including packing compactness to lins and
levels in the exposed face of masonry, in dry condition, simultaneously
during the course as per construction guidelines by the department/
installtion guidelines of manufacturer, 'including all lead, lift and labour
etc. complete. (In case of under water installation, the approrite provision
for crane, extra labour etc., need to be taken extra).

38.28.1 -do- for Gabion box size of 1x1x1 cum 2,900.00

38.28.2 -do- for Gabion box size of 1.5x1x1 cum 2,550.00
38.28.3 -do- for Gabion box size of 2x1x1/1 diaphragm cum 2,650.00
38.28.4 -do- for Gabion box size of 3x1x1/2 diaphragm cum 2,450.00
38.28.5 -do- for Gabion box size of 4x1x1/3 diaphragm cum 2,400.00
38.28.6 -do- for Gabion box size of 1x1x0.5 cum 4,200.00
38.28.7 -do- for Gabion box size of 1.5x1x0.5 cum 3,650.00
38.28.8 -do- for Gabion box size of 2x1x0.5/1 diaphragm cum 3,700.00
38.28.9 -do- for Gabion box size of 3x1x0.5/2 diaphragm cum 3,600.00
38.28.10 -do- for Gabion box size of 4x1x0.5/3 diaphragm cum 3,500.00


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Application Methodology:
Metal Gabion is comprised double twisted hexagonally woven steel wire
mesh with zinc galvanized and PVC coated compartmented baskets with
a rectangular box shape. The compartments are of equal dimension and
are formed by internal diaphragms. The compartment is filled with natural
stone at the site of form flexible,permeable,monolithic structures
for earth retension and the diaphragms assure minimum stone migration
within the basket. Thus providing even distribution of the stone even in
abnormal conditions.and adding strength to the container to help retain its
rectangular shape during the filling operation.depending on the application
and requirement.these gabions can be manufactured in different size
Le.length and width with diaphragm mat every 1.0 m length.These are used
in application like Earth control and soil conservation.Retaining structures/
walls,Rock wall protection netting.Protection of highways/Railways.Barriers
at the river.Bridges and culvert protection.Marine and s�a wall
protection.Lining of steep slopes or slopes protection.Revetments for
lakes and sea shores ,Lining of canals and dams.etc.

BORE PACKING for pipe joints

Providing & �pplying high strength non shrink free flow grout (confirming
to BS 1881-Part H6 : 1983)comprisin9. of blend of portland cement, No . 330.00
graded fillars and chemical additives which impart controlled expansion
in the plastic state duly minimizing water demand. (Minimum 25mm
thickness around the pipe)
1. Compressive strength for 28 days 78 N/sqmm
?- Flowable (Water powder ratio 0.18)
3. Pourable (Water powder ratio 0.165)
4. Tensile strength for 28 days 3.5 N/ sqmm
5. Flexural strength for 28 days 10 N/ sqmm
6. Unrestrained eXpansion - 2 to 4 % in the plastic state
Non shrink free flow grout shall be added to the water in the ratio of 25
Kg : 4.125 ltrs of water for pourable condition and for flowable condition
4.5 ltrs by using heavy duty slow speed grill (400 to 500 RPM) fitted
with the suitable peddle for 5 minutes. To get the best result the mixed
grout should be placed and used in 20 minutes after the mixture.


Providing and installing of pre painted Galvolume iron Trapezoidal
profiled sheet of approved make 1060 mm width (1000 mm cover Sqm 770.00
width), 28-30 mm crest height with crest distance of 200 mm c/c with
. 2 ribs at the centre fpr stiffening. The total coated thickness (TCT) of
the sheet will be 0.47 mm +/- 0.02 mm tolerance Zinc-Alu Alloy coating
AZ150 gsm as per ASTM 1397/A755-550 mpa steel grade, 5-7 microns

Trapezoidal Profile -1



,------------------· ·r
Technical Specifications
I Pre-painted Galvalum§ ,' 8are�v;1turne Steel
Pre-painted GalvaniZed Ste,I
Tllldmns (TCT) : 0.30 mm • 0.80 mm I Thldawlu (TCT) : 0.30 mm • 0.80 mm
Metaffic: Coaling : Zine-Aluroolium Alloy Coating AZM150
Mefallle <:oallng : Z 120 (lclal 011 boluides)
Higher or Lower Coating optional.
Hlgfter Of lower coallngqitiOnal
Tensile� : 550MPa•.
Tenslla Slreftglh : 340-SSOM!la Paint Coating : RMPISMP
Pain! Coating : RMP/SMP
Paint Thiclcness . 18- 22 mlaon on Top &
: 18 - 22 micltn en Top &
5 • a rricron primer on conom
5- 8 mu;ron p!inef on bolt/Jm Tltidcness Tolerance • As per ISi
lhldcness Tolerance : As per ISl Slanclard lllllowed : IS217, ASTl,11397 I A755 i �792.JISG3321,3322
Slandard fallowed : IS 142'8 Im, JIS G3312 Combination · 55% Al.43.4% Zn & 1.5 • 1.6% SI.


Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 20-22
microns using self drilling/self tapping screws of 25 mm length, to be
fixed over the existing purlins, rafters, channels and trusses.

Providing and installing of approved make pre painted Galvalume iron Sqm 740.00
Accessories, like, plain, ridges, plain gutter, plain flashing, corner Trim,
etc. The total coated thickness (TCT) of the sheet shall be 0.47 mm
.+/- 0.02 tolerance mm Zinc-Alu Alloy coating AZ 150 gsm as per ASTM
1397/755-550 mpa steel grade, 5-7 microns epoxy primer on both side
of the sheet and polyester top coat 20-22 microns using self drilling /
self tapping screws of 25 mm length. (width upto 500-600 mm only),
to be fixed over the existing purlins, rafters, channels and trusses.
Specification for Raised Pavement Marker (Road Studs}:
Providing and fixing of Reflective Raised Pavement marker (RPM's} Nos 300.00
I Cat eyes I Road studs confirming to ASTM D4280 type H, having
reflective· panels made of prismatic lens of total internal reflection, the
prismatic lens should be electronically fixed (welded) to the body made
of polycarbonate mould, with a height of 20mm, size of 130mm X 105mm
and reflecting area of 13Sqcm with the slope of retro reflective surface
within the limit of 35+ 5 degree to the base on either side. The marker
shape II display an initial minimum luminous intensity of 279mcd/lux at an
entrance angle of zero degree and observation angle of 0.2degree. The
corresponding values for 20 degree entrance and 0.2 degree observation
angle shall be 112 mcd/lux with color multiplying factor on either cases
for white, yellow and red markers being 1.0, 0.6 and 0.25 respectively"
The RPM's should be fixed by using two numbers of polymer shanks
using appropriate adhesive as recommended and certified by the RPM
manufacturer. The raised pavement marker should support a sufficient
minimum load 13635 Kg in accordance with ministry specification.
Methodology of Fixing Using Epxoy & Shanks
1) Surface Preparation: Grinding is recommended to :
Remove weak top surface of the Asphalt / Concrete.
Remove dust & oil accumulated on the surface.


... _______________,.II
SI. No.
.. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

2) surface Preparation
Use wire brusf1 & blow�}

Drill Plole Sixe '22mm , bse a template to get the spacing correct

3) �plicati011 ·�
The.�oxy gou�d be iml11ediately used after mixing.
Apply approximately 1 O(!gms of epoxy on the prepared surface & the
RPM .with shanks. , v.
Place the RPM with shank on the surface with hole & tap gently with a
wood�n mallet.° �

Stone cleanlni;ispecific-1tion:

Cleaning Unpol.ished gra�te surface by application of Proven, Readily Sqm 330.00

• ' r . •

Biodegradable, \/OC fr¥, Stabilised, Non-Dilutable, Water Base &

Ready: to Use {�TU) liqu_if chemical formulation with no contact time
restrictton over th� heavilY. ,ailed unpolished granite stone surface using
a 30 psi spraying equipment / Roller / Brush spreading & thoroughly

------------------------ -
- ---·
- ·--·----··- -
- -�-�.
- �.-. . .

Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

wetting the chemical @ minimum 0.25 ltr to cover 1 on the·.

surface to be treated. Allow the penetration & chemical reaction time
for a minimum of 24 hrs time. The surface is then low pressure water
rinsed with rotary nozzle @ 700 psi after scrubbing the surface till all
the organic & inorganic contamination, dirt, hydro-carbon soils, algae &
rust stains from both the surface & pore of the substrate is completely
removed, the stone is returned to its natural colour & permeability
restored. The formulation being used should be free from corrosive ...
acids such as Hydrochloric or Muriatic acid, Hydrofluoric acid, caustics
or Sodium Hydroxide, bleach or Sodium Hypochlorite, abrasives and
, ' ·. .
petroleum distillates. No free Acids or Alkalis to be used.The process
should include all chemical materials, labour, application tools, spraying
equipment, Low pressure washer, safety procedures, hand gloves, ..
�: . .. . �-

face shields, goggles, protective wear clothing, scaffolding & working

platform, lead & lift, transportation, all incidental charges etc., complete
as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge of the work.
.nditional submittals to carry out any restoration cleaning project.
The company manufacturing restoration chemical should have at least
a minimum of 1'0 years of successful & proven presence with respect to
this formulation in restoration industry either in India or Internationally. ···--

This comes with declaration of the same from the manufacturer on ,.

company letter head.
The restoration contracting company should have at least a minimum
of 5 years experience in restoration industry with successful completion
certificate & also having completed a minimum of 50% value of the
tendered value.
The product should acsompany Material Safety Data Sheet meeting
OSHA Standards & Product Data Sheet
Chemical formulation should be certified or approved from a reputed
and registered Heritage Conservation institution for its quality & safe
performance at least for a minimum of 3Yrs.
The work to be started after formal approval of test patch executed at
the site by Engineer-in-charge. ,
The above conditions are very vital since any damage that occurs
on stone is irreversible & will end up with damaged surface which is
irreparable. Hence, to protect what we can call assets of our heritage and •
culture for decades, these kind of stringent measures to be considered
. to eYaluate & see whether a particular product or a contracting company
deserves & qualifies to take up such restoration cleaning project.


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

The Stone surface to be prepared by removing all loose particles & dust. The
surface to be made free from the above said contaminations by wire brushing
with non-metallic brushes, followed by dusting off with Electric blower after the
installation of modular steel Scaffolding.
Application of special chemical formulation, a water based READY TO USE
chemical cleaning formulation applied by brush or roller on Stone surface, followed
by scrubbing the surface thoroughly by plastic bristled brushes to enable proper
penetration & left to dry for a minimum period of 24 hrs. Depth of penetration
is directly dependent on surface preparation & hence the stone surface to be
prepared with ruthless dedication to bring out the best in decontamination of the
stone surface.
The dissolved & suspended grime on the Stone surface ready to be rinsed
by thoroughly washing with Low-pressure washing equipment, which should
effectively remove all the contamination that has been extracted & dislodged by
chemical treatment completely. This is the most critical process technically in this
entire cleaning operation, which calls for high skill in both handling & application.
Only Turbo-rotary nozzles to be used & pressure at any given point of time should
be in range of 700 psi & not to exceed the same.

Should assure t�at treatment will never give rise to formation of yellow
stains & neither erodes stone or pointing for life time which is normal with
either acid washing or using unproven and un-stabilised inferior acid based
stone cleaning formulations. The treatment should also not give rise to dust
retentive surface which happens du_e to surface becoming rough because
of erosion of a layer from the original surface after cleaning which denotes
the initiation of surface deterioration & leading to stone becoming dirty,
dingy & discoloured soon.
After completion of the work a warranty of 5 years shall be submitted
declaring that there will no deterioration of any nature to either stone surface
or cement pointing on Rs 200/- Government stamp paper.
38.33.1 Stone cleaning using biodegradable liquid solution
The granite stone surface to be cleaned by means of coconut wire Sqm 400.00
brush and dry cloth and there after apply safe N easy/Equivalent
Bio-degradeable liquid solution on the cleaned surface with nylon brush
or sponge to an extent, towards upwards from the bottom, approximate
1 liter covers 1 O sqmtr and let the soaked surface react with the applied
chemical, the depositis of dust, dirt and other material depositis on the
surface and finally to be cleaned after two hours of application. Connect

Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

a water pipe with water source to wash with pressure of 130ps per
seccound on the safe N Easy/Equivalent Bio-Degradable liquid solution
applied surface, untill the deposit of dirt, hydro corbon soils and alge
from the surafce and pores of the substrate is completely removed. The
principal properties of the stone is to be retained without any slightest
pitting on the surface. let the cleaned surface to dry from the natural
environment fopr a day or 24hrs. the process should include all chemical
materials, labour application, tools, high pressure water jet machine,
safety procedures like hand gloves, helmet, safety belt gum boots,
- scaffolding, transportation etc., as per the instructions of the Engineer
-in-charge of the work. The Bio-Degradable liquid solution sholud be
ammonium hydrogendifloride solution and be approved by OSHA( The
Occupational safety & Health administration) as user friendly, substrate
friendly and Environmental friendly & Sara Ill section 313 standards
(Toxic Chemical Release Reporting Section 313 of the Emergency
planning community Right to know Act 1986 requires EPA to esatblish
an inventory of routine toxic chemicals emissions from certain faclities).
The solution should not contain Hydrofloric acids, Muratic acids, caustic,
bleach, abbressive or petroleum distillates, anit should containa bare
minimum of near neutral PH 5.0 -5.55
SLIDING WINDOWS (2 Shutters) or Equivalent Sliding Windows
(Suitable for residential and non-residential buildings}
Providing and fixing of Sliding Windows made of Galvanized Steel (Base
Steel as per IS 513, D. quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with Zinc of 120
GSM). The factory made section should be powder coated with Pure
polyester powder upto 50-60 microns thick with total coated thickness
of 0.8 mm for Outer Frame and 0.58mm thickness for Sliding Shutter
Section. The Outer Frame size for Two Tracks with Grill provision is
90mm x 50mm and without grill provision is of 75mm x 50 mm. The
Window Shutter section is of 58 mm x 36 mm. The Outer Frame should
have Two integrated Guide tracks of 12mm width and 24mm deep for
provision to slide the Shutter / sash frame and facilitates with a water
drain outlet component made of PVC. The Shutter frame should be fitted
with 5mm thick plain float glass of reputed make and fixed with EPDM
weathering seal resistant accessories and handle made of Alumimium
1 No. per each shutter. The sections are to be cut to length miter joined
with comer brackets. The total window system is to be installed at the
site using anchor fasteners, Silicon sealant applied at the Outer Frame
Comers. The cost is inclusive of conveyance of all materials accessories,
labour charges, and erection at site with complete finished item of work.
Window with Two Sliding Shutters and with Grill Outer Frame Size Sqm 6,310.00
90 mm x 50 mm have a rebate of 15mm x 5 mm to fit grill made of 10mm
MS Sq Rods for horizontal bars welded at a regular pitch of 150mm to
12mm x 6 mm MS flat.
SLIDING WINDOWS (3 Shutters) or Equivalent Sliding Windows
(Suitable for residential and non-residential buildings):
.· -Providing and fixing of Sliding Windows made of Galvanized Steel (Base
Steel as per IS 513, D quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with Zinc of 120
GSM). The factory made section should be powder coated with pure

- -··--- ··· ----·----- ------------··., t
··-=-s�-<>..�...- --

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

polyester powder upto 50-60 microns thick with total coated thickness -:�
of 0.8 mm for Outer Frame and 0.58mm thickness for Sliding Shutter i

Section. The Outer Frame size for Two Tracks with Grill provision is �li
135mm x 50mm. The Window Shutter section is of 58 mm x 36 mm. ffJ

The Outer Frame should have Two integrated Guide tracks of 12mm

width and 24mm deep for provision to slide the Shutter / sash frame and
facilita-tes with a water drain outlet component made of PVC. The Shutter l:
frame should be fitted with 5mm thick plain float glass of reputed make and '� l
fixed with EPDM weathering seal resistant accessories and handle made
of Alumimium 1 No. per each shutter. The sections are to be cut to length
miter joined with comer brackets. The total window system is to be installed

at the site using anchor fasteners, Silicon sealant applied at the Outer Frame
Comers. The cost is indusive of conveyance of all materials accessories,
labour charges, and erection at site with complete finished item of work.
38.35.1 i) Center Shutter Fixed: center shutter frame made of section with Sqm 6,990.00
size 36mm x 58mm should be fitted with 5mm thick plain float glass of
reputed make, EPDM gasket all around the glass and fixed to the Outer
Frame with the supporting section of size 29mm x 20mm of 0.58mm
thick fixed horizontally on top and bottom of the shutter frame
38.35.2 ii) Center Shutter Sliding: center shutter frame made of section of Sqm 7,060.00
size36mm x 58mm should be fitted with 5 mm thick plain float glass of
reputed make. The supporting guide section of size 15mm x 19mm of
0.58mm thick fixed horiiontally at top and bottom of shutter frame and
slides along the bottom and top guide tracks made of sections size
24mm x 20mm of 0.58mm thick and 29mm x 20mm of 0.58mm thick.
38.36 Steel Windows with grill and flymesh for residential buildings
Providing and fixing of windows made of pre-painted steel (base steelas
per IS 513 of 0.58mm tick' galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120GSM).
Primer coated with epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick, finish painted with
a polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and back coatedwith 5-?microns
thick alkyd backer. Section for outer frame should beof 72x55mm, centre
mullion should be of 72x50mm, section of the fixed glass beading should
be of 12x12mm. and secti.on of the shutter shouldbe of 48x25mm. Outer
frame and mullion sections to have rebate forglazed shutters, fly mesh
and 20mm provision for guard bars/grill flymesh shutters section should
be of 20x40mm. The sections are to becut to length mitre joined with
corner bracket. Centre 111ullion is to befixed with mullion cap. Handle
latch 2 Nos of heavy duty stainless steelpivot hinges shall be provided
for shutter. The window should be ledwith 50mm thick plain float glass
and S.S. Mesh for fly mesh shutter(304 grade). Rubber gaskets are to
be provided all around the glass. The above frames should be fixed to
the concrete/masonry wall bymeans of self-expanding screws, including
10mm square guard barswith 6" (152.4mm) pitch complete for finished
item of work.
38.36.1 Double shutter window with vertical mullion 3'0"x4'0" (914.4mm Sqm 7,930.00
x1219.2mm) outer frame section size of72x50mm shutter frame section
size of 48x25mm mullion section size of 72x50mm.

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

38.36.2 Centre fixed both side openable shutter window 5'0"x4'0" (1524mm x Sqm 7,520.00
1219.2mm). Outer frame section size of 72x50mm. Shutter frame section
size of 48x25mm mullion section size of 72x50mm. Fixed beading section
size of 12x12mm.
Steel Windows with grill for residential buildings
Providing and fixing of windows made of pre-painted steel (base steel
as per IS 513 of 0.58mm tick galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120
GSM). Primer coated with epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick, finish
painted with a polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and back coated
with 5-7microns thick alkyd backer. Section for outer frame should be
of 48x50mm, centre mullion should be of 48x50mm, section for shutter
should be of 48x25mm and fixed glass beading section should be of
12x12mm. Outer frame and mullions to have rebate for glazed shutter
and a 20mm provision for guard bars/grills. The sections are to be cut
to length mitre joined with corner bracket. Centre mullion is to be fixed
with mullion cap. Handle stay 2Nos of stainless steel heavy duty pivot
hinges shall be provided for shutter. The window should be panelled with
5mm thick plain float glass. Rubber gaskets are to be provided all around
the glass. The above frames should be fixed to the concrete/ masonry
wall by means of self expanding screws, including 10mm square guard
bars with 6" (152.4mm) pitch etc., complete for finished item of work.
38.37.1 Double shutterwindow with vertical mullion 3'0"x4'0" (914.4mmx1219.2mm) Sqm 4,570.00
outer frame section size of 48x50mm shutter frame section size of
48x25mm mullion section size of 48x50mm.
38.37.2 Centre fixed both side openable shutter window 6'0"x4'0" (1828.8mmx Sqm 4,990.00
1219 .2mm). Outer frame section size of 48x50mm shutter frame section
size of 48x25mm mullion section size of 48x50mm. Fixed beading section
size of 12x12mm.
38.38 Pre-painted steel windows / Ventilators & door frames
Supply and fixing of windows and top hung and fixed louered
ventilatorsmade of pre-painted steel (base steel as per IS 513 of
-0.58mm thick'D' quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 GSM)
with apolyester paint, of 12-16 microns thick and back coated with 5-7
micronsthick alkyd backer. Section for outer frame should be 46x52mm,
sectionfor shutter should be 46x46mm, section for mullion should be
46x70mm,and section for beading should be 18x25mm and section for
louvered ventilator should be 33x57mm the windows hould be pannaled
with 5 mm thick plain float glass and 4mm pinhead glass for ventilators
with rubber Gasket. The sections are to be cut to length, mitre joined
with corner bracket and centre mullions are to be fixed using mullion
cap. Handle made of high grade aluminium powder coated and nylon
receiver. Corner brackets made of CRCA with Zinc Phosphate. Mullion
caps made of glass filled nylon. The above frames should be ixed to the
concrete/ masonry will by means of self-expanding screws. Including
10mm square bars with 6" pitch complete finished item of work.
WINDOWS: Double shutter 3'-0" X4' - 0" (914.4MM x 1219.2 MM) outer Sqm 4,700.00
frame section size of 46x52mm shutter frame section size of 46x46mm.
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

38.36.2 Centre fixed both side openable shutter window 5'0"x4'0" (1524mm x Sqm 7,520.00
1219.2mm). Outer frame section size of 72x50mm. Shutter frame section
size of 48x25mm mullion section size of 72x50mm: Fixed beading section
size of 12x12mm.
38.37 Steel Windows with grill for residential buildings
Providing and fixing of windows made of pre-painted steel (base steel
as per IS 513 of 0.58mm tick galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120
GSM). Primer coated with epoxy primer of 5-7 microns thick, finish
painted with a polyester paint of 12-16 microns thick and back coated
with 5-7microns thick alkyd backer. Section for outer frame should be
of 48x50mm, centre mullion should be of 48x50mm, section for shutter
should be of 48x25mm and fixed glass beading section should be of
12x12mm. Outer frame and mullions to have rebate for glazed shutter
and a 20mm provision for guard bars/grills. The sections are to be cut
to length mitre joined with corner bracket. Centre mullion is to be fixed
with mullion cap. Handle stay 2Nos of stainless steel heavy duty pivot
hinges shall be provided for shutter. The window should be panelled with
5mm thick plain float glass. Rubber gaskets are to be provided all around
the glass. The above frames should be fixed to the concrete/ masonry
wall by means of self expanding screws, including 10mm square guard
bars with 6" ( 152.4mm) pitch etc., complete for finished item of work.
38.37.1 Double shutter window with vertical mullion 3'0"x4'0" (914.4mmx1219.2mm) Sqm 4,510.00
outer frame section size of 48x50mm shutter frame section size of
48x25mm mullion section size of 48x50mm.
38.37.2 Centre fixed both side openable shutter window 6'0"x4'0" (1828.8mmx Sqm 4,990.00
1219.2mm). Outer frame section size of 48x50mm shutter frame section
size of 48x25mm mullion section size of 48x50mm. Fixed beading section
size of 12x12mm.
38.38 Pre-painted steel windows / Ventilators & door frames
Supply and fixing of windows and top hung and fixed louered
ventilatorsmade of pre-painted steel (base steel as per IS 513 of
-0.58rnm thick'D' quality, galvanized as per IS 277 with zinc of 120 GSM)
with apolyester paint, of 12-16 microns thick and back coated with 5-7
rnicronsthick alkyd backer. Section for outer frame should be 46x52mm,
sectionfor shutter should be 46x46mm, section for mullion should be
46x70mm,and section for beading should be 18x25mm and section for
louvered ventilator should be 33x57mm the windows hould be pannaled
with fi mm thick plain float glass and 4mm pinhead glass for ventilators
with rubber Gasket. The sections are to be cut to length, mitre joined
with corner bracket and centre mullions are to be fixed using mullion
cap. Handle made of high grade aluminium powder coated and nylon
receiver. Corner brackets made of CRCA with Zinc Phosphate. Mullion
caps made of glass filled nylon. The above frames should be ixed to the
concrete/ masonry will by means of self-expanding screws. lncludinfJ
10mrn square bars with 6" pitch complete finished item of work.
38.38.1 WINDOWS: Double shutter 3'-0" X 4' - 0" (914.4MM x 1219.2 MM) outer Sqm ,t,'!mum
frame section size of 46x52mm shutter frame section size of 46x46rnrn.
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

, .. :.',.'.' WINPOWS : Centre fixed both side openable shutter 5'·-0" x 4'-0" Sqm 4,430.00
(I 524x1219.2mm) outer frame section size of 46x52mm shutter frame
:,ection size of 46x48mm mullion section size of 46x70mm fixed beading
:,rid:ion size of 18x25mrn.
" !(.•
. H' Vi;ntilators: Top hung 4'-0" x 3'-0" (1219.2x914.4mm) outer frame section Sqm 4,050.00
',i;-:e of 46x52mm shutter frame section size of 46x46mm mullion section
:;izo of 46x70mm.
. L'; ;;; .• J Vnntilators: Fixed lovers 4'-0" x 3'-0" (1219.2x914.4mm) (Box section) Sqm 3,900.00
outer frame section size of 33x57mm mullion section.
I:) 2 lane using SDBC mix material.
.,, II:
iq Road Humps/ Speed breakers for control of vehicular speeds on roads
F) roviding road humps for the entire formation width, using bituminous
11rlHnix materials and heavy duty cobble stones 60 mm thick, having
mcid hump dimension of 1.00 mtr. (width) X 0.15 mtr'{height) rectangutar
sections and ramp on either side of road hump of 0.85 mtr (wide),
including providing WBM (2 layers) for shoulder portion 1. 7mts in
length on either side, completing with road marking paint with applied
thermoplastic compound with reflecting glass beeds on bituminous
su1iace and providing 2 Nos. retro reflective traffic signs as per IRC SP
C.7 -2010 (for details refer IRC 99-1988)
--�L., I9.·1 for single lane for formation width of 7.50 mtrs. and using SDBC mix Unit 32,040.00
.;�: :�!-L? Intermediate lane for formation width of 9.00 mtrs using SDBC mix Unit 37,680.00
' /(/
"\�l.:\ lrme for formation width of 12 mtrs. using SDBC mix material
,'11 I Unit 48,400.00
'.'.i',;l.0 r-'roviding road humps for the entire formation width, using bituminous
premix materials and heavy duty cobble stones 60 mm thick, having
1uad hump dimension of 1.00 mtr. (width) X 0.15 mtr (height) rectangular
,;rcictions ,md ramp on either side of road hump of 0.85 mtr (wide),
including providing WBM (2 layers) for shoulder portion 1.7mts in
k!n9th on either side, completing with road marking paint with applied
ilw!rrnoplastic compound with reflecting glass beeds on bituminous
:atrf<ice and providing 2 Nos. retro r�flective traffic signs as per IRC SP
1iT -?010 (for details refer IRC 99-1988)
iP I i. >r sinqlr-l lane for formation width of 7.50 mtrs. and using BC mix material Unit 35,740.00
1;1 ,j.(l ) l11tnrrnecliate lane for formation width of 9.00 mtrs using BC mix material Unit 39,690.00
, H l
" �
; ) L111f• for formation width of 12 mtrs. using BC mix material Unit 51,070.00
H > .\ I I 'rovidinq, laying, rumble strips, 250 mm wide and 25mm height in
1• )clnn9ular shape at 1. 00 mtr center to center for the entire formation
width of road using pre mix bituminous material, including providing
WFIM (2 lciyers) for shoulder portions, applying tack coat, providing
' [\Jos. rntro reflective traffic signs as per IRC SP 67-2010 (for details
11-: CJ9-·1 nss)

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps_

38.41.1 For 3 nos - including WBM layers for length of 2 mtrs on either side
of carriage way in shouldr portion. Single lane using SDBC mix material. Unit "17,980.00 Intermediate lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 17,570.00 lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 21,870.00
38.41.2 For 5 nos - including WBM layers for length of 4 mtrs on either side
of carriage way in shouldr portion. Single lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 25;130.00 Intermediate lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 24,430.00 lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 31,560.00

38.41.3 For 10 nos - including WBM layers for length of 9mtrs on either
side of carriage way in shouldr portion. Single lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 42,930.00 lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 4·1,530.00 lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 55,nJO.OO

38.41.4 For 15 nos - including WBM layers for length of 15 mtrs on either
side of carriage way in shouldr portion. Single lane using SDBC mix material Unit 60,700.00 Intermediate lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 58,590.00 lane using SDBC mix material. Unit 79,B90.00
38.42 Providing and laying Geocells ultrasonically welded 1.30mm thick,
HOPE strips, expandable to form GEOCELLS of honeycomb structure,
anchoring to metal pegs at each and cell to be laid on prepared surface.
38.42.1 - do - 100mm height Sqm 370.00
38.42.2 - do - 150mm height Sqm 480.00
38.43 Providing, fabricating and fixing profiled poly erethane insulated roof Sqm 2,250Jl0
of 1,06m width and 7,60m length sheets roof having external sheet of
0.5mm steel with powder coated finish, bottom sheet of 0.4mm steel
with powder coated finish. The roofing system shall have water proof
over lapping arrangement at the inter section of two sheets the fasting
shall be of self tapping screws dia 6.3mm or required length with PVC
head along with washer pre-painted aluminium cap unit with build in seal
arrangements. The entire roof shall be firmly fasteed to the existing frame.
38.44 uPVG Windows and Doors
38.44. 1 Providing & fixing of glazed 2 Track-2 Panel Sliding Windows made out of Sqm.
multi Chamered uPVC sections with TPV gaskets having Isolated drainage
and reinforced witgh Galvanized iron profiles through out the window. The
outer frame having a overall size of 60x45 mm with reinforcement of 1 mrn
thickness and sash with overall size of 39x58 mm with reinforcement of
1.5mm thickness. Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of size 20x-l 8mm
and coextruded with gasket. Windows shall be provided with 5mm plain
float glass, standard hardware & single point locking system of flush lock,
Wall thickness of frame & sash shall be 2-2.2 mm.

