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©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

- The Sage Handbook of Case-Based Methods

- Research Methodology a step-by-step guide for beginners
- Social Research an Introduction
- Research Methods in Practice
- Statistics for People Who (think they) Hate Statistics
- Interpreting Interview
- Statistical Persuasion
- Quantitative Narrative Analysis
- Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis
- How to do Your Case Study
- Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research
- Designing Qualitative Research
- Ethnography step-by-step
- Case Study Research
- Conducting Research Literature Reviews
- Models for Social Networks with Statistical Applications
- The Literature Review a step-by-step guide for students
- Constructing Grounded Theory
- Introducing Survival and Event History Analysis

- Grounded Theory a Practical Guide

- Analysis in Qualitative Research

- Focus Group a Practical Guide for Applied Research

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The SAGE Handbook of Case-Based

Sage Publications; 2009;

Edited By :
David Byrne and Charles C. Ragin

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'This book provides a fresh and stimulating approach to causal analysis
in the social sciences. International experts provide not just the
philosophical arguments for a case-based approach to research but also
detailed chapters on: 'why-to', 'when-to' and 'how-to'. Traditional
distinctions between qualitative and quantitative are rejected in favour of
a case-based approach which is applicable across the social sciences
and beyond' - Professor Angela Dale, The University of Manchester

Case-based methods have a long history in the social sciences. They

are extensively used and raise many practical and theoretical questions.
This book provides a comprehensive, critical examination of case-
oriented research. It offers concrete proposals about the best research
methods and provides an unparalleled guide to the emergence and
complexity of the field.

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Research Methodology
a step-by-step guide for beginners

Sage Publications; 2011;

Third Edition
By : Ranjit Kumar

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Written specifically for students with no previous experience of research
and research methodology, the Third Edition of Research
Methodology breaks the process of designing and doing a research
project into eight manageable steps and provides plenty of examples
throughout to link theory to the practice of doing research.

The book contains straightforward, practical guidance on:

 Formulating a research question
 Ethical considerations
 Carrying out a literature review
 Choosing a research design
 Selecting a sample
 Collecting and analyzing qualitative data
Writing a research report

The book is essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate

students in the social sciences embarking on qualitative or quantitative
research projects.

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Social Research an Introduction

Sage Publications; 2011;

Second Edition
By : Matthew David and Carole D. Sutton

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

This is the perfect book for any student taking a research methods
course for the first time.

The new edition of David and Sutton's text provides those new to social
research with a comprehensive introduction to the theory, logic and
practical methods of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods
research. Covering all aspects of research design, data collection, data
analysis and writing up, Social Research: An Introduction is the
essential companion for all undergraduate and postgraduate students
embarking on a methods course or social research project.

The second edition features:

 Brand new chapters on visual methods, case study methods, internet
research, mixed methods and grounded theory
 Updated chapters on interviews, questionnaire design, surveys, and
focus groups
Improved coverage of qualitative and quantitative methods of data
analysis, including practical instruction on the latest versions of
software packages NiVivo 8 and SPSS
An attractive new layout which aids navigability and enhances the
book's student learning features
 Many more practical examples helping bring theory to life!

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Research Methods in Practice

Sage Publications; 2011;

By :
Dahlia K. Remler and Gregg G. Van Ryzin

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Imbued with their deep commitment to making methods accessible and
meaningful, authors Dahlia K. Remler and Gregg G. Van Ryzin compel
students to truly grasp the logic—and limits—of the latest research
appearing in academic journals, government reports, and the media. The
authors make the coverage spark, emphasizing the critical interpretation
and practical application of research findings throughout the text by
focusing on causation and real-life data.

