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Social Science 12
Theoretical Foundations of Culture, Society, and Politics

School of Thought
 Wide-ranging set of explanations of an important
feature of nature that is backed up by facts.
 In sociology, a theory is a set of general
assumptions about the nature of society.
Theoretical Foundations of Culture, Society, and Politics

 Macro vs Micro View

Sociologists may study human society by focusing
on the large social phenomena or “the big picture,”
such as social institutions and inequality to see how it
operates. This is the MACRO VIEW.
They can also zero in on the immediate social
situation where people interact with one another or
looking at the situational patterns of social interaction.
This is the MICRO VIEW.
Theoretical Foundations of Culture, Society, and Politics
Sociological and Anthropological Theories

Structural Functionalism
Structural Conflict
Symbolic Interactionism
Sociological and Anthropological Theories
Structural Functionalism (Functionalism)

The society is seen as a complex system whose

parts function and work in harmony, bringing
stability in the process.
Each part of the society performs specific
important functions for the society as a whole.
All parts are interdependent.
Structural Functionalism (Functionalism)

Using a macro level of analysis, this focuses on

social order
SOCIAL CONSENSUS – a condition in which
most members of the society agree on what
would be good for everybody and cooperate to
achieve it
Structural Functionalism (Functionalism)

Two forms of social order (Durkheim):

social cohesion that develops when people do
similar work
ORGANIC SOLIDARITY – This is formed in a
society whose members work in specialized
Structural Functionalism (Functionalism)

Two kinds of functions (Robert Merton):

MANIFEST FUNCTION – The intended,
recognized, and obvious function
LATENT FUNCTION – The unintended and
unrecognized function
Structural Functionalism (Functionalism)

SOCIAL DYSFUNCTIONS – the undesirable

effects of a social pattern on the operation of
Structural Functionalism (Functionalism)

Weaknesses of this theory:

Focuses only on the positive functions of social
Divisions are ignored because of the emphasis
on social integration
Sociological and Anthropological Theories
Structural Conflict (Conflict Theory)

Originated largely from the works of Karl Marx

on class conflict between the CAPITALIST
(owners of the factories) and the
PROLETARIAT (the factory workers).
As a macro theory, it is based on the
assumption that society is an arena of inequality
and division resulting to conflict.
Structural Conflict (Conflict Theory)

Groups and societies have conflicting interests

and values and they compete with each other
for values and scarce resources.
Conflict exists because the powerful or the
dominant oppress the less powerful or
subordinate. It highlights division based on
social inequality.
Structural Conflict (Conflict Theory)

The social order is forcibly imposed by the

powerful on the weak. It criticizes the status
The conflict perspective ignores unity which is
brought about by shared values and

Sociological and Anthropological Theories

Symbolic Interactionism

Using the micro view, this theory argues that

society is continuously recreated when humans
This is founded on the premise that we respond
based on the meaning that we attach to the
surrounding world – people assign meaning to
each other’s words and actions.
Symbolic Interactionism

One of the forerunners of this theory is Max

Weber who said that sympathetic understanding
is the way to understanding people.
S.I. focuses on how people make sense of the
world, on how they experience and define what
they and others are doing, and on how they
influence and are influenced by others.
Symbolic Interactionism

This theory looks at the interactions between

individuals, as interactions are symbolic. Given
this, it ignores the larger issues of national and
international order and change
As a micro theory, S.I. gives less emphasis on
social structures and institutions, but instead,
highlights only the uniqueness in each social
Sociological and Anthropological Theories

All these theories validly explain any social

phenomenon or issue. Each one of them differs
in their focus and approach to analyzing the
Sociological and Anthropological Theories

A sociologist who uses functionalism tends to

focus on what holds society together, a conflict
theorist looks at what divides it, and an
interactionist centers on the meanings that
people attach to the issue or phenomenon.
Theoretical Foundations of Culture, Society, and Politics
Philosophy of Politics

Philosophy of politics embraces different

ideologies which are characterized by the
common political culture and standards followed
by the people and government. These
ideologies explain the political blueprint for
social order in the society.

An approach that envisages ideals and tries

realizing them. It tells what is right. In idealism,
the greatest welfare for the greatest number is
considered in the exercise of power and

An approach based on the exposition of

principles. This proposes power of reason over
the reason of power in every relationship of men
and states. The exercise of power and influence
is based on logical viewpoints, dialogues, and

An approach based on facts and reality. It

believes that the object of sense perception
really exists. The exercise of power and
influence should be founded on reality.

An approach beyond what is ordinary. The

exercise of power and influence is far from the
context and the reality of the existing social era.
Philosophy of Politics

It is important to note that whatever approaches

the leaders will utilize, what matters most is how
efficient they are in delivering what they believe
is for the good of their constituents.

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