. �-k0 Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
·· ! l'rovidinq l'x fixing of glazed Openable Window made out of multi
1• Sqm. 7,000.00 l',
dirnnbered uPVC sections with TPV gaskets having isolated drainage
,ind reinforced with Galvanixed iron profiles throuhout the window. The
outer frame having a overall size of 60x55 mm with reinforcement of 1
111111 thickness, mullion with overall size of 74x60 mm with reinforcement
, 11 1 mm and sash with overall size of 75x60 mm with reinforcement of ,J
I 5 1 nm thickness. Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of size 34x20 ]

rnrn and coextruded with gasket. Windows shall be provided with 5mm '

plnin float glass, standard hardware & single point locking system of
flu�;h lock, Wall thickness of frame, mullion & sash shall be 2-2.2 mm.
'· . i-1 . ', I 'rovidin�1 & of Fixed Louvered Ventilator made out of multi chambered Sqm. 6,200.00
, 1PVC sections with TPv gaskets having isolated drainage and reinforced
with Galvanized Iron profiles through out the windown. The outer frame
l1,1ving a overall size of 60x55mm with reinforcement of 1 mm thickness
uml Mullion with overall size of 74x60mm with reinforcement of 1 mm
ihickness. Ventilator shall be provided with 4.5 mm Pin Head glass,
'.-dandard hardware, Wall thickness of frame Mullion shall be 2-2.2 mm .
. w ! ·Ld- Providing & fixing of Top hung Ventilator With Exhaust Fan Provision Sqm. 7,000.00
rnade out of multi chambered uPVC sections with TPV gaskets having
isolated drainage and reinforced with Galvanized Iron profiles through
out the Windown. the outer frame having a overall size of 60x55 mm
with reinforcement of 1 mm thickness, Mullion with overall size of 74x60
mm with reinforcement of 1 mm thickness and Sash with overall size of
75x60 rnrn with reinforcement of 1.5mm thickness. Glazing bead for fixing
of glass shall be of size 34x20 mml coextruded with gasket, Ventilator
shall be provided with 4.5 mm Pin Head glass, standard hardware, single
point locking and friction stays,. Wall thickness of frame, mullion & sash
slwll be 2-2.2 mm.
>\': · i,i_t, F'roviding & fixing of glazed 3 Track- 2 Panel Sliding Windown With Mesh Sqm. 7,500.00
made out of multi chambered uPVC sections with TPv gaskets having
isolated drainage and reinforced with GI throughtout the window. the
sliding outer frame having a overall size of 108x45 mm with reinforcement
or I mm thickness, sash with overall size of 39x58 mm with reinforcement
nf 1.5 mrn thickness, mesh sash of overall size 30x48.5 mm reinforced
with ·1 .[i mm of GI. Glazing bead for fixing kof glass shall be of size
:> 1 )x 1 Hmm and coextruded witl1 gasket. Fiber Glass mesh shall be
pr ( 1vided in mesh shutter. Windows shall be provided with 5 mm plain
flr',cit qlass. standard hardware and single point locking system of flush
I, i,:I. Wnll thicl<ness of frame, mullion & sash shall be 2-2.2 mm.
! ! : , I 'rnvirlinq ,� fixing of glazed 3 Track - 2 Panel Sliding Door made out Sqm. 6,000.00
, ll 11111lti chambered uPVC sections with TPV gaskets having isolated
, 1r�1in:1qe ,md reinforced with Galvanized Iron profiles through out the
win( lnw. Tho sliding outer frame having a overall size of 60x45 mm with
11 ,i1 r,nrcernr:mt of 1 mm thickness, super sas with overall size of 39x75
111111 with rninfnrcement of 1.5mm thickness. Glazing bead for fixing of
qi: 1:;:; sl1,1II be of sizn 20x18 mm and coestruded with gasket. Fiber
1 ;1;1:,c; mesh shall be provided in mesh shutter. Window/Door shall be
In, Nided with 6 mm plain float glass, stgandard hardware & multi point
1, •rkinq system of patio espagnolette. Wall thickness of frame, mullion
s, '.;::di shall be 2--2.2 mm.

. - - -· ·-- ,�--- -�-�-�--·""·"'----· -----......&.--------....·------

,;HJ!.4.l Providing & fixing of glazed 3 Track - 2 Panel Sliding Door With Mesh ... Sqm.
made out of multi chambered uPVC sections with TPV gaskets having
i:;olated drainage and reinforced with Galvanized Iron profiles through
out the window. The sliding outer frame having a overall size of 108x45
rmn with reinforcement of 1 mm thickness, super sash with overall size
of 39x75 mm with reinforcement of 1.5 mm thickness, mesh sash of
overall size 30x48.5 mm reinforced with 1.5 mm of GI.Glazing bead for
fixing c,f glas shall be of size 20x18mm and coextruded with gasket. Fiber
Glass mesh shall be provided in mesh shutter. Window/Door shall be
provkJ13cl with 6 mm plain float glass, standard hardware & multi point
lockin[J system of Patio espagnolette. Wall thickness of frame, mullion
8, �ash shall be 2-2.2 mm.
:mA.6 Consultancy Services for Preparation of Land PlanSurvey for State
�Jighways and Major District Roads
·111e entire Land Survey Plan should be carried out using LiDAR KM
·1echnology only, Collection of all the relevant information for 50 Mtr on
€:ilher :;ide from
The e11tire Land Survey Plan should be carried out using LiDAR
·Iechnology only, Collection of all the relevant information for 50 Mtr on
either i;ide from centre of the road, Details of Structures (if any), Cross
Urainage Structures, Arboriculture counts and other Assets, which
have been developed as a part of the road furniture / development.
E.stablishing the Primary Control Points (Horizontal Control), using the
DGPS at every 1000 meters interval and secondary control points at
uvery 500 meters and also at important and salient locations, such as major
ii 1ter Sf•ctions, Village I Town limits etc.,. The DGPS controls will be so
r:,stablif;hed that it meets the minimum criteria specified for carrying out the
1i1apping activities on a scale of 1 :5000 or ·1 :10000. (Inclusive of all taxes)
(fNiac! i'llso note provided @ the t'md of this chapter)
;�A,; !Tovicling and fixing self-supported, ribbed, high quality, high grade
(U:350 MPA Yst Min ), pre- painted Galvalume steel roof sheet, coated
with bare Galvalume coating AZ 150, @ 150 grns/Smtr 55%AL,45%Zn)
!.,y hot dip process , of total coated thickness as specified for different
•:;r:kuls with a tolerance of+/- 0.02 mm, according to technical specification
,;t)nfirrning to A 792, with NCCA 11-1, or ECCA T4 Pencil hardness HB,
r,1< ;CA ,tandard T-Bend test. The roof should be fastened to the gutter
I ,r:,;o11n, on the external sloping side, at an interval of 5·1 rnrn Centre to
i •H1tre. to a depth of 65 mm with GI anchor bolts and neoprene washers
, ' : :ubjucting the !JLrtter beam to Schmidt, Harn mer test to en�,ure tha
. 111chorage of the anchor bolts. The self-�;upported roofing systern
,:1011ld be desioned to with stand the wind load (As per IS rm; parkl)
:· I:.:11tliquakn load (as per IS ·1893) 8, the design should also comply
11t·iil1 "1ny other technical requirements such ns turbo ventilator�-: of 0.60
, 11l:,. di, 1 and :,kylinhts of size 4.26 x 0.60 rntf;. fixed onG in each rnw @
I', .nu l\,'llr C/C along the length & hangers for olectrical fixh 11'8G i:'lB pm tl,u
(, "111in::i, nents including cost of all materials &labour for en:,dion, all le8d
1: iii lill, loading and unloading, HOM of rnacl'tineries etc.. co1nplet1,, m:;
,, ,, ifi.:=, �;lc1ndard detailed technical spficification, desiqn :111d din:lction:,,
, , • ii k' ,., 11ginH<'ll' in cliEfl"ge of ti Ie work.
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
-- - ----- - -------- -- ----� --�-·�---- ·--.�---- ------
(,.1 . 11<:1 .. sqm 1,750.00
(a) Span: 9 Metors upto 15 Meters
(b) Material Specification: Colour Coated Galvalurne Sheet, weighing
·10.10 kg/sqrn
BMT: 0.80 MM, /.\PT : 0.85 MM, tolerance +/- 0.02mm
;; : -Hi_�, --· do - sqm 1,850.00
;i) Span:Above 15 Meters upto 18 Meters
(b) Material Specification: Colour Coated Galvalurne Sheet, weighing
11.35 g/sqrn
BMT: 0.90 MM, APT: 0.95 MM, tolerance+/- 0.02mm
sqm 1,950.00
(a) Span : Above 18 Meters upto 21 Meters
(b) Material Specification: Colour Coated Galvalurne Sheet weighing
BMT: 1.00 MM, APT : 1.05 MM, tolerance+/- 0.02mm
\:;_;t(,,i - clo -- sqm 2,100.00
(a) Span : AbOVE! 21 Meters upto 23 Meters
(b) Material Specification: Colour Coated Galvalume Sheet weighing
'I 3.80kg/sqrn
BMT: 1.10 MM, APT: 1.15 MM, tolerance+/- 0.02mm
.\tL4Cih - clo - sqm 2,200.00
(a) Span: Above 23 Meters upto 25 Meters
(b) Material Specification: Colour Coated Galvalume Sheet, weighing
BMT: 1.20 MM, APT: 1.25 MM, tolerance +/- 0.02mm
::n_/J.h.U -do- sqm 2,300.00
(a) Span: Above 25 Meters upto 27 Meters
(b) Material Specification: Colour Coated Imported Galvalume Sheet,
weighing 16.40 l<g/sqrn
BMT: ·J .30 MM, APT : 1.37 MM, tolerance +/- 0.02mm
:{n 111, f -·clo - sqm 2,450.00
(a) Span :Above 27 Meters upto 30 Meters
(b) Material Specification: Colour Coated Imported Galvalume Sheet,
weighing 17.63 kg/sqm
BMT: 1 .40 MM, APT: 1.47 MM, tolerance+/- 0.02mm
,i\4b.B - do - sqm 2,600.00
(a) Span:Above 30 Meters upto 32 Meters
(b) Material Specification: Colour Coated Imported Galvalume Sheet,
weighing 18.87 kg/sqm
BMT: 1.50 MM, APT : 1.57 MM, tolerance +/- 0.02mm
. \H.4G.9 - do - sqm 2,700.00
(a) Span: Above 32 Meters upto 35 Meters
(b) Material Specification: Colour Coated Imported Galvalume Sheet,
weighing 20.10kg/sqm
BMT: 1.60 MM, APT : 1.67 MM, tolerance +/- 0.02mm

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

38.47 Providing and applying a heat reflecting anti-fungal water based, flexible,
water proofing, roof coating for use on RooffTerrace/Parapet. by fonnulating
the undercoat with polymer modified cementations water proof slurry mortar
and top coat consisting of 100% Acrylic Elastometric Ploymers embedded
with heat reflecting particles. For surfaces having cracks less than 5mm.
38.47.1 - do - in high rainfall areas(Two layers of under coat plus two layers of top coat) sqm 550.00
38.47.2 - do - in low rainfall areas(One layer of under coat plus two layers of top coat) sqm 500.00
38.48 Construction of Embankment / Sub grade using Nanotechnology
based chemical stabilizer and Cement.
38.48.1 Construction of Embankment using Nanotechnology material.
Construction of embankment with approved material gravel/murrum cum 887.00
and chemical stabilized like nanotechnology based organosilane or
equivalent (confirming to the required spec.) mixed in water @0.5kg/
cum (f or soil CBR above 5%) and 1% cement by weight of soil, with
all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required
slope and compacting to meet requirement table 300-2 complete as per
specifications. (Which includes cost of gravel/murrum, watering charges
& compacting by vibratory roller) MORTH Specification No. 305
38.48.2 Construction of Embankment with material deposited from roadway
cutting using nanotechnology material.
Construction of Embankment with approved material deposited at site from cum 740.00
roadway cutting and excavation from drain and foundation of other structures
graded and chemical stabilizer like nanotechnology based organolilane
or equivalent (confirming to the required spec.) Mixed in water@ 0.5kg/
cum and 1% cement by weight of soil and compacted to meet requirement
of table 300-2 complete as per specifications. (Which includes, watering
charges & compacting by vibratory roller) MORTH Specification No. 305
38.48.3 Construction of subgrade and earthen shoulders using
nanotechnology material
Construction of sub-grade and earthen shoulders with approved material cum 390.0ll
gravel/murrum and chemical stabilizer like nanotechnology based
organosilane or equivalent (confirming to the required spec.) Mixed in
water@ 0.5kg/cum (for soil CBR above 5%) and 1% cement by weight
of soil with all lifts & leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to
required slope and compacted to meet requirement of table no. 300"2
complete as per specifications (Including cost of earth, watering chal'Ql=JS
& compaction by vibratory roller) MORTH Specification No. 30!5
38.48.4 Loosening of the ground upto a level of 500mm below the subgrade cum �!OJ.;JHli
level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet requirernent of .I
table 300-2 for subgrade construction complete as per specifications. ,,
Case-I : Compacting original ground supporting subgrade using chemical

stabilizer like nanotechnology based organosilane or equivalent
(confirming to the required spec.) mixed in water@ 0.5kg/cum and ·1% ..'
cement by weight of soil, (which includes water charges & compaction '
by vibratory roller) MORTH Specification No. 305.3.4
cun1 � ,, ;_-;.' ,:.Hu �
::m.485 Loosening, levellinfJ and compacting original ground supporting
ernbankrnent to facilitate placement of first layer of ernbanl<ment,
scarified to a depth of 150mm, mixed with water at OMC and then
coir1pacted by rolling so as to achieve minimum dry density as oiven in
Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

,; 1h11) '.:\0( J-2 for embankment construction. Compete as per specifications.

< ::1:,e. - II : Compacting original ground supporting embankment using
d 1ornical stabilizer like nanotechnology based organosilane or equivalent
(f:onfirming to the required spec.) mixed in water @0.5kg/cum and 1 %
r:nrnent by weight of soil (which includes watering charges & compaction
by vibrHtory roller) MORTH Specification No. 305.3.4
;; , 1. i Door Frame - Entrance
I 'mviding & fixing factory made Galvanized plain steel door frame of rmt. 610.00
profile size 125 x 60 mm single rebate manufactured from galvanized
plain steel sheet ·1 .25 mm thick, conforming to IS:277. The door frame
r:nnsists of hinge jamb, lock jamb, head & bottom tie bars, supply in
k1 iockclown condition & to be assembled at site by mechanical means
with speci.:11 mitre joint. The bottom tie bar made out of galvanized plain
sl:t}HI sheet 1.60 mm thick pressed angle 20 x 20 mm screwed to the
door frame. The stiffeners of 3 mm thick pre- punched & pre-trapped
;1re to be welded inside the pre-punched slots of the door frames &
4 nos. of S.S. butt hinges 100 x 59 x 2.5 mm to be screwed to the door
frame. The necessary stiffeners & mortar guards to be provided for
fixing hardware fixtures. The door frame to be powder coated after pre­
treatment of the surface. The door frame shall be filled with 1 :3:6 cement
,,oncrete & to be fixEid with adjustable lugs/ hold fasts. Alternatively, dry
fixin9 shall be permitted by using metallic expansion bolt. The rate is
including transportation, loading, unloading, HOM etc. but excluding the
hardware fixtures. Size 1000 x 2130 mm
.',/\1liU Door Frame- Internal
Providing & fixing factory made Galvanized plain steel door frame of rmt. 480.00
profile size 125 x 60 mm single rebate manufactured from galvanized
plain steel sheet 1.25 mm thick, conforming to IS: 277. The door frame
consists of hinge jamb, lock jamb, head & bottom tie bars, supply in
knockdown condition & to be assembled on site by mechanical means
with the special miter joint. The bottom tie bar made out of galvanized
plflin steel sheet 1.60 mm thick pressed angle 20 x 20 mm to be screwed
lo the door frame. Tile 4 nos. of G.I. Lift off hinge 100 x 67 x 2 mm to be
projected welded to the door frame. The necessary stiffeners & mortar
�wards to be provided for fixing hardware fixtures. The door frame to be
powder coated after pre-treatment of the surface. The door frame shall be
filled with 1 :3:6 cement concrete & to be fixed with adjustable lugs/ hold
fasts. Alternatively, dry fixing shall be permitted by using metallic expansion
I 1011:. The rate is including transportation, loading, unloading, HOM etc. but
Hxcluding tile hardware fixtures. Size 900 x 2130 mm
:,:; 1l�J.:\ Door Frame -Wet areas -W.C. / Bath
Providing & fixing factory made Aluminium Zinc coated steel doofframe rmt. 535.00
of profile size 105 x 60 mm single rebate manufactured from Aluminium
Zinc metallic coated steel sheet 1.20 mm thick, conforming to IS: 15961.
The door frame consists of hinge jamb, lock jamb, head & bottom tie bars
& supply in knockdown condition & to be assembled on site by mechanical
means with special mitre joint to be bottom tie bar made out of galvanized
plain steel sheet 1.60 mm thick pressed angle 20 x 20 mm to be screwed
to the door frame. The 3 nos. of S.S. butt hinges 100 x 58 x 1.9 mm to be

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. P'.::,.
------------------------------------·-· --·· ···- .. ·--

projection welded to the door frame. The necessary stiffeners & mortar
guards to be provided for fixing hardware fixtures. The door frame to be
powder coated after pre-treatment of the surface. The door frame shall be
filled with 1:3:6 cement concrete & to be fixed with adjustable lugs/ hold
fasts. Alternatively dry fixing shall be permitted by using metallic expansion
bolt. The rate is including transportation, loading, unloading, HOM etc. but
excluding the hardware fixtures. Size 750 x 2130 mm
38.49.4 Door Frame -Wet areas - W.C. I Bath
-Do- with Profile Size 90 x 50 mm - Size 750 x 2130 mm rmt. 495.00
38.50.1 Door Shutters - Entrance
Providing & fixing factory made Galvanized steel door Shutters 32 mm sqm. 2,400.00
thick manufactured from pre- painted Galvanized plain steel sheet 0.60
mm thick conforming to the IS: 14246. The door shutters consist of two
outer skins if steel sheets, lock seam jointed at vertical stile edges,
horizontal top & bottom sides to form a double skin fully flush shell.
Rigid polyurethane Foam (PUF) of density 40 Kg/M3 shall be filled in the
hollow portion of door shutters for structure rigidly & sound insulation.
The necessary stiffeners of the Galvanized plain steel sheet of minimum
thickness 1.60 mm to be provided for fixing all hardware fixtures. The rate
is including transportation, loading, unloading, HOM etc. but excluding
the hardware fixtures. Size - 900 x 2035 x 32 mm thick.
38.50.2 Door Shutters - internal
- Do - of Size - 800 x 2035 x 32 mm thick. sqm. 2,500.00

38.50.3 Door Shutters -Wet areas -W.C. / Bath

Providing & fixing factory made Galvanized steel door Shutters 32 mm sqm. 2,800 . 00
thick manufactured from pre- painted Aluminium-zinc metallic coated
steel sheet 0.60 mm thick conforming to the IS: 15961. The door shutters
consist of two outer skins of steel sheets, lock seam jointed at vertical
stile edges, horizontal top & bottom sides to form a double skin fully
flush shell. Rigid polyurethane Foam (PUF) of density 40 Kg/M3 shall be
filled in the hollow portion of door shutters for structure rigidly & sound
insulation. The necessary stiffeners of Galvanized plain steel sheet of
minimum thickness ·1 .60 mm to be provided for all hardware fixtures.
The rate is including transportation, loading, unloading, HOM etc. but
excluding the hardware fixtures. Size - 650 x 2035 x 32 mm thick.
38.50.4 Door Shutters - Wet areas - W.C. / Bath
Providing & fixing factory made Galvanized steel door Shutters 32 mm sqm.
thick manufactured from pre- painted Aluminium-zinc metallic coated
steel sheet 0.60 mm thick conforming to the IS: 15961. The door shutters
consists of two outer skins of steel sheets, lock seam jointed at vertical
stile eclges, horizontal top & bottom sides to form a double skin fully
flush shell. Rigid polyurethane Foam (PUF) of density 40 Kg/M3 shall be
filled in the hollow portion of door shutters for structure rigidly & sound
insulation. The necessary stiffeners of Galvanized plain steel sheet of
minimum thickness 1.60 mm to be provided for all hardware fixtures.
The rate is including transportation, loading, unloading, HOM etc. but
excluding the hardware fixtures. Size - 670 x 2045 x 32 mm thick.

SL No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.
38.51 Providing and laying - Pervious concrete of grade M15 as per cum 5,500.00
specification using paver and roller where ever necessary complete.
This includes the cost of all material, Labour, HOM of machinery, Laying,
Compacting, Curing etc. as per the instruction of Engineer in charge of
the work.
38.52 Providing Stainless steel reinforcement(Duplex Grade-532101) for RCC work Tonne 2, 10,272.00
including straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, placing in position, lapping
and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring
to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design
(laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) cost of
materials, labour, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications.
38.53 Providing and mixing Alkali resistant integral glass fibers HD 67/36 to cum 3,480.00
act as a replacement of steel reinforcement in supported slabs and to
provide secondary reinforcement in concrete at 5 kg / cum of concrete,
fibers of length 36 mm, diameter 19 microns.specific gravity 2.68,
modulus of elasticity 72 Gpa and having the aspect ratio (length/dia)
of 67, including cost of labour.materials and HOM of machineries etc
complete.(Note:The work to be carried out with prior permission of the
competent authourity.) ( NOTE: Rate is for cum of concrete)

NOTE : If Slip form paver with sensor is used, additional The following documents in both Hard and Soft Copy (where required)
rate of Rs. 100.00 per cum to be given for I.Nos. 38.20.1, should be furnished
38.20.2 & 38.20.3 1. 1:4000 Drawings which includes, Details of SH, shall cause to be
NOTE for 38.45 marked on the map, thereon, Highway boundaries and Buildings.
and Control! Lines and other particulars. such as RoW, Road
(a) The DGPS control points established will be further Boundaries, DGPS Points, Existing Inventories, Survey Numbers,
extended using the total station for densification so that there
Control Points, Alignment Details etc
are Control Points for every 200 m interval at staggered
locations. All Physical details shall be picked up for a width of 2. All required data sheets
50M from the center line on either side of the road. Primary 3. Point Cloud Data of Area of lnteres
control points shall be a properly monumented using Cement 4. Drawing File containing 3D information of required details
Concrete Pillar (RCC) of size 230 mm x 230 mm x 1250 mm, 5. Images Captured along with Video files using LiDAR
out of which 550 mm is embedded in Cement Concrete below 6. Superimposed Alignment on the State Map supplied by the client;
the ground level. All such Pillars shall be serially numbered duly indicating the Survey Numbers and other details such as
and painted in two coats of Golden Yellow Colour. The X, Y, Z encroachments
co-ordinates shall be referred to center of the /pillar marked on
top of it. The co-ordinates shall be painted in red color. A list of 7. RTC Copies collected from Revenue Authorities and RTC
all Primary and Secondary control points with X,Y,Z Co-ordinate Transferred accordingly .,
should be submitted. 8. Khatha Certificate from respective authorities for the entire stretch :
of land registered in the name of the Executive Engineer of the.·
Original Revenue Village Survey Maps will be collected
from revenue authorities and all the Control Points shall be respective Divisions."
physically verified and mark(!d on top of it. (a. RTC and other 9. List of land encroached along with extent of land and name of the.
information required shall be collected by the Consultants from encroacher with all details as per standard format.
the appropriate authorities, b. W ithin RoW, if there are any 10. All Documents shall be submitted in colour and with proper binding<
encroachments, then the corisultant shall get relevant records along with soft copies - 5 Nos. each.
and prepare the relevant doc\Jments for transferring RTC in the 11. The formats for Data Collection and reports, layerisation oF
name of PWD.) Cadastral (Revenue) Survey will be carried out drawings indicating the factors in standard prescribe colour and'
in order to demarcate the Right of Way of the road and also of all symbals, shall be approved by PRAMC (Note: The soft copies
the encroachments. A staterrient shall be prepared showing the to be made compatible to be uploaded in the PWD web site -
extent of Right of Way, Encroachment, including other assets, ..
Survey Number wise in standard format as approved by PRAMC.
12. In areas, where cities/urban development is encountered, mapping'
The process carried out should be accurate enough to issue the
shall be carried out on 1 :2000 Scale, whereas, in cross country
necessary notices to the encroachers for getting them cleared.
it can be on 1 :4000 scale."

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SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


39.1 Providing and fixing Veneer paneling, over the 50mm x 35mm sal Sqm 4,235.00
wood frame work at spacing not exceeding 600mm c/c fixed to the wall
and top covered out of 4mm thick approved quality Veneer, fixed over
12mm thick ply of approved brand, termite and water resistant, finished
with melamine polish, complete including cost and conveyance of all
materials, labour for all items of work HOM of equipment etc., complete
as per specification.
39.2 Providing and fixing Acoustic Veneer paneling, over the 50mm x 35mm Sqtn 5,725.00
sal wood frame work at spacing not exceeding 600mm c/c fixed to the
wall filled with 50mm thick 32kg density glass wool and top c9vered out

f of 4mm thick approved quality Veneer, fixed over 19mm thick ply strips
of 100mm to 200mm with a gap of 6mm to 10mm in between strips of
approved brand, termite and water resistant, finished with melamjne
polish, complete including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour
for all items of work, HOM of equipment complete as per specification.
39.3 Manufacturing, supplying and fixing wooden ward robe of 0.60m deep Sqm 12,875.00
using 19mm thick vinyl bonded water proof block board, shutters allround
,, ward robe, lockable drawers with sliding channels, cupboard drapery
f, hangers, curtain rods with end brackets, openable shutters with 19mm x
i' 6mm thick plain teak wood beading, lipping 1.5mm thick commercial ply
vertical support finished in approved 1mm lamination sheet of approved
colour, shade and quality on all exposed surfaces. Inner surface painted
with 2 coats of white synthetic enamel paint over 2 coats of Patti, one
coat of wood primer, including cost of brass fittings, parliamentary
hinges, C handles, tower bolts, magnetic catches, approved brand lock,
adhesives, synthetic resins, nails, screws etc., complete Including cost
of all materials, labour charges, complete as per specification.
39.4 Providing and fixing storage unit of 0.75m depth made out of 19mm thick Sqm 15,440.00
commercial ply vertical support finished in approved 1.5mm laminate
with 12mm thick ply packing internally finished with enamel paint of
approved colour and shade shelves shall b� formed out of 19mm ply
finished with enamel paint ofapproved shade and colour and 19mm
thick shutters formed out of 19mm thick ply finished with 1.5mm thick
laminate of approved shade and colour etc., complete the rate includes
cost of all materials, labour charges, complete as per specification.
39.5 Providing and fixing Single shutter glass door of 12mm thick plain Sqm 8,880.00
toughened glass (Saint Gobain, Modi float). The door is fixed by
using any approved make hardware fitting like patch fitting, pivot, floor
machine, locking arrangements and suitable SS door rails with floral glass
etching for 1/3 portion of door area etc complete. The rate includes cost of
all materials, labour, hire of tools & machineries.and as per specification.
39.6 Providing and fixing Double shutter glass door of 12mm thick plain Sqm 8,410.00
toughened glass of approved make (Saint Gobain, Modi float). The door
is fixed by using any approved make hardware fitting like patch fitting,
pivot, floor machine, locking arrangements and suitable SS door rails
with floral glass etching for 1/3 portion of door area etc complete. The
rate includes cost of all materials, labour, hire of tools & machineries,
as per the specification.
SI.No. Description Unit

39.7 Providing and fixing Single shutter glass door of 12mm thick frosted Sqm
toughened glass of approved make (Saint Gobain, Modi float). The door
is fixed by using any approved make hardware fitting like patch fitting,
pivot, floor machine, locking arrangements and suitable SS door rails
with floral glass etching for 1/3 portion of door area etc complete. The
rate includes cost of all materials, labour, hire of tools & machineries,
as per specification.

39.8 Providing and fixing Double shutter glass door of 12mm thick frosted Sqm
toughened glass of approved make (Saint Gobain, Modi float). The door
is fixed by using any approved make hardware fitting like patch fitting,
pivot, floor machine, locking arrangements and suitable SS door rails
with floral glass etching for 1/3 portion of door area etc complete. The
rate includes cost of all materials, labour, hire of tools & machineries, as
per specifications etc complete. The rate includes cost of all materials,
labour, hire of tools & machineries, as per specifications.

39.9 Providing, fabricating and fixing partition frame work consisting of Sqm
50mm x 50mm sal wood frame work at spacing not exceeding 600mm
c/c fixed to the bottom and ceiling, the partition shall be skinned on
both sides using 12mm thick comn:iercial plywood of approved brand
termite and water resistance, and top covered with 4mm thick approved
quality veneer finished with melamine polish, complete including cost
and conveyance of all materials, labour for all items of work, HOM of
equipment as per specification.