Appropriate for graduate-level students taking courses such as

Research Design and Research Methods in applied disciplines including
public affairs/administration, public policy, urban affairs, education,
sociology, social work, public health, economics, and criminal justice,
this text sets a whole new standard for presenting and learning research

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Statistics for People Who (think they)
Hate Statistics

Sage Publications; 2011;

Fourth Edition
By : Neil J. Salkind

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The Fourth Edition of Neil J. Salkind‘s bestselling text introduces
students to the fundamentals of basic statistics in an informative,
personable, and unintimidating way. The author expertly guides students
through various statistical procedures, beginning with basic descriptive
statistics and correlation and graphical representation of data and ending
with inferential techniques including analysis of variance.

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Qualitative Inquiry & Research

Sage Publications; 2007;

Second Edition
By : John W. Creswell

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Like the bestselling First Edition, this new version explores the
philosophical underpinnings, history, and key elements of each of five
qualitative inquiry approaches: narrative research, phenomenology,
grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. Using an accessible and
engaging writing style, author John W. Creswell compares theoretical
frameworks, ways to employ standards of quality, and strategies for
writing introductions to studies, collecting data, analyzing data, writing a
narrative, and verifying results.

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Interpreting Interview

Sage Publications; 2011;

By :
Mats Alvesson

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Researchers conducting interviews in the social sciences quickly find
that there is no single best way to approach their task. This text offers a
critique of traditional interviewing practices and provides a framework for
thinking about issues such as trustworthiness, identity, and language in a
conceptual rather than technical context, allowing you to develop your
own reflexive practice.

The research interview is in with the brick and mortar of qualitative

research, and is one of the routine methods of obtaining knowledge of
individuals, groups, and organizations. Through the use of eight original
metaphors drawing on trends in language, subject, and discourse, this
cutting-edge text will encourage you to question the interpretive nature
and theoretical underpinnings not only of your interview method, but of
the knowledge which is conveyed through it.

This text is essential reading for graduate students of qualitative

methods and researchers looking to more clearly conceptualize their
interviewing practice and explore its theoretical basis.

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Statistical Persuasion

Sage Publications; 2010

By :
Robert W. Pearson

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

This textbook focuses attention on the conceptual understanding of
statistics, the signposts of (in)appropriate research design and quality
measurement, the selection of the right statistical tools under different
conditions, and the presentation of substantive and technical results.

Key Features
Illustrates statistical and graphical procedures in SPSS and Excel
through step-by-step instructions for the analysis of real-world
examples and data problems in education, crime, government
performance, and program evaluation

 Clearly demonstrates the importance of sound research designs and

measurement as well as appropriate statistical procedures

 Shows how to make persuasive as well as principled statistical

arguments and presentations to nonacademic audiences
 Embeds statistical analysis within a political framework, thus alerting
students to the temptation to distort data and its interpretation, the
limits of dispassionate analysis, and the conditions under which
sound analysis can inform decisions

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Quantitative Narrative Analysis

Sage Publications; 2010

By :
Roberto Franzosi

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Covering a number of disciplines, including linguistics, literary criticism,
computer science, and statistics, this book illustrates author Roberto
Franzosi‘s distinctive approach to the quantitative analysis of large
volumes of narrative texts. The author bases his approach on a rigorous
linguistic theory of narrative, rather than the ad-hoc approach typical of
content analysis. Focusing on statistical techniques that mirror key
narrative features, the book also shows how quantitative narrative
analysis (QNA) goes hand-in-hand with another technique of qualitative
data analysis: QCA (qualitative comparative analysis).

Key Features
 Statistical analyses show how to examine words using different
statistical approaches.

A hands-on approach shows how to use QNA

 End-of-chapter summaries provide concise statements of what is

covered in each chapter.
 Question-and-answer sections provide easy access to the material for
the novice.

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Methods of
Critical Discourse Analysis

Sage Publications; 2009;

Second Edition
Edited By : Robert W. Pearson

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This new edition has been updated throughout, with a new introduction
contextualizing the development of the CDA approach, and two entirely
new chapters on the ‗social actor approach‘ to CDA and the use of
quantitative corpus linguistic methods. The editors have brought together
contributions from leading experts in the field, who each introduce their
own approaches to CDA. Examples are included throughout,
demonstrating the value of the method in analyzing a variety of genres
of written material on a whole range of topics, including global warming,
leadership in management, and globalization.

