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NANDESHWARAN 2120190700900
Topic: food promoting (catering)
Students must identify at least 3 grammar components stated from the advertisement
● Adjectives
● Adverbs
● Transition Signals

Line 1: Hi today’s I will be promoting my mom’s catering business

Line 2: This is my mom, based on the I will take you to look at my mom catering
Line 3: about my mom’s catering business. We only take a small amount of
ceremony or family gathering to feed. Besides, the price also affordable with
out worry about your cost.

Line 4: For the most part, thank you very much to our customer for give positive
feedback for better service. Thank you

Hi, Im Nandesh, Today I will be promoting my mom’s catering business, this is my

mother, she has been cooking since 2015. she loves cooking so much that she start
to make is as a small business. Usually she does cathering for lunch and dinner,
sometimes even for temple meals.
Besides the price is also affordable that you do not have to worry about your cost.

Usually my mother prepares herself a cup of tea to keep her going while she’s
cooking, she likes to make sure her tea is hot and soothing.
Firstly, She prepares the main ingredients ,such as slicing up onions, chopping a few
chillis and with some curry leaves.
Once the oil is heated the sliced onions chillis and curry leaves are added into the
wok and cooked until brown, later, blanded ginger ,onion and garlic paste is added
into the wok and mixed together.
After a while, the chicken meat is added into the wok and mixed together gently.
Next, cubed potatoes and freshly cut tomatoes are added to the chicken, after few
minutes of allowing the chicken to cook,4 differents spices powder are added. which
are turmeric powder,chilli powder,meat curry powder and also my mother’s special
ingredient powder and mixed together.
after awhile, add in enough water and allow the curry to boil and chicken to cook.
after around 5 to 7 minutes , she added in a paste that is made up of cashewnuts,
grined coconuts, dried chili with dhal ,stirred and left the curry to boil . after few
minutes , she also added fresh coconut milk. while letting the curry to cook, to add in
more smell and texture to the curry, my mother chopped some parsley and Added
them into the curry before the last boil and then ready to be served.

after cooking the chicken, the ingredients for the fried ladies fingers are prepared.
firstly ,chilies,onions and curry leaves are washed and cut into slices, oil is added
into the wok and once heated the sliced ingredients are added into the hot oil and
stirred until brown, later a paste of blended onions,garlic and ginger is added into the
cooking mixture and stirred evenly to cook, chopped ladies fingers are added into the
wok after few minutes. after stiring for awhile and letting to cook, my mother added in
tamarind juice to give in a slightly sour taste to the dish and once again my mother
added in her secret ingredient powder and gave a few stirs and left to cook evenly.
Lastly, after preparing both dishes they packed into plastic food containers and ready
to be delivered to respective customers

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