39.10 Removing wall paneling / false ceiling / wooden partition / aluminium Sqm
partition, stacking it with all cost and conveyance labour for all items of
work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per specification

39.11 Providing and fixing 100mm wide venitian blinds of window fashion Sqm
fabric of Taiwan make, with 50mm thick powder coated channel with
balance, imported, acrylic self alignable mechanism and equally placed
spacers, imported tilting mechanism for easy tilting operation.with
nylon imported thread and beadings, 100mm wide imported washable
reusable fabric placed with ! top hanger and bottom with 100mm long
bottom plate qonnected to nylon imported bottom link chain. The rate
is inclusive of drilling holes for fixing channels to the wall, fixing threads
and beadings ;:ind link chains, hard ware fixtures etc., complete as per
drawing, specifications.
39.12 False ceiling �uspension system False ceiling (Tiles, Panels) shall be
suspended with the frame work and Accessories complete from roof
slabs, beams etc., by means of 4mm dia galvanized rods, spring steel
clips, hanger, Tee Runner, Ultra Look Tee Runner and edge trim etc.,
The Suspnsio)1 system consists of Grip bolt of size 50mm in length
and dia of 9.5mm with 16mm long treads for fixing 9.2mm dia Nut, the
thickness of the nut is 5.2mm, this is also fixed with washer of 18.50mm
in dia and the thickness of the washer is 0.80mm, this grip bolt in fixed
on to the RCC slab, by making holes with special hammering machine
and with the help of nut and washer, dip Galvanized Iron Rod of 4mm
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

dia is rounded, then it is been twisted, so that it with-rest above the

washer and later on the nut is been tightened and the grip bolt expands
inside the RCC slab and holds the G.I.Rod 4mm thick straight, this
G.I. supporting rod of 4mm thick is also twisted on the other side of fixed
"J" bolt, this "J" bolt consists of 3mm thick with a length of 133mm, this
"J" bolt is later on twisted by 26mm, this •J" bolt has a treaded portion of
47mm and this is provided with a nut of 3.63 mm thick and the dia of the
nut is 6.9mm, this nut has washer and this washer has a dia of 19mm
and the thickness of 0.6mm and all this components are chromodised,
later on G.l.supporting rod of 4mm thick dia is twisted and fixed inside
the nut and washer, then to maintain a good, straight level of the false
ceiling, the nut in"J" bolt is then moved up or down for proper-level. The
Galvanized Iron 4 mm dia been cut to size of length required as per site
requirement. The pre-coated parametrical channel of 24mmx24mm1 is
been fixed on to the wall at a prefect wall level and this pre-coated wall
channel are having two coats of primer and one coat of polyester paint of
desired colour, the wall channel will have a coat of primer applied on the
rear side. This wall channel are made of galvanized Iron and the grade
of the galvanized Iron is as per BIS. This wall channel of 24mmx24mm is
fixed on to the wall side with the help of star screws, the star screws are
having a length of 25mm and a dia reducing basics of 3mm to tapered
down.The main "T" consists of size: 24mm width x 38mm height, this
main 'T' is been made of galvanized Iron sheet of 0.3mm thick, this
are formed in the shape of a main"T" Bar on a fully automatic advance
computer machine, the galvanized iron sheet are later on capped with
pre-coated aluminium capping will have the colour, same as the panels
colour or any other colour of choice. The grade of Galvanized iron sheet
in as per BIS and the grade of aluminium chapping is (Al-Mn) 3003
of H-46 to 48. The cross "r' bars are of 12,00mm in length a,nd this
'T's are of size 24mmx38mm in height, another "T" bar consist 600mm
in length and this 'T'bar are of size 24mm width x 38mm in height, this
"T" bar is fixed on to the mairi "T" of 24mmx38mm height and cross
tees of 24mmx38mm height forms a pattern of 600mmx600mm grid and
further this grid work is supported by G.I.Rod of 4mm and height adjustable
"J" bolts system. The "T" grid system consists of special steel is as per
BIS, and the thickness of the steel is 0.3mm thick. This 'T' frame work is
capped with coil coated aluminum sheet and the grade of the Aluminum
sheet is (Al-Mn) 3003 of H-46 to H-48

39.12.1 Mineral Fiber false celling

Providing and laying of world class mineral acoustic ceiling panels of Sqm 2,100.00
as per the following specification
Tile of approved make Mineral Acoustic ceiling panels of size
595x595mm-12mm thick suitable for use in �rrears up to 40 C and RH
70UR as per manufacturer. Tile have 15 min fire retardant and does not
contain asbestos/urea formaldehyde, Technical details of New Modena
are- Thermal conductivity" Non-disposable, Light Reflection 80% fire
resistance Non-resistance Non-disposable. Mineral fiber ceiling panels
are placed inside the grid work.
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

39.12.2 PVC laminated false ceiling supply & installation of PVC laminated false Sqm 2,710.00
ceiling size of 600x600mmx9mm as per the following specification:
Panels are PVC laminated on the finish side and backed with aluminum
foil (behind). It shall be suspended with the frame work and accessories
completed from roof slabs, beams etc., by means of 4mm dia galvanized
rods, J bolt, Tee runner, Ultra look Tee Runner and edge trim etc.

39.12.3 Stainless steel false ceiling

Providing & fixing of acoustical & fire retardant tile ceiling system Sqm 10,990.00
comprising of tiles 600 x 600 mm long fabricated from 0.90mm aluminum
sheet. The tiles shall be suspended with the frame work etc Complete
from the slab beams etc by means of 4mm dia G.l.rods, GI sanp bar
at 1200 mm centre to centre GI snap couplings GI sanp bar hangers
GI edge profile etc. Installation the top portion of rod shall be roun9ed
and shall be screwed to slab by means of providing grip bolts 5mm long
and other end shall be bolted by means of providing 3by16 feet x1/2
feet machine screws and 3by16feet nut for leveling in to the snap bar
hanger 1.2 meter to 2.00 meter centre to centre. The distance between
two snap bars shall be 1200 mm centre to centre, The snap bar shall
be fixed into the snap bar. The pressure clip shall be provided along the
length of the tile flange to hold the panels in line and level at suitable
distance, as required. The edge profile shall be fixed at the perimeter
of the false ceiling area.

39.12.4 Aluminum plain/perforated/Mirror finish false ceiling VT-35mm

(Vertical drop 35 mm)
Providing, supplying and erection false ceiling with lay in tile system Sqm 6,610.00
with aluminum powder coated tiles-Boxer type VT-35 mm fabricated
from special aluminum grade 3003/100(AI-Mn) of H-46 to H-48 boxer
type panels with Non-metallic finish.
Panel details:
The good quality fully finished ceiling systems consists of Aluminum
powder coated false ceiling panels comprising 595mmx595mmx 35mm
H. This panels are tapered out on all the four sides sloping towards inside
and the size is 565mmx565mm. The panels are non combustible fire
proof This pan�ls has excellent Aestlietic look and the panels are made
out of special imported powder coated aluminum sheet of 0.8mm thick
the sheets con�ists of Aluminum alloy of AA 3003/1100. This special fully
finish panels will have solution one where the panels will go drop down
by 35 mm and �olution two where the panels will go up by 35mm. This
panel also hav� above got perforation and the dia of the perforation is
2mm and the distance between one perforation to another perforation
is 10.00mm ce�tre to centre the perforation in the panels are in straight
line. These pariel are provide with sound absorption mat.

39.12.5 Aluminum plain/perforated/Mirror finish false ceiling VT-09 (Vertical drop Sqm
9 mm) Supply and installation of Aluminum powder coated false ceiling
proof panel size 600x600mmx9mm drop, Noncombustible fire proof

'ii � ' ·:i.


SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

humidity proof, Aesthetic, fabricated from enameled coated sheet of

thickness 0.8mm, panel shall be painted by powder coating process
with polyester paints and with secular mirror finish, shining lacquered
plain or decorated on outer surface. It shall be suspended with the frame
work and accessories complete from roof slabs, beams etc., by means
of 4mm dia GO J bolt Tee runner, ultra look Tee Runner and edge trim etc.,
Specifications of Boxer Panels:
These Boxer type panels are available in both perforated and un
perforated with oblique edges the un perforated panels are available
in plain colours and different designs the panel size is 600x600x9mm
when perforated, the panel shall have 2mm square perforation these
perforated panels are provided by non woven fabric & is adhered to the
inside of the panel.


39.13.1 DIAS for Judges:
Providing and fixing dias for judges in' 'court halls of overall size Sqm 8,100.00
3650 x 3050 x 600 mm using 40 x 40 x 2mm slotted angle for frame
work at suitable intervals using double angle back to back wherever
necessary with suitable stiffeners for legs including diagonal members
fabricated using nuts and bolts, the top of the dias to be covered with
25mm treated commercial block board of approved make, seated and
fastened properly by bolt and nut to the slotted angle frame work, the
sides of the dias to be co',(ered with 12mm thick novopan sheet fixed
firmly to the slotted angle, including making a parapet alround the dias to
a height of 750mm using the slotted angle frame work and covered with
novopan sheet of 12mm thick for outside and 4mm thick one side teak
plywood for inside of the parapet with 50x25mm sal wood frame work
attached to the slotted angle, the top of the parapet is fixed with 20mm teak
wood ornamental beeding alround complete as per specification including
cost of all materials and labour, painting, lead & lift and as per the direction
of Engineer-in-Charge of the work and also as per drawing appended.
39.13.2 Teak wood platform:
Providing and fixing wooden platform of overall size 2450x1850x175mm Sqm 7,060.00
using teak wood of section 50x50mm of legs, 50x50mm for horizontals
both at suitat:>le intervals from the point of view of stability, the top of the
platform covered with commercial block board of 25mm thick, all sides
covered with 6mm thick one side teak plywood fixed firmly to the platform
including joining the wooden sections properly using nails/screws, fevicol
including cost of wood, nails/screws, fevicol, cost of painting/polishing
complete as per specification including cost of all materials and labour,
painting, lead & lift and .as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge of
the work and also as per drawing appended.
39.13.3 Horse Shoe Table:
Providing and fixing "HORSE SHOE TABLE" of overall size Sqm 11,000.00
4500 x 2200x 750mm using teak wood of size 100x100mm for legs
at suitable intervals, 50x75mm section for horizontal support at top,

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

50x100mm section horizontal support at bottom as shown in figure. The

top of the table which should be 600mm in width all along, is covered
with 19mm thick block board and 1.50mm thick formica sheet fixed on
top of the block board, all of approved make. The inside vertical surface
is covered with 6mm thick one side teak plywood, including providing
teak wood beeding alround the table for good aesthetic appearance,
including joining the wooden sections properly using nails/screws, fevicol
complete as per specification including cost of all materials and labour,
painting, lead & lift and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge of
the work and also as per drawing appended.

39.13.4 Teak wood witness box:

Providing and fixing witness box of overall size 1200x750x1350mm with No
one side door way as shown in figure using teak wooo of size 75x75mm
for legs, 50x75mm size for horizontal support at top and bottom, and
25x50mm size section for verticals between legs with a spacing of
150mm including fixing 19mm thick commercial block board for full
area at bottom and for a length of 300mm at top to facilitate keeping the
file during the course of witness including joining the wooden sections
properly using nails/screws, fevicol including cost of wood, nails/screws,
fevicol, cost of painting/polishing complete as per specification including
cost of all materials and labour, painting, lead & lift and as per the
direction of Engineer-in-Charge of the work and also as per drawihg

39.13.5 Teak wood Accused box:

Providing and fixing accused box of overall size 3000x1150x1350mm No
with one side door way as shown in figure using teak wood of size
75x75mm for legs, 50x75mm size for horizontals at top and bottom
and 25x50mm size for verticals between legs with a spacing of 150mm
including fixing 19mm thick commercial board for full area at bottom,
including joining the wooden sections properly using nails/screws, fevicol
including cost of wood, nails/screws, hinges, locking arrangements
for the opening, fevicol, co�t of painting/polishing complete as per
specification including cost of all materials and labour, painting, lead &
lift and as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge of the work and also
,i as per drawing[ appended.
39.14 STRAIGHT W�RKSTATION (Frame and separator)
Providing and fixing STRAIGHT WORKSTATION consisting of back to
back unit madJ out of 75 mm thick MS CRCA powder coated,tile based
system for maih sprine, Separator 25 mm tghick PLPB - BSL wooden
separator for r�tum spine.Top tile finish 8 mm thick MDF covered with
Fabric of appr9ved colour and one writing board (600 mm W) and
one soft board. (600 mmw) per workstation.Bottom tile finish 9 mm
thick Laminate tile of approved colour, Raceway- one middle raceway
(600mm W) below table top per workstation and continous raceway at
the skirting level, Wire manager- ABS plastic grommet one number per
table.Table top - 25 mm thick PLPB with straight table top Hardware_

, �� � �1 �if -..1�� ��,... · ,_,�f
1 ,,.ol,,,.:t�' '
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SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

MS powder coated corner bkt,cantilever bkt,separator hook on bkt, L bkt

and Table joint plate., as per specifications, drawings and as directed
by Engineer in charge.
39.14.1 Sharing workstation
1 A) Size: 1200 mmW x 600mm D x 1200 mm ht - (Sharing work station No 20,200.00
with Edge Binding table top, Back to Back (set of 2)):
39.14.2 Sharing workstation
1 B)Size: 1200 mmW x 540mm D x 1200 mm ht -(Sharing work station unit 19,500.00
with Post formed table top, Back to Back (set of 2)):
39.14.3 Non Sharing workstation
1 C) Size : 1200 mmW x 600mm D x 1200 mm ht (Non Sharing work No 13,250.00
station with Edge Binding table top, Single unit):
39.14.4 Non Sharing workstation
1 D) Size: 1200 mmW x 540mm D x 1200 mm ht (Non Sharing work No 14,550.00
station with Post formed table top, Single unit)
Providing and fixing STRAIGHT WORKSTATION (Frame)consisting of
back to back unit made out of 75 mm thick MS CRCA powder coated.tile
based system for main and return spine, Top tile finish 8 mm thick
MDF covered with Fabric of approved colour and one writing board
(600 mm W) and one soft board (600 mm W) per workstation, Bottom tile
finish 9 mm thick Laminate tile of approved colour, Raceway- one middle
raceway (600mm W) below table top per workstation and continous
raceway at the skirting level, Wire manager-ABS plastic grommet one
number per table.Table top - 25 mm thick PLPB with straight table top
End Table 25 mm thick PLPB with straightedge bound Hardware-M
powder coated corner bkt,cantilever bkt,separator hook on bkt, L bkt
and Table joint plate., as per specifications, drawings and as directed
by Engineer in charge.
39.15.1 Sharing workstation
2 A) Size: 1200 mmW x 600mm D x 1200 mm ht -(Sharing work station No 24,450.00
with Edge Binding table top, Back to Back (Set of 2))
39.15.2 Sharing workstation
2 B)Size: 1200 mmW x 540mrn D x 1200 mm IJt -(Sharing work station No 25,500.00
with Post formed table top, Back to Back (Set of 2)):
39.15.3 Non Sharing workstation
2 C) Size : 1200 mmW x 600mm D x 1200 mm ht (Non Sharing work No 16,060.00
station with Edge binding table top, Single unit)
39.15.4 Non Sharing workstation
2 D) Size: 1200 mmW x 540mm D x 1200 mm ht (Non Sharing work No 16,750.00
station with Post formed table top, Single unit)
SI. No. Description Unit Rate


Providing and fixing CUBICLE WORKSTATIONS consisting of wings
made out of 75 mm thick MS CRCA powder coated,tile based system
for main and return spine, Top tile finish 8 mm thick MDF covered with
Fabric of approved colour and one writing board (600 mm W) and one
soft board (600 mm W) per workstation, Bottom tile finish 9 mm thick
Laminate tile of approved colour, Raceway- one middle raceway (600mm
W) below table top per workstation and continous raceway at the skirting
level, Wire manager - ABS plastic grommet one number per table, Table
top - 25 mm thick PLPB with straight table top End Table 25 mm thick
PLPB with straightedge bound Hardware-MS powder coated corner
bkt, cantilever bkt, separator hook on bkt, L bkt and Table joint plate.,
as per specifications, drawings and as directed by Engineer in charge.
39.16.1 X TYPE 4 wings
3 A) Size : 1500 mmW x 1200mm D x 1200 mm ht. No
39.16.2 X TYPE 4 wings
3 B)Size: 1500 mmW x 1500mm D x 1200 mm ht. No
39.16.3 T TYPE 2 wings
3 C) Size : 1500 mmW x 1200mm D x 1200 mm ht. No
39.16.4 T TYPE 2 wings
3 D) Size: 1500 mmW x 1500mm D x 1200 mm ht. No
39.16.5 C TYPE 2 wings
3 C) Size: 1500 mmW x 1200mm D x 1200 mm ht. No
39.16.6 C TYPE 2 wings
3 D) Size: 1500 mmW x 1500mm D x 1200 mm ht. No
39.16.7 L TYPE 1 wing
3 C) Size: 1500 mmW x 1200mm D x 1200 mm ht. No
39.16.8 L TYPE 1 wing
3D) Size: 1500 mmW x 1500mm D x 1200 mm ht. No
Providing and fixing Free Standing Table for Cabin- without frames
consisting of 25 mm thick PLPB table top, 25 mm thick PLPB with edge
bomded En� table, 18 mm thick PLPB with edge bonded Modesty, Wire
manager -Al3S plastic grommet one number per table Hardware-Minifix
assembly ar\d screw leg., as per specifications, drawings and as directed
by Engineer in charge.
39.17.1 Main Table: 1500 mmW x 750mm D x 750 mm ht (Edgebinding table No
top) Side Table: 900 mm W x 450mm DX 750 mm ht.
39.17.2 Main Table : 1500 mmW x 750mm D x 750 mm ht (Post formed table No
top) Side Table: 900 mm W x 450mm DX 750 mm ht.

, SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

39.18 Free Standing Table for Cabin - without frames

Providing and fixing Free Standing Table for Cabin- without frames
consisting of 25 mm thick PLPB table top, 25 mm thick PLPB with edge
bonded End table, 18 mm thick PLPB with edge bonded Modesty, Wire
manager -ABS plastic grommet one number per table Hardware-Minifix
assembly and screw leg., as per specifications, drawings and as directed
by Engineer in charge
39.18.1 200 mmW x 600mm D x 750 mm ht (Main table and Side table with No 7,850.00
Edge binding table top):
39.18.2 1500 mmW x 600mm D x 750 mm ht (Main table and Side table with No 8,800.00
Post formed table top):
39.18.3 1200 mmW x 540mm D x 750 mm ht (Main table with Post formed table top) No 8,170.00
39.18.4 1500 mmW x 540mm D x 750 mm ht (Main table with Post fanned table top) No 8,450.00
39.19 Discussion table - wooden
Providing and fixing discussion table wooden consisting of 25 mm thick
PLPB table top edge bounded, 25 mm thick PLPB with edge bonded End
table, Hardware-Minifix assembly and screw leg., as per specifications,
drawings and as directed by Engineer in charge
39.19.1 600 mm Dia X 750 mm Ht (4 seater) No 4,750.00
39.19.2 750 mm Dia X 750 mm Ht (4 seater) No 5,825.00
39.19.3 900 mm Dia X 750 mm Ht (4 seater) No 6,450.00
39.20 Discussion table - Metal leg
Providing and fixing discussion table metal leg consisting of 25 mm
thick PLPB table top edge bounded MS CRCA sheet round plate at
bottom and 75 mm dia pole at centre with 25 X 25 tube welded at top
Hardware-L bkt and screw leg., as per specifications, drawings and as
directed by Engineer in charge
39.20.1 600 mm Dia X 750 mm Ht (4 seater) No 7,500.00
39.20.2 750 mm Dia X 750 mm Ht (4 seater) No 10,000.00
39.20.3 900 mm Dia X 750 mm Ht (4 seater) ' 11:.,�
No 10,500.00
39.21 Meeting table - wooden
Providing and fixing meeting table consisting of 25 mm thick PLPB table
top edge bounded, 25 mm thick PLPB with edge bonded End table, 18 mm
thick PLPB with edge bonded Modesty, Hardware-Minifix assembly and screw
leg., as per specifications, drawings and as directed by Engineer in charge
39.21.1 1500 mm Dia X900 mm D X 750 mm Ht (6 seater) No 13,500.00
39.21.2 2400 mm Dia X1200 mm DX 750 mm Ht (12 seater) No 22,500.00

39.22 Conference table - wooden

Providing and fixing conference table consisting of 25 mm thick PLPB No 71,500.00
table topedge bounded, 25 mm thick PLPB with edge bonded End
table, 18 mm thick PLPB with edge bonded Modesty, Hardware-
Minifix assembly and screw leg., as per specifications, drawings and
as directed by Engineer in charge 4800 mmX 2400mm X 750 mm
Ht (20 seater) - U shaped with a top width of 600 mm.
. >....
SI. No. Description Unit Rate

�}9.23 Modular Partition

Providing and fixing modular partition consisting of 75mm thick MS CRCA
frames powder coated, tile based system frame, 8mm thick MDF covered
with Fabric of approved colour for Top file finish, 5mm thick clear ordinary
glass both side Middle tile finish, or 8mm thick MDF covered with Fabric of
approved colour for Middle tile finish, 9mm thick Laminate tile of approved
colour for Botom tile finish, Continuous skirting level raceway will be provided.
as per specifications, drawings and as directed by Engineer in charge.
:!9.23.1 75mm thick frames tile based system (Frame with Tile) Sqm
:19.23.2 75mm thick frames tile based system (Frame with Glass) Sqm
39.24 Storage Unit - Wooden - One side laminate
Providing and fixing woode storage unit one side laminate with 18 mm
PLY/PLPB with edge bound for body, 18mm PLY/PLPB with openable
shutters and individual locking system for shutter, 9 mm PLY with edge
bound for rear portion with Hafele fitting hinges, Hafele locks,Minifix
assembly, screw legs, Handles and tower bolt. complete as per
specifications, drawings and as directed by Engineer in charge.
39.24.1 PLY STORAGE - 900 mm W X 430 mm DX 750 mm No
39.24.2 PLY STORAGE - 900 mm W X 430 mm DX 1200 mm No
39.24.3 PLY STORAGE - 900 mm W X 430 mm DX 2100 mm Ht No
39.24.4 PLPB STORAGE - 11 D): 900 mm W X 430 mm DX 750 mm Ht No
39.24.5 PLPB STORAGE - 900 mm W X 430 mm DX 1200 mm Ht No
39.24.6 PLPB STORAGE - 900 mm W X 430 mm DX 2100 mm Ht No
39.25 Mobile pedestal unit- WOODEN
Providing and fixing 450mmwX 450 mmdX 685 mmht) Mobile pedestal No
unit - WOODEN with 18mm thick PLPB with edge bonded for body, Two
equal drawer and one filing drawer with centralized locking system,
Telescopic channels, castors, Handles and lock etc., complete as per
specifications, drawings and as directed by Engineer in charge.
39.26 Mobile pedestal unit- METAL
Providing and fixing 450mrriwX 450 mmdX 685 mmht) Mobile pedestal No
unit - Metal with MS CRCA sheet powder coated for body, Two equal
drawer and orie filing drawer with centralized locking system, Telescopic
channels, casiors, Handles and lock etc., complete as per specifications,
drawings and:as directed by Engineer in charge.
39.27 Mobile pede�tal unit- METAL with wooden facia
Providing and)fixing 450mmwX 450 mmdX 685 mmht) Mobile pedestal No
unit - Metal with wooden facia made of MS CRCA sheet powder coated
for body, 18 rrjm thick PLPB with edge bonded facia, Two equal drawer
and one filing drawer with centralized locking system, Telescopic
channels, castors, Handles and lock etc., complete as per specifications,
drawings and:as directed by Engineer in charge.

Note: The rate for the items 39.14.1, 39.14.2, 39.15.1, 39.15.2, 39.16.1,
39.16.2, 39.16.3, 39.16.4, 39.16.5 & 39.16.6 are .for the complete unit
as per the drawing appended.
Straight workstation (Frame and separator)

Sharing workstation Non Sharing workstation

Straight workstation(Frame)

Sharing workstation Non Sharing workstation

Cubicle Workstations



"Free Standing Table for Cabin "Free Standing Table for
- without frames" Cabin - without frames"

Discussion table-wooden Discussion table-Metal leg

Meeting table-wooden Conference table-wooden

Modular Partition "Stornge Unit - wooden
- One side laminate"

Mobile pedestal unit:- WOODEN

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SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.


40.1 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 50, 1 Kg Each 2,574.00
Providing 1kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Powder
50, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight 2.3 Kg, empty
weight 1.3 Kg, Can Height 298MM, Diameter 86.50MM, Discharge
Time less than 8 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze
grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 2 meters, applicable
on Class A,B,C and electrically started Fire, A Rating 1A, B Rating 8B,
Can construction: Deep drawn & Co., Mig welded, valve Construciton :
Forging and Machining, Internal Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating,
External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster power coating, Sheet metal
thickness: 1.60MM, 5 years Warranty with instalert system etc., complete
40.2 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 50, 2Kg
Providing 2kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Each 3,861.00
Powder 50, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight
3.6 Kg, empty weight 1.6 Kg, Can Height 344MM, Diameter 108MM,
Discharge Time less than 8 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum
2 meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically started Fire,
A Rating 1A, B Rating 8B, Can construction: Deep drawn & Co., Mig
welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, Internal Coating of
Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster power
coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60MM, 5 years Warranty with instalert
system with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete.
40.3 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 50, 4Kg
Providing 4kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Each 5,362.00

Powder 50, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight
6.9 Kg, empty weight 2.9 Kg, Can Height 440MM, Diameter 140MM,
Discharge Time less than 13 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum
4 meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically started Fire,
! A Rating 2A, B Rating 21B, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co.,
Mig welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, Internal
Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy
Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak
Detection Tested, ISi and EN Approved, 5 years Warranty with instalert
system with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.4 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 50, 6Kg
Providing 6kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Each 6,517.00
Powder 50, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight
9.5 Kg, empty weight 3.5 Kg, Can Height 435MM, Diameter 160MM,
Discharge Time less than 9 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum
4 meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically started Fire,
A Rating 3A, B Rating 21B, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co., Mig
welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, Internal Coating

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster

power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection
Tested, ISi and EN Approved, 5 years Warranty with instalert system
with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.5 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 50, 9Kg
Providing 9kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Each 8,580.00
Powder 50, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight
14.90 Kg, empty weight 5.90 Kg, Can Height 615MM, Diameter
175MM, Discharge Time less than 13Secs, Controllable discharge
mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum
4 meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically started Fire,
A Rating 4A, B Rating 34B, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co.,
Mig welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Mechining, Internal
Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy
Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 2.00MM, Helium Leak
Detection Tested, ISi and EN Approved, 5 years Warranty with instalert
system with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.6 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 90, 2Kg
Providing 2 kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Each
Powder 90, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight
3.6 Kg, empty weight 1.6 Kg, Can Height 344MM, Diameter 108MM,
Discharge Time less than 8 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum
2 meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically started Fire,
A Rating 1A, B Rating 8B, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co.,
Mig welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, Internal
Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy
Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak
Detection Tested, ISi and EN Approved, 5 years Warranty with instalert
system with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.7 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 90, 4Kg
Providing 4kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Each
Powder 50, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight
6.9 Kg, empty weight 2.9 Kg, Can Height 440MM, Diameter 140MM,
Discharge Tirn'e less than 13 Secs, ·controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum
4 meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically started Fire,
A Rating 2A, B Rating 21B, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co., Mig
welded, valve '.Construciton : Forging and Mechining, Internal Coating
of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster
power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection
Tested, ISi an� EN Approved, 5 years Warranty with instalert system
with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.8 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 90, 6Kg
Providing 6kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Amm.i:>nium Phosphate Each
Powder 90, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

9.40 Kg, empty weight 3.4 Kg, Can Height 480MM, Diameter
160MM, Discharge Time less than 13 Secs, Controllable discharge
mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum
4 meters, applicable on Class A,8,C and electrically started Fire,
A Rating 3A, 8 Rating 218, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co.,
Mig welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, Internal Coating
of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster
power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection
Tested, ISi and EN Approved, 5 years Warranty with instalert system
with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.9 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 90, 9Kg
Providing 9kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Each 14,079.00
Powder 90, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight
14.9 Kg, empty weight 5.90 Kg, Can Height 615MM, Diameter
175MM, Discharge Time less than 13Secs, Controllable discharge
mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum
4 meters, applicable on Class A,8,C and electrically started Fire,
A Rating 4A, 8 Rating 348, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co.,
Mig welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, Internal Coating
of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster
power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 2.00 MM, Helium Leak Detection
Tested, ISi and EN Approved, 5 years Warranty with instalert system
with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.10 Providing ABC Powder based MAP 90, 25Kg
Providing 25kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Powder Each 33,000.00
90, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight 76Kg, empty
weight 51 Kg, Can Height 1200 MM, Diameter 300 MM, Discharge
Time less than 30 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze
grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 6 meters, applicable
on Class A,8,C and electrically started Fire, Can construction : Deep
drawn & Co., Mig welded, valve Construciton: Forging and Machining,
Internal Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of
Can: Epoxy Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 4.00 MM,
1 year Warranty. with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM
Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.11 Providing Ceiling mounted 5 Kg
Providing 5kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Powder Each 12,099.00
90, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight 7.7Kg,
empty weight 2.7 Kg, Can Height 264 MM, Diameter 240 MM,
Discharge Time less than 8 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 10 meters,
applicable on Class A,8,C and electrically started Fire, Can construction
: Deep drawn & Co., Mig welded, valve Construciton : Forging and
Machining, Internal Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External
Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness:
2.00 MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, 5 years warranty. etc., complete