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

How to do Your Case Study

Sage Publications; 2011;

By :
Gary Thomas

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Case Study is one of the most widely applied methods of research and
instruction in use today. Cases are used to frame research, aid teaching
and help learning the world over. Yet, despite being so widely used,
there remains a great deal of uncertainty about what constitutes case
study research and how case studies should be designed and carried

In this lucid, accessible and often witty new text, Gary Thomas
introduces students and researchers to the basics of case study
research. Using a wide range of real-life examples, this book sets how
best to design and carry out case studies in the social sciences and
humanities for those new to the method.

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Designing and Conducting Mixed
Methods Research

Sage Publications; 2011;

Second Edition
By : John W. Creswell and
Vicki L. Plano Clark

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Combining the latest thinking about mixed methods research designs
with practical, step-by-step guidance, the Second Edition of Designing
and Conducting Mixed Methods Research now covers six major
mixed methods designs. Authors John W. Creswell and Vicki L. Plano
Clark walk readers through the entire research process, from formulating
questions to designing, collecting data, and interpreting results and
include updated examples from published mixed methods studies drawn
from the social, behavioral, health, and education disciplines.

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Designing Qualitative Research

Sage Publications; 2011;

Fifth Edition
By : Catherine Marshall and Gretchen B. Rossman

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Providing students in applied social and behavioral science disciplines
with invaluable guidance on developing and successfully defending
qualitative research proposals, the Fifth Edition of this bestselling text
offers expanded coverage of ethics, data analysis, and research design
techniques. Authors Catherine Marshall and Gretchen B. Rossman cover
distance-based research (such as email interviews); the implications of
postmodern turns; integrating archival material; and creative ways of
presenting the research. The authors include updates to popular
features, such as vignettes that illustrate the methodological challenges
today's qualitative researcher face.

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Ethnography step-by-step

Sage Publications; 2010;

Third Edition
By : David M. Fetterman

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The Third Edition of Ethnography: Step-by-Step guides readers in
collecting and making sense of large amounts of ethnographic data. It
also offers current discussion about the use of technology in the pursuit
of ethnography. Fundamentally, however, it demonstrates how
ethnography is more than a methodological approach. For David M.
Fetterman, ethnography is a way of life.

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Case Study Research

Sage Publications; 2010;

By :
Peter Swanborn

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Case Study Research: What, Why and How? is an authoritative and
nuanced exploration of the many faces of case-based research
methods. As well as the what, how, and why, the author also examines
the when and which – always with an eye on practical applications to the
design, collection, analysis, and presentation of the research.

Case study methodology can prove a confusing and fragmented topic. In

bringing diverse notions of case study research together in one volume
and sensitizing the reader to the many varying definitions and
perceptions of 'case study', this book equips researchers at all levels
with the knowledge to make an informed choice of research strategy.

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Conducting Research Literature

Sage Publications; 2010;

Third Edition
By : Arlene Fink

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The Third Edition of Conducting Literature Reviews: From the
Internet to Paper provides readers with an accessible but in-depth look
at how to synthesize research literature. Bestselling author Arlene Fink
shows researchers how to justify the need for and significance of
research, and explain a study‘s findings.

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Models for Social
Networks with Statistical

Sage Publications; 2011;

By: Suraj Bandyopadhyay,
A R. Rao and Bikas K. Sinha

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Written by a sociologist, a graph theorist, and a statistician, this title
provides social network analysts and students with a solid statistical
foundation from which to analyze network data. Clearly demonstrates
how graph-theoretic and statistical techniques can be employed to study
some important parameters of global social networks. The authors uses
real life village-level social networks to illustrate the practicalities,
potentials, and constraints of social network analysis (―SNA‖). They also
offer relevant sampling and inferential aspects of the techniques while
dealing with potentially large networks.