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

40.12 Providing 10Kg Ceiling Mounted

Providing 10kg Fire Extinguisher Mono Ammonium Phosphate Each
Powder 90, Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight
14.8Kg, empty weight 4.8 Kg, Can Height 320 MM, Diameter 300 MM,
Discharge Time less than 10 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 10
meters, applicable on Class A,8,C and electrically started Fire, Can
construction : Deep drawn & Co.,Mig welded, valve Construciton : Forging
and Machining, Internal Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External
Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness:
2.00 MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, 5 years warranty. etc., complete
40.13 Providing 1 Kg Fire Extinguisher Monnex powder
Providing 1kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Guage, Gross Each
Weight 2.7 Kg, empty weight 1.7 Kg, Can Height 344 MM, Diameter
108MM, Discharge Time less than 8 Secs, Controllable discharge
mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range
minimum 4 meters, applicable on Class A,8 and electrically started
Fire, 8 Rating 898, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co., Mig
welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, l nterna.1
Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can:
Epoxy Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60 MM,
5 years warranty.with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM
Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.14 Providing 2 Kg Fire Extinguisher Monnex powder
Providing 2kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Guage, Gross Weight Each
4.9 Kg, empty weight 2.9 Kg, Can Height 440 MM, Diameter 140 MM,
Discharge Time less than 9 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 4 meters,
applicable on Class A,8 and electrically started Fire, Very effective on
Class 8 Fire, 8 Rating 1448, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co., Mig
welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, Internal Coating of
Can: Epoxy powder coatin,g, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster
power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60 MM, 5 years warranty. with
instalert system with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc.,
40.15 Providing 4 Kg Fire Extinguisher Monnex powder
Providing 4kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Guage, Gross Each
Weight 7.4Kg, empty weight 3.4 Kg, Can Height 480 MM, Diameter
160 MM, Di�charge Time less than 13 Secs, Controllable discharge
mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range
minimum 4 :meters, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co., Mig
welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, Internal
Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can:
Epoxy Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60 MM,
5 years warranty. with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM
Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

40.16 Providing 4 Kg Fire Extinguisher for Lite metal fires SPM-TEC

Providing 4kg SPM-TEC Powder Based stored presure type melting Each 11,880.00
point at 600-650 degree C, Applicable on Class D metal fires in
Magnesium, Aluminium, Zinc, Sodium Potassium, Francium, Lithium,
Cesium, Pressure Guage, Gross weight Gross Weight 6.9Kg, empty
weight 2.9 Kg, Can Height 440 MM, Diameter 140 MM, Discharge
Time less than 15 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 4 meters,
Can construction : Deep drawn & Co., Mig welded, valve Construciton
: Forging and Machining, Internal Coating of Can: Epoxy powder
coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster po!J\'.er coating,
Sheet metal thickness: 1.60 MM, helium leak detection tested,
EN approved, 5 years warranty with instalert system with Superior quality
EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.17 Providing 6 Kg Fire Extinguisher for Lite metal fires SPM-TEC
Providing 6kg SPM-TEC Powder Based stored presure type melting Each 16,500.00
point at 600-650 degree C, Applicable on Class D metal fires in
Magnesium, Aluminium, Zinc, Sodium Potassium, Francium, Lithium,
Cesium, Pressure Guage, Gross weight Gross Weight 9.4Kg, empty
weight 3.4 Kg, Can Height 480 MM, Diameter 160 MM, Discharge

w Time less than 16 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze

grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 4 meters, Can
r construction : Deep drawn & Co., Mig welded, valve Construciton
f : Forging and Machining, Internal Coating of Can: Epoxy powder
!,, coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster power coating,
t Sheet metal thickness: 1.60 MM, helium leak detection tested,
EN approved, 5 years warranty. with instalert system with Superior
quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.18 Providing 9 Kg Fire Extinguisher for Lite metal fires SPM-TEC
Providing 9kg SPM-TEC Powder Based stored presure type melting point Each 23,100.00
at 600-650 degree C, App!icable on Class D metal fires in Magnesium,
Aluminium, Zinc, Sodium Potassium, Francium, Lithium, Cesium, Pressure
Guage, Gross weight Gross Weight 14.9Kg, emptyweight5.9 Kg, Can Height
615 MM, Diameter 175 MM, Discharge Time less than 18 Secs, Controllable
discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range
minimum 4 meters, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co., Mig welded,
valve Construciton : Forging and Machining, Internal Coating of Can:
Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster power
coating, Sheet metal thickness: 2.00 MM, helium leak dete�tion tested,
EN approved, 5 years warranty with instalert system with Superior quality
EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.19 Providing 4 Kg Fire Extinguisher for Heavy metal fires SPM-PYRO
Providing 4 Kg Powder Based stored presure type melting Each 26,400.00
point at 1200 degree C, Applicable on Class D metal fires in
heavy metals, alkali metals and alloys Pressure Guage, Gross
weight Gross Weight 6.9Kg, empty weight 2.9 Kg, Can Height
440 MM, Diameter 140 MM, Discharge Time less than 15 Secs,
SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety

seal), Range minimum 4 meters, Can construction : Deep drawn &
Co., Mig welded, valve Construciton : Forging and Mechining, Internal
Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy
Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60 MM, helium leak
detection tested, EN approved, 5 years warranty.complete
40.20 Providing 6Kg Fire Extinguisher for Heavy metal fires SPM-PYRO
Providing 6Kg Powder Based stored pre�ure type melting point at 1200 Each 39,600.00
degree C, Applicable on Class D metal fires in heavy metals, alkali metals
and alloys Pressure Guage, Gross weight Gross Weight 9.4Kg, empty
weight 3.4 Kg, Can Height 480MM, Diameter 160 MM, Discharge Time
less than 16 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip
with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 4 meters, Can construction
: Deep drawn & Co., Mig welded, valve Construciton : Forging and
Mechining, Internal Coating of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating
of Can: Epoxy Polyster power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60 MM,
helium leak detection tested, EN approved, 5 years warranty with instalert
system with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.21 Providing 9 Kg Fire Extinguisher for Heavy metal fires, SPM-PYRO
Providing 9Kg Powder Based stored presure type melting point Each 59,400.00
at 1200 degree C, Applicable on Class D metal fires in heavy
metals, alkali metals and alloys Pressure Guage, Gross Weight
14.9Kg, empty weight 5.90 Kg, Can Height 615MM, Diameter
175 MM, Discharge Time less than 18 Secs, Controllable discharge
mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range
minimum 4 meters, Can construction : Deep drawn & Co., Mig welded,
valve Construciton : Forging and Mechining, Internal Coating of
Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can: Epoxy Polyster
power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 2.00 MM, helium leak detection
tested, EN approved, 5 years warranty with instalert system with Superior
quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.22 Providing 2Kg Fire Extinguisher Clean Agent HCFC 123
Providing 2Kg Pressure type, Pressure Guage, Gross Weight 3. 7Kg, Each 18,150.00
empty weight 1.7 Kg, Can Heighq44MM, Diameter 108 MM, Discharge
Time less than 8 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze
grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 2 meters, applicable on
Class A,B,C �nd electrically started Fire, B Rating 21B, Can construction :
Deep drawn & Co., Mig welded, valve Construciton: Forging and Mechining,
Internal Coat!ng of Can: Epoxy powder coating, External Coating of Can:
Epoxy Polys1er power coating, Sheet metal thickness: 2.00 MM, helium
leak detectior;i tested, EN approved, 5 years warranty with instalert system
with Superioi quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.23 Providing 4 Kg Fire Extinguisher Clean Agent HCFC 123
Providing 4Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight Each 36,079.00
6.9 kg empty weight 2.9 kg Can Height 440MM, Diameter 140 MM,
Discharge minium 9 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

'! Rs. Ps.

grip with easy snap safety s�al), Range minimum 4 Meters, applicable
on Class A,B,C and electrically started Fire, A Rating 1A, B Rating

13BCanConstruction; Deep drawn & CO, Mig welded, ValveConstruction:
Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy Powder coating,

External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal

It thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, EN Approved,
5 years warranty with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM
Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.24 Providing 6 Kg Fire Extinguisher Clean Agent HCFC 123
Providing 6Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight Each 51,039.00
9.4kg. empty weight 3.4 kg Can Height 480MM, Diameter 160 MM,
Discharge Time less than 13 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism
(Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 4 M,eters,
applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically started Fire, _A Rating 2A,
B Rating 21B Can Construction; Deep drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve
Construction: Forging & Machining, InternalCoating ofCan : Epoxy Powder
coating, External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet
metal thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, EN Approved,
5 years warranty with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM
Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.25 Providing 5Kg Ceiling Mounted Fire Extinguisher Clean Agent
HCFC 123
Providing 5Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gouge, Gross Weight Each 46,859.00
7.7kg. empty weight 2.7 kg Can Height 267MM, Diameter 230 MM,
Discharge Time less than 8Secs,Auto discharge mechanism, on
temperature rise, applicable on ClassA,B,C and electrically started Fire,
Can Construction; Deep drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve Construction:
Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy Powder coating,
External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal
thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, 5 Years Warranty
40.26 Providing 10Kg Ceiling Mounted Fire Extinguisher Clean Agent
HCFC 123
Providing 10Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gouge, Gross Weight Each 74,799.00
14.8kg. empty weight 4.8 kg Can Height 316MM, Diameter 300 MM,
Discharge Time less than 1 0Secs,Auto discharge mechanism, on
temperature rise, applicable on ClassA,B,C and electrically started Fire,
Can Construction; Deep drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve Construction:
Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy Powder coating,
External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal
thickness: 2.0MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, 5 Year� Warranty
40.27 Providing 2Kg Fire Extinugisher Clean Agent FE36 Dupont
Providing 2Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight Each 25,849.00
3.70kg. empty weight 1.7 kg Can Height 344MM, Diameter 108 MM,
Discharge Time minimum 8 Secs, Controlable discharge mechanism,
Range minimum 2 Meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically
started Fire B, Rating 88, Can Construction; Deep drawn & CO,

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Mig welded, Valve Construction: Forging & Machining, InternalCoating ofCan

: Epoxy Powder coating, External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder
coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested,
5 Years Warranty with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM Rubber
Hosepipe etc., complete
40.28 Providing 4Kg Fire Extinugisher Clean Agent FE36, Dupont
Providing 4Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight Each 45,649.00
6.9kg. empty weight 2.9 kg Can Height 440MM, Diameter 140 MM,
Discharge Time minimum 13 Secs, Controlable discharge mechanism,
Range minimum 4 Meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically
started Fire A, Rating 1A, B, Ranting 13B, Can Construction; Deep
drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve Construction: Forging & Machining,
Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy Powder coating, External Coating of
Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60MM,
Helium Leak Detection Tested, 5 Years Warranty with instalert system
with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.29 Providing 6Kg Fire Extinugisher Clean Agent FE36, Zeri ODP
Providing 6Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight Each
9.4kg. empty weight 3.4 kg Can Height 480MM, Diameter 160 MM,
Discharge Time minimum 13 Secs, Controlable discharge mechanism,
Range minimum 4 Meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically
started Fire A Rating 5A, B, Ranting 34B, Can Construction; Deep
drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve Construction: Forging & Machining,
Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy Powder coating, External Coating of
Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal thickness: 1.60MM,
Helium Leak Detection Tested, 5 Years Warranty with instalert system
with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.30 Providing 9Kg Fire Extinugisher Clean Agent FE36, Zeri ODP
Providing 9Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight Each
13.8kg. empty weight 4.8 kg Can Height 611MM, Diameter 175 MM,
Discharge Time minimum 12 Secs, Controlable discharge mechanism,
Range minimum 4 Meters, applicable on Class A,B,C and electrically
started Fire, Can Construction; Deep drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve
Construction: Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy
Powder coatin External Coating 0f Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder

coating, Sheet I etal thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested,
5 Years WarranJy
40.31 Providing 5K Ceiling Mounted Fire Extinugisher Clean Agent
FE36, Zeri OD
Providing 5Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight Each
7.7kg. empty Weight 2.7kg Can Height 267MM, Diameter 230 MM,
Discharge Tim� less than 8 Secs.Auto discharge mechanism, on
temperature ris�, applicable on ClassA,B,C and electrically started Fire,
Can Constructiqn; Deep drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve Construction:
Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy Powder coating,
External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal
thickness: 1 :60MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, 5 Years Warranty
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

40.32 Providing 10Kg Ceiling Mounted Fire Extinugisher Clean Agent

FE36, Zeri ODP
Providing 10Kg Stored Pressure Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight Each 60,720.00
14.8kg. empty weight 4.8kg Can Height 316MM, Diameter 300 MM,
Discharge Time less tha'n 8 Secs,Auto discharge mechanism, on
temperature rise, applicable on ClassA,B,C and electrically started Fire,
Can Construction; Deep.drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve Construction:
Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy Powder coating,
External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal
thickness: 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, 5 Years Warranty
40.33 CO2 2Kg Squeeze grip·
Providing 2 Kg CO2 Gas Type Fire Extinugisher Squeeze grip type, Each 12,429.00
used Unused Mechanism, Squeeze Grip, Gross Weight 9.1 Kg. empty
Weight 7.1 Kg. Can Height 595MM Diameter 108MM, Discharge Time
less than 8 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism, Applicable on
Class 8&C Fire, 8 Rating 88, Can Construction : Hot spinning/Forging,
Valve Construction : Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Can :
Not Applicable, External coating of Can : Spray Painting, Sheet metal
thickness : 4.0MM ISi Approved, 1 Year Warranty.with instalert system
with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.34 CO2 4.5Kg Squeeze grip
Providing 4.5Kg CO2 Gas Type Fire Extinugisher, Trolley Mounted, Each 18,259.00
Easy Weight Management used Unused Mechanism, Squeeze Grip,
Gross Weight 19.1 Kg. empty Weight 14.6 Kg. Can Height 860MM
Diameter 140MM, Discharge Time less than13 Secs, Controllable
discharge mechanism, Applicable on Class B&C Fire, 8 Rating 138,
Can Constuctin: Hot spinning/Forging, Valve Construction: Forging &
Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Not Applicable, External coating
of Can : Spray Painting, Sheet metal thickness : 4.5MM ISi Approved,
1 Year Warranty. with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM
Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.35 Providing 4.5Kg CO2 Wheel Type
Providing 4.5Kg CO2 gas valve type Fire Extinugisher, Trolley Each 10,890.00
Mounted, Easy Weight Management used Unused Mechanism,
Gross Weight 19.1 Kg. empty Weight 14.6 Kg. Can Height 860MM
Diameter 140MM, Discharge Time less than13 Secs, Controllable
discharge mechanism, Applicable on Class 8&C Fire, 8 Rating 138,
Can Constuction : Hot spinning/Forging, Valve Construction : Forging
& Machining, Internal Coating of Can: Not Applicable, External coating
of Can : Spray Painting, Sheet metal thickness : 4.5MM ISi Approved,
1 Year Warranty.with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM
Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.36 Providing 6.5Kg CO2 Wheel Type
Providing 6.5Kg CO2 Gas valve type Fire Extinugisher, Trolley Each 16,500.00
Mounted, Easy Weight Management used Unused Mechanism,
Gross Weight 30.5 Kg. empty Weight 24.0 Kg. Can Height 1015MM

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Diameter 140MM, Discharge Time less than 13 Secs, Controllable

discharge mechanism, Applicable on Class B&C Fire, B Rating 34B,
Can Constuctin : Hot spinning/Forging, Valve Construction : Forging &
Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Not Applicable, External coating
of Can : Spray Painting, Sheet metal thickness : 4.5MM ISi Approved,
1 Year Warranty. with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM
Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.37 Providing 22.5Kg CO2 Wheel Type
Providing 22.5Kg CO2 Gas Type Fire Extinugisher, Trolley Mounted, Each 46,200.00
Easy Weight Management used Unused Mechanism, Gross Weight
93.5 Kg. empty Weight 7 1.0Kg. Can Height 1333MM Diameter
232MM, Discharge Time less than20 Secs, Controllable discharge
mechanism, Applicable on Class B&C Fire, Can Constuction:
Hot spinning/Forging, Valve Construction : Forging & Machining,
Internal Coating of Can : Not Applicable, External coating of Can
: Spray Painting, Sheet metal thickness : 5.20 MM ISi Approved,
1 Year Warranty. complete
40.38 Providing CO2 Aluminium - 2kg
Providing 2Kg CO2 Gas aluminium body Squeeze grip Fire Extinugisher, Each
Used Unused Mechanism, Squeeze Grip, Gross Weight 5.16 Kg. empty
Weight 3.16Kg. Can Height 615MM Diameter 111MM, Discharge Time
less than 8 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism, Applicable on
Class B&C Fire, B Rating 13B, Can Constuction : Cold Impact Extrusion,
Valve Construction : Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Not
Applicable, External coating of Can : Spray Painting, Aluminium metal
ISO & PESO Approved, 3 Year Warranty. complete
40.39 Providing CO2 Aluminium - 4.5kg
Providing 4.5Kg CO2 Gas Type aluminium body Squeeze grip Fire Each
Extinugisher, Trolley Mounted, Easy Weight Management, Used Unused
Mechanism, Squeeze Grip, Gross Weight 11.16Kg. empty Weight
6.66Kg. Can Height 860MM Diameter 140MM, Discharge Time less
than10 Secs, Controllable di�charge mechanism, Applicable on Class
B&C Fire, B R13ting 13B, Can Constuction : Cold Impact Extrusion,
Valve Construction : Forging & Mac�ining, Internal Coating of Can : Not
Applicable, Ext�rnal coating of Can : Spray Painting, Aluminium metal
ISO & PESO Approved, 3 Year Warranty. complete
40.40 Providing Aqueous Film-Forming Foam - 9 Ltr
Providing 9 LtriFire Extinugisher Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Type, Each_
Stored Pressur� Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight 15.10kg. empty
weight 6.10kg Gan Height 615MM, Diameter 175 MM, Discharge Time
less than 60 S�cs, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip
with easy snap isafety seal), Range minimum 6 Meters, applicable on
Class A,B,C A \Rating 13A, B Rating 55B, Can Construction; Deep
drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve Construction: Forging & Machining,
Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy Powder coating, External Coating of Can :
Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal thickness: 2.0MM, ISi and· EN

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Approved, Helium Leak Detection Tested, 1 Years Warranty with instalert

system with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.41 Providing Aqueous Film-Forming Foam - · 50 Ltr
Providing 50 Ltr Fire Extinugisher Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Type, Each 29,700.00
External Cartridge Type, Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight 102kg. empty
weight 52kg Can Height 11'92MM, Diameter 300 MM, Discharge Time
less than 180 Secs, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip
with easy snap safety seal), Range minimum 10 Meters, applicable on
Class A,B,Can Construction; Deep drawn & CO2, Mig welded, Valve
Construction: Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Cari : Epoxy
Powder coating, External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder
coating, Sheet metal thickness: 4.0MM, 1 Years Warranty with instalert
system with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.42 Providing Water - 9 Ltr - Stored Pressure
Providing 9 Ur Water type Fire Extinugisher, Stored Pressure Type, Each 7,699.00
Pressur Gauge, Gross Weight 15.1kg. empty weight 6.1kg Can Height
615MM, Diameter 175 MM, Discharge Time less than 120 Secs,
Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety
seal), Range minimum 6 Meters, applicable on Class A Fire, A Rating 3A,
Can Construction; Deep drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve Construction:
Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Cai{: Epoxy Powder coating,
External Coating of Can : Epo)fy' Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal
thickness: 2.0MM, ISi and EN Approved, Helium Leak Detection Tested,
1 Years Warranty with instalert system with Superior quality EPDM
Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.43 Providing Water - 50 Ltr
Providing 50 Ur Fire Extinugisher Water Type, External Cartidge, Each 26,400.00
Pressure Gauge, Gross Weight 108kg. empty weight 58kg Can Height
1200MM, Diameter 300 MM, Discharge Time less than 180 Secs,
Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap
safety seal), Range minimum 10 Meters, applicable on Class A Fire,
Can Construction; Deep drawn & CO, Mig welded, Valve Construction:
Forging & Machining, Internal Coating of Can : Epoxy Powder coating,
External Coating of Can : Epoxy Polyster Powder coating, Sheet metal
thickness: 4.0MM, 1 Years Warranty with instalert system with Superior
quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.44 Providing Hydro Pyroquell Sytem - 2ltr
Providing 2 Ltr Hydro Pyroquell Sytem Watermist technology base, Each 23,539.00
Stored pressure type, Rating -15F, Solid stainless body to withstand
hight temperatures, Tamper-proof safety seal, Effective on Class-A,
Class-B, Class-F and Electrically Started Fires, Built-in pressure
gauge, lnstalert, Uses distilled water, Gross Weight 4.60 Kg, empty
Weight 2.60kg, can Height 440mm Diameter 140MM, Controllable
discharge mechanism (Sque.eze grip with easy snap safety seal), Can
Construction : Deep drawn' & CO2 Mig welded, Valve Construction
: Forgin & Machining, ERDA approved, Sheet metal thickness :

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

1.50MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, Discharge Time : Min. 8 Sec.,

5 Year Warranty complete
40.45 Providing Hydro Pyroquell Sytem - 3Itr
Providing 3 Ur Hydro Pyroquell Sytem Watermist technology base, Each 28,159.00
Stored pressure type, Rating -SA. 21B & 25F, Solid stainless body
to withstand hight temperatures, Tamper-proof safety seal, Effective
on Class-A, Class-8, Class-F and Electrically Started Fires, Built-in
pressure gauge, lnstalert, Uses distilled water, Gross Weight 6.23 Kg,
empty Weight 3.23kg, can Height 480mm Diameter 160MM, Controllable
discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Can
Construction : Deep drawn & CO2 Mig welded, Valve Construction
: Forgin & Machining, ERDA approved, Sheet metal thickness :
1.50MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, Discharge Time: Min. 13 Sec.,
5 Year Warranty complete
40.46 Providing Hydro Pyroquell Sytem - 6Itr
Providing 6 Ur Hydro Pyroquell Sytem Watermist technology base, Each
Stored pressure type, Rating -BA. 34B & 40F, Solid stainless body
to withstand hight temperatures, Tamper-proof safety seal, Effective
on Class-A, Class-8, Class-F and Electrically Started Fires, Built-in
pressure gauge, lnstalert, Uses distilled water, Gross Weight 10.4 Kg,
empty Weight 4.4kg, can Height 615mm Diameter 175MM, Controllable
discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy snap safety seal), Can
Construction : Deep drawn & CO2 Mig welded, Valve Construction
: Forgin & Machining, ERDA approved, Sheet metal thickness :
1.50MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, Discharge Time: Min. 13 Sec.,
5 Year Warranty complete
40.47 Providing Green mist - 2Itr
Green mist Extinguishers : Providing 2 Ur Watermist technology base, Each
Stored pressure type, Rating -15i=, Mild steel body, Tamper-proof safety
seal, Effective on Class-A, Class-B, Class-F and Electrically 'Started
Fires, Built-in pressure gauge, lnstalert, Uses distilled water, Gross
Weight 4.55 Kg, empty Weight 2.73kg, can Height 435mm Diameter
140MM, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip with easy
snap safety seal), Can Construction : Deep drawn & CO2 Mig welded,
Valve Construction : Forgin & Machining, ERDA approved, Sheet metal
thickness : :1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested, Discharge Time :
Min. 22 Sec., 5 Year Warranty with instalert system with Superior quality
EPDM Rubper Hosepipe etc., complete
40.48 Providing �reen mist - 3Itr
Green mistExtinguishers : Providing 3 Ur Watermist technology base, Each
Stored pressure type, Rating -SA; 21B & 25F, Mild Steel body, Tamper-
proof safety seal, Effective on Class-A, Class-B, Class-F and Electrically
Started Fires, Built-in pressure gauge, lnstalert, Uses distilled water,
Gross Weight 6.23 Kg, empty Weight 3.23kg, can Height 480mm
Diameter 160MM, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip
with easy snap safety seal), Can Construction : Deep drawn & CO2

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Mig welded, Valve Construction: Forgin & Machining, ERDA approved,

Sheet metal thickness : 1.60MM, Helium Leak Detection Tested,
Discharge Time : Min. 13Sec., 5 Year Warranty with instalert system
with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.49 Providing Green mist • 61tr ..
Green mist Extinguishers : Providing 6 Ltr Watermist technology base, Each 28,159.00
Stored pressure type, Rating -8A. 348 & 40F, Mild steel body t, Tamper­
proof safety seal, Effective on Class-A, Class-B, Class-F and Electrically
Started Fires, Built-in pressure gauge, lnstalert, Uses distilled water,
Gross Weight 12.15 Kg, empty Weight 6.15kg, can Height 615mm
Diameter 175MM, Controllable discharge mechanism (Squeeze grip
with easy snap safety seal), Can Construction : Deep drawn & CO2
Mig welded, Valve Construction : Forgin & Machining, ERDA approyed,
Sheet metal thickness : 2.00MM, Helium. Leak Detection Tested,
Discharge Time : Min. 64 Sec., 5 Year Warranty with instalert system
with Superior quality EPDM Rubber Hosepipe etc., complete
40.50 Providing CQRS 2 Kg • Direct Low Pressue System
Providing CQRS 2 Kg - Direct Low Pressue System - Gross Weight Each 1,08,900.00
3.98 Kg, Empty Weight 1.98 Kg, Can Height 333 MM, Diameter
108MM, Can construction: Deep Drawn, Valve Construction: Forging /
Machining, External Construction : Epoxy Powder Coating, Helium Leak
Detection Tested, Sheet Metal Thickness: 1.60MM, 1 Year warranty,
Valve, Nickel Plated, With lntergrated Ball Valve, Integrated position
control for ball valve: open - close, Extinguishing Clean Agent FE 36,
Zero ODP, Stored Pressue, Fitted with Pressue Gauge, Control Panel
having Monitoring LED's for AC Power, System On, Discharged, Valve
Closed, Valve Open, Pressure Healthy, Strobe Red, Strobe Amber,
OLEO Graphic Display 95x16, Battery Backp, 3 Outputs using Potential
Free relay contact, Audio Output using Piezo buzzer, 3 Meter Sensor Tue
UV Resistance with Pressrization of Tube Using Nitrogen Gas, End of
Line Plug 1 Pc, End of Line Adapter 1 Pc, T Connection/Elbow/Straight
Connection 1 Pc, Pressure $witch M 1Ox1· 1,,,··�witchpoint 15 bar - 1 Pc,
Tube Attchment 6 Pc. complete
40.51 Providing CQRS 4 Kg - Direct Low Pressue System
Providing CQRS 4 Kg - Direct Low Pressue System - Gross Weight Each 1,32,000.00
7 Kg, Empty Weight 3 Kg, Can Height 413 MM, Diameter 140MM, Can
construction : Deep Drawn, Valve Construction: Forging / Machining,
External Construction : Epoxy Powder Coating, Helium Leak Detection
Tested, Sheet Metal Thickness: 1.60MM, 1 Year warranty, Valve, Nickel
Plated, With lntergrated Ball Valve, Integrated position control for ball
valve: open - close, Extinguishing Clean Agent FE 36, Zero ODP, Stored
Pressue, Fitted with Pressue Gauge, Control Panel having Monitoring
LED's for AC Power, System On, Discharged, Valve Closed, Valve Open,
Pressure Healthy, Strobe Red, Strobe Amber, OLEO Graphic Display
95x16, Battery Backp, 3 Outputs using Potential Free relay contact,
Audio Output using Piezo buzzer, 4 Meter Sensor Tue UV Resistance
with Pressrization of Tube Using Nitrogen Gas, End of Line Plug 1 Pc,
.. 342
SI.No. Description, Unit Rate

End of Line Adapter 1 Pc, T Connection/Elbow/Straight Connection

1 Pc, Pressure Switch M 10x1, Switchpoint 15 bar- 1 Pc, Tube Attchment
8Pc. complete
40.52 Providing CQRS 6 Kg - Direct Low Pressue System
Providing CQRS 6 Kg - Direct Low Pressue System - Gross Weight Each
9.42 Kg, Empty Weight 3.42 Kg, Can Height 460 MM, Diameter
160MM, Can construction : Deep Drawn, Valve Construction : Forging /
Machining, External Construction : Epoxy Powder Coating, Helium· Leak
Detection Tested, Sheet Metal Thickness: 2.00MM, 1 Year warranty,
Valve, Nickel Plated, With lntergrated Ball Valve, Integrated position
control for ball valve: open - close, Extinguishing Clean Agent FE 36,
Zero ODP, Stored Pressue, Fitted with Pressue Gauge, Control Panel
having Monitoring LED's for AC Power, System On, Discharged, Valve
Closed, Valve Open, Pressure Healthy, Strobe Red, Strobe Amber,
OLEO Graphic Display 95x16, Battery Backp, 3 Outputs using Potential
Free relay contact, Audio Output using Piezo buzzer, 5 Meter Sensor Tue
UV Resistance with Pressrization of Tube Using Nitrogen Gas, End of
Line Plug 1 Pc, End of Line Adapter 1 Pc, T Connection/Elbow/Straight
Connection 1 Pc, Pressure Switch M 10x1, Switchpoint 15 bar - 1 Pc,
Tube Attchment 10Pc. complete
40.53 Providing CQRS 9 Kg - Direct Low Pressue System
Providing CQRS 9 Kg - Direct Low Pressue System - Gross Weight Each
14.53 Kg, Empty Wight 5.53Kg, Can Height 590 MM, Diameter
175MM, Can construction : Deep Drawn, Valve Construction : Forging /
Machining, External Construction : Epoxy Powder Coating, Helium Leak
Detection Tested, Sheet Metal Thickness: 2.00MM, 1 Year warranty,
Valve, Nickel Plated, With lntergrated Ball Valve, Integrated position
control for ball valve: open - close, Extinguishing Clean Agent FE 36,
Zero ODP, Stored Pressue, Fitted with Pressue Gauge, Control Panel
having Monitoring LED's for AC Power, System On, Discharged, Valve
Closed, Valve Open, Pressure Healthy, Strobe Red, Strobe Amber,
OLEO Graphic Display 95x16, Battery Backp, 3 Outputs using Potential
Free relay contact, Audio Output using Piezo buzzer, 6 Meter Sensor Tue
UV Resistance with Pressrization of Tube Using. Nitrogen Gas, End of
Line Plug 1 Pc, End of Line Adapter 1 Pc, T Connection/Elbow/Straight
Connection !1 Pc, Pressure Switch M 10x1, Switchpoint 15 bar - 1 Pc,
Tube Attchrrient 10Pc. complete
40.54 Providing qaRS 2 Kg - Direct high Pressue System
Providing CQRS 2 Kg - Direct high Pressue System - Gross Weight Each
8.52 Kg, Embty Weight 6.52 Kg, Can Height 595 MM, Diameter 108MM,
Can construption : Hot Spinning/Heat Treatment, Valve Construction :
Forging / M�chining, External Construction : Epoxy Powder Coating,
Sheet Metal Thickness: 3.5MM, 1 Year warranty, Valve, Brass, Cylinder
thread : M10x1, Outlet thread: W21, 8x1/14", Bursting Disc: 250 bar,
Integrated position control for Valve: activated - not activated, lntergr�ted
position control for ball valve: open-close, Extinguishing Agent, CO2
Control Panel having Monitoring LED's for AC Power, System on,
SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Discharged, Valve Closed, Valve Open, Pressure Healthy, Strobe Red,

Strobe Amber, OLEO Graphic Display 95x16, Battery Backp, 3 Outputs
using Potential Free relay contact, Audio Output using Piezo buzzer,
3 Meter Sensor Tube UV Resistance with Pressurization of Tube
Using Nitrogen Gas, End of Line Plug 1 Pc, End of Line Adapter 1 Pc,
T Connection/Elbow/Straight Connection 1 Pc, Pressure Switch M 10x1,
Switchpoint 15 bar - 1 Pc, Tube Attchment, 6 Pc. complete
40.55 Providing CQRS 4.5 Kg - Direct high Pressue System
Providing CQRS 4.5Kg - Direct High Pressue System - Gross Weight Each 1,18,800.00
14.73 Kg, Empty Weight 13.23 Kg, Can Height 735 MM, Diameter
139MM, Can construGtio11. : Hot Spinning/Heat Treatment, Valve
Construction : Forging / Machining, External Construction : Epoxy
Powder Coating, Sheet MetalThickness: 4.2MM, 1 Year warranty,Valve,
Brass, Cylinder thread-: 25E, Dip tube thread M10x1, Outlet thread:
W21, 8x1/14", BurstingDisc: 250 bar, Integrated position control for
Valve: activated - not activated, lntergrated position control for ball valve:
open-close, Extinguishing Agent CO2 Control Panel having Monitoring
LED's for AC Power, System on, Discharged, Valve Closed, Valve Open,
I Pressure Healthy, Strobe Red, Strobe Amber, OLEO Graphic Display
95x16, Battery Backp, 3 Outputs using Potential Free relay contact,
�' Audio Output using Piezo buzzer, 3 Meter SensorTube UV Resistance
with Pressurization ofTube Using Nitrogen Gas, End of Line Plug 1 Pc,
End of Line Adapter 1 Pc, T Connection/Elbow/Straight Connection
1 Pc, Pressure Switch M 10x1, Switchpoint 15 bar - 1 Pc,Tube Attchment
!, 8 Pc. complete
40.56 Providing CQRS 6.5Kg - Direct High Pressue System
! Providing CQRS 6.5Kg - Direct High Pressue System - Gross Weight Each 1,35,300.00
23.2 Kg, Empty Weight 16.7 Kg, Can Height 980 MM, Diameter
139.7MM, Can construction : Hot Spinning/Heat Treatment, Valve
Construction : Forging / Machining, External Construction : Epoxy
Powder Coating, Sheet MetalThickness: 4.5MM, 1 Year warranty, Valve,
Brass, Cylinder thread,:, 25E, Dip tube thread M10x1, Outlet thread:
W21, 8x1/14", Bursting :rnsc: 250 bar, Integrated position control for
Valve: activated - not activated, lntergrated position control for ball valve:
open-close, Extinguishing Agent CO2 Control Panel having Monitoring
LED's for AC Power, System on, Discharged, Valve Closed, Valve Open,
Pressure Healthy, Strobe Red, Strobe Amber, OLEO Graphic Display
95x16, Battery Backp, 3 Outputs using Potential Free relay contact,
Audio Output using Piezo buzzer, 3 Meter SensorTube UV Resistance
with Pressurization ofTube Using Nitrogen Gas, End of Line Plug 1 Pc,
End of Line Adapter 1 Pc, T Connection/Elbow/Straight Connection
1 Pc, Pressure Switch M 10x1, Switchpoint 15 bar - 1 Pc,Tube Attchment
10 Pc. complete
40.57 Providing CQRS 22.5Kg - Direct High Pressue System
Providing CQRS 22.5Kg - Direct High Pressue System - Gross Weight Each 1,71,600.00
63.6 Kg, EmptyWeight 41.1 Kg, Can Height 1170 MM, Diameter 232MM,
Can construction : Hot Spinning/Heat Treatment, Valve Construction
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

Forging / Machining, External Construction : Epoxy Powder Coating,

Sheet Metal Thickness: 4.5MM, 1 Year warranty, Valve, Brass, Cylinder
thread : 25E, Dip tube thread M10x1, Outlet thread: W21, 8x1/14",
Bursting Disc: 250 bar, Integrated position control for Valve: activated
- not activated, lntergrated position control for ball valve: open-close,
Extinguishing Agent CO2 Control Panel having Monitoring LED's for AC
Power, System on, Discharged, Valve Closed, Valve Open, Pressure
Healthy, Strobe Red, Strobe Amber, OLED Graphic Display 95x16,
Battery Backp, 3 Outputs using Potential Free relay contact, Audio
Output using Piezo buzzer, 3 Meter Sensor Tube UV Resistance with
Pressurization of Tube Using Nitrogen Gas, End of Line Plug 1 Pc, End
of Line Adapter 1 Pc, T Connection/Elbow/Straight Connection 1 Pc,
Pressure Switch M 10x1, Switchpoint 15 bar - 1 Pc, Tube Attchment
12 Pc. complete
40.58 Smoke Detection -Wireless
Providing Smoke Detection Control Panel - 28 Wireless Zone, Each 41,910.00
2 Hardwired Zone, Tamper Altert, passcode protected, RF Jamming
recongnition, diagnition, diagnostic feture for RF signal strength between
panel and each detector, event reporting using PSTN Telephone line,
dialing upto 4 telephone numbers, event reporting as per users choice,
remote control using telephone line, LCD Screen Display, Intuitive
graphic and audible user interphase, Two Way voice interaction, Battery
Backup stand by time upto 12 hrs. complete
40.59 Smoke Detector
Smoke Detector - Fully Supervised Smoke Detector, Photoelectric Each
detection technology for superior detection sensitivity, sound and
transmitted alrerts for smoke, tamper and low battery, works on
powercode protocol, easy programming and enrolling to the control
panel, Long life 9 votl alkaline or lithium battery simple ceiling mount
installation with separate installation bracket. complete
40.60 Wireless Repeater
Repeater : The Wireless repeater extends the communication range Each
of Detectors, by relaying data between receiver and remote wireless
transmitters, Up' to 16 auxiliary repe�ters can be positioned between
the farthest group of receivers transmitters and the receiver. complete
40.61 Wireless Siren Strobe
External Wireless Siren - a fuly supervised Power Code "outdoor Each
(IP55) wireless �iren and strobe light, Designed for external installation,
Wirefree connection between control panel and siren, Convenient and
rapid no-mess ihstallation, Separate fire alarm signals, 98 db Piezo
siren and high power strobe light, Weather-resistant IP55, Two-way
communication for local & remote diagnostic, Plug-in powr supply, NIMH
rechargeable back up battery, Transmits status, tamper, low battery,
supervisior and A:,.C loss messages to the control panel, Tri-state tamper
switch identifies screw mainpulation removal of cover or prying from
the wall complete


. •_�
... �
SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

40.62 Smoke Detector Model Each 4,292.00

Dual chamber ionization detectors provide a high degree of sensitivity
and reliability, A unique inter-connectivity feature can be used to warn
occupants in adjoining areas, An independent 9 volt power supply and a
low battery warning system ensure that the smoke detectors_ are always
in working condition, Type"' Dual Chamber Ionisation, ·connectivity -
Wired, Alarm Sound Level - 85dB complete
40.63 External GSM Dialler Each 24,750.00
Providing the GSM unit enables the system to operate over cellular
net work. Indoor plug-in transformer, 120VAC 60 Hz / 9 VAC Current
Consumption : 40mA approx (idle), < 400mA (transmission), Backup
Battery: Ni-Metal, 7.2V, 1300 mAh complijte
40.64 Smoke Detector Model Each 4,519.00
Proividing Dual Technology Smoke Detectors, Sensor Ionisation and
photo electric, Button for Test/Silence, Remote Control silence/Test uses
mot remote controls to temporarily quiet unwanted alarms and test alarm.
function, Intelligent Sensing Technology TM helps reduce the number
of nuisance alarms, 9V Battery complete -·
40.65 Smoke Detector Each 3,406.00
Providing Dual Chamber Ionisation type Smoke Detectors with Escape
Light, 9V Battery Operated, Test Button complete
40.66 Escape Singage Sqcm 1.50
Providing's Escape Sin· g age : Photoluminescent rigid plastic,
2 mm thickness, Printed bn High Quality glass paint with UV resistance,
5 years warranty, Materi�l l)sed - Non Radiocactive, non-phosphorous,
non toxic and lead free. Available in different types & sizes, Time after
removing the light source (in minutes) : 60 minutes, Luminescent
intensity (milicandelas * per square meter - mcd/sqm) : 30 mcd/sqm.
Luminescent Intensity greater than 0.32 mcd/sqm, Period of Light Decay*
(In Minutes) :3100
40.67 Singages for Walls/Floors Sqcm 2.25
Providing's Escape Singage : Photoluminescent rigid plastic,
2 mm thickness, Printed on High Quality glass paint with UVresistance,
5 years warranty, Material Used - Non Radiocactive, non-phosphorous,
non toxic and lead free. Available in different types & sizes, Time after
removing the light source (in minutes) : 60 minutes, Luminescent
intensity (milicandelas * per square meter - mcd/sqm) : 30 mcd/sqm.
Luminescent Intensity greater than 0.32 mcd/sqm, Period of Light Decay*
(In Minutes) :3100
40.68 Panaromic Signage Sqcm 1.50
Providing's Escape $ingage : Photoluminescent rigid plastic,
2 mm thickness, Printed ' b n High Quality glass paint with UV resistance,
5 years warranty, Materiai Used - Non Radiocactive, non-phosphorous,
non toxic and lead free. Available in different types & sizes, Time after
removing the light source (in minutes) : 60 minutes, Luminescent
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

intensity (milicandelas * per square meter - mcd/sqm) : 30 mcd/sqm.

Luminescent Intensity greater than 0.32 mcd/sqm, Period of Light
Decay* (In Minutes) :3100
40.69 Evacution Plan {Price for 10 + unit) Sqcm 7.15
Providing's Escape Singage : Photoluminescent rigid plastic,
2 mm thickness, Printed on High Quality glass paint with UV resistance,
5 years warranty, Material Used - Non Radiocactive, non-phosphorous,
non toxic and lead free. Available in different types & sizes, Time after
removing the light source (in minutes) : 60 minutes, Luminescent
intensity (milicandelas * per square meter - mcd/sqm) : 30 mcd/sqm.
Luminescent Intensity greater than 0.32 mcd/sqm, Period of Light
Decay* (In Minutes) :3100
40.70 Evacution Plan {Price for less than 10 unit) Sqcm 8.60
Providing's Escape Singage : Photoluminescent rigid plastic,
2 mm thickness, Printed on High Quality glass paint with UV resistance,
5 years warranty, Material Used - Non Radiocactive, non-phosphorous,
non toxic and lead free. Available in different types & sizes, Time after
removing the light source (in minutes) : 60 minutes, Luminescent
intensity (milicandelas * per square meter - mcd/sqm) : 30 mcd/sqm.
Luminescent Intensity greater than 0.32 mcd/sqm, Period of Light
Decay* (In Minutes):3100
40.71 Marking Strips Sqcm 2.15
Providing's Escape Singage : Photoluminescent rigid plastic,
2 mm thickness, Printed on High Quality glass paint with UV resistance,
5 years warranty, Material Used - Non Radiocactive, non-phosphorous,
non toxic and lead free. Available in different types & sizes, Time after
removing the light source (in minutes) : 60 minutes, Luminescent
intensity (milicandelas * per square meter - mcd/sqm) : 30 mcd/sqm.
Luminescent Intensity greater than 0.32 mcd/sqm, Period of Light
Decay* (In Minutes): 3100
40.72 Escape Gear Each 17,820.00
Providing's Escape Gear, fiv'.lild Steel Box size 425mm x 360 mm
140mm, Epoxy power coated to protect it from weathering, Smoke
Hood: Tested to European Standard EN 403 : 1993-S, Known to reduce
Carbon monoxi�e,propenal (acrolein), hydrogen choloride, hydrogen
cyanide and solid & liquid toxic particles to manageable level for at least
15 minutes, shall withstand temperatures upto 80 Deg. Single Use only,
Fire Blanket : Siie : 1.2m x 1.8m, Used to cover any vessel containin'g
the fire completely, Used to extinuish a clothing fire wrap blanket around

Nos. 1,26,606.00
40.73 Supplying, lnstal\ing testing & commissioning approved make Centrifugal
pump end suction type coupled to Electric motor of suitable HP,' fitted
on a commonbase frame and rated for Fireduty. The quated price shall
aslo include 2 Nps. Pressureguages fitted on suction & delivery sides
of the pump. The pumps shall run on 400/440V 3 ph. 50 Hz electric
supply. Duty of pumps: 1620 Lpm@ 70.0m Head. Control panel shall
be as specified in item no, 87
• - - - �----

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
.,,, Rs. Ps.

40.74 Supplying, Installing testing & commissioning electrically driven jockey Nos. 1,06,578.00
pump of capacity 180.0 Lmpm at 75.0m head with all the necessary
accessories viz. Pressure guages etc. operating on 3Ph 50Hz, 400/440V
AC supply including foundation bolt etc. complete. Control panel shall
be as per item No.87
40.75 Supply installing, testing and commissioning COMMON control panel Unit 2, 10,000.00
for fire fighting system consisting of electrical mortor driven 60 HP
Main fire pump, Jockey pump and 12.5 HP consisting of the following
INCOMING: 1 No. Set of phase indicing lamps with SFU Rate 350A
1 No. set of 400 Amps. TPNE Ai. Bus bars 1 N0. 0-400 Amps. Ammeter,
1 No.0-600V voltmeter with phase selector switch, Isolating Switch
400 A OUTGOING for Main Electrical Pump: 1 No. 200 Amps MCB
1 No.SID starter suitable for.60 HP 1 No. Singel phse preventor suitable
for the pump· described above 1 No. set of ON/OFF indicating lamps
1 No. Automanual selector switch OUTGOING for Jockey Pump: 1 No.
50 Amps MCB 1 No. DOL starter suitable for 12.50 HP 1 No. Single
phase preventor suitable for the pump described above 1 No. set of
ON/OFF indicating lamps 1 No. Automanual selector switch ENGINE
CONTROL SECTION N0.1 Diesel Engine for Standby pump: a) Main
switch 2 pole ON/OFF -1 No. b) Batter charger with transpormer with
rectifier reistance DC ammeter, DC voltmeter, T/B selector swith -1 set
c) Indicating lamps for fault communication (Battery charger, supply
ON, Control ON, engine running, low oil pressure, high water pressure
and enginer overspeed) - 6 Nos. Push buttons for starter, stop reset -
4 Nos. e) Selector switches (Engine control, mode selctor) - 2 Nos. f)
Auxilary rellays/contractors/timer for dsequience operating for starting
and stopping of the engine -1 g) Hooter for audio alarm (Industrial
type) -1 No. Accessoreis for outgoing supply for the morttors GI SWD
earthing wire for the aove motor Accessories for outgoing-supply for
Diesel Enginer: Copper conductor armoured cabe 2.5 sqmm of 12 Core
x 2 runs a) Battery 2 strands.b) Enginer ON/OFF 2 strands c) Low oil
pressure 3 strands d) Enginer oversped 2 strands e) Water temperature
2 strands f) Spare 1 strand The cost of control panel shall also include
necessary pressure swithces with necessary cabling & inter-locked with
the panel to enable sequential operation of Pumps. Including terrace
mortor necessary earthing All the components shall be housed in a
common cubical. However, the feed cable for diesel engine driven
pump battery charger shall be taken separately
40.76 Supplying Installing testing and commissioning electrically driven Nos. 88,500.00
Terrance pump of capacity 900.0 Lpm at 35.0m Head with all the
necessary accessories viz. Pressure guages etc. operating on 3Ph
50Hz, 400/440V AC supply includng foundation, bolts etc. complete.
Control panel shall be as per spesification 87
40.77 Exacavation in all sorts of soil for laying pipes upto 100mm dia including cum 266.00
forming bottom surface to required level, refilling seleted excavated
earth around the pipe in layers of 150mm thick, watering consolidating
and disposing off the surplus earath within·the stie or as directed by
the site engineer etc. complete Depth upto 1.0m
,. 348
SI. No. Description Unit

40.78 Supply installation, testing and commissioning of fire alarm Main panel Nos.
with 15 zone indication alaram etc. as required
40.79 Supplying Installing testing and commissioning approved make Nos. 2,88,000.00
Centrifugal pump end suction type couple to Electric mortor of suitable
HP, fitted on a common base frame and rated for Fire duty. including
2 nos. Pressure guages fitted on suction & delivery side of the pump. The
pums shall run on 400/440V, 3ph, 50Hz electric supply, Duty of pumps:
2850 Lpm@ 70.0m Head. Control panel shall be per specification stated
in Item No.87. (Cost of control pannel is not included)
40.80 Supplying, Installing, testing and commisioning of fire hydrant multi stage Nos. 5,50,000.00
pump capable of delivering 2850Lpm @ 70.0m head coupled to water
cooled diesel engine of adequiate HP. It shall be fitted with a radiator
on a common base from with complete ancilalary units such as colling
system, non return Valve, Y strainer, fuel tank of adequate coapcity,
Pressue guage, pressure switch. Control panel shall be per specification
stated in Item No.87. (Cost of control pannel is not included)
40.81 Supplying, Installing, testing and commisioning electrically driven jockey Nos.
pump of capacity 180.0 Lpm at 70.0m head with all the necessary
accessories viz. Pressure guages etc. operating on 3Ph 50Hz, 400/440
V AC supply incldung foudnation, bolts etc. complete Control panel shall
be per specification stated in Item No.87. (Cost of controle pannel is
not included)
40.82 Supplying, Installing, testing and commissioning approved make Nos.
Centrifugal pump end suction type couple to Electric motor of suitable
Hp, fitted on a common base frame and rated for Fire duty. The quoted
price shall aslso include 2 nos. Pressure guages fitted on suction and
delivery side of the pump. The pumps shall run on 400/440V, 3ph,
35-Hz electric supply. Duty of pumps: 2850 Lpm@ 90.0m Head. Control
panel shall be per specification stated in Item No.87. (Cost of control
pannel is not included)
40.83 Supplying Installing testing and commissiong COMMON Control panel Nos. 2,50,000.00
for fire fighting system consiting of electrical motor driven 60HP Main
fire pump, Diesel engine driven pump 60 HP Sprinkler pump 50HP &
Jockey pump 25HP
40.84 Supplying, Installing, testing and commissioning approved make Nos. 2,88,000.00
Centrifugal pJmp end suction type couple to Electric motor of suitable
Hp, fitted on a!common base frame and rated for Fire duty. The quoted
price shall as!so include 2 nos. Pressure guages fitted on suction &
delivery side bf the pump. The pumps shall run on 400/440V, 3 ph,
50Hz electric supply. Duty of pums: 1620 Lpm @ 70.0m Head. Control
panel shall be per specification stated in Item No.87. (Cost of control
pannel is not included)
40.85 Supplying, Installing testing and commissioning of fire hydrant multi Nos. 3,50,000,00 ..
stage pump capable of delivering 1620 Lpm@ 70.0m head coupled
to water colled diesel enginer of adequate. HP. It shall be fitted with a
radiator on a common base frame with complete ancillary units such
SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

as colling sytem, non return vialve, Y strainer, fuel tank of adequante

capactiy, Pressure guage, pressure switch etc. complete Control panel
shall be per specification stated in Item No.87. (Cost of control pannel
is not included)
40.86 Supplying, Installing testing and commissioning electrically driven jockey Nos. 1,06,578.00
pump of capacity 180.0 Lpm at 70.0m. Head with all the necessary
accessories viz. Pressure guages etc., operating on 3Ph 50Hz,
400/440V AC supply including foundatin, bolts etc. complete, Control
panel shall be per specification stated in Item No.87. (Cost of control
pannel is not included)
40.87 FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEM Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning Each 7,048.00
of 63mm mm dia single headed Gun mental Hydrant Valve with flanged
inlet, stop valve, spindle and cast iron hand wheel. It has a female
i '
instantaneous outlet with Blank Cap and is Hydrostatically tested

r!: to 21 Kgf/cm2 pressure having a flow rate of 900 LPM at 7 Kgf/cm

2 of pressure with blank cap and wheel as per IS 5290 etc. complete
Make : WINCO/NEW Age
40.88 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of 63mm mm dia double Each 11,340.00
headed Gun mental Hydrant Valve with flanged inlet 2Nos, stop valve,
spindle and cast iron hand wheel. It has a 2 Nos female instantaneous
outlet with blank cap and is hydrostatically tested to 21 Kgf/cm2 pressure
having a flow rate of 900 LPM at 7 Kgf/cm2 of pressure confirms to
IS : 2190 with blank cap and wheel as per IS 5290 etc. complete
40.89 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Gun metal AIR Each 2,100.00
RELEASE VALVE SIZE OF 25mm dia complete
40.90 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Gun metal Branch Each 3,000.00
pipe size of 63mm dia x19mm dia as per IS 903 Make: WINCO/NEW
AGE complete
40.91 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Reinforced Rubber Each 7,046.00
Lined RRL Fire hose of 63mm dia 15m length as per IS 8423 binded
with one set of male and Female lnstantainious Gun metal coupling as
per IS 903 WINCO/NEW AGE complete
40.92 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Hose cabinet Each 4,300.00
made out of 18 gauge M.S.sheet with double glass door with lacing
arrangement and painted with two coats of Fire red Enamel paint at
outer ise of the Box and two coats of white enamel paint at inner side of the
box is to accomodated 2 Nos. of Fire hose box size 20"x24"x10" complete
40.93 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Hose reel cabin Each 4,800.00
M.S.Pressed reel of 600mm dia swinging type motion which allows a
180 ° swing and conforms to IS:884/85.
40.94 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of 19mm dia 36.50m Each 5,200.00
length hose with rubber lining smooth bore, reinforced of natural/
synthetic fibres, a rubber cover finish shall be smooth, fluted or fabric
marked with minimum thickness of 1.50mm and to with stand a working
pressure of 1 0Kgf/sqcm confirms & tested as per IS 444
SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

40.95 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of approved make Each 500.00
15mm dia sprinkler bulb pendent/wall mounted type designed to operate
68 degrees centegrad Make Tyco/HD FIRE complete (Colour code
of bulb liquid inside Glass bulb type Pendents As per IS 9972: 57 °C­
Orange, 68°C- Red, 79 °C -Yellow, 93°C - Green, 141°C- Blue, 182°C
- Mauve, 227/260°C - Black)
40.96 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of hydraulicallying
operated sprinkler cabit Valve with water meter gong bell and trims as
required, pressure gauges drain Valve, ball Valves check valve, strainer etc.
40.96.'1 -do-100 mm dia. complete Unit 800.00
40.96.2 -do- 150 mm dia. complete Unit 1,500.00
40.97 Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of approved make heavy
quantity (Class 'C') confirming to as per 1S1239_Such as Tees elbows
check nuts unions, Flanger, Nipples etc. includlng cutting welding,
Trending fixing on walls, cealing (Using 41-Tech pipe/M.S.angle supports
work includes two coats of metal primer and two coats of Red enamel
paint etc.
40.97.1 -do- 200 mm dia. complete m
40.97.2 -do- 150 mm dia. complete m
40.97.3 -do- 100 mm dia. complete m
40.97.4 -do- 80 mm dia. complete m
40.97.5 -do- 65 mm dia. complete m
40.97.6 -do- 50 mm dia. complete m
40.97.7 -do- 40 mm dia. complete m
40.97.8 -do- 32 mm dia. complete m
40.97.9 -do- 25 mm dia. complete m
40.98 Wraping and Galing of U/G pipe line work includes one coat of anti
corrossion paint (Black) and two coats of Bituminous cloth.
40.98.1 -do- 200 mm dia. complete m

40.98.2 -do- 150 mm dia. complete m

40.98.3 -do- 100 mm dia. complete m

40.98.4 -do- 80 mm d,ia. complete m

40.99 Supplying lnS:tallation testing and Commissiong of Micro precess base

Fire alram cdntrol panel having power regulation Circuit, which conner
to 230 AC tQ @$V.D.C. Indicating FIRE-FAULT, ISOLATION with
Feather touc� push button switches, Test facility also with work test
facility arrangement, provided in the panel. All this electronic circuits
componets are assembled in M.S.16 gauge suitable panel cabinet with
glass Fraonted and locking arrangements including cost of all mateials
etc. complete

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SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

40.99.1 -do- Make Ravel/Golbe/Royale 8 Zone. complete Each 18,000.00

40.99.2 -do- Make Ravel/Golbe/Royale 12 Zone. complete Each 24,000.00
40.99.3 -do- Make Ravel/Golbe/Royale 16 Zone. complete Each 35,000.00
40.99.4 -do- Make Ravel/Golbe/Royale 20 Zone. complete Each 50,000.00
40.99.5 -do- Make Ravel/Golbe/Royale 40 Zone. complete Each 1,05,000.00
40.99.6 -do- Make Ravel/Golbe/Royale 60 Zone. complete Each 1,48,000.00
40.99.7 -do- Make Ravel/Golbe/Roxale 76 Zone.-complete Each 1,85,000.00
40.100 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Smoke/Heat detector Each 3,406.00
Photo electric type detctor with base LED indicator on Sr:nioke detector
fixed cum rise temperature type heat detector with base Make Applow/
System Sensor complete
40.101 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Manual Call point : Each 1,200.00
It consists of Micro push button switch with LED and circutary etc.
works on 24V DC LED indicator with glass Fronted, Also with hammer
for breaking the glass incase of Fire. Accomdated in 75x75x30mm size
M.S.16 gauge red enamel painted box Make/Golbe/Ravel/Royale. complete
40.102 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of electronic Hooter, Each 1,800.00
it conists of electronic circuit to give dual Fire alaram sound with works
24V DC with speaker all encased in suitable in MS 16 gauge red painted
box. complete
40.103 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Response Indicter Each 300.00
constists of twin LED wioth electronic circutarx work on 24 DC enclose
in PVC retangular. complete
40.104 Supplying and fixing sheetmetal box made out of 18 SWG sheet metal Each 96.00
with necessary holes for cable/conduit entry as required with one coat
of primer of approved make etc.
40.105 Supplying and drawing Flexible Multicore Cable manufactured with m 32.00
electrolytic grade copper with flexible copper conductor confirming
to table 3 class 5 of IS:8130-1984 and PVC insulation and sheathed
suitable for working vpltage upto 1100Volts as per IS-694:1990 &
confirming to GTP of GROUP-B. 2C x 1.5 Sqmm
40.106 SITC of 7AM-12 V Battery for fire alaram system Make EXIDE/AMCo Each 1,200.00
40.107 Providing and Fixing Fire force board size of 3'x2' made out to Acrylic Each 2,950.00
sheet of 3mm thick with letter of different Colums with 8mm thick ply
wood, Alumimum side frame and fixing etc. complete
40.108 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Public address system Each 2,300.00
(Two way comminication type) as per requirement of Fire Force authority
and which Generally comprise of Supplying Installing, testing and
commissioning of Approved make 5 W.wall mounted speaker with talk
back facility with store enamel painted M.S.Sheet hosing etc. complete
40.109 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of P.A.System console
panel with push button with speaker and indictoron Accomdated in
M.S.Cabinet with painting


SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

40.109.1 -do- 20 Zone cansole. complete Each 48,000.00

40.109.2 -do- 40 Zone cansole. complete Each 95,000.00
40.109.3 -do- 60 Zone cansole. complete Each 1,25,000.00
40.110 P.A.System amplifier 250W RMS out put with complete wiring and Each 32,000.00
controls accessable form front Make AHUJA. complete
40.111 Supplying Installing, testing and commissioning of Ahuja make MIKE Each 1,500.00
suitable to I.A.System. complete
40.112 Supplying and drawing Flexible Multicore Cable manufactured with m 37.00
electrolytic grade flexible copper with low conductor confirming to table
3 class 5 of IS:8130-1984 and (Virgin) PVC insulation and sheathed
suitable for working voltage upto 1100Volts as per IS-694:1990 &
confirming to GT P of GROUP-A. 2C x 1.50 Sqmm
40.113 Supplying of four bucket stand alongwith buckets. complete Each
40.114 Supplying of two bucket stand alongwith buckets. complete Each
40.115 Supplying of Hand gloves. complete Pair
40.116 Supplying of first aid box. complete Each 215.00
40.117 Supplying of SAFETY MASK. complete Each 64.00
40.118 Supplying of FIRST AID CHART with lamination. complete Each 225.00
40.119 Supplying and installation of RUBBER MAT 1mtr x 1mtr -10mm thick. Nos. 1,105.00
40.120 Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of approved make heavy
tubes (Class 'C') confirming to as per IS1239 Part - I (25mm Nominal
bore 4.05mm thick @ 2.97 Kg/m, 32mm Nominal bore 4.05mm thick
@ 3.84 Kg/m,40mm Nominal bore 4.05mm thick @ 4.43 Kg/m,50mm
Nominal bore 4.47mm thick@ 6.17 Kg/m, 65mm Nominal bore 4.47mm
thick@ 7.90 Kg/m, 80mm Nominal bore 4.85mm thick@ 10.10 Kg/m,
100mm Nominal bore5.40mm thick @ 14.40 Kg/m,150mm Nominal
bore 5.40mm thick @ 21.20 Kg/m, Such as Tees elbows check nuts
unions, Flanger, Nipples etc. jncluding cutting welding, Trending fixing
on walls, ceiling (Using 41-Tech pipe/M.S.angle supports work includes
two coats of metal primer and two coats of Red enamel paint etc.
40.120.1 -do- Galvanized. Iron Pipes 200 mm dia. complete m 2,886.00
40.120.2 -do- Galvanized Iron Pipes 150 mm dia. complete m 2,140.00
40.120.3 -do-Galvanized Iron Pipes 100 mm dia. complete m 1,566.00
40.120.4 -do- Galvanized Iron Pipes 80 mm dia. complete m
40.120.5 -do- Galvanized' Iron Pipes 65 mm dia. complete m 1,076.00
40.120.6 -do- Galvanized Iron Pipes 50 mm dia. complete m 941.00
40.120.7 -do- Galvanized Iron Pipes 40 mm dia. complete m 809.00
40.120. 8-do-Galvanized Iron Pipes 32 mm dia. complete m
40.120.9 -do- Galvanized Iron Pipes 25 mm dia. complete m

SI.No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

(Clause�.3, /S2190:2010)
B-1 occupancies classified according to IS·1641 are given together with nature of fire hazard and typ� of fire risk along with typical
examples. The classifications, groupings etc., given in this Annex are only for general guidance for installation of fire extinguishers and not
for other purposes.