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Constructing Grounded Theory

Sage Publications; 2006;

By: Kathy Charmaz

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Kathy Charmaz is one of the world's leading theorists and exponents of
grounded theory. In this important and essential new textbook, she
introduces the reader to the craft of using grounded theory in social
research, and provides a clear, step-by-step guide for those new to the

Using worked examples throughout, this book also maps out an

alternative vision of grounded theory put forward by its founding thinkers,
Glaser and Strauss. To Charmaz, grounded theory must move on from
its positivist origins and must incorporate many of the methods and
questions posed by constructivists over the past twenty years to become
a more nuanced and reflexive practice.

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Introducing Survival and Event
History Analysis

Sage Publications; 2011;

Melinda Mills

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Written for accessibility, this book will appeal to students and
researchers who want to understand the basics of survival and event
history analysis and apply these methods without getting entangled in
mathematical and theoretical technicalities. Inside, readers are offered a
blueprint for their entire research project from data preparation to model
selection and diagnostics.

Engaging, easy to read, functional and packed with enlightening

examples, ‗hands-on‘ exercises, conversations with key scholars and
resources for both students and instructors, Introducing Survival and
Event History Analysis allows researchers to quickly master advanced
statistical techniques. This unique book is written from the perspective of
the ‗user‘, making it suitable as both a self-learning tool and graduate-
level textbook.

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Grounded Theory: a Practical

Sage Publications; 2011;

By: Melanie Dirks and
Jane Mills

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This is a highly practical book which introduces the whole range of
grounded theory approaches. Unlike most existing books in this area,
which are written from a particular philosophical standpoint, this text
provides a comprehensive description of the strategies and techniques
employed in this methodology.

Birks and Mills accessible and highly-readable text is driven by practical

case examples throughout to help the reader get to grips with the
process of doing grounded theory analysis for themselves. The book
deploys a variety of educational activities to guide readers through both
the principles and the application of grounded theory, making this an
ideal starter text for those new to the approach.

This is an ideal first introduction to grounded theory for any student or

researcher looking to use grounded theory approaches in their analysis
for the first time.

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Analysis in Qualitative Research

Sage Publications; 2010

Hennie Boeije

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

This book helps readers prepare and successfully finish qualitative data
analysis. It sets out an easy to grasp model—the spiral of analysis—that
shows how to break up the data with coding and how to subsequently
integrate the data to yield a meaningful picture of the phenomenon under
study. It offers useful devices to guide the reader through the last difficult
integrating phase of qualitative analysis including diagramming,
memoing, thinking aloud, and using one‘s feelings.

The book incorporates the support of software for qualitative data

analysis. The analysis is placed in the context of modern quality criteria
and the demands posed on the reporting. The book cannot take the
place of the process of thinking about the data, but it does provide
thinking aids and practical tools to process the data, which can result in
interesting findings.

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Focus Group: a Practical Guide for
Applied Research

Sage Publications; 2009;

Fourth Edition
By : Richard A. Krueger
and Mary Anne Casey
©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012
Authors Richard A. Krueger & Mary Anne Casey describe how one can
set up and conduct quality and effective focus group interviews. The
process depicted is unbiased, non-judgmental and is respectful of all
views. It is a deliberate and systematic way of listening that is helpful to
public and private organizations as they listen to stakeholders,
customers, and employees.

This book cuts through the theory and gives hand-on advice to those
who are seeking to actually conduct a focus group. It is most helpful for
conducting focus groups for research or evaluation with public, non-
profit, educational, health, human service, and religious organizations.

©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

Contact Information
Address :
Jl. R.A. Kartini (TB. Simatupang), Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Phone Number :
+62 21 751 1126, +62 21 750 0463, +62 21 765 7257
Fax Number :
+62 21 751 1128


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©PMBS Libraries - Stevanus Yulyanto, 2012

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