Class of Type of Nature of Class of

Typical Examples
Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Fire
Residential Lodging or rooming, one or two family houses, Private dwellings dormitories,
Group A LH Class A
buildings apartment houses, flats, upto 4 star hotels, etc
LH Class C Small Kitchens having LPG connection, electrical heaters, etc.
MH Class A Multi-storeyed buildings, multi-risk buildings, five star hotels, etc.
Group B LH Class A Tutorials, vocational training institutes, evening colleges, commercial institutes
MH Class A Schools, Colleges, etc
Group C MH Class A Hospitals, sanatoria, homes for aged, orphanage jails, etc.
Theatres, Assembly halls, Exhibition halls, Museums, Restaurants, Places of
Group D HH Class A Worship, Club rooms, Dance halls, etc., Having seating capacity of over
buildings D-1
100 persons
Theatres, Assembly halls, Exhibition halls, Museums, Restaurants,
D-2 MH Class A Places of Worship, Club rooms, Dance halls etc. Having seating capacity less
than 1000 persons
Theatres, Assembly halls, Exhibition halls, Museums, Restaurants, Places of
Worship, Club rooms, Dance halls etc. but having accommodation for more than
D-3 MH Class A
300 persons, but less than 1000 persons, with no permanent seating
Theatres, Assembly halls, Exhibition halls, Museums, Restaurants,
D-4 & D-5 MH Class A Places of Worship, Club rooms, Dance halls etc. Having accommodation less
than 300 and those not covered under D-1 to D-3
Group E SH Class A Offices, Banks, Record Rooms, Archives, Libraries, data processing centres, etc.
buildings E-1
E-2 MH Class B Laboratories, research establishment, test houses etc.
E-3 SH Class A Computer installations
Mercantile Shops, Stores, Markets, Departmental stores, Underground shopping centres,
Group F MH Class A
buildings etc.
Group G LH Class A Small industrial units
Corrugated carton manufacturing units, Paper cane units, Packing case
MH Class A
manufacturing units, cotton waste manufacturing units.
Large number yards, saw mills godowns and warehouses storing combustible
HH Class A
materials, cold Storages, freight depots, etc.
LH Class B Demonstration chemical plants, small chemical, processing plants, pilot plants, etc.
Workshops, painting shops, large kitchens, industrial canteens, generator rooms,
MH Class B heat treatment shops, tread rubber manufacturing units, petrol bunks, tubes &
flaps units, etc.,
Petroleum processing units, chemical plants, industrial alcohol plants, effluent
HH Class B
treatment plants etc. ----·-
LH Class C --- ----

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
Rs. Ps.

MH Class C
HH Class C Fertiliser plants, petrochemical plants, LPG bottling plants, etc.
All processes involving use of combustible highly flammable materials,
HH Class D
reactive metals and alloys, including their storage
Storage Flammable liquid stores, storage in drums and cans in open, paints and
Group H Ml-I Class B
buildings varnishes godown.
Tank farmes chemical and petroleum bulk storage depots, large service stations,
HH Class B
truck and marine terminals, underground LOO/furnace oil storage yards, etc.
LPG distribution godown/office, distribution storage godowns/offices of
MH Class C
D, N, H, Argon and other industrial gases
Storage and handling of gas cylinders in bulk, gas plant, gas holders (Horton),
HH Class C
spheres, etc.
Buildings used for storage, handling, manufacture and processing of highly
combustible explosive materials. (Risks involved in terms of class of fire
Group J hazardous and intensity of fire has to be assessed on case to case basis and statutory
authorities to be consulted, environmental factors and mutual aid facilities to be
taken into account before deciding on the fire extinguisher requirements.)
NOTES: 1 LH - Low Hazard, 2 MH - Medium Hazard, 3 HH - High Hazard, 4 SH: Special Hazard.


B-2.1 Class A
LH Occupancy One 9 litre water expelling extinguisher or ABC 5kg/6 kg fire extinguisher, for every 200 1112 of floor area or part
there of with minimum of two extinguishers per compartment or floor of the building. The extinguishers should be
so located as to be available within 15 m radious.
MH Occupancy Two 9 litre water expelling extinguisher or ABC 5kg/6 kg fire extinguisher, for every 200 m2 with minimum of
4 extinguishers per compartment or floor .The extinguishers should be so located as to be available within 15 m
HH Occupancy Provision as per MH occupancy, in addition to or:ie 50 litre water CO/ 25 kg ABC fire extinguisher for every
100 m2 of floor area or part thereof.
Special One 4.5 kg capacity carbon dio1<ide or one 2/3 kg capacity clean agent extinguisher for every 100 m2 of floor
Hazard area or part there of with minimum of two extinguishers so located as to be available within 10 m radious.
B-2.2 Class B
LH Occupancy One 9 litre foam extinguisher, mechanical or BC or ABC, 5 kg / 6 kg fire extinguisher, for every 200 m2 of floor
area or part there of with minimum of two extinguishers per compartment or floor. The extinguishers located as
to be.available within 15m radious.
MH Occupancy Two 9 litre foam extinguisher, mechanical type, or 5/6 kg dry powder extinguisher (or one of each type) for every
200 1112 area With minimum of four extinguisher per compertment. Extinguisher should be available within 15 m
HH Occupancy Provision as per MH, and in addition to one 50 litre mechanical foam type extinguisher or 25 kg BC fire
extin�uisher for every 100 m2 or part thereof one 135 litre foam mechanical extinguisher for every 300 m2 of
floor �rea or part thereof.
B-2.3 Class C
LH Occupancy One 213kg dry powder of clean agent exUnguisher for every 20 m2 of floor area or part thereof; extinguisher
available within 15 m radious.
MH Occupancy One 10kg dry powder extinguisher(stored pressure) or 6.5kg carbon dioxide extinguisher or 5kg clean agent for
100 m2 of floor area or part thereof, with minimum of one extinguisher of the same type for every compartment; .
extinguisher should be available within a radious of 15m, the same type for every compartment; extinguisher. ·

. ''i' < �{ii' l," ti
, 'i;,�/t
� ·�''!��-�
. :·. t•,1f�1 Hfr�'-_yi.<,

SI. No. Description Unit Rate

Rs. Ps.

HH Occupancy Dry powder extinguisher (stored pressure) of 10 kg or 6.5 Kg CO2 extinguisher, or 5 kg clean agent extinguisher
for every 100 m2 of floor area or part thereof, subject to a minimum of two extinguishers of same type per room
or compartment. Extinguishers should be available within a radius of 10 m.
B-2.4 Class D
HH Occupancy One 10 kg dry powder extinguisher with special dry powder for metal fires for every 100 m2 of floor area or part
thereof with minimum of two extinguisher per compartment/ room. Extinguishers should be available within a
radius of 10m.

1. The recommendations are minimum for a specific area.lncase, the area is mote than specified, high capacity extinguishers may be
used based on these minimum requirements.that is proportionately higher capacity can be used.
2. In case of dry powder /Co2/clean agent types, equivalent lower capacities may also be used.
3. The halons shall be restricted for essential use only.
4. On implementation of IS 15683, 6 kg and 9 kg dry powder extinguishers shall be replaced by 5 kg or 10 kg dry powder extinguishers.

DBM 23CM l.35x0.6x0.04


R.C.C Pole
O. Ox


R.C.C Pole

. .
• . . ..
! 450 l

SI. Description of Work How Measured Multiplying Factor
(1) (2) (3 ) (4 )

i) Panelled or framed and brazed or Measured flat (not girthed) including CHOWKAT 1.30 (for each side)
ledged and battened or ledged, or frame, Edged, chocks, cleats, etc., shall be
batten-battened and braced deemed to be included in the item

ii) Flush joinery Measured flat (not girthed) including CHOWKAT 1.20 (for each side)
or frame, edges, chocks, cleats, etc., shall be
deemed to be included in the item

iii) Flush shutter Measured flat overall 1.20 (for each side)

iv) Fully glazed or gauzed joinery Measured flat (not girthed) including CHOWKAT 0 .80 (for each side)
or frame, Edges, chocks, cleats shall be
deemed to be included in the item

v) Partly panelled and partly glazed Measured flat (not girthed) including CHOWKAT 1 (for each side)
or gauzed joinery or frame, edges, chocks, cleats, etc., shall
deemed to be included in the item

vi) Fully venetianed or louvred joinery Measured flat (not girthed) including CHOWKAT 1.80 (for each side)
or frame, edges, chocks, cleats, etc., shall be
deemed to be included in the item

vii) Weather boarding Measured flat (not girthed) supporting frame 1.20 (for each side)
work shall not be measured separately

viii) Wood shingle roofing Measured flat (not girthed) 1.1O (for each side)

ix) Boarding with covers fillets and Measured flat (not girthed) 1.05 (for each side)
match boarding

x) Tile and slate battening Measured flat overall; no deduction shall be made 0.80 (for painting all
for open spaces over)
xi) Trellis (or JAFFRI) work one-way or two way Measured overall; no deduction shall be made for 2 (for painting all over)
open spaces, supporting members shall not be
measured seperately

xii) Guard bars, balus-traders, gates Measured flat overall; no deduction shall be made 1 (for painting all
greetings, grills expanded for open spaces; supporting members shall not be over)
metal and railings measured separately

xiii) Gates and open palisade fencing Measured flat overall; no deduction shall made 1 (for painting all
including standards, braces, rails for open spaces; supporting members shall not be over)
stays etc., measured separately (see Note 1)

xiv) Carved or enriched work Measured flat 2 (for each side)

xv) Steel roller shutter Measured flat (size of opening) overall; jam 1.10 (for each side)
guides, bottom raise anc;I locking arrangement, etc.,
shall be included in the item (top cover shall be
measured separately)

xvi) Plain sheet steel doors and windows Measured flat (not girthed) including frame, edges, 1.10 (for each side)

xvii) Fully glazed or gauzed steel doors Measured flat (not girthed) including frame, edges 0.50 (for each side)
and windows

xviii) Partly papelled and partly glazed Measured flat (not girthed) including frame, edges 0 .80 ( f o r e a c h side)
gauged steel door

xiix) Collapsible gate Measured flat (size of opening) 1.50 (for painting all over)

Note 1 : The height shall be taken from bottom of lowest rail, if palisades do not go below it or from lower end of palisades, if they'
project below lowest rail, up to top of palisades, but not up to top of standards, if they are higher than palisades.

Note 2 : Where doors, windows, etc., are of composite types other than thoses included in this table, different portions shall be measured
separately with their appropriate coefficients, centre line of common rail being taken as the dividing line between the two portions.

Note 3 : Measurements o f painting doors, windows, collapsible gates, rolling shutters, etc., as given in this table shall be deemed to' ·
include painting, if required, of all iron fittings in the same shade.

Note 4: When two faces of a door, window, etc., are to be treated with
different specified finishes, measurable under separate items,'
edges of frames and shutters shall be treated with the one or the other type of finish and measurement thereof shall be deemed to be'
included in the measurement of the face treated with that finish.

Note 5 : In case where shutters are fixed .on both faces of a frame, measurement for the door frame and shutter on one face shall ; ,.
be taken in the manner already described, while the additional shutter on the other face shall be measured exclusive of the frame. · : '

Note 6: Where shutter is provided with clearence exeeding 15 cm at top and/ or at bottom, such openings shall be deducted from,
the overall measurement and relevant coefficient applied.

Granite/ Metal Surkhi/
Stones I Bricks Marbledust or Flyash Mortar/ Cement I Lime /
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles / Hallow/ stone dust in sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No Solid block etc cum cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Cement Mortar of mix 1 :1 Cum 0.7125 20.4 1020.00
2 0..5.1.2 Cement Mortar of mix 1 :2 Cum 0.95 13.6 680.00
3 Cement Mortar of mix 1 :3 Cum 1.07 10.2 510.00
4 Cement Mortar of mix 1 :4 Cum 1.07 7.6 380.00
5 Cement Mortar of mix 1 :5 Cum 1.07 6.2 310.00
6 Cement Mortar of mix 1 :6 Cum 1.07 5.00 250.00
7 Cement Mortar of mix 1 :8 Cum 1.07 3.8 190.00
8 Cement Mortar of mix 1 :10 Cum 1.07 3.00 150.00
9 Lime Mortar of mix 1 :1 Cum 0.7125 9.02 451.00
10 0.5-2.2 Lime Mortar of mix 1 :2 Cum 0.95 6.02 301.00
11 0.5-2.3 Lime Mortar of mix 1 :3 Cum 1.07 4.52 226.00
12 0.5-3.1 Limesurkhi Mortar of mix 1 :1 Cum 0.7125 9.02 451.00
13 0.5-3.2 Limes urkhi Mortar of mix 1 :2 Cum 0.95 6.02 301.00
14 0.5-3.3 Limesurkhi Mortar of mix 1 :3 Cum 1.07 4.52 226.00
15 0.5-4.1 Limesurkhi Sand Mortar of mix 1 :1 :1 Cum 0.475 0.475 6.02 301.00
16 0.5-4.2 Limesurkhi Sand Mortar of mix 1 :1 :2 Cum 0.357 0.357 4.52 226.00
17 0.5-5.1 Cement Mortar with Stone dust of mix 1 :2 Cum 6.95 13.6 680.00
C::8..�0 C=410.00
18 0.5-6.1 Cement Lime Mortar of mix 1 :1 :3 Cum 0.86 L=3.62 L=181.00
19 0.5-6.2 Cement Lime Mortar of mix 1 :1 :4 Cum 1.07 C=7.6 C=380.00
L=3.40 L=170.00
20 0.5-6.3 Cement Lime Mortar of mix 1 :1 :5 Cum 1.07 C=6.20 C=310.00
L=2.70 L=135.00
C=50L=2.26 C=250.00

Granite/ Metal Surkhi/
Stones I Bricks Marbledust or Flyash Mortar I Cement I Lime/
s1. · KSRB/ Description Unit liles / Hallow/ stone dust in sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No. Solid block etc cum cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
21 0.5-6.4 Cement Lime Mortar of mix 1:1:6 Cum 1.07 L=113.00
-- ·-- ·- -·
C=4.40 C-220.00
22 0.5-6.5 Cement Lime Mortar of mix 1:1:7 Cum 1.07 L=1.94 L=97.00
C=3.80 C=190.00
23 0.5-6.6 Cement Lime Mortar of mix 1:1:8 Cum 1.07 L=1.68 L=84.00
C=3.40 C=170.00
24 0.5-6.7 Cement Lime Mortar of mix 1:2:9 Cum 1.07 L=3.02 L=151.00
' C=2.60 C=130.00
25 0.5-6.8 Cement Lime Mortar of mix 1:3:2 Cum 1.07 L=3.40 L=170.00
26 0.5-7.1 White cement Mortar with Marble 1:2 Cum 0.95 13.60 680.00
dust of mix
27 0.5-7.2 White cement Mortar with Marble dust of mix 1 :3 Cum 1.07 10.2 510.00
28 0.5-7.3 White cement Mortar with Marble dust of mix 1:4 Cum 1.07 7.6 380.00
29 0.5-7.4 White cement Mortar with Marble dust of mix 1:5 Cum 1.07 6.20 310.00
30 0.5-8.1 Fly ash sand Mortar of mix 1:1.5:3 Cum 0.357 0.7150 6.8 340.00
31 0.5-8.2 Fly ash sand Mortar ofmix 1:2:4 Cum 0.356 0.7150 5.0 250.00
32 0.5-8.3 Fly ash sand Mortar of mix 1 :2.5:5 Cum 0.356 0.7150 4.0 200.00
33 0.5-8.4 Fly ash sand and Mortar of mix 1 :3:6:5 Cum 0.366 0.7150 3.2 160.00


1 2.6 Sand filling Cum 1.0000
2 2.8 Filling Foundation with granite metal Cum 1.00 0.50000
3 2.17 Sand cement bed with 5% cement Cum 1.0000 1.43 71.40
4 2.11 Sand cement bed with 10% cement Cum 1.0000 2.86 142.80
5 2;12 Sand Piles Sqmt 0.0140 - -
6 2.13 Sand cement Piles Sqmt 0.014 0.04 2.00
· ·- - -· -
Brief Description of Item I Unit I Bitumen I Cement I Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


f 1'4.1 I KSRB �.1.1: Proviaing arif layirig ...... cement concrete of mix M15
Cum - 240Kg
2 I 4.2 I KSRB 4.1.2 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M10 Cum - 220Kg
3 I 4.3 I KSRB 4.1.3 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 7.5 Cum - 180Kg
4 I 4.4 I ,KSR� 4.1.4 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 5 Cum - 160Kg

I I KSRB 4.1.5 : Providing -

5 4.5
.- and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 20 Cum 300Kg
6 I 4.6 I KSRB 4.1.6 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 15 Cum - 240Kg
7 I 4.7 I KSRB 4.1.7 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 10 Cum - 220Kg
8 I 4.10 I KSRB 4.2.1 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 25 Cum - 340Kg
9- I 4.11 I KSRB 4.2.2 : Providing and faying ...... cement concrete of mix M 20 Cum - 320Kg I - I .f

10 I 4.12 I KSRB 4.2.3 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 15 Cum - 240Kg
11 I 4_13 I KSRB. 42.4 :. Provi�ar:id layiag ...... cementconcrete of mix M 10 Cum - 220Kg
12 I 4.14 I K$RB 4.2.5 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 15 Cum - 240Kg
13 4.15 KSRB 4.2.6 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 1 O Clim - 220Kg
14 4.16 KSRB 4.2.7 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 25 Cum - 340Kg
15 4.17 KSRB 4.2.8 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 20 Cum - 320Kg
16 4.18 KSRB 4.2.9 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 15 Cum - 240Kg
17 4.19 KSRB 4.2.10 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 20 Sqm - 24Kg
18 4.20 . KSRB 4,2.11 : Providing and laying ...... cement concrete of mix M 20 Sqm - 27.2Kg
19 4.46 KSRB 4.9.2: Providing T.M.T. steel reinforcement for RCC work MT - I 1.075 MT

SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

20 4.49.1 Providing and laying readymix concrete ...... M20 Cum - 320 Kg -
21 4.49.2 Providing and laying readymix concrete ...... M25 Cum - 340Kg -
22 4.49.3 Providina and IID1ng_rea_gy_mix concrete ...... M30 Cum - 360Kg -
23 4.49.4 Providing and laying readymix concrete ...... M35 Cum - 390Kg -
24 4.49.5 Providing and taying readymix concrete ...... M40 Cum - 420Kg -
25 4.55 Providing and casting__reinforced CC racks ...... M20 Sqm - 16Kg -
26 4.56 Providing RCC loft (atta) Sqm - 30Kg -
27 4.57 Providing and1ixing RCC slabs 5 ems thick for wall shelves .... M20 Sqm - 16Kg -
28 4.58.1 Providing RCC design mix M20 ..... solid parapet .... 7.5 ems thick Sqm - 24Kg -
29 4.58.2 Providing RCC design mix M20 ..... solid parapet .... 10.00 ems thick Sqm - 32 Kg -


. . ...
Granite Metal/ Surkhi/
Stones/ Bricks Marbledust or Flyash Mortar I Cement I Lime I
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles/ Hallow / stone dust in sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No. Solid block etc cum cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 5-1.1 Rubble stone masonry in foundation with mud
-- ---···-·- -·--· · ·
IVIUllOI Cum 1.10 0.33
2 5-1.2 Rubble stone masonry in foundation with
cement Mortar in 1 :8 Cum 1.10 0.35 1.254 62.70
3 5-1.3
cemel'lt Mortar in 1 :6
Rubble stone masonry in foundation with
Cum 1.10 0.35 1.65 82.50
4 5-2.1
Mortar .-
Size stone masonry in foundation with mud
Cum 1.05 0.28
5 5-2.2 Size stone masonry in foundation with
cement Mortar 1 :8 Cum 1.05 0.30 1.064 53.20
6 5-2.3 Size stone masonry in foundation with
cement Mortar 1 :6 Cum 1.05 -C 0.30 1.4 W.00
7 5-3.1 Size stone masonry in basement with
mudMortar Cum 1.449 0.28
8 5-3.2 Size stone masonry in basement with
cementMortar 1 :8 Cum 1.449 0.30 1.064 53.20
9 5-3.3 Size stone masonry in qasement with. -, .. --- -·�..... M·�.

cementMortar 1 :6 Cum 1.440 0.30 1.40 70.00

10 5-4.1 Size stone masonry in super structure with mud
Mortar Cum 1.449 0.28
11 5-4.2 Size stone masonry in super struture with
cement mortar 1 :8 Cum 1.449 0.30 1.064 53.20
12 5-4.3 Size stone masonry in super structure with
cement mortar 1 :6 Cum 1.449 0.30 1.40 70.00

Granite / Metal Surkhi/
Stones I Bricks Marbledust or Flyash Mortar/ Cement I Lime /
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles/ Hallow/ stone dust in sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No. Solid block etc cum cum
in cum
Bag s Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
13 - - 5-4.4__ Size stone masonrv in su _ er s�ructure with
cement mortar 1 :4 Cum 1.449 0.30 2.128 106.40
14 5-11 Hallow block masonry in cement mortar 1 :4
40x20x20 ems-501<:gtsq-cm - Sqm 12.11Nos. 0.02 0.15 7.36
15 5-12 Hallqw block masonry in cement mortar 1 :4
40x20x20 qms 35kg/sqcrri--- . Sqm 12.11 Nos. 0.02 0.15 7.38
16 5-13 Hallow block masonry in cement mortar 1 :4
40x10x20 ems 35kg7sqcm Sqm . 12.11Nos. 0.012 0.082 4.09
17 5-14 Solid block masonry in cement mortar 1 :4
40x20x20 ems 35kg/sqcm Sqm 12.11Nos 0.02 0.15 7.38
18 5-15 Sol_id block masonry in cement mortar 1 :4
40x10x20 ems 35kg/sqm Sqm 12.11 Nos. 0.012 0.082 4.09
19 5.29.1 Providing and fixing pre cast solid concrete kerb
size 450x200x400 mm No. - - - 0.234 11.72
20 5.29.2 Providing and fixing pre cast solid concrete kerb
size 450x150x500 mm No. - - - 0.22 11.00
21 5.30 Providing and fixing pre cast solid C.C. kerb ston �sNo. - - - 0.165 8.235

1 6-1.1 Non modular CL35 brick masonry in mud mortar
for basement and super structure Cum 485 Nos. 2.40
2 6-1.2 Non modular CL35 brick masonry in
cementmortar 1 :8 for basement and super
structure Cum 485 0.26 0.912 45.60
3 6-1.3 Non modular CL35 brick masonry in
cementmortar 1 :6 for basement and super
structure Cum 485 0.26 1.20 60.00

·- ·- ·- ---------------------------------------
Granite I Metal Surkhi/
Stones / Bricks Marbledust or Flyash Mortar/ Cement I Lime /
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles/ Hallow / stone dust in sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No. Solid block etc cum cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 6-2.1 Non modular CL50 table moulded brick masonry
in mud mortar for basement and super structure Cum 485 2.40
5 ·-5;;2:2· r-10n muau1ar L;LOU taDle mouloecl brick masonry
in cement mortar 1 :8 for basement and super
structure Cum 485 0.26 0.912 45.60
6 6-2.3 Non modular CL50 table moulded brick masonry
in cen:ient mortar 1 :6 for_basement and super
structure Cum 485 0.26 1.20 60.00
7 ,6-2.4 Non modular CL50 table moulded brick masonry
in cement mortar 1 :4 for basement and super
structure Cum 485 0.26 1.824 91.20
8 6-3.1 Non modular CL75 machine moulded brick
masonry in cement mortar 1 :8 for basement and
super.structure Cum 456 0.26 1.60 80.00
9 6-3.2 Non modular CL75 machine moulded brick
masonry in cement mortar 1 :6 for basement and
super structure Cum 456 0.26 0.912 45.60
10 6-3.3 Non modular CL75 machine moulded brick '
masonry in cement mortar 1 :4 for basement and
super structure Cum 456 0.26 1.824 91.20
11 6-3.4 Non modular CL75 machine moulded brick
masonry in cement mortar 1 :3 for basement and
super structure Cum 456. 0.26 2.448 122.40
12 6-4.1 Modular CL35 brick masonry in mud mortar
for basement and super structure Cum 520 0.21

Granite I Metal Surkhi/
Stones/ Bricks Marbledust or Flyash Mortar I Cement I Lime/
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles/ Hallow/ stone dust in sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No. Solid block etc cum cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

. 13- -6.oeA-2- ... ...,,..,-1,,1,..r ('I -:ii=: hr;,..1, ...,,

mortar 1:8 for basement and super structure Cum 520 0.225 0.80 39.90
14 6-4.3 modularCL35 brickmasonryin cement
mortar 1:6 for basement and super structure Cum 520 0.225 1.05 52.50
15 6-5.1 modular CL50 table moulded brick masonry in
mud mortar for basement and super structure Cum 520 0.21
·16 6-5.2 modular CL50 table moulded brick masonry in
cement mortar 1:6 for basement and super
structure Cum 520 0.225 0.8 39.90
17 6-5.3 modular CL50 table moulded brick masonry in
cement mortar 1:6 for basement and super
structure Cum 520 - 0.225 1.05 52.50
18 6-5.4 modular CL50 table moulded brick masonry in
cement mortar 1:4 for basement and super
structure Cum 520 - 0.225 1.60 79.80
19 6-6.1 modular CL75 machine moulded brick masonry
in cement mortar 1:8 for basement and super
structure Cum 520 - 0.225 0.80 39.90
20 6-6.2 modular CL75 machine moulded brick masonry
in cement mortar 1:6 for basement and super
structure Cum 520 - 0.225 1.05 52.50
21 6-6.3 modular CL75 machine moulded brick masonry
__i!!�e.!!!e._i:i,t '!10$r 1:4 for basement and super
structure Cum 520 - 0.225 1.60 79.80
- ---- ---
Granite / Metal Surkhi /
Stones I Bricks Marbledust or Flyash Mortar/ Cement I Lime/
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit TIies/ Hallow / stone dust in sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No. Solid block etc cum cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
22 6-6.4 modular CL75 machine moulded brick masonry
. �·---- · -
in cement mortar 1 :3 for basement and super
structure Cum 520 - 0.225 2.14 107.10
23 6-7.1 Nonmodular CL35 brick partition wall 11.2cms
thick in cm 1 :4 with G I plastermesh
Sqm 66.80 - 0.026 0.18 9.12
24 6-7.2 Nonmodular CL50 table moulded brick partition

wall 11.2 ems thick in cm 1:4 with GI
Sqm 66.8 - 0.026 0.18 9.12
25 6-7.3 Nonmodular CL35 brick partition wall 11.2 ems
thick in cm 1:4 Sqm 66.8 - 0.026 0.18 9.12
26 6-7.4 Nonmodular CL50 table moul�ed brick partition
!- .L
wall 11.2 ems thick in cm 1:4 .·· Sqm 66.8 0.026 0.18 9.12
27 6-8.1 modular CL35 brick partition wall 10 ems thick in
cm 1:4 GI plastermesh Sqm 56.7 - 0.022 0.16 7.98
28 6-8.2 modular CL50 table moulded brick partition wall
10 ems thick·in cm 1:4 with GI plastermesh Sqm 56.7 - 0.022 0.16 7.98
29 6-8.3 modular CL35 brick partition wall 10 ems thick in
cm 1:4 Sqm 56.7 - 0.022 0.16 7.98
30 6-8.4 modular CL50 table moulded brick partition wall
10 ems thick in cm 1 :4 Sqm 58.7 - 0.022 0.16 7.98

SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 11.37 KSRB 12-5.1 : Construction brick masonry circular type manhole
0.91 m internal dia No. - 300.00Kg -
2 11.38 KSRB 12.5.2 - -do- 1.67m No. - 362Kg -
3 11.39 KSRB '12-5-3: -do-1.22minternal dia No. - 553Kg -
4 11.40 KSRB 12-5.4: -do- 2.29m deep. No. - 633Kg -
5 11.41 KSRB 12-5.5 : Construction brick masonry circular type manhole
1.52 m internal dia No. - 1000Kg -
6 11.42 KSRB 12-5.6 -do- bottom 4.18m Nos - 1615Kg -
7 11.43 KSRB 12-5.7 : construction circular type manhole 1500mm internal dia Nos - 880Kg -
8 11.51 KSRB 12-8.1: Extra for item No.KSRB 12-8.1 depth beyond 450mm Each - 11.30Kg -
9- 11.52 KSRB 12-8.2: constructing brick masonry inspection chamber
500x700mm and 450mm depth Each - 96Kg -
10 11.53 KSRB 12-8.2.1 : Extra for item No.KSRB 12-8.2 depth beyond
450mm and brick masonry Each - 12.30Kg -
11 11.54 KSRB 12-8.3: Construction brick masonry inspection chamber
600x850mm and 450mm depth Each - 120Kg -
12 11.55 KSRB 12-8.3.1: Extra for item No.KSRB 12-8.3 depth beyond
450 mm and brick Each - 14.20Kg -


·?�.i&�·,:.;vi· �� ...


Granite I Metal
Stones I Bricks Morter I Cement I Lime /
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit liles Hallow / sand in white cement
No. SRRB No. Solid block etc cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
"f4.01 14.10 as.
Providing and laying flooring with
thick-0nsand-bed 7-.5 cm to 8 cm thick
slab 10 cm
Sqm 0.11 0.0088 0.132
and pointed writer cm 1:q__ -�----� __ _
14.02 14.20 Providing and laying flooring with B.S. slab 10 cm
tnick on C.M. bed 1:6, -·25mm thick and pointed
-�-- 1-with·G.M. 1:3 Sqm 0.11 0.0043 0.268
14.03 14.30 I
Providing and laying flooring and steps machine
cut granite slabs 40mm thick on C.M. bed 1:6, -
25mm thick, and pointed with C.M. 1:3 over
existing cc bed Sqm 0.11 0.0033 0.176
14.04 14.40 Providing and laying flooring and steps
fine dresse� granite Sqm 0.11 0.0031 0.165
14.05 14.50 -do- Sqm 0.105 0.0028 0.151
14.60 14(6.1} Providing & Laying heavy duty cobble stones (60mm) Sqm 0.105 0.005
14.70 14(6.2} Providing & Laying heavy duty cobble stones (75mm} Sqm 0.105 0.005
14.80 14(7.1} Flooring with 1 :2:4cc Sqm 0.035 0.018 0.30
14.90 14(7.2} Flooring with 1:2:4cc with red oxide Sqm 0.026 0.025 0.40
14.10 H(Z._3J Flooring 40mm thick with an underlay of 30mm thick cc1:2:4 Sgm 0.026 0.025 0.40
14.12 14(8.1} Linolil.Jm sheet 1.05 sqri,, adhesive 0.20 kg Sqm
14.13 14(9.1} Metallic floor hardner 2.6 kg Sqm 0.1 0.016 0.37
14.14 14(9.2} Metallic floor hardner 2.6 kg Sqm 0.043 0.02 0.50
14.15 14(10.1} Tandoor blue slab 1.15 sqm, pigment 0.45 kg Sqm 0.028 0.26
14.16 14(10.2) Shahabad slab 1.15 sqm, pigment 0.45 kg Sqm 0.028 0.26
14.17 14(10.3} cudapa slab 1.15 sqm, pigment 0.45 kg Sqm 0.028 0.26
14.18 14(11.1} marble chips 17.3 kgs, marble powder 0.0017
cum pigment 0.56 kgs Sqm 0.025 0.012 0.34
14.19 14(11.2} marble chips- 17.3 kgs, marble powder- 0.0017cum,
white cement - 0.16 kgs, pigment Sqm 0.025 0.0125 0.18

Granite I Metal
Stones I Bricks Morter I Cement I Lime/
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles Hallow/ sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No Solid block etc cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2· 3 4 5 6 7 8
14.20 14(11.3) Marble chips- 17.3 kgs, white cement 0.08 bags,
�"--·-�- -- �.::� 1-etlm, ·pigment Sqm 0.025 0.0125 0.18
14.21 14(11.4) marble chips-17.3 kgs, white cement 0.16 kgs
marble powd_er :- 0.0017 cum Sqm 0.025 0.012 0.18
14.22 14(11.5) Alluminium sheet for strips-0.042sqm Sqm
14.23 14(11.6) glass strips- 0.044 sqrn_ Sqm
14.24 14(12.1) mosaic tiles-1.1 sqm, pigment-0.30 kgs Sqm 0.028 0.31
14.25 14(12.2) white cement- 0f-08 bags, pigment- 0.30 kgs Sqm 0.028 0.22
14.26 14(12.3) mosaic tiles- 1.1·sqm, white cement- 0.04 bags,
pigment- 0.3Okgs Sqm 0.028 0.26
14.27 14(12.4) white mosaic tiles- 1.10 sqm,
white·cement- 0.17 bags Sqm . 0.028 0.13
14.28 14(13.1) checkered mosaic tiles- 1.10 sqm, pigment- 0.3 kgs Sqm 0.013 0.30
14.29 14(13.2) checkered mosaic tiles- 1.10 sqm,
white cement- 0.088 bags, pigment- 0.3 kgs Sqm 0.013 0.22
14.30 14(13.3) mosaic tiles- 1.10 sqm, white cement- 0.04 bags,
pigment- 0.30 kgs Sqm 0.013 0.26
14.31 14(13.4) mosaic tiles- 1.10 sqm, white cement- 0.17 bags Sqm 0.013 0.13
14.32 14(14.1) white glazed tiles- 46 nos, white cement- 0.002 bags Sqm 0.013 0.19
14.33 14(14.2) white glazed tiles- 46 nos, white cement- 0.002 bags Sqm 0.013 0.19
14.34 14(14.3) white glazed tiles- 46 nos, white cement- 0.002 bags Sqm 0.013 0.19
14.35 14(14.4) white glazed tiles- 46 nos, white-cement- 0.002 bags Sqm 0.013 0.19
14.36 14(14.5) ceramic tiles- 1.10 sqm, white cement- 0.002 bags Sqm 0.013 0.19
14.37 14(15.1) marble slabs - 1.15 sqm, white cement - 0.01 bags Sqm 0.028 0.22
14.38 14(16.1) Sqm 0.02 0.20
14.39 14(16.2) red oxide- 0.28 kg Sqm 0.02 0.20
14.40 14(17.1) glazed tiles- 46 nos. Sqm 0.01 0.18

Granite/ Metal
Stones/ Bricks Morter/ Cement/ Lime/
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles Hallow/ sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No Solid block etc cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
14.41 14(17.2) glazed tiles 46 nos. Sqm .01 C.18
-14:42 l't\ 10.1, 11 ,.-, _:_ -·-- �. � 5-sqm ---- · Sqm 0.012 0.22
15.01 15(1.1) Finishing Work Sqm 0.002 0.02
15 .02 1 5(1.2) FinishingWork Sqm 0.002 0.02
15.03 15(1.3) Finishing Work Sqm 0.002 0.02
15.04 15(1.4) .finishing Work - --- Sqm 0.002 0.02
15.05 15(1.5) Finishing Work Sqm 0.004 0.038
15.06 15(1.6) Finishing Wor� SQm 0.004 0.038
15.07 15(2.1) Finishing Work Som 0.001 0.015
15.08 1 5(2.2) Finishing Work Sqm 0.001 0.015
1 5.09 15(3.1) Finishing Work Sqm 0.01 0.13
1.5.,10 1 5(3.2) Finishing Work Sqm 0.01 0.098
15.11 15(3.3) Finistung Work Sqm 0.01 0.06
15.12 15(3.4) Finishing Work Sqm 0.01 0.16
15.1_3 15(3.5) Finishing Work Sqm 0.01 0.12
15.14 15 (3.6) Finishing Work Sqm 0.01 0.08
15.15 15(3.7) Finishing Work Sqm 0.02 0.2
15.16 15 (3.8) Finishing Work Sqm 0.02 0.15
15.17 15(3.9) Finishing Work Sqm 0.02 0.099
15.18 15(3.10) Finishing Work Sqm 0.02 0.22
15.19 15(3.11) Finishing Work Sqm 0.02 0.16
15.20 1 5(3.12) Finishing Work Sqm 0.02 0.11
15.21 15(3.13) Finishing Work Sqm 0.013 0.13
15.22 15(3.14) Finishing Work Sqm 0.013 0.098
15.23 15 (4.1) Water proof compound - 0.13 kgs Sqm

Granite/ Metal
Stones I Bricks Morter I Cement/ Lime/
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles Hallow/ sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No. Solid block etc cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-1.5.2..4.... 15(4 2) IA/otor nmnf r-.nmn'1und- 0.09 kgs Sqm
15.25 15(4.3) Water proof compound- 0.125 kgs Sqm
15.26 15(4.4) Water proof compound- 0.15 kgs Sqm
15.27 15(4.5) Water proof compound - 0.167kgs Sqm
15.28 15(4.6) Water proof compound_.;_Q.22 kgs • Sqm
15.29 15(4.7) Water proof compound- 0.167 kgs Sqm
15.30 15(5.1) Providing tough .cement plastering
cm 1:4 Sqm 0.017 0.125
15.31 15(5.2) Providing tough cement plastering cm 1:6 Sqm 0.017 0.08
15.32 15(6) Providing flooring coat of cement Sqm 0.028
15.33 15(7) Lime - 0.0025/cum Sqm
15:38 15(10.1) burnt lime - 0.003 quintal Sqm
15.39 15(10.2) Burnt lime- 0.0015 quintal Sqm
15.40 15(10.3) Burnt lime- 0.003 quintal Sqm
15.41 15(10.4) Burnt lime - 0.015 quintal Sqm
15.42 15(11.1) Sqm 0.10 kg
15.43 15(11.2) Linseed oil 0.08 ltr. Sqm 0.10 kg
15.44 15(12.1) Gopi - 0.025 kg, white lime- 0.003 quintal Sqm
15.45 15(12.2) Burnt lime 0.0015, Gopi- 0.013 Sqm
15.46(1) 15(13.1.) Distemper- 0.081 ltr Sqm
15.46(2) 15(13.2)
15.47 15(13.3) Dry distemper - 0.1 kg, whitening - 0.1 kg

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Granite/ Metal
Stones I Bricks Morter/ Cement I Lime I
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles Hallow I sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No. Solid block etc cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15.48(2) 1 5( 13.5) Dry distemper- 0.06 kg
15.48(3} _15_(13.7) ncy distempe�- 0.04 kg--
1 5.49 15_(14.1) Distemper- 0.081 ltr, oil bound- 0.15 kg
15.50(1) 15(14.3) Oil bound - 0.1 kg
15.51 15(15.1) Plastic emulsion paint- 0.12 ltr
15.52(1) 15(15.3) PJastic emulsion paint=0.073 ltr
15.52(3) 15(15.5) Plastic emulsion paint - 0.049 ltr
15.53 15(16.1) Water proof cement paint- 0.3 kg
15.54(1) 15(16.2) Water proof cement paint - 0.18 kg
15.54(2) 15(16.3) Water proof cement paint - 0.12 kg
15.55 15(17.1) White lead paint - 0.1 ltr
15.56 15(17.2) Pink primer paint- 0.09 ltr ..

15.57 15(,17.3) Alluminium paint primer- 0.1 ltr

15.58 15(17.4) Enamel primer - 0.09 ltr
15.59 15(17.5) Liq1.Jid wood filler- 0.075 ltr
15.60 15(17.6) Enamel metal paint- 0.15 ltr
15.61(1) 15(t7.7) Enamel metal paint - 0.09 ltr
15.61(2) 15(17.8) Enamel metal paint- 0.09 ltr
15.62 15(17.9) Undercoat flatting varnish - 0.07 ltr., Varnish - 0.075 ltr
15.63(1) 15(17.10) Varnish- 0.075 ltr
15.63(2) 15(17.11) Varnish- 0.075 ltr
15.64 15(17.12) Spirit - 0.16 ltr., Shellac- 0.024 kg,
Linseed oil - 0.012 ltr., pigment- 0.012 kg
15.65 15(17.13) Spirit- 0.095 ltr., Shellac- 0.013 kg,
Linseed oil- 0.007 ltr.,

Granite/ Metal
Stones I Bricks Morter/ Cement I Lime /
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles Hallow/ sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No. Solid block etc cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15.66 15(17.14) Bees wax-0.05 kg, Linseed oil-0.036 ltr.,
- · -----
,arpemme - u.u.t..,. nr., vam1sh;,;0.012 ltr
15.67 15(17.15) Bees wax - 0.25 kg, Linseed oil-0.018 ltr.,
Tarpentine-0.0121tr., Varnish-0.006 ltr
15.68 15(17.16) Coltar paint-0.095 ltr
15.69 15(17.17) Coltar paint-0.0571tr-·
15.70 15(17.18) Coltar paint-0.057 ltr
15.71 15(17.19) Black japan paint-0.07 ltr
15.72 15(17.20) Black japan paint-0.07 ltr
15.73 15(18.01) Ready mix primer paint-0.09 ltr
15.74 15(18.2) Enamel metal paint - 0.15 ltr
15.75 15(18.3) Enamel metal paint-0.09 ltr
15.76 15(18.4) Alluminium paint-0.08 ltr
15.77 15(18.5) Alluminium paint-0.046 ltr
15.78 15(18.6) Black japan paint-0.07 ltr
15.79 15(18.7) Black japan paint-0.07 ltr
15.80 15(19.1) Ready .mix primer paint-0.084 ltr.;
plasterof paris-0.05 kg
15.81 15(19.2) Wall paint-0.11 ltr., patti-0.025 kg
15.82 15(19.3) Wall paint-0.65 ltr., patti-0.015 kg
15.83 15(20.1) Ready mix primer paint-0.148 ltr
15.84 15(20.2) Ready mix primer paint-0.09 ltr
15.85 15(21.1) Wax polish-0.01 kg
15.86 15(21.2) Wax polish - 0.007 kgs
15.87 15(22.1) Marble chips-0.87 kgs,
marble powder-0.0007 cum, pigment-0.285 kgs 0.031 0.37

C. .
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Granite/ Metal
Stones/ Bricks Morter I Cement I Lime/
SI. KSRB/ Description Unit Tiles Hallow/ sand in white cement
No. KSRRB No Solid block etc cum
in cum
Bags Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15:88 ·"t5(zz:2, ;;; ,;•., ���g, Marble chips-0.87 kgs,
Marble powder -0.0007 cum, pigment-0.285 kgs 0.03 0.30
15.89 15(22.3) Whit� .c:elllent-Q.Q.4 t>.ags, Marble chips - 8.7 kgs,
Marble powder -0.0007 cum, pigment-0.28 kgs 0.03 0.34
15.90 15(22.4) V'(hite cement-0.0�b�s. Marble chips-8.7 kgs,
Marble powder -0.0007 cum 0.03 0.30
15.92 15(23:1) Mosaic tiles - 1.10 sqm 0.012 0.258
15.93 15(23.2) Mosaic tiles - 1. \o sqm, pigment 0.462 kgs 0.012 0.258
15.94 15(23.3) Mosaic tiles-1.10 sqm, white cement-0.066 bags, 0.01 0.192
pigment 0.55 kgs
15.95 15(23.4) Mosaic tiles -1.10 sqm, white cement-0.13 bags 0.01 0.12

SI. KSRB/ Brief Description Unit

1 2 3 4 5
16.4 24.90 Repairs to Building Sqm Nitric acid - 0.01 ltr/ sqm
16.5 24.10 Repairs to Building Sqm paint remover -0.07 ltr/sqm, blow, lamp, brushes,
scraper, turpentine oil, putty at 5% on
-·· - ·�----- _ -·
paint removal cost
_, _,

16.6 24.11 Repairs to Building Sqm caustic soda -0.073 kg/sqm, scraper, brushes,
terpentine oil, acetic acid or vinegar,
putty 10% on cost of soda
16.7 24.12 Repairs to Building Sqm Kerosene oil - 0.10 ltr/sqm, scrapper,. putty at 5% on
cost of kerosene oil
16.9 24.14 Repairs to Suilding Sqm kerosene oil -0.10 ltr/sqm, scraper, putty at 5% on
cost of kerosene oil
16.10 24.15 Repairs to Building Sqm Paint remover -0.07 ltr / sqm, brushes, scraper,
terpentine oil, putty at 2% on paint removal cost
16.12 24.17 Repairs to Building ! EACH Honne wood - 0.002 cum / each
16.13 24.18 Repairs to Building EACH mathi / nandi wood -0.002 cum / each
16.14 24.19 Repairs to Building EACH Sal wood -0.002 cum/each
16.15 24.20 Repairs to Building EACH Teak wood -0.005 cum / each
16.16 24.21 Repairs to Building EACH Honne wood -0.005 cum / each
16.17 24.22 Repairs to Building EACH Mathi / Nandi wood - 0.005 cum / each
16.21 24.26 Repairs to Building EACH M.S. flat 300 mm x 25mm x 3mm - 0.20 kg/each,
screwe, 40mm - 4.00 nos I each
16.22 24.27 Repairs to Building CUM Honne wood, battens including wastage at 2% - 0.12
cum / cum
16.23 24.28 Repairs to Building CUM Mathi / nandi wood battems including wastage at 2% -
0.12 cum/cum
16.24 24.29 Repairs to Building CUM Sal wood battens including wastage at 2% -0.12 cum/


SI. KSRB / Brief Description Unit


1 2 3 4 5
16.28 24.33 Repairs to Building Metre. Teak wood- 0.0001 cum / meter
16.29 24.34 Repairs to Building Metre. Honne wood beads including wastages - 0.0001 cum/
- - --- - --- . metre
16.30 24.35 Repairs to Building Metre. Putty for filling holes- 0.068 kg/metre
16.31 24.36 R.epairs to 13uiJding Sqm cement- 0.11 qntl/sqm
16.32 24.37 Repairs to Building Sqm cement- 0.11qntl/sqm
16.33 24.38 Repairs to Building Metre. Cement- 0.01 bag/metre, sand 0.001 cum/metre
16.34 24.39 Repairs to Building Sqm bitument 85/25 grade- 0.045 kg/sqm, sand - 0.001
16.35 24.40 Repairs to Building Sqm cement- 0.204 bag / sqm, sand 0.02 cum/sqm
16.36 24.41 Repairs to Building Sqm cement- 0.152 bag I sqm, sand - 0.02 cum / sqm
16.37 24.42 Repairs to Building Sqm cement - 0.10 bags / sqm, sand - 0.02 cum / sqm
16.37.2 24.43 Repairs to Building Sqm cement - 0.025 bag / sqm, sand- 0.005 cum / sqm
16.39 24.44 Repairs to Building "
Sqm cement - 0.20 bags / sqm, sand- 0.02 cum / sqm
16.40 24.45 Repairs to Building Sqm cement- 0.015 bag I sqm, sand - 0.002 cum / sqm
16.41 24.46 Repairs to Building Sqm cement- 0.01 bag I sqm, sand- 0.002 cum / sqm

SI. Emulsion/
Item No. Bitumen/ CRMB
No. Cutback MC 70
1 21.5 - 1.10 kg/sqm
2 21.6 - 0.60 kg/sqm
3 21.7 0.25 kg -
4 21.9 0.40 kg/sqm -
5 21.10.2 0.20 kg/sqm -
6 21.11.1/21.11.3/21.11.5 0.068 M.T/cum (Density@2200kg/cum -
7 21.11.2/21.11.6/21.11.8 0.072 M.T/cum (Density@2200kg/cum -
8 21.12 0.003 M.T/sqm -
9 21.17.1/21.17.3/21.17.5 0.092 M.T/cum (Density@2300kg/cum -
10 21.17.2/21.17.4/21.17.6 0.103 M.T/cum (Density@2300kg/cum -
11 21.20.1/21.20.3/21.20.5 I 21.20.7 I 0.103 M.T/cum (Density@2300kg/cum -
21.20.9 I 21.20.11
12 21.20.2 I 21.20.4 I 21.20.6 I 21.20.8 I 0.115 M.T/cum (Density@2300kg/cum -
13 21.21.1/21.21.3/21.21.5/21.21.7/ 0.103 M.T/cum (Density@2300kg/cum -
14 21.21.2/21.21.4/21.21.6/21.21.8/ 0.115 M.T/cum (Density@2300kg/cum -
·15 21.22.1/21.22.3/21.22.5 0.129 M.T/cum (Density@2350kg/cum -
16 21.22.2 I 21.22.4 I 21.22.6 0.141M.T/cum (Density@2350kg/cum -
17 21.23.1/21.23.3/21.23.5/21.23.7/ 0.129 M.T/cum (Density@2350kg/cum -
21.23.9/21.23.11 -

18 21.23.2/21.23.4/21.23.6/21.23.8/ 0.141 M.T/cum (Density@2350kg/cum -

19 21.26 1.20 kg/sqm -
20 21.27 \
1.00 kg/sqm -
21 21.32/21.33 '• 0.00146 M.T/sqm
22 21.36/21.37 0.0022 M.T/sqm -
23 21.38/21.39 0.0019 M.T/sqm -
24 21.40 I 21.41 0.0022 M.T/sqm -
25 21.42/ 21.43
0.0019 M.T/sqm -
26 21.45.1 0.00098 M.T/sqm -
27 21.45.2 0.00068 M.T/sqm -
28 21.47 0.00582 M.T/sqm -
29 21.55/21.56 - 0.1756 M.T/cum
Chapter 21
SI. Emulsion / Cut-
Item No. Bitumen / CRMB
No. back MC 70
30 21.57 / 21.58 - -
31 21.64 0.00121 M.T/sqm -
32 21.65 0.000858 M.T/sqm -
33 21.66 0.000527 M.T/sqm -
34 21.67 0.0009 M.T/sqm I
35 21.68 0.0011 M.T/sqm ! -
36 21.69 0.0015 M.T/sqm i -
37 21.70 0.00105 M.T/sqm 0.0987 M.T/cum
38 21.71 - 0.153 M.T/cum
39 21.72 - 0.1865 M.T/sqm
40 21.73 - -
41 21.74.1 / 21.74.2 0.081 M.T/cum- -
42 21.74.3 / 21.74.4 0.054 M.T/cum -
43 21.77.1 Bitumen - 0.0955 M.T/cum -
Waste Plastic- 8.31 kg/cum
44 21.77.2 Bitumen -0.106 M.T/cum -
Waste Plastic-9.23 kg/cum
45 21.78.1 Bitumen -0.119 M.T/cum -
Waste Plastic-10.37 kg/cum
46 21.78.2 Bitumen -0.130 M.T/cum -
Waste Plastic-11.31 kg/cum
47 21.79.1 / 21.79.2 Bitumen - 0.136 M.T/cum Celluous Fibre-
7.07 kg/cum


SI. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
Item No.
1 22.1 KSRRB M-600-1: Construction of Dry Lean Cum - 160 kg -
Cement Concrete mix M-5
2 22.2.1 KSRRB M-600-2: Construction of Cum - 360 kg -
un-reinforced, dowel jointed, Plain Cement
Concrete Pavement M-30
3 22.2.2 KSRRB M-600-2: Construction of Cum - 420 kg -
un-reinforced, dowel jointed, Plain Cement
Concrete Pavement M-40
4 22.3 KSRRB M-600-3: Construction of Rolled Cum - 180 kg -
Cement Concrete mix M7.5 OPC Cement
5 22.4 KSRRB M-600-5: Construction of base, Cum - 160 kg -
sub-base mix M5 OPC Cement
6 22.5 KSRRB M-600-6: Construction of Cum - 360 kg -
un-reinforced, dowel jointed, Plain Cement
Concrete Pavement M-30
7 22.6.1 Cement Concrete Pavement: Construction Cum - 360 kg -
of un-reinforced Plain Cement Concrete
Pavement M-30
8 22.6.2 Cement Concrete Pavement: Construction Cum - 300 kg -
of un-reinforced Plain Cement Concrete
Pavement M-20
SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
. .

1 25.1 KSRRB 1100-1 Bored/cast in situ RCC 1000mm

dia piles -M20 m 320 Kg -
2 25.1.1 KSRRB 1100-1 Bored/cast in situ RCC 1000mm
dia piles -M30 m 360 Kg
3 25.1.2 KSRRB 1100-1 Bored/cast in situ RCC 1000mm
dia piles -M35 •c. m 390 Kg
4 25.2 KSRRB 1100.2 Driving cast-in- place vertical RCC
500mm dia -M20 rn 320 Kg -
5 25.2.1 KSRRB 1100-1 Bored/cast in situ RCC 500mm
dia piles -M30 360 Kg
6 25.2.2 KSRRB 1100-1 Bored/cast in situ RCC 500mm
dia piles -M35 390 Kg
7 25.3 KSRRB M-1100-3.1 Bored cast-in�situ RCC Pile
with OPC -M35 m 390 Kg -
8 25.4 KSRRB M1100-3.2 -do- B. Pile diametre
= 1000mm-M35 m 390 Kg
9 25.5 KSRRB M1100.3.3 -do- C.pile diametre
= 1200 mm -M35 m 390 Kg
10 25.6 KSRRB M1100-4.1 Driven cast-in-place vertical
RCC Pile with OPC cement design mix M35 m 390 kgs -
11 25.7 KSRRB -M1100-4.2 - DO- pile diametre
= 1000mm m 390 Kg
12 25.8 KSRRB M1100-4.3 -do- pile diametre
= 1200mm m 390 Kg
13 25.9 KSRRB M1100-4.4 - Driven precast vertical
RCC piles with OPC cement design mixM35
- file diametre = 500mm m 390Kgs -
14 25.1 KSRRB M1100-4.5 -do- Pile diametre = 750mm m
-M35 390 Kg
15 25.11 KSRRB M1100-4.6 -Do- pile diametre = 1000mm m
-M35 390 Kg
16 25.12 KSRRB M-1100-4.7 Driven precast vertical RCC
Piles with OPC cement deisgn mixM35 - size
of pile = 300mm x 300mm m 390 Kg -
17 25.13 KSRRB M1100-4.8 -do- size of pile
= 500mm x 500mm -M35 m 390 Kg
18 25.14 KSRRB M1100-4.9: -do- size of pile
= 750mm x 750mm -M35 m 390 Kg

SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
19 25.15 KSRRB M1100-5: Driven vertical steel piles
as per drawing= pile 400x250mm (ISHB series) 86.28
20 25.16 KSRRB M1100-6: Driven vertical steel piles
as per drawing= H section steel column 97.16
450x250mm (ISHB Series) Kg/m
21 25.18 KSRRB M1100-8.1: Cement Concrete for
reinforced concrete in pile cap as per drawing
and technical specifcation complete A.RCC with
OPC cement design M20 Cum 320 kgs -
22 25.19 KSRRB M1100-8.2 -do A. RCC with OPC
cement design mix M-20 Cum 320 kgs -
23 25.20 KSRRB M1100-9.1 Cement concrete for
reinforced concrete inm pile cap as per drawing
and technical specifications - B RCC with OPC
Cement design mix M25 Cum 340 Kgs -
24 25.21 KSRRB M1100-9.2 : -do- RCC with OPC cement
design mix M25 Cum 340 kgs -
25 25.22 KSRRB M1100-10.1 : Cement concrete for
reinforcement concrete in pile cap per drawing
and technical specification - C. RCC with OPC
cement design mix M30 Cum 360 kgs -
26 25.23 KSRRB M-1100-10.2 -do- C. RCC with OPC
'·!•<''' ,,..
cement design mix M30 Cum 360 kgs

27 25.24 KSRRB M1100-11.1 : Cement concrete for

reinforced concrete in Piie Cap complete as per
drawing - D. RCC with OPC cement design
mixJM35 Cum 390 kgs -
28 25.25 KSIRRB M1100-11.2 : -do- D. RCC with OPC
cen�ent dei:;ign mix M35.. Cum 390 Kgs -
29 25.26 KSI �RB M1100-12 Providing and laying of PCC
M1 1 , levelling course 100mm thick below Cum 240 Kg
30 25.27 KSI �RB M1100-13. Supplying, fitting and
plac ing uncoated TMT bar reinforcement Tonne - 1.050Tonne
31 25.28 KSI �RB M1100-14: Supplying, fitting and
plac ing un-coated Mild steel reinforcement in
fOUI· dation as per drawing Tonne - 1.050Tonne

32 26.5.1 KS1RB M1200-3.1 i) RCC with OPC cement

des gn mix M20 Cum 320 Kg

38 3
SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5' 6 7

33 26.5.2 KSRRB M1200.3.2 ii)-do- with.M-25 Cum 340 Kgs -

34 26.5.3 KSRRB M1200-3.3 iii)RCC with OPC cement I
design mix M35 -Cum 390 Kgs -
35 26.5.4 KSRRB M1200-4.1 : i)PCC design mix M15 with
OPC cement Cum 240 Kgs -
36 26.5.5 KSRRB M1200-4.2 ii)PCC with OPC cement
design mix M20 Cum , 300 Kgs -
37 26.5.6 KSRRB M1200-4.3 iii)RCC with OPC cement I
design mix M20 Cum , 320 kgs -
38 26.5.7 KSRRB M1200-4.4: iv)PCC with OPC cement
design mix M25 Cum 340 Kgs -
39 26.5.8 KSRRB M-1200-4.5: v)RCC with OPC cement
design mix M25 Cum 340 Kgs -
40 26.5.9 KSRRB M1200-4.6 vi)PCC with OPC cement
design mix M30 Cum 360 Kgs -
41 26.5.10 KSRRB M-1200-4.7 vii)RCC with OPC cement
design mix M30 Cum 360 Kgs -
42 26.5.11 KSRRB M1200-4.8 viii)RCC with OPC cement
design mix M35 Cum 390 kgs -
43 26.5.12 KSRRB M1200-4.9 ix)RCC with OPC cement
design mix M40 Cum 420 kgs - 1

44 26.6 KSRRB M1200-5.1 : Plain / Reinforced cement ('.

concrete, in well foundation complete as per

drawing and technical specification mix M20 Cum 320 kgs - i
45 26.7 KSRRB M1200-5.2 : Plain / reinforced cement ,[. ,·•
l (
concrete, in well foundation complete as per
drawing- M 20 Cum 320 kgs - ,.
46 26.8 KSRRB M1200-6.1: Plain/reinforced cement .\

concrete, in well foundation complete ii)PCC ·,
with OPC cement design mix M25 Cum 340 kgs - J
47 26.9 KSRRB M1200-6.2: Plain / reinforced cement
concrete, in well foundation complete mix M25 Cum 340 kgs - ff
48 26.10 KSRRB M1200-7.1: Plain/ reinforced cement
concrete, in well foundation design mix M30 Cum 360 kgs - .,
H• ·..

49 26.11 KSRRB M1200-7.2: Plain/ reinforced cement :1!� ilit.

concrete, in well foundation complete as per
drawing design mix M30 Cum 360 kgs ·' , ..
..., ....
SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

50 26.12 KSRRB M1200-8.1: Plain/ reinforced cement

concrete, in well foundation complete as per
drawing iv) PCC with OPC cement design
mix M35 Cum 390 kgs -
51 26.13 KSRRB M1200-8.2: Plain/ reinforced cement
concrete, in well foundation complete as per
drawing and Techical specifcation PCC with
OPC cement design mix M35 Cum 390 kgs -
52 26.14 KSRRB M1200-9.1 (i) PCC with OPC cement
design mix M20 Cum 320 kgs -
53 26.15 D.lntermediate Plug - Plain/ reinforced cement
concrete, in well foundation ...

54 26.15.1 KSRRB M1200-9.2 (ii) PCC with OPC cement

design mix M25 Cum · 340 kgs -
55 26.15.2 KSRRB M1200-9.2 (ii) PCC with OPC cement
design mix M30 Cum 360 kgs -
56 26.16 E-Top Plug: KSRRB M1200-10.1
(i) i) PCC design mix M15 with OPC cement Cum 240 Kgs -
57 26.17 KSRRB M1200-10.2: (ii) PCC with OPC
cement design mix M20 Cum 320 kgs -
58 26.18 KSR.RB M1200-10.3: (iii) PCC with OPC
cement design mix M25 Cum 340 Kgs -
59 26.19 KS�RB M1200-10.4: (iv) PCC with OPC
cerr ent design mix M30 Cum 360 kgs -
60 26.20 KSF RB M1200-11.1 : Plain/reinforcement cement
con ;rete, in well foundation F.well cap i) RCC
with OPC c�ment design mix M20 Cum 320 kgs -
61 26.21 KSF RB M1�00-11.2: Pla1in/reinforced cement
con ;rete, in well foundation complete as per
dra, i,1ing and technical specification i) RCC with
OP< , cement design mix M20 Cum 320 kgs -
62 26.22 KSF RB M1200-11.3 : Plain/reinforced cement
con rete, in well foundation complete as per
dravving and technical specification i) RCC with
OPC cement design mix M20 Cum 320 kgs -
63 26.23 KSF RB M1200-11.4: Plain / reinforced cement
cone rete, in well foundation complete as per
dra1f?ing and technical specification (ii) RCC with
OPC cement design mix M25 Cum 340 kgs -
SI. Item No.
Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
64 26.24 KSRRB M1200-11.5: Plain/ reinforced cement
concrete, in well foundation complete as per
drawing and technical specification (iii) RCC with
OPC cement design mix M30 Cum 360 Kgs -
65 26.25 KSRRB M1200-11.6: Plain / Reinforced cement
concrete, in well foundation complete as per - -
·drawing and teci1nical specification: RCC witl'l,
OPC cement design mix M30 Cum 360 Kgs -
66 26.26 KSRRB M1200-11.7: Plain / Reinforced cement
concrete, in well foundation complete as per
drawing and technical specification (iv) RCC with
OPC cement design mix M35 Cum 390 Kgs -
67 26.27 KSRRB M1200-11.8: Plain/ reinforced cement
concrete, in well foundation complete as per
drawing and technical specification: RCC with
OPC cement design mix M35 Cum 390 Kgs -
68 26.28 KSRRB M1200-12. Plain/ reinfqrced cement
concrete in well foundation complete as per
drawing and technical specification (v) RCC with
OPC cement design mix M40 Cum 420 kgs -
69 26.126 KSRRB M1200-48.1 : Construction of cement
concrete kerb with top and bottom width 115 and
165mm respectively 250mm high in M-20 grade
PCC on M10 Grade m 15.83 kgs -
70 26.127 KSRRB M1200-48.2 Construction of cement
concrete kerb:witn top and bottom width 115 and
165mm respectively 250mm high in M20 grade
PCC on M10 m 15.83 kgs -
71 26.128 KSRRB M1200-49.1: Cast-in-Situ cement
concrete M20 kerb with channel, construction of
cement concrete kerb with channel with top and
bottom with 115 and 165mm m 30.03 m -
72 26.129 KSRRB M1200-49.2. Cast-in-situ cement
concrete M20 kerb with channel m 30.03/m -
73 26.130.1 Providing and fixing 3m long 25mm dia TMT
dowel bars 1.5m -Providing and fixing -do- LWL

in open foundation upto 3m Each 11.50 kg

74 26.130.2 Providing and fixing 3m long 25mm dia TMT
dowel bars 1.5m - do- below LWL in open
foundation beyond 3m Each - 11.50 kg

SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

75 26.130.3 Providing and fixing 3m long 25mm dia TMT

dowel bars 1.5m -do- for well foundation below
LWL upto 3m Each 11.50 Kg
76 26.130.4 Providing and fixing 3m long 25mm dia TMT
dowel bars 1.5m -do- for well foundation below
LWL beyond 3m Each 11.50 kg
77 27.18 KSRRBM2100-10 Plain cement concreteM10
with OPC cement Cum 220 kgs -
78 27.19 KSRRBM2100-11. BrickMasonry work in
cement mortar 1:3 in foundation complete
excluding pointing and plastering Cum 122.4 kgs
79 27.24 KSRRBM2100-13: plain/reinforced cement
concreteM15 with OPC cement Cum 240 kgs -
80 27.25 KSRRBM2100-14 : Plain / reinforcement cement
concreteM20 with OPC cement Cum 300 Kgs -
81 27.26 KSRRBM2100-15.1 : Plain/ Reinforcement
cement concreteM-20 with OPC cement Cum 320 Kgs -
82 27.27 KSRRBM2100-15.2 : Plain/ reinforcement
cement concreteM20 with OPC cement Cum 320 Kgs -
83 27.28 KSRRBM2100-16.1 Plain/ reinforced cement
concrete design mixM25 with OPC cement Cum 340 kgs -
84 27.29 KSRRBM2100-16.2 : Plain / reinforced cement
concrete idesign mixM25 with OPC cement Cum 340 kgs -
85 27.30 KSRRBM2100-17.1 : Plaint reinforced cement ,,
concfiete ide�ign mixM25 with OPC cement Cum 340 kgs -
86 27.31 KSRikBM2100-17t2: Plain /reinforced cement
concI ete idesign
mixM25 with OPC cdement Cum 340 kgs -

87 27.32 KSRI {BM21:oo-8.1: Plain'reinforced cement

concI ete in qpen foundation with OPC cement
design mixM30 Cum 360 kgs -
88 27.33 KSRI{BM2100-18.2 : Plain / reinforced cement
cone, ete in open foundation with OPC cement
design mixM30 cum 360 kgs -
KSRFtBM2100-19.1: Plain / reinforcement
89 27.34
ceme nt concrete in open foundation with OPC
. -
ceme nt design mixM30 Cum 360 kgs -
90 27.35 KSR�BM2100-19.2: Plain / reinforced cement
concr�te in open foundation with OPC cement
design mixM30 Cum 360 kgs -


, ....... ..- .

----- -- - -- �
SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR ,.

1 2 3 4 5. 6 7
91 27.36 KSRRB M2100-20.1 : Plain/ reinforcement in
open foundati�n with OPC <?ement design mix M3 pCum iI 390 kgs -
92 27.37 KSRRB M2100-20.2 : Plain/ reinforced cement
concrete in open foundation with OPC cement
design mix M35 Cum 390 kgs -
93 28.1 KSRRB M2200-1 : Brick Masonry in 1:3 Cum 29.37 kgs
KSRRB M2200-2 : Painting
KSRRB M2200-3 : Plastering
.. Sqm
1.53 kgs
7.34 kgs
96 28.4 KSRRB M2200-4.1 :Stone Masonry in CM 1 :3 Cum 168.30 kgs
97 28.5 KSRRB M2200-4.2 : Coursed Rubble Masonry Cum 153 kgs
98 28.6 KSRRB M2200-4.3 : Ashlar Masonry Sqm 168.30kgs
99 28.7.1 KSRRB M2200-5.1 : M15 with OPC cement Cum 240 kgs -
100 28.7.2 KSRRB M2200-5.2 : Design mix M20 with OPC !

cement Cum 300 kgs

·�' ·�u.)t (

101 28.7.3 KSRRB M2200-5.3 Design mix M25 with OPC

cement Cum 340 kgs - ' '
: i ;:
102 28.7.4 KSRRB M2200-5.4: Design mix M25 @ with
OPC cement Cum 340 kgs - ' I

' '
• .

103 28.7.5 KSRRB M2200-5.5 : Design mix M25 with OPC

- . ·,
i I

cement Cum 340 kgs

104 28.7.6 KSRRB M2200-5.6 : Design mix M30 with OPC
cement Cum 360 kgs - .j

' I;
105 28.7.7 KSRRB M2200-5.7: Design mix M30 with OPC
- !
.. j '

cement Cum 360 kgs

106 28.7.8 KSRRB M2200-5.8 Design mix M30 with OPC
.: ,., '

cement Cum 360 kgs - ··;

107 28.7.9 KSRRB M2200-5.9: Design mix M20 with OPC ' •'

cement Cum 320 Kgs - 1!

. ' .
108 28.7.10 KSRRB M2200-5.10 - Design. mix M20 with OPC i'. '

cement Cum 320 Kgs - . .'

.. ·.

' ... :
109 28.7.11 KSRRB M2200-5.11: Design mix M20 with OPC ,.
,-; ::
cement Cum 320 Kgs ·: .,., ;

110 28.7.12 KSRRB M2200-5.12 : Design mix M25 with OPC
cement : Cum 340 kgs .:. :.
111 28.7.13 KSRRB M2200-5.13: Design mix M25 with OPC
cement Cum 340 kgs -' . [! i:
112 28.7.14 KSRRB M2200-5.14 : Design mix M25 with OPC
cement Cum 340 kgs -·.., .,..


V :lttl ittt; rt j
SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

113 28.7.15 KSRRB M2200-5.15: design mix M30 with OPC

cement Cum 360 kgs -
114 28.7.16 KSRRB M2200-5.16: Design mix M30 with OPC
cement Cum 360 kgs -
115 28.7.17 KSRRB M2200-5.17: Design mix M30 with OPC
cement Cum 360 kgs -
116 28.7.18 KSRRB M2200-5.18 : Design mix M35 with OPC
cement Cum 390 kgs -
117 28.7.19 KSRRB M2200-5.19: Design mix M35 with OPC
cement Cum 390 kgs -
118 28.7.20 KSRRB M2200-5.20: Design mix M35 with OPC
cement Cum 390 kgs -
119 28.7.21 PCC grade M15 with OPC cement Cum 240 kgs -
120 28.7.22 PCC grade M20 with OPC cement Cum 300 kgs -
121 28.8 KSRRB M2200-6: Supplying, fitting and placing
TMT bar Tonne 1.05 Tonne
122 28.9 KSRRB M2200.7: Supplying, fitting and placing
mild steel Tonne 1.05 Tonne
123 29.1, KSRRB M2300-1.1 : Furnishing and placing
29.1.1, reinforced prestressed cement concrete M20 Cum 320 Kgs
• I .,1, '' ,� -

124 29.2.1, KSRRB M2300-1.2; Furnishing placing reinforced
29.2.2, �:;gtessed cement concretge in super structure Cum 320 Kgs
i ·•
125 29.3.1, KSRR B M2300-2.1: Furnishing and placing
29.3.2, reinfo1 ced/Prestressed cement concrete in super
29.3.3, structl�re - M20 Cum 320 Kgs
I ,

126 29.4.1, KSRRB M2300-2.2: Furnishing and placing
29.4.2, reinfo1 ced/prestrssed cement concrete in super
29.4.3, structl re as per drawing and technical
29.4.4, specii ,:ations - M20 Cum 320 Kgs


------- -------
' .
SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

127 29.5.1, KSRRB M2300-3.1 : Furnishing and placing ''

29.5.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super '
29.5.3, structure - M25 Cum 340 kgs
128 29.6.1, KSRRB M2300-3.2: Furnishing and placing
29.6.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.6.3, structure as per drawing - M25 Cum 340 kgs
129 29.7.1, KSRRB M2300-4.1: Furnishing and Placing
29.7.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.7.3, structure - M25 Cum 340 kgs
130 29.8.1, KSRRB M2Jp0-4.2: Furnishing and placing
29.8.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.8.3, structure M25 Cum 340 kgs
131 29.9.1, KSRRB M2300-5.1: Furnishing and Placing
29.9.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.9.3, structure - M30 Cum 360 kgs
132 29.10.1, KSRRB M2300-5.2: Furnishing and placing
29.10.2, reinforced I prestressed cement concrete in supe1
29.10.3, structure - M30 Cum 360 kgs
133 29.11.1, KSRRB M2300-6.1: Furnishing and placing
29.11.2, Reinforced/ Prestressed cement concrete in
29.11.3, super structure as per drawing M30 Cum 360 kgs
134 29.12.1, KSRRB M2300-6.2: Furnishing and placing
29.12.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.12.3, structure - M30 Cum 360 kgs
135 29.13.1, KSRRB M230-7.1: Furnishing and placing
29.13.2, Reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in
29.13.3, super structure as per drawing - M35 Cum 390 kgs
SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

136 29.14.1, KSRRB M2300-7.2: Furnishing and placing

29.14.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.14.3, structure M35 Cum 390 kgs
137 29.15.1, KSRRB M2300-7.3: Furnishing and Placing
29.15.2, Reinforced/ Prestressed cement concrete in
29.15.3, super structure - M35 Cum 390 kgs
138 29.16.1, KSRRB M2300-8.1: Furniture and placing
29.16.2, reinforced/ Prestressed cement concrete in super
29.16.3, structure - M35 Cum 390 kgs
139 29.17.1, KSRRB M2300-8.2: Furnishing and placing
29.17.2, reinforced/ Prestressed cement concrete in
29.17.3, super structure - M35 Cum 390 kgs
140 29.18.1, KSRRB M2300-8.3: furnishing and placing
29.18.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
19.18.3, structure - M35 Cum 390 kgs
141 29.19.1, 1RRB M2300.--9.1: Furnishing and placing
29.19.2, r inforced/ Pre�tressed cement concrete in super
stiructure· M40
! . Cum 420 kgs

29.19.5 I

142 29.20.1, K SRRB M2300-9.2: Furnishing and placing

29.20.2, re inforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.20.3, s1 ructure as pe� drawing M40 Cum 420 kgs
143 29.21.1, KSRRB M2300-10.1: Furnishing and placing
29.21.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.21.3, structure as per drawing M40 Cum 420 kgs

SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

144 29.22.1, KSRRB M2300-10.2: Furnishing and placing

29.22.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.22.3, structure M40 Cum 420 kgs
29.22.5 I

145 29.23.1, KSRRB M230-10.3: Furnishing and placing

29.23.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.23.3, structure M40 Cum 420 kgs
29.23.4, '
146 29.24.1, KSRRB M2300-11.1: Furnishing and placing
29.24.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.24.3, structure as per drawing M40 Cum 420 kgs
147 29.25.1, KSRRB M2300-11.2: Furnishing and placing
29.25.2, reinforced/ Prestressed cement concrete in super
29.25.3, structrure as per drawing M45 Cum 440 kgs
148 29.26.1, KSRRB M2300-11.3: Furnishing and placing
29.26.2, reinforced/ Prestressed cement concrete in super
29.26.3, structure M45 Cum 440 kgs
149 29.27.1, KSRRB M2300-12: Furnishing and placing
29.27.2, reinforced/ Prestressed cement concrete in super
29.27.3, structure qS per drawing M50 Cum 450 kgs
150 29.28.1, KSRRB M2300-13: Furnishing and placing
,) 29.28.2, reinforced/ prestressed cement concrete in super
29.28.3, structure M55 Cum 450 kgs
151 29.29 KSRRB M2300-14: Supplying, fitting and placing
TMT bar reinforcement in super structure complete Tonne 1.05 Tonne
152 29.30 KSRRB M2300-15: High tensile steel wires/
strands including all accessories Tonne 1.02 Tonne
153 29.31 KSRRB 2300-16: Providing and laying cement
concrete wearing coat with OPC cement design
mix M30 Cum 360 kgs

SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

154 30.3 KSRRB M2500-2: Providing and laying of apron

with cement concrete blocks of size 0.5x0.5x0.5m
M15 Cum 240 kgs
155 30.6 KSRRB M2500-4.2: providing and laying pitching
on slopes laid over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing and technical
specifications -do- B. Cement concrete Blocks
of size 0.3x0.3x0.3m cast in cement concrete
of grade M-15 Cum 240 kgs
156 30.7 KSRRB M2500-5.1: Providing and laying Flooring
complete as per drawing and technical
specifications laid over A. Rubble stone laid in
cement mortar 1 :3 Cum 168.3 Kg
157 32.1 KSRRB M2700-1: Providing and laying 12mm 2.83 kg/
thick mastic asphalt wearing course on top of Bitumen
deck slab Sqm 80/100
158 32.6 KSRRB M2700-6: PCC M15 grade leveling course
below approach slab complete as per drawing and
technical specification complete as per
specifications Cum 240kg
� I 4( I' \ ·�--
159 32.7 KSRRB M2700-7: Reinforced cement concrete
M30 approach slab Cum 360 kg
160 33.1 KSRRB M2800-2: Removal of existing asphaltic
w�aring coat comprising Sqm 16 kg
161 33.5 K�RRB M2800-:,.1: Sealing of cracks/porous
copcrete by injection Kgs 1.1O kg
162 34.1 K�RRB M2900-·1: Plain cement concrete 1 :3:6
mif with crushed ,. Cum 220 kg
163 35.4 K�RRB 3000 Filling Potholes and Patch repairs 1.46 kg
with open graded premix surfacing, 20mm 80/100
K�RRB M300-4 Sqm Bitumen
0.24 kg
164 35.5 K�RRB 3000 Filling pot holes and patch repairs 4.59kg
with Bituminous concrete 40mm Sqm 80/100
0.24 kg

SI. Item No. Brief Description of Item Unit Bitumen Cement Steel
No. of SR
1 2 3 4 6 7

165 35.6 KSRRb M300-6: Filling of crack using slow - i

curing bitumen emulsion and applying crusher
dust in case <track are wider m 0.066 kg
166 27.16 KSRRB M2100-8. Filling Annular Space Around 0.240
Footing in RoGk _Lean cement concrete 1:3:6 M.Ton or
nominal mix cum 240 Kgs I,
167 32.2 KSRRB M2700-2. Construction of precast R�C 0.03069 0.01892 M:T· :
railing of M-30 grade Rmt M.Ton or or 18.92.Kgsi.._ , l
30.69Kgs Kgs I : )

168 30.12 KSRRB M2500-9 Curtain wall complete as per

drawing and technical specifications. A stone . i : i;
masonry in cement mortar (1:3) Cum 153 Kgs -

169 30.13 KSRRB M2500-10 Curtain wall complete as per

drawing and Technical Specifications. B. Cement ·�
concrete Grade M-15

Cum 240 Kgs

SI. No. Description Unit Rate
4.57 Providing and mixing Alkali resistant glass fibers HD12 to arrest plastic shrinkage cracks and to 'cum 330.00
provide as a secondary reinforcement in concrete at 600 gms / cum of concrete and containing
minimum 127 millions of fibers of length 12mm, diameter 14 microns.specific gravity 2.68,
modulus of elasticity 72 Gpa and having the aspect ratio (length/dia) of 857, including cost of
labour.materials and HOM of machineries etc complete. (NOTE: Rate is for cum of concrete)
9.107 Providing and fixing to the existing door frames, factory made single leaf HDF - Teak Veneer skin Sqm 2,346.00
sandwich composite door shutter of 40 mm thickness made out of honeycomb of 34 mm thick and
surrounded by good quality properly seasoned wooden reinforcements of size 33 mm X 65 mm
for fixing fixtures such as tower bolts, aldrops, handles etc., and laminated on either sides with 3
mm thick wood grain finish good quality HOF-Teak Veneer skins, using structural bonding material
compatible with honeycomb core, wood and HOF: Teak Veneer skin and the whole assembly
is bonded together at high temperature and pressure using 650 tonnage heated compression
moulding press.All the four sides of the door shutter are applied with two coats of W stabilized
polyester resin putty to completely cover and seal the wood from water ingression. The material and
process for manufacturing the door shall confirm to RV-TIFAC composites design centre standards
and specification and the door shutters tested in confirmation to IS4020-1994, including cost of all
materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries etc. complete but excluding the cost of fixtures.
9.108 Providing and fixing to the existing door frames, factory made single leaf HOF skin sandwich composite Sqm 1,705.00
door shutter of 40 mm thickness made out of honeycomb of 34 mm thick and surrounded by good
quality proper1y seasoned wooden reinforcements of size 33 mm X 65 mm for fixing fixtures such as
tower bolts, aldrops, handles etc., and laminated on either sides with 3 mm thick wood grain finis!'J good
quality HOF skins, using structural bonding material compatible with honeycomb core, wood and HOF
skin and the whole assembly is bonded together at high temperature and pressure using 650 tonnage
heated compression moulding press. The HOF Composite door surface is coated with 2 coats of high
quality primer.The front and back surfaces of the door shutter and all the four sides are painted with two
coats of high quality paint of any desired colour. The material and process for manufacturing the door shall
confirm to RV-TIFAC composites design centre standards and specification and the door shutters tested
in confirmation to IS4020-1994, including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries etc.
complete but excluding the cost of fixtures.
9.109 Providing and fixing to the existing door frames, factory made single/leaf HDF - Teak Sqm 2,373.00
Veneer skin sandwich composite door shutter of 32mm thickness made out of honeycomb of
29 mm thick and surrounded by good quality properly seasoned wooden reinforcements of size
28 mm X �O mm for fixing fixtures such as tower bolts, aldrops, handles etc., and laminated
on either si�es with 3 mm thick wood grain finish good quality HDF- Teak Veneer skins, using
structural �onding material compatible with honeycomb core, wood and HDF- Teak Veneer
skin and th� whole assembly is bonded together at high temperature and pressure using 650
tonnage hE�ted con;tpression moulding press. All the four sides of the door shutter are applied
with two e< ats of UV stabilized polyester resin putty to completely cover and seal the wood
from water ingressi6n. T he materill! .and process for manufacturing the door shall confirm to
RV-TIFAC t;omposi�es design centre standards and specification and the door shutters tested
in confirm, tion to IS4020-1994, including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM and
machinerie s etc. complete but excluding the cost of fixtures.
9.110 Providing a1 Id fixing to the existing door frames, factory made single leaf HDF skin sandwich composite Sqm 1,598.00
door shutte of 32 mm thickness made out of honeycomb of 26 mm thick and surrounded by good
quality prop erly seasoned wooden reinforcements of size 25 mm X 65 mm for fixing fixtures such as
tower bolts, ak:lrops, handles etc., and laminated on either sides with 3 mm thick wood grain finish good
quality HOF skins, using structural bonding material compatible with honeycomb core, wood and HDF
skin and thE whole assembly is bonded together at high temperab.Jre and pressure using 650 tonnage
heated corr pression moulding press. The HDF Composite door surface is coated with 2 coats of high
quality pri�.The front and back surfaces of the door shutter and all the four sides are painted with two
coats of higj quality paint of any desired colour.The material and process for manufacturing the door shall
confirm to .V-TIFAC composites design centre standards and specification and the door shutters tested
in confirmation to IS4020-1994, including cost of au materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries
etc. complete but excluding the cost of fixtures.
SI.No. Description Unit Rate
9.111 Providing and fixing ifo the e�isting door frames, factory made single leaf H F skin Sqm 1,840.00
sandwich composite door shut{er of 32 mm thickness made out of honeycomb o 26 mm
thick and surro�nded' by goodi quality properly seasoned wooden reinforcements of size
25 mm X 65 mm:tor fixing fixtur�s such as tower bolts, aldrops, handles etc., and lamir ated on
either sides with ·3 mm thlck wood grain finish good quality HDF skins, using structural ponding
material compatible with honeycomb core, wood and HDF skin and the whole assI mbly is
bonded together at high temperature and pressure using 650 tonnage heated comI ression
moulding press. The HDF Composite door surface is coated with 2 coats of high qualit• primer.
The front and back surfaces of the door shutter and all the four sides are painted with ti. o coats
of high quality paint of any desired colour. The material and process for manufacturing he door
shall confirm to RV-TIFAC composites design centre standards and specification and he door
shutters tested In confirmation to IS4020-1994, including cost of all materials, labour c harges,
HOM and machineries etc. complete but excluding the cost of fixtures.
10.9 Providing and applying Polymer based water proofing slurry having chemical re istance Sqm 3,100.00
properties, capable of withslanding a Temperature of 200 DegC for Protective Negative coating
for Water Dampness & seepages, comprising of Portland cement, Ume stone, Silic a sand,
Alumina cement, sodium aluminate in the form of powder composition at 3.3p kgs miJed with
1.0 liter of Acrylic emulsion, applied on 0.64 Sqm area / liter of slurry on a cle�ned surf ce free
of loose materials etc, complete on all masonry structures, overhead tank, sump tan , water
closet areas, sunken slab and other such areas, filling tile joints, capable of �elf curinp within
3 to 4 hours of its application in normal atmospheric condition, including cost of all materials,
labour charges, HOM and machineries etc., complete.
10.10 Providing and applying Polymer based instant running water leak arrester in civil works using KG 2,100.00
mixture capable of withstanding a temperature of 200 Deg C comprising of Portland cement,
Lime stone, Silica sand, Alumina cement, Sodium aluminate, Calcium oxide in the 'form of
powder composition of 1.00kg mixed with 250ml water, applied on a cleaned surface free of
loose materials, dust etc., for cavities and also for damaged areas in all masonry and concrete
structures, for rapid hardening and leak arresting including cost of all materials, labour charges,
HOM and machineries etc., complete.
10.11 Providing and applying water proofing in two coats of 300 microns thickness on all surfaces like Sqm 900.00
concrete, Metal, Plastic, Asbestos, Wood, Cloth canopy using Heat refractive compound made
out of Vinyl Acetate copolymer latex, Water, Titanium Dioxide, Barium metaborate, Ceramic
Microsphere powder, Mica, Propylene Glycol in suitable proportions and the surface to be treated
should be cleared of loose particles/dust/fungus etc and kept dry before the application of heat
refractive compound, including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM and machineries
etc., complete.
38.52 Providing Stainless steel reinforcement for RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, Tonne 2,10,272.00
hooking, placing in position, lapping and / or welding wherever required, tying with binding
wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design
(laps, hooks and wastage shall not be measured and paid) cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications.
38.53 Providing and mixing Alkali resistant integral glass fibers HD 67 /36 to act as a replacement of steel Cum 3,480.00
reinforcement in supported slabs and to provide secondary reinforcement in concrete at 5 kg / cum
of concrete, fibers of length 36 mm, diameter 19 microns.specific gravity 2.68, modulus of elasticity
72 Gpa and having the aspect ratio (length/dia) of 67, including cost of labour.materials and
HOM of machineries etc complete. (Note : The work to be carried out with prior permission of the
competent authourity.) (NOTE: Rate Is for cum of concrete)

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